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5/4/22, 2:59 PM Why a Project Management Office is so important for an organization?

| Sciforma
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that your PMO is empowered to protect and contribute to the future of the

The Right Data

For the PMO to achieve decision-making clarity, it needs the support of
reliable, up-to-date information. Data about project ideas, requirements,
opportunities, benefits and risks should be consolidated and readily
available in a central, unified database, with audit trails for the sake of

This is the reason why successful PMOs typically adopt a single unified
information system for project management instead of dealing with clusters
of tools. And that’s not mentioning Excel sheets, which are still too prevalent
in Project Portfolio Management spheres although the tool was clearly not
designed for data consolidation. Obtaining the right data requires selecting
the right technology partner. PMOs need solution tools providing the ability
both to get a comprehensive overview of all project portfolios and to drill
down in detail when necessary. Strong analytics capabilities to make the data
speak are also a prerequisite for the Project Management Office to harness
the power of information.

A Change-Enabling Mindset
Data visibility and predictive analytics enable business agility, which may be
defined as “rapid, continuous, and systematic evolutionary adaptation and
entrepreneurial innovation directed at gaining and maintaining competitive
advantage”. In other words, business agility is the ability of an organisation
to adapt rapidly to market changes and customer demands in order to
compete on multiple fronts (innovation, price, customer experience,
operational efficiency, and so on). Such agility is increasingly important in
the digital age, as constant changes in the technology landscape and
consumer markets are causing the life expectancy of strategic plans to

Who better than the Project Management Office to champion business

agility? As they coordinate various projects across the organization, as they
enjoy a clear view of what is going on in diverse departments, PMOs are in
the best position to make sure the firm adapts swiftly to changing market
dynamics. However, this requires the PMO itself to embrace a change-

leadership posture. Providing standard processes and a structure is well and

good — it is actually quite indispensable — but today’s PMOs cannot stay
confined to controlling, administrative activities. They should also be
enablers and facilitators of innovation and organizational transformation.
For some existing PMOs, that would demand a cultural shift.

A Clear Vision of the Strategy

In order to achieve strong alignment with the organizational strategy, PMOs
need to see and understand it. This is why they need to establish and
maintain solid bonds and lines of communication with senior, C-level

As your PMO delivers insights and feeds valuable reports to decision-makers

— a mature PMO can actually act as a “Chief Insight Office” — it has the
opportunity to demonstrate its value to C-suite leaders and secure their
support and validation. This will ensure that your PMO has a clear line of
sight to the strategic roadmap of the enterprise and can take appropriate
action to support it. This will also bolster the influence of your PMO and
boost its ability to inform decisions and help shape the organization’s future.

From process standardization to change enablement, from talent

management to resource efficiency, the reasons why the support of a PMO is
so important for an organization are countless. PMOs have actually proved
of such value to businesses that we are currently seeing the rise of EPMOs —
which are mature Project Management Offices at the enterprise level.
According to Gartner, 50% of large organizations will have integrated
disparate business and IT PMOs into EPMO hubs by 2021.

Key Takeaways

A Project
Demo Management Office is of key importance for an organization.
It will bring structure, effectiveness, and intelligence to Project 1/1

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