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Republic of the Philippines


City of Ilagan Campus

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Department of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

1st Semester, SY 2020-2021





ID No. 15-10818


1.What are the major functions of Water Resources Engineering in facilitating human
needs to enhance the quality of life?
Water resourcesvengineering generally deals withcthe provision of water for human use, and the
development of techniques for the prevention of destruction from floods.Water resources
engineering also includes the planning and management of facilities that are constructed for these
tasks like making canals for irrigation and sewers for drainage and to avoid water logging, and all
other issues related with the usage and control of water.
To meet the water requirements of society and the environment, initially an estimate is carried out
regarding the water available, the demand now and projected demand when the work willccomplete
and future considerations, and then there quisite infrastructure is designed, including the water
treatment plants and the pipes network, for the conveyance of water to the taps and wastewater
from the toilets to the treatment units

2. Discuss the importance of Water Resources Engineering relative to climate change.

 Water resources engineering is an important aspect to focus on amidst the changing climate. As the
climate changes, we get more prone to disasters that are life threatening, that
includes water movement such as flooding that are inevitable and can only be resolved through
water management, and manipulation which are studied in water resources addition,
at some places, climate change could mean periodic water unavailability/shortage, and through
studying and application of water resources engineering, we could be able to preserve and provide
enough water into such areas.

3. List down at least eight (8) amazing water resources infrastructure built in the
Philippines, illustrate and have a simple description of it

1. Wawa Dam
Wawa Dam (also known as Montalban Dam)[1] is a gravity dam constructed over the Marikina River in the
municipality of Rodriguez in Rizal province, Philippines.[2] The slightly arched dam is situated in the 360-
metre (1,180 ft) high Montalban Gorge or Wawa Gorge,[3] a water gap in the Sierra Madre Mountains, east
of Manila. It was built in 1909 during the American colonial era to provide the water needs for Manila.[4][5] It
used to be the only source of water for Manila until Angat Dam was built and Wawa was abandoned in 1968.
[6] Due to insufficiency of water supply for Metro Manila, there was a strong clamor to reuse the dam.[7] The
dam and surrounding area is currently protected as part of the Pamitinan Protected Landscape.
2.Molino Dam
The Molino Dam or Prinza Water Dam is a gravity dam on the Zapote River located on the border between
Barangay San Nicolas I, Bacoor, Cavite and Barangay Talon Dos, Las Piñas, Metro Manila, Philippines. It was
built by hand in the 19th century to irrigate the surrounding rice field in Las Piñas and Bacoor.

3. Caliraya Dam
Caliraya Dam is an embankment dam located in the town of Lumban province of Laguna, in the Sierra Madre
Mountain Range of the Philippines. The reservoir created by the dam, Lake Caliraya, initially supplied one of
the oldest hydroelectric plants in the Philippines, and later became a popular recreational area for numerous
water sports and fishing. The dam's construction was started in 1939 under the supervision of the
architecture firm of Pedro Siochi and Company and a small hydroelectric plant was operated in 1942.
4. Binga Dam
Binga Dam is a dam in Agno River connected to a hydroelectric power plant situated at Barrio Binga,
Barangay Tinongdan in the municipality of Itogon in Benguet province of the Philippines.

5. Ambuklao Dam
Ambuklao Dam is part of a hydroelectric facility in Brgy. Ambuclao, Bokod, Benguet province in the
Philippines. With maximum water storage capacity of 327,170,000 cubic metres (265,240 acre⋅ft), the facility,
which is located 36 km (22 mi) from Baguio city, can produce up to 105 megawatts of electricity to Luzon grid.
The main source of water comes from the Agno River which originates from Mount Data. It is located in a
conservation area known as the Upper Agno River Basin Resource Reserve.
6. Angat Dam
Angat Dam (Tagalog: [aŋˈɡat]) is a concrete water reservoir embankment hydroelectric dam that supplies
Metro Manila and nearby provinces with water. It was a part of the Angat-Ipo-La Mesa water system. The
reservoir supplies about 90 percent of raw water requirements for Metro Manila through the facilities of the
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System and it irrigates about 28,000 hectares of farmland in the
provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga.

7. Magat Dam
Magat Dam is a large rock-fill dam in the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The dam is located along the
Magat River, a major tributary of Cagayan River. The construction of the dam started in 1975 and was
completed in 1982. It is one of the largest dams in the Philippines. It is a multi-purpose dam which is used
primarily for irrigating about 85,000 hectares (210,000 acres) of agricultural lands,[1] flood control, and
power generation through the Magat Hydroelectric Power Plant.
8. Pantabangan Dam
Pantabangan Dam is an earth-fill embankment dam on the Pampanga River located in Pantabangan in Nueva
Ecija province of the Philippines. The multi-purpose dam provides water for irrigation and hydroelectric
power generation while its reservoir, Pantabangan Lake, affords flood control. The reservoir is considered
one of the largest in Southeast Asia and also one of the cleanest in the Philippines. Construction on the dam
began in 1971 and it was completed in 1974.

4. Discuss what is drainage, different types of drainage and the importance of it related to rainfall runoff.
Drainage is a critical part of building design. When you're constructing buildings, roads, bridges, or other
structures, it might seem like water systems should be an afterthought. However, it's crucial to design and
decide a building's drainage system before ever breaking ground.

Drainage can be either natural or artificial. Many areas have some natural drainage; this means that excess
water flows from the farmers' fields to swamps or to lakes and rivers. Natural drainage, however, is often
inadequate and artificial or man-made drainage is required.

There are two types of artificial drainage:


Surface drainage is the removal of excess water from the surface of the land. This is normally accomplished by
shallow ditches, also called open drains. The shallow ditches discharge into larger and deeper collector drains.
In order to facilitate the flow of excess water toward the drains, the field is given an artificial slope by means
of land grading


Subsurface drainage is the removal of water from the root zone. It is accomplished by deep open drains or
buried pipe drains

5. Discuss peak runoff, estimation and reasons why we need to study runoff peaks and

Reasons we study runoff peaks and volumes are:

1. To quantify the volume and rate of water to be handled by water management facilities

2. To predict soil erosion and transport of surface pollutants

3. To identify critical non-point source pollution areas

 One of the key parameters in the design and analysis of soil and water conservation structures is the
resulting peak runoff or the variations of runoff with time (hydrograph) at the watershed outlet. The
runoff generates from rainfall excess drains though the channels of different order and finally reaches
the watershed outlet. The flow at outlet starts with minimum flow called base flow (sometimes its
value is zero) and attains the maximum flow after some times and then recedes to base flow again.
This time variation of flow is called hydrograph. The maximum flow at outlet thus attained is called
peak flow of runoff. This peak flow also includes base flow which should be separated to obtain net
peak flow due to rainfall excess. In many instances, however measurement of runoff is not possible
and therefore, it is estimated through different hydrologic models/methods. Rational method is very
commonly used

The most widely used uncalibrated equation is the Rational Method. Mathematically, the rational method
relates the peak discharge (q, m3/sec) to the drainage area (A, ha), the rainfall intensity (i, mm/hr), and the
runoff coefficient (C).

SI Units q = 0.0028CiA


q = design peak runoff rate in m3/s

C = the runoff coefficient

i = rainfall intensity in mm/h for the design return period and for a duration equal to the “time of
concentration” of the watershed.

English Units q = CiA

Where :

q = ft3/sec

i = rainfall intensity (in/hr)

A = watershed area in acres

C = runoff coefficient, ratio of the peak runoff rate to the rainfall intensity, dimensionless

To use the rational method there are a few assumptions.

 Rainfall intensity and duration is uniform over the area of study

 Storm duration must be equal to or greater than the time of concentration of the watershed.

6.Discuss what is water demand in water supply system and enumerate and identify
the types of water demand.

Types of Water Demands

Water demands can be classified into: 1. Domestic Water Demand

Domestic water demand accounts for 55 to 60% of the total water consumption. As per IS 1172-1983, the
domestic consumption in India accounts for 135 lpcd (liters/capita/day)

2. Industrial Water Demand

The per capita consumption of industries is generally taken as 50 lpcd.

3. Institutional and Commercial Water Demand

On an average, per capita demand of 20 lpcd is required to meet institutional and commercial water demand.
For highly commercialized cities, this value can be 50 lpcd.
4. Public and Civil Use

The per capita consumption for public and civic use can be taken as 10 lpcd. This water is used for road
washing, public parks, sanitation etc.

5. Fire Demand

Per capita fire demand is ignored while calculating the total per capita water requirement of a particular city
because most areas have fire hydrants placed in the water main at 100 to 150 meters apart. The fire demand
is generally taken as 1 lpcd

6. Waste and TheftsPrint, PDF & Email

Determination of water demand is indispensable when it comes to the design of a proper water work project.
An accurate estimation of water demand helps to determine the quantities of water and moments when the
water will be used therefore generating various demand patterns. The demand arises mainly for residential,
institutional, industrial and public uses.

The different types of water demands and their variations are briefly described in this article.

Contents: [show]

Types of Water Demands

Water demands can be classified into:

Domestic Water Demand

Industrial Water Demand

Institutional and Commercial Water Demand

Demand for Public

Fire Demand

Waste and Theft

1. Domestic Water Demand

Domestic water demand accounts for 55 to 60% of the total water consumption. As per IS 1172-1983, the
domestic consumption in India accounts for 135 lpcd (liters/capita/day)
2. Industrial Water Demand

The per capita consumption of industries is generally taken as 50 lpcd.

3. Institutional and Commercial Water Demand

On an average, per capita demand of 20 lpcd is required to meet institutional and commercial water demand.
For highly commercialized cities, this value can be 50 lpcd.

4. Public and Civil Use

The per capita consumption for public and civic use can be taken as 10 lpcd. This water is used for road
washing, public parks, sanitation etc.

5. Fire Demand

Per capita fire demand is ignored while calculating the total per capita water requirement of a particular city
because most areas have fire hydrants placed in the water main at 100 to 150 meters apart. The fire demand
is generally taken as 1 lpcd.

6. Waste and Thefts

This consumption accounts for 55 lpcd. Even if the waterworks are managed with high proficiency, a loss of
15% of total water consumption is expected.

Per Capita Demand (q)

Per capita demand is given by the relation:

per capita demand

Per capita demand is dependent on the following factors:

Water supply system

Cost of water
Climatic Conditions

Size of the city

Quality of water supply

Pressure in the water distribution system

Metering policy and charging method

Industrial and commercial activities

Development of sewerage facilities

Variations in Water Demand

There are different variations in water demands which are calculated for the specific design of pipe mains,
service reservoirs, source of supply, distribution system and pumps.

1. Maximum Daily Consumption

Maximum Daily Consumption = 180% of Average Daily Demand = 1.8q

Maximum daily consumption is the design water consumption for source of supply and pipe mains.

Maximum Hourly Consumption

Maximum hourly consumption = 150% of avg. hourly demand of

= 1.5 x (Maximum daily demand/24)

= 1.5 x (1.8q/24) = 2.7 x (q/24)

Maximum hourly consumption = 2.7 x Annual Average hourly demand

3. Maximum Hourly Demand of maximum day

Maximum Hourly Demand of maximum day = 2.7q

4. Coincident demand or Coincident draft

Maximum daily demand plus fire demand gives the coincident draft. This design water consumption is used
for distribution system.

7.Discuss what is Water Distribution System, its importance and the types of
distribution reservoirs.

A water distribution system is a part of water supply network with components that carry potable water from
a centralized treatment plant or wells to water consumers in order to adequately deliver water to satisfy
residential, commercial, industrial and fire fighting requirements.The function of a water distribution system
is to deliver water to all customers of the system in sufficient quantity for potable drinking water and fire
protection purposes, at the appropriate pressure, with minimal loss, of safe and acceptable quality, and as
economically as possible.

The various purposes served by service or distribution reservoirs are as follows:

1. If pumps are used, the provision of these reservoirs makes it possible to run the pumps at uniform rate.

2. In the case of gravity system of supply of water, the provision of these reservoirs will result in the
reduction of the size of distribution mains.

3. These reservoirs provide the facility of storage of water for meeting the fluctuations in the hourly demand
of water.

4. They help in maintaining constant pressure in distribution mains. In their absence the pressure in
distribution mains will fall as the demand of water will increase.

5. The provision of these reservoirs results in an overall reduction in the size of pumps, pipes and treatment
units. Thus the distribution system becomes economical.

6. These reservoirs serve as storage for emergencies such as breakdown of pumps, bursting of mains, heavy
fire demand, interruption in power supply, temporary floods, etc.

Types of Distribution Reservoirs:

According to the situation with respect to ground, the distribution reservoirs are classified in the following
three types:

1. Surface Reservoirs:
Surface reservoirs are circular or rectangular in shape. These reservoirs are constructed at ground level or
below ground level and hence these are also called ground reservoirs or non-elevated reservoirs. The treated
water stored in these reservoirs is pumped to elevated reservoirs from which it is supplied to the consumers.

However, if surface reservoirs are located at high points in the distribution system then water may be
supplied to the consumers directly from these reservoirs by gravity, as far as possible surface reservoirs
should be located at high points in the distribution system.

It is usual practice to construct a surface reservoir in two compartments, so that one can be used while the
other is being cleaned or repaired. The two compartments are connected with each other by control valves.
Overflow pipes are provided at full supply level so as to maintain a constant level of water in the
reservoir.Ventilators are provided in the roof slab so as to affect free circulation of air over the water surface
in the reservoir. Although treated water is stored in the reservoir, yet some sludge may be present in the
stored water which will be deposited in the reservoir. The deposited sludge can be removed by occasional
cleaning through the washout pipes provided at the bottom of the reservoir. The outlet pipes are placed at a
slightly higher level, say at least 10 cm, than that of the washout pipes.

2. Elevated Reservoirs:

Elevated reservoirs are constructed at an elevation from ground level. These reservoirs are also known as
overhead tanks. These reservoirs may be rectangular, circular or elliptical in shape. However, with the
advancement in structural analysis it is possible to construct the elevated reservoirs in any shape to suit the
architectural requirements.

An R.C.C. tank known as Intz tank is very commonly adopted these days.

Water is pumped to elevated reservoirs from surface reservoirs and then supplied to the consumers.

The various accessories provided for elevated reservoirs are as indicated below:

(i) Inlet pipe for the entry of water.

(ii) Outlet pipe for the exit of water.

(iii) Overflow pipe for the exit of water above full supply level.

(iv) Ladders to reach the top of reservoir and then to the bottom of reservoir for inspection.

(v) Manholes in top cover or roof of reservoir for providing entry to the inside of reservoir for inspection.

(vi) Ventilators for free circulation of air.

(vii) Washout pipe (or drain pipe) for removing water after cleaning of reservoir.

(viii) Water level indicator for indicating from outside the depth of water in reservoir.

(ix) A lightning conductor for protection against lightning.

3. Standpipes:

A standpipe is a vertical cylindrical tank resting just above the ground. The diameter of standpipe varies from
10 to 15 m and its height varies from 15 to 30 m. Standpipes are made of steel or R.C.C. Steel standpipes are
more common as it is very difficult to construct watertight R.C.C. standpipes under heads greater than 15 m.
Alike elevated reservoirs, standpipes are also provided with inlet pipe, outlet pipe, overflow pipe, washout
pipe and various other accessories for their efficient working, inspection and maintenance.

However, in the case of standpipe the outlet pipe is located in the tank with its entrance being kept above
the bottom of the tank at an elevation such that the storage of water created in the tank above this elevation
gives the necessary pressure for distribution of water. The volume of water stored in the tank above the
entrance of the outlet pipe can only be used and hence it is the useful storage of standpipe.

On the other hand the lower portion of the storage lying below the entrance of the outlet pipe cannot be
ordinarily used and it only serves as a support for the useful storage and hence it is termed as supporting
storage. However, the supporting storage can also be effectively used by providing boosters or for fire
protection with the help of fire engines. Further standpipes are usually located on a high ground so as to
successfully utilize its entire storage.

Since large variations in pressure are undesirable in a distribution system, fluctuation of the water level in a
standpipe is usually limited to 10 m or less. Generally standpipes of height more than 15 m are not
economical since the lower portion of a standpipe serves only to support the upper useful portion.

The economic limit of height for standpipes is reached when the supporting structure for an elevated
reservoir becomes less costly than the lower ineffective portion of the standpipe.

8.Enumerate the requirements for good water distribution system.

Requirements of Good Distribution System

Water quality should not get deteriorated in the distribution pipes.

It should be capable of supplying water at all the intended places with sufficient pressure head.

It should be capable of supplying the requisite amount of water during firefighting.

The layout should be such that no consumer would be without water supply, during the repair of any section
of the system.

All the distribution pipes should be preferably laid one metre away or above the sewer lines.

It should be fairly water-tight as to keep losses due to leakage to the minimum.

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