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The University of Agriculture

Assignment “1”

Submitted to
Honorable Sir Muhammad Shoaib

Submitted By
Saeed Ullah
Section “D”
Roll Number: 275
Department of Computer
Science Submission Date:
0 2 /04/2022


Hi every one my name is Saeed Ullah I am the
Agriculture university Peshawar 8 Semester Student. So my final Year
Project is in Flutter Which is the Dart language Frame work .I will create the
app in flutter. The main task of the app is ride sharing it means that the every
one can share the ride with everyone .

Dart is a programming language. It is
used to create programs for web browsers, servers, mobile apps, embedded
systems, and game consoles. It is developed by Google. The programming
language was introduced by Google in September 2012. It has many features,
including classes, closures, generics, interfaces, traits, and typed arrays. It
uses a stack-based virtual machine. Dart supports a number of languages
including JavaScript. It is one of the major programming languages designed
to speed up web development, especially for mobile apps. It also supports
cross-platform deployment.

Google decided to create a new UI toolkit for cross-platform
application development called Flutter. It allows developers to write apps with a
single code base in a number of languages and deploy them across multiple
platforms. Flutter is an open source framework that allows you to develop high
quality apps that are fast, user friendly and easy to maintain.

Flutter is a framework for building mobile apps using C++, Dart, and other web
technologies. The developers have designed it to be fast and efficient. Flutter
also has a number of advantages. It doesn't require native code, which means
that you don't have to write Java, Swift, Objective-C, and C++. This is a big
advantage because it reduces the time and effort you would have spent coding if
you had chosen the traditional method. Another advantage of Flutter is that it
enables you to use the same language that you are using to code your web app.
So, if you are familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then you can use these
languages to create your mobile apps. Flutter supports drag and drop and allows
you to develop both Android and iOS apps.


Because flutter is fast, beautiful,
and simple to learn. Flutter makes building apps fun and easy. Flutter is based on
Dart, a fast, modern language with great tools and a vibrant community. Flutter
applications compile quickly to native code and run smoothly on Android and

Flutter apps use Material Design, the latest version of Google’s high-quality UI
toolkit. Material Design is beautiful, intuitive, and built for speed. It enables app
developers to create engaging experiences in less time with fewer lines of code.

With Flutter, you build once, deploy to multiple platforms, and run anywhere.
Apps can be developed on any device, including mobile phones, tablets,
wearable, TVs, cars, and more.

You can try the Flutter editor directly in your browser without installing any
software. It works offline, has great auto complete, and automatically updates
your code as you type.
I am learning Flutter online in Udemy website .

It is an application for car owners to post rides
who want to share their rides, and passengers can request to join their rides.
Carpooling is an android application developed using flutter and firebase that will
help driver to post-ride and passenger to send a request for that ride. The ride-
sharing system intends to minimize fuel usage and reduce traffic jams. Also, by
such a system, we will reduce the travelling expenses of users. Unlike other
systems (Careem), only passengers can share the ride and share the expense. On
the other hand, our product (Carpooling Application) tends to profit both driver
and passenger by reducing both driver and passenger travelling costs.

Pakistan is a developing country. Currently,
it is facing many challenges. Pollution, high traffic jams, loss of revenue to
purchase oil, high prices of automobiles, a smaller number of public transport
services, few parking spaces and low wages are a few but critical challenges
Pakistan is facing today. A few apps like cream have resolved issues, but there is
still a gap for improvement.

If we put a maximum of people in a single car, we resolve such problems. It also
provides an additional benefit to both the car owner and passengers in the sense
that they both save their money and also their social circle increases.
Furthermore, our app ensures a person's identity by conforming his/her profile,
so in case of any mishap, we could provide a complete detail to the police along
with their location. Our app offers a trusted platform where anyone can share his
car with a minimal effort.

A carpool is when two or more people share the journey to the same or nearby
destination. The number of passengers may vary, drivers and vehicles may
rotate, and the arrangement might operate every day or only when it’s
convenient. While petrol and parking costs may be shared, the driver isn’t paid
for their services.


Carpooling generally suits locations where public transport, walking and cycling
options are limited, or where staff and students commute long distances, or
similar routes at similar times. It will also suit organization that experience traffic
congestion issues around their site, or wish to free up land on site currently used
for parking.

Carpooling has clear benefits for both your organization and your
staff and/or students, and may also benefit the wider community

• May reduce costs and car parking problems

• Frees up land for other uses

• May promote internal social networks

• May improve organizational image

• May reduce traffic congestion around site

• May reduce travel costs (if shared)

• May save time (reduced traffic congestion)

• May reduce stress (burden of driving shared)

• Less vehicle wear and tear (if cars rotated)

• May reduce need for a second car

• May provide alternative travel options

• Reduces traffic volumes and congestion

• Reduces vehicle emissions

• Contributes to a cleaner environment

• Helps reach emission reduction targets

This app is basically open source online ride service so this app provides
opportunity to drivers to register their vehicles online. With this app, drivers can
register any type of vehicle and then start finding the nearest pick and drop. This
app will support all type of vehicles. With this app, drivers who have loss in their
business resolve their issues. This app has no central management office so this
app will run in all cities.

The scheduling of trips is another crucial feature that needs to be added while
developing any travel app. It facilitates the riders to schedule the rides for the
future without any difficulty.



1. Interact with the application
2. Be able to login to their accounts using their email and password provided
3. Be able to logout from their profiles.

1. Be able to add, delete and modify database
2. Be able to add and remove users and set authority
3. Be able to monitor the system

1. Be able to view all drivers
2. Be able to view the list of customers
3. Be able to view all the customer request
4. Be able to view all workers available
5. Be able to create, edit and delete information
6. Be able to search for information
7. Be able to notice the editing‟s and changes made by the users.
1. The Application must have a logo at the start of application.
2. Every online booking needs to be associated with an account
3. One account cannot be associated with multiple user.
4. Search results should enable users to find the most recent and relevant
booking rides options.
5. System should enable users to book / pay for their rides only in cash or
credit card.
6. The application shall keep track of all processes and changes happening
to the data between login and logout times of the users.
7. The application should enable the users to logout after using the
application when the user clicks on the logout button.


The Application should be easy to use by every user. In order to accomplish this
objective, the system should have a simple and well-designed interface.

The Application should be made accessible to the people who live everywhere in the
world. anyone can use the system regardless of the location and can get the
information they acquire.

The performance of the application should be fast and efficient in adding information of
drivers. The system should be available for user in real time and always up to date.

The application response time is a significant requirement because the action cannot
be postponed or delayed. The application should be fast enough to satisfy the user‟s
needs and should not waste their time.

Efficiency of any system is concerned with the minimum processing time as well as the
optimal use of system resources in designing the proposed systems. Our android
application will be efficient in using processing resources. It can be efficiently run on all
android devices.

The Application should operate 24 hours a day.

The users of this application have different types of people and different levels of
technical skills, therefore the application should be understandable by all the users.
Consequently, the Application should provide an easy to use, friendly Graphical User
Interface (GUI).

Data inserted by user is secured and saved by this application, and will be redundant,
in order to perform the exact action in specified situation.

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