Name: - Aishwariya Raj Nandni Enrolment No:-Semester: - Section: - Batch: - Program: - Submitted To

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Name :– Aishwariya Raj Nandni

Enrolment No :-

Semester :-

Section :-

Batch :-

Program :-

Submitted to :-
Question 1 :- Explain the difference between specific components of a formal
report and a formal proposal.

Reports :-

A report is for investigating business circumstances - either theoretical or real - and afterward giving
ideas to progress. They can be formal or casual relying upon the recipient, however a formal report
incorporates the accompanying:

1. Cover
Cover ought to have the report title on it, trailed by the author's/organization's name.

2. Letter of Transmittal

The letter affirms that the proposition concerns the issues set forth in the RFP and momentarily
features the significant elements and advantages of your proposal

3. Table of Contents

The table of contents ought to be included for the proposal to assist perusers with tracking down
information . Incorporate all headers and list their page numbers as well as appendixes

4. Executive Summary
Executive Summary are expected for managers and thusly require less particular details.

5. Main body with coordinated headings and subheadings

6. Conclusions

The conclusion segment of report incorporates allowances made through understanding of the
information or findings. These allowances ought to be a response to the various questions presented
while advancing the purpose behind the report.

7. Recommendations

In the recommendations segment of the report, you make ideas on how should the issue or main
thing is in the need of attention and how it will be resolved.

8. References/works referred to/bibliography

The bibliography segment should incorporate a list of works referred to throughout your report.
Proposals :-

A proposal is a document that requests that one more organization to work with you. Most
proposals are sent by suppliers to win contracts or projects and incorporates the accompanying

1. Copy of RFP

A copy of the RFP recognizes the issue to which you are answering.

2. Letter of Transmittal

The letter affirms that the proposal concerns the issues set forth in the RFP and momentarily
features the significant highlights and advantages of your proposal.

3. Abstract or Executive Summary

Abstracts are assigned for expert in the relevant field and are more specific or actually complex.
Executive Summary then again are expected for mangers or administrators and thusrequire less
specific details

4. Title Page

The title page ought to incorporate the title of your proposal, name of the association or company ,
RFP number, date of submission, author's name and the name of the author's association or

5. Table of Contents

The table of Contents list should be included for the proposal to assist perusers with tracking down
data and information. Incorporate all headers and rundown their page numbers as well as

6. List of Figures

The list of figures incorporates every relevant table, graphs, diagrams, figures and information
relating to deductions, conclusion or objectives set inside your proposal

7. Appendix

Any connected supplemental data that you accept will hold any importance with the peruser ought
to be placed in the appendix.
QUESTION 2:- Explain how language influences and shapes and how people
perceive their world and their culture ?

As our society has become increasingly global and has increased needs for clear communication
across languages and cultures, esearchers and linguists have directed several different examinations
and have investigated on how language shapes the manner in which individuals think and act and
the way people perceive their world and culture. Language is important for culture and culture has
affects on the way in which an individual thinks, which starts our ways of behaviour

Individuals use language everyday to celebrate, impart, arrange, learn, administer, document and
argue. You use language each time you want to communicate something. Individuals are presented
consistently to language from media, outside and indoor signs and sites. In social orders that are not
excessively far cutting edge in innovation, oral transmission of information is prevalent. The
investigation of linguistics opens a method for understanding languages - how they are spoken and
individuals who speak them, which lead to a comprehension of how society works. Language
additionally assists with further developing society.

The manner in which speakers decipher the things they feel, hear and see can be muddled in light of
the fact that it influences by private encounters, cultural rules, norms, standards, social principles,
customs and traditions. Thoughts come from words and these contemplations start ways of
Worldwide communication and worldwide business are additionally impacted by dialects or
languages , accordingly the squeezing needs for localisation. To really carry on with work in different
nations, an organization should have the option to convey messages to their representatives and
interest groups in a language that can be accurately and obviously comprehended. Localisation
implies that all types of communication should be converted into the local language so the
understanding is clear. Nearby local employee training and corporate culture should adjust to local

Language bridges a few logical disciplines. Linguistics gives different procedures and techniques to
help document and describe the assorted universe of dialects, which range from standard languages
to various dialects and their varieties.

Each language shows the world from an alternate perspective, implying that the speakers of a
specific language view the world in a manner that is unlike different dialects.

Thus language is a powerful tool in shaping any thought about abstract domain and it helps in
shaping habitual thoughts, and breaking the communication barrier between people from diverse
cultural background by creating a new community where people come together and shape their
culture and ideas with a broader audience.

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