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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Find out 10 Japanese ➤ A young writer describes the ➤ Real Madrid claim
TODAY’S words that can teach life of a couch potato in a funny Champions League title MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022
Newspaper in

you about life in

and quirky way for record 14th time

Language Lab



G7Officials from the Group of Seven wealthy nations

have announced that they will aim to largely
end greenhouse gas emissions from their
include Canada,
France, Germany, Italy,
Japan, the United Kingdom
and the United States. The
Harry-Meg to attend
Queen’s Jubilee
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are
set to attend a cathedral service
early next month as part of celebra-
tions for Queen Elizabeth II’s Jubilee
year, their biographer said Friday.
Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan,
stepped down from royal duties and
moved to California early in 2021.
power sectors by 2035 European Union (EU) is a
1 C
oal is a heavily polluting
Ministers from the G-7 countries fossil fuel that’s responsi- ■ The Biden administration has
meeting in Berlin also announced a hile PM Narendra Modi has vowed that half

ble for a fifth of global set a target of ending fossil fuel
target to have a “highly decar- greenhouse gas emissions caused use for electricity generation in of India’s energy needs will be met from
bonised road sector by 2030”, by humans. While there are ways the United States by 2035 renewables by 2030, India isn’t ready to
to reduce emissions of carbon
meaning that electric vehicles would dominate swear off coal altogether as the country has large
dioxide from the burning of coal, AT LEAST, PHASE DOWN

new car sales by the end of the decade. experts say it is almost impossi- domestic reserves of coal, which the government wants
ble to reduce it to zero, meaning IF NOT PHASE OUT: to exploit in order to avoid having to spend foreign
They aim to largely end greenhouse it will likely have to be the first A common target would put currency on imports. Fresh coal mining has figured Don’t like Paris night
gas emissions from their power sec- fossil fuel to be phased out. pressure on other major pol-
tor by 2035, vowing not to burn coal luters to follow suit and build
prominently in the government’s pandemic-recovery sessions: Nadal
economic package. The domestic coal industry also Rafael Nadal on Friday gave a

for electricity beyond that date. on the compromise deal reached
at last year’s UN climate sum- employs many people, while majority of the country’s resounding thumbs down to night
In a move aimed at ending the PHASING OUT COAL: mit, where nations committed poorest rely on coal for heating and cooking. The coal sessions at the French Open, saying,
recurring conflict between rich and merely to “phase down” rather
belt in India — Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh — is
■ G-7 members Britain, France than “phase out” coal – with no “I don’t like them”. Roland Garros
poor nations during the internation- dotted by industries that need the fuel, like steel and
and Italy have already set them- fixed date. In fact, at COP26, introduced night sessions only last
al climate talks, the G-7, recognised selves deadlines to stop burning over 40 countries have pledged brick making. Even Indian Railways earns half its rev- year on the refurbished Court
for the first time the need to provide develop- coal for electricity in the next few to quit coal at COP26 but some enue by transporting coal.
years of the world’s biggest coal-de- Philippe Chatrier, which boasts lights
ing countries with additional financial aid to A FIRST SINCE 2015: State-run Coal India, the world’s
■ Germany and Canada are aim- pendent countries, including In- and a retractable roof.
cope with the loss and damage caused by ing for 2030 dia, China, US and Australia, largest coal miner, said it will import the fuel for use
global warming. ■ Japan wants more time did not sign on. by utilities, as shortages raise concerns about renewed power outages.


Gap in mathematics CYBER WATCH: A
learning outcomes of THAT RISKS PRIVACY! Shree’s Ret Samadhi, a book
girls and boys grows in For $29.99 a month, a website called
PimEyes offers a POTENTIALLY DANGER- that transcends borders
higher classes: MoE OUS SUPERPOWER from the world of sci-

ot only has Delhi-based author Gee-
ence fiction: the ability to search for a tanjali Shree’s ‘Ret Samadhi’, trans- Sen wins Cannes for best
face, finding obscure lated into English by American
photos that would writer-translator Daisy Rockwell into ‘Tomb docu ‘All That Breathes’
of Sand’ achieved a new milestone by being Information and Broadcasting
otherwise have been the first Hindi literary work to win the pres- Minister Anurag Thakur on Saturday
as safe as the prover- tigious International Booker Prize, it has
congratulated filmmaker Shaunak Sen
bial needle in the vast also asserted no matter what language, hu-
man emotions are connected by metaphors. for winning the 2022 L’Oeil d’Or
digital haystack of the
Speaking to IANS when the book was (Golden Eye) for the best documen-
internet. shortlisted for the coveted prize, she had tary at the 75th Cannes Film Festival.
A search takes mere seconds. You upload stressed, “Of course, this is something I
“Congratulations to Indian filmmaker
a photo of a face, check a box agreeing to have always known.Otherwise all these cen-
turies, we would not be loving and relating Shaunak Sen... I am sure, this will
the terms of service and then get a grid to art and literature from vastly different then, resurfaces to gain a new lease of life. inspire other Indian documentary
of photos of faces deemed similar, with countries of the world.” Her determination to fight conventions,
makers to make it big on the world
links to where they appear on the inter- Reacting to the Booker, she said: “This which includes bonding with a transgender
is a bolt from the blue, but what a nice one. person, confuses her bohemian daughter, stage,” he tweeted. “All That
net. The New York Times used PimEyes on
here is a widening difference in mathematics Breathes” is about two Delhi brothers

I never dreamt of the Booker, I never thought who is used to thinking of herself as the
the faces of a dozen journalists to test its I could. What a huge recognition, I’m more ‘modern’ of the two. To her family’s
learning outcomes among girls and boys as they Nadeem and Saud, who amid the
powers. PimEyes found photos of every amazed, delighted, honoured and humbled.” consternation, she insists on travelling to
reach higher classes, the National Achievement city’s worsening air and deteriorating
person, even when they were wearing The plot of Ret Samadhi Pakistan, simultaneously confronting the
Survey (NAS) has found.The survey has also indicated that unresolved trauma of her teenage experi- social fabric, devote their lives to
sunglasses or a mask, or their face was
the worst hit by academic disruptions during the pandemic ‘Ret Samadhi’ centres around a north ences of Partition, and re-evaluating what saving migratory black kites that are
turned away from the camera, in the Indian 80-year-old woman who slips into de- it means to be a mother, a daughter, a
are those studying in state government-run schools. at the mercy of mankind’s ways.
image used to conduct the search. pression after the death of her husband, and woman, and a feminist.

 Girls and boys begin at an
almost level playing field in
mathematics but it becomes
wider by Class 2, when boys
significantly outperform Pragg, as he is known fondly in the circuit, recalls his semi-final match against Giri, which went
girls in the subject. By the on till 2am. A few hours later, he had to be at his school to take his Class XI exam. Read on...
time they reach high school, aving got the better of studies during day time and playing
there is a big gap in learning
 For example in Class 3, the national average
score for girls in maths is 301, which is not sig-
H the likes of World No 1
and World Champion
Magnus Carlsen, top
Dutch Grandmaster Anish Giri, and
World No 22 Wei Yi of China to
I didn’t expect that
managing both would
be tougher, I wanted to play
at night and study in the
chess in evening, but ultimately
realised it’s too draining on his body.
“I didn’t expect that managing both
would be tough, I wanted to play at
night and study in the morning. But I
nificantly different from that of boys (300) secure a runners-up place in the morning. But I realised realised studying also makes you
 It is comparable in Class 5 when girls scored Chessable Masters, wonder boy of studying also makes you tired. You just get double tired,” he
280 and boys 281. In Class 8, the national aver- Indian chess R Praggnanandhaa, on tired. You just get said, adding, the whole week he did-
age score for both boys and girls are equal, but Friday, said he would like to emulate double tired n’t get enough sleep.
his recent success in rapid chess into Asked about exam prep, he said
already in some states, girls’ performance few hours later, he had to be at
the classical format – the longer ver- that he started studying for his exam
appears to be declining sion of the game and one day beat school to take his Class XI examina- only 10 days before the papers. “I
 In Class 10, this gap is most stark and the them in that also. tion. He returned after the examina- was focusing on chess. I did not get
national scores reflect that girls are at 216 and Pragg, as he is known fondly in tion on the same day to face the much time to study. I didn’t think I’d
boys at 219 the circuit, said his semi-final match Chinese player Liren. The teenager go to the final. I’ve written pretty
against Giri went up to 2am and a initially thought managing both – okay. I think I’ve managed well.”
02 “"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his
head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
— Nelson Mandela


‘Gaman’ literally translates to “patience,
perseverance and tolerance” and refers to
enduring difficult situations with self-con-
trol and dignity. It is part of Zen Buddhist
teaching, and a strategy for remaining re-
silient and patient during hard times, and
is characteristic of emotional maturity.

Also can be used as ‘Sho ga nai’, this Japan-
ese phrase means “it cannot be helped” or
“it is what it is” and nothing can be done
about it. It’s not a way to give up or feel hope-
less, instead it’s about acceptance. The term
refers to the concept of accepting that which
we cannot change and moving on.

transcending the conventional. This

YUUGEN principle describes the feeling of
MEANING: BEHOLDING BEAUTY IN THE UNSEEN surprise and a bit of amazement
Translated literally as “mysterious pro- when one realises they can have free-
fundity” it refers to profound awareness of dom from the conventional. This is
the beauty of the universe that surpasses for you to not become a slave to rou-
explanation with words. It refers to the in- tines or if routines bore you. Being
ner beauty we can feel towards an object, spontaneous helps with creativity
person or a place, even though it may not and inspiration.
be beautiful in the literal sense of the word.
It’s all about the emotions something evokes
in you.

MONO NO AWARE Imagine being in a garden with no
MEANING: THE PATHOS OF THINGS sound and distractions – that is the
An ephemeral feeling, ‘mono no aware’ lit- feeling of ‘seijaku’. It is a state of ac-
erally translates to “the pathos of things”. tive calm and stillness – basically
It is feeling an empathy toward things and meaning that you are calm but not
the general space around you but in a fleet- sleepy. It can be achieved through med-


ing manner. It is about having an aware- itation and being mindful and con-
ness of impermanence and feeling senti- nected to your emotions.
ments such as wistfulness at what has been.
Again, it is not a negative term but a deep-
er feeling than nostalgia that makes you
appreciate ever-constant change and the Lexicographers are delving deep into languages other than English to find new world, ever wondered why we are more
drawn towards people who seem authen- MEANING: BEAUTY OF EMPTY SPACE
reality of life. Some refer to it as the “the tic. It’s probably ‘shizen’. You don’t The beauty of space left empty in
‘ahh-ness’ of things”. words and phrases to describe indescribable feelings, emotions and ways of life have to be perfect, and there’s no The works of art, is called ‘yohaku
need to pretend to be some- Japanese are no bi’. This is a concept bor-
thing you’re not. rowed from Chinese land-
KANSO mind is free to focus on the needful. try is a central tenet of the Zen aesthet- spiritual way – as nature by its very na-
pioneers of
minimalism. Kanso is the scape ink paintings, where
MEANING: ELIMINATE CLUTTER AND EXPRESS ic. The enso (“Zen circle”) in brush paint- ture is uneven. clouds, mist, sky, and water
THINGS SIMPLY FUKINSEI ing, for example, is often drawn as an in-
DATSUZOKU art of paring down and
getting rid of clutter. It’s all would often be left un-
The Japanese are pioneers of minimalism. MEANING: USING ASYMMETRY TO ACHIEVE complete circle, symbolising the imper-
SHIZEN MEANING: FREEDOM FROM about cutting out the chaff painted. The empty space
‘Kanso’ is the art of paring down and get- BALANCE fection that is part of existence. Balanced MEANING: NATURALNESS HABIT OR FORMULA so that you mind is free sparks the imagination of
ting rid of clutter. It’s all about organisa- The idea of controlling balance in a com- asymmetry is a big concept in design. It This is living with the absence of pre- It’s escape from daily routine to focus on the the viewer, challenging them
tion and cutting out the chaff so that your position via irregularity and asymme- helps you connect with nature in a more tense or artificiality. In the social media or the ordinary and is all about needful to imagine the unseen.


could defeat his opponent anytime.

Anyone or Any one

One is an indefinite pronoun and the other
an adjective phrase.
The space between two words can make a big difference. Know when to use the
right word and when to put in the space  The indefinite pronoun “anyone” refers
It might sound like an Everyday or Every Day everyday chores seem challenging. wrote, they always used the two-word to any person at all, but not to any
particular individual. “Any one” is an
Every day: We have to make our bed version. There was no “anytime”.
impossible task, One is strictly an adjective and the other is every day. adjective phrase that refers to any single
an adverbial phrase
but according to HOW TO USE
member of a group of either people or
things and is commonly followed by the
language HOW TO USE Sometime, some time or  Written as two words, “any time” is a preposition “of”
noun phrase that means “at no particular
experts, you can  The adjective “everyday” means routine, sometimes time” or “any amount of time”. It indicates
 A similar distinction applies to
“anybody” vs. “any body” as well as
ordinary, or commonplace. It’s frequently The words are related in meaning, but
learn basic paired with the word “occurrence” to they’re used in different ways.
that something will probably happen soon,
but an exact time can’t be stated.
“nobody” and “no body”.

communication describe something mundane. It is used

before nouns, like “everyday activity” or
 The word “anytime” is a contraction Tip: When trying to distinguish
skills in weeks and an “everyday habit.” HOW TO USE known as a casualism, which is the result between “anyone” and “any one”,
 “Sometime” is an adverb meaning at an of the informal usage of a grammatically simply swap with “anybody” vs.
master the basics of  “Every day” is an adverbial phrase — a
group of words that indefinite or unstated time in the future; as incorrect word becoming widely accepted. “any body” or even antonyms,
“Anytime” is an adverb meaning
a foreign language Tip: functions as an adverb an adjective, it means occasional or
former. The expression “some time” “whenever” or
such as “nobody” vs. “no
body”. The difference between
in a few months. When using
“every day”, the
— that means each
day or daily. It’s used means “a period of time.” The adverb
“without a doubt”. these words is the same
Here are some trick is to replace it to refer to repeated “sometimes” means “occasionally, now
and then”. Any time: The
grammatically as the
distinction between
with the phrase actions or
sure shot ways: “each day”. If it fits, occurrences. It  To use “sometime” as an package is due
to arrive at any
“anyone” and “any
you are doing it follows the verb it Tip: adverb, employ the term one”

right modifies, such as Remember when you mean occasional,
ake language learning a daily habit: preferable at the start. This is because the we “exercise every the meanings as in: Anytime: The
boxer said that he EXAMPLES:
For language learning, simply setting images provide you with context that helps day” or “brush teeth to use the  In “some time”, “some” is
word right an adjective describing the Anyone: “Did anyone of
daily reminders in your online calen- you understand the language. every day”.
EXAMPLES: noun, “time”. Tip: you see a lost dog?” the
dar works wonders. The routine is Speak from day one: This is understandable as it  “Sometimes” is actually a Anytime is frantic woman asked.
Everyday: When you’re feeling low, even
the actual behaviour that you per- takes confidence to try to speak a new language. compound word but holds a always informal and Any one: Choose any one of
form in response to the cue. When you start, But if your goal is to be able to speak at a con- different meaning. to determine if it is right, the books to read.
EXAMPLES: see if it can be replaced
make the routines easy – things like opening versational level, you should start practising Sometime: “He’s a full-time
— Sources:,
with the word,
your language app, or revising 5 words from from day one. The more mistakes you make, the bartender and sometime actor.” “whenever” without Merriam-
your last lesson. These routines may sound faster you will gain feedback and improve. The Some time: “I fear that it will be changing the
insufficient, but because they are so easy, it free option is to find native speakers to converse some time before he is able to meaning of the
deal with his memories of the war.” sentence
almost impossible to fail. with. Another option is to go to group classes. Sometimes: “Sometimes, Dan likes to
Immerse yourself with free resources: It has Test yourself: Knowing that you plan to take a sleep with his boots on.”
never been easier to learn a language fast test is a great way to motivate yourself to learn
without actually travelling to a country where faster. Try to regularly test yourself in little ways. Anytime and Any
it is spoken. Now, there are tons of free read- If you’re learning from a textbook, take practice
ing and listening resources that you can access tests or complete the exercises at the end of An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun
If you’re trying to choose between
that refers to an unspecified or
online. Use them to immerse yourself in the each chapter. You can also play online games or unidentified person or thing. It's
the words “any time” and “anytime”,
language every day. In terms of format, radio take online tests. Online practice tests can be vague rather than specific, and it
it’s interesting to note that just a
century ago, you wouldn’t have even had
and podcasts are great when you have at least found in almost any language, including French, doesn't have an antecedent
a choice. Back then, any time people
an intermediate level, but TV and films are Spanish, Japanese and German.

Queries relating to
Do you find grammar confus-
ing? Do you get stuck with

very year on the second Sun- helps rectify some of the hard-
day in November, Interna-
tional Tongue Twister Day TWISTERS: est sounds for you.
They are a great
words when writing a letter,
celebrates this alliterative
sequence of words that are
They enhance memory: You will not
be able to say a tongue twister well if
warm up: Even if you’re
a native speaker or
an essay or a blog? Do you
both fun and challenging to say. It’s also you do not learn it by heart. It is an in- you’ve mastered English have a fear of public speak-
a day to learn some new tongue twisters. fallible trick to be able to pronounce pronunciation, tongue
Neurologists and linguists suggest that it well. twisters are a great ing? Or do you simply want to
tongue twisters are a significant exer-
cise in activating your brain’s per-
Exercise vocalisation: Chil-
dren will have to make an effort to
warm-up exercise before
you make a presentation,
improve your communication
formance. Tongue twisters are a se-
quence of words or sounds that are usu-
properly vocalise each phoneme, but
they will do it without even realis-
speak in public, teach a class, lead a
meeting, act, and more!
skills? Times NIE is here to
ally alliterative (meaning the first con- ing it, and in a fun way. It’s like a They encourage imagination: help you to master the
sonant is repeated) and are difficult to kind of speech therapy, but wrapped Some kids invent their own tongue
pronounce quickly and correctly. up in laughter. twisters to be able to share them with intricacies of the English
Tongue twisters are funny, but they can
also help you with your pronunciation
Muscle strength:
strengthen and stretch the muscles
They friends.
Tell your weak points: Tongue language. Just shoot us
and speaking. They are a type of dic-
tion or articulation exercise, which
involved in speech. This muscle ex-
ercise leads to clearer pronuncia-
twisters highlight which sounds are
difficult for you to say so that you can
your queries on
helps you learn to speak clearly. tion, clearer speech patterns, and work on those sounds.
MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
Alumnus of Goodley shines at Cannes
Preserving and Nurturing I t is indeed an il-
lustrious moment
for Goodley Pub-
in the class who fired
up his imagination
which led him to

to eliminate plastic from schools, helped create awareness about the lic School, Shali- write stories for TV
homes, and nearby areas. importance of phasing out single- mar Bagh as Shankar and cinema.
A slogan writing competition use plastic. Students were also tak- Srikumar an alumnus Shankar was an
was held for Class IX ‘Phasing out en on a nature walk on the back of 2004 batch made it engineering gradu-
Single-Use Plastic (POSUP)’. A quiz lawns of the school, where they to “Cannes Film Fes- ate but his interest in
on ‘Plastic Waste Management Act were apprised of the different va- tival”. Shankar Sriku- cinematography took

o sensitize the students tion on ‘My Earth My future’ was 2016’ was held for Class X and an es- rieties of trees, fruits, and vegeta- mar, since his child- him to Film and Tele-
towards environmental held for students of Class VII. Spe- say was written on the topic ‘Strat- bles grown on the school campus. hood had always vision Institute of In-
protection and conser- cial videos and informative lectures egy of 6 R's. -Reduce, Reuse, Recy- A hands-on activity to be able to shown a keen interest dia. He has formerly
vation and preserva- were arranged for students of Class cle, Recover, Redesign & Remanu- identify plants was conducted. An in listening to tales worked with NDTV
tion, Ramjas School, VIII to create awareness regarding facture’ was held for Class XII. interactive session was also held to which eventually led good times and has
Pusa planned and conducted var- the important issues such as ‘Prob- Theme-related posters were satisfy the queries of the students. him to become a profound Shankar says that his written for several TV
ious activities which motivated lems in the elimination of single- also displayed around the school A plantation drive was also car- filmmaker debuting to school has played an emi- shows and movies.
them to engage in environmen- use plastic and solutions’ and ‘How which served as a reminder and ried out in the school as part of the Cannes Film Festival 2022 nent role in moulding him The school feels proud
tally-conscious practices on the oc- activities. The motive was to incul- with his feature film 'Al- to what he is today. He still and elated of his journey.
casion of Earth Day. cate students with values of conser- pha Beta Gamma' as a remembers his English We wish him all the best
An array of activities, including vation, respecting nature, being mind- writer and director. Teacher narrating stories for his future endeavours.
the ones suggested by the Depart- ful of disposing of waste, and en-
ment of Environment, and GNCT of couraging them to reduce, reuse and
Delhi under their campaign for "Phas-
ing out Single-Use Plastic" from Del-
hi were conducted to commemorate
recycle. The celebrations proved to
be a way for students to appreciate
what nature does for us. In her ad-
Prize distribution
the day. To mark the day, a pledge to
save the environment and keep it plas-
tic-free was taken by all the students
dress to the students, the Principal,
Surabhi Dua, emphasized the im-
portance of preserving the environ-
ceremony held at Apeejay
during the school assembly. ment urging the young to save, love,

A poster-making activity on the and respect their planet. She advised n an exuberant display of aca- In her address to the students,
theme ‘Eco-friendly Alternatives to the students to plant trees and nur- demic rigor, sporting acumen, Ritu Mehta urged the students to fol-
Plastic’ was conducted for students ture them, and spend time in the lap creative talent, the school stu- low the path of honesty and integri-
of Class VI. Poem writing and recita- of nature whenever possible. dents from primary to senior ty and success will follow. She reit-
wing received prizes in various cat- erated the fact that one should be con-
egories in a grand Prize Distribution sistent in their action and not worry

Rejuvenating Rendezvous: stormed on SDGs, inside their col-

lective thinking chambers! PPTs
and videos for landscapes and ge-
Ceremony held on May 4 in the au-
ditorium of Apeejay School,
Panchsheel Park.
for the result.

India goes International

ographies were prepared by Cam- School principal Sandeep
bridge 9 while Cambridge 7 pre- Singh Kathuria, and Ritu
pared placards and posters to meet Mehta, director, Apeejay Edu-
and greet their counterparts. On cation Society, graced the occa-

he Cambridge Wing of of learning, and conducive space the occasion of Earth day, rhyth- sion and distributed prizes to
Maharaja Agarsain to explore cross-border identities mic beats were exchanged with the astounding achievers of the
Public School, Ashok Vi- and cultures. Vietnamese and everyone twirled session 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
har conducted a series of As Cambridge Agarsainians to the beats of bongos. And yes, The prestigious pride of
international collaborations in took off their virtual flights, the lines what could be a more beautiful ges- Apeejay, Dr. Jagannath’s gold
the month of April with various between the 'virtual' and the 'real' ture than Vietnamese attempting and silver medal was given to
countries including the US, Viet- blurred as learners from different to converse in Hindi and Indians commerce stream topper, trophies for School principal, Sandeep Singh
nam, South Korea, Russia, and the countries became immersed in the responding to them in Vietnamese? subject toppers were given out to mer- Khaturia appreciated the efforts of
Philippines. The Indo-foreign vir- joy of elucidating and perceiving. The themes of the sessions var- What a confluence of 'Namaste' and itorious students. Students who have the teachers and students in bracing
tual handshakes took place via From exchanging their everyday ied according to the grades of the 'Xin Chao'! shown exemplary performance in the up for the challenging times through
virtual meeting platforms. The routines to curating one for Earth, learners. Students of Cambridge Smiling faces, inquisitive eyes, field of sports, fine arts, music, dance, online teaching learning and achiev-
purpose of the collaborations was to swaddle it against the climate cri- 5 shared their everyday routines dancing feet, and waving hands- public speaking also received accolades ing such milestones even during un-
to interact with learners across sis, students relished the cognitive and favorite novels, while the stu- this April was a capsule of fun, en- in the form of trophies and medals. precedented times of the pandemic.
the seas- creating a shared space treats the sessions yielded. dents of Cambridge 9 brain- richment, and insight.

olerance can be defined as a fair and objec- ple show strength in how they deal with different
tive attitude towards those whose lifestyle opinions and perspectives.
differs from yours. The level of tolerance in ‘Tolerance is the mindful capacity to love, respect,
one’s life can be attributed to one’s levels of hap- and accept the differences that make people unique.’
piness and contentment. Tolerance does not just make peace-
In our daily lives, we can learn ful coexistence possible, it also helps
to put ourselves in the other in personal development. When
person's shoes by imagining you know more about different
ourself in their situation. Em- thinking and ideas from around
pathy helps us to understand the world, it will help you un-
how the other person feels, and derstand the world better.
KAPUR, be more tolerant of the way of Teaching children about
class IPC- thinking that is different from our tolerance is the best gift that you can
IV, Manav own. While some people tend to be give them. Children shouldn't grow up
Sthali empathetic by nature, others have with feelings of hate and suspicion.
School, a hard time being empathetic. But Children who grow up with hate
SAAVYA KHANNA, class VII-D, Manav Rajendra with practice and conscious effort, and jealousy of others turn into un-
Sthali School, Rajendra Nagar Nagar it is possible. happy adults. And children who are
‘Tolerance isn't about not hav- forced to believe certain opinions
ing beliefs. It's about how your be- will develop into people who aren't
liefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you.’ free or independent thinkers.

APS’s patent pioneers

Tolerance is an important concept that helps If children experience love and tolerance,
people to live together peacefully. To be tolerant they will be able to grow up and lead a happy and
means that you accept other people's opinions and peaceful life.
preferences, even when they live in a way that you
don't agree with. Tolerance also means that you HEMA, English TGT, Akshara Vagdevi International

rmy Public and UNICEF to convert the don't put your opinions above those of others, even
S c h o o l , prototype into reality. Also, his when you are sure that you are right. Tolerant peo- School, Hyderabad
Shankar Vihar innovative idea bagged the
is consistently third position in the 4th Tech-
involved in nurturing neo- novation Hackathon & Inno-
teric innovators and in vation Budge at Sharda Uni-
promoting a culture of en- versity 2022 and received a
trepreneurship. Under the cash prize of Rs 5,000.
guidance of Malini Joy Chaudhary’s project
Narayanan, the principal, on ‘Braille Script Reader’ was
Tanu Priya, ATL mentor, selected among the top 50 in-
and with the unflinching support Reader by Joy Chaudhary of XII. novative projects at the Youth
of Major General RK Raina, SM, Prince Yadav’s project was se- Ideathon 2021-22. His innovation also
Ph.D. (Retd), Managing Director, lected in the top 50 ideas in the Chil- bagged the third position in the fi-

Army Welfare Education Society, dren Innovation Festival. His proj- nals of YSI 2022 and received a cash
the school has filed for a patent for ect is eligible to avail incubation sup- prize of Rs 10,000.
two novel Innovative Ideas- a de- port and funding through govern- The two trailblazers’ projects
vice for Exploring Human body ment grants, GUSEC (Gujarat Uni- were selected as the finalist in Young Changing postures on the couch,
with Holography by Prince Yadav versity Startup and Entrepreneur- Scientist India 2021-22 conducted by
Staring at walls all day long,
of XI and a device for Braille Script ship Council), Gujarat University, Spacekidz India.
Always as discontented as a grouch,
Someone please ask me ‘what’s

Debating aspects of social media wrong?’

The heat is at its peak,
Yet mangoes don’t taste sweet.

oday social media the right guidance of I thought of playing hide and seek,
has become an the girl students, a But I was stopped from stepping out in
important part of debate activity was the heat.
our life. Children organized for the girls The mountains and the desert.
are engaging with social of St. Marks World How about I watch a movie? Or how about I explore my very home?
media from a young School, Meera Bagh on And grab some popcorn, Especially the bed and the pillows?
age. Children's knowl- the topic 'Social media But if mom finds out it’ll be spooky I can do nothing and still be a hero,
edge is also increasing is the school of the And I’ll curse the day I was born! All in my innovative dreams, I can
through social media. young generation', in Helping mom would be a better chore, even reach Rome!
Now children can get which all the girls pre- But that’ll require a lot of effort, FASHIONISTA: MINAKSHI NANDURI,
any type of information through this. While some sented their views in favor or against it. Very HIBA IFTEKHAR, class IX-A, Meridian class VII-B, Gitanjali Devakul,
children are misusing it, due to which they are beautifully done. The beautiful thoughts and pres- I’d rather go out on a trip to explore School, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad Kukatpally, Hyderabad
going in the wrong direction. In this regard, for entation of the students are commendable.
You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.
Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey player
MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022

Marcelo of Real
Madrid lifts the UEFA
Champions League
Trophy after their
side’s victory in the
UEFA Champions
League final match
between Liverpool FC
and Real Madrid at
Stade de France


inicius Junior scored the they fell short of a trophy treble. Winners of Jurgen Klopp as Carlo Ancelotti becomes the first coach to his right-hand post. Klopp’s side, with Fabinho

only goal of the game as Real the English League Cup and FA Cup this sea- win European club football’s greatest prize for and Thiago Alcantara starting in midfield af-
Madrid beat Liverpool 1-0 in son, they just missed out to Manchester City a fourth time. Ancelotti was also in charge of ter overcoming fitness worries, were in control
Saturday’s Champions for the Premier League title and were denied a Real when they won the 2014 final having tri- but could not turn their superiority into a lead.
League final in Paris to be- victory here which would have put them level umphed with AC Milan in 2003 and in 2007, the Real, meanwhile, created almost nothing in the
come kings of Europe for a with AC Milan on seven European Cups. latter victory coming against Liverpool. The first half with Karim Benzema quiet, but their
record-extending 14th time Instead, Real have a fifth Champions League match kicked off 35 minutes later than the captain briefly thought he had got the break-
after a night marred by problems outside the in nine seasons to go with their Spanish title, planned 9:00 pm start after chaos at entrances through two minutes before the interval.
ground that led to the kick-off being delayed to the stadium led to thousands of Liverpool The Frenchman prodded home after the ball
by over half an hour. Brazilian winger Vinicius fans being unable to get to their seats. broke back to him inside the area but the off-
turned in Fede Valverde’s low cross in the 59th These boys played an outstand- side flag was raised. The decision to disallow
minute at the Stade de France. the goal was upheld after a lengthy VAR check,
ing season. The two competi- FACE OF GOAL despite Fabinho deflecting Valverde’s touch
Liverpool were seen as favourites to avenge their through to Benzema. Yet Ancelotti’s side kept
TROPHY TREBLE tions we couldn’t win, we didn’t win loss to the Spanish giants in the 2018 final in their nerve and were rewarded with the goal.
Liverpool will wonder what might have been for the smallest possible margin. Kyiv and they began to take control of the game. Valverde drove forward down the right before
had the outstanding Thibaut Courtois not Mane came close in the 21st minute as he skipped firing a low ball across the face of goal for Vini-
pushed Sadio Mane’s shot onto the inside of a JURGEN KLOPP his way into a shooting position inside the box cius to turn it in at the far post past his Brazil-
post when they were on top in the first half, as only for Courtois to tip his net-bound shot onto ian national team colleague Alisson. AGENCIES
Photo: AFP


aniil Medvedev, determined not to players who had spent the shortest time at
be remembered for his short-lived number one and realised he was in fine com- SWIATEK FINDS FOCUS
ewis Hamilton said he
stay at world number one, said that pany. “I went on the Internet and looked, is hoping for rain and
he is targeting a return to the top
with a stellar showing at the
just like this on Google, who were the short-
est like No. 1 players in the world, and the
AMID 31-MATCH WIN a change of luck in
Sunday’s Monaco Grand Prix
French Open. first I saw Pat Rafter being there for one ■ It’s been so long since No. 1-ranked Iga after qualifying eighth for
week, and he’s an absolute Mercedes.
Swiatek lost - 31 matches now - and even
legend, and Carlos Moya The seven-time champi-
REALLY HAPPY was somewhere since she ceded so much as a set - that on admitted he had little hope
Medvedev, ranked second, claimed top spot in there,” Medvedev last happened more than a month ago - of claiming pole or winning
late February but was overtaken by Novak said. “It’s some- that she could be forgiven if she could- after seeing local hero Charles
Djokovic just two weeks later. The Russian thing nobody can n’t recall how to react when in trouble Leclerc take pole position
can ascend the summit once again if he reach- take away from ahead of his Ferrari team-
es the final at Roland Garros. “I for sure want me. Not that
on a tennis court. mate Carlos Sainz.
to be there for more than two weeks. I want to many players ■ Which is why it was worth watch- “Yes, I do want it to rain,”

try to do it,” Medvedev said after his straight- could take it while ing as the 2020 French Open champi- he said, as dark clouds gath-
sets win over Miomir Kecmanovic on Satur- they play tennis. ered in the Mediterranean
on navigated a couple of tricky spots
day to reach the fourth round in Paris. “It’s It’s a great motiva- principality where the micro-
not something that pressures me, because I’m tion to try to come in the third round at Roland Garros on climate can be as capricious
really happy I managed to do it. I remember back there.” Saturday. as his new era Mercedes car. Lewis Hamilton
Indian Wells. I lost, and didn’t like my match Medvedev, who faces “If it rains, it will make the weather plays up and cre-
Iga Swiatek ■ Turns out Swiatek didn’t panic and didn’t
Photo: AP

against Gael (Monfils). That’s when I knew I Marin Cilic on Monday, it a little better than if I was ates opportunities.
was going to lose the No. 1 spot.” will miss Wimbledon after allow thoughts about this dominant run driving around in the dry in “Many people do differ-
Russian and Belarusian players were coming to an end distract her in what would just eighth place. ent strategies, and it will be
GREAT MOTIVATION banned from the grasscourt major over become a 6-3 7-5 victory against hard-hit- “I was seventh here last nice to have some luck for
Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, for which ting Danka Kovinic of Montenegro. year and I just drove around once.” His Mercedes team-
The 26-year-old joked that he looked up the Belarus has been a key staging area. AP in seventh. It’s so hard to over- mate George Russell quali-
take here so I’m hoping that fied sixth. AFP
Daniil Medvedev Photo: AFP

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