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* * * * * WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2022 ~ VOL. CCLXXIX NO. 49 HHHH $5.00

DJIA 33294.95 g 597.65 1.8% NASDAQ 13532.46 g 1.6% STOXX 600 442.37 g 2.4% 10-YR. TREAS. À 1 6/32 , yield 1.708% OIL $103.41 À $7.69 GOLD $1,942.40 À $43.00 EURO $1.1125 YEN 114.92

What’s Russia Hammers Civilian Targets

News Second-largest city in
Ukraine is pummeled
by missiles, as Kyiv
Business & Finance braces for new attacks

U .S. stock indexes fell and

bond yields slipped, while
oil prices rose above $100 to

KYIV, Ukraine—Russian
their highest level since 2014, forces, frustrated in plans for
as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a quick victory, shifted to a
continued to whipsaw through new strategy of pummeling ci-
markets. The S&P 500, Dow vilian areas in an attempt to
and Nasdaq slid 1.5%, 1.8% demoralize Ukrainian resis-
and 1.6%, respectively. B1 tance and reignite their slow-
ing military advance.
 Exxon Mobil said it is
Russia’s Defense Ministry
halting operations at a mul-
said Tuesday afternoon it
tibillion-dollar oil and gas
would strike Ukrainian intelli-
project in Russia and will
gence and communications fa-
make no further invest-
cilities in central Kyiv that it
ments in the country. A10
said are being used for “infor-
 The U.S. and other major
mation attacks” against Rus-
oil-consuming nations said
sia, and urged residents living
they would release 60 mil-
nearby to leave for their own
lion barrels of oil from their

emergency stockpiles. A10

Western diplomats took the
 Apple, Ford, Boeing and
warning as a signal that a
Dell joined the roster of com-
massive strike on Kyiv’s resi-
panies retreating from Russia,
dential areas was imminent.
while other global businesses,
Some of the remaining staff at
including VW, warned of fur-
foreign embassies left
ther supply disruptions. A6
Ukraine’s capital.
 The first two series of Live-cam footage from
the MLB regular season have Freedom Square in Kharkiv,
been canceled after owners Emergency workers in Kharkiv, Ukraine, carry a body away from a government building shelled by Russian forces Tuesday. Please turn to page A9
and locked-out players failed
to agree on a new labor con-

Life Under Bombardment Leery Buyers Dry Up

tract ahead of a manage-
ment-imposed deadline. A1

Russia’s Oil Market

 The Biden administration
said it is realigning its
trade policy toward China,
looking at all existing tools
and potentially new ones
to combat Beijing’s state-
Hits Ukrainians Hard Stock indexes fell again In their broadside of sanc-
Tuesday as oil prices tions on Russia, the U.S. and its
led nonmarket practices. A2
From the capital of Kyiv to armored vehicles and trucks only got worse,” said Mr. Os- retopped $100 a barrel allies are going out of their way
 Target’s sales rose in the the borders with Slovakia and hauling surface-to-air rockets ovsky. “I’ve already seen how to spare energy shipments and
most recent quarter, helped Poland, Ukrainians are hiding toward the city. Family mem- this kind of war ends. War can 0 Nasdaq keep economies humming and
by stronger traffic in the com- in basements and shelters, bers said goodbye to those end only very badly.” Composite voters warm.
pany’s stores through the holi- struggling to find food and who stayed, unsure when they Russia began a new, blood-
S&P 500
day season and growth across might be reunited. ier phase of the war on Tues- By Joe Wallace,
its merchandise categories. B1 By Thomas Grove, Vadym Osovsky, a 39-year- day, hitting the center of Dow Industrials Benoit Faucon
 The Bank of Canada is Brett Forrest old Ukrainian, fled Kyiv with Ukraine’s second-largest city and Anna Hirtenstein
expected to raise its bench- and James Marson his family on Friday, driving of Kharkiv with a missile.
more than 50 hours to the Ukrainian officials said Russia –1.0% The oil market went on
mark interest rate on Wednes-
looking for ways to escape border. Then he hugged his shelled residential buildings in strike anyway. Acting as if en-
day in the face of histori-
Russia’s increasingly violent wife, two daughters and son the southern city of Kherson, ergy were in the crosshairs of
cally high inflation. A22
onslaught. before they crossed into Slo- with some 300,000 people, as Western sanctions, refiners
Abandoned cars lined the vakia. Ukraine’s government they advanced. Kyiv is bracing balked at buying Russian oil,
World-Wide main roads out of the capital, has banned men under 60 for the same kind of indis- and banks are refusing to fi-
broken down or out of gas. from leaving the country, so criminate shelling of civilian nance shipments of Russian
Some motorists sped west he stayed behind. neighborhoods. The Russian commodities, traders, oil execu-
 Russian forces, frustrated down eastbound lanes to get “We were hoping rockets, defense ministry warned resi- 9:30 a.m. noon 4 p.m. tives and bankers said.
in plans for a quick victory, around heavy traffic, dodging the artillery, would stop, but it Please turn to page A8 Source: FactSet Please turn to page A10
shifted to a new strategy of
pummeling civilian areas in
an attempt to demoralize
Ukrainian resistance and re-
ignite its slowing military ad-
In State of the Union, Biden Says Putin Miscalculated
vance. People across the be-
leaguered country are hiding BY KEN THOMAS tions of the free world think- to go after Russian oligarchs.
in basements and shelters, AND SABRINA SIDDIQUI ing he could make it bend to The president’s remarks on
struggling to find food and his menacing ways. But he Ukraine often generated ap-
looking for ways to escape WASHINGTON—President badly miscalculated.” plause from both Republicans
Russia’s increasingly violent Biden said President Vladimir “He thought he could roll and Democrats alike; Oksana
onslaught. A1, A6-10, A12-14 Putin of Russia is more iso- into Ukraine and the world Markarova, ambassador of

 Biden said Putin is more lated from the rest of the would roll over. Instead he met Ukraine to the U.S., attended as
isolated from the rest of the world than ever after invading a wall of strength he never a guest of first lady Jill Biden.
world than ever after invad- Ukraine, using Tuesday’s State imagined,” Mr. Biden said in The president addressed
ing Ukraine, using the State of the Union address to high- his speech to a joint session of the nation as Russia shifted to
of the Union address to light the coordinated response Congress. a new strategy of pummeling
highlight the coordinated re- of the U.S. and its allies and In addition to sanctions, Mr. civilian areas, part of a cam-
sponse of the U.S. and allies rally the country behind de- Biden said the U.S. would close paign by Moscow that has
and rally the country behind fending democracy. American airspace to all Rus- prompted the U.S. and other
defending democracy. A1 Mr. Biden said Mr. Putin sian flights and assemble a nations to take steps to isolate
President Biden addressing the joint session of Congress Tuesday. “sought to shake the founda- Justice Department task force Please turn to page A4
 The U.S. will ban Rus-
sian aircraft from American
airspace, Biden said during
the address, broadening Greg Ip: Sanctions bring U.S. faces hurdles to In a Kyiv hospital, Exxon halts investments Stocks fall further as
aviation restrictions as the real pain, and risks sending in weapons children suffer doubly in Russia oil tops $100
West expands sanctions A2 A6 A7 A10 B1
over the war in Ukraine. A6
 Republican Gov. Abbott
MLB Cancels Games INSIDE
and former Democratic
presidential candidate
O’Rourke won their respec-
tive primaries in Texas, the As Labor Talks Stall
AP said, setting up a high-
profile race for governor. A3
 The Pfizer-BioNTech BY JARED DIAMOND had made enough headway
during a marathon session
#1 CRM.
Ranked #1 for CRM Applications based on
Covid-19 vaccine was highly
JUPITER, Fla.—The first two Monday to justify further dis- IDC 2021 H1 Revenue Market Share Worldwide.
effective at reducing the risk
series of the Major League cussions.
of severe disease in children
Baseball regular season have But progress stalled Tuesday
17 years and younger during
been canceled after owners and on the economic issues at the
the Omicron surge but didn’t
work as well at preventing
locked-out players failed to core of the dispute, prompting PERSONAL JOURNAL
agree on a new labor contract the parties to break off talks Some interns are
infection, a study found. A3
ahead of a management-im- with no immediate plans to re-
 Fallout from federal judges posed deadline. sume. After convening for nine
changing their minds
violating financial-conflict Opening day had been consecutive days at a spring as recruiters present
laws is spreading to appeals scheduled for March 31. training stadium here, the sides sweeter deals. A15
courts, which now have to “We worked hard to avoid will now retrench and figure
decide whether wiping out an outcome that’s bad for our out next steps.

rulings is warranted. A4 fans, bad for our players and The gridlock has stoked the
bad for our clubs,” MLB com- possibility of a prolonged dis-
CONTENTS Personal Journal A15-16 missioner Rob Manfred said. “I pute that extends far beyond
Arts in Review... A17 Property Report... B6
Business News.. B3,5 Sports....................... A18 want to assure our fans that what Mr. Manfred announced
Crossword.............. A18 Technology............... B4 our failure to reach an agree- Tuesday.
Heard on Street. B12 U.S. News............. A2-4 ment was not due to a lack of “A lockout is the ultimate
Markets..................... B11 Weather................... A18 Source: IDC, Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker, October 2021.
Opinion.............. A19-21 World News A6-14,22
effort by either party.” economic weapon,” union exec-
MLB had previously indi- utive director Tony Clark said.
cated if a deal wasn’t in place “In a $10 billion industry, the
> by the end of February, it owners have made a conscious BUSINESS & FINANCE
would begin taking down decision to use this weapon Many big companies
games with no intention to re- against the greatest asset they
schedule them or compensate have: the players.”
are planning broader
players. The league agreed to The players always viewed office reopenings this CRM market includes the following IDC-defined functional markets: Sales Force Productivity and Management,
Marketing Campaign Management, Customer Service, Contact Center, Advertising, and Digital Commerce
s 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
All Rights Reserved keep negotiating until 5 p.m. MLB’s deadline as an artificial month. B1 Applications. © 2021, inc. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of, inc., as are other names and marks.

Tuesday, believing the sides Please turn to page A18


A2 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Sanctions Bring Real Pain, and Unseen Risks

The con- Mr. Putin has worked to re- Russian inflation shot up in 2014—when it annexed Crimea, and the financial system so own people’s misery. “He’s
ventional wis- duce the rest of the world’s oil prices and the ruble fell—and is rising again now. abruptly could trigger unfore- ready to sacrifice the econ-
dom until last leverage on Russia. It has seen dynamics. There may be omy, and households’ in-
week was that current-account and fiscal “financial linkages we have comes, because he wants to
sanctions had surpluses, meaning no net 15%
Russia’s consumer-price index, very little idea about,” Ms. be great,” said Mr. Aleksash-
limited influ- need to borrow from foreign change from a year earlier Ribakova said. Russia’s cen- enko.
ence on a nation state, espe- or domestic lenders, diversi- tral bank is “an important Sanctions initially per-
cially one as large as Russia. fied foreign-exchange re- player in global markets. We suaded Iran to negotiate over
That wisdom may need to be serves of $630 billion and a Jan. 2022 don’t know how the positions its nuclear program but they
revisited. floating currency. It had thus 10 will unwind.” The ripple ef- have had little effect on Vene-
OPEC declines 8.7%
The sanctions leveled at eliminated most of the vul- to cut oil output fects from Russia’s default in zuela or North Korea, and in-
Russia for its invasion of nerabilities that typically 1998 led to the near-collapse deed both have become more
Ukraine are likely to do far brought on crises, including Annexation of Long-Term Capital Man- belligerent and repressive, a
more damage than President Russia’s in 1998. of Crimea agement, a giant U.S. hedge possibility with Mr. Putin as
Vladimir Putin had thought But Russia still does busi- by Russia fund, and intense market well. When economic war be-
possible. By hitting Russia’s ness with the world, which stress. Amid sharply lower comes aggressive enough, it
commercial banks, central requires an ability to pay its markets Tuesday, U.S. and Eu- may be seen as tantamount to
bank, business and political bills. With access to its re- ropean bank stocks fell even actual war. Some scholars say
leaders and industry, the serves sharply curtailed and 0 more, a potential sign of spill- Japan’s attack on Pearl Har-
West is meting out economic the West united on sanctions, over to the financial system. bor in 1941 was precipitated
2012 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20 ’22
punishment that took years the central bank is less able by a U.S. oil embargo.

to unfold with smaller rogue to buy up the ruble to defend Source: CEIC Data he war and accompa- In the end, a Russia kicked
states like Iran and North its value, pay interest and nying sanctions are al- out of the global economy is
Korea. A Biden administra- principal on foreign debt, or at the Institute of Interna- will increase that burden. ready threatening an- also a Russia beyond the
tion official on Saturday supply foreign currency to tional Finance, predicted Rus- The long-run cost to Rus- other supply shock that slows reach of economic leverage.
made the goal clear: turn commercial banks. Russian sia’s economy will contract at sia will be even steeper. growth and raises inflation in China is likely to respond by
Russia into “a global, eco- importers can’t be certain least 10%, more than in 1998. Western prohibitions on Europe and the U.S., and stepping up its own efforts to
nomic, and financial pariah.” anyone will take their money. Russia is still cushioned by sales of technology will “un- that’s without an embargo on decouple from the West; it is
The fall in the ruble since its hefty exports of oil and dermine the capabilities of Russian oil and natural gas. already developing alterna-

nd yet as with actual Russia invaded Ukraine could gas, which are largely ex- the Russian military and ci- Refiners and banks are avoid- tives to the dollar-based pay-
war, all-out economic add 4 to 5 percentage points empted by sanctions. That vilian industry, restrain the ing Russian crude nonethe- ment systems, domestic
war has repercussions to Russian inflation, which cushion has limits, growth potential of the less, pushing prices sharply sources of key technology
that the U.S. and its allies stood at 8.7% in January, ac- though: Russian oil is now economy, and increase Rus- higher Tuesday. As the ef- through President Xi Jin-
may not yet see. It is not at cording to Sergey Aleksash- selling at a sizable discount, sia’s technological backward- fects filter down to the pub- ping’s “dual circulation” pol-
all clear that sanctions will enko, a former Russian cen- and global prices, now more ness,” Mr. Aleksashenko lic, the remarkable unity of icy, and its own economic
change Mr. Putin’s behavior, tral bank official now living in than $100 per barrel, are at wrote in a newsletter. Western governments against sphere of influence through
and they may cause far- the U.S. To defend the cur- risk if the world economy While sanctions are prov- Russia will be tested. the Belt and Road Initiative.
reaching disruption for the rency and limit the inflation- slumps. Russia already ing more devastating than Sanctions have rarely The global economy was
West. ary impact, the central bank spends more of its gross do- thought likely before this forced the targeted country subdividing into competing
Since 2014, when Russia raised interest rates Monday mestic product on the mili- week, their full consequences to change its behavior. Auto- blocs before Russia invaded
was hit with targeted sanc- to 20% from 9.5%. Elina Riba- tary than the U.S. and a sus- may not be apparent. Kicking crats like Mr. Putin simply Ukraine. Sanctions are simply
tions for annexing Crimea, kova, deputy chief economist tained insurgency in Ukraine such a large economy out of aren’t that exposed to their hastening the process.

U.S. Policy
Baby Formula Recall
after an unusually dry January.
A nearly 15-mile stretch of
State Route 7 in Washington
On China
Expands After Death
Abbott Laboratories is ex-
was shut down Tuesday because
of severe flooding and there was
no estimate on when it would re-
Trade to Be
panding its previously announced
recall of baby formula after be-
ing informed of the death of an-
open. A number of ski resorts on
Oregon’s Mount Hood shut down
Monday due to heavy rain and
other infant who consumed the high winds. BY YUKA HAYASHI
company’s product. Olympia, Wash., and the Seat-
Abbott said this week that it tle area exceeded rainfall records WASHINGTON—The Biden
was voluntarily recalling one lot Monday set in 1972, while parts administration said it is re-
of Similac PM 60/40 manufac- of northwest Oregon got nearly 3 aligning its trade policy to-
tured in its Sturgis, Mich., plant. inches of rain. ward China, looking at all ex-
Last month, the company re- Flood watches were in effect isting tools and potentially
called its Similac, Alimentum and throughout the region Tuesday new ones to combat Beijing’s
EleCare products that are pro- and authorities asked home- state-led nonmarket practices.
duced at the same plant. owners to be aware of the possi- In its annual trade policy
This comes after another in- bility of landslides, particularly in agenda released Tuesday, the
fant died from an illness that areas that have recently burned Office of the U.S. Trade Repre-
the Food and Drug Administra- in wildfires. sentative said the U.S. is rais-
tion is investigating as part of —Associated Press ing its concerns with China
the recall. and accelerating joint work
The FDA said it is investigat- NEW MEXICO with allies and partners.
ing complaints of four “We are clear-eyed about
cronobacter illnesses and one Bill Signed Giving China’s doubling down on its
salmonella illness that resulted Teachers Raises harmful trade and economic
in infant hospitalizations as early abuses,” the USTR said in the
as September in Minnesota, New Mexico’s governor report, noting that its “holistic
Texas and Ohio. signed law four bills into law and pragmatic” approach to
Cronobacter illnesses, which that will increase funding for ed- the bilateral relations will fo-
include sepsis and meningitis, ucation, including major in- cus on long-term benefits for
are rare but can be lethal for in- creases in teacher salaries. American workers.
fants, according to the Centers Democratic Gov. Michelle Lu- “Lack of protections for
for Disease Control and Preven- jan Grisham held the ceremony workers, a weak environmental
tion. Salmonella can cause fever Tuesday outdoors at an elemen- regime, and anticompetitive
and digestive issues, and some- tary school in Santa Fe, follow- subsidies are the hallmarks of
times severe illness, according to ing the passage of the bills by China’s artificial comparative
the CDC. the Legislature last month. She advantage. It is an advantage
Recalled products were previ- signed one bill that will increase that puts others out of busi-
ously distributed across the U.S. teacher and counselor salary ness and violates any notion of
as well as some international minimums by $10,000. fair competition,” it said.
markets, according to the FDA. “We have to pay our educa- Chinese Embassy spokesman
Abbott said it tests for tors a salary that is commensu- Liu Pengyu said: “China and the
pathogens including cronobacter rate with their incredible…experi- U.S. share common interests,
and salmonella before releasing ence, education and the fact and cooperation is the only

its products. A spokeswoman that they are working more than right choice. It is hoped that the
said Tuesday that none of Ab- full time supporting their stu- U.S. adopt reasonable and prac-
bott’s distributed products dents,” Ms. Lujan Grisham said. tical China trade policies...and
tested positive for the presence Currently, teachers make at push China-U.S. relations back
of cronobacter or salmonella. least $40,000 when they start onto the correct track of sound
—Omar Abdel-Baqui PRICKLY SITUATION: Percy the Porcupine, a giant puppet built to promote a new area at the San out, $50,000 after additional train- and stable development.”
Diego Zoo, was unveiled to schoolchildren in Los Angeles on Tuesday. ing and experience, and $60,000 While the USTR emphasized
CALIFORNIA when they pass an intensive mas- it is “laser-focused” on en-
ing order against him requested fore turning the gun on himself, PACIFIC NORTHWEST ter teacher certification. Starting gagement with friendly nations
Man Kills His 3 Kids, by the children’s mother, was on Mr. Jones said. teachers and counselors earning a as a key part of its strategy,
Adult in Church a supervised visit with his chil- “If he was the person in a do- Record Rains Bring minimum salary would benefit the the agency provided few de-
dren at the church during the mestic violence restraining order, Floods, Road Closure most, with a 22% raise. tails on what measures consti-
A California man shot and shooting, Sacramento County he shouldn’t have had a Ms. Lujan Grisham, who is tuted its realigned policy. Nei-
killed his three children, an adult Sheriff Scott Jones said. weapon,” the sheriff said. Heavy rain brought flooding running for re-election this year, ther did it offer details on the
and himself in a Sacramento- The suspect killed the person The mother of the children and concerns about landslides to is also set to approve a $15 min- administration’s plan to launch
area church Monday, law-en- supervising the visit and the wasn’t at the church during the the Pacific Northwest, with many imum wage for school and state a broad economic program for
forcement officials said. three children, who were all shooting, police said. locations in western Oregon and workers. the Asia-Pacific region.
The man, who had a restrain- younger than 15 years old, be- —Omar Abdel-Baqui Washington getting record rainfall —Associated Press The new Indo-Pacific Eco-
nomic Framework, announced
by President Biden in October, is
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A3


Chinese Pfizer Shot Shielded Kids Amid Wave

Plane Deal BY JARED S. HOPKINS in kids 5 to 11, who became eli-

Clears U.S. The Covid-19 vaccine from

Pfizer Inc. and partner BioN-
gible for the shots last fall. The
youths get a 10 microgram
dose, a third of the dosage

Security Tech SE was highly effective at

reducing the risk of severe dis-
ease in children 17 and younger
given to adolescents and
Vaccine experts said the

Review during the Omicron surge but

didn’t work as well at prevent-
ing infection, according to a
lower dose is likely a factor in
the vaccine’s reduced effective-
ness in younger children ex-
BY KATE O’KEEFFE new government study. posed to Omicron.
The two-dose vaccine re- To improve the vaccine’s ef-
A U.S. investment-screening duced the risk of Covid-19 hos- fectiveness against Omicron,
panel has concluded its review pitalization in kids 5 to 11 by health authorities have recom-
of a Chinese firm’s nearly 47% 74% and by 92% or higher in mended adults and adolescents


stake in a U.S. aircraft startup, children 12 to 17, according to get a booster.
determining there are “no un- the study published Tuesday by The authorities also recom-
resolved national security con- the Centers for Disease Control mend booster doses for use in
cerns” with the deal, according and Prevention. 5- to 11-year-olds who have
to a letter reviewed by The However, the vaccine was weakened immune systems and
Wall Street Journal. 51% effective at reducing the are at high risk of severe dis-
The decision by the Commit- risk of infection among 5- to 11- ease.
tee on Foreign Investment in year-olds, while Omicron was A Pfizer spokeswoman said
the U.S., an interagency panel predominant, and between 34% the company is studying a
that can recommend the presi- and 45% effective in kids 12 to third 10 microgram dose in
dent block or unwind deals on 17, depending on the age, for The vaccine was highly effective at reducing the risk of severe disease in children 17 years and kids 5 to 11 with healthy im-
national-security grounds, the first five months after the younger during the Omicron surge but didn’t work as well at preventing infection, the CDC found. mune systems.
marks the end of one part of a second dose, according to the She also said that early lab-
saga involving feuding Ameri- study. In a separate study by New sits on a vaccine advisory panel Moore, an immunologist at oratory testing with Delta and
can and Chinese investors in The vaccine was 90.7% effec- York state health officials, the to the Food and Drug Adminis- Weill Cornell Medicine in New other variants of concern, in-
Icon Aircraft Inc., a California- tive at preventing symptomatic vaccine was found to be 12% tration. Yet he cautioned that York. cluding Omicron, suggest that
based maker of recreational disease in the pivotal study effective in younger children at there were so few numbers of Most children who become people vaccinated with three
amphibious planes. The out- that led to authorization. That least two weeks after they had kids who became sick in the infected with Covid-19 have doses may have a higher de-
come is also notable given how study was conducted before gotten a second dose in De- CDC study that the numbers mild or no symptoms at all, gree of protection, especially
carefully Cfius has been scruti- Omicron emerged. cember or January, compared carry wide margins of error. and they are much less likely against severe disease and hos-
nizing Chinese investment in The real-world findings sug- with 51% in adolescents. The The CDC and independent than adults to become hospital- pitalization.
U.S. technology in recent years. gest some limitations of the study was posted online Mon- health experts still recommend ized or die. Yet health authori- The CDC study explored the
A group of American share- two-dose vaccine from Pfizer day and hasn’t been peer re- vaccinating young children. ties and doctors have urged real-world effectiveness of the
holders, including Icon co- and BioNTech in children dur- viewed. “Omicron was a problem if parents to vaccinate their chil- Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine during
founder Kirk Hawkins, has ac- ing the Omicron wave and sup- “The two papers do confirm your measurement is mild and dren to protect them from the the Omicron wave in December
cused the Chinese investor, port other evidence indicating that there’s a pretty rapid loss asymptomatic infections, but virus and to limit spread to to January by comparing the
Shanghai Pudong Science & the two-dose shot doesn’t work of protection,” said Cody we’re still protected if your others. number of vaccinated and un-
Technology Investment Co., or as well against the variant, es- Meissner, a professor of pedi- measurement was hospitaliza- The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine vaccinated kids who sought
PDSTI, of hollowing out Icon pecially in younger children. atrics at Tufts University who tion and death,” said John is the only one cleared for use medical care.
and moving technology with
possible military applications

National Issues in Spotlight as Texas Votes

to China. PDSTI has said its in-
vestments, begun in 2015,
saved Icon from collapse and
that licensing Icon’s technology
to a Chinese company would BY ELIZABETH FINDELL said, after he failed to garner cized Republicans’ moves to
bring in needed capital. AND CHAD DAY more than 50% of the vote. He curtail abortion rights and
Icon, whose board is con- will face one of three challeng- make voting procedures
trolled by PDSTI, has said its AUSTIN, Texas—Texas Gov. ers: Texas Land Commissioner stricter. “Texas is in a really
aircraft don’t have military ap- Greg Abbott and former Demo- George P. Bush, the nephew and bad place and it seems to get
plications, adding that they cratic presidential candidate grandson of the former presi- worse by the day,” said Amy
only have the capacity to carry Beto O’Rourke easily won their dents; Rep. Louie Gohmert and Grant, a 42-year-old Democratic
a little over 400 pounds and respective primaries Tuesday, or former Texas Supreme Court voter.
that they can’t safely operate setting up a high-profile race for Justice Eva Guzman. The primary is the first state-

governor, according to the Asso- Mr. Paxton’s rivals sought to wide election in Texas since an
ciated Press. make an issue of the fact that election bill passed last year
Mr. Abbott, who is seeking a he has been under indictment that tightened voting procedures
U.S. shareholders third term, and Mr. O’Rourke on securities-fraud charges across the state. Democrats said
accused a Chinese were heavy favorites in Tues- since 2015 and in 2020 was ac- the bill would disenfranchise
day’s primaries, the first of the cused of illegal activities by voters. Republicans said it would
investor of hollowing 2022 midterm elections. The pri- eight of his top-ranking depu- make elections more secure.
out Icon Aircraft. maries are deciding many of the ties. He has denied wrongdoing Before the election, and dur-
matchups for statewide offices in both incidents. ing two weeks of early voting,
and Texas’ 38 congressional dis- Signs proliferated outside a polling site Tuesday in Austin, Texas. In Buda, a rapidly growing the state’s largest counties re-
tricts. Several contests are being suburb south of Austin, Kris ported a significant uptick in re-
in water with a wave height closely watched for what they keep it that way, because our support of New York Rep. Alex- Viehe, a 58-year-old Republi- jections of both mail-in ballot
higher than 12 inches. say about the state of the Demo- opponents, they want a com- andria Ocasio-Cortez and other can voter, said Mr. Paxton’s in- applications and ballots them-
Cfius began its review of cratic and Republican parties as pletely different Texas.” figures in the party’s progressive dictment, as well as insight selves. Most of the rejections
PDSTI’s investment in late No- they vie for control of Congress. The second-term governor wing, lost by fewer than 3,000 from friends who work in the were due to voters missing an
vember after the group of Speaking to a crowd of sup- fended off two primary oppo- votes to Mr. Cuellar in the 2020 attorney general’s office, led identification number on the
American shareholders urged it porters in the Fort Worth area, nents, former state Sen. Don primary. him to vote for Mr. Bush. ballot that matched what they
to intervene, the Journal has Mr. O’Rourke said: “I want to Huffines and ex-Texas GOP The two candidates have con- “We’ve got to get rid of Pax- provided when they registered,
reported. be a governor for each and ev- chairman Allen West, who at- trasting positions on immigra- ton,” Mr. Viehe said. election officials said. The state
“Based upon its review and ery single one of you, and I tempted to run to his right on tion—and how to win in a bor- Joe Box, a 47-year-old GOP has also seen a marked decrease
investigation, and after full want us to do the big things we several issues. der district that includes areas voter, said Mr. Paxton’s legal in mail voting overall, particu-
consideration of all relevant are truly capable of, once we Beyond the governor’s race, where Republicans made in- troubles don’t bother him. “I’m larly among Republicans.
national security factors…Cfius get past the smallness and cru- early results showed a tight race roads in 2020. An FBI raid of Mr. pretty sure they’re trying to get In Texas, as in several states
has determined that there are elty and divisiveness of this in the Democratic primary in Cuellar’s home and campaign of- rid of him because he’s doing this election cycle, partisan
no unresolved national security moment.” Texas’ 28th Congressional Dis- fice in January is also hanging such a good job,” Mr. Box said. congressional primaries will
concerns,” the letter said, add- In Corpus Christi, Mr. Abbott trict between lawyer Jessica Cis- over the race. He has said he is Voters in the Democratic pri- play an outsize role in deciding
ing that action with respect to said, “We’re building a safer, neros and nine-term Rep. Henry cooperating with the probe. . mary said they hoped Mr. the general election because
the deal “is concluded.” smarter, freer and more pros- Cuellar, one of the party’s most On the Republican side, At- O’Rourke would get enough once-a-decade redistricting has
The letter, dated Monday, perous state for everybody.” He conservative members. Ms. Cis- torney General Ken Paxton ad- momentum to succeed in the reduced the number of compet-
was sent by the Treasury De- added, “But we have to fight to neros, who has attracted the vanced to a May runoff, AP general election, and they criti- itive House seats.
partment, which leads the
Cfius panel, to a lawyer for the
Chinese investors. A person
close to the Chinese investors
said the panel didn’t require
California Faces Higher Risk
Of Fires After Two Dry Months
them to sign on to any mitiga-
tion agreement to resolve na-
tional-security issues. P R I VAT E R E S I D E N C E S
An Icon spokesman said:
“We’re pleased to confirm that BY JIM CARLTON estly models never would have
after a monthslong, thorough,
Percentage of California
predicted before,” said David 75
and comprehensive investiga- California’s snowpack has
snowpack on March 1st for
each year compared to normal Rizzardo, hydrology section S O U G H T-AF T E R D E ST I N AT I O N S
tion, Cfius has cleared PDSTI’s shrunk to about two-thirds of manager for the state water
investment in ICON Aircraft.” normal, as the state’s relent- 200% agency.
The Treasury Department less drought produced the dri-
Now, California will have to 1
declined to comment. Mr. Haw- est January and February on
once again brace for two of MEMBERSHIP
kins and a lawyer for the record and raised the likeli- the major consequences of
American shareholders didn’t hood of more wildfires and 150 drought: heightened wildfire
respond to requests for com- deeper water cuts to cities and danger and diminished water
ment on this article. farms. supplies. After 2.6 million
“The most interesting thing A manual survey conducted Normal acres burned last year and a
100 level
to me is that, in this climate, Tuesday by the state Depart- record 4.3 million in 2020,
getting anything through Cfius ment of Water Resources state officials say this year
with a China angle is a chal- showed a snowfield near Lake could be just as bad because
lenge. If there’s a meaningful Tahoe was at 68% of normal. 50 new grass and brush started
element of sensitive technology Electronic readings of snow growing during December and
that is credible, then it’s very across the Sierra Nevada quickly turned dry—a flamma-
unlikely to get through Cfius range, which supplies much of ble combination.
without mitigation,” said John California’s water when it 0 Temperatures have been
Kabealo, founder of Washing- melts, stood at 63% of normal 2002 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20 above normal, too, with San
ton, D.C., firm Kabealo Law, for March 1. With forecasts Source: California Cooperative Snow Surveys
Francisco recording daytime
which wasn’t involved in the showing no major storms on highs of 2.2 degrees higher
Icon case. the horizon, state officials ex- shriveled, as a high pressure than normal in January and
Icon earlier alleged that Mr. pressed little hope that March ridge moved into place along 3.5 higher in February, accord-
Hawkins has been motivated by would make up for the deficit the coast and deflected ing to the National Weather
self-interest. The company re- by the time the California wet storms. Service. Besides raising the
leased to the Journal what it season ends in April. Downtown San Francisco fire danger, Mr. Rizzardo said
said was a strategy document “It’s safe to say we will end recorded 0.65 inches of rain in the warmer temperatures are
emailed by Mr. Hawkins in this [water] year dry,” Sean de January and February, com- melting snow before it can run
March 2020 outlining a plan to Guzman, manager of the pared with a normal of 8.77 off into the state’s reservoirs
threaten to take the case to agency’s snow surveys, said at inches, said National Weather as happened last spring.
Cfius if PDSTI didn’t buy him a briefing after taking the Service meteorologist Drew With major reservoirs such
out of Icon. manual measurement Tuesday. Peterson. as Shasta Lake at 37% of ca-
Asked about that, Mr. Haw- The dry spell comes after State officials blame cli- pacity and Lake Oroville at
kins said PDSTI had offered California experienced one of mate change for the increased 47%, state and federal officials
him and other minority share- its wettest Decembers on re- frequency and severity of have instituted cutbacks to us-
holders a buyout if they helped cord and snow piled up more drought, which is also plagu- ers. The federal Bureau of Rec-
support a Cfius approval. They than 15 feet in the Sierra Ne- ing many other parts of the lamation on Feb. 23 an-
declined, he said, and decided vada. But the statewide snow- American West. “We are see- nounced an initial allocation
to “contact Cfius to ask for pack that measured 154% of ing these extremes we have of 0% to many farmers in the
help.” normal on Jan. 1 steadily never seen before, and hon- state’s Central Valley.

A4 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Judicial Conflicts Spread to Appeals

Cases involving Cisco, tion of a 48-year-old law. The federal charges of conspiring In an appeal in New York, affected nor impacted his deci- would rule in the case, Judge
appeals courts now have to to fix prices, with fines of the Journal identified a finan- sions in this case. However, Morgan had asked the parties
StarKist Tuna and decide whether the conflicts $100 million for StarKist and cial conflict involving federal that stock ownership would for information about dam-
Bank of America are were enough to warrant wip- $25 million for Bumble Bee. Judge Lewis Liman, a Donald have required recusal.” ages, a good omen for Cen-
ing out the rulings by the con- Judge Janis Sammartino in Trump appointee, in a large A lawyer for the plaintiffs tripetal.
among those reviewed flicted judges. 2019 sided with the plaintiffs antitrust class action. said they would consider At a hearing, the judge said
At least 55 cases overseen in certifying a class action, The 2020 suit against 10 whether to seek relief. he would direct his lawyer to
Fallout from federal judges’ by judges with recusal viola- which was overturned by a banks seeks to recover dam- Judge Liman didn’t respond place the shares in blind trust.
violating financial-conflict tions have been appealed, re- three-judge panel in 2021 for ages that plaintiffs say exceed to a request to comment. The He denied Cisco’s recusal
laws is spreading to appeals considered or reassigned. A abusing her discretion in how $10 billion for overcharging bank case is one of 13 lawsuits motion in October 2020 and
courts. Wall Street Journal investiga- she certified the classes. in which the judge, after an in- soon found that the company
tion last year revealed that As the Ninth U.S. Circuit quiry last month from the infringed Centripetal’s patents,
By James V. Grimaldi, more than 130 judges violated Court of Appeal began hearing Journal, asked a clerk to file awarding $1.9 billion in dam-
Joe Palazzolo the financial-conflict law. arguments, the Journal re-
Courts must decide notices to parties in those ages.
and Coulter Jones In considering the viola- ported that Judge Sammar- whether the financial cases saying he should have Cisco appealed to the U.S.
tions, a 1988 U.S. Supreme tino’s husband owned shares disqualified himself. Court of Appeals for the Fed-
In San Diego, StarKist Tuna Court ruling requires courts to of companies of two members
conflicts are enough Judge Henry Morgan in Nor- eral Circuit in Washington,
is seeking to derail a lawsuit consider the risk of injustice of the plaintiff’s class, Target to wipe out rulings. folk, Va., discovered his own fi- D.C. The company has argued
alleging a price-fixing conspir- to litigants if they vacate rul- Corp. and Sysco Corp. nancial conflict in a patent-in- that federal law required
acy costing buyers more than ings, the risk of injustice in StarKist argued that Judge fringement case that Judge Morgan to recuse or his
$1 billion. In New York, con- other cases and the risk of un- Sammartino’s recusal violation Centripetal Networks Inc., a wife to sell her Cisco shares
sumer lawyers want to revive dermining confidence in the was a further reason to throw them on bond purchases. Virginia company, filed against for him to continue to hear
a dismissed case alleging judicial process. Litigants in out her class certification. Judge Liman didn’t disclose Cisco Systems. the case. Lawyers for Centrip-
America’s largest banks de- appeals have leaned on the Lawyers for the class said that a family member owned After a bench trial but be- etal said Judge Morgan made
frauded investors out of more ruling, each side arguing that StarKist’s objection should be as much as $15,000 in Bank of fore issuing an opinion, Judge an ethical decision in moving
than $7 billion in bond deals. the test favors their desired rejected. America Corp., a defendant. Morgan disclosed that he had the Cisco shares to a blind
In Virginia, Cisco Systems outcome. A decision is pending. Last year, Judge Liman granted learned that his wife held trust. The appellate court has
Inc. is challenging a $1.9 bil- StarKist, Bumble Bee and Judge Sammartino, a the motion of defendants in- $4,700 of Cisco stock during yet to issue a decision.
lion patent-infringement judg- Chicken of the Sea were ac- George W. Bush appointee, di- cluding Bank of America to dis- the trial. Lawyers for Centripetal and
ment. cused by retail and commer- rected a clerk to file notices of miss in the case with prejudice. Centripetal raised no objec- Cisco declined to comment.
In each case, federal judges cial buyers of conspiring to in- financial conflicts in 140 cases In a court notice filed Fri- tion to his remaining on the Judge Morgan, a George H.W.
had failed to properly recuse flate tuna prices. The cases after the Journal contacted day, the court clerk wrote of case, but Cisco requested that Bush appointee, didn’t respond
themselves after having finan- were filed as StarKist and her. She didn’t respond to a Judge Liman that his wife’s Judge Morgan step aside. to a request for comment sent
cial ties to litigants in viola- Bumble Bee pleaded guilty to phone message. “ownership of stock neither Though he hadn’t said how he to his chambers.

McConnell Criticizes
Scott Over Tax Proposal
BY LINDSAY WISE curity and Medicare within dates are being asked whether
AND ALEX LEARY five years,” Mr. McConnell told they support the plan. Mr.
reporters Tuesday. “That will Scott is the head of the Na-
WASHINGTON—Senate Mi- not be part of the Republican tional Republican Senatorial
nority Leader Mitch McCon- Senate majority agenda.” Committee but said he re-
nell rebuked a policy agenda With the Senate split 50-50, leased the agenda on his own.
crafted by fellow Republican control of the chamber is at Mr. McConnell said Tuesday
Sen. Rick Scott, saying it stake in the November elec- that a GOP agenda would fo-
would raise taxes on lower-in- tions. Mr. McConnell, who cus “on what the American
come Americans, as Democrats could regain the majority post, people are concerned about:
seized on the proposal for and other Republicans fear that inflation, energy, defense, the
their midterm elections mes- Mr. Scott’s idea could blunt mo- border and crime.”
sage against the GOP. mentum in what looks to be a Mr. Scott’s proposal was
Mr. Scott’s 11-point “Rescue favorable climate for the party. reminiscent of comments by

America” plan was released Mr. Scott, a wealthy former 2012 GOP presidential nomi-
last week and he has paid for Florida governor and business- nee Mitt Romney, who said
television and online advertis- man, was elected in 2018 and that 47% of Americans would
ing. It covers a range of topics, quickly sought to grow a na- vote to re-elect President Ba-
and includes proposals to tional profile. He is seen as a rack Obama because they are
name the border wall after for- possible 2024 presidential can- dependent on the government
mer Republican President Don- didate, should Mr. Trump de- and pay no income tax. Mr.
ald Trump, balance the federal cide against running again. Mr. Scott has denied he would
budget, prohibit the govern- Scott has stayed close to Mr. raise taxes and his plan
ment from asking people to Trump while Mr. McConnell doesn’t provide details, but Sen. Rick Scott, left, and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in Washington on Tuesday. Mr.
disclose their race on any fed- has urged the GOP to move on Mr. McConnell and outside an- McConnell said Mr. Scott’s policy agenda would raise taxes on lower-income Americans.
eral form and sunset all fed- from the former president. Mr. alysts say it could raise taxes.
eral legislation after five years. Trump has encouraged Mr. Mr. Scott reiterated in a cause of basic provisions such use every resource at our dis- ference Tuesday, Mr. McConnell
But a line about taxes gained Scott to challenge Mr. McCon- statement Tuesday that he as limitations on tax for low- posal to make sure voters said that Mr. Scott was behind
the most attention. “All Ameri- nell for the position of party didn’t want to raise taxes. “I do, income earners. Both parties know exactly what Republi- him and could answer to that.
cans should pay some income leader, according to people fa- however, want to have a con- have also supported breaks for cans stand for,” the Demo- But Mr. Scott had left the gag-
tax to have skin in the game, miliar with the discussions. versation about able-bodied older Americans. cratic National Committee said gle moments before, leaving
even if a small amount. Cur- Some senators raised con- Americans who are living off of Democrats and the Biden in launching digital ads. fellow Republican leaders to
rently over half of Americans cerns about Mr. Scott’s pro- government programs instead administration blasted the Mr. McConnell’s statement smirk at the awkwardness.
pay no income tax,” it reads. posal during a private GOP of working, a reality caused by proposal and have sought to Tuesday was an attempt to Republican Gov. Ron DeSan-
“We will not have as part of leadership meeting Monday, Democrat policies,” he said. pressure Republican candi- stop that message from taking tis of Florida, another possible
our agenda a bill that raises according to a person familiar Roughly half of U.S. house- dates to take a position. “This hold. 2024 candidate, has also criti-
taxes on half the American with the discussion, and holds that pay no federal in- is the Republican Party’s offi- After being asked about the cized the idea, though without
people and sunsets Social Se- warned that Republican candi- come tax are exempted be- cial platform, and the DNC will plan during a routine news con- invoking Mr. Scott’s name.

Mr. Biden touted his admin-

President istration’s progress in combat-
ing Covid-19, primarily
through increasing vaccina-
Says Putin tions, and said the nation had
reached a point where the

Misjudged pandemic “need no longer

control our lives.”
Mr. Biden said his adminis-
tration was prepared to deploy
Continued from Page One new vaccines if necessary and
Mr. Putin and his economy. called on Congress to provide
While much of Mr. Biden’s re- funding to ensure tests, masks
marks focused on his domestic and treatments remain readily
agenda, the conflict prompted available. He also announced a
the president and his team to new “test-to-treat” program
focus heavily on the crisis in under which individuals who
Ukraine. test positive at a pharmacy
Most attendees, including could immediately receive an-
Vice President Kamala Harris tiviral pills free of cost.
and House Speaker Nancy Mr. Biden paid tribute to
Pelosi (D., Calif.), went mask- retiring Supreme Court Justice
less after the Capitol physician Stephen Breyer and high-
loosened Covid-19 require- lighted his choice of Judge

ments amid a decline in cases. Ketanji Brown Jackson to

Some lawmakers donned blue serve on the court as her con-
and yellow, the colors of firmation process kicks off.
Ukraine’s flag. Judge Jackson would be the
Mr. Biden said he knew the first Black woman to serve on
news out of Ukraine was alarm- the nation’s high court if she
ing and warned that the inva- is confirmed. “One of our na-
sion would have costs around President Biden delivers his State of the Union address Tuesday, in front of Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. tion’s top legal minds,” Mr. Bi-
the world. He said he under- den said of Judge Jackson,
stood that the country had been better America,” Mr. Biden said. criticized Mr. Biden and Demo- flation took prominent roles in lions of dollars for domestic “who will continue Justice
through a difficult two years Mr. Biden’s administration crats over inflation and called Mr. Biden’s address, the presi- semiconductor production. Breyer’s legacy of excellence.”
and that people were frustrated has taken steps to ease supply on the president to lay out a dent also aimed to reframe his Mr. Biden used the remarks While Republicans ap-
by inflation, which has reached chain-related snarls, but ongo- plan to bring down prices. stalled legislative agenda to reframe parts of his pro- plauded some of Mr. Biden’s
a four-decade high, and other ing issues and high demand Delivering the Republican while reminding people of posed $2 trillion Build Back comments, Rep. Lauren Boe-
economic challenges linked to for goods continued to drive response to Mr. Biden’s what he sees as key accom- Better agenda. That package bert (R., Colo.) interrupted
the Covid-19 pandemic. inflation in January. speech, Iowa Gov. Kim Reyn- plishments—such as the pas- has stalled in part due to con- him as he discussed troops ex-
“I want you to know that we Increasing domestic manu- olds said the president’s plans sage of his Covid-19 relief bill cerns from Sen. Joe Manchin posed to toxic burn pits who
are going to be OK,” he said. facturing has been a goal of were “too little too late.” and bipartisan infrastructure (D., W.Va.) about passing a ended up in coffins. “You put
Mr. Biden, a Democrat, said presidents from both parties, “We are now one year into legislation last year. major spending bill amid de- them in. Thirteen of them,”
inflation had left many fami- but it would take time for sig- his presidency and instead of Mr. Biden said the country cades-high inflation. she said, in an apparent refer-
lies struggling to pay bills. He nificant shifts to take hold, moving America forward, it was entering “an infrastruc- The president urged Con- ence to the Kabul airport at-
argued that the best way to and the movement of produc- feels like President Biden and ture decade” and said the new gress to support capping the tack last August.
counter higher prices is to tion to lower-cost countries is his party have sent us back in law would kick off by starting cost of insulin at $35 a month. The president ended the
boost domestic production of one of many factors that time, to the late ’70s and to fix this year more than To make energy costs more af- night with calls for lawmakers
automobiles and semiconduc- helped keep U.S. inflation rela- early ’80s, when runaway in- 65,000 miles of highway and fordable, he called for invest- of both parties to work on a
tors and rebuild the nation’s tively low in recent decades. flation was hammering fami- 1,500 bridges in disrepair. ments and tax credits to allow “unity agenda” for the country,
roads and bridges, prompting The president’s job approval lies, a violent crime wave was He tied the infrastructure homeowners to weatherize focused on beating the opioid
chants of “U.S.A.” in the rating stood at 41.1% Tuesday, crashing our cities and the spending to the need to better and to lower the price of elec- epidemic, addressing mental
chamber. according to FiveThirtyEight’s Soviet Army was trying to re- compete with China. He also tric vehicles. He also urged health and ending cancer.
“Economists call it ‘increas- aggregation of polls, down draw the world map,” Ms. pitched a China-focused bill lawmakers to take up a pro- —John McKinnon, Eliza
ing the productive capacity of from 53% in January 2021. Reynolds said. that hasn’t passed Congress posal to cut child-care costs Collins and Natalie Andrews
our economy.’ I call it building a Republicans have repeatedly While foreign policy and in- that would include tens of bil- for families. contributed to this article.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A5


A6 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.S. Faces Hurdles as It Rushes In Arms
A tight time frame, Lithuania to deliver American- to-government transfer, ap-
made Stinger antiaircraft mis- pears to be the primary mecha-
limited supply routes siles to Kyiv. nism for the U.S. to get
and compatibility Several other countries are weapons into Ukraine. U.S. offi-
working to coordinate and de- cials have declined to say what
issues pose challenges liver contributions of defensive has been sent since Russia in-
weapons to Ukraine, a Euro- vaded Ukraine or how often its
BY NANCY A. YOUSSEF pean diplomat said Monday, shipments are traveling to
AND COURTNEY MCBRIDE and U.S. European Command is Ukraine out of fear Russia
involved in this effort. could attempt to stop them.
U.S. efforts to provide “The bigger challenge now is One challenge, however, is
Ukraine weapons to battle the not necessarily getting the of- providing equipment that
Russian invasion are compli- fers or the equipment, it’s get- Ukrainians can use. The Ukrai-
cated by limited supply lines, a ting the equipment into nian military is largely armed
potentially small window to Ukraine and into the hands of with Soviet-era guns that use
save Kyiv from collapse and a the people who need it,” the different caliber and shaped
Cold War legacy that made diplomat said. “With a particu- ammunition from similar U.S.

Western small arms ammuni- lar priority for antitank and an- weapons. Ukrainian citizens
tion incompatible with those tiair capabilities, but also cer- this week have been photo-
produced in the Eastern Bloc. tain types of ammunition.” graphed carrying an AK-74, an
While acknowledging the Efforts are under way to updated Russian version of
challenges moving weapons move equipment into Ukraine the assault rifle, which uses a
into Ukraine amid escalating via the “limited ingress points” different size caliber than
Russian attacks, the Pentagon available, the diplomat said. standard-issue U.S. military
believes U.S. and Western assis- Alongside the U.S. Army’s 18th weapons.
tance is proving effective. “We Airborne Corps, European gov- Javelin antitank missiles, delivered to Ukraine last month as part of a U.S. military support package. “Small differences can make
believe it is getting into the ernments are working to estab- the weapon inoperable,” said
right hands, that they are ac- lish a sort of “international do- hitchhiking to join the was also implicated in an at- vision gear, armored vests and Peter A. Wilson, adjunct senior
tively using these systems,” a nor coordination center” that fight. These shipments haven't tack on Czech weapons depots helmets and antitank missile national security analyst at the
senior defense official said would establish lines of contact been hidden; rather, the Polish that supplied Ukraine. systems. RAND Corporation.
Tuesday. for countries seeking to provide government has openly boasted Ukraine’s only ammunition A State Department spokes- While the U.S. has sent sev-
On Saturday, the Biden ad- materiel to Ukraine, while re- of sending lethal aid to Ukraine. plant is located in an area that man said the U.S. and its allies eral shipments of weapons and
ministration said that Washing- ducing the strain on local More arms and ammunition has been under Russian con- and partners “are utilizing all ammunition toward Ukraine
ton would provide up to an ad- forces. are expected to flow through trol since 2014. available security cooperation since the invasion began, small
ditional $350 million in The Pentagon has said it has Poland’s overland routes, or Oleksandra Ustinova, a tools to expedite security assis- arms going to Ukraine are likely
additional military aid to had no U.S. aircraft flying in those of neighboring countries, member of the Ukrainian Par- tance to Ukraine,” adding that not U.S.-made but rather ob-
Ukraine, including lethal defen- Ukrainian airspace since the as Western governments shell liament, said Tuesday on the U.S. welcomes other na- tained from other U.S.-allied
sive assistance to Kyiv. Feb. 24 invasion. Instead, some out hundreds of millions of dol- MSNBC that the government tions’ contributions to and former Soviet states like
The weapons Washington in- of the more than 5,500 U.S. lars to send Ukraine’s army had to turn away volunteer Ukraine’s self-defense. Romania, Poland and Bulgaria
tends to provide to Ukraine in- troops currently stationed in fresh equipment. soldiers because “we ran out While citing prohibitions that had excess amounts in
clude U.S.-made Javelin anti- Poland are at the Polish-Ukrai- Despite the influx from Eu- of guns. We literally don’t against confirming or com- storage, Mr. Wilson said.
tank weapons, Stinger nian border where some of the rope during the past six days, have helmets, bulletproof menting on specific cases, the After the Cold War, “there
antiaircraft missiles as well as shipments are traveling from. Ukrainian officials have repeat- vests. We don’t have basic spokesman said the U.S. efforts was a downsizing and modern-
small arms and ammunition, In Poland, for days, convoys edly said they are short on am- guns to fight with.” include direct commercial sales ization of these armies which
U.S. officials said. of military transport trucks, es- munition and other small arms. In a Feb. 28 letter reviewed of defense articles to Ukraine. led to a lot of this ammunition
The U.S. has previously sent corted by police vehicles, have Several Ukrainian weapons by The Wall Street Journal, The drawdown on military and weapons to remain in stor-
Javelins among other battle- been headed over land to the depots were destroyed after Ukrspecexport, a state-owned assistance the administration age,” Mr. Wilson said.
field systems, and in January Polish border with Ukraine, 2014 in accidents Kyiv blamed arms trading company, re- announced over the weekend, —Drew Hinshaw
gave approval for Latvia and passing young Ukrainian men on Russian sabotage. Russia quested urgent supply of night- which allows for government- contributed to this article.

U.S. Set Zelensky Urges EU to Prove ‘You Are With Us’


Airspace BRUSSELS—Amid intensify-

ing Russian attacks on

To Russia Ukraine, the country’s presi-

dent delivered an emotional
video address to the European
BY ALISON SIDER Parliament, telling European
AND ANDREW TANGEL Union leaders that his compa-
triots are dying to achieve
The U.S. government will freedom and equality.
ban Russian aircraft from “We are giving our lives for
American airspace, broadening the right to be equal,” Ukrai-
aviation restrictions as the nian President Volod-
West expands sanctions over ymyr Zelensky told the special
the war in Ukraine, President session of the EU’s legislature.
Biden said Tuesday during his “Prove that you are with us
State of the Union address. and will not let us go.”
“Tonight I am announcing Unshaven and clad in a
that we will join our allies in green army T-shirt, seated in
closing off American air space front of a blank wall next to a
to all Russian flights—further Ukrainian flag, Mr. Zelensky
isolating Russia—and adding spoke extemporaneously for
an additional squeeze on their more than seven minutes and
economy,” Mr. Biden said. made a point that he wasn’t
Orders blocking Russian air- delivering prepared remarks.
craft and airlines from entering “I don’t read off the sheet

U.S. airspace will be effective because the paper phase in the

by the end of Wednesday, the life of my country has ended,”
Transportation Department he said, waving a sheet of pa-
and Federal Aviation Adminis- per. “We’re dealing with killed
tration said Tuesday evening. people, with real life, you
The sweeping orders will know?”
mean any plane owned, certi- Mr. Zelensky reiterated a European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, right, applauds Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech Tuesday.
fied, operated, registered, char- recent call for the EU to grant
tered, leased or controlled by, Ukraine membership. In com- which would need to approve the two countries and has is the price of freedom.” ensky said. “He killed 16 peo-
for, or for the benefit of a per- ments following Mr. Zelensky’s the candidacy, discussed more than 20 universities. In Mr. Zelensky also said Rus- ple just yesterday,” he said of
son who is a citizen of Russia address, European Council Ukraine’s EU bid on Monday. its center is Freedom Square, sian forces killed 16 children Mr. Putin.
will be prohibited from flying President Charles Michel— Mr. Zelensky said two the largest square in Ukraine on Monday, even though Rus- “We are fighting for our
over the U.S., the agencies said. who represents the leaders of cruise missiles had hit and, Mr. Zelensky said, the sian President Vladimir Putin rights. For our freedom. For
The prohibition applies to the 27 EU countries—said the Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-larg- largest in Europe. has said his forces are target- our lives,” Mr. Zelensky said.
scheduled and charter passen- Ukrainian request to be a can- est city, on Tuesday morning, “Can you imagine, this ing military installations and “And now we are fighting for
ger and cargo flights. didate for EU member- killing dozens of people. He morning two cruise missiles infrastructure. our survival.”
The U.S. move follows ear- ship should be given serious explained that the city, near hit this Freedom Square, with “Where are our children? The address received a
lier prohibitions by European consideration. Officials from Russia, has long been a point dozens killed at once,” Mr. Zel- What kind of military factories standing ovation that lasted
and Canadian authorities. The the bloc’s member states, of friendly exchange between ensky said, visibly angry. “This do they work at?” Mr. Zel- for more than a minute.
restrictions, which Russia has
retaliated against by issuing a
similar ban on European and
Canadian flights, have choked
off Russia’s access to large
swaths of the world as its inva-
Apple, Ford, Boeing Join Companies Bailing Out
sion of Ukraine escalates. BY WILLIAM BOSTON there. All that has some compa- bus SE and other aircraft being Zwickau, Germany, its most im- the Russian market until further
Reciprocal flight bans have AND ALISTAIR MACDONALD nies with deep Russian roots exported to Russia, alongside a portant factory for producing notice,” a spokesman said. BMW
upended global aviation net- reviewing their interests in the ban of Russian carriers from EU electric cars, including the ID.4 also said that supply-chain dis-
works, forcing airlines to scrap Apple Inc., Ford Motor Co., country. airspace. Boeing’s move adds to that is exported to the U.S. ruptions, such as the closure of
flights and take more circu- Boeing Co. and Dell Technolo- Apple said Tuesday it the challenges for Russian air- Supplies of wiring harnesses— some supplier plants in Ukraine,
itous routes. gies Inc. joined the roster of stopped selling iPhones and lines to continue operating a a kit containing wires, connec- would hit production at some
After the European and Ca- companies retreating from Rus- other products in Russia, say- fleet of more than 700 West- tors and terminals to connect a factories.
nadian restrictions, Aeroflot- sia, while other global busi- ing it was “deeply concerned ern-built aircraft. car’s components—have been Dell said it suspended prod-
Russian Airlines PJSC, the nesses, including Volkswagen about the Russian invasion of Ford on Tuesday said it was interrupted. uct sales in Russia. Ericsson
country’s national flag carrier, AG, warned of further supply Ukraine.” Although production at Volks- AB, the Swedish telecom-equip-
said it had halted all its flights disruptions following the coun- Silicon Valley’s tech giants wagen’s Wolfsburg plant is run- ment maker, said it, too, was
to European destinations. Aer- try’s invasion of Ukraine. have been facing particular ning normally, the auto maker suspending shipments there.
oflot said the closure of Can- The moves were wide rang- pressure to cut off services
Apple said it has said it expects more restrictive The world’s biggest container
ada’s airspace meant it would ing and reflected several dy- and content to Russia. On Fri- stopped selling production next week and that it ship operators—A.P. Moller-
also cancel trans-Atlantic namics that have played out day, Ukraine’s vice prime min- would be “unable to manufacture Maersk AS and Mediterranean
routes, including flights to the since Russian President Vladi- ister, Mykhailo Fedorov, asked
iPhones and other in Wolfsburg” the week after. Shipping Co.—said they would
U.S., Mexico and Cuba, from mir Putin invaded Ukraine last Apple Chief Executive Tim products in Russia. Production at its commercial ve- temporarily suspend services to
Feb. 28 through March 2. Aero- week. Some companies have Cook to stop supplying Apple hicles plant in Hannover would Russian ports, even those far
flot said earlier Tuesday that it signaled they wanted to take a products and services to Rus- also be impacted, as well as its from the conflict in Ukraine.
plans to operate some flights stand against Russia. At the sia, including halting access to component factories, the com- Maersk said Tuesday it was
from Mexico and the Domini- same time, key parts and com- the App Store. suspending its joint-venture pany said. halting bookings in light of the
can Republic to help Russians modities that typically flow out Boeing said Tuesday that it operations in Russia, citing Bayerische Motoren Werke sanctions imposed on Russia.
return home. of Ukraine, a major agricultural has suspended parts and main- concern over the invasion of AG, the German luxury-car Both operators said they would
U.S. passenger carriers don’t exporter and an auto-parts sup- tenance support for Russian Ukraine. maker, said it had stopped ex- continue to move foodstuffs to
operate nonstop flights to Rus- plier, have been bottled up in- airlines and suspended its oper- Volkswagen, meanwhile, ports of vehicles to Russia and and from Russia.
sia, but its airspace is part of a side the country. ations in Moscow, further re- said it may shutter its flagship would cease assembly of vehi- —Tim Higgins, Costas Paris
corridor for many long-haul Sanctions against Russia, stricting its ties and adding German plant later this month cles with a partner in Kalinin- and Nora Eckert
flights to Asia, including air- prohibiting a wide range of fi- more barriers to the country’s because it can’t get parts from grad. contributed to this article.
cargo services. nancial transactions and ex- carriers’ ability to fly. suppliers in war-torn Ukraine. “Due to the current geopoliti-
—Doug Cameron ports, have businesses halting European Union sanctions Volkswagen had previously cal situation we will stop our lo-  Exxon will halt investments
contributed to this article. sales and other operations last week barred parts for Air- idled production at its plant in cal production and export for in Russia.................................... A10

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A7


A Ukrainian woman sat with her sick daughter on Monday within a temporary shelter made in the basement of the Okhmatdyt pediatric hospital in Kyiv. Bullets have hit the hospital’s windows.

In a Kyiv Hospital, Children Suffer Doubly


KYIV, Ukraine—Krystyna
Krayevska came to Kyiv from
Poland, where she normally
lives and works, for her niece
Darynka’s sixth birthday in
January. A few days later,
Darynka was diagnosed with a
brain tumor and, after compli-
cations following surgery, now


lies on life support in
Ukraine’s largest children’s
hospital, Okhmatdyt.
A clash just outside the
medical facility between ad-
vancing Russian units and
Ukrainian forces over the
weekend left bullet holes in
some of the hospital’s win-
dows. Darynka, unable to
breathe on her own, remains
in the pediatric intensive-care
unit upstairs. Ms. Krayevska
spends her days on a cot in a Disruptions caused by the war are already exacting a heavy toll
basement that has been con- on pediatric patients at the hospital. Left: A woman holds her
verted into a bomb shelter, child in the hospital’s basement shelter Monday. Above: A nurse
next to other parents and chil- and a mother taking care of sick children in the facility.
dren who could be moved to
its relative safety. Ukraine in its attempt to cap- war are already exacting a praying for us, and not doing greeting of Spanish antifascists fighting until my last breath,”
“I live in fear, but not for ture the capital and decapitate heavy toll, said the hospital’s much else. Ukraine, unfortu- during the siege of Madrid in he said. “But for now my duty
myself. Every morning I wake its democratically elected gov- director, Volodymyr Zhovnyakh. nately, is on its own.” 1936 and said, “No Pasaran!” or is here.”
up, cross myself and pray that ernment, doctors here are Diabetic children usually served The breakdown in Kyiv’s “They shall not pass!” Madrid Sharing the basement with
nothing hits the ICU room,” bracing for an influx of casual- by the hospital can no longer public-transport system—the eventually fell in 1939. him was Ludmyla Kmetyuk, an
she said as yet another air- ties, children and adults alike. get insulin, and others have no metro is now used as a bomb In the basement shelter of entrepreneur from the western
raid siren rang out, warning of An entire area of the hospital access to baby formula. Some shelter—means doctors and the Okhmatdyt hospital, Va- Ukrainian town of Khmelny-
an incoming Russian airstrike complex, which usually caters 10 children used to be operated other staff have a hard time lentyn Vetrov has been staying tsky. Her 8-year-old son, Yaro-
on this ancient city. “She is to 20,000 children a year, has on in Okhmatdyt for appendici- getting to work. They are now since Thursday with his 1- slav, just had surgery for a
fighting for her life, up there, already been converted into an tis every day, compared with arranging to travel together in year-old son, Ilya, who has had brain tumor and needs physi-
and we down here are fighting emergency trauma ward. one a day now, he added. shared cars, and often sleep in more than 20 surgeries to fix cal therapy and other special-
for our own lives, thanks to “We hope it won’t happen, “These children are still the hospital’s basement. Vol- birth defects. His eldest son is ized care to be able to move
the Russian soldiers.” but we are getting ready for here, but they cannot get help unteers bring in water and fighting in the Ukrainian army, on his own. That is impossible
Kyiv hasn’t experienced the the mass bombing of civilians because they cannot reach the food. On Tuesday morning, a he said. His wife and five now, and Yaroslav lays listless
kind of indiscriminate shelling here, too,’ said Okhmatdyt sur- hospital, and they are just dy- local franchise of Domino’s de- other children have remained on a blanket in the basement.
of civilian neighborhoods that geon Volodymyr Vovkun. “We ing at home,” Mr. Zhovnyakh livered a van full of pizzas for behind in the Azov Sea town “What a shock. I never
devastated the country’s sec- are watching the news and said. “What is happening now patients and staff. of Berdyansk, which is now oc- imagined that they would do
ond-largest city, Kharkiv, on know that the situation is get- in Ukraine is a humanitarian Asked by a surgeon about cupied by Russian troops. this to us,” Ms. Kmetyuk said.
Monday and Tuesday. But as ting worse.” catastrophe caused by the war. her mood on Tuesday, one of “If not for the baby, I would “Why? What have we done to
Russia pours new forces into Disruptions caused by the The world is watching us, the nurses raised her fist in a be on the front lines too, them?”

Locals Use Images of Dead Russians as a War Tactic

BY JAMES MARSON speaking in Russian in a video nashenkov. He said Russian tions in eastern Ukraine with
AND MATTHEW LUXMOORE on Look for Yours. “Those are losses were significantly lower unmarked troops in 2014 and
the horrors of war launched than those on the Ukrainian 2015.

Images that the Kremlin by your president.” side. Authorities at first denied
doesn’t want Russians to see The Ukrainian channel Ukraine estimates that any involvement, then sug-
flash up every few minutes on shows videos of Russian pris- more than 5,000 Russian sol- gested any Russian soldiers
a Ukrainian channel on the oners, including several saying diers have died in combat and there were on vacation. When
Telegram messaging app that their commanders aban- more than 200 have been Ukraine captured a unit of
called Look for Yours. doned them and that they had taken prisoner. Those figures paratroopers, Russian officials
In one, the body of a man in been sent to Belarus for mili- couldn’t be independently ver- said they had got lost and
camouflage uniform lies rigid tary exercises last month not ified. strayed over the border.
in a snowy field, with mangled knowing that they would be Since the beginning of the This time, Russian media
flesh and blood where his face invading Ukraine. new, full-scale invasion last has played down the invasion
used to be. “Unidentified,” Russia has long paraded week, senior Ukrainian offi- and fighting, using Mr. Putin’s
reads the caption. Ukrainian prisoners on state cials including President Vo- euphemism of a “special mili-
The channel and a website, television. On Sunday, it lodymyr Zelensky, have re- tary operation” aimed at halt-
run by officials from Ukraine’s showed what it described as peatedly appealed to Russians ing what they falsely portray
interior ministry, focus on what the interrogation of a Ukrai- to protest against the war. as a Ukrainian assault.
Kyiv sees as a Russian vulnera- nian soldier taken prisoner. The online efforts take a Some parents of Russian
bility: morale on the home The International Commit- A Russian tank, destroyed by Ukrainian forces, in Lugansk region. more pugnacious tone. conscripts and professional
front and in the ranks of the tee of the Red Cross says that On the Look for Yours web- soldiers sent into Ukraine have
military. For days at the start of under international law, com- he said were being treated bor from a hostile Western- site, Mr. Andrusiv, the interior started a campaign to locate
Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, batants must treat captured or well and receiving medical backed government that is ministry official, appealed to their sons.
Russian officials denied they killed soldiers humanely. care if needed. holding ordinary Ukrainians relatives of Russian soldiers. The Soldiers’ Mothers’
were facing significant popular “They must be protected, He said the government ini- hostage. “Do everything you can to end Committee, a Russian nongov-
resistance and said no Russians particularly against acts of vi- tiative was aimed at helping That stance has become this war, and so that your chil- ernmental organization, has
had been killed. olence or intimidation and Russians find and get in touch harder to maintain as dren, husbands and sons don’t been fielding calls at its
Some pictures and videos against insults and public curi- with relatives in the military Ukraine’s military has battled die in our country,” he said. branches across the country
on Look for Yours depict grue- osity,” said an ICRC spokes- who had been sent into tenaciously and ordinary citi- In one video, a blindfolded from relatives seeking infor-
some scenes of charred woman. “We call on all sides Ukraine. Ukraine’s Defense zens have joined the fight, man speaks on a cellphone mation about their loved ones.
corpses and twisted bodies to handle the dead with re- Ministry has opened a hotline, causing the Russian offensive proffered by his captors. “I’ve lost count of how
amid wrecked vehicles. They spect and refrain from display- called “Return Alive from to stall and casualties to “Mum, I’m a prisoner in many people have called,” said
also show videos of prisoners ing dead bodies on open Ukraine” for Russians looking mount. On Sunday, the Russian Ukraine,” he says. Svetlana Golub, the organiza-
and identification documents sources as it causes additional for relatives. Defense Ministry said for the “How can it be?” a female tion’s head. “A mother might
of the captured and dead. pain to their families.” The Russian Defense Minis- first time that service mem- voice responds. call, then a grandmother, then
“Unfortunately, it’s not pos- Vadym Denysenko, a try didn’t respond to a request bers had been killed. Russia has long tried to ob- a father, then the nephew,
sible to recognize the person spokesman for the Ukrainian to comment. “Unfortunately there are scure the extent of its military friends and everyone else. Our
in every photograph,” says interior ministry, said Ukraine Russian President Vladimir dead and wounded among our operations in Ukraine, which hotline is inundated, and we
Viktor Andrusiv, a Ukrainian wasn’t violating the rights of Putin has told Russians that comrades,” said the ministry’s included its seizing of Crimea try to speak with everyone
interior ministry official, the dead or prisoners, whom they are liberating their neigh- spokesman, Maj. Gen. Igor Ko- and direct military interven- and listen.”

A8 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


ICC Opens Probe Into Possible War Crimes

BY JESS BRAVIN Kremlin spokesman Dmitry in pursuing the investigation, 1990s, to replace ad hoc tribu- George W. Bush withdrew en- Trump administration, fear-
Peskov said Russia “categori- put Ukraine’s request on hold. nals the United Nations estab- tirely over similar concerns. ing a possible investigation
The International Criminal cally rejects” the investigation, Russia’s February invasion lished to prosecute humanitar- Russia likewise signed but into allegations of American
Court opened an investigation noting that Russia isn’t part of changed that calculus. Mr. ian offenses in the Yugoslavia didn’t ratify the Rome Statute, war crimes in Afghanistan,
into possible war crimes in the ICC, the Tass news service Khan, a British lawyer who in and Rwanda conflicts. Presi- and in 2016 withdrew alto- banned the ICC’s then-prose-
Ukraine, an early step in a reported. June began a nine-year term as dent Bill Clinton signed the gether after the ICC classified cutor and a senior aide from
process that potentially could Ukraine has been seeking the ICC’s third prosecutor, said Moscow’s annexation of Cri- the U.S. and imposed other
lead to Russian President an ICC investigation since the effort would require sup- mea as an occupation. sanctions. Then-U.S. Secre-
Vladimir Putin and other 2014, after Russia annexed port from world governments. The U.S. and Russia did tary of State Mike Pompeo
Kremlin leaders being charged Crimea. In 2019 the court “I will continue to closely
The U.S. and Russia support U.N. Security Council called the court “a thoroughly
at The Hague. prosecutor’s office found rea- follow developments on the have had erratic referrals of two cases to the broken and corrupted institu-
ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan sonable basis to believe that ground in Ukraine, and again ICC, those involving Sudan’s tion” and said the U.S. “will
said this week he would start war crimes—including inten- call for restraint and strict ad-
relationships with the Darfur region, in 2005, and not tolerate its illegitimate
an investigation “as rapidly as tional targeting of civilians herence to the applicable rules international court. Libya in 2011. The ICC holds attempts to subject Ameri-
possible,” encompassing viola- and sexual violence—had been of international humanitarian jurisdiction in states that cans to its jurisdiction.”
tions already compiled as well committed in eastern regions law,” he said. have ratified the Rome Stat- No Americans have been
as “any new alleged crimes where Russian-backed separat- Both the U.S. and Russia ute or accepted the court’s charged in any ICC proceed-
falling within the jurisdiction ists were fighting the central have had erratic relationships Rome Statute of the ICC with authority for more limited ing, and the Biden administra-
of my Office that are commit- government. But the prosecu- with the ICC. Washington reservations because the purposes—as has Ukraine—or tion canceled the sanctions
ted by any party to the con- tor’s office, strapped by other helped lead negotiations to treaty didn’t give the U.S. when the Security Council re- last year.
flict on any part of the terri- cases and facing obstacles in- create a permanent interna- power to block investigations fers a case to it. —William Mauldin
tory of Ukraine.” cluding the Covid-19 pandemic tional war-crimes court in the of its personnel. President In September 2020, the contributed to this article.

Hit Hard
By Shelling
Continued from Page One
dents to leave some areas of
the capital ahead of bombing.
A video of the aftermath of a
shelling, shared by a resident of
a residential district in the
northeast of Kherson, showed a
crater, blood and body parts.
The man who shot the video
noted a body had been torn in
“Can you tell me what hap-
pened here?” asked another
stunned man in the video. “My
relative lives here.”
Shocked residents sheltered
in basements amid explosions
and gunfire as armored vehi-
cles rolled through the streets.
“The situation is awful,” Maria
Masonkova, a graduate student,
wrote in a text message. “We
are in a trap.”
She sheltered in her base-
ment in Kherson’s Severnyi dis-

trict on Tuesday along with

family, friends and a dog. “In
some districts already there is
no light and water,” Ms. Ma-
sonkova wrote. “The city is
closed. We all stay at home,
with no ability to go out. Dan-
Doctors at Ukraine’s largest
children’s hospital, Okhmatdyt,
are bracing for an influx of ca-
sualties. An entire area of the
hospital complex, which usually
caters to 20,000 children a
year, has already been con-
verted into an emergency
trauma ward.
“It’s just so vile,” said Top left, travelers in Lviv, in western Ukraine, near the Polish border. Top right, a line of cars wait to go through a police checkpoint. Above, people at the Lviv train
Okhmatdyt surgeon Volodymyr station. If the situation escalates, four million people could flee Ukraine, the U.N.'s refugee agency said.
Vovkun. “We hope it won’t hap-
pen, but we are getting ready Shops were closed, and people from the outside world, so In western Ukraine, which crises for almost 40 years and Number of Ukrainians crossing
for the mass bombing of civil- rode bikes or walked on the we’re not counting on any food has seen less violence, cities I have rarely seen such an in- into neighboring countries
ians here, too. We are watching roads leading west. any time soon.” He is trying to sent food, medication and credibly fast-rising exodus of
the news and know that the sit- Late last week, Ukrainian limit his meals to small por- clothes eastward. Volunteers in people—the largest, surely, Poland
uation is getting worse.” soldiers blew up the bridge that tions of pasta. “I only have the Bukovyna region loaded within Europe, since the Balkan 377,400
The situation drew criticism connects the town of Irpin with three bags left. I hope it lasts vans with aid bound for the wars,” Filippo Grandi, the head
including from countries that Kyiv to prevent Russian troops me for a while.” southern city of Mykolayiv, of the U.N. High Commissioner
had supported Russia. Chinese from entering the capital. That Fozzy Group, the country’s where Russian troops have ad- for Refugees, told the U.N. Se- 89,561
Foreign Minister Wang Yi, has left the city cut off from largest supermarket chain, has vanced. They said they would curity Council on Monday. Moldova
speaking to his Ukrainian coun- deliveries and running out of plenty of food, including fresh bring orphaned children back Olena Sturrock, who left
terpart, said China is “ex- food. produce including cucumbers from that region. Kyiv for Cyprus before the vio-
tremely concerned about harm Felix Tahami, who worked and tomatoes, sitting in ware- In other western cities, vol- lence began, said her mother, Slovakia
to civilians,” according to a with a Ukrainian food distribu- houses, according to a spokes- unteers made dried-fruit bars who is still in the city, has tired 54,304
statement posted on the Chi- tor near Kyiv, said deliveries man. But a shortage of drivers and varenyky, a kind of filled of going up and down the stairs
nese Foreign Ministry’s website. are currently impossible in and loaders, active fighting on dumpling, to be sent eastward. to the bomb shelter in the Other European countries*
Abandoned cars littered the many places. “Elsewhere entire roads, and a gasoline shortage The United Nations’ refugee basement of her building. 51,797
median strip of the main roads villages have been cut off. are making it impossible to get agency said 660,000 refugees She talks to her daily by
There’s no chance for the fore- goods to stores. had fled Ukraine as of early phone. But over the weekend Romania
out of Kyiv. People were stand-
ing on the side of the road try- seeable future,” he said. “It’ll The ATB grocery store chain Tuesday, 110,000 more than a her mother said a last goodbye, 38,461
ing to hitch a ride west, said just get worse.” He said people is dealing with a labor short- U.N. official estimated on Mon- just in case. “I love you very Belarus
others who made the trip. in towns like Irpin can hope age, in part because so many of day night. If the situation esca- much,” her mother said. Ms.
Amid the jam of vehicles only for deliveries from volun- its workers are volunteering for lates, four million people could Sturrock told her she will be 329
leaving the city center, traffic teers. armed forces to fight the Rus- flee Ukraine, the agency said. fine and they will all be to- *Breakdown isn’t available for all countries
moved at 5 to 10 miles an hour Dmitry Sayuk, 34, said store sian advance, said spokesman The World Food Program, a gether when it is over. Note: As of Tuesday; individual country data
for long parts of the day. Lines shelves are mostly empty. “Ev- Sergey Demchenko. Other em- U.N. agency, is scaling up to be —Liyan Qi, Yaroslav Trofimov does not include people passing through the
border to go to other countries.
at gas stations snaked hun- erything has been bought up,” ployees are afraid to come out able to feed 3.1 million people. and Alan Cullison contributed Source: UNHCR compilation of government
dreds of yards along the road. he said. “We’ve been cut off of their shelters, he said. “I have worked in refugee to this article. reports

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A9



Continued from Page One
Ukraine’s second-largest city,
showed a missile landing just
outside the local government’s
headquarters at 8:01 a.m. local
time, with a fireball charring
nearby buildings and cars.
Ukraine’s national emergency
service said seven people were
killed and 24 injured in the
Later in the day, additional
Russian airstrikes hit
Kharkiv’s residential neighbor-
hoods, killing more than 10 ci-
vilians, local authorities said.
“A missile targeting the
central square of a city is
open, undisguised terrorism,”
said President Volodymyr Zel-
ensky of Ukraine, adding that
numerous children had died in
other attacks. “It’s terrorism
that aims to break us, to break
our resistance.”
The strike came amid signs
that Russia’s military forces
were pausing their advance on
Kyiv, having encountered a
range of obstacles since enter-
ing Ukraine. A senior U.S. de-
fense official said the Russian
advance has stalled amid food der temporary military admin-
and fuel shortages, Ukrainian istration, naming Gen. Mykola
resistance and slower-than-ex- Zhernov to oversee the city
pected troop movement to- alongside elected Mayor Vitali
ward Kyiv. Klitschko.
The Russians “are regroup- Russian forces overnight
ing and trying to adjust to the encircled the southern city of
challenges they have had,” the Kherson, establishing check-
U.S. official said. points around it, local authori-
An airstrike on the capital’s ties said.
iconic television tower on Video footage showed Rus-
Tuesday afternoon killed five sian patrols detaining local
people who were nearby and men.
injured another five, Ukraine’s Protests began to break out
state emergency service said. in the few Ukrainian towns un-
It also temporarily disabled der Russian occupation. In the
the broadcasting ability of town of Kupyansk, east of
Ukraine’s central TV channels, Kharkiv, several dozen un-
Ukraine’s communications au- armed local residents took to
thority said. The authority the streets with Ukrainian
said it would switch on re- flags, with some trying to stop
serve broadcast facilities. a Russian military vehicle.
The TV tower, erected in Similar protests took place
1973, stands in the Babyn Yar on Monday in the newly Rus-
area, where much of Kyiv’s sian-occupied town of
Jewish population was massa- Berdyansk.
cred by the Nazis during In the eastern Sumy region,
World War II. regional governor Dmytro
President Vladimir Putin of Zhyvytski said a salvo from
Russia has said his goal is to Russian rocket launchers in
“de-Nazify” Ukraine, falsely the town of Akhtyrka killed as
claiming that Mr. Zelensky, many as 70 Ukrainian soldiers.
who is Jewish, is beholden to In the large southern city of
U.S.-guided neo-Nazis. Mariupol, which advancing
“Putin seeking to distort Russian missiles targeted the regional administration building, top, in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, on Tuesday. The national Russian forces have nearly en-
and manipulate the Holocaust emergency service said seven people were killed in the shelling, including one carried from the building, above, and 24 injured. circled, most neighborhoods
to justify an illegal invasion of were without power or heat-
a sovereign democratic coun- jugate its rebellious province Kharkiv last week and then where Ukrainian volunteers in control of Ukraine’s airspace, ing Tuesday morning after
try is utterly abhorrent. It is of Chechnya in 1999-2000. The killed or captured a unit of 2014 displayed the remains of leading Russian forces to shift Russian shelling hit electricity
symbolic that he starts attack- new barrages indicate that Russian troops that entered a Russian rocket that hit the to nighttime operations in an substations, local authorities
ing Kyiv by bombing the site this relative restraint is falling the city over the weekend. city of Kramatorsk in the east- attempt to reduce losses. said.
of the Babyn Yar, the biggest away as Moscow seeks to On Monday, Russian forces ern Donbas region, where “The use of heavy artillery “Enemy forces are coming
of Nazi massacres,” said Na- crush Ukrainian resistance. unleashed a barrage of rocket Ukrainian troops have been at in densely populated urban ar- at Mariupol from all direc-
than Sharansky, the chairman Heavy fighting continued fire against residential neigh- war with Russian-backed eas greatly increases the risk tions, destroying our infra-
of the Babyn Yar Holocaust throughout Ukraine on Tues- borhoods in Kharkiv, killing at forces for the past eight years. of civilian casualties,” defense structure, killing our women,
Memorial Center and a former day, with Russian forces ad- least 10 civilians, including “Is Kharkiv Next?” read a intelligence said. children and elderly, and call-
Israeli deputy prime minister vancing in the country’s south three children and their par- banner that used to stand on Air-raid sirens and the thud ing it a war to liberate us,”
who was born in Donetsk, and trying to push into Kyiv. ents who were incinerated in a the spot before the Russian in- of explosions sounded all Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boy-
Ukraine. A large column of Russian car struck by a Russian projec- morning in Kyiv. chenko said in a video address
In an emotional video ad- forces kept heading toward tile, and injuring at least 40, Video footage released by recorded Tuesday morning.
dress to the European Parlia- Kyiv from the northwest, U.S. Kharkiv officials said. Ukrainian news channels on Later in the day, Russia
ment on Tuesday, Mr. Zelensky officials said. Satellite imagery Some 87 Kharkiv apartment
The Kharkiv strike Tuesday showed about a shelled several of the city’s
said Ukrainians were dying in from Maxar Technologies buildings have been damaged, came amid signs dozen smoldering Russian mil- residential high-rises, he said.
a struggle for the country’s showed a long convoy of vehi- and several parts of Kharkiv itary vehicles with “V” identi- In the western Ukrainian
survival. “We are giving our cles snaking toward Russia’s no longer have water, electric-
Russia was pausing fying signs in the town of city of Lviv, Dmytro Bugo-
lives for the right to be equal,” forward positions. However, ity or heating, Mayor Ihor Ter- the advance on Kyiv. Borodyanka, along the route of slavskyi, director of retail for
he said, unshaven and wearing the front line in the battle for ekhov told Ukrainian TV chan- the long convoy heading to- the Ukrainian branch of U.S.-
a green army T-shirt. “Prove Kyiv remained stationary near nels. ward Kyiv, the result of what based Winner Auto Group, has
that you are with us and will the town of Bucha on Tuesday. Kharkiv, which served as they said was a Ukrainian been supplying cars to the
not let us go.” A first round of cease-fire the capital of Ukraine in the vasion began. The missile left strike. Ukrainian military since the
President Biden spoke with talks between Russian and 1920s and 1930s, is home to a large crater in the square on “For the enemy, Kyiv is the war began.
Mr. Zelensky for more than 30 Ukrainian delegations meeting some 1.4 million people. Tuesday. key aim. They want to destroy “Lviv is preparing,” he said.
minutes on Tuesday, the White in Belarus on Monday pro- “This is not a random mis- Buildings all around the our statehood, and that is why “Everybody realizes the
House said. The two leaders duced no immediate results, taken salvo, but a conscious square were severely dam- the capital is under constant threat. Nobody’s secure any-
discussed U.S. and allied assis- and the two sides initially extermination of people. The aged, with their windows threat,” Mr. Zelensky said. where. If you see what’s going
tance for Ukraine and Russia’s agreed to meet again in the Russians knew what they were blown out and walls cracked Russia, he added, is trying to on in Kharkiv, these guys can
escalation of attacks on sites coming days on the Ukrainian- firing at,” Mr. Zelensky said and pockmarked. blow up the city’s main power do anything. So we’re prepar-
used by civilians, including the Polish border. about Monday’s shelling. British defense intelligence station and leave the capital ing for the resistance.”
strike near Babyn Yar, the Russia is facing growing in- Tuesday’s missile struck said early Tuesday that Russia without electricity. The Kremlin cited on Mon-
White House said. ternational isolation and its fi- Freedom Square near the spot still hadn’t managed to gain On Tuesday, he put Kyiv un- day Mr. Putin’s demands for
Russia’s invasion of nancial system is reeling un- ending the conflict as Ukraine
Ukraine—launched on Thurs- der the impact of Western recognizing the 2014 annexa-
day by Mr. Putin with the aim sanctions imposed over the tion by Russia of its Crimean
of overthrowing the country’s weekend. Peninsula by Russia, neutral-
elected government and end- The ruble plunged and Rus- ity, and “demilitarization and
ing its alignment with the sia’s central bank more than de-Nazification” of the coun-
West—has made slower prog- doubled its key interest rate to try.
ress than most military ana- 20% on Monday in an attempt President Emmanuel Ma-
lysts had expected. Russian to prevent a run on Russian cron of France, who spoke to
forces are struggling with banks as sanctions curb their Mr. Putin on Monday, said that
fierce Ukrainian resistance and access to international mar- the Russian leader agreed dur-
logistical problems. kets. ing the call to his request not
Russian troops appear to be The U.S. and the European to attack Ukraine’s civilian tar-
“risk averse,” the U.S. official Union said over the weekend gets and infrastructure and
said, adding that there is evi- they would hinder Russia’s not to encircle Kyiv.
dence that some Russian central bank from using its In previous conversations
forces have surrendered and foreign reserves and exclude a this year, Mr. Putin promised
that troop morale is weak. The number of Russian banks from Mr. Macron he wouldn’t in-
U.S. official said no evidence the international Swift pay- vade Ukraine.
has emerged that Russia is ments network, among other Mr. Zelensky asked EU lead-
considering retreating from its measures. ers on Monday to allow the
aim of capturing Kyiv. The EU also closed its air- country to immediately join
Russia has gained a swath space to all Russian planes. the club, signing an applica-
of land in southern Ukraine, Kharkiv, whose population tion letter, but membership is
including capturing Kherson is mostly Russian-speaking, a request the bloc is unlikely
city, in addition to its push in has put up stiff resistance to to grant.
the northeast and northwest. Russian advances since Mr. The EU membership pro-
Mr. Putin, who claims Rus- Putin began the invasion, cit- cess can take years and in-
sians and Ukrainians are the ing alleged discrimination volves broad economic, legal
same people, initially ab- against Ukraine’s Russian and political changes.
stained from the kind of indis- speakers as one of his reasons. —Brett Forrest
criminate shelling of civilian Ukrainian forces repelled a and Nancy A. Youssef
areas that Russia used to sub- tank column heading to Russian missiles caused a fireball, charring nearby buildings and cars in central Kharkiv on Tuesday, contributed to this article.

A10 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Exxon Will Halt Investments in Russia

Energy giant to exit its Evidence of the pressure
surfaced publicly last Friday
Sakhalin project in the night in London with disclo-
Far East after similar sures of a meeting that after-
noon between a top U.K. offi-
moves by BP, Shell cial and BP’s chief executive.
Two days later on Sunday, BP
BY CHRISTOPHER M. MATTHEWS said it would exit its nearly
AND JENNY STRASBURG 20% stake in Rosneft, a move
likely to hit BP with billions of
Exxon Mobil Corp. said it is dollars in losses. BP’s current
halting operations at a multi- and former CEOs also left the
billion-dollar oil and gas proj- Rosneft board, and BP ditched
ect in Russia and will make no several Russian joint ventures.
further investments in the On Monday, Shell—also
country following its attack on based in London—said it
Ukraine. would exit its joint ventures
The U.S. oil giant said Tues- with Russian energy giant
day that it is preparing to shut Gazprom PJSC and end its in-
down production from the volvement with the Nord
massive Sakhalin Island devel- Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline
opment in Russia’s Far East. project, which it helped fi-
Exxon owns a 30% stake in the nance. Also Monday, Norwe-
project, alongside Russian gian energy group Equinor
state-controlled oil producer ASA said it would halt new in-
Rosneft, Japan’s Sodeco and vestments into Russia and
India’s ONGC Videsh. The com- start exiting from Russian
pany said it is taking steps to joint ventures.
exit from the consortium. On Tuesday, TotalEnergies


Exxon is also developing said it would cease providing
plans for expatriate staff in capital to new Russian proj-
Russia to leave the country, if ects—stopping short of saying
the employees wish to do so, it would exit the country. It
according to a person familiar has significant stakes in lique-
with the plans. The majority of fied-natural-gas operations,
Exxon’s roughly 1,000-person including with Russian pro-
workforce in Russia is made The massive Sakhalin project includes fossil fuels collected by the Berkut offshore platform, said to be the biggest in Russia. ducer Novatek.
up of Russian citizens. French Finance Minister
“Exxon Mobil supports the against Russia by the U.S., U.K. ventures with Russian entities in 1996, and production began loading the holdings and part- Bruno Le Maire said he
people of Ukraine as they seek and European Union. that were covered by U.S. flowing in 2005. Production nerships during wartime, with planned to discuss TotalEner-
to defend their freedom and Pulling out of Sakhalin will sanctions and wrote-down from Sakhalin has declined as buyers of Russian assets gies’ presence in Russia with
determine their own future as be difficult for Exxon. The some of those assets. Exxon the asset has aged, and it cur- scarce and many wealthy Rus- the company’s chief executive,
a nation,” the company said. Texas company operates the has said that it is fully compli- rently represents about 3% of sian individuals and entities adding that he now felt there
“We deplore Russia’s military development, meaning it is re- ant with U.S. sanctions. Exxon’s overall oil production. themselves cut off by sanc- was a “problem of principle in
action that violates the terri- sponsible for keeping produc- Sakhalin was unaffected by Exxon and Rosneft have been tions and banking controls. working with any political or
torial integrity of Ukraine and tion flowing and other essen- previous sanctions, and Exxon working to develop the asset’s Some energy-company in- economic personality close to
endangers its people.” tial functions. It may have to has continued to invest in ex- remaining natural-gas reserves siders have discussed ring- Russian leadership.”
The announcement follows leave critical staff in place to panding it. Over the past two in a large liquefied-natural-gas fencing assets marked for di- Chevron Corp. has a
similar moves by European ensure the project is safely decades, the Sakhalin consor- project that could be opera- vestiture in new legal entities smaller presence in Russia,
peers BP PLC and Shell PLC, shut down. Selling its stake tium has exported more than 1 tional by 2027. that would essentially cordon mostly through its 15% stake
which said in recent days that could also be challenging as billion barrels of oil and about Political pressure on big en- them off, rather than risk their in a consortium that operates
they would exit investments in the market for Russian assets 1 billion cubic feet of natural ergy companies to cease or falling back into Russian a pipeline that transports oil
Russia. Western companies has quickly shrunk. gas from the development, one pull out of Russian operations hands, said one executive from a Chevron project in Ka-
have moved swiftly to distance Exxon has pulled back from of the largest-ever foreign in- mounted quickly after Russian briefed on the discussions. It zakhstan to tanker-loading fa-
themselves from Russia, vow- Russia over the past decade vestments in Russia. President Vladimir Putin’s in- isn’t clear how such a move cilities on the Russian coast of
ing to yield assets in support following previous rounds of The consortium signed a vasion of Ukraine last week. would affect active projects on the Black Sea. The U.S. com-
of Ukraine and to buttress sanctions. It previously said it production-sharing agreement What is less clear is how the Russian soil, or Russian-com- pany isn’t currently planning
broad punitive measures has withdrawn from 10 joint with the Russian government companies will go about un- pany stakes. to exit that investment.

Key Market sian oil, traders and others in-

volved in the market said.
Market players also fear that
Western governments to carve
oil and gas out of their sanc-
tions. In cutting some but not
IEA Plans
For Moscow measures that target oil ex-
ports directly could land as
fighting intensifies.
all banks from the financial sys-
tem’s messaging infrastructure,
Swift, the U.S. and others left
To Release
Dries Up “This is going to make it avenues for traders to pay for
More Oil

very complex to trade with oil and gas.

Russia,” Sarah Hunt, a partner As prices for Russian crude

Continued from Page One

The self-imposed embargo
at law firm HFW who works
with commodities traders, said
of the sanctions laid out as of
tanked last week, companies in
India vacuumed up around
seven million barrels of Urals
threatens to drive up energy Monday. oil, people familiar with the BY BENOIT FAUCON
prices globally by removing a Brent-crude futures rose matter said. Even there, how- AND SUMMER SAID
gusher of oil from a market more than 7% Tuesday to al- ever, companies are taking
that was tight even before most $105 a barrel and traded steps to limit sanctions risk. The U.S. and other major oil-
President Vladimir Putin of as high as $110 early Wednes- On Monday, Indian Oil Corp. consuming nations said Tues-
Russia attacked Ukraine. Rus- day in Asia. Tank cars for oil at a Rosneft refinery in 2020; Rosneft and other sent a letter to crude traders day they would release 60 mil-
sia, waging war and in need of In a sign that demand for Russian energy companies have changed their delivery methods. stating it would buy Russian oil lion barrels of oil from their
revenue with its financial sys- Russian oil has evaporated, only if delivery was included, emergency stockpiles, sending a
tem in turmoil, is taking ex- prices for the country’s flagship crude popular in Asia, suggests sales made before the war, will according to a person familiar jolt of new crude supplies into
treme steps to convince compa- Urals crude moved in the oppo- refiners in Japan and South Ko- slow drastically in the coming with the matter and a docu- the market amid a price surge
nies to buy its most precious site direction. rea are hitting pause on pur- weeks once cargoes have been ment seen by The Wall Street caused by the Ukraine crisis.
commodity. Traders are offering Urals at chases. delivered, traders and analysts Journal. In the document, the The move by members of the
Before refiners and banks massive discounts—as much as “The market is starting to said. Indian refining giant said it International Energy Agency, a
are certain they won’t fall $18 a barrel below the price of fail,” said a person at a major Russia was seen as having would no longer buy two Paris-based group that includes
afoul of complex restrictions in Brent—and even then not find- commodities trading house. the upper hand when it came to grades of Russian oil, as well as the U.S., Japan and much of Eu-
different jurisdictions, they ing buyers. A drop in the price Companies including Vitol energy. In peacetime, Russian a blend of Kazakh oil, if it had rope, represents another coor-
won’t do business with Rus- of Espo, a grade of Russian and Trafigura Group Pte. Ltd., crude and other varieties of oil to take responsibility for trans- dinated effort to counter Russia
big independent oil traders, get funneled into refineries in porting the oil. amid its invasion of Ukraine.
hold Russian oil bought under Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Russia is responding. Com- The drawdown is the fourth in
long-term deals. They were un- There, it gets converted into fu- panies including state-aligned the 47-year history of the IEA
able to sell Tuesday, people fa- els that power fleets of cars Rosneft Oil Co. have pivoted and is second by size only to
miliar with their operations and other forms of economic from offering oil on a so-called the release it executed during
said. activity. FOB basis, in which buyers fix the first Gulf War in 1991.
In Europe, Swedish refiner Europe, especially, relies on their own vessel and finance The IEA said it wanted to
Preem AB and Finland’s Neste Russia for much of its energy, and insure the shipment, trad- send “a unified and strong
Oyj said they have stopped Rus- both for natural gas to heat ers and oil executives said. In- message to global oil markets
sian oil purchases and mostly homes and fuel electricity stead, they are offering oil on that there will be no shortfall
MADE IN ITALY, replaced them with Northern plants, but also the oil that what is known as a CFR basis. in supplies as a result of Rus-
DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME European oil purchases. Valero travels through pipelines di- Under this model, Rosneft sia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
Energy Corp., a Texas-based re- rectly into refineries in Ger- would use vessels from govern- “We are prepared to use ev-
Enjoy three bottles* of our fining company, has suspended many, Poland, Slovakia and ment-owned Sovcomflot’s fleet ery tool available to us to limit
all future purchases of Russian elsewhere. and deliver oil to the buyer’s disruption to global-energy
cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil oil, people familiar with the de- Some of that oil transits door in return for cash. Buyers supply as a result of President
+ FREE Ceramic Carafe cision said.
For now, Russia is exporting
through Ukraine.
The importance of Russia’s
are rejecting the proposal, an
oil-industry executive and a
Putin’s actions,” White House
spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
+ FREE Shipping about as much oil as it was on energy industry—exporter of Middle East oil trader said. The IEA said it supported
the eve of last Thursday’s inva- about 7.5% of the world’s oil— Rosneft didn’t respond to a sanctions imposed by the inter-
sion. But those flows, based on to the global economy led request to comment. national community on Russia
SPECIAL OFFER — $24.90 but also worried about tight
global oil markets, heightened

Some Lawmakers Are Pressing price volatility and commercial

inventories that are at their
lowest level since 2014.

For Sweeping Energy Sanctions

The U.S. and other IEA
countries hope to bring down
oil prices, which traded Tues-
day above $100 a barrel.
+ BY ANDREW RESTUCCIA said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., have joined with some liberal Prices rose after the IEA an-
AND TIMOTHY PUKO S.C.). Mr. Graham was part of a Democrats who want the U.S. to nouncement to almost $106 a
group of senators who met wean off oil altogether. Sen. Ed barrel, or up 8.1% on the day.
WASHINGTON—U.S. law- Monday with Oksana Markey (D., Mass.) said he Lower oil prices would re-
60% makers are pressing President
Biden to target Russia’s energy
Markarova, Ukraine’s ambassa-
dor to the U.S. He said she
would introduce legislation to
ban Russian oil imports, casting
duce revenue for Russia, one of
the world’s largest producers,
sector, a move his administra- pleaded with them to target it as an effort to move away and potentially give the U.S.
* 16.9 oz. bottles tion has so far avoided over Russia’s oil-and-gas industry. from fossil fuels. and Europe more room to tar-
concerns about price increases. Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) The Biden administration get Moscow’s energy industry,
One of the most popular brands in Italy, Fratelli Carli’s As Moscow continues its who chairs the Committee on and allies in Europe have im- which has so far been off limits
100% pure cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made advance in Ukraine, Republi- Energy and Natural Resources, posed unprecedented sanc- because of the pain sanctions
with the finest olives, selected from the most prestigious cans and some Democrats in urged the White House to ban tions on many of Russia’s top would cause in the West.
Italian olive groves. Congress are pressing the Bi- crude-oil imports from Russia. financial institutions, including The IEA’s petroleum release
den administration to consider “Putin has weaponized energy, its central bank, and President was smaller than initial consid-
imposing sanctions on Russia’s and he is doing it very effec- Vladimir Putin himself. But se- erations of 70 million barrels
OLIOCARLI.US/WJ2 | 888-961-5885 oil-and-gas industry, the life- tively,” he said. nior U.S. officials said the ad- and will include 30 million bar-
blood of the country’s econ- The issue has brought to- ministration has avoided wide- rels from the U.S., people
Money back guarantee. This offer is limited to one per mailing address, omy, and banning Russian oil gether an unusual coalition. Re- spread sanctions on Russia’s briefed on the discussions said.
and is intended for new customers only. Offer expires 4/15/2022. imports into the U.S. publicans and moderate Demo- energy sector, arguing that do- This will be the second oil-
“Every barrel of oil coming crats who want Mr. Biden to ing so could prompt global oil stockpile release in three
out of Russia has blood in it,” heighten penalties on Russia prices to rise further. months.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A11


A12 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Sanctions Hobble Finances Money Curbs Block

Stock trading remains
halted as Russia
Russian Consumers
announces measures BY ANNAMARIA ANDRIOTIS tate broker in New York who
AND PETER RUDEGEAIR is originally from Russia.
to protect economy “They are trying to get money
Moves to unplug Russia out and leave before the coun-
BY GEORGI KANTCHEV from the international finan- try closes off completely and
AND MARGOT PATRICK cial system have cut many of becomes the new Iran.”
the country’s citizens off from Foreigners could also have
Russia sifted through the fi- the global, digital economy, difficulty using their Visa or
nancial wreckage caused by but noncash payments haven’t Mastercard cards in Russia.
Western sanctions, as its stock ground completely to a halt. The banks many merchants in
market remained closed and The biggest U.S. networks, Russia use to process card
the government announced Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc., transactions are currently un-
new measures to try to limit are no longer handling trans- der sanctions. As a result, U.S.
the damage to the economy. actions for Russian-sanctioned networks won’t allow those

Sanctions imposed by the financial institutions. In prac- online or in-person transac-

U.S. and European nations in tice, this means many Rus- tions to go through when peo-
recent days have cut major sians are blocked from making ple with cards issued by U.S.
Russian banks’ access to the purchases of goods or services banks, for example, try to buy
dollar and other reserve cur- outside the country. goods from Russia, people fa-
rencies and will soon sever Within Russia, Sberbank is miliar with the matter said.
some of the lenders from the among the largest card issuers Late Monday, Mastercard
Swift global-payments messag- and has a big share of the con- said it blocked multiple finan-
ing system. sumer market. Because it is cial institutions from its pay-
The West has also blocked under sanctions, many Russian ments network. “We will con-
Russia’s central bank from us- cardholders are cut off from tinue to work with regulators
ing much of its sizable re- People used Sberbank ATM machines in Moscow to withdraw money on Monday. foreign transactions.
serves to protect the economy. Meanwhile, Apple Pay,
Meanwhile, many Western in line at cash points across ing to state newswire TASS. securities. Euroclear’s compet- Google Pay and PayPal trans-
companies, including energy the country in a frantic rush to Foreigners associated with itor, Deutsche Börse’s Clear- actions stopped going through
‘Everyone I know is
majors BP PLC and Shell PLC, get money out. “states that take hostile actions stream unit, said Monday, it for Russians who had loaded trying to get money
have said they would exit their “Unfortunately, this is an against Russia” will need the would stop settling domestic debit and credit cards issued
Russian investments and joint emotional first reaction,” he approval of the Russian govern- trades in Russia, accepting ru- by those Russian banks that
out at all costs,’ one
ventures. said. “I just want to wish ev- ment to transact with securi- bles as a settlement currency were subject to sanctions, Rus- observer said.
On Tuesday, the Russian eryone peace and express con- ties and real estate and to re- and settling trades for various sia’s central bank and a person
government announced a tem- fidence that in fact, after a ceive ruble loans. Mr. Putin’s Russian-linked stocks and familiar with the matter said.
porary ban on foreign inves- certain number of days, these decree didn’t specify which bonds. Clearing and settling is International money-transfer
tors exiting local assets. It emotions will subside.” states are deemed hostile. a necessary cog to trade secu- firms, including Remitly in the days ahead to abide
wasn’t immediately clear what Prime Minister Mikhail Mi- Trading on the Moscow Ex- rities by ensuring buyers re- Global Inc., Wise PLC, and fully by our compliance obliga-
the decision entailed and how shustin said the government change was again suspended, ceive their purchased security WorldRemit Group, said they tions as they evolve,” the com-
it would affect Western com- would spend 1 trillion rubles, as was business on the on- and sellers get paid. suspended service to Russia. pany said.
panies that have already an- equivalent to around $9 bil- shore foreign-exchange mar- The Swift system said Tues- The restrictions add to Visa said it is “taking
nounced they would quit Rus- lion, to buy shares in Russian ket. There was only sporadic day that it was ready to eject complications affecting the fi- prompt action to ensure com-
sia. The move followed a companies. The central bank trading of the ruble in interna- Russian banks covered by nancial lives of ordinary Rus- pliance with applicable sanc-
number of retaliatory mea- more-than-doubled interest tional markets, with most Western sanctions. “We are sians. The ruble has plunged tions, and is prepared to com-
sures announced by the Krem- rates Monday to 20% in an banks unwilling to touch Rus- engaging with these authori- by more than one-fifth in the ply with additional sanctions
lin on Monday, including a ban emergency move. sian assets. ties to understand which enti- days since Russian forces that may be implemented.” A
on the issuance of loans by Large parts of Russia’s fi- The consequences of West- ties will be subject to these started attacking Ukraine last PayPal spokesman said it is
Russian residents to foreign- nancial architecture remained ern sanctions reverberated new measures and will discon- week. Russia’s central bank actively working to comply
ers, and ordering exporters to in suspended animation as of- outside Russia, where compa- nect them once we receive le- more than doubled its key in- with applicable laws.
sell 80% of their foreign-cur- ficials worked on stabilizing nies that provide vital financial gal instruction to do so,” the terest rate to 20%. On Monday, Among the debit and credit
rency gains from exports. the system. Tuesday was also plumbing unplugged the coun- organization said. the Kremlin banned Russian cards issued in Russia, Visa
The Kremlin was defiant, the first day that Russians try from the grid. Western banks have moved residents from sending money and Mastercard cards ac-
saying sanctions wouldn’t were restricted from sending Russian government bonds to disconnect Russian financial to bank accounts abroad. counted for 74% of payment
change Moscow’s course. money to bank accounts disappeared from trading firms and companies from in- Many middle-class Russians transactions in the country in
“They believe that by imposing abroad, an extreme measure to screens after a top bond plat- ternational markets. In Lon- have stepped up efforts to em- 2020, according to trade pub-
sanctions they can force us to keep suddenly scarce foreign form, Tradeweb, suspended don, Bank of New York Mel- igrate amid fears of mounting lication the Nilson Report.
change our position,” Presi- currency in the economy. trading of the securities, citing lon resigned as the depository political repression and a fi-
dent Vladimir Putin’s spokes- Mr. Putin signed an execu- Western sanctions. agent for VTB Bank PJSC de- nancial crisis brought on by Scan this code
man, Dmitry Peskov, said tive order Tuesday banning Clearinghouse operator Eu- positary receipts traded in the Western sanctions. for a video on
Tuesday. people from taking more than roclear prepared to stop inves- British capital. “Everyone I know is trying how sanctions
Mr. Peskov spoke of the $10,000 of foreign currency out tors from clearing trades in- —Ben Dummett to get money out at all costs,” are affecting
droves of Russians who stood of the country in cash, accord- volving ruble-denominated contributed to this article. said Anya Levitov, a real-es- Russian citizens.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A13


Concerts, Films
Giving Russia
Cold Shoulder
Cancellations mount no longer put on shows or do
business in Russia, a spokes-
for Western events in woman said Tuesday. The en-
symbolic protests of tertainment giant is reviewing
its global suppliers and ven-
nation’s aggression dors and will cut ties with any
Russian-based firms, she said.
BY ROBBIE WHELAN Russia represents a small
AND ANNE STEELE but significant market for
Western entertainment. Con-
The entertainment industry cert touring trade magazine
is turning its back on Russia. Pollstar reported $26.6 million
Hollywood studios, Netflix in ticket sales for 83 shows in
Inc., big-ticket rock bands and Russia in 2019, before the pan-


sporting events are pausing or demic brought live entertain-
pulling their business out of ment to a pause. That data con-
Russia in response to Presi- sists mostly of Western acts,
dent Vladimir Putin’s invasion and doesn’t take into account
of neighboring Ukraine. local and regional entertainers.
The moves are largely sym- It also doesn’t account for the
bolic—Russia isn’t among the highly lucrative private parties
largest markets for either live many U.S. acts are hired to play
entertainment or movies—but by the Russian elite.
they add to efforts by global In movies, Russia makes up The band Green Day called off its show in Moscow. Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt in Los Angeles last month.
corporations to isolate Russia a small fraction of the world-
economically and culturally as wide cinematic box office: In currently scheduled for release Other acts that have this or contracts with more than the league’s top stars, and offi-
punishment for its military 2021 films grossed a total of this spring: “Doctor Strange in week canceled scheduled 200 sports and concert venues cial bodies representing curl-
actions. $601 million there, or about the Multiverse of Madness,” shows in Russia include in North America, said Sunday ing, skiing, skating, track and
On Tuesday, Paramount 2.8% of the year’s $21.4 billion slated for May 5, and “The singer-songwriter Louis Tom- it has pledged “to not do busi- field and other sports have also
Global said it would pause the global box-office gross, ac- Bob’s Burgers Movie,” sched- linson of the pop group One ness in or with Russia, nor will ostracized the country in re-
release of its titles “The Lost cording to box office tracker uled for May 26. The company Direction, as well as rockers we serve Russian brands in sponse to the invasion.
City” and “Sonic The Hedge- Comscore. But Hollywood stu- said Monday that the pause Iggy Pop, The Killers, Nick any of our venues,” including About $200,000 worth of
hog 2.” The announcement fol- dios consistently supply Rus- was in response to Russia’s Cave & The Bad Seeds, Yung- Russian alcohol brands. tickets to “The Batman” have
lows moves by Walt Disney sian movie theaters with their “unprovoked invasion of blud and Franz Ferdinand. The sports world has also already been sold in Russia,
Co., which said Monday it biggest hits. Ukraine and the tragic human- In a post to Instagram Tues- reacted swiftly to isolate Rus- according to Oleg Berezin,
would delay the planned Sony Pictures Entertain- itarian crisis” accompanying sia. On Monday, the Interna- who until Sunday had been
March 10 release of the Pixar ment, which has the current it, and that it would make fur- tional Olympic Committee rec- chairman of the Russian Fed-
animated feature “Turning top-grossing film in Russia in ther decisions based on the ommended that all athletes eration’s Association of Cin-
Red” in Russia, and Warner “Uncharted,” an action movie evolving situation.
‘We are aware that from Russia and its ally Be- ema Owners. On Sunday, Mr.
Bros., which postponed this starring Tom Holland that has Netflix, the only global this moment is not larus be banned from interna- Berezin, whose association has
week’s Russian release of “The grossed nearly $10 million streaming service to have a tional competitions, while soc- close ties to Russia’s Ministry
Batman,” expected to be one there over the last two weeks, large footprint in Russia, said
about stadium rock cer’s world governing body of Culture, resigned over his
of the highest-grossing films said it would pause its it will not add Russian state shows.’ effectively banned the Russian opposition to the war.
of the year. planned theatrical releases in TV channels to its service, de- men’s national team from the In an interview, Mr. Berezin
The Cannes Film Festival on the country, including the spite a recent regulation re- 2022 World Cup. said that in his role as chair-
Tuesday announced that it Jared Leto-led superhero film quiring the company to do so. UEFA, European soccer’s man he participates in work-
would not welcome Russian “Morbius.” American rock band Green day, the rock band Franz Ferdi- governing body, canceled a ing groups that discuss a
delegations “nor accept the Since the beginning of Day on Sunday called off its nand expressed love for Russia, sponsorship agreement with range of issues, including tax
presence of anyone linked to 2022, two of the four top- show at Moscow’s Spartak saying its art and literature has Russian state energy company breaks for exhibitors and gov-
the Russian government” at grossing movies in Russia Stadium scheduled for the end inspired the band since it first Gazprom and moved this ernment support for Russian
this year’s festival in May “un- were produced by Disney: of May, citing Russia’s inva- played there 17 years ago. “We year’s Champions League fi- film studios.
less the war of assault ends in “Nightmare Alley,” which has sion of Ukraine. “We are aware know you see the madness of nal—international club soc- “I don’t want to have any
conditions that will satisfy the earned around $3.2 million in that this moment is not about your country’s leadership. We cer’s marquee event—from St. conversations with the gov-
Ukrainian people.” the country, and “The King’s stadium rock shows,” the band know you do not want war. We Petersburg to the Paris suburb ernment, I don’t want to sup-
Live Nation Entertainment Man,” which has grossed $5.2 wrote in a post shared on In- do not want war.” of Saint-Denis. port them. My decision is the
Inc., the world’s largest con- million there, according to stagram. Last week indie-pop Venue development and in- The National Hockey League only way I have to indicate I’m
cert promoter and ticketing BoxOfficeMojo. trio AJR canceled its October vestment firm Oak View cut business ties with Russia, a against the war,” Mr. Berezin
service via Ticketmaster, will Disney has two other titles concert date in Moscow. Group, which owns, operates nation that produces many of said.

Kremlin-Backed Media Outlets

Face Growing Global Backlash

RT and other Moscow-

backed media outlets are facing
an unprecedented squeeze in
response to Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine, as pay TV operators
and tech platforms across the
globe take steps to curtail their
DirecTV said Tuesday it

would drop RT, the Kremlin

backed outfit previously known
as Russia Today, from its pay
TV packages. Canadian tele-
communications operators such
as Shaw Communications and Several platforms have stopped airing Russia-backed network RT.
Telus Optik TV removed RT
from their dials in recent days, focused on how the EU sanc- ing-TV service Sling still car-
as did Australia’s Foxtel. tions against Russia are going ried the network. Dish execu-
Technology platforms such to hurt the EU. tives have been discussing
as Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube, “They are pumping straight whether to drop RT, a person
Facebook parent Meta Plat- disinformation,” said Clint familiar with the matter said.
forms Inc. and TikTok have Watts, a fellow at the Foreign “Our thoughts are with all
moved to restrict access to the Policy Research Institute and the people of Ukraine, and par-
news outlet in Europe, follow- Alliance for Securing Democ- ticularly with our team mem-
ing requests from the EU and racy. He pointed to reports such bers in the country. We are
European governments. Meta as a documentary alleging that closely monitoring the situa-
said Tuesday that it was begin- Russians found mass graves in tion,” a Dish spokeswoman said
ning to demote RT world-wide Ukraine as part of a narrative in a statement Monday.
and make it more difficult to justifying the invasion. Regional cable-TV and inter-
view across its platforms.
Streaming distributor Roku Inc.
RT’s presence on the Ameri-
can media landscape has been
net provider Buckeye Broad-
band said it didn’t plan to drop
said Tuesday the company was
removing RT from its channel
particularly controversial since
a 2017 U.S. intelligence report
the network.
“We believe our responsibil-
store globally. dubbed it the Kremlin’s “princi- ity is to present avenues of in-
The European Union an- pal international propaganda formation and not to edit our Celebrated maker. Handcrafted brilliance. Art Nouveau elegance.
nounced a fuller expression of outlet” and concluded it had customers’ access. Our carriage Impressive in both size and artistry, this
its sanctions against RT and been a central player in Russia’s of the RT network is not an en- magnificent cameo lamp is the work of Art
fellow Kremlin-backed outlet efforts to disrupt the 2016 U.S. dorsement of the Russian gov-
Sputnik on Tuesday, saying the presidential election. ernment nor of its actions,” Nouveau master Émile Gallé. His appreciation
restrictions applied to all cable, U.S. pay-TV providers said at said Geoffrey Shook, president of nature is evident in the detailed rendition
satellite and web services. “We the time they weren’t able to and general manager of Buck- of vines and leaves that scroll along the lamp’s
all stand for freedom of speech drop RT’s channel because of a eye. He said Buckeye doesn’t surface, while complementary red and yellow
but it cannot be abused to U.S. law that allowed broad- pay RT for access, nor does it tones lend the piece an autumnal air and provide a warm glow when
spread war propaganda,” said casters to demand carriage in receive any compensation for it. the lamp is lit. Measuring nearly two feet high, this lamp is much
Věra Jourová, a vice president lieu of being paid for their con- Traditional television is just
of the European Commission, tent. RT also paid distributors one way RT and other Russia-
taller than is typical of Gallé’s pieces, yet maintains exquisite grace
the EU’s executive arm. to be carried, The Wall Street backed media outlets have and proportion. Signed. Circa 1900. 117/8” dia. x 223/8” h. #31-4680
So far, the U.S. government Journal previously reported. reached American audiences.
hasn’t publicly issued any or- In 2017, Congress passed leg- The U.S. intelligence report
ders for companies to take ac- islation that allowed cable-TV noted that RT had been partic-
tion against Russian outlets. operators to decline carriage of ularly successful on YouTube.
Representatives for RT and programming owned, con- On Saturday, YouTube an-
Sputnik didn’t respond to re- trolled or financed by the Rus- nounced that it was pausing the
quests for comment. RT has de- sian government. Subsequently, ability for RT and other Rus-
nied working on behalf of the operators such as Comcast sian-backed news outlets to
Kremlin and has defended the Corp. stopped carrying RT, in make money from their content 622 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA • 877-677-2801 • •
accuracy of its broadcasts. many cases opting not to renew via advertising. Meta made a
Recent RT broadcasts have contracts. Other companies in- similar move. Since 1912, M.S. Rau has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
referred to invaded Ukranian cluding DirecTV and rival Dish In the U.S., RT’s YouTube Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
cities as “liberated,” alleged Network Corp. continued to channel continued to serve live
there was a “genocide” against carry RT. feeds Tuesday, as did Facebook.
ethnic Russians in separatist re- While DirecTV dropped RT —Meghan Bobrowsky
gions of Eastern Ukraine and Tuesday, Dish and its stream- contributed to this article.

A14 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Conflict Disrupts Global Shipping Bitcoin

Two biggest container
operators suspend
services to Russian
In Both
ports over invasion Countries
The Russian invasion of
The world’s biggest contain- Ukraine has driven demand for
ership operators—A.P. Moller- cryptocurrencies in both coun-
Maersk A/S and Mediterra- tries, helping boost the price of
nean Shipping Co.—said they bitcoin.
would temporarily suspend ser- Bitcoin has been trading at a
vices to Russian ports, includ- premium against the Ukrainian
ing those far from the conflict hryvnia on several exchanges,
in Ukraine. globally and locally, a sign of
Maersk on Tuesday said it high demand. On Binance, bit-
was halting bookings in light of coin was trading for the equiv-
the sanctions imposed on Rus- alent of $45,894 in hryvnia
sia, including congestion being terms. On Ukraine’s Kuna ex-
caused by customs authorities change it was at $46,847, and
inspecting cargo bound for the had traded as high as $51,240.

country and changing credit In U.S. markets, bitcoin was

terms affecting its customers. trading near $44,000 Tuesday
Maersk and MSC said they night, up more than 17% since
would continue to move food- Sunday evening, according to
stuffs to and from Russia. data from CoinDesk.
The Russian invasion of On Binance, there has been a
Ukraine is causing major dis- surge in trading volume of bit-
ruptions for the global ship- coin in exchange for rubles since
ping industry, with hundreds France seized the Baltic Leader, a Russia-bound cargo ship, above in Boulogne-sur-Mer, in the English Channel over the weekend. just before Russia’s invasion be-
of vessels trapped at ports, gan. Between Feb. 20 and 28,
cargo being derailed and said containerized cargo des- On Friday, the Millennial controlled Sovcomflot, which riers in the normally crowded about 1,792 bitcoins exchanged
freight rates surging. tined for Russia would be Spirit, a Moldova-flagged operates 108 crude carriers and Black Sea has fallen by 62% hands in the ruble/bitcoin trad-
The cargo ship Mustafa Ne- stopped and inspected. tanker, caught fire after a mis- 14 natural-gas movers. compared with last week amid ing pair, compared with 522 in
cati was ready last week to set “All those hubs in Northern sile strike in the Black Sea, the “Tanker owners are facing a rising concerns about safety or the nine days before that, ac-
sail from a port near Odessa, Europe are already pretty con- Naval Agency of the Republic of very uncertain situation and are getting stuck, said Mark Nu- cording to data on Binance.
Ukraine, with sunflower-seed gested, and every little thing Moldova said. Moldova said it reluctant to charter ships to gent, from London broker Western sanctions have ef-
oil bound for Sardinia. After that delays cargo flows will in- didn’t know who fired the mis- buyers of Russian crude,” said Braemar ACM Shipbroking. fectively cut Russia off from
Russia invaded, “the Ukrainian tensify the problem,” said Vin- sile. The Millennial Spirit was Peter Sand, chief analyst at Xe- And 22 of these vessels left the global financial network,
port authorities told the crew cent Clerc, head of ocean and carrying 600 tons of oil and neta, a transport-analytics mar- empty after being unable to and Ukraine has imposed strict
to stop,” said Bulent Dandin, a logistics services at Maersk. diesel. A day earlier, a ship ket platform. “Very few ships load cargo, he said. capital controls.
director of the ship’s Istanbul Ship movements in the Black chartered by Cargill Inc. was hit are picking up Russian crude, Ships are getting rerouted by Crypto is popular in Ukraine
manager, Statu Gemi Kiralama. Sea, a key oil- and foodstuff-ex- by a projectile in the Black Sea. and that has significantly governments. France seized the and Russia. Ukraine ranked
“Now it’s blocked.” port route whose northern side With few daring to travel pushed up freight rates.” Baltic Leader, a Russia-bound fourth on a global adoption in-
The impact is most severe in is shared between Russia and the area, daily freight rates for Shipments of foodstuff are cargo ship in the English Chan- dex created by analytics firm
the Black Sea, where some com- Ukraine, have been frozen. More tankers have risen to their also being disrupted. Within nel over the weekend, with au- Chainalysis.
mercial ships are being fired than 200 vessels are waiting to highest in two years, shippers hours of U.K. measures against thorities checking whether it is A Russian government re-
upon or detained, but it is also cross the Kerch Strait, which and insurers say, while insur- Russia being announced, Lon- owned by a Russian on the EU port estimates that there were
being felt far from the conflict connects the Black Sea and the ance premiums have jumped by don lawyer Nigel Kushner said sanctions list. more than 12 million crypto-
zone, shipping executives and Sea of Azov, according to as much as 4% compared with he received a panicked call from Two Ukrainian-flagged bulk currency wallets held by Rus-
brokers said. The disruptions Lloyd’s List Intelligence, which last week, before the Russian a British trader: A massive carriers, the Afina and Princess sian citizens with about 2 tril-
are adding strains to a global monitors ship movements. attack, they say. cargo of Russian foodstuff was Nicole, which were sailing in lion rubles, equivalent to about
supply chain stressed from two “No one saw this coming,” Although the sanctions ha- now stranded as the buyer Romanian waters, were cap- $20 billion.
years of pandemic imbalances. said Slava Sorochan, a deputy ven’t targeted Russian exports couldn’t pay to a Russian bank tured on Sunday by the Russian “The situation in Ukraine
On Monday, the U.K. banned director at Stark Shipping LLC, of oil and gas, the U.S. last week now under sanctions. The Lon- navy and brought to Crimea, has brought to light the value
entry to all Russian vessels to a shipping agent in the Ukrai- banned American companies don trader is now “trying an al- the Ukrainian government said. of bitcoin as an alternative
its ports. Shipping executives nian port of Odessa. “That’s from dealing with the long-term ternative payment route to a monetary network,” said Timo
and port officials in Belgium, why so many vessels are stuck debt or buying new shares of 13 different Russian bank,” he said.  Heard on the Street: Impact on Lehes, the co-founder of trad-
the Netherlands and Germany in ports.” Russian entities including state- The number of dry-bulk car- manufacturers is foggy..........B12 ing platform Swarm Markets.
A demand-driven rally spe-
cific to bitcoin is a break from

Some Russia Oligarchs Back Away From Putin

its recent pattern, which has
been to trade in line with risk
assets like tech stocks.
Bitcoin’s rally this week
Several Russian oligarchs ing ways not just to freeze as- wiped away losses for Febru-
are rushing to distance them- sets, but also to seize them. He ary. Most other cryptocurren-
selves from Russian President added that the West was waging cies were higher as well. Ether

Vladimir Putin, as Western “all-out economic and financial was up 4.7%. XRP was up 0.7%.
countries threaten to squeeze war on Russia.” Avalanche was up 3.3% and
their assets with an unprece- In response, Dmitry Medve- Cardano was up 0.9%.

dented sanctions drive. dev, deputy chair of the Secu- On Tuesday, the tech heavy
rity Council of Russia, tweeted: Nasdaq Composite Index fell
By Max Colchester, “Watch your tongue, gentle- 1.6%.

Jenny Strasburg men! And don’t forget that in Because bitcoin trades 24-
and Nick Kostov human history, economic wars hours a day, in some cases it
quite often turned into real has been leading risk assets,
In recent days, a parade of ones.” Mr. Le Maire later said not just following.
Russian businessmen burnished his use of the word “war” was Last Wednesday, when Rus-
their antiwar stances as govern- inappropriate. sian President Vladimir Putin
ments tightened a noose around Lawyers caution that the po- announced his invasion of
Kremlin-connected businesses From left, Mikhail Fridman held off on condemning Vladimir Putin, while Oleg Tinkov said his litical rhetoric may not match Ukraine, U.S. equities markets
and property. Oligarch Roman foundation helped children and Roman Abramovich said he is helping to negotiate peace. the legal reality. “This is all go- were closed. Bitcoin fell about
Abramovich, who hasn’t been ing to be subject to enormous 6% overnight, then rallied 13%.
put under sanctions, said he group VIY Management and some of their assets. Mr. Biden businessmen to its sanctions list, litigation,” said Olivier Dor- On Thursday, U.S. stocks closed
was helping Ukraine negotiate son of Vladimir Yakunin, for- didn’t elaborate on the Justice freezing assets and imposing gans, economic-sanctions law- slightly higher after a day of
peace with Russia. Oleg Tinkov, mer president of OAO Russian Department’s task force and de- travel bans. The U.K. is expected yer at Ashurst. Authorities are wild trading.
the billionaire founder of Rus- Railways. The U.S. imposed partment spokespeople didn’t to target more oligarchs in com- going to have to prove that the Bitcoin dropped almost 9%
sia’s Tinkoff Bank, a unit of TCS sanctions on the elder Mr. provide details. ing days. Even Monaco, famed sanctioned individuals own from the afternoon of Friday,
Group Holding PLC, highlighted Yakunin a few years ago. The events in Ukraine over for its generous tax rules, said it those assets outright, a poten-
the work his foundation does to On Tuesday night, President the past week have ruptured a was clamping down on Russians tially difficult job since many of
help children and his desire for Biden during his State of the delicate compact between West- under sanctions. them are held through opaque
no war. Mr. Tinkov also hasn’t Union address said the Justice ern governments and Russian The British Parliament will ownership structures, he said.
The Russian invasion
been put under sanctions. Oleg Department is assembling a task businessmen. For years, the vote on a law in the coming In reality, few assets will prob- of Ukraine has driven
Deripaska, a raw-materials mag- force “to go after the crimes of West tolerated funneling billions weeks to force anonymous for- ably be seized, he said.
nate who was previously sanc- Russian oligarchs.” “We are join- of dollars out of the ruins of the eign owners of U.K. properties For some targeted Russians,
demand for crypto in
tioned in the U.S., wrote on so- ing with our European allies to Soviet Union. The benefit to gov- to reveal their identities and the fight back is under way. both countries.
cial media on Sunday that peace find and seize your yachts, your ernments was massive invest- strengthen provisions to freeze Mikhail Fridman, a founder of
“is very important.” luxury apartments, your private ment by many of these individu- the assets of alleged klepto- Alfa Bank, Russia’s largest pri-
“Please don’t draw an equal jets,” Mr. Biden said. “We are als, boosting local economies. crats who can’t prove the ori- vate bank, was hit with EU sanc-
sign between Russians, the coming for your ill-begotten Western governments now hope gins of their wealth. tions late Monday. The EU said Feb. 18, through the evening of
Russian state and the Govern- gains.” that punishing a cadre of well- France announced on Tues- he cultivated strong ties to Mr. Monday, Feb. 21, amid news of
ment of [the] Russian Federa- The Justice Department is ex- connected people with deep day the creation of a task force Putin and acquired state assets the worsening crisis in Ukraine.
tion. There are many Russians pected to step up its efforts to links to Russia will in turn put to hunt down sanctioned Rus- through these connections. Mr. U.S. stock markets, closed on
strongly opposing the current investigate whether assets of pressure on Mr. Putin. sian oligarchs and their families’ Fridman said he would contest Monday for a holiday, didn’t
military action, and I am one of some oligarchs could be linked The European Union said assets in the country. French Fi- the designation, and that he isn’t get a chance to react to the
them,” said Andrey Yakunin, to illicit activity, which would al- Monday night that it added 26 nance Minister Bruno Le Maire politically or financially con- news until Tuesday. When they
the founder of private-equity low the U.S. government to seize prominent Russian officials and said the French state was explor- nected to Mr. Putin. did, the major indexes all lost
more than 1%.
Attention has also fallen on

Teenager Takes On Tracking Tycoons’ Jets—and Putin’s cryptocurrencies for their po-
tential to be an outlet for Rus-
sians trying to get around
BY GINGER ADAMS OTIS garchs. The freshman at the vatek, Russia’s largest private sanctions.
University of Central Florida natural-gas company, and Al- While cryptocurrencies
Jack Sweeney, the Florida has made a hobby out of fol- isher Usmanov, often cited as themselves haven’t been part
teenager who garnered atten- lowing the private aircraft of Russia’s richest man. of the sanctions, the White
tion for tracking the private jet billionaires and some celebri- Mr. Usmanov is now on the House has been considering
of Tesla Inc. Chief Executive ties. His new Twitter bots fo- European Union’s sanctions adding them.
Elon Musk, is now publicizing cused on Russia use the same list of 26 Russian officials and On Twitter on Sunday morn-
the movements of planes technology as the one that businessmen, freezing their ing, Mykhailo Fedorov,
owned by Russian oligarchs and tracks the jet Mr. Sweeney be- assets and imposing travel Ukraine’s vice prime minister,
aircraft associated with Russian lieves is owned by Mr. Musk, bans. Some oligarchs in recent requested cryptocurrency ex-

President Vladimir Putin. he said. days have distanced them- changes block Russian ac-
Mr. Sweeney, 19, said he Mr. Sweeney’s hobby gar- selves from Mr. Putin. counts. “It’s crucial to freeze
made the new Twitter bots— nered national attention after Mr. Sweeney said he is still not only the addresses linked
@RUOligarchJets and @Putin- he said Mr. Musk personally tracking Tesla’s CEO and reit- to Russian and Belarusian poli-
jet—over the weekend after reached out to him on Twitter Jack Sweeney is publicizing the movements of oligarchs’ jets. erated that he would take the ticians, but also to sabotage or-
Russia invaded Ukraine. asking that he shut down account down in exchange for dinary users.”
“Even before this war @ElonJet, which publicly he created in 2020. leaving the country right now,” a new Tesla Model 3. Ukraine’s Mr. Fedorov didn’t
started, people were saying to shares the movements of the His @RUOligarchJets ac- Mr. Sweeney said. He said he has no desire to make clear if the request was
me, ‘Oh, you should track Pu- Tesla executive’s plane. Mr. count has amassed more than Mr. Sweeney’s bot follows gain anything from the ac- personal or one on behalf of
tin,’ ” he said on Tuesday. Sweeney’s bots rely on public 175,000 followers as of Tuesday planes owned by Roman Abra- counts targeting Mr. Putin and the government. An attempt to
Once the Russian attacks data from plane transponders afternoon. The bot tracking movich, the oligarch owner of the oligarchs. “I definitely reach him wasn’t successful.
began, he got messages from that log longitude, latitude planes that might be used by England’s Chelsea Football Club, think we should not be at Crypto exchanges largely de-
online followers urging him to and altitude and calculate lo- Mr. Putin had more than 30,000 as well as aircraft owned by Le- war,” he said. “We should be murred from enacting any vol-
focus on the country’s oli- cation based on an algorithm followers. “I don’t think he’ll be onid Mikhelson, head of No- more peaceful.” untary restrictions in Russia.

© 2022 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A15

Interns Back Out Some are changing their minds

after accepting summer jobs as
For Better Offers recruiters present sweeter deals

BY LINDSAY ELLIS according to a survey of more than told them no, citing his happiness ternship offers in the fall without of Business.
100 students by research and ana- with the offer’s starting salary and something else lined up. Unlike last Abby Scott, assistant dean for
arely—if ever—has lytics company Veris Insights. the company’s culture. year, when he took the first offer M.B.A. career management and
there been a bidding Corporate recruiters, including “Competition has been fero- he received, Mr. Eshleman said he corporate partnerships at the Haas
war for summer in- at Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. cious,” said Graham Donald, the felt sure he’d find a better position School, said most years fewer than
terns. and General Mills Inc., said more founder and president of Campus eventually. He recently took an of- 10 students raise the possibility of
Many college stu- students are backing out of intern- Talent Lab, a company that brings fer from PNC Financial Services reneging on an internship with her
dents are juggling mul- ship offers this year. Liberty Mu- campus recruiters and HR profes- Group Inc. after several interviews office. The first step in determin-
tiple summer internship offers as tual said it is reviewing pay bench- sionals together for professional de- and an “intern super day” where he ing a sanction, she said, is to un-
companies try to lock in entry- marks. Other employers and velopment and networking. “We’re met employees over Zoom, which derstand the student’s motiva-
level talent. So fierce is this year’s campus career offices said some seeing students saying, ‘I can he said made him feel more con- tions. For example, a student
competition, recruiters and career companies have boosted intern change my mind at any point.’ ” nected to the organization. might have a new family obliga-
advisers said, that some students pay for certain in-demand stu- Students used to feel sheepish Reneging on offers can have tion that requires a different role.
are reneging on summer stints dents. Still more employers are about backing out of offers, but consequences at some universities. But if a Haas graduate student
they accepted back in the fall as stepping up contact with students Elizabeth Diley, campus talent ac- Campus career offices, wary of accepts a job with a big tech com-
recruiters barrage them with inter- between the time they accept of- quisition leader at General Mills, damaging relationships with em- pany while still aggressively inter-
view requests and richer offers. fers and when they start jobs to said she has observed less remorse. ployers, consider such moves a viewing with a startup, Ms. Scott
Companies and colleges say reneg- keep them engaged. The cereal and food maker usually breach of professional norms. said, “we really push on them and
ing is still rare, but it is becoming At Michigan question, ‘How did you feel that
more pervasive in the current re- State University, you could be in good conscience?’ ”
cruiting frenzy. undergraduates Mark W. Nelson, dean of Cor-
What’s causing them to change  Najaah Chambliss had said who renege on nell’s business school, said stu-
their minds? More money, housing yes to an internship but then accepted offers dents are reminded of “expecta-
stipends, flexible work hours, the got a better offer. won’t be able to tions and responsibilities as they
ability to live in a student’s pre- access Hand- approach the job market.” Money
ferred city and work at big-name  Tyler Eshleman turned shake, an online from the fines levied against stu-
companies that can add heft to down two offers before he job platform that dents who renege on offers bol-
new graduates’ résumés. accepted a position. many colleges sters the salaries of their peers
Najaah Chambliss, a computer- pay for to help who pursue less-lucrative intern-
science major, accepted an intern- students and ships, such as in the nonprofit sec-
ship in October for the summer of new grads find tor, according to policies reviewed
2022 at a defense company. Then, listings for en- by The Wall Street Journal.
earlier this year, the 21-year-old Maura Quinn, who leads Liberty hires about 150 interns each year; try-level work. Lehigh University, Punishing students for pursuing
senior got an offer from Microsoft Mutual’s campus recruiting and now it plans to over-hire, betting which does the same, asks students the best job offer they can get is
Corp. at nearly double the salary, early-talent programs, said her team that some percentage of interns who change their minds to send a out of step with the job market,

with money for relocating to Seat- uses a “keep in touch campaign” will renege on offers before their letter of apology to the company. said Beth Hendler-Grunt, president
tle and a housing stipend. that includes months of company summer jobs start, she said. Both colleges said that reneging on of Next Great Step, a career coun-
“It was definitely a no-brainer,” social hours and coffee chats as part Companies typically recruit offers is serious and that most stu- seling firm whose clients are stu-
she said, adding that she wanted of an extended onboarding and get- summer interns early in the aca- dents don’t do so, though Michigan dents and recent grads seeking
to diversify her résumé with a big- to-know-you process. demic year to lock in potential tal- State officials acknowledged there their first jobs.
tech role after prior internships in The company also encourages ent. The problem this year with have been more cases this year. “They’re not thinking about
the defense sector. accepted interns to post a com- commitments made months ago is M.B.A. candidates can face what’s good for the students—
Interns are rejoicing at their pany logo on social media to an- that the hot job market is generat- steeper penalties for reneging, in- their skill set, their financial
new leverage in a hot labor mar- nounce the new position. Incoming ing lots of new offers that can lure cluding a fine of up to $2,500 at needs,” she said of institutions
ket. Some 15% of students who had intern José Eduardo Reyes said he students away. Cornell University’s SC Johnson that impose such penalties. “I
accepted a 2022 internship offer in did so on LinkedIn and received a Tyler Eshleman, a senior study- College of Business and a 16-hour don’t think that’s how the real
November said they were still “ac- flurry of messages from other em- ing finance at Grand Valley State service project at the University of world works. People change jobs
tively searching” for another offer, ployers trying to poach him. He University, turned down two in- California, Berkeley’s Haas School all the time.”

Nader on Top CEOs?

ticular area of expertise.”
“There were others who never
bothered responding,” Mr. Nader
said. “Which is, of course, a kind of

Publishers Demur answer.”

Mr. Nader is still a household
name, though likely more for his
four long-shot presidential runs
BY JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG of family recipes and an illustrated than for his activism, particularly

fable about Congress, underper- among younger generations.
alph Nader spent a career formed. He and the publishers In 2000, he was criticized by some
bashing corporate executives. largely blame the pandemic, which Democrats for affecting the outcome
Now he’s written a book kept him from promoting the books. of that year’s ultra-close presidential
praising some. It’s not going down Getting outside one’s comfort zone election. In the swing states of Flor-
too well. is never easy. Michael Jordan’s base- ida and New Hampshire, Mr. Nader,
Tentatively called “Twelve CEOs I ball career lasted one season. Black running as the Green Party candi-
Have Known and Admired,” the Panthers co-founder Bobby Seale Consumer date, won far more votes than the
book is more than a little off-brand took some by surprise when he pub- critic Ralph margin by which Republican George
for the man who upended the world lished a barbecue cookbook. Crooner Nader has W. Bush edged Democrat Al Gore in
of auto safety with the blockbuster Pat Boone’s heavy metal album, written the states.
“Unsafe at Any Speed” and then at- made in his 60s, startled his fans. books, but “The Democratic Party is very
tacked corporate behavior in a num- “It was so out of character that it so far no good at scapegoating,” Mr. Nader
ber of other industries. was literally front-page news,” said one wants said when asked about it. “The
Based on a string of rejection let- Mr. Boone, 87. “I was dressed in to publish duopolies think they own the voters.”
ters from publishers, Mr. Nader said leather pants, chains and earrings. The youngest living CEO in his latest. When Mr. Nader pitched “Unsafe
he fears he’s been typecast, making My image was well known and ev- the book is Andy Shallal, the 66- at Any Speed,” in the 1960s, the
any accolades he might have for erybody thought they knew me.” year-old founder of Busboys and feedback wasn’t encouraging. “It’s
corporate tycoons a hard sell. His Mr. Nader, 88, disputes the idea Poets, a chain of community for comment. an interesting book but I fear it
literary agent, Ronald Goldfarb, ad- his book is out of step with his gathering places in and around Mr. Shallal would be of interest only to insur-
vised him to change course and go consumer activism, saying he sees Washington, D.C. D said he was ance agents,” Mr. Nader said he
negative, he says. it as a natural extension of his life’s Mr. Shallal said he was never a little sur- was told by Jason Epstein, a re-
“He wanted chapters on bad work. He said he had been thinking formally interviewed. “We’ve had prised to hear his friend was strug- nowned editor who died last
CEOs,” Mr. Nader said of Mr. Goldfarb. about this book for decades. That dinner together,” he said. “I like to gling to get his book published. “It month.
“I didn’t tell him what to write,” might explain why three-quarters of think we’re buddies. He was proba- would be fascinating to know what “Unsafe at Any Speed” has sold

Mr. Goldfarb retorts. “I told him its subjects are no longer alive. bly interviewing me at some point Ralph Nader thinks makes a good more than a million copies world-
what I could sell.” The two parted Among the dead executives he and I didn’t know it.” CEO,” he said. wide, Mr. Nader said.
ways after working on the manu- lauds are index-fund pioneer John Mr. Nader said he spoke to Mr. Publishers don’t seem to think so. He hasn’t given up on finding a
script for three months. Bogle and The Body Shop founder Shallal extensively for the book: “I “There’s a lot to admire in this taker for his CEO book, although he
Mr. Nader has sold plenty of books Anita Roddick. Another one, Gordon interviewed him for 15 years in his project, Ralph, but ultimately the has ruled out two particular ave-
over his career. His 1965 car-safety Sherman, former president of the restaurant.” book is not quite a fit for our list,” nues: self-publishing or turning to
exposé changed the industry. It is Midas muffler chain, died in 1987. The two other living executives Trish Daly, a senior editor at Portfo- Amazon Publishing, which in recent
credited with spurring seat-belt laws Asked why he didn’t write about featured are Yvon Chouinard, the lio, an imprint of Penguin Random years has attracted a number of
and a range of other car-safety mea- executives from a younger genera- 83-year-old founder of outdoor House, told Mr. Nader in an email. well-known writers.
sures now taken for granted. tion, Mr. Nader said, “I don’t know clothing and gear retailer Patagonia Yaniv Soha, a senior editor at “I want to break up Amazon,” Mr.
He has since written or co-au- anybody under 40 who has been Inc., and Paul Hawken, a 76-year-old Penguin Random House’s Double- Nader said. “It’s bad enough you
thored more than 30 other books, ballyhooed the way these 12 have. environmentalist, author and entre- day imprint, wrote that the busi- have to rely on them for online
although his latest two, a collection That doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” preneur. They couldn’t be reached ness-book market was “not our par- sales.”

A16 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


eople using buy-now-
pay-later services such
as Klarna and Afterpay
take note: Those pur-
chases—and payment
records—will soon show
up on credit reports.
Starting Feb. 28, Equifax Inc.
said it would begin recording the
popular “pay-in-four” installment WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT HOW

loans, which have attracted mil-
lions of shoppers but have largely
gone untracked by traditional
credit-reporting methods. The
move is part of a larger effort by

all three major credit bureaus to
offer lenders a wider view of a
borrower’s financial obligations.


“The way to help a consumer
build credit, to show that they’ve
been responsible over periods of
time, which also may increase AFFECTS YOUR CREDIT
their credit score and give them
access to other products, is to in-
corporate that data into the credit
report that lenders access today,”
said Mark Luber, chief product of-
ficer at Equifax.
Experian PLC also said it has
been collaborating directly with
buy-now-pay-later companies to
record short-term purchases start-
ing this spring. TransUnion is
building out similar capabilities
for this year, the company said.
Services like Zip and PayPal
Holdings Inc.’s Pay in 4 let shop-
pers stretch a purchase across four
biweekly, interest-free payments
rather than pay the full price at
checkout, often without added fees Change how you view ple, reports its longer-term, inter- impact to your credit. ticipates “that we see more vol-
or an upfront installment. The ‘pay later’ est-bearing loans. The addition of With fewer loans you should be ume as revolving lines.” It would
convenience of these plans, as well Installment purchases can be a life- pay-in-four plans to that mix could more able to keep track of payment be up to the lender as to how long
as the hazy or nonexistent credit line if you’re in a bind—if you’ve give credit-light consumers, or dates. Since missed payments will it would stay on the report, he
implications, have been part of maxed out your credit limit or have ones with little credit history, an carry more weight, consider switch- said. When a vendor starts report-
their appeal, analysts say. an emergency trip or repair, for ex- easy way to build credit. ing on automatic withdrawal for ing your activity, Equifax will re-
Last year, buy-now-pay-later ample. Yet many consumers become It is good practice to check your plans in the respective account cord payments going back as far
transactions were projected to hit fans of buy-now-pay-later services your credit report—you get a free settings, she added. as six months, Mr. Luber added.
$55 billion, according to payments because for the most part, the one from each bureau each year, “This can be a good way to get
consulting firm Mercator Advisory terms make it easy to forget what thanks to the Fair Credit Report- ahead of things,” she said. Use a credit card instead
Group. Merchant partners now in- they really are: loans. ing Act—and scan for blemishes, Another reason reducing the One of the simplest ways to build
clude giant retailers including Ama- As credit bureaus start to in- including misassigned transactions number of your active plans could credit is by using a traditional Inc., Sephora and Priceline. clude these transactions on your and neglected loans. be beneficial, said Mr. Schulz: Lend- credit card and paying it off in full
“This is another kind of indica- credit report, missing a payment Most buy-now-pay-later ven- ers typically view frequent credit each month.
tion that everyone in the financial- will carry consequences. dors haven’t yet said when they requests on a consumer’s report un- Consumers early in their credit-
services space understands just how “People have gotten used to al- will use the new system to start favorably. Because it isn’t yet clear building journey can consider a se-
big these buy-now-pay-later loans most treating buy-now-pay-later reporting pay-in-four loans to how long pay-in-four loans would cured credit card. This requires
have become in a pretty short pe- like a budgeting tool,” said Sheri- Equifax. stay on your report, consumers the user to put down a cash de-
riod of time,” said Matt Schulz, dan Trent, senior analyst at the should err on the side of caution. posit, which the bank holds in the
chief credit analyst at LendingTree Strawhecker Group, a payments re- Polish off ‘pay later’ “Folks who take out a lot of event that you don’t pay your bill,
Inc., the loan marketplace. “And search firm. For casual users of loans now these could end up being viewed said Mr. Schulz. The issuer reports
they are adjusting to that reality in these services, a reality check If you have multiple concurrent somewhat negatively,” said Mr. your payments to the bureaus, and
lots of different ways.” could come in the form of a credit- buy-now-pay-later loans, it is a Schulz. you get your deposit back when
Financial analysts say this de- report ding. good time to pay them off if you Mr. Luber said Equifax will you upgrade to a regular card.
velopment could have positive and Some providers already report have the means, said Ms. Trent, and classify pay-in-four loans as either “It’s a way to get credit in your
negative effects for your finances. some buy-now-pay-later loans to limit them to no more than three at revolving credit lines or install- name, but also minimizing the risk
Here’s what you should consider: credit bureaus. Affirm, for exam- a time if you are concerned about ment loans on your report, but an- to everybody involved,” he said.

Carnival Cruise Line now recommends but doesn’t require masks on board its ships.

Cruise for cruise ships, which in-

cludes the option to drop
mask requirements through-
tions and seaports.
Disney Cruise Line still re-
quires guests age 2 and
Operators out the ship if at least 95%
of both crew and passengers
older to wear face coverings
indoors except when in their

Ease Mask are fully vaccinated.

The Cruise Lines Interna-
tional Association said that
staterooms or actively eat-
ing or drinking. The cruise
line requires all eligible
Mandates lowering the threat level “is a
step in the right direction,”
guests 5 and older to be
fully vaccinated at the time
noting that almost all people of sailing.
BY ALLISON POHLE are vaccinated and that ships Carnival says that while

have medical, isolation and not broadly mandated,
ajor cruise lines in- quarantine facilities on site. masks may be required in
cluding Carnival and Cruise ships operating in certain venues and events.
Norwegian have U.S. waters reported 1,050 Under the CDC program,
started loosening onboard Covid-19 cases among pas- cruises can exempt unvacci-
mask rules. sengers and crew between nated children under 5 when
Carnival Cruise Line rec- Feb. 12 and 25, according to calculating the ship’s vacci-
ommends—but doesn’t re- CDC data. Between Dec. 15 nation rates.
quire—masks on board as of Norwegian previously re-
Tuesday. The same policy quired all cruise line guests
goes for Norwegian Cruise to be fully vaccinated, but
Line ships departing from
U.S. ports. Royal Caribbean
Cruises relaxed its mask re-
quirements for fully vacci-
Covid-19 cases on cruise ships
will allow unvaccinated chil-
dren under age 12. A spokes-
person said all guests who
are 12 and older and crew
nated guests in February. in U.S. waters Feb. 12-25 must be fully vaccinated.
They are optional for fully Guardians of unvaccinated
vaccinated guests. passengers under 12 need to
The Centers for Disease be aware of any travel re-
Control and Prevention low- and 29, there were 5,013 strictions in place at the vis-
ered the risk advisory for Covid cases among passen- iting destinations and be
cruises from a “very high” to gers and crew on ships. ready for additional tests at
“high” in February. The Masks are still required the time of sailing and dis-
agency now advises passen- during the embarkation and embarkation from a U.S.
gers to be up-to-date with debarkation process, as the port.
vaccinations before cruise federal mask mandate re- Booster shots are recom-
ship travel. Some cruise lines mains until at least March mended, but generally not
canceled or postponed sail- 18. Under the policy, face required. A Norwegian
ings as a result of the Omi- masks must be worn over spokesperson notes that
cron variant of Covid-19 in the mouth and nose by all many countries, especially in
January. travelers on airplanes, ships, Europe, now require booster
Many of the mask policies trains, subways, buses, taxis shots to visit if guests have
come after major cruise lines and ride-shares and inside been fully vaccinated more
opted into the CDC’s updated airports, bus or ferry termi- than a certain number of
voluntary Covid-19 program nals, train or subway sta- months.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A17

Pablo Picasso’s ‘The Blue Room’
(1901), left, and ‘The Soup’ (1903),
below, both included in the show

pose, telling us what Picasso was

looking at and responding to.
Such illuminating comparisons
recur throughout, scrupulously
documented as works the artist
saw either in exhibitions or repro-
ductions. In “The Blue Room”
(painted after the Vollard show), a
nude in a shallow tub bends to
bathe, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s
poster of the cabaret dancer May
Milton represented on the wall be-
hind her. The poster is on exhibit,
but more tellingly so is Rodin’s
marble “Eve” (c. 1881), whose
folded arms and bowed head
clearly inform Picasso’s bather. So
does the bent back of a nude dry-
ing herself in a lithograph by Ed-
gar Degas. Picasso’s study for “The
Blue Room” bather, isolated
against a deep Prussian blue ex-
panse, provides another clue to
the painting’s development and
points ahead to the introspective,
near monochrome images at the
heart of the exhibit—known as the
Blue Period.

The women in these moody

paintings no longer present them-
selves for male delectation. Clothed
and self-contained, they are oblivi-
ous of being observed. We see only
the boulder-like, “carved” backs of
“Two Women at a Bar” (1902),
painted after Picasso returned from
Paris to a strike-torn, violent Barce-
lona. (He would shuttle between the
two cities before settling in Paris in
1904.) The enveloping cloak of
AGO’s “Crouching Beggarwoman”
forms a similarly sculptural mass,
with deep shadows punctuating the
somber blues, browns and grays.
It is thought that Picasso’s hav-
ing access to a women’s prison-
hospital in Paris, through a physi-
ART REVIEW cian friend, provoked these images

Brilliant From the Beginning

of despairing women, often shown
with children. The misery of street
people and the impoverished strik-
ers in Barcelona also infiltrated his
imagery. Images of hunger and ne-
glect persist, along with glimpses
BY KAREN WILKIN casso in 1900, already connected of charity. Witness “The Soup,” a

with the Barcelona vanguard at tender scene of a mother feeding a
Washington the café Els Quatre Gats, having child. But equally persistent is Pi-
iven the countless exhi- abandoned formal art studies and casso’s constant testing of the im-
bitions and the vast lit- beginning to exhibit in Spain. On plications of other works of art.
erature dedicated to his first sojourn in Paris, working Through side-by-side comparisons
Pablo Picasso in a borrowed Montmartre studio with significant examples by El
(1881-1973), is there from September through Decem- Greco, Honoré Daumier, Puvis de
anything more to say? ber that year, his scenes of louche Chavannes, Rodin, Degas and
“Picasso: Painting the Blue Period,” Parisian café life (and the occa- more, we are made privy to what
at the Phillips Collection, affirms sional Spanish subject) won him a Picasso wished to absorb, emulate,
that the answer is “yes.” Organized contract with a Catalan expatriate challenge, reject or rival. It’s like
by Kenneth Brummel, associate cu- who promoted Spanish art to col- watching the preternaturally gifted
rator, Modern Art, at the Art Gal- lectors and dealers. Back in Paris young man think, as he discovered
lery of Ontario, Toronto, and Susan in late May 1901, Picasso’s meeting and invented himself.
Behrends Frank, curator at the Phil- with the prestigious gallerist Am- A coda of paintings and sculp-
lips, the show is a deep dive into broise Vollard resulted in plans for tures from 1904-1906—mostly sen-
the heady years—1901-1904—when an exhibition in late June and a suous, firmly articulated nudes
the eager, barely fledged painter month of feverish effort, as the made in the Pyrenees town of Go-
first found his voice. still teenage painter rushed to pro- sol—signals a change in mood. The
The exhibition is structured duce new works for the show. brooding darkness of the Blue Pe-
around three works, the Phillips’s Eight of these are on view—ur- riod gives way to the seductive
“The Blue Room” (1901) and the gent, vibrantly colored—a salable, warmth of the Rose Period, with
AGO’s “Crouching Beggarwoman” self-promoting miscellany: bou- its shifts between delicacy and
(1902) and “The Soup” (1903), all quets; café scenes; a brushy head hardened form. We learn a lot. Try
young paintings, full of near-ado- of an extravagantly hatted woman; not to miss “Picasso: Painting the
lescent angst and intense feeling. ods. The histories of the trio, their tive works, documentary materials splayed, titillating nudes. There’s Blue Period.”
Together, they embody Picasso’s place within Picasso’s evolution, and multimedia accounts of the one tough outlier, “Nude With
main themes during this early pe- and the world in which they were revelations of recent technical Cats” (1901), a tightly folded girl Picasso: Painting the Blue Period
riod—intimacy, compassion and created are brought to life by a analysis of the three central paint- on a bed, with three black felines. The Phillips Collection, through
sympathy for the unfortunate, es- stellar selection of his drawings, ings enrich the story. And the cat- Beside this small, fierce painting, June 12
pecially women—while also mak- canvases and sculptures that in- alog is a good read, informative Auguste Rodin’s “Crouching
ing plain his ambition and his cludes rarely seen examples from and intelligently organized. Woman” (1880-82) reveals the Ms. Wilkin is an independent cura-
awareness of art from many peri- collections world-wide. Compara- We meet the 19-year-old Pi- source of the odd, compressed tor and critic.

TELEVISION REVIEW | JOHN ANDERSON gets sidestepped. A character like lennial con artistry that’s in vogue
Walgreens’ Jay Rosan (Alan Ruck), right now. No one is a greater mas-

Out for Blood at Theranos

for instance, is wooed by Holmes, seuse of the truth than upmarket
looks very skeptical, and yet “a few hoaxer Anna Delvey in “Inventing
months later” he’s lobbying on her Anna” (Netflix). And while the Travis

behalf with the devotion of a reli- Kalanick character in “Super Pumped:
lizabeth Holmes, who rode Sili- What’s not is how Holmes se- self-made female tech billionaire— gious convert. His dubious col- The Battle for Uber” (Showtime) is
con Valley’s “fake it till you duced so many people, from her and a Stanford dropout besides— leagues include his boss, Wade Mi- no Elizabeth Holmes—he’s selling an
make it” ethos all the way to a Stanford professor and future Thera- was not something anyone wanted quelon (Josh Pais), who is less actual idea from a real company—he’s
four-count felony conviction, isn’t in- nos board member Channing Robert- to deflate with facts, not the inves- confident in Theranos than he is also scamming his way through life.
teresting because she’s a victim. son (Bill Irwin) to George P. Shultz tors and not the media. Still, what fearful of being left behind by up- What the fraudsters also share is a
She’s interesting because, by every (Sam Waterston). Bill Clinton, Henry counterfeit benevolence: Everyone is
indication, she’s a sociopath. And Kissinger and David Boies were also doing what they’re doing—and steal-
yet, by the end of episode 1 of among her acolytes, and the question ing what they’re stealing—for the
Hulu’s dramatic series “The Drop- one hopes will be explored and/or an- benefit of mankind. It’s what helped
out,” a viewer will be wondering if swered by “The Dropout” is why. Ms. Holmes get over on people like
the subject’s misbehavior is going to Seyfried, who was Oscar-nominated Shultz.
be blamed on her chilly mother, her for “Mank” last year, is just as revela- There’s a super team of support-
feckless father, her own frigidity, tory here, but strictly as an actress, ing actors in “The Dropout,” includ-
mean girls, a sexual assault at Stan- not as a window into the phenome- ing the great Laurie Metcalf as
ford, or the fact that she couldn’t non of Holmes. The portrayal is ab- Holmes-doubter Phyllis Gardner, and
run as fast as the other kids in sorbing, committed and morbidly fas- the endearing Stephen Fry, whose
grade school. cinating—one of the more memorable genial, opera-loving Ian Gibbons,
The eight-part series finally stops aspects of the Holmes persona was head chemist at Theranos, is a prin-
imposing sympathy on the story in her unnaturally deep voice, which cipal player in the company melo-
episode 4, when Holmes (Amanda seemed intended to enthrall and drama but too nice a guy to suspect
Seyfried) becomes a fully paranoid probably did. A conceit of “The Drop- the obvious. (Other decent people at
burner of bridges at Theranos, her out” is the Holmes character’s delib- Theranos, and there aren’t many, in-
“disruptive” company that was built erately cultivating her near-baritone clude the scientists Edmond and
on a blood-testing technology that and Ms. Seyfried’s gradual Jekyll-and- Rakesh, given memorable portrayals
never actually worked. She shops it Hyde-ish adoption of Holmesian facial by James Hiroyuki Liao and Utkarsh
anyway, to CVS, Safeway and ulti- gestures. (The way the actress con- Ambudkar). Kate Burton is Ian’s
mately Walgreens, whose team of torts her mouth is nothing short of wife, and late in the series she, Mr.

older male executives—who should heroic.) But at the same time, there Macy and Ms. Metcalf create the
be running for the hills—partner in- are aspects to the Holmes allure, so kind of scene one imagines must
stead with a woman willing to test to speak, that seem beyond the Amanda Seyfried as Elizabeth Holmes in ‘The Dropout’ have been a hoot for them as their
her unworkable process on terminal scope of acting, writing or directing. characters collect facts for Wall
cancer patients, spy on her employ- (The show’s creator is Elizabeth ineffable magic the woman pos- start startups. But regardless of Street Journal reporter John Carrey-
ees and lie shamelessly in the face Meriwether, who based it on the pod- sessed is beyond explanation, as far their motives, few of these alleged rou (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) and plot
of incontrovertible facts. “I don’t cast of the same name by Taylor as the show is concerned. “She’s authority figures (episode 4 is titled to “burn Theranos to the ground.” At
feel things the way other people Dunn, Rebecca Jarvis and Victoria pretty and blond,” sputters Holmes “Old White Men”) comes off looking that point, Holmes and company al-
feel things,” she tells her age-inap- Thompson. Worth seeking out for antagonist Richard Fuisz (William H. very sage. (Only seven of the eight ready are self-immolating. But view-
propriate boyfriend and alleged ac- hard facts is Alex Gibney’s “The In- Macy), and he seems to be on to episodes were available for review.) ers will be cheering the arsonists on.
complice, Sunny Balwani (a won- ventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Val- something—she humiliated a lot of Whether Holmes was an enchant-
drously vile Naveen Andrews). That ley.”) older men who should have known ress remains mysterious, though she The Dropout
much is clear. That Holmes was the youngest better. But how she actually did it certainly represents the kind of mil- Begins Thursday, Hulu

A18 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

are entering the game and produc-
ing at high levels,” said New York
Mets pitcher Max Scherzer, one of
Baffert Seeks
eight players on the union’s execu-
tive subcommittee. “We still feel To Overturn
Churchill Ban
there’s dollars to be allocated to-
ward them that would fairly com-
pensate their contributions on the
field more so than what’s at the ta- BY JIM CHAIRUSMI
ble at this point.”
The events of Tuesday were the TRAINER BOB BAFFERT SUED
culmination of a long process that Churchill Downs Inc., the com-
began not long after the ratification pany’s chief executive and its
of the previous CBA. It quickly be- chairman, alleging that the race-
came evident that the 2016 deal fa- track didn’t have the legal author-
vored the owners, and the average ity to issue a two-year ban after
player salary decreased throughout the Baffert-trained Medina Spirit
its term. failed a drug test following last
Middle-class free agents felt year’s Kentucky Derby.
squeezed as teams began treating Kentucky racing officials last
the luxury tax more and more like a week disqualified Medina Spirit as
line never to cross. The rebuilding the winner of the 2021 Kentucky
strategy known as “tanking” swept Derby, after the colt tested posi-
across the league, further hamper- tive for betamethasone, a corticos-
ing demand for some players. teroid, in post-race testing. Regu-
Meanwhile, team valuations and lations in Kentucky don’t allow
league revenues soared. betamethasone in a horse’s system
Mr. Manfred pointed out that the on race day. The board also or-
players’ dissatisfaction was with a dered a 90-day suspension for Baf-
deal they agreed to. fert and fined him $7,500. Baffert
Nonetheless, their anger led to is appealing that decision to a
the relationship between the league Kentucky state court.
and union sinking to its lowest The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in
point in more than a quarter-cen- federal court in the Western Dis-
tury, with players gearing up for a trict of Kentucky, says that
clash years before this Churchill Downs, chief executive

Baseball’s lockout.
“We’ve seen this com-
ing,” said pitcher Andrew
Bill Carstanjen and chairman Alex
Rankin rushed to judgment and
deprived Baffert of his right to due

Opening Day Miller, another executive

subcommittee member.
“It’s unfortunate, but this
process by preventing Baffert and
his horses from racing at any
Churchill Downs-owned track for

Is Delayed isn’t new to us. This is not

One person with a lot
two years.
“[Churchill Downs] was acting
like a regulatory agency without
at stake is Mr. Manfred, having the due process estab-
Continued from Page One baseball’s commissioner lished,” said Baffert’s attorney,
pressure tactic and insisted they since 2015. He sees him- Clark Brewster. “They’ve gone
wouldn’t meet it if it meant con- self as a dealmaker, a la- down this pathway of accusation
senting to what they believed to be bor lawyer who helped and condemnation and they can’t
a bad offer. deliver four previous retreat from it when they realized
The union has also suggested CBAs without a work they are wrong,” Brewster said.
that if the league tries to dock stoppage. Now his legacy Baffert, 69, is also seeking a
player pay, it would take off the ta- is quickly becoming de- preliminary injunction to allow his
ble what the owners want most: an fined not by the Houston horses to earn qualifying points
expanded playoff format worth tens Astros’ cheating scandal, for this year’s Derby and recognize
of millions of dollars in additional Covid-19 or unending con- any points that his horses have al-
annual revenues. troversies about the com- ready earned. This year’s race is
MLB games haven’t been affected position of the baseball— scheduled for May 7.
by a work stoppage since the strike MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said ’I want to assure our fans that our but by games not being A spokesman for Churchill
of 1994 that resulted in the cancel- failure to reach an agreement was not due to a lack of effort by either party.’ played on his watch. Downs Inc. said in an emailed
lation of the World Series. Follow- That will become especially true statement, “The lawsuit filed by
ing that dispute, attendance didn’t there’s a little wiggle room.” Monday, frustrating players. the longer the lockout drags on. Mr. Bob Baffert is disappointing but
return to its previous levels for The parties remain apart in sev- The other two issues involve Manfred intimated it was the certainly not surprising. His claims

more than a decade. Mr. Manfred eral key areas that the players have mechanisms designed to promote union’s turn to offer a proposal. Mr. are meritless and consistent with
said last month that postponing identified as their top priorities. compensation for young players, an Meyer responded that the league his pattern of failed drug tests, de-
opening day would be “a disastrous Chief among them is the competi- increasingly crucial part of rosters used the words “best and final” on nials, excuses and attempts to
outcome for this industry.” tive balance tax, which penalizes who are paid relatively little. The Tuesday, implying that there was no blame others and identify loop-
Now baseball is facing just that, teams for spending over certain union asked for the minimum salary reason to counter. holes in order to avoid taking re-
an outcome that threatens to antag- limits and has been used by some to grow from $570,500 to $725,000 It creates the impression that sponsibility for his actions. These
onize fans of a sport that has strug- in 2022, with set annual raises after this could go on for a while–and the actions have harmed the reputa-
gled in recent years to maintain its that. The league is at $700,000, players say they are ready to hold tions of the Kentucky Derby,
position in a crowded entertain- ending at $740,000 in 2026. out as long as necessary. Churchill Downs and the entire
ment landscape. Attendance and
Rob Manfred said last Players want $85 million put into “We’re prepared,” Mr. Miller Thoroughbred racing industry.”
television ratings have decreased in month that postponing a performance-based bonus pool for said. “Our communication, our will-
recent years, with the younger de- players who don’t yet qualify for ingness to see each other’s point of
mographic, especially, not embrac-
opening day would be ‘a salary arbitration with $5 million views and to find solutions and to
ing longer, slower games and less disastrous outcome.’ increases each year, while the fight for what’s right is like nothing
action on the field. league has pitched $30 million. like I’ve seen before.”
The owners presented what they MLB’s proposal also featured the On Monday, the players rallied

described as their best offer Tues- designated hitter in the National around the announcement that Hall
day, though Mr. Manfred later clari- as a de facto salary cap. League, a 12-team postseason field of Famer Derek Jeter had stepped
fied that he didn’t mean that in a The players are seeking that instead of 10 and a draft lottery for down as chief executive of the Mi-
legal sense. Though he called the threshold to be raised to $238 mil- the first five picks. ami Marlins, saying: “The vision for
negotiations “deadlocked,” he said lion from $210 million and climb to Player leaders quickly rejected the future of the franchise is differ-
the sides are not at an impasse. $263 million over the life of the the league’s proposal, and the ent than the one I signed up to
“Take it or leave it in a negotia- five-year deal. Management offered union’s bargaining unit in Florida lead.” Players interpreted his state-
tion is not something that I think is $220 million, topping out at $230 led by attorney Bruce Meyer said it ment as one of their own leaving
usually productive,” Mr. Manfred million. MLB’s tax numbers were was going home. management and returning to their
said. “I think always at the end unchanged from its last proposal on “Young players more than ever side. Bob Baffert sued Churchill Downs.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Edmonton -0s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 66 Make a tpyo, say 30 Get even, in a
0s 67 Clunker way
Vancouver Calgary
l r 0s 10s 12 13 14 15
10s 68 •Vehicle on a 33 Celestial bodies
Seattle 10s Winnipeg 16 17
40s 20s 20s motorway 34 Appear
Portland 18 19 20 21
Helena 30s Montreal Augusta 30s Down 35 Bull, in Bogotá
50s Bismarck Ottawa
20s 30s 40s 22 23 1 Via, informally
Eugene 38 Toon who spins
Billings Mpls./St. Paul Toronto n Boston
Al 50s
Boise 30s 40s 24 25 26 27 28 2 Some loaves out of control
Hartford 40s
Pierre Sioux Falls Milwaukee Detroit Buffalo 60s
Neww York
3 High hairstyle 39 Instrument for
Reno Des Moines Pittsburgh 70s 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 quacks?
70s Cheyenne Cleveland
Sacramento Salt Lake City Omaha
Chicago Philadelphia
80s 4 Michael of “SNL”
Springfield 50s Washington D.C.
36 37 38 39 40 42 Served, as soup
San Francisco
Colorado Topeka Indianapolis 90s 5 Spying sites,
Charleston Richmond 41 42 43 44 45 45 Early man?
Las Springs
Kansas St. Louis Louisville 100+ sometimes
Vegas City 60s Raleigh
Los Angeles 80s Nashville 46 47 48 49 6 Trudge 47 Prado’s home
Santa Fe Charlotte
80s Phoenix Albuquerque Oklahoma City Columbia 7 Deep Blue 48 Either of Carlton
San Diego Atlanta 50 51 52 53 54
Little Rock
Birmingham Warm Rain creator Fisk’s clubs,
Dallas Jackson
El Paso Ft. Worth 70s 55 56 57 58 59 familiarly
Mobile Cold 8 Danced loudly
70s Jacksonville T-storms 50 Burning
0s Austin 60 61 62 63
10s Orlando
9 Words to live by
20s Houston New Orleans
Stationary Snow 51 Cruise carrier
80s San Antonio 64 65 10 Build
Anchorage Honolulu Miami 52 Social outcast
30s Showers Flurries 66 67 68 11 Pronoun with a
70s 70s 54 Leader of the
40s slash
Jets, in “West
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022
LOST IN TRANSLATION | 13 Bright color Side Story”
U.S. Forecasts Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow By David P. Williams 14 Overseas, like the 56 Three-___ sloth
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W sets of starred
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers;
Omaha 69 27 pc 48 31 pc Frankfurt 47 28 pc 50 28 s Across 22 Scout’s rider 44 •It can remove clues 57 “Everything Is
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; a full stop Illuminated”
Orlando 80 59 pc 84 59 pc Geneva 53 35 pc 56 35 pc 1 •Vehicle on a 23 Signify
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 58 44 s 48 24 pc Havana 81 62 s 84 63 pc 15 Laundromat type writer Jonathan
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W highway 46 Floors
Phoenix 87 60 s 87 57 c Hong Kong 72 63 s 70 64 pc 24 Caprese salad 20 Consumed Safran ___
Anchorage 35 28 c 37 28 sn Pittsburgh 51 30 c 34 17 pc Istanbul 43 35 c 44 38 pc 6 Where racers ingredient 49 Cranberry
Atlanta 75 49 s 75 49 s Portland, Maine 39 24 pc 33 4 pc Jakarta 87 75 t 88 75 sh retire? 22 “___ folly to be 58 Leslie Odom Jr.’s
Austin 71 42 s 74 52 pc Portland, Ore. 55 46 r 53 42 c Jerusalem 66 45 c 49 44 r cocktail “Hamilton” role
27 Tabasco o wise”
Baltimore 61 45 s 51 25 pc Sacramento 74 46 pc 62 48 c Johannesburg 77 60 c 78 60 t 9 Lukewarm Chihuahua, por 50 Dawn-to-dusk
Boise 63 40 c 62 38 c St. Louis 75 41 s 54 38 s London 47 42 r 53 44 c response 23 Risk taker 59 Minuscule
Madrid 63 40 pc 54 40 r ejemplo
Boston 43 32 s 35 11 pc Salt Lake City 61 37 pc 65 47 c 53 Pantless pig 61 Disco ___
Burlington 33 18 pc 21 0 c San Francisco 63 49 c 57 49 r Manila 92 78 pc 94 76 pc 12 Compound 24 Really smile
29 •It can remove (“The Simpsons”
Charlotte 74 44 s 77 47 s Santa Fe 66 32 pc 65 36 pc Melbourne 81 62 pc 85 63 s connector 55 •Venue for 25 La Scala song
a period character)
Chicago 54 27 c 32 26 c Seattle 52 44 sh 49 39 c Mexico City 77 47 s 78 48 s soccer
Cleveland 45 26 c 30 18 c Sioux Falls 51 20 pc 32 23 sf Milan 54 33 pc 56 36 s 14 Tuna with white 31 Walter Scott 26 Bollywood gown
Dallas 78 47 s 76 54 s Wash., D.C. 63 48 s 53 31 c Moscow 36 13 s 33 22 pc flesh 56 Poisonous 63 Brazilian
Denver 70 39 pc 69 41 pc Mumbai 92 78 pc 94 79 pc title 28 As late as, in ads metropolis
16 It gets you high 57 Org. once
43 23 sh 31 20 pc
82 66 pc 81 66 sh
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
53 43 pc
90 77 s
54 40 c
91 77 s overnight
32 •Thing to stop
headed by Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Today Tomorrow on holiday
Houston 72 49 s 75 53 pc Riyadh 90 67 s 92 71 c Robert Mueller A L A
Indianapolis 62 33 pc 41 28 c City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 54 36 s 55 39 pc 17 Alternatives to 36 Make known B O S
Kansas City 79 39 s 57 42 s Amsterdam 51 32 pc 51 32 pc San Juan 86 73 pc 84 74 pc preserves 60 Face-to-face E R I
Las Vegas 78 54 pc 79 53 pc Athens 50 40 r 55 46 pc Seoul 46 27 s 49 25 pc 37 Ended a suit L I F
Little Rock 77 43 s 74 46 s Baghdad 82 63 pc 82 51 c Shanghai 60 44 pc 63 49 pc 18 Group that 62 “Groovy!” H O T L E A P S
Los Angeles 83 54 pc 70 52 c Bangkok 95 79 s 95 79 t Singapore 88 77 t 89 77 sh entertains GIs 40 ___ Speedwagon
64 Prepared for a O WN S A L T E T H O S
Miami 79 69 pc 82 69 pc Beijing 60 23 s 52 23 s Sydney 71 70 r 76 73 r R E E F T I A R A S I L K
Milwaukee 46 23 sn 31 25 c Berlin 44 26 pc 44 29 pc Taipei City 69 64 c 75 63 pc 19 Stockpile 41 •Thing to stop second printing, I D E A S L O T S G E E
Minneapolis 34 13 sn 27 19 c Brussels 50 34 pc 53 33 pc Tokyo 55 46 pc 56 43 pc on vacation perhaps S T E A L T H E S H O W
21 •Venue for C T R L V EWE
Nashville 72 46 s 70 42 s Buenos Aires 84 69 s 78 72 s Toronto 35 16 sn 23 13 pc B R E A K O U T I N S O N G
New Orleans 73 50 s 73 53 s Dubai 79 64 s 81 67 pc Vancouver 51 41 sh 47 38 c football 43 “Nonsense!” 65 Handbills E R I N S I T I S A R E A
New York City 52 42 s 44 22 pc Dublin 49 43 sh 48 34 r Warsaw 41 24 pc 40 29 c L I MO S D A R T MA T T
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 78 42 s 75 51 s Edinburgh 47 42 r 48 41 r Zurich 50 31 pc 53 28 s S C E N E S H E S E L S E


THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A19

The Putin Endgame BOOKSHELF | By Hugo Restall

Modern sig-
nals moni-
toring means
to slaughter his way to Kyiv
and Western public opinion
will make sure economic sanc-
that we can only hold out for
a few more years.”
Choices always exist, just
Vladimir Putin were not
around? Do they really want
Russia in harm’s way as Mr.
U.S. spooks
can hardly
store all the
tions are a one-way ratchet.
Ukrainians will fight on and
suffer more, with the consola-
tion that a great nation is be-
not for a Hitler or Putin. They
need to drag the world into
disaster to secure their own
Putin continues his desper-
ate, flailing campaign, now
with nuclear threats, to save
himself from his Ukraine
Of Genius
they collect. ing born. (Meanwhile, if you Mr. Putin’s isolation and blunders?
So when Sen. thought China, which could miscalculation make him dan- Events can be momentous
Kingdom of Characters
By Holman W.
Marco Rubio have prevented all this, was gerous but they also make him without meriting grandilo- By Jing Tsu
Jenkins, Jr.
tweeted this ready for global responsibility, vulnerable. Seventeen years quent description. There can’t (Riverhead, 314 pages, $28)

week about you’re over that now.) ago, I wrote the West didn’t be a new cold war because the
intelligence he can’t describe Mr. Putin’s retreat into so- realize Mr. Putin “fancied him- Russia of today can’t sustain a he proliferation of Mandarin immersion schools across
that shed doubt on Vladimir lipsism didn’t begin with self a conqueror, an empire cold war. It’s not the U.S.S.R. the U.S. suggests that a growing number of American
Putin’s mental state, he may Covid but the Arab Spring, builder, a man of destiny,” like Economically, it’s not even parents believe the Chinese language, including its
not have been referring to the which he saw as harbinger of another figure in the news at Spain. Operative all along writing system, will prepare their children for academic
work of CIA profilers but what his own ending. He saw every- the time—Saddam Hussein. hasn’t been Russia’s historical success. China’s primary- and secondary-school students
Mr. Putin’s colleagues are say- one around him as a potential and geographic imperatives, regularly top global rankings in math and science, even as
ing in their undoubtedly copi- enemy and the feeling became but the grotty nature of the the study of Confucian classics enjoys a resurgence. Perhaps
ous exchanges. mutual. When he showed a His regime is current regime. A kleptocracy Chinese characters are the key to the country’s ability to
Mr. Rubio has become our video of Russian helicopters is reaching its natural ending. churn out talented professionals?
designated declassifier. He battling militants in Syria to a destroying itself over It couldn’t create a stable If the central figures of Jing Tsu’s “Kingdom of
was the vehicle for a fleeting visiting Oliver Stone, it was a fictional threat of governance model any more Characters: The Language Revolution That Made China
and obviously purposeful air- video of U.S. helicopters lifted than the one-man 1970s Afri- Modern” were alive to see this, they would marvel at how
ing of Mr. Putin’s dirtiest, from YouTube. I doubt his NATO aggression. can dictatorships it resem- history has reversed itself. For more than a century, language
most secret laundry (to which aides informed him of the, um, bles. Mr. Putin’s geopolitical reformers and innovators struggled with the challenge of
I will return at the end) dur- embarrassment. posturing is absurd. His re- meshing Chinese characters with the Western world.
ing a 2017 confirmation hear- But he knows one thing: The two men’s paths were gime is destroying itself over Ms. Tsu, a professor of East Asian languages and
ing with Rex Tillerson. This day was coming. He oddly similar, and anybody an entirely fictional threat of literatures at Yale University, describes how intellectuals
I’ve been wondering for planned for it. Like his role who saw Mr. Putin’s televised NATO aggression from believed that the Chinese language was a major reason for
weeks now how Mr. Putin can model, he exploited the Olym- bullying of aides last week Ukraine. the country’s backwardness.
survive his Ukraine gambit. pics for their internationalist might have thought of Sad- The sanction that might As China was being carved up
His basic bet failed a month sheen, then launched a discor- dam’s televised Baath Party help Kremlin decision makers into spheres of influence by
ago, when Volodymyr Zel- dant drumbeat about how Rus- purge before the Iran war. come to the right decision to- colonial powers during the 19th
ensky, Joe Biden and Olaf sia is surrounded by enemies. Except with a difference: day is the truth. Open the century, the West’s dominance
Scholz refused to concede Like his role model, his mil- Saddam’s untrusted associates CIA’s files about his regime’s seemed to show that alphabet-
Ukraine’s independence to ap- itary spendfest in the 2010s were dragged off to his dun- murders and thefts and bi- based scripts were a better fit
pease the Russian dictator. wasn’t for signaling purposes geons to be tortured and exe- zarre corruption. Open the for the scientific and industrial
That ended any chance of an but to implement a deliberate cuted. Mr. Putin, after his files about Ryazan. That’s the revolutions then under way.
outcome that actually plan for staying in power. bitchy treatment, had to let city where a spate of murder- Some influential figures, such as
strengthens him. His speech last week was his march out of the room ous apartment-block bomb- the left-wing writer Lu Xun,
A military victory in redolent of Hitler gambler with one more reason to relish ings by Chechen terrorists argued that Chinese characters
Ukraine now will be indistin- phrases: No choice. No option. his eventual comeuppance. came to an end in 1999. They should be scrapped to save the
guishable from defeat. If Mr. “We could not act otherwise.” These cronies have a stopped after then-presiden- nation.
Putin is sentient, he will look Hitler, before his Poland chance to earn their billions. tial candidate Putin’s own in- There are several reasons why
for ways to limit the costs of invasion, said: “It is easy for They aren’t fools. Would any telligence agents were caught China ultimately held on to its
his miscalculation, which I us to make decisions. We of this be happening if not unloading sacks of explosive characters. Most important, the
doubt the U.S and its allies have nothing to lose. . . . Our for Vladimir Putin? Would it into the basement of a large prevalence of homophones in the Chinese language means
will afford him. He will have economic situation is such continue one second longer if apartment complex. that a phonetic script would lead to endless misunder-
standings. Ms. Tsu reprints a 92-character parable by the
linguist Zhao Yuanren about a gentleman who tries to eat 10

Scholz and Biden Stand Tall Against Russia stone lions. Every character is pronounced “shi,” making a
phonetic rendering unintelligible. It’s an extreme case, but
the point is certainly valid.
This has been ourselves to set limits on a many’s former Defense Minis- and these efforts have borne So how could China make its characters fit into a world
quite a week. warmonger like Putin.” ter Annegret Kramp-Karren- fruit. The sanctions against dominated by alphabetic languages? The book opens with
The Russian Since the fall of the Berlin bauer wrote, “I’m so angry at Russia will deliver a hard the story of Wang Zhao, a former Qing dynasty official who
invasion of Wall, Germany has allowed its ourselves for our historical blow to its economy, and the sneaked back into the country from exile to publish in 1903
U k r a i n e armed force to wither from failure.” Despite multiple Rus- European Union’s decision to the first homegrown phonetic script. Wang’s “Mandarin
ended the nearly half a million person- sian attacks on its neighbors, fund and deliver weapons to Combined Tone Alphabet,” a set of 62 symbols borrowed
POLITICS p o s t - C o l d nel to only 180,000 while she says, “we have not pre- Ukraine is unprecedented. from Japanese and Manchu, was quickly superseded by
War era and slashing its battle-tank force pared anything that would NATO is united and more nec- another bespoke system. But Wang’s alphabet did play a
silenced the from 5,000 to 300. For the have really deterred Putin.” essary than ever. transitional role in education reforms that promoted
By William
endless chat- past three decades, the coun- Russia’s invasion of While the defense of de- literacy. After the collapse of the Qing and the founding of
A. Galston
ter that the try has relied on international Ukraine has had the same ef- mocracy in Europe is crucial, a nationalist republic in 1912, Wang continued to champion
North Atlantic law and institutions, bolstered fect on Germans that Ger- we face critical challenges in the Beijing dialect used by imperial officials as the standard
Treaty Organization is obso- by trade and economic inte- many’s invasion of Poland did Asia as well. We can’t choose form of the language. That gave us today’s Mandarin, known
lete. And for Germany, World gration, to maintain the peace one region over the other. Mr. in the People’s Republic as putonghua, or “common speech.”
War II is finally over. of Europe. The invasion of Biden must persuade Con- Many problems persisted in the years before the advent
The changes in German Ukraine has shattered the illu- As Germany begins its gress and the American peo- of powerful computers. The complicated tables for encoding
policy have come with breath- sion that this approach would ple that our vital interests are characters into numbers for telegrams meant that Chinese
taking speed. Better known suffice. rearmament, the U.S. at stake in both and must be messages were slower to arrive and more expensive to send.
for caution than daring, Chan- “We have to ask ourselves: must continue to help protected. The rise of China is Chinese typewriters were cumbersome and difficult to use.
cellor Olaf Scholz halted Nord What capacities does Putin’s threatening American’s econ- New systems to index knowledge along the lines of alpha-
Stream 2 (probably for good), Russia have?” Mr. Scholz told Ukraine’s resistance. omy as well as the security of betical order were hard to learn.
ended Germany’s ban on Parliament. “And which ca- its friends in the Indo-Pacific
weapons exports to Ukraine, pacities do we need to coun- region. The U.S. must respond
accepted financial sanctions ter his threats? It’s clear that on Brits in 1939, and the joint by investing more in key tech- Many believe Mandarin to be a language of
on Russia—including the re- we will need to invest a lot Russian-Chinese declaration nologies, strengthening its al- the future, but it was once considered a
moval of some Russian banks more in the security of our at the beginning of February liances in the region, and en-
from the Swift system and a country to defend our free- may turn out to be this cen- suring that the U.S. and its stumbling block to Chinese modernization.
ban on transactions with Rus- dom and our democracy.” tury’s Molotov-Ribbentrop allies gather the armed forces
sia’s central bank—and autho- With apparent approval pact. needed to deter Xi Jinping
rized the construction of two across party lines, he called Mr. Scholz has risen to the from doing to Taiwan what The most successful innovations were spearheaded by the
new liquefied-natural-gas ter- for an emergency appropria- occasion. Now it is President Vladimir Putin is doing to Communists after their 1949 victory as Mao Zedong sought
minals to reduce his country’s tion of $112 billion—about Biden’s turn. Ukraine. new means to indoctrinate the “poor and blank” peasantry.
dependence on Russian en- double Germany’s annual de- Long before he became As always, freedom isn’t Mao appointed a committee of 12 language reformers that
ergy permanently. Germany fense budget—along with a president, he depicted Amer- free. In the short term, the first simplified more than 2,200 commonly used Chinese
also supported the European permanent annual increase in ica’s global challenge as a conflict in Ukraine may mean characters. In more than 80% of cases, they adopted
Union’s unprecedented deci- the defense budget to 2% of struggle between democracy higher fuel prices. In the lon- shorthands already in common use in handwriting and
sion to finance the purchase his country’s gross domestic and autocracy. Nothing illus- ger term, it may require a calligraphy. Once these shorthands were officially recognized
of weapons for Ukraine. product. trates this better than larger military budget. It is as the official forms, learning to read and write became
Most important, Mr. Scholz Many other German leaders Ukraine’s brave struggle to re- Mr. Biden’s job to prepare the easier and printing clearer.
has begun rearming Germany. have endorsed this shift, often main independent and free. American people for whatever The committee then turned to a new system of
In a speech Sunday to a spe- in blunt and personal terms. The U.S. can’t actively fight sacrifices lie ahead. But what- romanization, known today as pinyin. It was based on
cial session of Parliament, he Erich Vad, who served as mili- for them, but it is Mr. Biden’s ever hardships we may en- Latin New Script, devised in Soviet Russia in 1929 to
declared that the invasion of tary adviser to former Chan- responsibility, working with dure, they will not approach spread communist propaganda to illiterate Chinese.
Ukraine “marks an historic cellor Angela Merkel, ex- Congress, to make sure the the sacrifices that the defend- Pinyin also helped Chinese students learn to read and
turning point in the history of pressed humiliation that “our U.S. gives Ukrainians what ers of Ukraine are making ev- speak standard Mandarin. It had the additional benefit of
our continent.” The question, army is a laughingstock and they need to defend them- ery hour. Their bravery should helping foreigners understand the real sounds—hence
he said, is “whether we allow [Russia’s] is menacing the selves. inspire all of us to set aside “Peking” gave way to “Beijing.”
Putin to turn back the hands world.” The chief of the Ger- For months his administra- our differences and unite China may have been first to use movable-type printing
of time to the days of the man army admitted that “the tion has worked with Euro- around a strategy that pro- 1,000 years ago, but its typesetters were left far behind by
great powers of the 19th cen- armed forces that I lead are pean allies to coordinate a re- tects our interests and re- the invention of the linotype machine in the 1880s. By the
tury, or whether we find it in more or less powerless.” Ger- sponse to the Russian threat, flects our principles. mid-1970s, developed countries had moved on to photo-
mechanical typesetting, while Chinese printers were still
composing type using outdated methods. So the Communist

A Warning About Khrushchev Party launched a push to design a homegrown computer

system for typesetting Chinese. Again the motivation was
to deliver more propaganda faster. Smartphones now offer
By Bob Greene voice say something I hadn’t This week I checked some message emphatic: “Within the many ways to input and transmit the Chinese language,

anticipated. After noting the old clippings, and Stolzen- next month your parents will making the use of characters virtually as fast and easy as
he voice, from more student council elections that burg was very close. United be privileged to vote in a na- alphabetic languages.
than 60 years ago, was were coming up, he said, “Mr. Press International reported tional, a state and a local elec- Today the world is suddenly interested in learning about
remarkably clear and, Khrushchev, who I’m sure you that Khrushchev, speaking tion, deciding how they will be China’s language and culture. One downside is that this
to my ears, instantly recog- know, is in New York City at from the balcony of a build- governed. I believe that no na- shift, along with China’s explosive economic development,
nizable. “I’m very happy to the present time . . .” ing on Park Avenue while in tion in which the people serve has flipped an inferiority complex into triumphalism. The
welcome you boys and girls Nikita Khrushchev, the So- Manhattan for a meeting of the government can be consid- propaganda motive behind China’s most successful language
to the first assembly of the viet premier, was as ominous the United Nations General ered a great nation. Only a na- innovations should also give observers pause. The use of
1960-61 school year,” said and widely distrusted a fig- Assembly, had boasted that tion in which the government Chinese is exploding on the internet, but the renaissance is
Floyd V. Stolzenburg, princi- ure in the U.S. in 1960 as “there is no more democratic serves the people can be a corralled behind the Great Firewall, a layered system of
pal of Cassingham Elemen- system than ours.” How many great nation.” censorship that keeps out inconvenient truths and dissenting
tary School in Bexley, Ohio. votes had he received in the He said that, in this com- opinions.
A buddy of mine from My school principal in most recent election? munity in the American Mid- China has now come full circle. As in imperial times, an
those days had found the old 1960 called the Soviet “99.9%.” west, “Your parents will have authoritarian regime maintains its grip on power by
reel-to-reel tape in a box. As So Floyd Stolzenburg, who an opportunity to vote as controlling how language is used. It has even assimilated
a child he had been a mem- Union a ‘slave nation.’ lived with his family on Elm their conscience, and as their the Confucian classics into its arsenal. Confucius Institutes,
ber of the school’s audiovi- Avenue across from the intellect, dictates to them.” funded by Beijing and proliferating within U.S. schools and
sual club and a volunteer school’s baseball field and He asked us to think about universities, offer Chinese-language studies and help spread
projectionist for the noon Vladimir Putin is today. Four was the public-address an- what that meant. He said we Communist propaganda abroad.
movies (“Our Friend, the years earlier he had issued a nouncer for Friday-night should always remember that Ms. Tsu largely steers clear of politics in her book. And
Atom”) in the auditorium. In threat to Western nations: football games, explained to “yours indeed is a great she doesn’t break enough new ground to attract readers
autumn 1960 he had lugged “We will bury you.” us why he was discussing the land,” and on that tape from familiar with China’s modern history. Nevertheless, this is
his bulky Wollensak tape ma- Stolzenburg told all of us Soviet leader: long ago the sounds of the an enjoyable light read and may be useful for parents
chine to that auditorium to children in the auditorium “In other words, less than assembly went on. sending their children to learn Mandarin. If nothing else, it
record Floyd Stolzenburg’s that in New York Khrushchev 1% of the people dared to ex- will give them an appreciation of the complexity and beauty
speech. “was asked what percentage press any dissatisfaction with Mr. Greene’s books include of the language.
As I listened the other day, of the people voted for him Mr. Khrushchev. This is a “And You Know You Should
I was startled to hear the in the last election. He said it slave nation.” Be Glad: A True Story of Life- Mr. Restall is a former editor of The Wall Street Journal
principal’s reedy, friendly was 99.86%.” His tone was gentle, his long Friendship.” Asia’s editorial page.

A20 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Biden Misses the Moment On the Sidelines as Ukraine Fights for Its Life

resident Biden is no Olaf Scholz. The new What we also didn’t hear was a vow that Russia What happens in Ukraine is a mat- It isn’t too late for Kyiv to put per-
Chancellor upended decades of center- will not be allowed to conquer and hold Ukraine. ter of freedom, life and death for the manent Ukrainian neutrality on the
courageous resisters to Vladimir Pu- agenda. The alternative is too dire to
left German defense and energy policy There was no warning to Mr. Putin not to launch
tin’s invasion (“Ukraine Leads the accept. Ukraine’s future, territorial in-
this week after Vladimir Putin missiles into residential neigh- World,” Review & Outlook, Feb. 28). It tegrity and many innocent lives hang
invaded Ukraine, and Mr. Biden Nice words for Ukraine, borhoods or surround and also matters to the fate of political in the balance.
had a similar opportunity in but no domestic or starve cities into submission like freedom in the world. Ukraine is the ISTVAN DOBOZI
his State of the Union address a medieval siege. This was not Gettysburg of our time. Read Lincoln’s Sarasota, Fla.
Tuesday. He missed the mo- defense policy reset. Harry Truman at the dawn of immortal words: Gettysburg was not
ment. The President remained the Cold War calling the world only about us, but also about our obli- Russia’s invasion has the look and
on the same policy course of to meet a new danger. gation to promote freedom in the feel of Stalin’s attack on Finland. When
his first year, albeit dressed up in new anti-infla- On his domestic agenda, Mr. Biden acknowl- world in a thoughtful yet committed the Soviets invaded in November 1939,
tion packaging. edged inflation, as he had to given the polls. But manner. Gettysburg is also a symbol they exuded confidence, believing vic-
More defense spending to meet the threats he blamed rising prices on the pandemic and of the sacrifice this can require. I have tory would be quick. That didn’t hap-
read about the “rapture” that Ukraine pen. The Finns fought back fiercely,
from autocrats? No. A new appreciation for the greedy businesses, and his solutions are to un-
resisters share in risking their lives stopping Soviet invaders in their
contribution of fossil fuels to American and Eu- leash prosecutors and antitrust cops, and to together to protect their freedom. The tracks. But Stalin could not afford to
ropean security? Not a word. A note that govern- spend even more money on social welfare and flame is alive in them. Is it with us? lose—Soviet military invincibility was
ment spending contributed to the highest infla- entitlements. His most other-worldly line was EM. PROF. DONALD A. DOWNS at stake and the world was watching.
tion in 40 years? Nope. A word of praise for the that his program would “cut energy costs for University of Wisconsin-Madison The Red Army halted, reorganized and
private Pharma innovation that developed Covid families an average of $500 a year by combating smashed the main Finnish defense for-
therapies and vaccines? He proposed govern- climate change.” In “Zelensky Challenges the West” tifications in a costly final offensive.
ment price controls instead. The entire point of his climate agenda is to (op-ed, Feb. 24), Joe Lieberman pro- Only then did the overwhelmed Finns
Mr. Biden did offer stirring support for raise the price of energy for Americans by reduc- poses to “accelerate Ukraine’s applica- agree to Russian terms.
Ukraine and its fight for freedom, which received ing the supply and increasing the cost of coal, tion for membership in the European Mr. Putin follows in Stalin’s foot-
Union” and have it join NATO. This steps. The aura of Russian military in-
bipartisan applause. His Administration de- oil and natural gas. His regulators are working
would likely lead to a military con- vincibility is at stake; he has to double
serves credit for helping to rally Europe and to do that every day in every way. It was as if the frontation between Russia and the U.S. down. As infantry and armored col-
other nations to impose sanctions and provide horror of the last week, which exposed the folly As Henry Kissinger wrote in 2014: umns close in on Kyiv; as NATO and
more military aid. He was properly condemning of Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas, “The West must understand that, to the West cheer but only watch from
of Mr. Putin. had never happened. The climate left still has a Russia, Ukraine can never be just a the sidelines, maybe brave Ukrainians
But his self-congratulation ignored the failure choke hold on this Presidency. foreign country.” For Ukraine, he advo- can do to the Russians what they did
to deter the Russian autocrat. “We were ready” An anxious world is looking for American cated “a posture comparable to that of to the Germans in 1942-43, and turn
if Mr. Putin invaded, Mr. Biden said. But if the leadership in a dangerous new era. Instead Mr. Finland,” carefully avoiding hostility to Kyiv into Mr. Putin’s Stalingrad.
U.S. had been ready, Mr. Putin wouldn’t have in- Biden offered a rehash of his first-year domestic Russia. Finland shows that neutrality COL. JOHN BOYD, USA (RET.)
vaded. The Russian invaded because he thought agenda that has brought him to his low political need not involve a satellite status. Lexington, S.C.
the West would do little. And Mr. Putin finds ebb. It’s dispiriting that a White House facing so
himself in a struggle now because of the bravery many daunting challenges could come up with
of 41 million Ukrainians, not the strength of Eu- so little. The President really does need to fire
rope or the United States. some people and get better advice. No One Source Should Provide All That Power
“The Power Struggle” (Exchange, able energy. We work with regulators
Feb. 19) is compelling on the need to and other stakeholders to make grid
Britain’s Labour Party to the Defense upgrade aging power-transmission in- investments that will serve customers

frastructure. We need to think as care- for decades.
acifism runs through the veins of most marker about his party’s official stand on secu- fully about where we will get our While some argue that deregulation
European political parties of the left, rity policy and how far afield lawmakers are al- power. No source of electricity is infal- or market structures like RTOs and
but Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine invasion lowed, or not, to stray from that message. lible. That’s why we need a mix of coal, ISOs are necessary for decarboniza-
highlights the urgent need for a transfusion. Mr. Starmer is also showing he understands natural gas, nuclear power and renew- tion, Southern Co. has reduced our
able energy. When some of these un- emissions nearly in half with plans to
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is attempting Labour needs to be credible on national security
derperform, others can fill the gap. achieve net zero by 2050. Our state-
such a treatment for his Social Democrats, and for voters to trust it at the ballot box. In Parlia- This makes the grid more reliable and regulated, vertically integrated market
he’s been joined by Keir Starmer of Britain’s ment last week, he warned Conservative Prime electricity prices more affordable and structure and robust wholesale energy
Labour Party. Minister Boris Johnson that the initial round of stable. It can also help save lives. competition make rapid decarboniza-
Mr. Starmer put tough action behind his pro- sanctions Mr. Johnson’s government proposed During extreme cold weather a year tion possible without government
NATO words when he threatened last week to wouldn’t be enough to deter Mr. Putin from in- ago, average capacity factors in a 15- mandates and without sacrificing
expel 11 sitting lawmakers from the party if they vading Ukraine. state region of the Midwest were 90% safety, reliability or affordability.
didn’t recant a letter they signed criticizing the Mr. Starmer made that speech on Wednes- for nuclear plants, 84% for coal-fired TOM FANNING
Western alliance. Prominent party figures such day, and on Thursday he was proven right. This plants, 40% for natural-gas plants and CEO, Southern Co.
as Diane Abbott and John McConnell, who is the kind of clear-eyed opposition that can 17% for wind. Wind was the only elec- Atlanta
tricity source whose capacity factor
served in the shadow cabinet under former hold Mr. Johnson’s government accountable and
declined during the cold weather. The Four of the 10 most powerful and
leader Jeremy Corbyn, had put their names to push the country toward smarter policy. capacity factor for coal increased destructive hurricanes and five of the
a Stop the War Coalition statement blaming the Western governments face wrenching deci- more than any of the others. This 10 worst wildfires on record have hap-
British government and NATO for provoking Mr. sions as Mr. Putin tears up Europe’s post-World doesn’t mean that wind is a bad pened over the past decade. Recogniz-
Putin and “refut[ing] the idea that NATO is a de- War II order. Mr. Starmer does his country and source of electricity. Rather, these ing the increased risk of these extreme
fensive alliance.” Labour a favor by showing that Britain’s party numbers show the value of having a weather events and natural disasters,
Mr. Starmer won this intraparty battle when of the center-left will engage fully in these de- mix of resources that includes coal. America’s investor-owned electric
the 11 removed their signatures from the letter. bates rather than retreating into wooly paci- As the electricity grid becomes less companies have invested more than $1
The veteran leftists are unlikely to have changed fism. American conservatives who want to re- carbon-intensive, we still have to keep trillion over the past decade to build
their views apologizing for Russia’s imperial- treat from the world could learn from the the lights on by modernizing the na- stronger and more resilient energy in-
ism. But Mr. Starmer has set down an important British Labour leader. tion’s transmission system and main- frastructure that also enables them to
taining a reliable mix of resources. continue integrating clean-energy re-
BOB BERRY sources. For the 10th consecutive year,

A Lesson in Energy Masochism Henderson, Ky.

Mr. Berry is CEO of Big Rivers Elec-
we expect another industry record,
with capital expenditures projected at

tric Corp. and chairman of America’s $143.3 billion in 2021.
uropean governments are scrambling to rendered to Russian energy dominance. Power, a trade group that advocates Investment in adaptation, harden-
shore up their natural gas supply if Rus- Former NATO secretary general Anders Fogh coal-fueled electricity. ing and resilience already makes up
sia cuts off exports. But one question Rasmussen blamed Russia for fueling the frack- more than one-third of spending on
worth raising: How in the world did Europe ing opposition. “Russia, as part of their sophisti- While extreme weather can happen transmission and distribution infra-
leave itself so vulnerable to Vladimir Putin’s en- cated information and disinformation opera- anywhere, states that have suffered structure. These investments help pro-
ergy extortion? tions, engaged actively with the most are also those that have pur- tect the energy grid from extreme
The nearby chart shows Here’s how Europe made so-called nongovernmental or- sued market structures such as Re- weather and cyberattacks; help pre-
gional Transmission Organizations dict, mitigate and prevent outages;
how Russian gas exports have itself vulnerable to ganizations—environmental
(RTOs) and Independent System Oper- and help companies restore electricity
increased in tandem with de- organizations working against ators (ISOs), which treat electricity as faster when outages do occur.
clining European production. Putin’s gas blackmail. shale gas—to maintain depen- a commodity instead of a necessity. TOM KUHN
A mere 15 years ago, countries dence on imported Russian These markets carve up accountability President, Edison Electric Institute
in the European Union pro- gas,” he noted in 2014. for serving customers and often prior- Washington
duced more gas than Russia exported. Yet Eu- Meantime, multinationals diversified by hop- itize short-term financial gains over The EEI represents all U.S. investor-
ropean production has plunged by more than ping into bed with Russia. BP acquired a 19.75% customers’ long-term well-being. owned electric companies.
half over the last decade. Mr. Putin has happily stake in Rosneft in 2013. The transaction “gives In state-regulated, vertically inte-
filled the supply gap. us a wonderful opportunity to forge a new part- grated markets, companies like ours
In 2020 Russia exported nearly three times nership with a great Russian oil company,” BP’s are accountable to regulators for bal- Ukraine Needs Zelensky Alive
ancing clean, safe, reliable and afford-
more gas than Europe produced. What’s amaz- then CEO Bob Dudley declared. Your editorial “Putin’s New World
ing is that Europe increased its reliance on Rus- Shell and Exxon Mobil developed joint ven- Disorder” (Feb. 25) explains that Rus-
sian gas even after Gazprom repeatedly sus- tures with Gazprom and Rosneft. Exxon Mobil sia “is betting on more appeasement
pended pipeline exports to Ukraine. Germany’s described its partnership with Rosneft in east-
Pandemic Excuses Won’t Fly after the fall of Kyiv and the installa-
response: Build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to ern Russia as “one of the largest single interna- Your editorial “The School Shut- tion of a puppet government.” At
make itself less dependent on gas flowing tional direct investments in Russia and an ex- downs and Lost Literacy” (Feb. 25) some point not too far off, President
notes that reading skills among kin- Volodymyr Zelensky should decamp
through Ukraine. cellent example of how advanced technologies
dergartners have declined after with as much of his cabinet as possi-
Poland and Lithuania were smarter and built are being applied to meet the challenges of the school shutdowns. Even more disturb- ble and establish a government in ex-
terminals to import liquefied natural gas (LNG). world’s growing energy demand.” ing is that only 55% were on track for ile. There would be not the slightest
But Europe had another Natural Gas Production, Russia vs. Europe, The point isn’t to reading before the pandemic. Nearly a reason for anyone not otherwise in-
option: fracking. Euro- 1990-2020 shame Western energy third were “far behind.” This is an in- clined to recognize a “puppet.”
pean gas production has Russian Federation Exports European Union Production companies for accept- dictment of the education system. STUART L. MEYER
naturally fallen as older ing Russia’s invitation STEPHEN HAPPEL Hollywood, Fla.
11,000,000 TJ-gross
fields get tapped out. to develop its energy Tempe, Ariz.
But producers could use 10,000,000 resources, which Mr.
hydraulic fracturing and
Putin has now weap- Pepper ...
horizontal drilling to ex- onized against Europe. How to Keep a Pitcher Honest And Salt
ploit shale and squeeze 8,000,000 BP and Shell will suffer Regarding Ed Condon’s op-ed
more gas out of the hefty losses as they try “Down With the Designated Hitter’’ THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
ground, as they have in to exit these invest- (Feb. 23): Another reason, only
the U.S. 6,000,000 ments amid pressure hinted at, to require pitchers to bat is
Europe had an esti- 5,000,000 from their home gov- the expectation of golden-rule treat-
mated 966 trillion cu- ernments. The point is ment. If a hurler has thrown high and
bic feet of technically 4,000,000 to highlight Europe’s tight to an opposing batter, that
recoverable wet natu- 3,000,000 energy masochism. pitcher might also be exposed to
ral gas resources as of Even as Gazprom some chin music when he takes his
2013, about enough to 1990 '95 2000 '05 '10 '15 '20 slowed deliveries to Eu- turn at the plate. At its best, baseball
Source: IEA Natural Gas Information retains the unique, out-of-left-field
supply the EU for some rope last fall, a British
elements that appeal to fans. How
60 years. Much of this is located in Eastern Eu- regulator nixed Shell’s plans to develop an enor- else to explain this and other Balti-
rope, including Ukraine, Poland, Romania and mous gas field in the North Sea. Reuters reported more Oriole fans’ loyalty?
Bulgaria. But France, U.K., the Netherlands and in January that the regulator has revived discus- ART FOREMAN
Germany are also sitting on shale deposits. sions with Shell as power prices climb. So maybe Winston-Salem, N.C.
A decade ago, multinational energy compa- the cold, hard reality that Europe can’t run its
nies including Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Shell economy on wind and solar is starting to set in.
Letters intended for publication should
and TotalEnergies were exploring Europe’s Europe offers another reminder to the U.S. be emailed to Please
unconventional gas deposits with ambitions that blocking fossil-fuel development here include your city, state and telephone
to repeat the U.S. shale boom. Then protests won’t keep carbon “in the ground.” It merely number. All letters are subject to
against fracking erupted across the continent, hands a strategic weapon to dictators that they editing, and unpublished letters cannot “Wishes? Nope but you get
be acknowledged.
and one by one European governments sur- will turn around and use against us. three do-overs.”

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | A21


How the U.S. Can Back Its Promises to Ukraine

By Seth G. Jones their appetite. The U.S. did little to supported by action. The U.S. needs war. But it should aid Ukrainian re- While some Western leaders may

oppose Russia’s annexation of Cri- to provide Ukrainian fighters with a sistance efforts. U.S. special-opera- oppose aiding Ukrainian fighters
ith Russian forces in mea in 2014 or the seizure of terri- continuing stream of antitank mis- tions forces and Central Intelligence because they fear Russian retalia-
Kyiv, Vladimir Putin tory in eastern Ukraine by Russian- sile systems, surface-to-air missile Agency paramilitary units are the tion, being cowed by Mr. Putin is
is attempting to backed rebels beginning in 2014. The systems, electronic warfare and cy- best in the world, thanks to de- precisely how the West stumbled
overthrow the demo- Biden administration cannot let Mr. ber defense systems, unmanned cades of experience in the Balkans, into the current crisis.
cratically elected Putin dictate terms in Ukraine by aerial vehicles, artillery, small Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and History offers an important les-
Ukrainian government and replace force. arms, ammunition, and demolition other countries. Ukraine’s borders son on resisting Russian aggres-
it with a pro-Russian regime. The Thankfully, Mr. Putin is not a materiel like explosives, fuses and with members of the North Atlantic sion. Brigadier Mohammed Yousaf,
Biden administration now needs to chess grandmaster, and Russia is mines. Treaty Organization provide ideal who headed the Afghan war for
make clear that it will oppose any vulnerable to an insurgency in locations for U.S. military and intel- Pakistan’s Directorate for Inter-Ser-
Russian-installed government in Ukraine. Ukrainian nationalism will ligence forces to aid an insurgency, vices Intelligence, said it best when
Kyiv and provide sustained military, be difficult if not impossible for Mr. Provide weapons and create havens and establish supply referring to the Soviet invasion of
economic and other aid to Ukrai- Putin to extinguish. His government lines into Ukraine. Afghanistan in the 1980s: “Death by
nian resistance efforts. is also riddled with cronyism and intelligence—and steadfast Along with military aid, the U.S. a thousand cuts—this is the time-
The U.S. and Europe failed to de- corruption, and his domestic stand- opposition to Russian- and its European partners need to honored tactic of the guerrilla army
ter a Russian invasion because sanc- ing would take a major hit if his escalate sanctions if Mr. Putin against a large conventional force.
tions and diplomacy alone do not military is bogged down. In addi- installed puppet rulers. continues to wage war in Ukraine, In Afghanistan it was the only way
deter dictators like Mr. Putin. Russia tion, Western sanctions will only and the targets should include to bring the Soviet bear to its
now needs to pay a heavy price for make Russia’s sluggish economy Russian oil and natural-gas ex- knees.”
his strategic miscalculation. and high inflation worse. In addition, the U.S. should pro- ports. They should also cut off ad- Death by a thousand cuts—from
A successful Russian overthrow The U.S. goal should be to ensure vide intelligence about Russian mil- ditional Russian banks from Swift, sanctions, political isolation, and
of the Ukrainian government would that Ukrainians—not the Kremlin— itary activity to Ukrainian fighters, the messaging network that facili- Ukrainian resistance—may yet
have far-reaching implications. It choose their political leaders and which would allow Ukraine to plan tates transactions among banks again be the best way to bring the
would erode faith in U.S. security insist that Russian forces withdraw operations, disrupt Russian com- around the world, and impose Kremlin to its knees.
commitments around the globe, from Ukraine. Assuming that Ukrai- munication and supply lines, warn sanctions against any puppet
which suffered a major blow last nians are willing to keep fighting of airborne and ground attacks, leader Moscow tries to install in Mr. Jones is senior vice president
year following the disastrous with- for their country—and every indica- and give the location of Russian Kyiv. and director of the International
drawal from Afghanistan. It would tion suggests they are—the U.S. and units. Timely information opera- Russia has ruthlessly targeted Security Program at the Center for
also be a triumph for authoritarian its Western partners should take tions are crucial to countering Rus- resistance efforts in Chechnya and Strategic and International Studies,
regimes, which have been gaining several steps immediately. sia’s disinformation and psycholog- Syria and will do so again in a former senior civilian in U.S. Spe-
momentum with 16 consecutive First, President Biden should ical operations. Ukraine. Any sanctuary used by cial Operations Command, and au-
years of declining democracy, ac- make it explicitly clear that the U.S. The U.S. shouldn’t deploy its own Ukrainian rebels, whether in Ukrai- thor of “Three Dangerous Men: Rus-
cording to Freedom House. will reject any Russian-installed military forces to Ukraine, which nian territory or NATO countries, sia, China, Iran, and the Rise of
Appeasing dictators only increases government in Kyiv. Words must be would risk escalation to nuclear could be subject to Russian attacks. Irregular Warfare.”

Peace Through Strength Requires Economic Freedom

By Phil Gramm America’s success in the to pass the least bad competi-
And Mike Solon world economy has never de- tiveness bill now, Republicans

pended on industrial policy should focus on instituting a
s the U.S. pounds plowshares or government subsidies. It spending pause to stop the in-
into swords for a second Cold has come from the relative flation and winning the 2022
War, lessons from the first absence of government plan- congressional elections. Em-
one may serve those who care to ning and subsidies. This is powered by the American
consider them. The American policy hardly news. The U.S. gov- people, Republicans
of peace through strength, market- ernment provided support could pass a competi-
driven economic growth, and open for the efforts of Samuel tiveness bill next year
trade defeated the Soviet Union. Langley, the greatest avia- that makes the 2017
The emerging conflict with China, tion expert of the 1890s, in tax cuts permanent,
excepting the military threat to Tai- his effort to make America imposes work require-
wan, will for the foreseeable future first in powered flight. His ments for able-bodied
be almost entirely economic. That manned Aerodrome flopped adults receiving welfare bene-
will make it unlike the military con- into the Potomac River. It fits, expands employment, fixes
flicts with the Soviet Union and its was the Wright brothers, two America’s supply chain, and
proxies in Eastern Europe, Korea, unsubsidized but determined funds scientific research.
Vietnam, Cuba and countless global bicycle makers from Dayton, A more competitive America
insurrections. If the U.S. maintains Ohio, who flew at Kitty requires resurrecting and
peace through strength, it can lose Hawk, N.C., and changed the strengthening fiduciary stan-
this struggle only by forfeiting the world. dards to guarantee that retire-
source of its economic success: eco- There has always been an ment and mutual funds act in

nomic freedom. element in American society investors’ interests, using ap-

that views government inter- propriation riders to stop the
vention in the economy as a oppressive regulatory and anti-
The U.S. must not turn source of progress. “I have trust overreach of Mr. Biden’s
been over into the future and regulators, lifting H-1B visa
away from its main it works,” proclaimed the quotas to allow more legal im-
advantages: free markets muckraking Progressive-era journal- But what has greater government described as “restrict this, cancel migration by those who have skills
ist Lincoln Steffens after a 1919 involvement in the Chinese econ- that, regulate this, censor that.” America needs, and giving every
and limited government. visit to the Soviet Union. New Deal omy wrought? Only dramatic decel- The greatest economic liberator foreign graduate in key business
socialists were similarly inspired. eration of economic growth, mas- in the postwar world was Deng and technical areas green cards
After postwar Japan achieved 20 sive destruction of the tech Xiaoping, not Margaret Thatcher or along with degrees. The country
China is currently expanding gov- years of extraordinary success, with industry—with its equity value fall- Ronald Reagan. His reforms start- needs their hands, minds and
ernment dominance of its economy annual economic growth of 9.6% ing some 50%—and a regulatory ing in 1978 turned a stagnant, hearts.
and suffering a concomitant reduc- from 1950 through 1972, many and antitrust approach based on starving Chinese economy into an It is time to revitalize the sys-
tion in economic growth, tech-stock American politicians sought to em- the principle that only government economic powerhouse. He did it by tem that made America the world’s
valuations and employment. If Pres- ulate the Japanese system, in which should be big and powerful. reducing the role of government in economic colossus, won the Cold
ident Biden and Congress have their government, unions and businesses Government didn’t build Amer- the Chinese economy, which per- War, and moved billions out of pov-
way, Chinese-style industrial and all sat down together to plan for ica. Thomas Edison, Andrew Carne- mitted the natural entrepreneurial erty world-wide, including hun-
antitrust policies will soon come to growth. gie, J.P. Morgan, Bill Gates, Warren ability and genius of the Chinese dreds of millions in China. No na-
the U.S. The America Competes Act Now, as the Chinese Communist Buffett and millions of investors, people to generate an economic tion will ever be as productive as
is the House’s effort to outdo the Party devastates the once-feared innovators and small-business peo- miracle. But as market freedom the U.S. while the American econ-
Chinese Communist Party’s latest Chinese high-tech industry and ple you’ve never heard of did that. grew to challenge the power of gov- omy is powered by limited govern-
five-year plan. The 2,900-page bill sends capital down the sinkhole of No nation can stifle the genius of ernment, the Communist Party ment, economic freedom, and free
would make an old Soviet commis- government-sponsored industries, someone like Jack Ma and have any choked off freedom. markets.
sar blush. The Senate version of the some Americans are again attracted hope of becoming the world’s domi- China may turn its back on its
bill is better, but why would Repub- to the political power flowing from nant economy. In all probability success but the U.S. doesn’t have to Mr. Gramm is a former chairman
licans try to compete with China in an economic system that doesn’t China has hundreds of Jack Mas follow its lead. If there’s going to of the Senate Banking Committee
a way they know doesn’t work when work. No logical argument about ef- who will never be discovered as be a competition, then let it happen and a visiting scholar at American
they are heavily favored to win back ficiency will sway them, since effi- they try to do business under a on an American playing field, not a Enterprise Institute. Mr. Solon is a
control of Congress in November? ciency was never their objective. system that one Chinese investor Chinese one. Rather than struggling partner of US Policy Metrics.

Asian-Americans Fight Back Against School Discrimination

Despite all the The Supreme Court is poised to Asian enrollment in Thomas Jeffer- enrollment by holding Asian appli- won’t want them to struggle—or
happy talk on the strike a blow for colorblind college son’s freshman class declined from cants to higher standards than some racial groups to do better
left about the bene- admissions later this year when it around 73% to less than 50%. Par- other groups. A 2020 ballot referen- than others—so teachers and ad-
fits of diversity, considers a case involving alleged ents filed a lawsuit, and last week a dum in California that would have ministrators will be under pressure
America’s real anti-Asian discrimination at Har- federal court ruled that the admis- reinstated racial preferences in col- to make classes less demanding.
strength has been vard. But the fight continues at the sions changes were illegal. “The lege admissions was defeated by a You can’t dumb down admissions
its ability to tran- K-12 level as well. Two years ago, Board’s main problem is its focus on wide margin, and Asian-Americans without also dumbing down the
MOBILITY scend problems that the school board in Fairfax County, the goal to have TJ reflect the de- led the opposition. The recall of curriculum.
have crippled other Va., altered the admissions stan- mographics of the surrounding area, three San Francisco school board If progressives wanted to do
By Jason L.
multiethnic, multi- dards at Thomas Jefferson High described primarily in racial terms,” something meaningful about the
religious and multi- School for Science and Technology, Judge Claude Hilton wrote in his achievement gap, the focus would
lingual societies. one of the top-ranked public schools summary judgment for the plain- From Harvard to a Virginia be on preparing students for these
We’re at our best when the focus is in the country. Among other things, tiffs. “Emails and text messages be- tests. Black and Hispanic students
on what unites us as Americans. standardized testing requirements tween Board members and high- high school, courts take up at high-performing charter schools
And what seems to be uniting a were eliminated, and subjective ad- ranking [Fairfax school] officials racial preferences’ harm to in New York City are admitted to
growing number of Americans to- mission criteria were added in an leave no material dispute that, at selective high schools at double the
day is opposition to a Democratic effort to deny slots to Asian-Ameri- least in part, the purpose of the this minority population. rate of their peers in traditional
equity agenda that effectively plays cans and boost enrollment among Board’s admissions overhaul was to public schools, yet progressives side
racial and ethnic groups against one blacks and Hispanics. change the racial makeup to TJ to with teachers unions to prevent
another. It worked. Following the changes, the detriment of Asian-Americans.” members last month was fueled by more charter schools from opening.
The ruling describes the school Asian parents who, like their coun- Go figure.
board’s actions as “racial balancing terparts in Virginia, were upset We can only hope that the Su-
for its own sake,” which is “patently over a school board vote to change preme Court’s ruling on Harvard’s
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY unconstitutional.” The Supreme the admissions process at a highly admissions scheme will be as force-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson Court has said that a compelling in- selective high school. Similar ef- ful and clearheaded as Judge Hil-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp terest is necessary to justify race- forts to alter the admissions criteria ton’s in the Fairfax case. But regard-
Matt Murray Almar Latour based actions by the government, at New York City’s elite public high less of how the court decides, it’s
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
and school officials failed to meet schools, where Asian enrollment far clear that the affirmative-action
Karen Miller Pensiero, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: that standard. “The Board cannot surpasses that of other groups, wars are far from over. It’s also
Jason Anders, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer;
Neal Lipschutz, Deputy Editor in Chief
transform racial balancing into a have faced a backlash, “especially clear that Republicans now have in
Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho,
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General
compelling interest ‘simply by rela- from a newly active faction of vocal education an issue that potentially
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Brent Jones, Culture, Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, beling it ‘racial diversity,’ ” Judge Asian parents,” the New York Post brings together whites, blacks and
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business Hilton wrote. reports. Asians alike. Most voters don’t want
Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend; Information & Services; Robert Hayes, Chief Until recently, racial preferences Making an enemy of testing and our elementary schools turned into
Emma Moody, Standards; Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Business Officer, New Ventures;
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi,
were typically discussed in the con- grades is barking up the wrong tree. social-justice boot camps. They
Aaron Kissel, EVP & General Manager, WSJ;
Investigations Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer,
text of whites, blacks and Hispanics, The test isn’t the cause of these dis- don’t like the way unions leveraged
WSJ | Barron’s Group; Jennifer Thurman, Chief while the impact on Asians was an parities. It’s merely a measure of re- a pandemic to put their members’
Paul A. Gigot
Editor of the Editorial Page Communications Officer afterthought. Now more Asians are ality. Eliminating the test will only interests ahead of the children’s.
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page; making their voices heard, and it’s obscure the learning gap, not erase And they want policies that treat
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE
a welcome development. The plain- it. Moreover, lowering standards ul- people equally, not policies that try
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 tiffs in the Harvard lawsuit contend timately harms all groups. Schools to undo history by favoring some
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES that the university is capping Asian that admit less-prepared students groups over others.

A22 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Bank of Canada Is Poised to Raise Rates
Surveyed economists pressure. supply.” After Wednesday, the
Twelve economists sur- central bank has six more pol-
agree a series of veyed by The Wall Street Jour- icy decisions to issue in the
increases will begin nal, all of whom closely track calendar year.
the Canadian market, agreed While economists surveyed
to counter inflation that they expect the Bank of agree on a rate rise Wednes-
Canada to raise its benchmark day, opinions vary on how
BY PAUL VIEIRA rate by a quarter percentage many more rises are in store
point, to 0.5%, in a decision for 2022. Some economists,
OTTAWA—The Canadian scheduled for release on such as Avery Shenfeld at
economics community is unan- Wednesday at 10 a.m. Eastern CIBC Capital Markets, antici-
imous: The Bank of Canada Standard Time. pate three more increases. The
will raise its benchmark inter- The Bank of Canada cut its central bank “will want to
est rate on Wednesday, the main interest rate to 0.25% in stretch the hikes out a bit to
first in a series of increases March 2020 to provide sup- gauge how the economy is re-
this year as it begins the task port for the economy as the sponding, particularly if we do

of tamping down historically pandemic hit North America. see a bout with a new variant
high inflation. It also, for the first time, en- of the Covid-19 virus later this
Should it opt to increase gaged in large-scale asset pur- year,” he said.
rates, the Bank of Canada chases, or quantitative easing, Carlos Capistran, economist
would become the second to keep longer-term borrowing at BofA Securities, expects an
Group of Seven central bank to costs steady and offer finan- additional five more increases
do so since the pandemic. The cial stability. in 2022, to take the bench-
Bank of England raised its pol- The economy has recovered mark rate to 1.75%, as it moves
icy rate twice in recent months, faster than expected. Canadian The Bank of Canada is expected to boost its benchmark interest rate by a quarter percentage point. aggressively to bring inflation
and is expected to do so again gross domestic product ad- back to its comfort zone and
in March with annual inflation vanced 6.7% annualized in the increase at the Bank of Can- self on the back foot in its ada’s central bank has tended keep pace with the Federal Re-
forecast to surpass the 7% fourth quarter, ahead of cen- ada’s Jan. 26 meeting. fight against above-target in- to be cautious, citing the deci- serve.
threshold in the second quarter. tral-bank expectations for a Instead, the central bank flation,” said economists at sion in late January to take a Finally, markets will also
The Russian invasion of 5.8% increase. Employment is opted to keep rates unchanged National Bank Financial. The pass on a rate increase while watch Wednesday’s rate deci-
Ukraine has complicated the now above pre-pandemic lev- while telling Canadians that central bank’s mandate is to telegraphing intent to push sion for guidance on when and
outlook. Some economists say els. Companies say labor higher borrowing costs were in set interest rates to achieve borrowing costs higher. Rus- how the central bank decides
the conflict might prompt the shortages are acute, and they the offing because spare capac- and maintain 2%. “There’s un- sia’s invasion of Ukraine has to reduce its balance sheet af-
Bank of Canada to take a cau- intend to accelerate wage in- ity had largely disappeared and doubtedly a very strong case added a dollop of uncertainty. ter quantitative easing. The
tious approach on further rate creases to maintain and at- inflation was at uncomfortable to be made for going big with Bank of Canada Gov. Tiff Bank of Canada halted its
increases. Others suggest the tract workers. Housing prices levels. a 50-basis-point move but Macklem, in a Feb. 9 speech, quantitative-easing program in
resulting upward pressure on have surged. Annual inflation Some economists say there we’ve not seen enough from said a series of interest-rate the fall, and since then has
energy prices will benefit Can- is at a 30-year high, surpass- is a strong case to raise rates the central bank to suggest increases were necessary “to purchased only enough new
ada as a net oil exporter, boost ing the 5% level. Wednesday by a half-point. that’s coming.” moderate growth in spending bonds to replace those that
income and add to inflationary Traders had priced in a rate The Bank of Canada “finds it- Other economists say Can- and bring demand in line with are maturing.

ISRAEL arrangement, a process that LIBYA The appointment of Mr. UNITED KINGDOM cials and the public. The palace’s
could take years or may not be Bashagha last month is part of a Feb. 20 announcement that the
Evictions Halted on carried out at all, according to Ir Lawmakers Approve road map that also involves con- Queen Holds Virtual queen had tested positive test
Palestinian Families Amim, an advocacy group that New Government stitutional amendments and sets Events After Illness for the coronavirus virus
wasn’t involved in the court case. the date for elections within 14 prompted concern and get-well
Israel’s Supreme Court ruled For now, the four families re- Libyan lawmakers confirmed months. Queen Elizabeth II held two wishes from across Britain’s po-
that a group of families slated siding in the homes will be recog- a new transitional government The move deepened divisions virtual audiences after more litical spectrum.
for eviction from a flashpoint nized as protected tenants. Each Tuesday, a move that is likely to among Libyan factions and raised than a week of suffering cold- The country’s longest-reigning
east Jerusalem neighborhood can will deposit a largely symbolic lead to parallel administrations fears that fighting could return like symptoms from Covid-19. monarch has a series of engage-
remain in their homes for now. rent to a trust until the property’s and fuel mounting tensions in a after more than a year and a Buckingham Palace said the ments coming up as she cele-
Tuesday’s ruling could work ownership is settled. country that has been mired in half of relative calm. 95-year-old monarch held virtual brates her Platinum Jubilee, mark-
to ease tensions in Jerusalem’s Sami Arsheid, a lawyer repre- conflict for the past decade. Mr. Bashagha has formed an sessions with the ambassadors of ing 70 years on the throne. She is
Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, senting the families’ case before Prime Minister-designate alliance with powerful east- Chad and Andorra. She canceled due to attend the Commonwealth
which helped ignite the 11 days the court, said the decision was Fathi Bashagha submitted his based commander Khalifa Haf- several sessions last week, so the Service at Westminster Abbey on
of fighting between Israel and “something huge” that ran counter cabinet to the east-based House tar. That alliance has caused sessions suggest she is recover- March 14, and then a March 26
Hamas in Gaza last year. to the previous 63 rulings by Is- of Representatives, where 92 of concerns among anti-Haftar fac- ing. memorial service, also at the Ab-
The court ruled that the fami- raeli courts on the issue of Pales- 101 lawmakers in attendance ap- tions in western Libya and their The monarch’s age, Covid-19 bey, for her late husband, Prince
lies can stay in their homes for tinian properties in Sheikh Jarrah. proved it in a vote broadcast live main foreign backer, Turkey. diagnosis and a health scare last Philip, who died in April at age 99.
now until Israel carries out a land —Associated Press from the city of Tobruk. —Associated Press year caused worry among offi- —Associated Press


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Stocks Fall Further as Oil Tops $100

Government bond The war in Ukraine has fur- The blue-chip Dow Jones In- surging above $110 a barrel. 10-year U.S. Treasury note fell S&P 500 futures were up 0.1%.
ther soured investors’ senti- dustrial Average lost 597.65 Energy companies’ stocks to 1.708%, its fourth-lowest Stock indexes around the
yields drop amid ment: Though only 1% of S&P points, or 1.8%, to 33294.95, gained alongside oil prices, level this year, with investors world have been volatile in re-
demand for safer 500 companies’ revenue stems while the technology-heavy with Occidental Petroleum betting that the Federal Re- cent days as investors attempt
from Russia and Ukraine, ac- Nasdaq Composite dropped rising $3.06, or 7%, to $46.79, serve won’t act as aggressively to gauge the potential global
trading assets cording to FactSet, investors 218.94 points, or 1.6%, to and Chevron adding $5.72, or to curb inflation. economic impact from the in-
are still worried about ripple 13532.46. 4%, to $149.72. Refiners balked The yield on German gov- vasion and resulting sanctions.
BY HARDIKA SINGH effects on the global economy. Oil prices rallied, rising at buying Russian oil, while ernment bonds fell into nega- Constricted supplies of Rus-
AND WILL HORNER The geopolitical crisis came back above $100 a barrel to banks are refusing to finance tive territory for the first time sian commodities could add to
as economies were already their highest level since 2014. shipments of Russian com- since January. Yields fall as inflation, but investors hope
U.S. stock indexes fell and facing the highest inflation in Brent crude, the international modities, according to oil ex- bond prices rise. the overall effect on the
bond yields slipped Tuesday, decades, heaping pressure on oil benchmark, climbed $7 a ecutives, bankers and traders. The fall in government- world’s biggest economies will
while oil prices rose to multi- central banks to raise interest barrel, or 7.1%, to $104.97. Russia is the single biggest bond yields also dragged down be muted.
year highs, as Russia’s inva- rates. Benchmark European natural- gas exporter and a major sup- bank stocks. The KBW Nasdaq “We’re in a situation that I
sion of Ukraine continued to “Now we have this shock, gas prices jumped more than plier of crude oil. Bank Index of large U.S. com- don’t believe there is an actual
whipsaw through markets. and this shock feeds into the 24%. Members of the Interna- Safe-harbor assets were in mercial lenders lost more than playbook for,” said Eric Merlis,
Stock markets have been biggest risk: sustained high in- tional Energy Agency agreed demand, lifting gold prices 6%. managing director of corpo-
battered in 2022, with the S&P flation,” said Jon Maier, chief Tuesday to release supplies and pressuring government- The selloff in stocks contin- rate risk solutions at Citizens
500 and Nasdaq both posting investment officer at Global X from oil reserves to keep a lid bond yields. Gold prices rose ued early Wednesday over- Bank.
their worst two-month ETFs. on rising crude prices. Oil $43 a troy ounce, or 2.3%, to seas. Japan’s Nikkei 225 was At 5 p.m. in New York, bit-
stretches since March 2020 to The S&P 500 fell 67.68 prices continued to climb $1,942.40. down 1.9%, while Hong Kong’s coin prices were up 5.3% to
start the year. points, or 1.5%, to 4306.26. overseas early Wednesday, The yield on the benchmark Hang Seng Index was down 1%. Please turn to page B11

Auto transactions by
means of payment
Average dealer profit
from a new vehicle sale
Value of auto-loan
$700 billion
Companies Push
Cash, check or outside financing 3,000

Financing and

For March Return
Vehicle gross
60 Lease 2,000 400 BY CHIP CUTTER ments,” said Francine Katsou-
das, chief people officer at
40 1,500 300 The office return is in mo- Cisco Systems Inc., which re-
tion. opened its U.S. offices Tuesday.
1,000 200 After two years of remote “This is a moment where our
Dealer financing
20 work, companies including employees can come in.”
500 100
American Express Co., Face- Like many employers, Cisco
0 0 0
book parent Meta Platforms had planned to reopen its of-
Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. fices far sooner. A small num-
2005 ’10 ’15 ’20 2005 ’10 ’15 ’20 2005 ’10 ’15 ’20 plan broader office reopenings ber of its U.S. employees re-
Sources: Edmunds (transactions); J.D. Power (profit); New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel, Equifax (originations) this month. Many executives turned last summer, and the
say they are uncertain about company had scheduled a
what the future may hold, but broader return for February of

Car Dealerships Encourage Buyers feel confident that offices can

at least reopen in March as
Omicron cases fall and health
this year. That got pushed
back, following the nationwide
surge of cases tied to the Omi-
authorities loosen mask guid- cron variant. A few weeks ago,

To Borrow Instead of Paying Cash ance.

At this point in the pan-
demic, “we’re looking at mo-
Cisco’s medical director
pointed to a steep drop in
Please turn to page B5


Fred Hebert wanted to buy a

Lexus sport-utility vehicle late
Increased Store Traffic
last year with cash, but he said
the dealership gave him a prop-
Boosts Target’s Revenue
osition: Finance it or it will
cost you almost $2,000 more. BY SARAH NASSAUER Target's comparable store
He felt he had little choice. AND CHARITY L. SCOTT sales, change from a year
Supply-chain bottlenecks were earlier
making it tough to find the After a two-year pandemic 25%
white RX 450 hybrid model he run that brought Target Corp.
wanted elsewhere, and he had billions in sales, the retailer

an immediate need for the ve- wants to keep growing by 20

hicle. The dealership arranged building more stores and e-
a loan. commerce hubs and new lines
“He was very open,” Mr. He- of business. 15
bert said of the dealership Sales grew at the Minneap-
staffer he spoke with. He said olis-based retailer in the most
he was told the dealership recent quarter, helped by 10
would collect nearly $2,000 for stronger traffic in its stores
arranging the financing, and through the holiday season
“they were not going to give up and growth across its mer- 5
that fee.” Some dealers try to get people to finance car purchases by quoting higher prices for cash sales. chandise categories including
Car buyers say they are food, apparel and home goods.
hearing from dealers that cash and drive up their profits. surance. In the years leading up cord in Federal Reserve Bank of Strong revenue growth 0
and financing from outside the Some have been selling cars for to the current supply crunch, New York data going back to helped offset higher supply- FY2019 ’20 ’21
dealership aren’t welcome. more than the sticker price, financing and insurance have 2004. chain costs and spending on
Dealers tried to get some of raising the eyebrows of indus- driven more profits per new Mr. Hebert, a retiree who wages for Target. Earnings Note: Fiscal year ended Jan. 29
Source: the company
them to finance by quoting try executives. vehicle for dealers than the lives in New Harbor, Maine, rose nearly 12% from a year
higher prices for cash sales or Financing is a profit center sale itself, according to J.D. took a 60-month loan at an in- earlier to $1.54 billion, or
refusing to sell if they couldn’t for dealerships, which collect a Power, a data and analytics terest rate of 3.69% from To- $3.21 a share. Earnings exclud- from a year prior, the com-
arrange the financing, accord- portion of the interest rate or a company, deepening the indus- ronto-Dominion Bank, reason- ing items also came in ahead pany said. Digital sales in-
ing to interviews with buyers. fee when they arrange a loan try’s reliance on credit. ing that paying a few months of Wall Street forecasts. creased 9.2%.
The hot car market, where on behalf of a bank, auto com- Separately, some car makers of interest would be less than Comparable sales, which in- For the full year, Target’s
heightened demand is meeting pany or other financial firm. have long offered loans as a the extra dealership charge. He clude sales from stores or Please turn to page B2
thin supply, is giving dealer- The financing also makes it promotional tool. said he recently sent a check to digital channels operating for
ships the upper hand, allowing easier for dealers to sell high- Auto lenders extended $734 pay off the loan. at least 12 months, rose 8.9%  Heard on the Street: Target
them to wrangle more money margin add-on products like in- billion of loans last year, a re- Please turn to page B11 in the quarter ended Jan. 29 keeps hitting the mark...... B12

INSIDE Hong Kong Covid-19 Measures Pressure Bankers

BY QUENTIN WEBB cord profits for Wall Street. The problems have become
AND FRANCES YOON The financial hub is a base acute as the city’s battle with
for Western banks such as Citi- the Omicron variant has inten-
Hong Kong’s most recent group Inc., Goldman Sachs sified.
measures to combat Covid-19 Group Inc. and Morgan Stan- On Feb. 22, the city’s chief
are unsettling its large commu- ley, plus many hedge funds, as- executive, Carrie Lam, unveiled
nity of bankers and investors, set managers, private-equity plans to close schools for an
SHIPPING many of whom were already firms and others. early summer vacation in the
A cargo vessel carrying struggling to square business Executives have to decide spring before reopening them
and family commitments with whether retaining top people is in the summer, extend social-
thousands of luxury curtailed travel. worth moving them to other distancing measures and flight
cars sinks in the Some financial professionals cities and where to base some bans through mid-April and
Atlantic. B2 have asked employers whether big regional roles that would bring in mainland Chinese help

they can relocate, while a few once naturally have been in to test the entire population
expatriates have decided in re- Hong Kong. Meanwhile, they repeatedly in March. For many
cent months to resign and are struggling to persuade parents, the prospect of forced
move home. Others are consid- some new candidates to relo- separation if a child tests posi-
ering options that could split cate to the city. tive is particularly concerning.
up their families for months or “There’s been a lot of re- Two senior capital-markets
more as they try to move their quests from bankers to their bankers at U.S. investment
children into more stable department heads asking to be banks said their wives and
schooling and away from the transferred to other cities such Customers purchase Covid-19 test kits in Hong Kong. children would move this
risk of mandatory quarantine. as Singapore or back to their month to Singapore and the
PROPERTY REPORT The pressure is hitting the home countries,” said Eugenia nounced that they will be liv- strictest quarantine rules and a U.S., respectively, to flee Hong
Demand for science industry when it is fighting a Bae, a Hong Kong-based re- ing with the virus.” stop-start approach to in-per- Kong’s zero-Covid policy. One
war for talent amid a long- cruiter for banks and invest- Hong Kong was an oasis son schooling has left it more said he might follow his family
lab buildings soars term upsurge in Chinese capi- ment funds. “They want to go earlier in the pandemic. Since isolated just as other global fi- if there were no signs of im-
during the Covid-19 tal raising. A broader boom in home, to places like the U.S., then, a zero-Covid approach nancial hubs such as London, provement in Hong Kong’s
pandemic. B6 global banking has pushed up France, Japan and South Ko- that has featured monthslong New York and Singapore are strict virus stance and that
bonuses as it has yielded re- rea, or cities that have an- flight bans, some of the world’s reopening. Please turn to page B11

B2 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Domino's Pizza...........B3 Pfizer...........................A3

Albertsons.................B11 E.L.F. Beauty...............B5 R
Alphabet....................A13 Extell Development....B6
Alterra Property ......... B6 Exxon Mobil..............A10
Remitly Global..........A12
American Airlines.......A6 Ford Motor..................A6
Rivian Automotive ..... B3
A.P. Moller-Maersk .. A14 General Motors...........B3
Apple...........................A6 Goldman Sachs...........B1
Icon..............................A3 S
Bank of America.........A4 Scientific Games.........B4

Bank of New York JLL...............................B6
Mellon.....................A12 JPMorgan Chase.......B11
Silverstein Properties B6
BioNTech.....................A3 K Six Flags Entertainment
BlackRock..................B11 Kamaz........................B12 .....................................B3
BP..............................A12 Kohl's...........................B2 Standard Chartered..B11
C-I Kojima Industries.......B3 Starwood Capital........B6
Centripetal Networks.A4 L-P Stellantis.....................B3
Cerberus Capital Stonemont Financial..B6
Management.............B6 LendLease ................... B6 T-W
Charter Communications Live Nation Target.............A4,B1,B12
...................................A13 Entertainment........A13 Tatneft ...................... B11
Chevron ....................... B1 Macy's.......................B12 Tesla.....................B3,A14
Cisco Systems.......A4,B1 Mastercard................A12 Toyota Motor..............B3
The Felicity Ace fire was one of the first on a major vehicle carrier loaded with a substantial cargo of electric vehicles.
Meta Platforms...A13,B1 Ulta Beauty...............B12

Cargo Ship With Pricey Cars Sinks

Comcast .................... A13 Morgan Stanley..........B1 United Airlines ........... A6
Costco........................B12 Mosaic Development Visa...........................A12
Daimler Truck............B12 Partners....................B6 Volkswagen......A6,B2,B3
Dell Technologies ....... A6 Occidental Petroleum.B1 Walmart...............B2,B12
Delta Air Lines...........A6 Oxford Properties.......B6 Walt Disney..............A13
DirecTV......................A13 Paramount Global.....A13 Warner Bros. ............ A13
DISH Network...........A13 PayPal ....................... A12 Westfield.....................B6
BY WILLIAM BOSTON around 4,000 luxury cars—in- of the first on a major vehicle After the blaze stopped,
cluding models from Porsche, carrier loaded with a substan- Volkswagen said it expected
INDEX TO PEOPLE BERLIN—A cargo ship that
caught fire last month with
Bentley, Audi, Lamborghini and
other Volkswagen AG brands—
tial cargo of electric vehicles.
The incident sparked debate
“that large parts of the nearly
4,000 vehicles from several
thousands of luxury vehicles on caught fire in February and among insurers and regulators group brands were so damaged
A Fields, Mandy ............. B5 R board sank Tuesday, the ship’s burned for days. about how to safely transport in the ship fire that they can no
Allison, Ritch .............. B3 Gass, Michelle.............B2 Reddy, Sandeep .......... B3 management company said. SMIT Salvage, the Dutch such vehicles. While the cause longer be delivered.”
Atkins, Benjamin........B6 H Redha, Hani...............B11 MOL Ship Management company charged with salvag- of the fire on the Felicity Ace Volkswagen declined to
B Holsheimer, Ryan ..... B11 Rosenbluth, Todd......B11
Singapore Pte Ltd., which ing the ship, sent a team of might never be known because comment on the cargo’s value.
Bae, Eugenia...............B1 K S owns the company that oper- large oceangoing tugboats to the ship is lying at the bottom Incident insurance experts
Benioff, Marc..............B4 Katsoudas, Francine...B1 Squeri, Stephen..........B5
Brandon, David ........... B3
ates the ship, said the Felicity the scene and was towing the of the ocean, experts say there Russell Group Ltd. estimated
Kavanagh, Simon......B11 Stucky, Matt.............B11
Ace sank around 9 a.m. local vessel to safety when it sank. is a danger that batteries in the cargo on board the Felicity
L-P T-W time about 220 nautical miles Salvage crews and the Por- electric cars can short circuit Ace was worth about $438 mil-
Cook, Tim....................A6 Lanne, Leslie...............B6 Tavares, Carlos ........... B3
Cornell, Brian..............B2 (253 miles) off Portugal’s tuguese navy had said the in- and catch fire. That could mean lion, of which the cars on
Lavatelli, Francesco..B11 Taylor, Bret ................. B4
Cottle, Barry............... B4 Thomas, Owen............B5
Azores islands after it began to tensity of the fire might be ex- that precautions not relevant board accounted for about
Maier, Jon...................B1
D-G Maiya, Murli..............B11 Toyoda, Akio ............... B3 take on water and tilt. plained by a large number of for conventional vehicles might $401 million. Russell estimated
Duskin, Jonathan........B2 Merlis, Eric..................B1 Weiner, Russell...........B3 The Panama-flagged 60,000- electric vehicles on board. have to be taken during trans- that VW could face losses of at
Fiddelke, Michael........B2 Perring, Sarah...........B11 Winters, Bill..............B11 ton merchant ship carrying The Felicity Ace fire was one port, regulators said. least $155 million.

Ransomware Attackers Aim at

Midmarket Acquisition Targets
BY RICHARD VANDERFORD watching. They know what’s Midsize companies are a mi-
going on in the news as well as nority of all companies at-
About two months after it any businessman out there.” tacked, but their average pay-
was bought in the fourth quar- While hacks involving large, out exceeds $1 million,
ter of 2021 by a private-equity deep-pocketed targets draw the according to a February report
firm, a midsize manufacturer most public attention, ransom- by Coveware Inc., a ransom-
had to pay a ransomware group ware groups are targeting mid- ware responder group. Ran-
that had locked up its hardware size companies that have, or somware attackers see them as
systems. are about to have, a deep-pock- a stable source of payments
It cost the company about eted owner like a private-equity without the geopolitical risk
$1.2 million to have its systems firm. A newly acquired com- that comes with hitting a major
released, paid to a group sus- pany typically has access to company, Coveware said, citing
pected of links to the Russian ready cash, tends to have less an interview with a hacker.
ransomware group REvil, said robust cybersecurity and may Deal targets in particular are
Richard Peters, a cybersecurity offer a backdoor into the ac- “low-hanging fruit,” said Jer-
expert at consulting firm UHY quirer’s systems. emy Swan, a managing princi-
LLP. He couldn’t name the com- With ransomware attacks pal at advisory firm CohnR-
pany, a client, for confidential- surging in recent years, U.S., eznick LLP who works with
ity reasons. British and Australian authori- private-equity managers.
The attack fit an increas- ties have noticed a shift toward “We’ve started looking at
ingly familiar pattern, as ran- smaller targets over the past the data, and have definitely
somware groups are turning year. seen a correlation between at-
their attention to midmarket After several strikes against tacks and deal announce-
acquisition targets, presenting “big game” targets such as the ments,” Mr. Swan said. “And
a risk for private equity, ven- 2021 attack on Colonial Pipeline then attacks concentrated
ture capital and other deal Co., ransomware groups started around a portfolio.”
makers that often invest in
such businesses.
striking smaller targets, accord-
ing to a report published in
“It’s really been across the
board: manufacturing busi-
Find More Investment
“Because of the M&A and February by the Federal Bureau nesses, healthcare businesses,
because of the publicity around
that, it became a better target,”
Mr. Peters said. “They’re
of Investigation, other U.S.
agencies and counterparts in
Australia and the U.K.
technology businesses, con-
sumer-oriented businesses,”
Mr. Swan added.
Opportunities Worldwide
with IBKR GlobalAnalyst
Digital demic years will be difficult
for many retailers to replicate.
Target expects revenue and
tivewear to the front of stores.
The department-store
chain’s latest report also

Sales Fuel adjusted earnings per share to

increase this year at a slower
pace than 2021. Kohl’s, which
comes as it fends off criti-
cisms from activist investors.
It rejected a $9 billion take- Find new opportunities to diversify your
Target also reported quarterly finan-
cial results Tuesday, forecast
net sales in fiscal 2022 to in-
over offer from a consortium
backed by hedge fund Star-
board Value LP. That rejection portfolio and discover undervalued
crease 2% to 3%, compared garnered criticism from Jona-
Continued from page B1 with the nearly 22% increase than Duskin, the manager companies that may have greater
revenue hit $106 billion, com- the previous year. partner of Macellum Advisors
pared with $77.1 billion for the Target is focusing on in- GP LLC, which has a roughly growth potential.
year ended Feb. 1, 2020, be- vesting in its stores while also 5% stake in the retailer and
fore the pandemic upended growing digital sales, company has pushed for board changes.
the global economy and con- executives told analysts at a On Tuesday CEO Michelle
sumer buying patterns. New York event Tuesday. Gass pushed back on criticism
Other large retailers such Around 19% of Target’s total that the company’s board isn’t IBKR GlobalAnalyst lets you compare the
as Walmart Inc. reported sales are now digital, up from open to opportunities to boost
strong sales growth in the lat- 8.8% in 2019. Most of those shareholder value. Kohl’s also
est fiscal year, including the sales come from store inven- said that it would double its relative value of global stocks by region,
holiday shopping period. tory—store workers packing quarterly dividend and buy
Those retailers were able to up orders for home delivery or back at least $1 billion of its country, industry or individually.
use their heft and e-commerce to bring to customers in park- stock this year, which Ms. Gass
networks to navigate worker ing lots. said in an interview is a testa-
shortages due to the Omicron The company is building ment to the company’s confi-
variant, supply-chain snarls large warehouses that use au- dence in its strategy.
and rising prices. “While we have tremendous
Smaller retail chains, such confidence in our future, we
as Kohl’s Corp., have said de- are testing and assessing that
lays on inventory arriving in
Around 19% of plan against other alterna-
stores dampened sales growth Target’s total sales tives,” she said.
and pandemic complexities ate Kohl’s shares rose roughly
into profits in recent months.
are now digital, up 2%.
Consumer spending re- from 8.8% in 2019. In response to inflation,
mains strong even as prices Target aims to keep prices
rise. In January spending rose lower than competitors during
a seasonally adjusted 2.1% the current year, executives
from the previous month, with tomation to quickly pack said. “We have many levers to
personal income staying same-day delivery orders near combat costs, and price is the Learn more and try IBKR GlobalAnalyst
steady, the Commerce Depart- city centers such as Chicago, one we pull last, not first,” ac-
ment said. to expand the business faster, cording to the company’s chief
Surveys, however, are
showing an increasingly dour
executives said. It also plans
to expand Roundel, its internal
financial officer, Michael Fid-
mood among consumers media operation that works The company expects the
through the latest phase of the with brands and ad agencies, tight labor market and supply-
pandemic combined with the to be a $2 billion operation chain snarls to continue this
effects of inflation among over the next several years. year and is watching con-
other developments. Target shares rose about sumer spending without the
“Consumers are still wor- 10% in Tuesday trading. benefit of government stimu-
ried about Covid, but they are Kohl’s is banking on part- lus, he said. Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC - The projections or other information generated by Interactive Brokers’
GlobalAnalyst tool regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature,
looking for that touch of nor- nerships like one it has with On Monday, Target said it do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Please note that results
mal in their lives,” Target beauty-products seller Sep- would offer hourly workers a may vary with use of the tool over time. IMPORTANT: Corporate data is provided by third-parties, and
Chief Executive Brian Cornell hora to help lift its sales. It minimum wage of $15 to $24, Interactive Brokers makes no warranties as to the accuracy of that data. You should do your own due
told analysts Tuesday. also plans to invest in its and expand the pool of em- diligence prior to relying on any such data displayed in GlobalAnalyst. 11-IB21-1507CH150
The financial performance physical locations, including ployees eligible for company
through the first two pan- moving merchandise like ac- health benefits.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | B3


Jeep to Offer
Electric SUVs
The move comes Chrysler Automobiles NV, re-
vealed new targets to reduce
as auto makers face carbon emissions and boost
pressure to shift from electric-vehicle sales.
“The competition is fierce,
combustion engines and we are ready to take on
the fight for the top spot,” Mr.
BY NORA ECKERT Tavares said.
AND CHRISTINA ROGERS As governments globally
tighten restrictions on tailpipe
Jeep, a historic American pollutants, major car manufac-
brand that has long been turers like Stellantis are under
known for its rugged sport- pressure to shift away from
utility vehicles, plans to offer the combustion-engine vehi-
a line of fully electric SUVs in cles that have long ruled the
the coming years, as part of a car business.
broader strategic road map The U.S. and other coun-

unveiled Tuesday by parent tries overseas are also trying
company Stellantis NV. to speed the transition by of-
The brand will get its first fering tax credits to buyers
all-electric model in the first that lower the higher upfront
half of next year, and by 2025, costs of purchasing an electric
Jeep will offer a comprehen- vehicle.
sive line of battery-powered Mr. Tavares has been out- By 2030, the company said it wants half of its sales in the U.S. and all of its sales in Europe to be fully electric models.
SUVs, covering a range of spoken on the need for gov-
sizes and price points, said ernment incentives, arguing which also include European stiffening competition from ing outlining new financial but it is still heavily depen-
Stellantis Chief Executive Car- that the costs of developing names like Peugeot, Alfa Ro- Tesla Inc. and other new elec- targets. By 2030, Stellantis dent on North America and
los Tavares during a presenta- and building battery-powered meo and Maserati. tric-vehicle startups like Riv- said it aims to more than dou- Europe for its earnings.
tion in Amsterdam. models are still much higher The company’s stock de- ian Automotive Inc. that have ble revenue globally to $337 Mr. Tavares said he is aim-
Jeep will still sell gasoline- than conventional gas-pow- clined nearly 8%. captured the minds and wal- billion, while sustaining dou- ing for a better geographical
engine SUVs, but the move is ered cars and trucks. Mr. Tavares, the former PSA lets of investors. ble-digit operating margins balance, in part by elevating
intended to give buyers the By 2030, the company said Group chief who has led Stel- Mr. Tavares has previously through the entire period. the company’s luxury brands
option of purchasing an emis- it wants half of its sales in the lantis for a little more than a said Stellantis plans to spend Additionally, Stellantis in China.
sions-free version. U.S. and all of its sales in Eu- year now, is racing to catch up more than $35.5 billion on plans to further diversify into North America and Europe
Other well-known Detroit rope to be fully electric mod- with General Motors Co., electric vehicles through 2025, new business lines and boost currently generate about 85%
brands, like Ram, Chrysler and els. Volkswagen AG and other ri- a figure that is roughly on par revenue overseas, including in of the company’s global reve-
Dodge, will also shift more of Now one of the world’s vals that have in recent years with its competitors. China where both PSA and nue. By 2030, he aims for
their lineups to electrics as largest auto manufacturers, taken bold steps to transition On Tuesday, he offered a Fiat Chrysler have long lagged those two regions to be a
Stellantis, a car company Stellantis sold 6.5 million vehi- their global operations to elec- more detailed look at the com- behind rivals in sales. smaller percentage—about
formed last year through the cles last year through its col- tric vehicles. Traditional auto pany’s longer-range plans in Stellantis posted strong 72%—as it grows sales and
merger of PSA Group and Fiat lection of automotive brands, makers are also confronting the U.S. and overseas, includ- revenue and profit in 2021, share in other markets.

Toyota’s Japan Shutdown Reflects Cautious Culture

BY SEAN MCLAIN So Toyota hit the stop but- in keeping production lines Kojima said. While the car particular part gets used so and insurance as the biggest
ton for a whole day. Its 14 fac- running smoothly. maker has eased away from suppliers can fine-tune their target of ransomware attacks
TOKYO—Toyota Motor tories in Japan didn’t build The parts maker said it no- some elements of its “just-in- deliveries. It will go without in 2021, IBM said.
Corp.’s Japan factories were any cars Tuesday. ticed problems with its servers time” production system in re- that function for now, the In May 2021, Toyota Auto
set to reopen Wednesday “It’s better to stop and fig- at around 9 p.m. Saturday, cent years, it still often counts spokesman said, with full res- Body Co., a Toyota Motor sub-
morning after a one-day shut- ure out what the problem is, forcing a restart. After the sys- on suppliers to deliver just toration set for next week. sidiary, and Toyota affiliate
down that reflected the com- rather than to continue work- tem was restarted, Kojima said enough product each day. Cyberattacks on manufac- Daihatsu Diesel Mfg. Co. were
pany’s culture of caution. ing while worrying that some- it discovered a computer virus Factories are set to operate turing companies, particularly hit by cyberattacks. Toyota
At Toyota factories, any thing might go wrong,” said a and received a threatening the rest of the week with a those involving ransomware, said it had information-secu-
worker who spots a potential Toyota spokesman. message. That can be a hall- trimmed-down version of Toy- have exploded in the past year, rity policies that it requires all
problem generally has the The company said produc- mark of a ransomware attack in ota’s parts-ordering system, according to a February report its suppliers to follow. The
power to bring the entire line tion would resume Wednesday. which criminals seek payment the Toyota spokesman said. by International Business Ma- company said it reminded sup-
to a halt. The idea is that less The daylong shutdown was the in return for restoring a com- Normally, the system monitors chines Corp. Manufacturing pliers of those policies after
time is ultimately wasted by latest woe for Toyota after puter system to normal. in real time how much of a overtook financial services the Kojima attack.
stopping work to fix the prob- problems with semiconductor A Kojima spokesman said
lem right away. supplies. the company at this point isn’t
The company applied that In recent years, Toyota using the word ransomware
practice dating to the 20th President Akio Toyoda has and continues to examine
century when it was hit this given speeches and held train- what happened. It said it was
week with a 21st-century
problem—a cyberattack that
ing sessions to spread the phi-
losophy of Toyota’s production
working with local police to
counter the attack.
paralyzed one of its suppliers. system beyond the factory After calling in outside se- ALBERT NELSON Achievement Award
Plastic-parts maker Kojima In- floor. Subordinates have ap- curity experts and shutting off MARQUIS
L IFETIME Marquis Who’s Who is proud to honor
dustries Corp. said it realized plied the factory principle of all its systems, Kojima strug-
early Monday evening that it avoiding “muda,” or waste, to gled to restore normal func- A CHIEVEMENT its most distinguished listees based on
couldn’t operate as usual on economizing on office supplies. tioning and on Monday real- AWARD their career longevity, philanthropic
Tuesday, and it quickly relayed Kojima is one of the more ized it couldn’t properly endeavors, and lasting contributions to
that news to its main cus- than 1,000 suppliers in the exchange information with BRUCE W. BURLEIGH, PHD KHANH Q. DANG
tomer, Toyota. Toyota empire that play a role Toyota about supplying parts, BIOCHEMIST (RET.) SR. AEROSPACE ENGINEER
society. Out of 1.5 million biographees,
LOCKHEED MARTIN only a small percentage are selected
for the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime

Domino’s New CEO Lands Achievement Award. Among that

prestigious group, a handful is chosen
to represent Marquis as advertised

Promotion Amid Challenges in The Wall Street Journal. It is our

great pleasure to present them here.
Congratulations to our prestigious listees!
BY HEATHER HADDON Domino's Pizza share price boxes, saving labor hours. FOUNDER PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS
since July 2018 “We believe that delivery- CADES COVE PRES. ASSOC. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI

Domino’s Pizza Inc. is pro- driver staffing may remain a

moting its chief operating offi- significant challenge,” Mr. Alli-
cer to chief executive as the son told investors.
chain struggles with staffing 500 Delays in getting equipment,
and equipment shortages that inspections and new workers
are hurting its ability to de- 450 also hurt Domino’s ability to
liver pizzas and build new U.S. open new U.S. stores during the
stores. quarter, the company said.
Ritch Allison, the company’s 400 Domino’s said it expects that it HANK HUGHES STELIOS J. KOUTOUVIDES DUKE T. MATSUYAMA, DO GERARD J. MAYER, MD
CEO for the past four years, will could continue to face delays TENNIS MANAGER OWNER, MAX’S PIZZA & REST. ANESTHESIOLOGIST PEDIATRICIAN, PHYSICIAN
step down from his role at the 350 this year in opening new stores.
end of April, the company said To help offset growing costs,
Tuesday. Russell Weiner, Dom- 300
Domino’s is changing its long-
ino’s operating chief, will suc- time promotion allowing cus-
ceed Mr. Allison as the global tomers to get two value items
pizza giant’s head on May 1. Mr. 250 for $5.99 each. The chain said it
Weiner will stand for election will start to charge $6.99 for
to the company’s board at its 200 each item when ordered for de-
annual shareholder meeting, 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22
livery, which is more expensive
which is scheduled for April 26. to handle than when customers
Mr. Allison, who first joined Source: FactSet pick up orders at stores. The IT DEVELOPER/CONSULTANT ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON SR. VP OF HEALTH SERVICES PROFESSOR EMERITUS
the company in 2011, is cred- value items will remain $5.99 CA DEPT. OF CONSUM. AFFAIRS

ited with helping Domino’s the chain is no longer benefit- each for carryout orders.
grow its sales and helping to ing from federal stimulus Mr. Allison said that Mr.
keep the company’s profit mar- checks that Americans re- Weiner will continue to play a
gins intact by refusing to pay ceived last year. A number of key role in updating the com-
third-party delivery services to restaurant chains credited the pany’s menu and advertising,
handle its pizzas. Domino’s also stimulus payments with fuel- as he has done since joining
gained sales during the pan- ing sales last year. the company as its chief mar-
demic when customers were The Ann Arbor, Mich., com- keting officer in 2008.
sheltering in place and order- pany’s shares ended flat after Domino’s separately named
ing more pizza from home. falling 7% in premarket trad- Sandeep Reddy, currently the INSTRUCTOR ARTISTIC DIRECTOR
Now, Domino’s faces more ing Tuesday. chief financial officer of Six SR. SYST. ANALYST, PROG. THE TEREZIN PROJECT

competition as cases attributed Domino’s said that it had Flags Entertainment Corp., as
to the Covid-19 Omicron variant serious difficulties staffing its next CFO, effective April 1.
fall and local governments drop stores during the quarter, par- Domino’s will also transition
masking and proof of vaccine ticularly among delivery driv- board Chairman David Brandon
requirements for businesses ers. The shortages hurt the to a newly created post of exec-
such as restaurants. Industry ability for Domino’s restau- utive chairman, effective May 1.
data has shown that consumers rants to deliver pizza to cus- Domino’s reported adjusted
dine out more when Covid-19- tomers, executives said. The earnings of $4.25 a share for 2022 - 2023
related restrictions ease. chain said it is reviewing how the most recent quarter, behind
Domino’s U.S. same-store to make its delivery jobs more analysts’ average estimate of BROKER, TEAM NADINE LLC CEO
sales rose 1% in the three attractive, including by keep- $4.28 a share, according to REALT., KW REALTY L. NORMAN EURO-WALL SYSTEMS, LLC

months ended Jan. 2, missing ing its drivers on the road FactSet. Revenue fell 1% from a
analysts’ expectations. The earning tips for more of their year earlier to $1.34 billion.
company said demand remains shifts. The company said it is —Kimberly Chin
strong, though executives said having drivers fold fewer pizza contributed to this article.

B4 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Scientific Games to Change Its Name

Rebranded as Light & and sports-betting businesses
in separate deals, part of a
Wonder, the company plan to reduce debt and focus
will focus on casino on gaming content.
The company reported debt
and online gambling of $8.8 billion and cash of
$844 million as of Sept. 30
Entertainment company En-
Slot-machine and game de- deavor Group Holdings Inc.
veloper Scientific Games agreed to buy the sports-bet-
Corp. plans to rebrand as ting business for $1.2 billion in
Light & Wonder Inc. after the cash and stock.
company shed its lottery and Brookfield Business Part-
sports-betting businesses to ners LP agreed to buy the lot-
focus on content for casinos tery business for about $6 bil-
and online gambling. lion.
The company has said it Scientific Games has also
seeks to increase its digital rev- made recent acquisitions to


enue share to 50% by 2024 by boost its content offerings, in-
developing games to be shared cluding ELK Studios, a Euro-
across platforms, in slot-ma- pean game developer based in
chines seen in casinos, in online Stockholm, and Lightning Box,
gambling—also known as iGam- a Sydney based slot developer.
ing—and social gaming. It also acquired Authentic
“That’s where the world is Gaming, based in Malta, which
trending because in iGaming, provides live-dealer content,
particularly in the United in which games such as rou-
States, the land-based opera- lette and blackjack are broad-
tors are getting digital li- cast live from studios.
censes, and they want to pro- Scientific Games said it
vide their players 360-degree plans to expand the live-dealer
access to the games that they Online gambling is projected to be a $7 billion business. A Scientific Games display at an expo in Las Vegas last year. offerings to the U.S. by open-
have,” Scientific Games Chief ing new studios.
Executive Barry Cottle said. to legalize online casinos, been legalized in 33 states and ization, according to industry The company said its name “It’s inevitable that iGaming
The announcement comes compared with the rapid the District of Columbia. analysts. will be legally changed in the is going to happen in states
as online gambling, popular in spread of mobile sports bet- Online casino business is Scientific Games has second quarter of this year. where gaming exists to-
the U.K. and Europe, has be- ting in recent years. projected to be as high as a reached about 40% digital rev- “We believe Light & Won- day…because players want to
come a growing force in the Online casino games are le- $7 billion market in the U.S. enue share so far, and its total der captures the essence of a play on their phone,” Mr. Cot-
U.S. casino industry. Gambling gal in six states, while Nevada in the next three to four market for online gambling great game,” Mr. Cottle said. tle said. “We see it in every
is regulated state by state, and allows only online poker. years, depending on which and social gaming is $50 bil- Last year, the company medium, from games to music
lawmakers have been slower Sports betting, meanwhile, has states go forward with legal- lion, Mr. Cottle said. agreed to sell off its lottery to movies and sports betting.”

Salesforce Posts Revenue Gain, Lifts Outlook

Salesforce quarterly
revenue $7.33B

BY DENNY JACOB ing $7.24 billion in sales for the thing that really has en- billion in December. Marc Benioff following the de- $6 billion
the quarter after Salesforce is- dured is I think this trend to- Its shares are up about 24% parture of co-CEO Keith Block
Business software provider sued guidance below expecta- wards digital transformation,” over the last two years, but in February 2020. 5 Inc. logged tions late last year. co-Chief Executive Bret Taylor down 16% so far this year In November 2021, the
higher revenue in the fourth For fiscal 2023, the com- said in an interview. He added, amid a broad tech selloff company elevated Mr. Taylor 4
quarter and raised its annual pany is now expecting sales to “The demand environment spurred by inflationary con- to the role of co-CEO and vice
sales outlook, as the company between $32 billion and $32.1 continues to be very strong.” cerns and Russia’s invasion of chairman to serve alongside 3
looks to maintain its leader- billion, an increase from its Salesforce thrived as the Ukraine. Mr. Benioff. He previously
ship role in cloud-based ser- previous range between $31.7 pandemic pushed entire indus- Shares of Salesforce were served as president and chief 2
vices that have expanded in billion and $31.8 billion. It also tries and governments to pur- up roughly 4% in after-hours operating officer.
response to the pandemic. raised its outlook for the cur- chase digital tools as they trading. The stock closed at Salesforce logged a loss of 1
The San Francisco-based rent quarter. shifted to remote work. The $208.89 Tuesday, down 1.6%. $28 million for the fourth
company said its sales rose to “This year has just been company expanded its arsenal The fourth-quarter results quarter, down from a gain of
$7.33 billion for the three characterized by a lot of com- of services after it agreed to were the first under Sales- $267 million in the year-ago
months ended Jan. 31, com- plexity, from the pandemic, to buy messaging company Slack force’s second attempt at its period. Adjusted earnings of FY2020 ’21 ’22
pared with $5.82 billion a year inflation, supply chain, and Technologies Inc. in a cash- co-CEO structure. The com- 84 cents a share were below Note: Fiscal year ended Jan. 31
earlier. Analysts were expect- now, this war in Europe, but and-stock deal valued at $27.7 pany has been led by CEO analysts’ expectations of $1. Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company


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Companies See Perks as Wage and salary growth for

employees who have had the
same job for at least one year

Way to Keep Pay in Check

Wage growth Inflation

BY KRISTIN BROUGHTON saying they planned to do so for tomers. Many companies over


all employees. the past year have reported 6
Faced with high inflation and Corporate spending on their highest profitability in
high turnover, many companies wages and benefits in 2021 ac- years on the back of strong de-
are looking to offer perks such celerated at the fastest rate in mand and price increases. 4
as more time off or permanent two decades amid record resig- “I’d love to pay everybody as
work-from-home options as a nations, according to the Labor much as possible. But I also
way to limit how much they Department. But for many em- need to make sure the company
have to boost employee salaries. ployees, those adjustments ha- remains competitive,“ said Chris 2
Once salaries go up, they ven’t kept pace with the rising Cage, CFO at government con-
rarely come down. Increasing cost of living. Wages and sala- tractor Leidos Holdings Inc.
pay too much too fast can leave ries for job holders who have Employees at the Reston,
finance chiefs with little room been in the same role for at Va., company said in internal
to maneuver if inflation abates least one year have been rising surveys that flexible work ar- Cosmetics company e.l.f. Beauty offers employees such things as July 2021 Dec.
or economic conditions deterio- more slowly than inflation, in- rangements are the priority. meeting-free afternoons after 2 p.m. on Fridays. Source: Gartner Inc.
rate. So while companies are creasing 5.9% in December com- Leidos last month said some
spending more on wages and pared with inflation of 7%, Gart- employees could work from performers, Mr. Cage said, but after 2 p.m. on Fridays, in part, cal year, she said.
benefits, many are resisting ner found when analyzing data home on a permanent basis. declined to say how much. He so employees can have flexibil- “Employee salary is one por-
across-the-board salary in- from the Labor Department and The company also offered bene- said Leidos is allocating “in the ity with their personal lives. tion of it, but it is a much big-
creases. payroll firm Automatic Data fits such as access to a medita- millions” toward new perks, E.l.f. over the past year ad- ger picture than that,” Ms.
A December survey con- Processing Inc. tion app and financial counsel- benefits and training. Leidos justed all salaries by a low-sin- Fields said, referring to the
ducted by advisory firm Gartner Chief financial officers weigh ing services. earned $759 million in 2021, or gle-digit percentage to reflect company’s compensation pack-
Inc. found that just over a third a range of factors when deter- The company plans to spend 21% more than a year earlier. the higher cost of living, CFO age, which includes equity
of all organizations said they mining compensation budgets, more on compensation this year Cosmetics company e.l.f. Mandy Fields said. It will de- grants for all employees. Profit
plan to adjust compensation to including their ability to pass than in 2021, including on Beauty Inc. offered new perks cide in March how much to rose 45% during the quarter
account for inflation, with 13% along higher salary costs to cus- merit-based increases for high such as meeting-free afternoons boost salaries for its next fis- ended Dec. 31, to $6.2 million.

Push For a Office occupancy rate in 10 major cities over the past year
For the week ending Feb. 23 Covid-19’s retreat across the
U.S. Many states and local gov-
ernments have pulled back mit-
the tight labor market is im-
pacting business leaders’ will-
ingness to be more aggressive

Return to
igation efforts in recent weeks, about having their employees
Houston and the Centers for Disease come back to work,” said Owen
50 Control and Prevention last D. Thomas, CEO of office land-

The Office
week said masks aren’t neces- lord Boston Properties Inc., on
10 city average sary indoors where Covid-19 is a call with analysts at the end
circulating at low levels. New of January.
40 Philadelphia York City could lift its vaccine Improving Covid conditions
Continued from page B1 10 city average requirement for restaurants, and rising vaccination levels
Los Angeles
cases, and executives felt confi- fitness centers, and entertain- among workers has given many
dent employees could safely re- 30 Washington DC ment venues March 7 if current executives confidence to push
turn, Ms. Katsoudas said. trends continue, Mayor Eric for a return. Citigroup Inc. re-
Should cases rise once more New York Adams said Sunday. cently asked its vaccinated em-
or other circumstances call for Office attendance has ticked ployees at its U.S. offices that
sending employees home, the 20 Chicago
up recently, though it remains hadn’t previously reopened to
company can adapt, she said. San Jose sparse in many places. In 10 return at least two days a week
Cisco used to ask teams to map major U.S. cities, offices were beginning March 21. Many of
out their work schedules over 10 San Francisco on average 36.8% occupied as its employees in cities like New
the coming 90 days; Ms. Kat- of late February, up from about York, Boston and Chicago re-
2021 ’22 0 10 20 30 40 50
soudas said the company now 33% earlier in the month, ac- turned last year. “Although
considers that horizon too Source: Kastle Systems cording to Kastle Systems, a se- Covid-19 may never fully go
long. Instead, she encourages curity company that tracks how away, we are seeing promising
teams to plan in 30-day incre- Bosses are preaching flexibility, in hybrid roles to commute to “After a very long wait, it many people swipe into build- developments. Cases are
ments. careful not to alienate employ- the office at least once a week. will be good for many of us to ings. Some executives note that steadily decreasing across the
“If something changes, we ees who have come to appreci- It will begin what it calls its see each other again in person Americans seem willing to go U.S., and our vaccinated work-
know exactly how to navigate ate the upsides of remote work. full “Amex Flex” program on and enjoy the connections, col- to sporting events, live theater ers face less risk of serious ill-
through that,” she said. To ease employees back into March 15; in this program, laboration, and variety in our performances and restaurants, ness from the virus,” Sara
Many companies, including the rhythm of in-person work, many employees will work, on daily routines,” Stephen J. while still avoiding the office. Wechter, head of human re-
Cisco, are leaving it up to American Express initiated a average, one to three days a Squeri, CEO and chairman of “People are certainly com- sources at Citi, said in a note
teams and managers to deter- soft opening of its New York week in an office, depending on American Express, said in a fortable doing a lot of things in on LinkedIn last week.
mine when and how often em- office on Tuesday. The com- their jobs and team arrange- February memo to employees. person, yet they’re not coming —Ben Eisen contributed to
ployees come into the office. pany is encouraging employees ments, a spokeswoman said. The push to reopen reflects back to the office. So I do think this article.

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B6 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Israel’s securities regulator

said it would financially sup-
port a class-action suit involv-
ing a soured Starwood Capi-
tal Group bond deal, a move
that comes as that country’s
once-popular debt market
with U.S. real-estate investors
is getting tougher on some
foreign companies.
The lawsuit, filed in 2019,

alleges Starwood misrepre-

sented and omitted some risks
Oxford Properties is making its first investment in Philadelphia as part of a $1.5 billion development project. Rendering of the planned Philadelphia Navy Yard Project. in the prospectus for a bond
offering of 910 million shekels

Demand for Lab Buildings Soars

($281 million), which was
backed by a group of U.S.
malls. The lawsuit alleges
there was insufficient disclo-
sure about lease covenants
BY PETER GRANT conversions of office buildings. Philadelphia, joining a local partners are planning this dent. and ratings on loans con-
Developers believe this de- joint venture to develop up to spring to break ground on Some owners of office nected to some of the underly-
The rapid growth of life-sci- mand will continue even with 3 million square feet for more their first project, a 320,000- buildings are hoping to con- ing assets.
ence research during the pan- the Covid-19 infection rate de- than $1.5 billion in a former square-foot building at 60 vert them to life sciences to The Israel Securities Au-
demic is triggering a record clining. For one, government Navy yard that dates back to Guest Street in Boston. boost occupancy. But this thority in December said it de-
boom in the development of funding of life-sciences re- the Revolutionary War. The The life-science-develop- strategy only works in some cided to pay a portion of the
new lab space and offices search shows no sign of ebb- new partnership, which in- ment boom reflects major locations in a handful of cities lawsuit’s expenses because it
serving these companies. ing. Venture-capital funding of cludes Ensemble Real Estate technological shifts that have with thriving life-sciences eco- feels the suit was in the public
Development of buildings U.S. life sciences stood at Investments and Mosaic De- been taking place in the busi- systems. interest and has a reasonable
geared toward biotechnology, more than $8 billion in the ness over the past decade. Re- “As much as every landlord chance of being certified by an
pharmaceutical and other lab- fourth quarter. It grew more search and development used would like to think their build- Israel court. A spokeswoman
oratory firms was on the rise than threefold over the past to be controlled by big phar- ing could be a life-sciences for the authority said its ac-
before 2020. But demand for five years, according to CBRE.
The life-science- maceutical manufacturers and building, it’s not always the tion doesn’t mean it supports
this space intensified as bil- Developers are racing to development boom other major corporations. case,” said Mr. Bodnar of the plaintiff’s position in the
lions of dollars poured into re- meet the new demand not only But in recent years, small CBRE. lawsuit.
search and development of a in the traditional life-sciences
reflects major entrepreneurial companies Life-sciences development The lawsuit alleges dam-
Covid-19 vaccine and other hubs of Boston, San Francisco technological shifts. backed by venture capital have isn’t without risk. The build- ages of about 99.6 million
therapies for the virus. and San Diego but in many been responsible for numerous ings are more expensive than shekels, according to the regu-
Life-science space is enjoy- markets where life-sciences breakthroughs in research and regular office buildings be- lator’s public statement. Star-
ing high occupancy rates be- ecosystems are growing near new therapies. cause they need special sys- wood and its officers “alleg-
cause—unlike traditional of- academic institutions and hos- velopment Partners, is break- These firms are often tems for ventilation, cooling edly did not meet the
fice buildings—much of the pitals. Those markets include ing ground on its first building founded by people at top re- and moving equipment. disclosure obligations that ap-
lab work requires specialized Los Angeles, Denver and Boul- in a few weeks. search schools and hospitals. Most buildings serving life- ply to them” because its pro-
equipment and building infra- der, Colo., Chicago and Houston. Lendlease, the Australian They are often more nimble sciences firms are being devel- spectus was “misleading and
structure. These cities “were consid- real-estate and construction than large corporations, and oped with very little or no material details were omitted
More than 31 million square ered emerging markets five firm, has worked as a con- they have had an enormous preleasing, and their tenants from it,” the authority’s state-
feet of life-sciences space was years ago but have now cre- struction manager on life-sci- appetite for specialized office are often startups that have ment said.
under development in the ated substantial bases of life- ences products for decades. and lab space. yet to prove themselves. If the The suit is expected to
fourth quarter of 2021, a new sciences demand,” said Chris But it recently launched a ven- “What’s happening with capital sources for these firms move forward in the Israeli
high in any quarter and up Bodnar, co-head of CBRE’s ture with Montreal-based technology is that you’re able dry up, “building these very courts later this year.
from about 19 million in the healthcare and life-sciences Ivanhoé Cambridge, to make to accelerate the study of your technical buildings on spec is A spokesman for Starwood
first quarter, according to capital-markets business. “a meaningful entry” into the therapy that is probably 100 not a good investment thesis,” pointed out in a written state-
real-estate firm CBRE Group Canadian investment giant sector as an owner, said Denis times faster than it was 10 said Mr. Remis, of Oxford. ment that the private-equity
Inc. Those projects included Oxford Properties Group is Hickey, Lendlease’s Americas years ago,” said Chad Remis, But, he added: “We believe firm has said that it believes
ground-up construction and making its first investment in chief executive officer. The an Oxford executive vice presi- that is a low risk.” the allegations in the lawsuit
to be without merit. “The [au-
thority] has previously pro-
vided funding for many pend-
ing lawsuits and it does not
affect the merits of any of the
cases,” he said.
The Israel bond market was
a popular place for U.S. real-
estate companies, which
raised billions of dollars in the
years after the 2008 financial
crisis. Many U.S. real-estate
companies tapped the Israeli

bond market because they

could borrow at lower interest
rates than with certain loans
in the U.S., and Israel’s bond
A self-driving Embark truck. The company plans to commercially market often provided more
launch the first autonomous trucks using its software in 2024. flexible terms.
Issuers included commer-

Self-Driving Trucks cial property companies such

as Silverstein Properties Inc.,
one of the developers of the

Start to Fuel Land Rush World Trade Center, and Re-

lated Cos., which developed
New York’s Hudson Yards
BY KONRAD PUTZIER That “is creating a signifi- complex. New York luxury
cant supply-and-demand im- condo developer Extell Devel-
The prospect of self-driving balance,” said Leslie Lanne, opment Co. also sold bonds in
trucks could further intensify executive managing director at Israel.
a land grab near big cities, one commercial-property firm JLL. But the Israel Securities
that is fueled in part by the in- Investors are looking to Authority began to crack down
crease in long-haul trucking profit by buying up these on certain foreign bond sales
during the pandemic. hard-to-find sites and renting last year after several high-
Alterra Property Group them out to logistics or tradi- profile offerings, including the
LLC, a real-estate investor in tional trucking companies un- Starwood mall portfolio, ran
Philadelphia, said Monday that der five- or 10-year leases. into trouble and led to big
it launched a partnership with In December, property in- losses for Israeli investors. In
autonomous-truck company vestor Zenith IOS launched a 2021, the authority proposed
Embark Trucks Inc. to buy partnership with J.P. Morgan new disclosure requirements
property across the U.S. Global Alternatives to buy directing fund managers to
Embark, which went public about $700 million of these in- notify investors of potential
in November in a $5 billion dustrial outdoor storage prop- risks of buying bonds issued
deal, plans to commercially erties. The partners bought by certain foreign borrowers
launch the first trucks using more than $150 million of “with no affiliation to Israel.”
its software in Sunbelt states properties to date, Zenith said. Since the regulations were
such as California and Texas in Atlanta-based Stonemont Fi- proposed, there has been only
2024. The autonomous trucks nancial Group last year set up one bond issue by a foreign is-
would drive on highways, then a joint venture with Cerberus suer with no affiliation to Is-
pass on the trailers to human- Capital Management to invest rael that hasn’t issued bonds
driven trucks for the final in the sector. in that market in the past.
stretch of city deliveries. While big investors have A spokeswoman for the au-
To do that, Embark needs been buying up e-commerce thority said the lower issuance
many transfer hubs close to warehouses for years, they volume “corresponds with the
highways on the outskirts of have so far mostly neglected general tendency in Israel of
cities to park and switch industrial outdoor storage fa- increased equity issuances
trucks. Under its partnership, cilities. Most plots are small rather than debt issuances.”
the company plans to initially and owned by local landlords The lawsuit against Star-
lease these sites from Alterra. or small logistics businesses, wood involves a portfolio of
The emergence of self-driv- making it hard to find real es- malls in California, Indiana,
ing trucks comes as Ameri- tate to buy and spend a lot of Ohio and Washington state.
cans’ demand for electronics, money. That is starting to Starwood purchased the prop-
household wares and other change. erties in 2013 from mall giant
goods during the pandemic is Benjamin Atkins, chief exec- Westfield Group and refi-
boosting the amount of truck utive of Zenith IOS, said he ex- nanced the portfolio in 2018
traffic. Truck operators need pects outdoor industrial prop- through the bond sale in Is-
land near big population cen- erties to follow a path similar rael.
ters to store their vehicles. to single-family rental homes After the bond sale, the
But that land is scarce. For and self-storage facilities, portfolio ran into financial dif-
one, developers have been where the rise of big landlords ficulties partly because of the
buying up outdoor facilities has made it easier for pension pandemic and increasing com-
for use as e-commerce ware- funds and sovereign-wealth petition from online retailers.
houses. And strict zoning rules funds to buy properties in Starwood defaulted on the
mean that few sites qualify for bulk, drawing in more money debt and lost control of the
truck storage. and pushing up prices. properties in 2020.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | B7


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE s-New 52-week high. AmericanFin AFG 130.98 -4.41 BentleySystems BSY 38.65 0.26 Carnival CUK 17.34 -1.43 CrownCastle CCI 168.01 1.42 s Enbridge ENB 43.38 0.20 Gartner IT 274.46 -5.96
Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market t-New 52-week low. AmHomes4Rent AMH 37.52 -0.49 Berkley WRB 88.18 -2.12 CarrierGlobal CARR 43.72 -1.16 CrownHoldings CCK 119.02 -3.65 Endeavor EDR 30.00 -0.13 Generac GNRC 321.24 5.77
listed securities. Prices are composite quotations dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four s
AIG AIG 57.89 -3.35 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 475879-326.00 Carvana CVNA 145.06 -5.41 CubeSmart CUBE 48.37 0.16 EnelAmericas ENIA 5.65 -0.16 GeneralDynamics GD 233.32 -1.13
that include primary market trades as well as quarters.
trades reported by Nasdaq BX (formerly Boston), FD-First day of trading. AmerTowerREIT AMT 228.55 1.68 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 316.84 -4.61 Catalent CTLT 102.00 -0.04 Cullen/Frost CFR 134.16 -6.57 EnergyTransfer ET 10.42 0.28 GeneralElec GE 92.33 -3.18
Chicago Stock Exchange, Cboe, NYSE National and h-Does not meet continued listing AmerWaterWorks AWK 151.02 -0.07 BerryGlobal BERY 58.19 -2.46 Caterpillar CAT 182.83 -4.75 t Cummins CMI 196.07 -8.05 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 170.60 3.90 GeneralMills GIS 66.82 -0.61
Nasdaq ISE. standards Ameriprise AMP 279.07 -20.72 BestBuy BBY 97.18 0.54 Celanese CE 135.66 -3.62 s CyrusOne CONE 90.30 -0.05 Entegris ENTG 123.04 -7.44 GeneralMotors GM 44.52 -2.20
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies lf-Late filing AmerisourceBrgn ABC 141.97 -0.56 Bilibili BILI 31.20 -0.41 CenovusEnergy CVE 15.44 -0.26 Entergy ETR 103.86 -1.35 Genmab GMAB 34.03 0.57
based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq Ametek AME 127.39 -2.40 BILL 230.21 -7.67 Centene CNC 83.15 0.53 D E F EnterpriseProd EPD 24.63 0.21 Genpact G 41.44 -0.40
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. Amgen AMGN 225.21 -1.27 Bio-Techne TECH 420.18 0.77 CenterPointEner CNP 26.88 -0.47 Equifax EFX 219.04 0.70 GenuineParts GPC 120.27 -1.89
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy DISH Network DISH 31.25 -0.71
Amphenol APH 74.12 -1.89 Bio-RadLab A BIO 616.75 -9.21 CentraisElBras EBR 6.62 -0.01 EQIX 710.80 1.07 GileadSciences GILD 60.26 -0.14
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. DTE Energy DTE 120.00 -1.59 Equinix
AnalogDevices ADI 156.95 -3.34 Biogen BIIB 210.34 -0.67 CeridianHCM CDAY 70.85 -2.06 s Equinor EQNR 33.67 2.21 GitLab GTLB 54.39 -3.88
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being DXC Tech DXC 30.09 -3.94
whose price changed by 5% or more if their reorganized under the Bankruptcy Code, AngloGoldAsh AU 24.73 1.49 BiohavenPharm BHVN 114.01 -4.70 s Cerner CERN 93.30 0.05 Equitable EQH 30.80 -1.86 GSK GSK 41.55 -0.31
Danaher DHR 272.03 -2.38
AB InBev BUD 59.04 -2.79 BioMarinPharm BMRN 77.37 -0.75 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 284.44 -6.72 ELS 74.64 0.02 GlobalPayments GPN 128.92 -4.46
previous closing price was $2 or higher. or securities assumed by such companies. Darden DRI 139.89 -5.33 EquityLife
AnnalyCap 6.97 0.01 BioNTech BNTX 146.73 -4.08 CharterComms CHTR 594.74 -7.04 GlobalFoundries GFS 58.22 -2.56
NLY DarlingIngred DAR 76.98 4.50 EquityResdntl EQR 83.63 -1.67
Anthem ANTM 451.50 -0.35 BlackKnight BKI 57.65 1.46 s CheckPoint CHKP 143.90 -0.98 Globant GLOB 265.96 -8.04
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and Datadog DDOG 159.97 -1.14 ErieIndemnity A ERIE 170.41 -4.69
Aon AON 289.84 -2.30 BlackRock BLK 714.81 -29.08 CheniereEnergy LNG 129.22 -3.68 GlobeLife GL 97.00 -3.96
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. DaVita DVA 111.01 -1.76 EssentialUtil WTRG 46.61 -0.50
AptIncmREIT AIRC 50.93 -0.68 Blackstone BX 123.76 -3.71 s CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 55.51 1.52 ESS 315.82 -1.35 GlobusMedical GMED 70.90 0.58
DeckersOutdoor DECK 271.42 -17.22 EssexProp
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 62.40 -2.86 Block SQ 126.06 -1.44 s ChesapeakeEner CHK 79.27 2.02 GoDaddy GDDY 82.52 -0.89
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Net Net Deere DE 358.65 -1.37 EsteeLauder EL 285.59 -10.74 s
Apple AAPL 163.20 -1.92 BlueOwlCapital OWL 12.09 -0.41 s Chevron CVX 149.72 5.72 Etsy ETSY 157.53 2.64 GoldFields GFI 14.49 0.47
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg 194.91 -10.43
DellTechC DELL 49.88 -1.08 GoldmanSachs GS 328.20 -11.09
ApplMaterials AMAT 129.61 -4.59 Boeing BA ChewyA CHWY 46.91 -0.23 RE 284.09 -14.13
Stock Sym Close Chg BookingHldgs BKNG 2072.00-100.25 DeltaAir DAL 37.64 -2.28 EverestRe t GDRX 16.74 -10.66
AdvanceAuto AAP 201.17 -3.31 Allegion ALLE 114.63 0.11 Applovin APP 60.34 2.26 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 18.96 0.16 Evergy EVRG 60.88 -1.53 GoodRx
BAH 82.48 1.79 DentsplySirona XRAY 54.36 0.22 GRAB 5.52 -0.24
AdvDrainageSys WMS 118.81 2.09 AlliantEnergy LNT 57.27 -1.13 Aptargroup ATR 119.10 -2.78 BoozAllen ChinaLifeIns LFC 8.23 -0.07 EversourceEner ES 80.44 -1.36 Grab
A B C AdvMicroDevices AMD 113.83 -9.51 Allstate ALL 119.86 -2.50 t Aptiv APTV 118.05 -11.39 t BorgWarner BWA 38.83 -2.18 ChinaPetrol SNP 49.32 -0.53
t DeutscheBank DB 11.36 -1.07
ExactSciences EXAS 76.49 -1.57 Graco GGG 70.81 -1.28
s DevonEnergy DVN 59.25 -0.30 GWW 466.37 -10.69
ABB ABB 32.91 -0.77 Aegon AEG 4.68 -0.29 AllyFinancial ALLY 46.31 -3.59 Aramark ARMK 35.68 -1.28 BostonProps BXP 120.84 -1.47 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 31.00 0.01 Exelon EXC 42.23 -0.33 Grainger
BostonSci BSX 43.36 -0.81 Chipotle CMG 1487.95 -35.40 DexCom DXCM 408.41 -5.50 Grifols GRFS 12.33 -0.03
AECOM ACM 69.66 -3.00 AerCap AER 52.90 -1.53 AlnylamPharm ALNY 162.51 4.66 ArcelorMittal MT 31.50 0.56 Expedia EXPE 187.85 -8.26
BoydGaming BYD 68.15 -2.79 ChoiceHotels CHH 141.20 -3.15 Diageo DEO 196.36 -3.33 HCA Healthcare HCA 252.42 2.11
AES AES 20.67 -0.56 AffirmHldgs AFRM 42.36 0.52 Alphabet C GOOG 2683.36 -14.46 ArchCapital ACGL 45.83 -1.28 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 101.51 -1.85
s DiamondbkEner FANG 136.83 -1.27 t HDFC Bank HDB 60.37 -1.80
Aflac AFL 58.48 -2.61 AgilentTechs A 131.93 1.57 Alphabet A GOOGL 2681.23 -19.91 s ArcherDaniels ADM 77.99 -0.46 BrightHorizons BFAM 129.22 -1.42 Chubb CB 199.54 -4.10
Dick's DKS 104.36 -0.64
ExtraSpaceSt EXR 191.38 3.23
MO 51.57 0.28 AresMgmt ARES 79.18 -1.91 BristolMyers BMY 68.63 -0.04 ChunghwaTel CHT 44.43 -0.18 ExxonMobil XOM 79.17 0.75 HP HPQ 34.07 -0.29
AGCO AGCO 120.55 0.39 agilon health AGL 19.85 -0.37 Altria DiDiGlobal DIDI 4.08 -0.02
arGEN-X ARGX 294.57 6.86 BritishAmTob BTI 43.55 -0.69 Church&Dwight CHD 96.89 -0.96 F5 FFIV 196.49 -4.36 HSBC HSBC 33.16 -1.38
AMC Ent AMC 18.32 -0.54 AgnicoEagle AEM 52.84 2.35 AlumofChina ACH 18.24 0.68 DigitalRealty DLR 134.12 -0.80
AristaNetworks ANET 117.88 -4.85 Broadcom AVGO 570.12 -17.32 ChurchillDowns CHDN 233.00 -7.87 FMC FMC 116.09 -1.16 Halliburton HAL 32.11 -1.30
Ansys ANSS 318.23 -5.96 AirProducts APD 230.53 -5.77 AMZN 3022.84 -48.42 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 113.89 -9.55
ArrowElec ARW 117.45 -4.43 BroadridgeFinl BR 146.30 0.09 Ciena CIEN 67.30 -1.12 FactSet FDS 411.86 5.77 HartfordFinl HIG 66.49 -2.99
s APA APA 37.29 1.66 Airbnb ABNB 151.01 -0.48 Ambev ABEV 2.82 -0.11 DiscoveryB DISCB 28.30 0.30
AMCR 11.26 -0.37 Asana ASAN 54.96 0.17 BrookfieldMgt BAM 53.38 -1.26 Cigna CI 237.10 -0.68 FairIsaac FICO 475.46 4.27 Hasbro HAS 94.82 -2.23
ASETech ASX 7.21 -0.02 AkamaiTech AKAM 108.83 0.57 Amcor DiscoveryA DISCA 28.11 0.06
DOX 78.39 -0.31 AspenTech AZPN 147.52 -4.89 BrookfieldInfr BIP 59.52 0.21 CincinnatiFin CINF 120.05 -2.74 Fastenal FAST 51.56 0.10 HashiCorp HCP 49.00 -1.39
ASML ASML 634.21 -32.30 Albemarle ALB 186.44 -9.45 Amdocs DiscoveryC DISCK 27.95 -0.02
Assurant AIZ 165.12 -4.59 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 37.19 -0.18 Cintas CTAS 372.15 -3.17 FederalRealty FRT 116.40 -1.18 HealthpeakProp PEAK 30.75 -0.31
AT&T T 23.53 -0.16 Albertsons ACI 31.40 2.25 Amerco UHAL 568.67 -8.94 Disney DIS 145.70 -2.76
AstraZeneca AZN 61.34 0.46 Brown&Brown BRO 66.87 -0.74 CiscoSystems CSCO 54.62 -1.15 FedEx FDX 214.91 -7.36 Heico HEI 146.95 -0.56
AbbottLabs ABT 118.17 -2.45 s Alcoa AA 79.78 4.44 Ameren AEE 84.79 -1.16 dLocal DLO 32.55 -0.10
Atlassian TEAM 307.27 1.55 Brown-Forman B BF.B 64.44 -0.79 Citigroup C 58.59 -0.64 Ferguson FERG 150.88 -1.36 Heico A HEI.A 122.81 -0.11
AbbVie ABBV 147.69 -0.08 Alcon ALC 76.11 -0.88 AmericaMovil AMX 18.25 0.13 DocuSign DOCU 117.90 -0.53
s AtmosEnergy ATO 109.93 0.12 Brown-Forman A BF.A 60.22 -0.82 CitizensFin CFG 48.56 -3.86 Ferrari RACE 208.48 -6.83 HenrySchein HSIC 86.31 -0.07
Abiomed ABMD 313.49 2.75 AlexandriaRlEst ARE 187.81 -1.59 AmericaMovil A AMOV 18.21 -0.06 DollarGeneral DG 201.05 2.71
Autodesk ADSK 214.00 -6.23 Bruker BRKR 69.66 -0.71 CitrixSystems CTXS 102.66 0.16 FidNatlFin FNF 46.34 -1.30 Hershey HSY 204.86 2.60
Accenture ACN 311.35 -4.67 Alibaba BABA 107.09 1.90 AmerAirlines AAL 16.29 -0.96 DollarTree DLTR 139.71 -2.37
ADP ADP 202.31 -2.13 BuildersFirst BLDR 73.05 -1.37 t Clarivate CLVT 14.33 -0.65 FidNatlInfo FIS 93.67 -1.56 HertzGlobal HTZ 19.07 -1.25
ActivisionBliz ATVI 80.88 -0.62 AlignTech ALGN 500.97 -10.49 s AEP AEP 90.21 -0.44 DominionEner D 79.29 -0.24
AutoZone AZO 1817.06 -46.33 s Bunge BG 105.87 1.32 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 23.30 0.94 FifthThirdBncp FITB 44.46 -3.38 s Hess HES 101.40 0.34
Adobe ADBE 466.68 -1.00 Alleghany Y 645.65 -16.27 AmerExpress AXP 178.06 -16.48 Domino's DPZ 432.21 ...
Avalara AVLR 105.00 1.09 BurlingtonStrs BURL 224.28 -1.61 Clorox CLX 144.88 -0.91 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 756.55 -31.90 s HessMidstream HESM 31.82 -0.14
Avalonbay AVB 234.18 -4.41 CBRE Group CBRE 95.54 -1.31 Cloudflare NET 117.65 1.23 DoorDash DASH 102.43 -2.52 HewlettPackard HPE 15.41 -0.51
FirstHorizon FHN 23.44 -0.04
Avangrid AGR 44.13 -0.74 CDW CDW 169.41 -3.05 Coca-Cola KO 61.97 -0.27 Dover DOV 151.67 -5.19 HighwoodsProp HIW 43.49 -0.11
Avantor AVTR 34.22 -0.47 s CF Industries CF 82.35 1.16 t Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 48.47 -2.74 Dow DOW 57.13 -1.83 FirstRepBank FRC 164.28 -8.98 Hilton HLT 142.17 -6.69
Dividend Changes t AveryDennison AVY 166.94 -8.58 CGI GIB 81.02 -0.94 Cognex CGNX 66.44 -1.12
Doximity DOCS 58.12 -3.23
DrReddy'sLab RDY 52.66 -0.76
FirstEnergy FE
FSLR 75.62 0.33
41.32 -0.53
Hologic HOLX 70.88 -0.29
AvisBudget CAR 180.30 -3.14 CH Robinson CHRW 104.82 8.14 CognizantTech CTSH 85.80 -0.33 HomeDepot HD 320.25 4.42
Fiserv FISV 97.06 -0.61
Dividend announcements from March 1. AxonEnterprise AXON 142.12 1.87 CME Group CME 233.45 -3.08 CoinbaseGlbl COIN 196.17 5.40 DraftKings DKNG 23.52 -0.16 HondaMotor HMC 29.82 -0.74
FiveBelow FIVE 158.19 -5.42
BCE BCE 52.61 0.08 CMS Energy CMS 63.63 -0.38 ColgatePalm CL 76.04 -0.91 Dropbox DBX 22.67 -0.02 Honeywell HON 183.60 -6.15
FleetCorTech FLT 226.11 -8.09
Amount Payable / BHP Group BHP 68.50 0.71 CNA Fin CNA 44.52 -1.18 Comcast A CMCSA 46.39 -0.37 DukeEnergy DUK 99.83 -0.58 HorizonTherap HZNP 97.07 5.90
Floor&Decor FND 94.96 -0.66
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record BJ'sWholesale BJ 63.38 0.51 CNH Indl CNHI 13.87 -0.46 Comerica CMA 87.59 -7.90 DukeRealty DRE 52.87 -0.13 HormelFoods HRL 49.54 1.90
FomentoEconMex FMX 76.77 -3.63
BP BP 28.49 -0.72 CRH CRH 43.30 -1.59 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 68.68 -3.10 Dun&Bradstreet DNB 18.14 -0.42 DR Horton DHI 85.83 0.43
Increased FordMotor F 16.70 -0.86
Baidu BIDU 162.86 10.42 CSX CSX 33.34 -0.57 ConagraBrands CAG 34.49 -0.48 DuPont DD 75.62 -1.75 HostHotels HST 17.42 -0.85
Diamond Hill Investment 3.0 1.50 /1.00 Q Mar18 /Mar07 Fortinet FTNT 337.83 -6.69
DHIL BakerHughes BKR 28.34 -1.04 CVS Health CVS 102.05 -1.60 Concentrix CNXC 196.58 -3.31 DutchBros BROS 47.52 -0.69 HowmetAerospace HWM 33.11 -2.81
Fortis FTS 45.84 0.02
Northrim Bancorp NRIM 3.5 .41 /.38 Q Mar18 /Mar10 Ball BLL 86.84 -2.90 CableOne CABO 1427.50 -5.35 Confluent CFLT 43.28 0.49 Dynatrace DT 44.66 0.24 HuanengPower HNP 22.88 -0.33
s Fortive FTV 63.36 -1.39
Ocean Bio-Chem OBCI 1.8 .04 /.03 Q Mar25 /Mar10 BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 5.61 -0.27 CadenceDesign CDNS 150.53 -0.90 s ConocoPhillips COP 96.96 2.10 ENI E 31.52 0.55 Huazhu HTHT 41.39 0.03
s FortBrandsHome FBHS 83.85 -3.05
PDC Energy PDCE 1.5 .25 /.12 Q Mar25 /Mar11 BancoBradesco BBDO 3.26 -0.01 CAE CAE 27.14 0.38 ConEd ED 85.38 -0.39 EOG Rscs EOG 116.41 1.49 Hubbell HUBB 175.98 -2.27
t FoxA FOXA 41.26 -0.33
TTEC Holdings TTEC 1.3 .50 /.47 SA Apr20 /Mar31 BancodeChile BCH 20.68 -0.53 CaesarsEnt CZR 82.98 -1.21 ConstBrands A STZ 213.65 -1.97 EPAM Systems EPAM 211.21 3.46 HubSpot HUBS 533.00 8.00
FoxB FOX 37.64 -0.38
BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.74 -0.13 CamdenProperty CPT 163.80 -1.31 ConstBrands B STZ.B 215.50 -2.19 s EQT EQT 24.42 1.28 Humana HUM 431.00 -3.32
Franco-Nevada FNV 150.03 2.91
Stocks BcoSantChile BSAC 19.41 -0.11 Cameco CCJ 24.45 -0.13 ContinentalRscs CLR 57.56 2.13 EastWestBncp EWBC 81.96 -5.60
FranklinRscs BEN 28.08 -1.65
JBHunt JBHT 200.36 -2.57
Celsion CLSN 1:15 /Mar01 BancoSantander SAN 3.14 -0.22 CampbellSoup CPB 44.41 -0.56 Cooper COO 411.30 2.28 EastGroup EGP 188.06 -2.70 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 14.39 -1.13
s FreeportMcM FCX 47.91 0.96
Pulmatrix PULM 1:20 /Mar01 s BanColombia CIB 37.02 0.79 CIBC CM 123.42 -2.99 Copart CPRT 120.84 -2.04 EastmanChem EMN 114.60 -3.87 HuntingIngalls HII 204.15 -0.25
FreseniusMed FMS 31.18 -1.13
BankofAmerica BAC 42.47 -1.73 CanNtlRlwy CNI 119.11 -4.88 Corning GLW 38.57 -1.83 Eaton ETN 146.45 -7.84 Huntsman HUN 38.18 -2.26
s FullTruck YMM 8.51 -0.71
Foreign BankofMontreal BMO 113.42 -0.48 CanNaturalRes CNQ 55.99 0.16 Corteva CTVA 50.37 -1.66 eBay EBAY 54.35 -0.24 HyattHotels H 91.98 -5.13
50.58 -2.57 CanPacRlwy CP 68.97 -1.31 CSGP 59.83 -1.18 ECL 170.51 -5.75
GasLog Ptrs Pfd. A GLOPpA 8.3 .53906 Q Mar15 /Mar08 BankNY Mellon BK
BkNovaScotia BNS 71.28 -1.06 Canon CAJ 23.25 -0.38
COST 522.93 3.68 s
Ecopetrol 16.57 0.40
G H I IAC/InterActive IAC 115.39 0.63
GasLog Ptrs Pfd. B GLOPpB 8.0 .5125 Q Mar15 /Mar08 Costco EC ICICI Bank IBN 18.50 -0.97
Barclays BCS 9.31 -0.59 CapitalOne COF 140.68 -12.59 s CoterraEnergy CTRA 24.36 1.03 EdisonInt EIX 63.65 0.23 GDS Holdings GDS 45.04 0.52 ICL Group ICL 10.57 -1.07
GasLog Ptrs Pfd. C GLOPpC 8.3 .53125 Q Mar15 /Mar08 CPRI 66.47 -1.27 EdwardsLife EW 111.61 -0.76 GFLEnvironmental GFL 29.21 -0.04
BarrickGold GOLD 23.46 0.89 Capri CoupaSoftware COUP 126.29 5.28 IdexxLab IDXX 535.14 2.79
NetEase ADR NTES 1.2 .405 Q Mar25 /Mar11 Bath&BodyWks BBWI 50.94 -2.43 CardinalHealth CAH 52.83 -1.18 Coupang CPNG 25.46 -1.06 ElancoAnimal ELAN 28.94 0.53 GXO Logistics GXO 79.09 -4.84 t ING Groep ING 10.31 -1.33
Vale ADR VALE 14.2 .71802 SA Mar23 /Mar10 BauschHealth BHC 23.43 -0.63 Carlisle CSL 231.65 -5.75 Credicorp BAP 150.15 -1.10 Elastic ESTC 85.84 -0.81 Gallagher AJG 156.10 -2.09 t Invesco IVZ 19.71 -1.53
BaxterIntl BAX 84.14 -0.83 Carlyle CG 45.05 -1.82 CreditAcceptance CACC 532.02 -18.10 ElbitSystems ESLT 204.05 -2.01 GameStop GME 119.02 -4.32 IQVIA IQV 227.83 -2.29
KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: BectonDicknsn BDX 271.39 0.11 CarMax KMX 105.24 -4.09 t CreditSuisse CS 7.83 -0.45 ElectronicArts EA 128.15 -1.94 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 44.90 -0.51 IcahnEnterprises IEP 54.15 -0.59
spin-off. BeiGene BGNE 216.21 5.69 Carnival CCL 18.86 -1.47 CrowdStrike CRWD 197.64 2.43 EmersonElec EMR 89.51 -3.41 Garmin GRMN 110.00 -0.44 Continued on Page B9

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
AltitudeAcqnWt ALTUW 0.16 -8.9 CreditSuisse CS 7.75 -5.4 IMPAC Mortgage IMH 0.68 -11.3 MagnaIntl MGA 67.67 -8.3 OnHolding ONON 21.39 -9.9 PyxisOncology PYXS 4.96 -14.0 TastemakerWt TMKRW 0.21 -3.7
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE AltraIndlMotion AIMC 40.41 -4.0 Crypto1Acqn DAOOU 9.91 0.1 ING Groep ING 10.17 -11.4 MaidenHoldings MHLD 2.35 -2.0 Oncorus ONCR 2.00 -5.2 PzenaInvtMgmt PZN 8.49 -6.4 Ericsson ERIC 8.82 -4.5
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low AmbacFin AMBC 12.07 -5.1 CueBiopharma CUE 5.42 -4.0 Invesco IVZ 19.36 -7.2 MalaccaStraitsWt MLACW 0.25 -7.4 OnyxAcqnIWt ONYXW 0.20 -11.8 QuakerHoughton KWR 174.14 -5.8 Terex TEX 37.82 -6.3
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. AmbacFinWt AMBC.WS 2.28 -4.7 Culp CULP 8.03 -0.1 IPG Photonics IPGP 119.33 -6.8 MammothEnergy TUSK 1.35 -3.0 OportunFin OPRT 14.91 -8.1 Queen'sGambitWt GMBTW 0.41 -1.5 Theratechnologies THTX 2.60 -3.6
AngelOakMtg AOMR 15.56 -1.9 Cummins CMI 192.02 -3.9 iClickInteract ICLK 2.33 5.4 ManchesterUnited MANU 12.76 -4.7 OrchidIslandCap ORC 3.09 -4.0 QuiptHomeMed QIPT 4.38 -3.7 ThriveAcqnWt THACW 0.18 9.1
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Annexon ANNX 4.65 -2.6 CyteirTherap CYT 4.75 -15.0 IkenaOncology IKNA 5.63 -2.0 MaquiaCapAcqnWt MAQCW 0.15 -1.0 OrionEngCarbons OEC 14.05 -9.3 QurateRetailPfd QRTEP 89.07 -3.3 Timken TKR 60.67 -6.4
AnthemisDigI Wt ADALW 0.36 -6.4 CytomXTherap CTMX 3.53 -7.6 ImmixBiopharma IMMX 2.73 -7.0 MarinusPharma MRNS 7.56 -1.9 Outbrain OB 11.39 -8.0 QurateRetailA QRTEA 5.13 -6.4 TripAdvisor TRIP 23.38 -6.9
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg AnzuSpecial I Wt ANZUW 0.27 -9.6 DMC Global BOOM 26.73 -7.9 InMedPharm INM 0.86 -5.9 MarkforgedWt MKFG.WS 0.54 -9.2 OysterEntsWt OSTRW 0.28 -4.9 QwestNts2056 CTBB 24.26 ... TuesdayMorning TUEM 1.37 -3.5
ApeironCapital APN.U 10.03 -0.1 DPCapAcqnIWt DPCSW 0.33 -5.3 InnovativeIntlWt IOACW 0.18 -35.7 MasTec MTZ 74.92 -2.9 OysterPtPharma OYST 8.83 -9.3 ROC Energy Rt ROCAR 0.16 5.6 TutorPerini TPC 9.19 -5.2
FinnovateAcqnA FNVT 9.92 0.5 PrecisionDrilling PDS 59.84 0.1 AppliedTherap APLT 1.85 ... DADA 7.88 -3.6 2seventybio TSVT 12.81 -9.6
DadaNexus IntelligentMedWt IQMDW 0.30 -7.2 MedTechAcqn MTACU 9.09 -0.4 PJT Partners PJT 59.96 -5.2 RibbitLeapWt LEAP.WS 0.46 -5.3
Highs FintechEcoA
FreeportMcM FCX
FEXD 9.92
PretiumRscs PVG 14.80
AptivPfdA APTVpA 134.12 -7.4 Dana DAN 16.87 -8.5 IntlPaper IP 40.85 -5.2 MeiwuTechnology WNW 1.28 -7.0 PPG Ind PPG 124.74 -5.2 RibbonComms RBBN 2.89 -4.6 UGI Un UGIC 87.44 -4.3
PriorityIncmPfdL PRIFpL APTV 117.00 -8.8 DAVE 4.20 -1.6 4.48 -7.4 7.54 -7.4 25.27 -2.8 88.76 -10.8 UGI UGI 36.21 -5.3
APA APA 37.64 4.7 Aptiv Dave IsoPlexis ISO MemberCollect MCG PPL PPL Ryanair RYAAY
Frontline FRO 9.94 1.3 PrometheusBio RXDX 46.12 -0.6 VEON VEON 0.38 -26.3
AlbertonAcqn ALAC 12.01 0.3 ArchCapitalPfdG ACGLN 21.94 0.3 DeutscheBank DB 11.27 -8.6 JPMorganChase JPM 133.58 -3.8 MesaAir MESA 4.12 -2.3 ProgHoldings PRG 28.54 -4.8 SAB Biotherap SABS 4.59 -7.5
GeneralDynamics GD 237.03 -0.5 QuadGraphics QUAD 5.86 6.9 VF VFC 55.31 -4.3
Alcoa AA 85.73 5.9 ArdaghMetalPkg AMBP 7.75 -6.6 DirectSellingAcqnWt DSAQ.WS 0.27 -6.3 JamesRiver JRVR 20.31 -19.5 MilestonePharm MIST 4.72 -1.0 PTC Therap PTCT 34.03 -2.3 SCP&COHlthcrWt SHACW 0.18 -6.1
GolarLNG GLNG 18.03 1.1 RPC RES 9.07 -3.4 Valuence I VMCAU 9.99 ...
AlleghenyTechs ATI 26.40 -1.1 ArenaFortifyWt AFACW 0.29 -3.3 DolbyLab DLB 72.14 -3.4 JasperTherap JSPR 3.50 -6.7 MillicomIntl TIGO 21.65 -5.7 PVH PVH 88.90 -8.6 ScionTechI Wt SCOAW 0.36 -0.4
GoldFields GFI 14.86 3.4 RangerOil ROCC 35.80 4.7 VeraBradley VRA 7.15 -4.5
AlphaMetal AMR 102.46 2.5 AstecIndustries ASTE 47.48 -4.3 DrReddy'sLab RDY 52.34 -1.4 JasperTherapWt JSPRW 0.24 -15.0 Minim MINM 1.01 -7.7 ParPacific PARR 12.04 -10.4 SculptorCapMgmt SCU 11.75 -7.4
GrafAcqnIV GFOR.U 10.04 0.8 RattlerMidstrm RTLR 14.15 -2.6 Vericity VERY 4.24 -8.4
AEP AEP 91.68 -0.5 AtaraBiotherap ATRA 9.93 -20.5 DuPont pfA CTApA 80.02 -2.4 Joint JYNT 36.15 -11.1 MobiquityTechs MOBQ 1.23 -8.9 PardesBiosci PRDS 5.94 -10.4 SeapeakPfdA SEALpA 24.12 -2.9
GrafAcqnIV GFOR 10.01 -0.4 RaytheonTech RTX 104.34 ... VerifyMeWt VRMEW 0.50 -17.7
AmerElecPwrUn AEPPL 52.32 -2.3 AtlStreetAcqnWt ASAQ.WS 0.20 -0.5 DynagasLNG PfdB DLNGpB 17.83 -22.7 JuniperII Wt JUN.WS 0.45 -4.8 MohawkInds MHK 131.86 -2.6 Park-Ohio PKOH 14.61 -2.5 SeapeakPfdB SEALpB 23.25 -4.8
GranTierraEner GTE 1.48 2.9 RelianceSteel RS 194.91 -1.9 VersusSystemsWt VSSYW 0.26 -48.8
AmericasTechA ATA 10.21 0.1 AtlasCrestII ACII.U 9.75 0.4 DynagasLNG PfdA DLNGpA 18.97 -21.2 KademSustWt KSICW 0.36 -14.3 MountainI Wt MCAAW 0.33 -6.4 PathfinderAcqn PFDRU 9.72 -1.0 SemlerScientific SMLR 50.30 -27.9
GreenVisorI A GVCI 9.96 0.3 RyanSpecialty RYAN 42.43 -2.2 Viatris VTRS 9.68 -7.8
Andersons ANDE 46.00 -2.3 ATRenew RERE 4.17 -6.5 EG Acqn Wt EGGF.WS 0.20 -9.9 Kaleyra KLR 7.56 -1.0 MudrickCapII Wt MUDSW 0.43 -4.7 Paya PAYA 4.84 -19.5 SemperParatusWt LGSTW 0.34 -5.6
Hawkins HWKN 45.81 -3.4 SM Energy SM 38.47 5.7 Vicor VICR 70.71 -4.1
AnteroResources AR 24.19 4.2 Autoliv ALV 80.46 -7.3 EPAM Systems EPAM 195.01 1.7 KaleyraWt KLR.WS 1.20 -4.6 MyersIndustries MYE 15.82 -4.3 Pennant PNTG 11.38 -7.6 SeqLL Wt SQLLW 0.29 -46.4
Helm&Payne HP 37.71 0.9 SSR Mining SSRM 20.96 4.8 VincerxPharma VINC 4.70 -4.1
ArcherDaniels ADM 79.25 -0.6 AveryDennison AVY 166.19 -4.9 EaglePointPfdC ECCC 24.87 -0.2 Kennametal KMT 29.60 -4.7 MyriadGenetics MYGN 23.27 -3.6 PhoenixBiotechWt PBAXW 0.30 3.3 SeraPrognostics SERA 5.00 -5.0
Hess HES 102.99 0.3 SabineRoyalty SBR 63.12 4.5 VirBiotech VIR 23.96 -4.7
ArenaPharm ARNA 95.32 -0.3 AxaltaCoating AXTA 25.59 -4.8 EcoWavePower WAVE 4.24 -4.0 KimballElec KE 16.80 -0.9 NN NNBR 2.37 -5.8 PhysiciansRealty DOC 16.07 0.7 7GC Wt VIIAW 0.22 -21.9
HessMidstream HESM 32.83 -0.4 Sasol SSL 24.12 1.4 Vishay VSH 18.20 -4.2
ArisWater ARIS 16.90 15.4 BoaAcqnWt BOAS.WS 0.29 -14.6 eHealth EHTH 10.27 -14.6 Kyndryl KD 13.22 -14.9 NaborsEnerWt NETC.WS 0.37 -7.5 PioneerBancorp PBFS 10.36 -1.9 ShenandoahTel SHEN 20.11 -9.6
HighPeakEner HPK 22.75 -0.6 SelectEnergySvcs WTTR 8.84 2.4 VisionSensingWt VSACW 0.20 ...
AriszAcqnUn ARIZU 10.30 2.5 BRF BRFS 3.08 -1.3 ElcLastMileWt ELMSW 0.22 -13.7 LFCapAcqnIIWt LFACW 0.26 -0.1 NabrivaTherap NBRV 0.40 -2.2 PivotalInvtIII Wt PICC.WS 0.33 -25.9 SilvergatePfdA SIpA 21.66 -0.9
HighPeakEnerWt HPKEW 11.14 -4.0 Sempra SRE 146.25 0.7 ViveonHealthWt VHAQ.WS 0.07 -20.0
AtmosEnergy ATO 110.68 0.1 BaudaxBio BXRX 1.70 -3.2 ElevationOnc ELEV 3.22 -2.1 LMFAcqnOppsWt LMAOW 0.18 -1.6 NatlEnerSvs NESR 8.46 -3.4 PontemWt PNTM.WS 0.30 -11.3 SiriusPoint SPNT 6.98 -3.5
HostessBrands TWNK 22.72 3.2 SoJerseyInd SJI 34.27 0.2 Volcon VLCN 1.80 2.1
BP Prudhoe BPT 14.85 15.4 BenessereCapRt BENER 0.24 -14.5 EMHorizonWt HORIW 0.14 8.4 LairdSuperfood LSF 5.06 -9.1 NatrlOrderAcqnWt NOACW 0.12 5.9 PortageFintechWt PFTAW 0.49 -0.4 SkyWest SKYW 25.85 -7.1
ImperialOil IMO 45.50 -0.1 SouthJerseyUn SJIV 69.50 0.6 Vroom VRM 3.20 -46.5
BanColombia CIB 37.07 2.2 BetterTherap BTTX 2.81 -1.7 EmersonRadio MSN 0.64 -3.5 LandseaHomes LSEA 6.30 -1.1 Neenah NP 35.67 -7.7 PostWi POSTw 55.22 5.6 SmartShareGlbl EM 1.02 -5.0 VyGlblGrowthWt VYGG.WS 0.51 -0.1
InFinTAcqnA IFIN 9.96 ... SpartanNash SPTN 28.59 0.9
BowleroWt BOWL.WS 2.20 -3.2 BigCommerce BIGC 20.13 -15.6 EnelChile ENIC 1.57 -5.3 LawsonProducts LAWS 39.98 -5.9 NextPlayTech NXTP 0.52 -6.2 PowellIndustries POWL 20.45 -2.7 Sonendo SONX 4.60 -0.6 WW Intl WW 9.38 -5.7
Intra-Cellular ITCI 58.88 1.8 St.Joe JOE 56.99 4.0
Bunge BG 107.04 1.3 Biophytis BPTS 3.00 -3.9 Energizer ENR 31.73 -4.5 LeadEdgeGrwWt LEGAW 0.43 -2.3 9MetersBiopharma NMTR 0.54 4.7 Pwr&Digital II Wt XPDBW 0.38 -9.5 SouthJerseyNts2079 SJIJ 22.15 0.4 WarburgPinI-B Wt WPCB.WS 0.60 -7.7
IntrepidPotash IPI 58.37 -4.8 SteelDynamics STLD 75.41 2.3
BurTechAcqnA BRKH 9.88 0.3 BiotechAcqnWt BIOTW 0.15 -10.0 EnsysceBioWt ENSCW 0.10 17.9 Lear LEA 142.29 -8.5 Nkarta NKTX 8.50 -4.4 PreludeTherap PRLD 8.31 -4.1 StratimCloudWt SCAQW 0.36 -0.8 Weibo WB 26.64 -2.0
KosmosEnergy KOS 5.32 6.0 SunCokeEnergy SXC 8.37 5.4
CenaqEnergyA CENQ 9.99 -0.2 BlackDiamond BDTX 3.01 -3.2 EosEnergy EOSE 2.60 -6.2 LefterisAcqnWt LFTRW 0.33 -16.0 NoahHoldings NOAH 26.72 -4.7 PrimeImpactIWt PIAI.WS 0.25 -19.2 SummitMidstream SMLP 14.01 -9.2 WerewolfTherap HOWL 6.00 -15.9
LSB Inds LXU 18.23 4.9 SuncorEnergy SU 31.50 0.8
CF Industries CF 84.70 1.4 bleuacaciaUn BLEUU 9.54 -0.1 EosEnergyWt EOSEW 0.82 -3.4 LibertyLatAmA LILA 9.57 -3.8 NobleRockWt NRACW 0.26 -6.1 Primerica PRI 123.17 -4.2 Synchronoss SNCR 1.52 -5.0 WesternDigital WDC 48.32 -2.8
L3HarrisTech LHX 261.98 1.1 System1 SST 14.52 5.6
CNX Resources CNX 16.99 2.2 BlockchainMoonWt BMAQW 0.17 2.8 EquityCommonPfdD EQCpD 27.37 -2.1 LibertyLatAmC LILAK 9.56 -4.3 Noodles NDLS 6.25 -7.7 PrimoWater PRMW 14.01 -2.9 TBSA Acqn Wt TBSAW 0.29 -31.7 WolverineWwide WWW 21.45 -6.1
Lantheus LNTH 50.00 2.8 Tegna TGNA 23.04 -0.3
CVR Partners UAN 111.00 -1.4 LibertyRscsA LIBY 9.96 0.2 BlueOceanAcqn BOCNU 9.90 -0.1 EsportsEntWt GMBLW 0.24 49.4 LibertyBraves C BATRK 24.46 -0.1 NorthernLightsWt NLITW 0.23 -23.3 PriorityIncmPfdL PRIFpL 24.54 -0.2 TLGAcqnOneWt TLGA.WS 0.35 -3.2 WorldwideWebbWt WWACW 0.38 -4.2
TargaResources TRGP 66.79 0.3
Cactus WHD 52.63 -3.8 LockheedMartin LMT 458.53 5.3 BlueOceanA BOCN 9.80 0.2 EsportsTech EBET 7.36 -9.8 LixiangEduc LXEH 4.51 -10.7 OFSCapNts2028 OFSSH 24.75 -0.2 Prudential PUK 28.19 -6.2 TLGY Acqn Wt TLGYW 0.22 -8.3 YumanityTherap YMTX 1.06 -5.3
TeckRscsB TECK 37.96 2.6
CanNaturalRes CNQ 56.88 0.3 MV Oil MVO 11.20 2.1 BlueprintMed BPMC 59.52 1.3 Exagen XGN 7.05 -6.3 LoyaltyVentures LYLT 22.01 -8.0 ON24 ONTF 11.20 -12.4 Pulmatrix PULM 5.64 -7.4 TPBAcqnIWt TPBAW 0.48 -3.9 ZeviaPBC ZVIA 6.03 -1.8
Tenable TENB 57.35 1.5
CarticaAcqnWt CITEW 0.82 50.0 MagnoliaOil MGY 23.40 0.9 BluescapeOppsWt BOAC.WS 0.32 -5.5 FGI Industries Wt FGIWW 0.50 -6.5 LumiraDx LMDX 6.51 -8.9 Olaplex OLPX 15.68 -5.8 PulseBiosciences PLSE 4.73 0.2 TailwindIntlWt TWNI.WS 0.22 -4.0 ZynerbaPharma ZYNE 2.13 -4.4
TenetHealthcare THC 89.90 2.5
CentennialRsc CDEV 9.01 -1.6 MarathonOil MRO 23.57 1.5 BoneBiologWt BBLGW 0.30 -14.5 Figs FIGS 14.35 -11.6
TimkenSteel TMST 18.88 -1.6
CenturyAluminum CENX 27.18 11.6 MatadorRscs MTDR 52.23 2.5 BorgWarner BWA 38.32 -5.3 FS Bancorp FSBW 31.10 -2.7
TransGlobeEner TGA 4.08 -0.3
Cerner CERN 93.48 0.1 Matson MATX 112.39 -4.7 BridgetownWt BTWNW 0.46 -4.1 FstarTherap FSTX 2.89 -4.6
US Oil Fund USO 72.63 6.4
ChainBridgeIA CBRG 9.91 0.7 MontereyBioAcqn MTRY 9.94 0.3 BridgewaterPfdA BWBBP 25.23 -0.8 FastRadius FSRD 1.81 -4.8
USBrentOilFd BNO 29.76 8.1
CheckPoint CHKP 147.08 -0.7 Mosaic MOS 54.17 -1.1 USComdtyIndxFd USCI 52.10 4.1
BrilliantEarthA BRLT 8.54 -3.7 FederalSignal FSS 33.30 -6.8 ADVERTISEMENT
CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 55.63 2.8 MountRainier RNER 9.98 0.2 BroadmarkRealty BRMK 8.03 -3.2 Flexsteel FLXS 20.08 -6.8
USGasolineFd UGA 55.38 5.7
BrookfieldPropPfd BPYPP 23.29 0.7 FORA 6.40 -7.2

Business Real Estate & Auctions

ChesapeakeEner CHK 79.35 2.6 MurphyOil MUR 36.00 1.7 Forian
US12moOilFd USL 35.52 4.7
ChesapeakeWtC CHKEL 46.01 5.6 NationalGrid NGG 76.77 0.2 ButterflyNtwkWt BFLY.WS 1.01 -10.1 FoxFactory FOXF 107.14 -7.9
VaalcoEnergy EGY 6.10 5.1
ChesapeakeWtB CHKEZ 49.38 3.6 NaturalGasSvcs NGS 13.38 5.6 CenaqEnergyWt CENQW 0.21 -5.7 FrequencyTherap FREQ 2.73 -3.2
ValarisWt VAL.WS 5.50 9.7
ChesapeakeWtA CHKEW 54.03 3.2 NexstarMedia NXST 188.90 -0.6 CF Acqn IV Wt CFIVW 0.33 -3.0 FusionAcqnIIWt FSNB.WS 0.25 -6.1
ValueLine VALU 66.51 -7.3
Chevron CVX 149.96 4.0 NexTierOilfield NEX 8.22 -4.9 Valuence I VMCAU 10.02 ...
CIIGCapitalPtrsII CIIGU 9.93 -0.7 G&P Acqn Wt GAPA.WS 0.26 -12.0 To advertise: email or
CleanEarthAcqns CLINU 10.03 ... NoEuroOil NRT 16.90 10.1 Curo CURO 12.07 -9.1 GeminiTherap GMTX 1.16 -4.8
VermilionEnergy VET 19.71 3.0
CommercialMetals CMC 39.95 -2.2 NorthropGrum NOC 457.09 3.2 CactusAcqn1 Wt CCTSW 0.40 -10.3 GeniusSportsWt GENI.WS 1.11 -7.2
ViperEnergyPtrs VNOM 30.30 0.5
ConocoPhillips COP 98.46 2.2 NorthViewAcqn NVAC 9.84 0.5 CarticaAcqnWt CITEW 0.20 50.0 Glatfelter GLT 12.93 -5.7
CoterraEnergy CTRA 24.58 4.4 NuanceComms NUAN 55.59 ... Cazoo CZOO 3.19 -8.2 GlenfarneMergerWt GGMCW 0.25 -6.6
VistaOil&Gas VIST 9.07 2.9
CrescentPoint CPG 7.55 1.8 Nucor NUE 136.96 -0.5 Celsion CLSN 4.32 -5.6 GlblTechAcqnIWt GTACW 0.37 -13.7
W&T Offshore WTI 5.27 5.1
CurtissWright CW 152.97 3.2 Nutrien NTR 88.41 -1.2 CelyadOncology CYAD 2.16 -14.6 GoalAcqnsWt PUCKW 0.26 -6.6
WarriorMetCoal HCC 33.97 6.0
CyrusOne CONE 90.46 -0.1 ONE Gas OGS 83.88 -0.9 Centogene CNTG 3.50 3.9 GoodRx GDRX 15.91 -38.9
WestFraserTimber WFG 102.61 -0.1
DT Midstream DTM 54.55 1.5 Cerence CRNC 32.84 -7.9 GrafAcqnIVWt GFOR.WS 0.64 -11.1


ObsidianEnergy OBE 8.83 -2.2
DevonEnergy DVN
DSKE 13.17 -2.3
60.74 -0.5
OccidentalPetrolWt OXY.WS
OccidentalPetrol OXY

WMB 32.08 1.2
ChainBridgeIWt CBRGW
Chase CCF
0.29 -4.5
86.69 -5.2
GraniteConstr GVA
GranitePointMtg GPMT
27.84 -7.3
10.73 -2.9

142.09 -0.9 ChavantCapWt CLAYW 0.21 -5.8 GreatElmCap GECC 14.59 -8.8

DiamondbkEner FANG Ovintiv OVV 47.90 2.8
EOG Rscs
32.11 1.8
117.44 1.3
PDC Energy
PaloAltoNtwks PANW
PDCE 69.05
AAON AAON 54.74 -2.4
ATI PhysTherapy ATIP 1.77 -3.6
Check-Cap CHEK
ChurchillVII Wt CVII.WS
0.39 -37.0
0.47 -3.0
GridDynamics GDYN
10.48 -12.8
60.00 -2.9
EQT EQT 25.22 5.5 PampaEnergia PAM 23.30 10.7 ATIPhysTherapyWt ATIP.WS 0.24 -9.9 ClarivatePfdA CLVTpA 59.41 -2.5 HarpoonTherap HARP 3.75 -2.4   
EC 17.14 2.5 ATNI 32.27 -1.5 CLVT 14.14 -4.3 HawksAcqnWt HWKZ.WS 0.24 ...    % *  +,
 %  ""

Ecopetrol PattersonUTIEn PTEN 14.88 -1.9 ATN Intl Clarivate
8iAcqn2 LAX 9.81 ... PembinaPipeline PBA 35.37 1.8 AdaptimmuneTher ADAP 2.38 -7.3 ClarusTherap CRXT 0.79 -14.1 HealthcareRealty HR 25.61 2.6


8iAcqn2Wt LAXXW 0.80 -17.4 PerceptionCapII PCCT 9.98 0.2 AddexTherap ADXN 4.80 3.6 CloverLeafCapRt CLOER 0.32 -3.2 HemisphereMedia HMTV 4.97 -6.7
Enbridge ENB 44.05 0.5 PermianvilleRT PVL 2.59 0.4 AegleaBioTherap AGLE 2.54 -6.9 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 48.25 -5.4 HeronTherap HRTX 5.35 -18.9
Enerplus ERF 13.43 3.1 PetroleoBrasil PBR 15.10 2.7 AlbertonAcqnRt ALACR 0.18 10.4 Colfax CFX 38.95 -2.4 HippoWt HIPO.WS 0.26 5.5

 0 .
EnLinkMid ENLC 9.19 2.6 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 14.02 3.3 AlerisLife ALR 2.36 8.0 CerveceriasUnid CCU 14.90 -6.4 HomePtCap HMPT 2.80 -4.8
Equinor EQNR
EvolutionPetrol EPM
34.18 7.0
8.17 -1.0
PioneerNatRscs PXD
PlayaHotels PLYA
BIRD 7.30 -3.4
ALSAR 0.20 -16.7
Cooper-Standard CPS
CreatdWt CRTDW
10.85 -7.2
0.29 22.4
HysterYaleMatls HY
33.60 -12.0
12.79 -2.6
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B8 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
Cash Prices Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Metal & Petroleum Futures May 2,520 2,547 2,471 2,521 –8 91,420 These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
Contract Open
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
March 236.95 236.95 236.00 237.25 3.00 1,312 months.
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
May 235.00 239.15 234.50 236.00 3.10 125,752
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
March 4.4965 4.5880 4.4810 4.5865 0.1420 6,022 May 17.72 18.43 17.70 18.34 .64 338,725 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 144.5 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 12.0125
May 4.5060 4.6020 4.4920 4.5965 0.1420 117,534 July 17.55 18.19 17.52 18.12 .61 162,994
Energy Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 9.7950
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 90.550 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 1000 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 10.2200
March 1908.30 1941.90 1903.80 1942.40 43.00 2,006 May 35.40 … 2,647 Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 21.650 Battery/EV metals Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 10.8750
April 1908.40 1945.50 1903.00 1943.80 43.10 452,618 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,k 70675
March 121.62 128.00 121.62 126.35 3.78 111 Metals Food
May 1909.00 1940.40 s 1909.00 1945.30 43.10 19 BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,k 64000
May 119.00 123.31 118.07 122.75 3.63 109,490 Beef,carcass equiv. index
June 1912.20 1948.40 1906.50 1947.10 43.10 91,633 Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 17729
1915.50 1951.60 1910.20 1950.40 43.00 27,076 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 6479 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 226.40
March 151.00 151.00 148.90 150.20 4.25 536
Engelhard industrial 1920.00
Oct 1924.00 1954.90 1924.00 1953.90 43.00 8,600 Handy & Harman base 1922.00 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 685 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 219.71
May 142.65 143.65 137.00 142.25 .30 9,906 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.2820
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Handy & Harman fabricated 2133.42
March 2491.50 2706.50 2491.50 2532.50 32.00 90 LBMA Gold Price AM *1903.30
Fibers and Textiles Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.6925
Interest Rate Futures LBMA Gold Price PM *1909.85 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 193.50
June 2488.50 2718.00 2481.00 2537.80 33.20 7,307 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.8400
Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 2019.47
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 203.00
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Krugerrand,wholesale-e Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 1.2375
March 186-220 2-21.0 16,775 Maple Leaf-e 2038.89
Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 186.00
March 1051.10 13.30 13 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *134.65 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 2.3399
April 1046.70 1066.50 1041.00 1051.90 13.20 47,693 June 186-160 190-060 185-080 188-190 2-21.0 1,261,649 American Eagle-e 2038.89 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 43.000
Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.9514
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Mexican peso-e 2349.23 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a.
157-010 2-14.0 13,145 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 1.3650
March 24.450 25.565 24.340 25.534 1.173 7,432 March Austria crown-e 1906.35
156-300 159-220 156-100 159-050 2-15.0 1,110,549 Grains and Feeds Flour,hard winter KC-p 26.40
May 24.455 25.650 24.345 25.541 1.175 119,210
June Austria phil-e 2038.89
Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.65
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Silver, troy oz. Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 97.10
March 127-160 128-305 127-075 128-230 1-08.5 71,080
April 96.09 106.78 s 95.32 103.41 7.69 318,210 Engelhard industrial 24.7500 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 183 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
June 127-145 128-315 127-060 128-235 1-09.5 3,631,012
May 93.88 103.06 s 93.21 100.21 6.71 230,068 Handy & Harman base 25.1400 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 7.1600 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.2115
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Handy & Harman fabricated 31.4250
June 91.23 98.68 s 90.74 96.24 5.26 217,420 March 119-147 27.5 54,140
Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 193.8 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
Dec 82.35 85.44 82.20 83.68 1.44 261,585 LBMA spot price *£18.1800 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 618.2 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 186.50
June 118-085 119-107 118-030 119-060 29.0 3,864,237
June'23 78.26 80.24 77.79 78.88 1.11 108,273 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% (U.S.$ equivalent) *24.3500 Cottonseed meal-u,w 343
Dec 74.85 77.27 74.79 76.05 1.30 124,396 Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 21175 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 170 Fats and Oils
March 108-067 7.1 36,485
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. June 107-192 107-315 107-162 107-283 8.7 1,992,149 Other metals Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 310 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w 61.1700
April 2.9310 3.2233 s 2.9299 3.1511 .2198 82,962 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. LBMA Platinum Price PM *1063.0 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 7.4375 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.6950
May 2.8533 3.1068 s 2.8450 3.0381 .1915 42,730 March 99.7775 99.8050 99.7700 99.7925 .0125 136,738 Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1067.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 27.75 Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. April 99.6550 99.7000 99.6300 99.6800 .0300 419,362 Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2700.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.7775
April 2.9455 3.1610 s 2.9432 3.0887 .1562 135,959 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *3450.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 466.30 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.7225
May 2.9215 3.1309 s 2.9206 3.0621 .1532 68,846 March 99-140 1-12.0 74,110 Copper,Comex spot 4.5865 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 16.7900 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
March 99.3350 99.4000 99.3100 99.3675 .0225 926,324 KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
April 4.408 4.627 4.340 4.573 .171 141,262
June 98.9200 99.0950 98.8750 99.0550 .1350 1,059,326 K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark
May 4.425 4.649 4.361 4.598 .178 189,117
Dec 98.2900 98.5450 98.2400 98.4950 .2200 1,277,276 Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 2/28
June 4.455 4.690 4.408 4.640 .179 71,457 Dec'23 97.8450 98.1250 97.8000 98.0900 .2350 1,280,283 Source: Dow Jones Market Data
July 4.512 4.738 4.457 4.691 .180 85,017
Sept 4.498 4.728 4.457 4.679 .176 69,529 Currency Futures
Oct 4.534 4.749 4.478 4.701 .173 84,284
Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
March .8699 .8720 .8676 .8709 .0001 196,696
Bonds |
Agriculture Futures June .8713 .8740 .8696 .8729 .0002 6,267
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD Tracking Bond Benchmarks
March 699.75 744.25 s 699.75 739.75 42.25 11,260 March .7889 .7903 .7842 .7848 –.0034 130,716
May 694.25 725.75 s 692.75 725.75 35.00 674,588 June .7894 .7903 .7844 .7849 –.0035 10,464
Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ highs and lows for different types of bonds
March 700.00 738.50 699.75 731.00 35.25 44 March 1.3420 1.3439 1.3302 1.3312 –.0103 173,679 Total Total
May 645.25 681.00 638.00 676.25 35.25 2,094 June 1.3412 1.3434 1.3301 1.3310 –.0102 16,510 return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
March 1648.25 1709.00 1648.25 1705.50 61.25 4,132 March 1.0911 1.0933 1.0867 1.0886 –.0026 46,376
May 1641.50 1697.50 1641.50 1690.00 53.25 304,117 June 1.0936 1.0973 1.0910 1.0927 –.0027 641 Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
March .7262 .7291 .7239 .7249 –.0015 189,578 2190.84 -2.7 U.S. Aggregate 2.270 1.340 2.470 2158.49 -2.1 Mortgage-Backed 2.480 1.560 2.640
March 457.90 465.90 457.20 463.70 8.80 2,833
May 448.00 458.60 448.00 454.30 8.00 202,260 June .7274 .7300 .7249 .7259 –.0016 1,952 2113.24 -1.4 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 2.440 1.540 2.620
Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 73.72 76.90 s 73.72 76.80 3.91 1,930
March .04874 .04893 .04825 .04837 –.00026 164,654 3255.85 -4.8 U.S. Corporate 3.010 1.910 3.220 1271.31 -2.4 Fannie mae (FNMA) 2.490 1.560 2.640
June .04790 .04810 .04745 .04756 –.00025 1,000
May 72.80 76.48 s 72.70 76.21 3.69 162,171 -2.2
Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € 3002.14 -2.5 Intermediate 2.570 1.260 2.790 1957.58 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 2.490 1.560 2.640
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. March 1.1224 1.1237 t 1.1094 1.1127 –.0100 678,944
March 15.40 15.91 s 15.40 15.86 .49 210
June 1.1263 1.1273 t 1.1133 1.1164 –.0101 21,890 4704.27 -8.2 Long term 3.730 2.900 3.940 585.40 -2.8 Muni Master 1.630 0.687 1.730
May 15.62 16.24 s 15.62 16.19 .50 7,249
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 654.18 -4.7 Double-A-rated 2.600 1.650 2.800 412.37 -3.0 7-12 year 1.636 0.687 1.747
March 951.00 1004.50 s 950.00 1001.75 73.75 699
Index Futures
870.19 -5.0 Triple-B-rated 3.260 2.110 3.470 476.11 -3.2 12-22 year 1.893 1.000 2.004
May 934.50 984.00 s 932.25 984.00 50.00 165,555 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 33822 34065 33064 33267 –573 75,106 High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 466.74 -3.9 22-plus year 2.391 1.443 2.494
March 983.50 1019.50 s 983.50 1012.00 57.75 575 June 33700 33952 32972 33166 –575 1,379
May 953.00 1003.00 s 951.25 1003.00 50.00 103,070 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index 503.60 -3.5 High Yield Constrained 5.640 3.796 5.860 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March 4367.50 4399.00 4275.00 4303.75 –64.25 2,288,394
-2.8 589.76 -1.6 Global Government 1.220 0.720 1.440
March 156.100 157.875 t 156.000 156.275 –1.450 6,425 June 4355.00 4390.00 4266.75 4295.25 –64.75 93,098
489.66 Triple-C-rated 9.506 6.304 9.621
April 160.000 161.950 t 159.150 159.800 –2.200 15,503 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index 3355.17 -3.4 High Yield 100 5.077 3.162 5.390 825.31 -1.6 Canada 1.770 1.230 2.030
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March 2659.00 2680.30 2587.20 2606.80 –51.20 48,766
April 141.425 142.350 140.450 140.525 –.900 136,270 June 2615.70 –52.30 3 439.58 -4.5 Global High Yield Constrained 6.002 3.968 6.114 400.88 -1.2 EMU§ 0.658 0.163 0.990
June 137.700 138.650 136.925 137.050 –.650 100,756 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
14219.25 14327.75 13900.00 14005.50 –222.50 248,256 333.12 -4.6 Europe High Yield Constrained 4.244 2.304 4.317 751.28 -1.2 France 0.520 0.080 0.820
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March
April 103.650 106.800 103.025 106.200 2.700 100,930 June 14220.25 14324.25 13903.50 14004.50 –223.50 3,199 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 532.29 -0.9 Germany -0.040 -0.410 0.270
June 113.600 117.375 113.500 116.775 3.350 60,836 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. March 2044.50 2064.70 1990.40 2006.70 –37.80 507,360 1813.41 -1.5 U.S Agency 1.660 0.640 1.940 290.51 -1.4 Japan 0.490 0.260 0.550
March 1349.00 1379.50 s 1340.00 1373.00 36.30 574 Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
March 2410.50 2422.50 2368.60 2383.70 –36.80 16,050 1584.85 -1.3 10-20 years 1.590 0.520 1.870 587.83 -1.4 Netherlands 0.170 -0.290 0.490
May 1195.90 1223.70 1195.90 1223.70 30.00 1,506
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index 4056.77 -3.6 20-plus years 2.480 1.890 2.720 1010.69 -2.6 U.K. 1.260 0.720 1.590
Feb 20.92 … 4,232 March 96.81 97.58 96.63 97.41 .71 55,294
March 22.21 22.37 22.05 22.26 .21 5,198 June 96.73 97.54 96.58 97.37 .75 2,642 2786.92 -3.6 Yankee 2.650 1.510 2.830 844.53 -8.2 Emerging Markets ** 6.082 4.516 6.082
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
March 2,491 2,491 2,491 2,483 –8 11 Source: FactSet
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan

Exchange-Traded Portfolios | Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields

Closing Chg YTD Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Closing Chg YTD SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 476.17 –1.91 –8.0
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&P 500 SPY 429.98 –1.52 –9.5
Closing Chg YTD SPDR S&P Div SDY 123.03 –1.58 –4.7 Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 46.11 –1.33 –5.6 TechSelectSector XLK 150.99 –2.00 –13.2 1.500 U.S. 2 1.303 t l 1.426 1.165 0.123
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 174.74 –1.52 –14.5 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 48.74 –2.42 –3.3 VangdInfoTech VGT 396.14 –1.92 –13.5
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 74.46 –0.59 –3.4 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 113.00 0.40 –2.8 VangdSC Val VBR 169.92 –2.20 –5.0
1.875 10 1.708 t l 1.836 1.799 1.444
26.56 –1.88 –8.3 iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 52.85 0.22 –1.9
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC
iShPfd&Incm PFF 36.04 –0.66 –8.6
VangdExtMkt VXF 161.50 –1.70 –11.7 2.750 Australia 2 1.106 s l 1.104 0.891 0.126 -19.5 -32.9 0.5
EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 71.29 1.01 28.5 VangdSC Grwth VBK 241.60 –1.34 –14.3
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 37.10 –3.69 –5.0 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 263.49 –1.48 –13.8
VangdDivApp VIG 155.78 –1.45 –9.3 1.000 10 2.186 s l 2.143 1.892 1.675 47.7 31.6 24.9
HealthCareSelSect XLV 129.24 –0.55 –8.3 iShRussell1000Val IWD 159.48 –1.54 –5.0
VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 46.85 –1.97 –8.2
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 98.40 –1.49 –7.0 iShRussell2000 IWM 199.49 –1.88 –10.3
VangdFTSE EM VWO 47.17 –1.36 –4.6
0.000 France 2 -0.663 t l -0.423 -0.627 -0.599 -196.4 -185.5 -72.0
InvscQQQI 341.49 –1.53 –14.2 iShRussell2000Val IWN 155.82 –1.84 –6.2
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 74.93 –1.82 –9.7
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 60.67 –2.65 –11.1 0.000 10 0.367 t l 0.632 0.450 -0.091 -134.2 -119.5 -151.8
InvscS&P500EW RSP 151.60 –1.72 –6.9 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 56.93 –1.81 –7.1
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 51.54 –1.70 –7.3 iShRussellMCValue IWS 114.19 –1.95 –6.7 0.000 Germany 2 -0.747 t l -0.545 -0.521 -0.687 -204.8 -197.7 -80.8
VangdGrowth VUG 273.25 –1.48 –14.8
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 67.81 –2.14 –9.2 iShRussell1000 IWB 239.00 –1.52 –9.6
VangdHlthCr VHT 241.63 –0.54 –9.3
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 56.41 –1.43 –5.8 iShS&P500Growth IVW 72.08 –1.60 –13.9 0.000 10 -0.074 t l 0.134 0.037 -0.333 -178.3 -169.4 -176.0
VangdHiDiv VYM 108.23 –1.50 –3.5
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 65.54 –1.81 –7.6 iShS&P500Value IVE 149.52 –1.53 –4.5
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 431.92 –1.55 –9.4 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 127.86 0.72 –1.0
VangdIntermBd BIV 85.37 0.72 –2.6 0.000 Italy 2 -0.260 t l 0.012 -0.037 -0.317 -156.1 -142.0 -43.8
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 89.19 0.43 –3.8
iShCoreS&P MC 260.49 –1.97 –8.0 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 84.73 0.23 –0.9 0.950 10 1.413 t l 1.756 1.349 0.665 -7.1 -76.1
113.11 –1.6 VangdLC VV 198.42 –1.59 –10.2 -29.7
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 105.71 –1.86 –7.7 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 0.97
VangdMC VO 228.19 –1.82 –10.4
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 96.54 –1.57 –9.8 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 141.30 1.16 –4.6 0.005 Japan 2 -0.032 t l -0.029 -0.049 -0.119 -133.3 -146.2 -24.0
iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 97.66 –1.43 –15.2 VangdMC Val VOE 142.20 –2.19 –5.4
iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 51.17 0.34 –3.3
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 110.82 0.56 –2.9 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 25.93 0.75 –2.8 VangdMBS VMBS 51.64 0.52 –2.3 0.100 10 0.181 t l 0.185 0.183 0.157 -152.8 -164.2 -127.0
iShSelectDividend DVY 121.24 –2.08 –1.1 JPM UltShtIncm JPST 50.37 0.06 –0.2 VangdRealEst VNQ 102.00 –0.53 –12.1
ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 50.04 –4.61 –39.8 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 395.34 –1.50 –9.4 0.000 Spain 2 -0.251 t l -0.052 -0.443 -0.447 -155.2 -148.5 -56.8
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 96.72 –1.47 –10.4
VangdST Bond BSV 79.71 0.35 –1.4 0.700 10 0.890 t l 1.152 0.783 0.327 -67.5 -109.9
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 73.46 –0.37 –9.2 SPDRBlm1-3MTB BIL 91.41 ... –0.0 -82.0
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 128.16 –1.32 –12.0 SPDR Gold GLD 181.62 1.82 6.2 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 79.70 0.20 –1.9
iShEdgeMSCIUSAVal VLUE 103.03 –1.88 –5.9 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 62.47 –1.53 –13.8 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 51.89 0.56 1.0 0.125 U.K. 2 0.831 t l 1.041 1.061 0.101 -47.0 -39.1 -2.0
iShGoldTr IAU 36.99 1.87 6.3 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 35.76 –2.00 –8.0 VangdSC VB 206.14 –1.84 –8.8
101.98 –1.53 –9.8 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 53.25 0.17 –3.0 4.750 10 1.097 t l 1.379 1.305 0.757 -61.3 -44.8 -66.9
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 124.97 0.34 –5.7 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 83.13 –0.28 –4.5 SchwabUS Div SCHD 75.73 –1.78 –6.3 VangdTotalBd BND 82.22 0.52 –3.0
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 97.32 –1.54 –10.8 SchwabUS LC SCHX 102.76 –1.49 –9.7 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 54.23 1.11 –1.7
iShMBSETF MBB 104.95 0.52 –2.3 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 140.98 –1.47 –13.9 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 58.89 –1.87 –7.4
SchwabUS SC
Schwab US TIPs
Corporate Debt
iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 65.21 –2.10 –10.8 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 333.16 –1.82 –8.3 VangdValue VTV 141.69 –1.50 –3.7 Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week

To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
NatWest Markets
Metropolitan Life Global Funding I

Aug. 12, ’24
July 2, ’25
Bank of New Zealand BZLNZ 2.285 2.41 Jan. 27, ’27 84 –2 80
Comcast CMCSA 4.750 3.64 March 1, ’44 143 –2 n.a.
Citigroup C 6.625 3.46 June 15, ’32 175 –1 n.a.
Guardian Life Global Funding GUARDN 1.250 2.12 May 13, ’26 57 –1 n.a.
International Business Machines IBM 4.000 3.63 June 20, ’42 139 –1 140
Nationwide Building Society NWIDE 1.500 2.46 Oct. 13, ’26 86 –1 82

…And spreads that widened the most

Canadian Natural Resources CNQCN 6.250 4.38 March 15, ’38 218 21 n.a.
Bank of America BAC 4.000 2.53 Jan. 22, ’25 105 17 77
Delta Air Lines DAL 4.750 3.95 Oct. 20, ’28 238 14 208
Goldman Sachs GS 5.150 4.00 May 22, ’45 181 14 179
International Business Machines IBM 4.700 3.67 Feb. 19, ’46 155 12 n.a.
Amgen AMGN 4.950 3.88 Oct. 1, ’41 168 11 n.a.
ANZ New Zealand Int'l ANZNZ 2.166 2.17 Feb. 18, ’25 67 11 57
Bank of Montreal BMO 0.625 1.94 July 9, ’24 66 10 n.a.

High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…

Bond Price as % of face value
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week

Transocean RIG 6.800 12.81 March 15, ’38 59.500 1.50 58.000
FirstEnergy FE 7.375 4.04 Nov. 15, ’31 126.500 1.00 124.811
Lumen Technologies LUMN 7.600 8.87 Sept. 15, ’39 88.799 0.86 88.250
Occidental Petroleum OXY 6.450 4.66 Sept. 15, ’36 118.742 0.84 115.969
Venture Global Calcasieu Pass VENTGL 4.125 4.14 Aug. 15, ’31 99.875 0.68 97.875
Ford Motor F 7.450 4.22 July 16, ’31 124.751 0.56 122.875

…And with the biggest price decreases

WeWork WEWORK 7.875 11.72 May 1, ’25 90.052 –1.45 87.750
Ligado Networks NEWLSQ 15.500 35.77 Nov. 1, ’23 76.000 –1.25 76.875
American Airlines AAL 3.750 6.65 March 1, ’25 92.250 –1.00 92.875
OneMain Finance OMF 6.875 4.72 March 15, ’25 106.022 –0.58 106.250
Ford Motor Credit … 3.096 2.77 May 4, ’23 100.375 –0.50 100.250
Bath & Body Works BBWI 5.250 4.52 Feb. 1, ’28 103.750 –0.49 103.000
Dish DBS … 5.000 4.05 March 15, ’23 100.949 –0.43 101.283
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands … 3.150 5.54 Oct. 1, ’26 90.452 –0.42 91.027
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Source: MarketAxess

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | B9


Continued From Page B7 Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
Stock Sym Close Chg TTEK 156.06 -2.71 WebsterFin WBS 55.85 -4.36 WillisTowers WTW 218.93 -3.37 YumBrands YUM 120.02 -2.56
LibertySirius C LSXMK 48.32 -2.00 NXP Semi NXPI 181.18 -8.94 PhilipMorris PM 101.44 0.37 Seagen SGEN 129.46 0.59 TetraTech
Icon ICLR 231.21 -6.80 LibertySirius A LSXMA 48.51 -1.85 Nasdaq NDAQ 169.99 -1.16 Phillips66 PSX 82.17 -2.07 SealedAir SEE 66.09 -1.04 TevaPharm TEVA 7.79 -0.34 WellsFargo WFC 50.29 -3.08 WillScotMobile WSC 34.42 -1.11 YumChina YUMC 52.05 0.03
s 0.18 Pinduoduo PDD 50.98 -0.88 s Sempra SRE 145.17 0.95 TexasInstruments TXN 167.29 -2.70 Welltower WELL 82.34 -0.95 Wipro WIT 7.11 -0.18 ZimIntShipping ZIM 67.60 -2.19
IDEX IEX 188.72 -3.18 LifeStorage LSI 127.26 0.67 NationalGrid NGG 75.76
IllinoisToolWks ITW 210.86 -5.48 EliLilly LLY 249.50 -0.45 PinnacleWest PNW 69.82 -1.01 SensataTechs ST 56.83 -1.08 TexasPacLand TPL 1205.69 16.96 s WestFraserTimber WFG 99.60 -0.13 Wolfspeed WOLF 98.44 -4.28 ZTO Express ZTO 29.58 0.14
NatWest NWG 5.77 -0.34
Pinterest PINS 26.41 -0.34 SentinelOne S 42.02 0.52 Textron TXT 71.07 -2.06 WestPharmSvcs WST 381.58 -5.50 Woodward WWD 121.74 -2.89 ZebraTech ZBRA 405.58 -7.76
Illumina ILMN 330.25 3.65 LincolnNational LNC 62.28 -5.14 NetApp NTAP 77.33 -1.05
s PioneerNatRscs PXD 240.47 0.87 ServiceCorp SCI 60.72 -0.13 ThermoFisherSci TMO 543.07 -0.93 WestAllianceBcp WAL 88.86 -4.88 WooriFin 34.12 -0.42 Zendesk ZEN 116.80 0.13
s ImperialOil IMO 44.79 -0.05 Linde LIN 282.56 -10.68 NetEase NTES 93.49 -1.85 WF
Incyte INCY 68.70 0.40 LithiaMotors LAD 339.51 -1.31 Netflix NFLX 386.24 -8.28
PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 10.61 0.04 ServiceNow NOW 571.07 -8.85 ThomsonReuters TRI 102.00 0.95 t WesternDigital WDC 49.49 -1.45 Workday WDAY 240.33 11.28
Zillow C Z 57.61 0.09
PlainsGP PAGP 11.31 ... ShawComm B SJR 29.87 -0.11 3M MMM 144.75 -3.90 WesternMidstrm WES 26.09 0.05 Zillow A ZG 57.44 0.17
Infosys INFY 22.16 -0.30 LiveNationEnt LYV 116.70 -4.12 Neurocrine NBIX 91.89 2.02 WyndhamHtls WH 83.54 -2.87
PLTK 19.54 -1.06 Shell SHEL 51.77 -0.62 Toast TOST 19.59 -0.93 Westlake WLK 107.00 -3.31 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 124.14 0.75
IngersollRand IR 49.25 -1.27 LloydsBanking LYG 2.39 -0.14 NewellBrands NWL 22.87 -0.88 Playtika WynnResorts WYNN 81.64 -4.88 ZionsBancorp ZION 64.94 -5.95
PLUG 24.85 -0.44 SherwinWilliams SHW 255.53 -7.60 Toro TTC 94.40 0.59 WestRock WRK 43.39 -1.88
Insulet PODD 260.84 -3.85 s LockheedMartin LMT 456.61 22.81 Newmont NEM 69.01 2.81 PlugPower 31.63 -0.71 Zoetis
POOL 462.51 3.93 ShinhanFin SHG 31.52 -0.90 TorontoDomBk TD 77.60 -3.09 Weyerhaeuser WY 38.62 -0.26 XP XP ZTS 192.54 -1.11
Intel INTC 46.82 -0.88 Loews L 59.71 -1.63 NewsCorp A NWSA 21.55 -0.77 Pool XPO Logistics XPO 70.84 -1.84 ZoomVideo ZM 122.78 -9.82
InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 62.27 -3.91 LogitechIntl LOGI 74.52 -0.12 NewsCorp B NWS 21.54 -0.89 PrincipalFin PFG 67.47 -3.17 Shopify SHOP 673.44 -20.82 TotalEnergies TTE 49.29 -1.24 WheatonPrecMet WPM 45.84 2.05
ToyotaMotor TM 181.71 -1.24 Whirlpool WHR 201.23 -0.04 XcelEnergy XEL 66.51 -0.82 ZoomInfoTech ZI 55.57 0.88
ICE ICE 127.75 -0.37 Lowe's LOW 221.50 0.44 NextEraEnergy NEE 77.44 -0.83 ProcoreTech PCOR 65.41 0.22 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 19.77 0.65
SignatureBank SBNY 316.75 -28.14 TractorSupply TSCO 205.18 1.39 s Williams WMB 31.67 0.39 XPeng XPEV 33.84 -2.53 Zscaler ZS 247.83 8.68
InterContinentl IHG 65.34 -5.06 Lucid LCID 24.99 -3.99 Nike NKE 132.22 -4.33 Procter&Gamble PG 153.31 -2.58 Williams-Sonoma WSM 146.71 1.85 Xylem XYL 86.76 -2.19 Zynga ZNGA 9.00 -0.08
SimonProperty SPG 134.60 -2.96 TradeDesk TTD 82.08 -3.24
IBM IBM 121.35 -1.16 LufaxHolding LU 6.18 -0.29 NiSource NI 28.65 -0.28 Progressive PGR 103.24 -2.69
PLD 145.76 -0.09 6.08 -0.08 Tradeweb TW 84.81 0.33
IntlFlavors IFF 128.41 -4.59 lululemon LULU 315.18 -4.76 Nokia NOK 5.18 -0.17 Prologis SiriusXM SIRI
SWKS 133.05 -5.12 TraneTech TT 152.06 -1.87
t IntlPaper IP 41.27 -2.26 LumenTech LUMN 10.42 0.06 NomuraHoldings NMR 4.40 -0.18 PrudentialFin PRU 105.78 -5.88 Skyworks
IPG 35.47
INTU 468.58
-1.33 Lyft
-5.79 LyondellBasell LYB
LYFT 37.68 -1.26
93.42 -3.81
Nordson NDSN 223.24
NorfolkSouthern NSC 255.07
-3.25 t Prudential PUK 28.36 -1.87
-1.45 PublicServiceEnt PEG 64.46 -0.37
SmithAO AOS 66.63 -1.95 TransDigm
Smith&Nephew SNN 34.91 -0.73 TransUnion
TDG 654.83 -11.76
TRU 91.81 1.05 Borrowing Benchmarks
SJM 126.32 -8.43 Travelers TRV 167.82 -4.01
IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 291.55 1.22 NorthernTrust NTRS 106.30 -7.60 PublicStorage PSA 358.98 3.96 Smucker
SNAP 37.84 -2.10 Trex TREX 83.15 -8.69
InvitatHomes INVH 37.45 -0.35 M N s NorthropGrum NOC 456.10 13.96 PulteGroup PHM 49.10 -0.56 Snap
Trimble TRMB 68.70 -1.05
IronMountain IRM 49.67 0.49 NortonLifeLock NLOK 28.86 -0.12 Qiagen QGEN 49.73 0.04 SnapOn SNA 202.00 -8.18
ItauUnibanco ITUB 4.74 -0.09
M&T Bank MTB 169.85 -12.38
MGMGrowthProp MGP 37.93 0.06
NorwegCruise NCLH 18.48 -1.01 Qorvo
QRVO 132.61 -4.17
QCOM 163.69 -8.30
Snowflake SNOW 263.19 -2.47
SOQUIMICH SQM 63.99 -2.19 TruistFinl
TCOM 25.79 -0.03
TFC 58.15 -4.07
Money Rates March 1, 2022
Novartis NVS 87.12 -0.34
Twilio TWLO 169.72 -5.08
J K L MGM Resorts MGM 41.92 -2.37
NovoNordisk NVO 103.60 0.65 QualtricsIntl XM 30.69 0.36 SoFiTech SOFI 11.20 -0.25
TWTR 35.56 0.01 Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and
MKS Instrum MKSI 145.45 -5.15
Novocure NVCR 80.59 -1.27 QuantaServices PWR 108.37 -0.57 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 324.63 5.21 Twitter JD 73.30 1.67 MPLX MPLX 32.87 0.09 QuestDiag DGX 131.92 0.65 Sony SONY 100.86 -1.67 TylerTech TYL 422.33 -5.93 international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but
NuHoldings NU 7.92 0.27
t JPMorganChase JPM 136.45 -5.35 MP Materials MP 41.03 -4.59 TysonFoods TSN 93.83 1.17
UBS 17.38 -0.76 don’t always represent actual transactions.
s NuanceComms NUAN 55.53 0.01 Southern SO 64.10 -0.67
Jabil JBL 55.18 -2.63 MSCI MSCI 500.38 -1.31 s Nucor NUE 131.00 -0.62
R S SoCopper SCCO 71.83 2.44 UBS Group
JackHenry JKHY 179.12 2.32 MagellanMid MMP 48.92 0.40 SouthwestAir LUV 41.95 -1.85 UDR UDR 54.31 -0.56
s Nutrien NTR 84.93 -1.06 RELX RELX 30.43 -0.10 Week —52-WEEK—
JacobsEngg J 123.01 0.01 t MagnaIntl MGA 68.10 -6.17
NVIDIA NVDA 234.77 -9.08 RH Splunk
SPLK 116.54 -1.56 UGI UGI 36.42 -2.02 Inflation Latest ago High Low
JamesHardie JHX 31.72 -0.80 ManhattanAssoc MANH 132.93 -0.75 RH 396.20 -5.67 USFD 38.34 -0.75
RPM RPM 81.81 -2.76 Spotify SPOT 151.25 -4.94 US Foods Jan. Index Chg From (%)
JazzPharma JAZZ 136.63 -0.79 ManulifeFin MFC 19.49 -0.77 O P Q StanleyBlackDck SWK 158.04 -4.66 Uber UBER 33.89 -2.14
JefferiesFin JEF 33.91 -1.63 s MarathonOil MRO 22.89 0.33 RalphLauren RL 124.70 -7.34 251.25 -2.64
level Dec. '21 Jan. '21 Federal funds
Starbucks SBUX 90.14 -1.65 Ubiquiti UI
J&J JNJ 164.00 -0.57 MarathonPetrol MPC 75.01 -2.86 ONEOK OKE 63.82 -1.48 RaymondJames RJF 102.68 -6.97 PATH 33.95 -0.76 Effective rate 0.0800 0.0800 0.1000 0.0500
s StateStreet STT 80.89 -4.44 UiPath U.S. consumer price index
JohnsonControls JCI 62.58 -2.38 MaravaiLifeSci MRVI 39.43 0.36 OReillyAuto ORLY 656.52 7.28 RaytheonTech RTX 102.73 0.03 s SteelDynamics STLD 72.17 1.59 UltaBeauty ULTA 369.01 -5.49 High 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.0700
JonesLang JLL 245.76 -0.46 Markel MKL 1226.64 -16.27 s OccidentalPetrol OXY 46.79 3.06 RealtyIncome O 65.82 -0.27
Stellantis STLA 16.82 -1.46
UnderArmour A UAA 17.24 -0.65 All items 281.148 0.84 7.5 Low 0.0500 0.0500 0.0900 0.0100
JuniperNetworks JNPR 33.08 -0.71 MarketAxess MKTX 379.89 -1.54 Okta OKTA 184.14 1.30 RegalRexnord RRX 157.33 -3.02 UnderArmour C UA 15.28 -0.35 Core 285.996 0.74 6.0 Bid 0.0800 0.0700 0.7000 0.0300
Steris STE 237.26 -2.74
JustEatTakeaway GRUB 7.58 -0.47 Marriott MAR 164.91 -5.23 t Olaplex OLPX 15.81 -0.97 RegencyCtrs REG 64.85 -1.04 Unilever UL 48.74 -1.53
Offer 0.1000 0.1000 0.1200 0.0500
STMicroelec STM 40.45 -1.87
KB Fin KB 47.72 -1.48 Marsh&McLen MMC 153.74 -1.67 OldDomFreight ODFL 310.12 -3.61 RegenPharm REGN 607.03 -11.33 UnionPacific UNP 242.43 -3.52 International rates
Stryker SYK 262.62 -0.73
KE Holdings BEKE 20.35 0.94 MartinMarietta MLM 365.05 -14.35 OldRepublic ORI 25.73 -0.62 RegionsFin RF 22.11 -2.08 UnitedAirlines UAL 41.85 -2.55
SumitomoMits SMFG 6.85 -0.28 Treasury bill auction
KKR KKR 57.75 -2.37 MarvellTech MRVL 64.95 -3.38 Olin OLN 48.68 -2.83 s RelianceSteel RS 187.18 -3.69 SunComms SUI 178.49 -2.51
UnitedMicro UMC 9.35 0.07 Week 52-Week
KLA KLAC 336.79 -11.71 Masco MAS 54.58 -1.46 Omnicom OMC 81.63 -2.26 Repligen RGEN 194.06 -2.64 UPS B UPS 205.58 -4.84 Latest High Low
4 weeks 0.050 0.080 0.125 0.000
SunLifeFinancial SLF 51.02 -1.02 ago
Kanzhun BZ 30.54 -1.76 Masimo MASI 154.64 -2.81 ON Semi ON 59.65 -2.96 RepublicSvcs RSG 121.22 0.94 UnitedRentals URI 313.04 -8.58 13 weeks 0.360 0.380 0.440 0.015
s SuncorEnergy SU 30.76 0.23
Kellogg K 63.34 -0.60 Mastercard MA 344.48 -16.34 OpenText OTEX 42.78 -0.72 ResMed RMD 251.15 4.40
Suzano SUZ 10.68 -0.01
US Bancorp USB 53.86 -2.68
Prime rates 26 weeks 0.670 0.710 0.770 0.030
KeurigDrPepper KDP 38.16 -0.51 MatchGroup MTCH 110.42 -1.07 Oracle ORCL 76.01 0.04 RestaurantBrands QSR 54.64 -1.34 UnitedHealth UNH 476.25 0.38
Synaptics SYNA 220.86 -7.57 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
KeyCorp KEY 22.99 -2.08 Mattel MAT 24.47 -0.51 Orange ORAN 11.92 -0.16 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 69.21 -0.92 UnitySoftware U 103.98 -2.47 U.S. Secondary market
SynchronyFin SYF 39.47 -3.31 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45
KeysightTechs KEYS 153.29 -4.08 McCormick MKC 96.25 1.08 Organon OGN 37.46 0.13 RingCentral RNG 125.83 -5.01 UniversalHealthB UHS 144.88 0.95 Canada
SyneosHealth SYNH 78.72 -0.48 Fannie Mae
KilroyRealty KRC 71.26 -0.36 McCormickVtg MKC.V 94.39 -0.32 Orix IX 102.40 3.81 RioTinto RIO 80.03 1.45
Synopsys SNPS 307.71 -4.68 t
Upstart UPST 145.40 -12.59 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
KimberlyClark KMB 128.67 -1.48 McDonalds MCD 239.63 -5.14 OtisWorldwide OTIS 77.65 -0.68 Rivian RIVN 61.91 -5.65 VF VFC 55.51 -2.51 30-year mortgage yields
Sysco SYY 86.15 -0.95
KimcoRealty KIM 22.92 -0.61 McKesson MCK 271.75 -3.21 s Ovintiv OVV 47.13 1.28 RobertHalf RHI 113.57 -6.72 VICI Prop VICI 27.91 -0.05 Policy Rates
89.32 -3.87 Robinhood HOOD 11.77 -0.24 VailResorts MTN 251.95 -8.60 Euro zone 30 days 3.225 3.517 3.517 2.216
KinderMorgan KMI 17.59 0.19 MedicalProp MPW 20.27 -0.07 OwensCorning OC
PCG 11.30 -0.07 Roblox RBLX 50.22 -1.35
T U V Vale VALE 18.86 0.37
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 days 3.277 3.577 3.577 2.261
Knight-Swift KNX 53.81 -0.67 Medtronic MDT 103.66 -1.33 PG&E
0.00 0.00 0.00
TRP 53.43 -0.28 ValeroEnergy VLO 80.63 -2.88
Switzerland 0.00
KoninklijkePhil PHG 32.55 -1.52 MercadoLibre MELI 1124.52 -2.13 PNC Fin PNC 187.19 -12.06 RocketCos. RKT 13.38 0.47 TC Energy
9.58 -0.12 Merck PKX 58.78 -0.54 Rockwell ROK 262.12 -4.46 TD Synnex SNX 100.63 -1.20 VeevaSystems VEEV 232.05 3.00 Britain 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.10 Other short-term rates
KoreaElcPwr KEP MRK 76.34 -0.24 POSCO
KraftHeinz KHC 38.68 -0.54 MetaPlatforms FB 203.49 -7.54 t PPG Ind PPG 126.50 -6.95 RogersComm B RCI 51.45 -0.17 TE Connectivity TEL 135.29 -7.14 Ventas VTR 53.44 -0.56 Australia 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Kroger KR 48.35 1.55 MetLife MET 64.44 -3.11 t PPL PPL 25.45 -0.72 Roku ROKU 136.62 -2.91 Telus TU 25.14 -0.10 VeriSign VRSN 216.04 2.32 Week 52-Week
LKQ LKQ 45.86 -1.09 MettlerToledo MTD 1393.34 -15.40 PTC PTC 110.13 -1.15 Rollins ROL 33.16 0.53 TFI Intl TFII 103.00 -1.29 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 179.36 2.02 Overnight repurchase Latest ago high low
LPL Financial LPLA 165.30 -15.65 MicrochipTech MCHP 67.90 -2.43 Paccar PCAR 89.29 -2.52 RoperTech ROP 446.26 -1.96 TJX TJX 63.90 -2.20 Verizon VZ 53.61 -0.06 U.S. 0.04 0.05 0.06 -0.04
s L3HarrisTech LHX 255.08 2.77 MicronTech MU 86.26 -2.60 PackagingCpAm PKG 143.12 -4.07 RossStores ROST 89.55 -1.84 T-MobileUS TMUS 123.13 -0.08 VertxPharm VRTX 230.69 0.67 Call money
LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 269.05 -2.21 Microsoft MSFT 294.95 -3.84 PalantirTech PLTR 12.18 0.33 RoyalBkCanada RY 107.80 -2.62 TRowePrice TROW 139.56 -5.00 t Viatris VTRS 10.15 -0.86 U.S. government rates
LamResearch LRCX 540.57 -20.78 MidAmApt MAA 203.63 -0.98 s PaloAltoNtwks PANW 576.75 -17.50 RoyalCaribbean RCL 73.67 -7.05 TaiwanSemi TSM 108.05 1.04 Visa V 208.97 -7.15 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
LamarAdv LAMR 107.17 -1.89 Middleby MIDD 174.28 -3.34 ParamountA PARAA 35.87 1.82 RoyalGold RGLD 126.92 5.66 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 159.80 -2.20 Vistra VST 21.93 -0.89 Discount
63.75 -2.68 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 5.87 -0.29 ParamountB PARA 32.26 1.65 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 38.79 -0.47 TakedaPharm TAK 15.06 -0.14 VMware VMW 115.91 -1.41 Commercial paper (AA financial)
LambWeston LW 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
LasVegasSands LVS 40.30 -2.56 MizuhoFin MFG 2.58 -0.07 ParkerHannifin PH 287.62 -8.77 s RyanSpecialty RYAN 39.16 -0.90 Tapestry TPR 38.81 -2.09 Vodafone VOD 17.33 -0.37 90 days 0.49 n.a. 0.49 0.04
LatticeSemi LSCC 60.12 -2.50 Moderna MRNA 149.52 -4.08 Paychex PAYX 117.55 -1.51 t Ryanair RYAAY 88.99 -10.72 s TargaResources TRGP 65.55 0.18 VornadoRealty VNO 42.12 -1.16
t Lear LEA 143.99 -13.35 t MohawkInds MHK 137.06 -3.72 PaycomSoftware PAYC 334.60 -4.61 SAP SAP 109.25 -3.33 Target TGT 219.43 19.66 VulcanMatls VMC 174.44 -7.01 Notes on data: Libor
Leidos LDOS 104.75 2.91 MolinaHealthcare MOH 311.88 5.01 Paylocity PCTY 206.52 -5.92 S&P Global SPGI 390.58 14.88 TataMotors TTM 28.80 -1.49 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate One month 0.23457 0.17586 0.24143 0.07263
Lennar A LEN 90.34 0.46 MolsonCoorsA TAP.A 59.40 -4.60 PayPal PYPL 106.51 -5.42 SBA Comm SBAC 316.69 13.30 s TeckRscsB TECK 36.90 0.95
W X Y Z loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
U.S. banks, and is effective March 16, 2020.
Three month 0.51086 0.48786 0.52300 0.11413
Lennar B LEN.B 75.26 -0.24 MolsonCoorsB TAP 50.40 -1.78 Peloton PTON 27.62 -1.44 SEI Investments SEIC 57.00 -1.58 TeladocHealth TDOC 74.21 -1.70 WEC Energy WEC 89.31 -1.57
s Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; Six month 0.76386 0.78143 0.84043 0.14663
LennoxIntl LII 267.52 0.59 Mondelez MDLZ 64.34 -1.14 PembinaPipeline PBA 34.56 0.60 SK Telecom SKM 24.70 -0.37 TeledyneTech TDY 425.73 -3.65 W.P.Carey WPC 77.49 0.09
LeviStrauss LEVI 21.04 -1.61 MongoDB MDB 381.81 -0.18 PennNational PENN 50.82 -0.53 SS&C Tech SSNC 74.38 -0.59 Teleflex TFX 333.24 -3.07 WPP WPP 66.72 -3.77 lending practices vary widely by location; One year 1.17671 1.28857 1.39229 0.21950
LiAuto LI 30.42 -0.03 MonolithicPower MPWR 436.60 -22.10 Pentair PNR 56.04 -1.87 StoreCapital STOR 30.31 -0.41 t Ericsson ERIC 8.86 -0.42 Wabtec WAB 88.79 -4.03
Discount rate is effective March 16, 2020.
LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 144.10 -2.60 MonsterBev MNST 83.23 -1.17 Penumbra PEN 224.27 2.53 SVB Fin SIVB 557.88 -48.12 TelefonicaBras VIV 9.67 -0.12 WalgreensBoots WBA 45.01 -1.08
Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of Secured Overnight Financing Rate
February 28, 2022. DTCC GCF Repo Index is 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01
LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 141.78 -3.03 Moody's MCO 322.35 0.32 People'sUtdFin PBCT 19.43 -1.65 CRM 208.89 -1.64 Telefonica TEF 4.65 -0.05 Walmart WMT 135.99 0.83
Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted
LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 25.14 -0.64 MorganStanley MS 87.63 -3.11 PepsiCo PEP 162.27 -1.47 Samsara IOT 17.47 -0.01 TelekmIndonesia TLK 30.04 0.33 WarnerMusic WMG 35.71 -0.51 average for overnight trades in applicable Value 52-Week
LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 25.86 -1.09 Morningstar MORN 269.96 -10.69 PerformanceFood PFGC 56.06 0.02 Sanofi SNY 51.06 -1.39 10xGenomics TXG 80.91 -0.56 WasteConnections WCN 125.81 2.55 CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars.
LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 25.29 -0.58 Mosaic MOS 51.87 -0.56 PerkinElmer PKI 177.20 -2.41 s Sasol SSL 23.30 0.33 Tenaris TS 25.52 -0.41 WasteMgt WM 146.58 2.18
Latest Traded High Low
Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as
LibertyFormOne C FWONK 59.01 -1.72 MotorolaSol MSI 216.21 -4.22 PetroChina PTR 53.76 0.50 Schlumberger SLB 37.67 -1.57 TencentMusic TME 5.30 -0.09 Waters WAT 313.59 -3.14 of 5:30 p.m. ET.
LibertyFormOne A FWONA 54.97 -1.19 NICE NICE 231.75 5.50 s PetroleoBrasil PBR 14.68 0.39 SchwabC SCHW 77.86 -6.60 s TenetHealthcare THC 88.11 2.12 Watsco WSO 273.26 0.20
DTCC GCF Repo Index
Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor 21.250 0.075 -0.008
LibertyBraves A BATRA 25.63 ... NRG Energy NRG 36.54 -1.30 s PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 13.52 0.43 Sea SE 126.50 -19.10 Teradyne TER 114.56 -3.36 Watsco B WSOB 273.00 13.62 Treasury 0.054
Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
t LibertyBraves C BATRK 24.68 -0.02 NVR NVR 4906.68 -51.76 Pfizer PFE 45.75 -1.19 Seagate STX 100.62 -2.54 Tesla TSLA 864.37 -6.06 Wayfair W 132.51 -8.36 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. MBS 0.068 20.400 0.088 0.002


Average Yields of Major Banks
National average
MMA 1-MO 2-MO 3-MO 6-MO 1-YR
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
2-YR 2.5YR 5YR The Marketplace
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
Savings 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.20 0.18 0.29
Jumbos 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.16 0.21 0.19 0.31 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAREERS CAREERS
Weekly change
Savings 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00
Jumbos 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Consumer Savings Rates 
%&&'&()' *+,(-,.&/.,012 '.3  

Below are the top federally insured offers available nationwide according to's
45,((6)7'2 89 1&&1 , *('.:,0 5
''&&( ) :&(;)(- <&&: <=& ')
  !"2 3 


weekly survey of highest yields. For latest offers and reviews of these financial institutions, please ,, >&(=.&1 ' +& ?0)/<
visit Information is believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.      
 :()</.)' ',=&1



=,0/,A0& ,, *0,;)(- >&(=.&1 +,

High yield savings

700 A& 0&=&(,&< ,.()11 +&

Yield A/1'&113 %&B/(&1 , C,1&(D1
Bank Bank Yield
<&(&& ' ?)-:/&( >.&'.& )( , 
Phone number Minimum (%) Phone number Minimum (%) 
 (&0,&< ;&0< ,'< E 6&,(1 ); .)-:/&( 
  2   2 

Money market and savings account Six-month CD         &''&&(' &F:&(&'.&3 G0&(',=&062   2 2 

Live Oak Bank $1 0.60 Luana Savings Bank $1,000 0.65   

  700 ,..&: , H,.+&0)(D1 <&(&& '
?)-:/&( >.&'.& ,'< 6&,(1 );        
(866) 518-0286 (800) 666-2012   
.)-:/&( &''&&(' &F:&(&'.&3 
 3  3   !   "
Comenity Direct $100 0.60 Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.62    C/1 +,=& +& ;)00)7' &F:&(&'.&I
J)(' 7+ <,, , +& :&,A6&


 2 % 
(833) 755-4354 (877) 484-2372 

!"# 1.,0&K J)(' 7+ .)-:0&F ++   2      
Barclays Bank $0 0.55 Live Oak Bank $2,500 0.60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $%&'( )*+ '+ =)0/-& <,, ::&0'&12 <,,      


(888) 720-8756 (866) 518-0286  

   =1/,0L,)'2 ,'< /0L' +& <,, ;)( ' 
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     0,(& 1.,0& -,.+'& 0&,('' 


One-month CD One-year CD ,::0.,)'1K &1'' ,'< ):&(,'  

 ) "
    ()A/1 <1(A/&< 161&-1K



Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.25 Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.90 &=&0):' /1' ?0)/< *0,;)(- H@ 
(877) 484-2372 (877) 484-2372 ,, >&(=.&1K M1' H ,, &.+

Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 Live Oak Bank $2,500 0.85 0& ,<)):2 >(&,-' ,::0.,)' *P    )  
(713) 358-9400 (866) 518-0286    
0& >:,( ;)( ,.B/(' ,'<
:().&11' <,, '.0/<' 1(/./(&2

State Bank of India California $1,000 0.15 Popular Direct $10,000 0.85 
       /'1(/./(&<2 1&-@1(/./(&2
<)./-&'2 =<&)2 ,/<)2 ,'< ')-.
(877) 707-1995 (800) 274-5696        !"  #

     <,,K M1' ,'< <&=&0):' ):&'




Two-month CD Two-year CD 

 1)/(.& &.+')0)&1 1/.+ ,1 ,;,2

,<)):2 =&2 *(&1)2 )( >:,(K
Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.25 Merrick Bank $25,000 1.25   


    %/A62 *6+)'2 ,'< H,1+2 ,=,2
(877) 484-2372
Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20
(866) 638-6851
Live Oak Bank $2,500 1.10   
*6+)'2 ,'< >.,0,K %&0,)',0
<,,A,1&1 ,'< B/&(6 ,/+)('
4>NO ,'< 8)>NO <,,A,1&K

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?)'&F/,0 A,'<1 ;(,-&7)( ;)( 
State Bank of India California $1,000 0.15 Popular Direct $10,000 1.10 +,  !&-
%. &# /+/ 0 -$ #1$.  2,/         ! "
 !"#$%&' '# (!)"$*   !"# $%& %'$  &F:0)(&P&F:0) <,, ::&0'&1 ,'<   )  +
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( ) *
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(- !
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. B/,062 ,/)-,&< &1'2 ,'< )+&(     
Three-month CD Five-year CD #$% & #'%  

    &''&&(' A&1 :(,..&K  
1 02 3(
)4 *(4 G(.+&.' ,'< <&0=&(' A/1'&11 * 
" 3% %  2
Luana Savings Bank $1,000 0.60 Popular Direct $10,000 1.51     
(800) 666-2012 (800) 274-5696 5$-  2 # (* 6 $7 8  2 *()

 1)0/)'1 +()/+ , .0)/<@',=& , -2   %  %
0  (4 (2(.
 &'=()'-&'K C,',' &'<@)@&'<  ""

" %.  
Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.40 Luana Savings Bank $1,000 1.31  !

 90: 02  CAREERS 0;& .6.0& &=>&.Q:1 ;)( GJ> P%.     ")
(877) 484-2372 (800) 666-2012 ! " # $%# $% &!!!' +)1&< ';(,1(/./(& ,'< -(,)' );  
" $
(&()*+&)!'(, ---)./) &'&(:(1& 7)(0),<K (=' +&
First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 0.35 Live Oak Bank $2,500 1.30 ;88

 <( )
"  2
<&=&0):-&' ,'< /1& ); '&7 ,'< 
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(888) 873-3424 (866) 518-0286  )
$% 8 !
. / =2

 ( 8 &??
1&0;@1&(=.& ))0' ) 1/::)( +&      2  *)
     ):&(,' -)<&0 ;)( +& .0)/<K *  "     

High yield jumbos - Minimum is $100,000     !         ! " H/0<'2 -,','2 ,'< 1.,0'

" *"    2
 #  $%#
 $  & '(    .0)/< )(.+&1(,)' :0,;)(-1 /1'
Money market and savings account Six-month CD )
 * + * )  *       2  

,  !' !
 * !
  +& 0,&1 ):&'@1)/(.& &.+')0)&1
 2  "    2  
'    *    - & .    ,'< +&0:' -,',& 1,'<,(<1 ,'<
Connexus Credit Union
(800) 845-5025
0.85 Luana Savings Bank
(800) 666-2012
THE   ,  # /  0#  - /,(<@(,01 ;)( .0)/< &'=()'-&'1K   -  ) *  " 

 2 "
 >/::)(' ?)''/)/1 >&./(6
    # $  -, -   & ' 1 ?)-:0,'.& 'Q:1 ,'< ?)1 
CFG Community Bank 0.63 Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.62

  -    -  , 
 , Q:-L,)'K M1' .)';/(,)'   )  !% !$  S/)
(888) 205-8388 (877) 484-2372     -,  23 43 &  -
-,',&-&'2 )(.+&1(,)'2 ,'<
Luana Savings Bank 0.60 Live Oak Bank 0.60 1   - & -
 / 1
5 -,',&-&' ))01 ) &'1/(& .0)/< 4$ 0)  @ 
" ' 

(800) 666-2012 (866) 518-0286
ADVERTISE TODAY  6) - /    5 - , $ &
&'=()'-&'1 -&& ):&(,)',0 ,'<   !%)

  1         1&./(6 1,'<,(<1K ,'< *,('&(' ' 
 ,#   !%)
One-month CD One-year CD (800) 366-3975      
5 7+ )/( ';)(-,)' >&./(6 )' +&  !%  

Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.25 Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.90 7' ' -
 & ! # 6, 4/ <&';.,)'2 ,',06112 ,'< -,)' %  $

 2 $

  & 7' 0#    - - ); (11 (&0,&< ) ?0)/< >&(=.&13   2 12 
(877) 484-2372 (877) 484-2372  -
 - - & - ,      /00@-& &0&.)--/' :&(-&<3  !%  "  *@ 
Lone Star Bank 0.20 Live Oak Bank 0.85 For more information visit: & /  
  G::06 , 
 2  0    & - 0# - +:1IPP.,(&&(13(&&'&()'3.)-2
(713) 358-9400 (866) 518-0286 389:;9:: 3  3 "
  2 " 
(&;&(&'.& .)<& % 3 *&( F&./=& %  2 $ 2  , 3
State Bank of India California 0.15 Popular Direct 0.85
Q(<&(2 %&&'&()' (&B/(&1 ,00 M3>3   ' 
  2  " 
(877) 707-1995 (800) 274-5696 &-:0)6&&1 ) A& ;/006 =,..',&<  
,,'1 ?QR @S2 /'0&11 +&6 ,(&  
 ,5# @S62
Two-month CD Two-year CD  0   $ 12  0&,006 &'0&< ) ,' ,..)--)<,)'        "
0.25 1.25 ;)( -&<.,0 )( (&0)/1 (&,1)'13
Colorado Federal Savings Bank
(877) 484-2372
Merrick Bank
(866) 638-6851
 0 - . 
   3 $ 
Lone Star Bank 0.20 Live Oak Bank 1.10  (PP 3 "  32

(713) 358-9400 (866) 518-0286
"3  4 5 1. 
State Bank of India California 0.15 Popular Direct 1.10 3  +   6,
     !"     !   3  +  
(877) 707-1995 (800) 274-5696 6,  "< "<  -, -# - -
 6 0 . 8
$    & -     3
Three-month CD Five-year CD #
%& & '& + * )  *   
Luana Savings Bank 0.70 Popular Direct 1.51 ( 
)#* & & '&     *    - & .     
 ,  # /  0#  -  
(800) 666-2012 (800) 274-5696 +   

5 # 
Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.40 Luana Savings Bank 1.41    -# - &    $
1 $  $%'   !+( 
(877) 484-2372 (800) 666-2012   - 
First Internet Bank of Indiana 0.35 Live Oak Bank 1.30 (  '  ! 8 
5 '32   

$   "< "<   -       

 1 /  -    
(888) 873-3424 (866) 518-0286 # $% 

 &  -    -,  $  -#   H+6)('I

- - /  -
 5  & /
Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of 5 '2    
5 / "  #$  $%#$!
  *    *  -       - H I       
compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD  &% / &%  =   &   "& '(" " )* " &)!
 , %%  %  %:%   - / # $  -# &
figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of -# -    
which may be checks. Rates are subject to change. © 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 0#  >?  '  -$ - 
@;ABACD   E# "
# F &  E'    0    & - 0# -
Source:, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 All Rights Reserved. 0#F "   G <89:9J:: 3   

B10 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
33294.95 t 597.65, or 1.76% Trailing P/E ratio 18.47 31.94 4306.26 t 67.68, or 1.55% Trailing P/E ratio * 23.83 43.74 13532.46 t 218.94, or 1.59% Trailing P/E ratio *† 31.76 38.46
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.90 20.67 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.49 22.47 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 24.78 29.12
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.09 1.89 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.41 1.50 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.74 0.75
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21

Current divisor 0.15172752595384

36800 4850 15800

65-day moving average

36000 4725 15250

35200 4600 14700

65-day moving average

Session high 34400 4475 14150

DOWN UP 65-day moving average

Session open Close

33600 4350 13600
Close Open

Session low 32800 4225 13050

Bars measure the point change from session's open

32000 4100 12500
Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume*1,327,815,604 22,562,007
Industrial Average 33870.14 33107.67 33294.95 -597.65 -1.76 36799.65 30924.14 6.1 -8.4 8.6 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 417,722,459 16,450,449
Transportation Avg 15324.90 14924.04 15018.39 -250.06 -1.64 17039.38 13219.66 10.7 -8.9 12.8 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 904,924,482 5,928,474
Utility Average 951.05 930.80 939.00 -3.54 -0.38 980.78 798.59 16.5 -4.3 7.3 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,509 284
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 44521.29 43488.84 43760.76 -706.96 -1.59 48929.18 39614.97 7.1 -10.0 14.7 Advances 1,331 140
Range Resources RRC 33,517.2 24.18 0.41 1.72 24.25 23.68
Barron's 400 1015.39 987.57 993.77 -21.13 -2.08 1127.20 904.45 7.0 -10.2 11.9 Declines 2,048 134
SoFi Technologies SOFI 22,699.7 13.41 2.21 19.73 13.56 10.25
Unchanged 130 10
Nasdaq Stock Market Finl Select Sector SPDR XLF 10,326.4 36.99 -0.11 -0.30 37.17 36.95 New highs 109 5
Nasdaq Composite 13777.04 13441.32 13532.46 -218.94 -1.59 16057.44 12609.16 1.3 -13.5 21.2 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 7,994.1 430.45 0.47 0.11 431.23 410.04 New lows 133 6
Nasdaq-100 14271.58 13906.92 14005.99 -231.82 -1.63 16573.34 12299.08 7.2 -14.2 25.1 Molina Healthcare MOH 5,869.8 311.88 ... unch. 313.49 311.85 Closing Arms† 1.23 0.42
Nordstrom JWN 5,501.4 26.43 6.89 35.26 27.25 19.26 Block trades* 5,002 171
Invesco KBW Bank ETF KBWB 4,200.7 64.98 -0.11 -0.17 65.51 64.83
500 Index 4378.45 4279.54 4306.26 -67.68 -1.55 4796.56 3768.47 11.3 -9.6 15.4 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
S&P Global SPGI 3,217.4 390.58 ... unch. 395.99 383.93
MidCap 400 2666.67 2591.31 2609.31 -52.17 -1.96 2910.70 2453.30 3.2 -8.2 10.7 Total volume*6,119,769,947 464,740,840
SmallCap 600 1318.12 1281.94 1291.11 -25.00 -1.90 1466.02 1252.49 -0.3 -7.9 9.7 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*2,023,444,846 155,315,470
Nordstrom JWN 5,501.4 26.43 6.89 35.26 27.25 19.26 Decl. volume*4,060,386,071 308,029,905
Other Indexes
SoFi Technologies SOFI 22,699.7 13.41 2.21 19.73 13.56 10.25 Issues traded 5,028 1,712
Russell 2000 2050.65 1995.42 2008.51 -39.58 -1.93 2442.74 1931.29 -10.0 -10.5 8.1
Advances 1,686 470
NYSE Composite 16351.30 15986.06 16069.16 -244.73 -1.50 17353.76 14959.41 5.2 -6.4 8.2 Cardlytics CDLX 61.5 59.84 6.09 11.33 62.00 51.00
Declines 3,092 1,235
Value Line 630.94 615.38 618.75 -11.77 -1.87 696.40 606.81 -1.6 -7.9 4.4 PLBY Group PLBY 172.0 16.22 1.60 10.94 16.60 14.62
Unchanged 250 7
NYSE Arca Biotech 5052.99 4962.83 4992.11 -2.75 -0.06 6022.37 4790.85 -12.7 -9.5 -1.0
Beachbody BODY 84.8 2.14 0.20 10.31 2.15 1.80
New highs 67 71
NYSE Arca Pharma 789.60 776.69 780.23 -4.99 -0.64 828.58 667.24 13.8 -5.7 9.4 ...And losers New lows 229 76
KBW Bank 133.04 125.48 126.48 -7.68 -5.72 147.56 116.06 8.6 -4.3 7.9 Karyopharm Therapeutics KPTI 791.4 8.05 -2.34 -22.52 10.39 6.00 Closing Arms† 1.09 0.62
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 149.59 144.07 149.36 6.55 4.59 166.01 117.06 10.8 12.8 26.4 HOOKIPA Pharma HOOK 578.5 2.05 -0.47 -18.65 2.52 1.95 Block trades* 37,568 1,576
PHLX§ Oil Service 70.68 66.41 67.83 -1.57 -2.26 69.77 48.31 19.3 28.7 -10.7 Certara CERT 208.5 20.80 -3.86 -15.65 24.66 18.00 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 3435.08 3274.31 3304.85 -124.68 -3.64 4039.51 2762.75 7.6 -16.3 34.3 Eros STX Global ESGC 50.1 2.84 -0.52 -15.48 3.36 2.38 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 35.19 29.44 33.32 3.17 10.51 33.32 15.01 38.3 93.5 34.9 First Solar FSLR 374.4 64.75 -10.87 -14.37 76.80 62.64 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 688.59 –9.43 –1.35 –8.8 Sky Harbour Group SKYH 15.23 3.59 30.84 15.93 5.25 50.3 Direxion Russia Bull 2x RUSL 3.76 -5.80 -60.67 38.81 3.52 -84.0
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 320.96 –3.50 –1.08 –6.8 GWG Holdings GWGH 5.33 1.21 29.37 10.90 2.36 -23.9 Vroom VRM 3.25 -2.83 -46.55 49.03 3.20 -93.2
MSCI World 2930.76 –47.19 –1.58 –9.3 UserTesting USER 10.59 2.27 27.28 15.98 4.50 ... GoodRx Holdings GDRX 16.74 -10.66 -38.91 48.05 15.91 -63.3
MSCI Emerging Markets 1176.43 5.12 0.44 –4.5 SQL Technologies SKYX 13.12 2.62 24.95 14.15 10.30 ... Imperial Petroleum IMPP 1.48 -0.89 -37.55 8.30 0.40 ...
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1655.52 –24.78 –1.47 –9.4 Oak Street Health OSH 21.63 4.12 23.53 65.22 13.72 -60.4 iShares MSCI Russia ETF ERUS 12.00 -6.02 -33.41 52.80 12.00 -69.0
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 21004.51 –121.85 –0.58 –1.0 iQIYI ADR IQ 5.03 0.89 21.50 28.97 3.26 -80.6 ZimVie ZIMV 25.53 -12.47 -32.82 50.40 25.00 ...
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2385.62 –7.49 –0.31 12.0 Danimer Scientific DNMR 4.77 0.79 19.85 51.37 3.09 -87.5 Ambarella AMBA 95.98 -43.73 -31.30 227.59 82.59 -15.6
Brazil BOVESPA 113141.94 … Closed 7.9 Workhorse Group WKHS 3.74 0.61 19.49 18.59 2.58 -76.8 Semler Scientific SMLR 52.64 -20.36 -27.89 153.21 50.30 -55.0
Chile S&P IPSA 2886.06 –64.62 –2.19 2.8 Stabilis Solutions SLNG 5.81 0.92 18.81 10.47 2.98 12.9 Ctrl Eastern Europe Fd CEE 10.85 -4.10 -27.41 31.46 10.80 -56.0
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 53168.82 –231.79 –0.43 –0.2 New Pacific Metals NEWP 3.64 0.57 18.57 6.36 2.38 -28.8 Endo International ENDP 2.41 -0.70 -22.51 8.75 1.94 -66.7
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 442.37 –10.74 –2.37 –9.3 Arcimoto FUV 6.88 1.00 17.01 21.42 4.51 -62.8 Sidus Space SIDU 4.18 -1.18 -22.01 29.70 4.01 ...
Eurozone Euro STOXX 420.33 –16.16 –3.70 –12.2 New Fortress Energy NFE 32.25 4.66 16.89 57.00 19.17 -31.7 Franklin FTSE Russia ETF FLRU 13.00 -3.40 -20.73 36.90 12.75 -50.5
Belgium Bel-20 3937.92 –76.10 –1.90 –8.6 Summit Therapeutics SMMT 3.20 0.46 16.79 8.70 1.88 -49.8 Atara Biotherapeutics ATRA 10.21 -2.64 -20.54 20.04 9.93 -39.7
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1693.90 3.52 0.21 –9.1 TaskUs TASK 33.37 4.65 16.19 85.49 25.12 ... Indonesia Energy INDO 10.78 -2.72 -20.15 15.15 2.61 23.8
France CAC 40 6396.49 –262.34 –3.94 –10.6 LivePerson LPSN 23.52 3.24 15.98 68.82 16.00 -63.6 Zeta Global Holdings ZETA 10.42 -2.59 -19.91 13.09 5.27 ...
Germany DAX 13904.85 –556.17 –3.85 –12.5
Israel Tel Aviv 1962.58 –10.44 –0.53 –0.8
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 24363.56 –1052.33 –4.14 –10.9 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 713.46 –16.26 –2.23 –10.6
Closed –41.3 Mullen Automotive MULN 498,216 2917.5 1.03 -39.05 15.90 0.52 Invsc S&P EM Low Vol EELV 15,253 17843 25.90 -0.04 26.42 22.70
Russia RTS Index 936.94 …
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 77110.69 1020.18 1.34 4.6 Avenue Therapeutics ATXI 207,848 29329.2 0.61 78.46 7.54 0.20 New Providence II Cl A NPAB 298 4503 9.88 0.25 9.97 9.55
Spain IBEX 35 8188.20 –291.00 –3.43 –6.0 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 136,265 24.4 429.98 -1.52 479.98 371.88 Molina Healthcare MOH 13,972 4255 311.88 1.63 328.11 209.22
–17.8 Finl Select Sector SPDR XLF 128,894 82.9 37.10 -3.69 41.70 32.60 Invsc Aerospace Defense PPA 1,477 2841 76.98 -0.35 77.58 66.56
Sweden OMX Stockholm 852.06 –19.80 –2.27
Advanced Micro Devices AMD 125,867 53.3 113.83 -7.71 164.46 72.50 BlkRk Enhncd Govt Fd EGF 206 2763 11.51 -0.86 13.24 11.45
Switzerland Swiss Market 11862.28 –124.50 –1.04
Turkey BIST 100 1969.91 23.72 1.22 6.0 ProShares UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 123,541 3.4 50.04 -4.61 91.68 37.52 iSh Currency Hdg MSCI Cda HEWC 169 2675 32.83 -0.82 34.68 28.40
U.K. FTSE 100 7330.20 –128.05 –1.72 –0.7 ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 112,602 86.4 42.65 4.71 83.90 28.15 Arrowroot Acqn Cl A ARRW 334 2531 9.74 0.21 9.87 9.61
U.K. FTSE 250 20500.64 –580.41 –2.75 –12.7 CTI BioPharma CTIC 107,761 5023.8 3.10 63.16 4.13 1.43 OPY Acquisition I Cl A OHAA 620 2510 9.77 0.10 9.87 9.70
Ford Motor F 94,274 -11.0 16.70 -4.90 25.87 11.14 Colombier Acqn Cl A CLBR 807 2326 9.69 0.52 9.78 9.55
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 183.35 1.02 0.56 –5.1
SoFi Technologies SOFI 91,402 70.6 11.20 -2.18 24.95 8.82 JOFF Fintech Acqn Cl A JOFF 2,003 2178 9.77 0.51 10.00 9.60
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7096.50 47.38 0.67 –4.7
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 3488.83 26.53 0.77 –4.1 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 22761.71 48.69 0.21 –2.7
Scan this code Track the
India S&P BSE Sensex 56247.28 … –3.4
Japan NIKKEI 225 26844.72 317.90 1.20 –6.8
to get real-
time U.S.
Compare the
Singapore Straits Times 3278.63 36.39 1.12 5.0 stock quotes performance of
South Korea KOSPI 2699.18 … Closed –9.4 and track selected global stock indexes,
Taiwan TAIEX 17898.25 246.07 1.39 –1.8 most-active bond ETFs, currencies and U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1694.28 9.10 0.54 2.2 stocks, new highs/lows and commodities at
US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data mutual funds. Tues YTDchg Tues YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00004383 22818 –0.2
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0093107.3950 4.6 Europe
Brazil real .1938 5.1603 –7.4 Czech Rep. koruna .04380 22.830 4.4
Canada dollar .7847 1.2744 0.8 Denmark krone .1495 6.6871 2.2
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Chile peso .001240 806.69 –5.3 Euro area euro 1.1125 .8989 2.2
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000258 3882.67 –4.5 Hungary forint .002954 338.50 4.3
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007822 127.84 –1.5
A consumer rate against its Money Market/Savings Accts Mexico peso .0484 20.6565 0.8 Norway krone .1126 8.8830 0.9
benchmark over the past year 2.50% Uruguay peso .02350 42.5500 –4.8 Poland zloty .2343 4.2676 5.9 avg†: 0.07% 14% Asia-Pacific Russia ruble .00913 109.487 46.4
VirtualBank 0.40% 2.00 Sweden krona .1037 9.6439 6.5
Australian dollar .7253 1.3787 0.2
0.20% Tradeweb ICE 7 WSJ Dollar Index Switzerland franc 1.0886 .9186 0.7

Miami, FL 877-998-2265 s China yuan .1584 6.3126 –0.7

Money market Tuesday Close 1.50 Turkey lira .0719 13.9159 4.5
t BankDirect 0.50% Hong Kong dollar .1279 7.8159 0.2
account yields 0.10 0 Ukraine hryvnia .0333 30.0500 9.9
1.00 India rupee .01319 75.801 1.7
Richardson, TX 877-839-2737 Euro UK pound 1.3325 .7505 1.5
s Indonesia rupiah .0000694 14407 1.1
0.00 Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.51% One 0.50 –7 s Japan yen .008702 114.92 –0.2 Middle East/Africa

Greenwood Village, CO 877-484-2372 year ago Yen Kazakhstan tenge .002043 489.47 12.5 Bahrain dinar 2.6525 .3770 0.01
Federal-funds –0.10 0.00 Macau pataca .1243 8.0430 0.1 Egypt pound .0636 15.7133 0.02
target rate BrioDirect 0.55% –14
Malaysia ringgit .2385 4.1930 0.6 Israel shekel .3101 3.2243 3.7
Montebello, NY 877-369-2746 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2021 2022
–0.20 New Zealand dollar .6757 1.4799 1.2 Kuwait dinar 3.3010 .3029 0.1
TAB Bank 0.55% month(s) years
M A M J J A S O N D J FM Pakistan rupee .00563 177.625 0.8 Oman sul rial 2.5972 .3850 0.01
Ogden, UT 800-355-3063 maturity Philippines peso .0195 51.360 0.7 Qatar rial .2747 3.641 –0.03
2021 2022
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7365 1.3577 0.7 Saudi Arabia riyal .2665 3.7519 –0.1
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0008296 1205.41 1.4 South Africa rand .0649 15.4070 –3.4
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0049569 201.74 –0.6
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 0.25 -2.25 Taiwan dollar .03561 28.080 1.3
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .03057 32.710 –1.6 WSJ Dollar Index 90.44 0.43 0.47 1.00
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 3.25 -2.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 0.51 0.49 0.11 l 0.52 -2.09 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2352.600 1.650 1.850 1.960 0.780 –1.198 3.432
Money market, annual yield 0.07 0.07 0.07 l 0.10 -0.54
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.43 0.43 0.41 l 0.48 -1.57 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 4294.930 2.170 2.280 2.410 1.720 1.437 7.619 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 4.29 4.19 3.00 l 4.29 -0.11 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2190.840 2.270 2.410 2.470 1.340 –1.955 3.552 Tuesday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 3.49 3.42 2.28 l 3.55 -0.33 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 2158.490 2.480 2.580 2.640 1.560 –2.598 2.097
Jumbo mortgages, $647,200-plus† 4.33 4.19 3.03 l 4.33 -0.19 DJ Commodity 1139.84 47.02 4.30 1139.84 794.01 40.14 20.46
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3355.167 5.077 5.263 5.390 3.162 0.426 4.102 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 280.86 11.78 4.38 280.86 184.08 47.83 20.86
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 2.93 2.93 2.82 l 3.43 -1.41
Muni Master, ICE BofA 585.402 1.630 1.680 1.730 0.687 –0.693 3.052 Crude oil, $ per barrel 103.41 7.69 8.03 103.41 57.76 73.07 37.50
New-car loan, 48-month 3.58 3.55 3.41 l 4.12 -1.09 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 844.527 6.082 5.659 6.082 4.516 –6.524 1.501 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 4.573 0.171 3.88 6.312 2.456 61.08 22.60
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1942.40 43.00 2.26 1942.40 1677.70 12.08 6.29

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | B11


ETFs Exposed to Russia Plunge Dealers


Money managers are taking –10

London. The iShares fund has
a similar makeup.
Russian energy company
Car Loans
extraordinary steps to steady Gazprom PJSC is the biggest
exchange-traded funds ex- holding in both funds. Other Continued from page B1
posed to Russia. –20 holdings of the funds include He was also charged almost
The closure of the country’s Russia’s biggest lender, Sber- $6,000 over the manufacturer’s
stock market this week has –30 Index and ETF bank PJSC, and Tatneft PJSC, suggested retail price on the
created a rift between the performance another Russian energy com- vehicle. The experience at the
pricing of some funds and the this year pany. All three have deposi- dealership, Darcars Lexus of
value of their underlying as- –40 tory shares that trade in Lon- Mount Kisco in the suburbs of
sets. That essentially leaves S&P 500 don and shed more than 50% New York City, left a sour taste

investors guessing at the value –50 VanEck of their value on Monday. in his mouth. “The deeper they
of the Russian assets. Russia ETF So far, investors have con- could get into my pockets, the
VanEck Russia ETF, a tinued to put money into the happier I think the guy was,”
–60 iShares MSCI
nearly $700 million fund, Russia ETF Russia-focused funds. Van- Mr. Hebert said. He has since
plans to modify the usual pro- Eck’s ETF has seen about submitted a complaint through
cess by which funds create –70 $556 million of inflows this the Lexus website.
and redeem shares, using a year, including nearly $261 A spokesman for the auto
special basket of securities. –80 million on Friday, its biggest dealership said: “We strive to
BlackRock Inc. suspended the single-day inflow in more make every sales experience
Jan. 2022 Feb. March
creation of new shares of its than a decade, according to excellent and obviously value
iShares MSCI Russia ETF, a Moscow’s stock exchange has been closed this week. Source: FactSet FactSet. The iShares fund, our reputation.” He said the
roughly $105 million fund. meanwhile, has gotten a net dealership didn’t know Mr. He-
Direxion Funds will liquidate at CFRA. apiece versus a NAV of $7.83. period of time, we’re likely to $20 million from investors bert was dissatisfied, citing an
and close its leveraged Russia The net asset value of an Russia’s stock market index see the leading ETFs as good this year. online survey in which he gave
ETF, Direxion Daily Russia ETF is derived from a per- fell 27% last week, its biggest proxies for where the market That doesn’t necessarily the sales experience high
Bull 2x Shares, on March 11. share calculation of its con- drop on record, according to is headed,” Mr. Rosenbluth mean investors are bullish on marks. The spokesman said,
“It is in the best interests stituents. FactSet. Russia’s central bank said. “The same thing hap- Russia. “There is nothing we can rea-
of the fund and its sharehold- Usually, market makers hasn’t indicated how long it pened in Greece in 2015.” Mr. Rosenbluth added that sonably do about the market
ers to liquidate and terminate keep the price of the funds in will keep the stock market Greece closed its stock some of the inflows are at- clearing price” that resulted in
the fund, as it could not con- line with the asset value by closed. market during its financial tributable to investors short- the vehicle selling for above
duct its business and opera- creating and redeeming shares Investors still appeared to crisis for more than a month ing, or betting against, the the suggested retail price.
tions in an economically effi- as needed. In this case, since be using the VanEck and MSCI that year. Yet speculators funds. When investors short A spokeswoman for Lexus
cient manner over the long- shares of various Russian ETFs as a proxy for where used a U.S.-listed ETF, the an ETF, shares are created by said the customer-service team
term,” Direxion said. stocks are frozen, the funds Russia markets are headed, a Global X FTSE Greek 20 ETF, market makers specifically “is aware of the complaint and
More changes could be are unable to update their as- role ETFs have performed as a way of estimating where for that purpose, he added, is actively working with the
coming for other funds. Index set values. when other countries closed Greek securities would end up which can distort fund flow customer to resolve the situa-
maker MSCI Inc. signaled late BlackRock said the prob- their stock markets. once trading resumed. The figures. tion.” A spokeswoman for TD
Monday that it could cut Rus- lems may lead its fund to not Shares of the VanEck Rus- fund’s shares mostly fell dur- For VanEck’s ETF, the num- Bank declined to comment.
sia from many of its widely meet its investment objectives sia ETF and the iShares MSCI ing the closure, reflecting the ber of shares held short by Some 55% of car buyers
followed equity indexes, in- and to experience significant Russia ETF, the two biggest hit Greece’s market would bearish investors jumped to used dealer-arranged financing
cluding those that track premiums or discounts to its funds tracking stocks tied to eventually take after it re- 19.2 million on Friday, near its last year, the greatest share in
emerging markets. net asset value. the country, dropped more opened. highest levels since late 2016, records going back to 2005, ac-
The prices of the Russian The iShares ETF closed than 25% on Monday and con- VanEck’s ETF seeks to according to data from S3 cording to car-shopping web-
funds largely reflect investor Tuesday at $12, a premium to tinued falling on Tuesday. track an index of Russian Partners. site Edmunds. The share using
sentiment rather than the un- its most recently calculated net Both funds are down around stocks, including shares of do- “Some of those flows are cash, check or outside financ-
derlying value of their assets, asset value of $7.62. VanEck’s 70% in 2022. mestic companies and deposi- not a positive indicator but a ing dropped to less than 18%,
said Todd Rosenbluth, head of Russia ETF also trades at a “Even if the [Russian] stock tory receipts of Russian negative indicator,” Mr. Rosen- its lowest on record last year.
ETF and mutual-fund research premium, with shares at $8.26 market remains closed for a stocks listed in New York and bluth said. Dealer-arranged financing
has long been the default for a
swath of buyers. At least some

Hong Kong Business receipts, change from 2015 average

Monthly trading value in U.S. dollar terms
$600 billion
for Asia very difficult,” said Si-
mon Kavanagh, a partner at
BDA Partners and head of the
of the shifts are also explained
by the falling share of custom-
ers taking out leases after

Bankers 50
Finance 500
Asian-focused investment
bank’s Hong Kong office.
“Hong Kong will become in-
those terms worsened during
the car boom.
But consumer attorneys

Pressured 25

creasingly isolated as a busi-
ness center as the rest of the
world returns to normal, if the
have observed dealers using
more pressure tactics recently
to steer customers away from
current travel restrictions re- bringing outside financing or
Continued from page B1 main in place,” Mr. Kavanagh paying cash, according to John
many of his colleagues also Retail said. He said it was “virtually Van Alst, an attorney at the Na-
wanted to relocate. The second 200 impossible to bring senior tional Consumer Law Center.
plans to stay because his boss –50 hires into Hong Kong in the Regulators have also received
has no plans to leave. current environment.” complaints.
–75 100
Banks themselves aren’t However, Mr. Kavanagh said “When you have 10 people
driving the moves. There is a Hong Kong would eventually who want to buy one vehicle,
lot of business to do in Hong Tourism return to normal and that he and car lots are empty, some of
–100 Quarterly 0
Kong, and visibly pulling back 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 didn’t plan to leave. BDA ex- these things I think are the re-
could offend the local and Bei- pects business to be strong sult of that,” said Christine
jing governments. Moving Sources: Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department via Refinitiv (receipts); Refinitiv (value) this year given an active re- Graham, supervising financial
staff can also throw up tax gional M&A market. examiner at the Texas Office of
and regulatory complications. Murli Maiya, who was about a nior regional role in the bank’s eventual reopening. Standard Chartered PLC Consumer Credit Commis-
But they are trying to be flexi- year into his tenure as the equity sales and trading busi- In October, the Asia Securi- Chief Executive Bill Winters sioner. “We are concerned
ble where possible. bank’s CEO for South Asia and ness, a memo said. In a ties Industry & Financial Mar- recently highlighted the risks about these practices.”
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Southeast Asia and had been LinkedIn post, her predeces- kets Association told the gov- to Hong Kong’s regional posi- The state regulator has re-
named a new head of equity planning to relocate to Singa- sor, Ryan Holsheimer, said it ernment that many members tion from its “relatively re- ceived several dozen com-
capital markets for the Asia- pore. The longtime banker will was time to “hang up the were considering moving em- strictive mobility patterns.” plaints from buyers who say
Pacific in late January after remain in Hong Kong and boots” after 27 years in fi- ployees or functions abroad Another headache is an they were pressured to use
managing director Francesco work with Mr. Lavatelli in the nance and reunite with his and had trouble hiring and re- overall talent shortage as Hong dealer-arranged financing,
Lavatelli, who held the job for coming months to ensure a family in Australia after two taining staff. Some banks have Kong’s population dwindles. many after Dallas news station
the past two years, decided to smooth transition, according years apart during the pan- started reimbursing staff for Quinlan & Associates, a finan- WFAA ran a report on the topic
move to London, where he will to an internal memo. demic. quarantine hotel stays after cial-consulting firm, estimates last summer. The office has
serve as the bank’s global Some senior replacements The new tough policies are personal travel. that net migration over been investigating the claims.
head of corporate-equity de- are moving to Hong Kong. At adding to concerns about Hong “Travel restrictions and 2020-2022 could total 304,000 Texas law prohibits dealers
rivatives. JPMorgan, Sarah Perring will Kong’s growing isolation and quarantine are making Hong residents, or 4% of the popula- from charging different prices
The U.S. lender turned to move from Tokyo to take a se- the lack of a road map for Kong’s historic role as a hub tion. for vehicles based on payment
The Federal Trade Commis-

Stocks ported strong sales during the

holiday period.
Albertsons rose $2.25, or
to produce concrete results so
far. Russia and Ukraine have
agreed to further talks, and in-
ager at PineBridge Invest-
Russian markets have been
this week, suggesting few
transactions are taking place.
The Russian stock market,
sion has also received at least a
half dozen consumer com-
plaints in the past few years re-

Decline 7.7%, to $31.40 after the super-

market chain said it had begun
a strategic review.
vestors have welcomed the
fact that some have taken
dealt a blow by the invasion
and the ensuing sanctions,
with investors jettisoning Rus-
which plummeted last week,
remained closed.
That, meanwhile, has
garding dealers refusing to ac-
cept cash or outside financing,
according to complaints pro-

Further Human-resources software

company Workday gained
$11.28, or 4.9%, to $240.33 af-
Still, Moscow is pouring
manpower and equipment into
the country, and Russian
sian stocks.
A sharp, sudden interest-
rate rise from the nation’s cen-
opened a rift between the
pricing of some funds with
heavy exposure to Russia and
vided through a Freedom of In-
formation Act request.
New York City’s Department
ter reporting earnings late forces have adopted a strategy tral bank helped send the ru- the value of their underlying of Consumer and Worker Pro-
Continued from page B1 Monday that beat estimates. of pummeling civilian areas to ble tumbling. Tradeweb assets. tection sued two used-car deal-
$43,869.58. The invasion of “The question from here: Is demoralize resistance. Markets Inc., a bond-trading In Europe, the pan-conti- erships in November, alleging
Ukraine has driven demand for the economy able to continue “I am not sure what we will platform, removed Russian se- nental Stoxx Europe 600 fell in part that they engaged in
cryptocurren- to push forwards through see from negotiations, but on curities Tuesday, citing West- 2.4%. false advertising by promoting
TUESDAY’S cies, helping lift these segments and avoid con- the ground there will be no ern sanctions. prices that buyers only re-
MARKETS bitcoin and tractions?” said Matt Stucky, letup because [Russian Presi- On Tuesday, the ruble re- Scan this code ceived if they financed the ve-
other coins. senior portfolio manager at dent Vladimir] Putin has to treated against the dollar after for a podcast on hicles. A 2017 city law made it
In corporate news, Target‘s Northwestern Mutual Wealth come away from this war with falling almost 30% Monday. investing with illegal to increase the price of a
shares jumped $19.66, or 9.8%, Management Co. something to show for it,” said Market-data services have certainty in an used car for buyers who use
to $219.43 after the retailer re- Cease-fire talks have failed Hani Redha, a portfolio man- shown limited price updates uncertain world. outside financing.

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
Stock 238.49 -5.52 -2.8 BluCh 153.20 -3.28-16.6 Harbor Funds PGIM Funds Cl Z CapOpAdml r172.52 -3.57-10.9 USGroAdml 137.60 -2.38-18.3 MdCpVlAdml 73.58 -1.71 -5.5
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. DoubleLine Funds Contra 15.92 -0.25-14.0 CapApInst 82.66 -1.29-18.0 HighYield 5.28 +0.01 NA DivAppIdxAdm 42.27 -0.63 -9.3 ValAdml 55.27 -0.86 -3.7 SmValAdml 73.02 -1.65 -4.9
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e TotRetBdI 10.18 +0.05 -1.6 ContraK 15.97 -0.26-14.1 Harding Loevner TotalReturnBond NA ... NA EMAdmr 39.16 -0.24 -4.5 WdsrllAdml 76.31 -1.44 -6.8 TotBd2 10.72 +0.06 -2.7
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, Edgewood Growth Instituti CpInc r 10.65 -0.02 -4.5 IntlEq 26.38 -0.47-12.3 PIMCO Fds Instl EqIncAdml 89.46 -1.39 -3.0 WellsIAdml 67.98 -0.15 -3.1 TotIntlInstIdx r126.77 -2.19 -7.3
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r EdgewoodGrInst 48.59 -0.77 NA GroCo 30.77 -0.54-15.6 Invesco Funds Y AllAsset 12.40 +0.01 -2.9 ExplrAdml 105.04 -1.80-11.8 WelltnAdml 77.35 -0.72 -7.7 TotItlInstPlId r126.81 -2.18 -7.3
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not Fidelity GrowCoK 30.88 -0.55-15.6 DevMktY NA ... NA TotRt 9.98 +0.04 -2.5 ExtndAdml 122.44 -2.24-11.7 WndsrAdml 80.22 -1.89 -1.6 TotSt 105.92 -1.69 -9.9
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; 500IdxInstPrem149.72 -2.35 -9.4 InvGrBd 11.31 +0.07 -2.3 John Hancock Instl PIMCO Funds A GNMAAdml 10.38 +0.04 -1.3 VANGUARD FDS VANGUARD INSTL FDS
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. Contrafund K6 19.98 -0.32-14.0 LowP r 51.14 -0.88 -4.9 DispValMCI 26.58 -0.75 -4.0 IncomeFd 11.41 -0.04 -3.8 GrwthAdml 140.62 -2.16-14.9 DivdGro 36.82 -0.52 -6.3 BalInst 45.57 -0.32 -7.0
ExtMktIdxInstPre 76.99 -1.41-11.7 Magin 12.94 -0.17-15.8 JPMorgan I Class PIMCO Funds I2 HlthCareAdml r 88.48 -0.33 -7.7 IntlVal 39.00 -1.01 -6.2 DevMktsIndInst 15.10 -0.32 -8.3
FidSerToMarket 14.39 -0.23 -9.8 NASDAQ r 170.37 -2.76-13.4 EqInc NA ... NA Income 11.41 -0.04 -3.8 HYCorAdml r 5.70 ... -3.5 LifeCon 21.91 -0.05 -5.0 DevMktsInxInst 23.61 -0.49 -8.2
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 GrowthCompanyK6 19.24 -0.36-15.9 OTC 16.62 -0.30-15.2 JPMorgan R Class InfProAd 28.39 +0.27 -0.2 ExtndInst 122.43 -2.25-11.7
PIMCO Funds Instl LifeGro 41.05 -0.48 -7.6
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD IntlIdxInstPrem 44.93 -1.01 -8.8 Puritn 25.05 -0.24 -7.9 CoreBond NA ... NA IncomeFd 11.41 -0.04 -3.8 IntlGrAdml 116.06 -2.41-16.7 LifeMod 31.43 -0.21 -6.3 GrwthInst 140.63 -2.16-14.9
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret MidCpInxInstPrem 28.88 -0.54 -9.7 Lord Abbett A ITBondAdml 11.59 +0.09 -2.2 InPrSeIn 11.57 +0.11 -0.2
SrsEmrgMkt 18.82 -0.28-10.5 Price Funds PrmcpCor 30.87 -0.66 -8.2
American Century Inv Artisan Funds MktNeutI 14.20 -0.08 -2.2 SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 20.59 -0.32 -9.5 ShtDurIncmA p 4.09 +0.01 -1.3 ITIGradeAdml 9.58 +0.06 -3.3 InstIdx 367.48 -5.76 -9.4
SrsGlobal 13.96 -0.24 -7.3 BlChip 148.25 -2.92-16.6 STAR 29.49 -0.32 -7.7
SeriesBondFd 10.12 +0.06 -2.6 Lord Abbett F LTGradeAdml 10.08 +0.08 -7.2 InstPlus 367.48 -5.76 -9.4
Ultra 74.96 -1.28-14.4 IntlVal Inst NA ... NA Columbia Class I SrsGroCoRetail 17.25 -0.31-15.5 DivGro 67.33 -1.02 -9.1 TgtRe2015 14.04 ... -3.9
SeriesOverseas 12.24 -0.28-15.0 ShtDurIncm 4.09 +0.01 -1.0 MidCpAdml 282.67 -5.11-10.4 InstTStPlus 79.50 -1.27 -9.9
American Funds Cl A Baird Funds DivIncom I 29.43 -0.33 -6.9 SrsIntlGrw 16.26 -0.35-15.0 EqInc 35.57 -0.77 -1.2 TgtRe2020 29.48 -0.10 -5.0
SmCpIdxInstPrem 24.70 -0.49-10.4 Lord Abbett I MuHYAdml 11.56 +0.03 -3.2 MidCpInst 62.44 -1.13-10.4
AmcpA p 38.80 -0.62-14.7 AggBdInst 11.01 +0.07 -2.9 Dimensional Fds SrsIntlVal 10.58 -0.26 -5.3 Growth 87.90 -1.94-17.3 TgtRe2025 19.12 -0.11 -6.0
TMktIdxInstPrem120.64 -1.95 -9.8 ShtDurInc p 4.09 +0.01 -1.0 MuIntAdml 14.27 +0.03 -2.6 MidCpIstPl 307.97 -5.56-10.4
AMutlA p 50.89 -0.53 -4.3 CorBdInst 11.29 +0.07 -2.9 5GlbFxdInc 10.53 +0.05 -1.6 TotalBond 10.74 +0.06 -2.5 Metropolitan West HelSci 90.61 -0.22-12.9 TgtRe2030 35.88 -0.29 -6.6
USBdIdxInstPrem 11.63 +0.07 -2.6 MuLTAdml 11.70 +0.03 -3.1 SmCapInst 98.73 -1.92 -8.9
BalA p 31.66 -0.21 -5.4 BlackRock Funds EmgMktVa 31.04 -0.21 0.1 Fidelity SAI TotRetBdI 10.59 +0.06 -2.7 LgCapGow I 61.94 -1.20-15.8 TgtRe2035 22.16 -0.21 -7.0
Fidelity Advisor I MuLtdAdml 10.98 +0.01 -1.5 SmCapIstPl 284.98 -5.55 -8.9
BondA p 13.02 +0.07 -2.5 HiYldBd Inst 7.51 ... -3.5 EmMktCorEq 24.27 -0.15 -3.1 TotalBd 10.15 +0.05 -2.4 TRBdPlan 9.93 +0.06 -2.7 MidCap 101.32 -1.62-13.7 TgtRe2040 38.86 -0.45 -7.5
GrOppI 132.09 -2.29-16.6 MuShtAdml 15.76 +0.01 -0.6 STIGradeInst 10.56 +0.03 -1.7
CapIBA p 67.62 -0.80 -3.6 BlackRock Funds A IntlCoreEq 15.00 -0.32 -6.8
NwInsghtI 35.36 -0.59-14.0 Fidelity Selects MFS Funds NHoriz 63.24 -0.43-17.7 TgtRe2045 26.10 -0.35 -8.0
PrmcpAdml r154.44 -2.80 -8.9 STIPSIxins 26.04 +0.16 1.1
CapWGrA 57.35 -1.13 -9.9 GlblAlloc p 19.30 -0.23 -6.2 IntSmCo 19.95 -0.42 -8.4 Softwr r 25.92 -0.41-13.6 IIE 30.12 -0.83 NA R2020 NA ... NA TgtRe2050 43.06 -0.61 -8.2
Fidelity Freedom RealEstatAdml144.63 -0.65-12.0 TotBdInst 10.85 +0.06 -2.7
EupacA p 56.14 -1.24-13.4 BlackRock Funds III IntSmVa 20.49 -0.47 -4.2 FF2020 15.75 -0.08 -5.4 Tech r 24.37 -0.55-16.3 MFS Funds Class I R2025 NA ... NA
SmCapAdml 98.73 -1.93 -8.9 TgtRet2055 47.94 -0.67 -8.2 TotBdInst2 10.72 +0.06 -2.7
FdInvA p 69.02 -1.08 -9.1 iShS&P500IdxK507.59 -7.97 -9.4 US CoreEq1 33.42 -0.60 -8.3 FF2025 14.48 -0.09 -5.9 First Eagle Funds GrowthI 163.15 -3.01 NA R2030 NA ... NA SmGthAdml 84.89 -1.24-14.3 TgtRetInc 13.91 ... -3.8 TotBdInstPl 10.85 +0.06 -2.7
GwthA p 63.31 -1.13-14.8 BlackRock Funds Inst US CoreEq2 30.32 -0.56 -8.2 FF2030 18.09 -0.15 -6.5 GlbA 63.29 -0.48 -1.9 ValueI 50.50 -0.87 -7.6 R2040 NA ... NA STBondAdml 10.46 +0.04 -1.2 TotIntBdIxInv
10.83 +0.12 -1.7 TotIntBdIdxInst 32.48 +0.35 -1.7
ICAA p 47.31 -0.71 -8.7 StratIncOpptyIns 9.89 -0.02 -2.3 US Small 43.22 -0.96 -8.1 FF2035 15.67 -0.19 -7.5 Franklin A1 Northern Funds Schwab Funds STIGradeAdml 10.56 +0.03 -1.7 USGro 53.11 -0.92-18.3 TotStInst 105.98 -1.69 -9.9
IncoA p 24.99 -0.19 -3.3 Bridge Builder Trust US SmCpVal 42.09 -0.98 -3.2 FF2040 11.17 -0.17 -8.3 IncomeA1 p 2.46 -0.03 -1.7 StkIdx 47.28 -0.75 -9.5 1000 Inv r NA ... NA STIPSIxAdm 26.02 +0.16 1.1 WellsI 28.06 -0.06 -3.1 ValueInst 55.27 -0.86 -3.7
N PerA p 57.00 -1.11-14.2 CoreBond 10.11 +0.05 -2.6 US TgdVal 29.27 -0.71 -3.1 Freedom2025 K 14.46 -0.09 -5.9 FrankTemp/Franklin A Nuveen Cl I S&P Sel NA ... NA TotBdAdml 10.85 +0.06 -2.7 Welltn 44.79 -0.42 -7.7 WCM Focus Funds
NEcoA p 52.18 -0.84-15.6 CorePlusBond 9.99 +0.04 -2.9 USLgVa 44.22 -0.83 -4.0 Freedom2030 K 18.08 -0.15 -6.4 DynaTech A p124.06 -2.05-20.0 HYMunBd 17.67 +0.02 -3.6 TSM Sel r NA ... NA TotIntBdIdxAdm 21.65 +0.24 -1.7 WndsrII 43.01 -0.81 -6.8 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 22.37 -0.42-19.2
NwWrldA 75.85 -1.13-11.8 Intl Eq 12.05 -0.29 -9.9 Dodge & Cox Freedom2035 K 15.65 -0.19 -7.5 Growth A p 129.86 -2.01-13.7 Old Westbury Fds VANGUARD ADMIRAL TotIntlAdmIdx r 31.70 -0.55 -7.3 VANGUARD INDEX FDS Western Asset
SmCpA p 67.48 -1.18-15.7 LargeCapGrowth 20.40 -0.32-13.3 Balanced 106.80 -1.42 -2.4 Freedom2040 K 11.17 -0.17 -8.3 RisDv A p 87.18 -1.05-10.1 LrgCpStr 16.70 -0.28-11.4 500Adml 398.31 -6.25 -9.4 TotStAdml 105.96 -1.69 -9.9 ExtndIstPl 302.14 -5.55-11.7 CoreBondI NA ... NA
TxExA p 13.15 +0.03 -2.7 LargeCapValue 16.63 -0.34 -3.9 Income 13.66 +0.06 -2.8 Fidelity Invest Guggenheim Funds Tru Parnassus Fds BalAdml 45.57 -0.32 -7.0 TxMCapAdml223.85 -3.48 -9.7 IdxIntl 18.95 -0.33 -7.3 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
WshA p 56.55 -0.78 -6.5 Calamos Funds Intl Stk 45.76 -0.86 -3.2 Balanc 28.16 -0.28 -7.3 TotRtnBdFdClInst 27.47 +0.15 -3.4 ParnEqFd 57.07 -0.79-10.0 CAITAdml 11.83 +0.02 -2.7 TxMIn r 15.08 -0.32 -8.3 MdCpGrAdml 93.11 -1.17-15.0 CorePlusBdIS NA ... NA

B12 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


China Gets a Wake-Up Call Ukraine

Concerted Western sanctions on Russia set a tough precedent for potential crisis in the Taiwan Strait
War Could
What does the Russia-Ukraine
conflict, and the strong Western
response look like from Beijing?
Potentially a boon over the long
Food Costs
run on the energy front, but
deeply worrying financially. Even in countries far away from
Budding Sino-Russian entente Ukraine, consumers could feel the
aside, a full-out attempt to dilute impact of war at mealtimes. After
Western sanctions in Russia’s favor two years of supply-chain issues,
is unlikely because of the risk to global food companies have few
China’s technology and financial tools left to shield shoppers from
champions. Beijing will intensify ef- further rises in their grocery bills.
forts to insulate itself from the pos- In the three decades since the
sibility of similar sanctions down the breakup of the Soviet Union, the
road, but it will continue to be hin- Black Sea region has gone from be-
dered by the desire to maintain a ing a net importer of grain, to Rus-

high degree of control over the yuan. sia and Ukraine supplying around
The consequences of the crisis one-third of the world’s wheat, a
for global energy flows were metas- quarter of its barley and nearly
tasizing even before the invasion of three-quarters of its sunflower oil,
Ukraine: In early February during according to the International Food
the Olympics, China and Russia Policy Research Institute.
agreed on a new “Power of Siberia War in Ukraine threatens to dis-
2” pipeline that would raise planned rupt this supply if fighting dam-
pipeline gas deliveries to China to a For China, the financial implications of the Ukraine crisis may be alarming. Xi Jinping with Vladimir Putin. ages the country’s ports or pre-
total of around 48 billion cubic vents the planting and harvesting
meters by the second half of the de- putting a permanent, significant clined to add to its roughly $1 tril- trols in terms of how much can be of crops. Countries in the Middle
cade. The agreement stipulates pay- discount on Russian gas—a fact lion in U.S. Treasury holdings, its converted and how the proceeds East and North Africa that import
ment in euros, but that presumably China would no doubt be happy to ability to fight yuan depreciation can be legally used. Those rules a lot of grain from Ukraine look
could be changed to yuan if Russia’s take advantage of in the future. in any theoretical Taiwan confron- tend to shift when overall capital most exposed, while the European
financial isolation called for it—an The situation with tech sanc- tation would be significantly im- outflows or inflows change rapidly. Union gets 6.4% of its total food
additional plus from Beijing’s per- tions is less straightforward but paired if it struggled to sell most That will continue to put a rela- imports from Russia and Ukraine
spective. And, while Bloomberg re- could end up unfolding in a similar of its hard-currency assets. tively low ceiling on global demand combined. The U.S. does less direct
ported that some Chinese banks are manner. In the short run, Chinese All of this will further motivate for yuan relative to the size of trade in food with the two coun-
skittish about financing Russian re- companies seem unlikely to risk China to boost the payments and re- China’s economy. And for now, the tries, but would still feel some ef-
source trading for fear of violating Western and Japanese secondary serve role of the yuan. China is likely macroeconomic risks of removing fects through global commodity
Western sanctions, it seems likely sanctions by continuing to supply to increase the pressure on its trade China’s capital controls—particu- markets.
that the rules will continue to in- Russian customers. In the long and financial partners to do business larly for the heavily indebted real- Uncertainty about supply al-
clude carve-outs for Russian energy run, if China is able to successfully in yuan using its own alternative to estate and state sectors—probably ready is pushing up agricultural fu-
transactions to reduce the impact localize its semiconductor produc- the global financial-messaging sys- outweigh the geopolitical impetus tures. Around 80% of last year’s
on the global economy. tion chain, even at a less cutting- tem SWIFT. Foreign central-bank to push the yuan’s adoption abroad. wheat harvest has been exported
The key point is that, even as- edge technological level, a captive holdings of yuan denominated re- Beijing will accrue some advan- from Ukraine and the next crop has
suming continued strong demand Russian market would be another serve assets, currently tiny at 2.7% tages in the energy and, poten- been planted, according to the IF-
growth, China is very far from be- welcome source of capital. of global reserves in late 2021 ac- tially, tech realms over the long PRI. However, plantings of other
ing a replacement for the European For China, the most alarming cording to the International Mone- term from the current crisis. But crops such as maize, which are due
natural-gas market. Russia piped aspect of the crisis is probably its tary Fund, will likely grow. by acting in concert, the owners of this spring, as well as the harvest
168 billion cubic meters of gas to financial implications. The joint But the problem is that China’s all the major reserve currencies of wheat planted last fall, could be
Europe in 2020, according to data decision by the European Union, currency isn’t fully convertible have sent a strong signal about disrupted by the war.
from BP, or about 70% of its total the U.S., the U.K., Japan and Can- even in normal times, much less in the consequences of direct aggres- Major food producers such as
natural-gas exports. Last year, China ada to sanction Russia’s central a geopolitical crisis. China’s cen- sion against a neighbor by a major Nestlé and Kellogg’s should be able
imported 16.5 billion cubic meters bank—pummeling the ruble and tral bank regularly intervenes in power while showing the limited to find supply elsewhere, as rising
of natural gas from Russia in total. freezing access to many of the for- the onshore currency market and advantages of diversification. The wheat prices in particular have en-
Even assuming pipeline volumes eign assets the central bank would the offshore one in Hong Kong search for financial workarounds couraged farmers to plant more.
reach around 50 billion cubic need to defend it—sets a very when they move in ways it doesn’t will intensify, but viable alterna- Acreage given over to winter wheat
meters by mid-decade, as planned, a tough precedent for any potential like. Yuan deposits held onshore tives still look scarce. This week sowings in the U.S. was the highest
major effort by Europe to diversify future crisis in the Taiwan Strait. are in many cases subject to both has been an unhappy wake-up call in six years. But grain supplies are
away from Russian gas would risk While China in recent years de- quantitative and qualitative con- for Beijing. —Nathaniel Taplin still tight: The global stock-to-use
ratio for cereals—a closely watched
measure of inventories as a propor-
tion of annual demand—is forecast

Target Keeps Hitting the Mark

to be 28.7% this year, according to
the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion of the United Nations, down
from 31.9% four years ago. Prices
for vegetable oils, of which Ukraine
Target has taken a victory lap cery footprint and private-label which would represent more than Target’s after-tax return is a major producer, were already
around the grocery, clothing and brands with different price points— 40% growth from last year. The on invested capital at record highs before the invasion.
home aisles over the past two seems to be paying off. In the stores question is whether Target’s capital Grain-based products such as
years. How much faster can it run? where Target added Ulta Beauty, investments—in adding new loca- bread and breakfast cereal could
In 2021, Target breached the the company is logging a midteens tions, remodeling and fulfillment become more expensive at the su-
threshold of $100 billion in annual percentage increase across total centers—will continue yielding im- 30 permarket. Pricier grains make it
revenue, having grown 47% since beauty category sales, the company pressive growth. Costco, which more expensive to feed animals, af-
Chief Executive Brian Cornell un- said Tuesday. Own-brand sales grew reached its $100 billion annual sales fecting meat prices. Even before
veiled his investment strategy five 18% in 2021 and, at $30 billion, its milestone in 2013, saw its compara- the invasion, U.S. wholesale beef
years ago. Its market capitalization private-label business is larger than ble sales growth rate decline in the prices were expected to increase by
tripled over that time. After its in- Macy’s annual revenue. Target three years that followed. 20 up to 7.5% in 2022, based on esti-
vestor-day presentation on Tuesday, seems to have no shortage of ideas Shareholders have reason to be mates from the U.S. Department of
shares closed almost 10% higher. for driving traffic: It tested out ear- pleased about profitability: Return 15 Agriculture. Consumers in many
That was despite a holiday season piercing services for some Minneap- on invested capital was 23.5% and developing countries already face
that was slightly less cheerful than olis stores to great fanfare and has 33.1% in 2020 and 2021, respec- double-digit food inflation this
analysts expected. For the fourth since rolled it out to 200 stores. tively, reaching twice what it was 10 year.
quarter ended Jan. 30, comparable Given Target’s impressive run in the years before the pandemic. So far, the West has avoided
sales grew 8.9% from a year earlier, over the past two years, its forecast Its bar is now even higher: Target 5 sanctioning Russian energy. If that
trailing analysts’ expectations of for further gains was a surprise. The expects annual ROIC to be 20% to policy changes, higher prices for
10.2%. It still looks impressive rela- retailer raised long-term revenue 30% going forward, up from its natural gas—a major input for agri-
tive to peers. Walmart saw compa- growth guidance to a mid-single- prior expectations of 10%-plus. 0 cultural fertilizers—would also
rable sales in the U.S. grow 5.6%. digit percentage from low single- Target has a great record of hit- FY2014 ’16 ’18 ’20 ’22 make it more costly to produce and
So far, Target’s traffic-driving digits. Of course it won’t come free: ting the bull’s-eye, but the dart purchase food.
Note: Figure for fiscal 2022 is the high end of the
strategy—ranging from Ulta Beauty Target plans $4 billion to $5 billion board just moved back a couple of company’s own guidance. Fiscal 2022 ended Jan. 29. Food companies have had to be
shops within stores, a larger gro- in capital expenditures every year, feet. —Jinjoo Lee Source: the company nimble in coping with supply-chain
challenges ever since the pandemic
started two years ago. That should
help them find a path around fresh

Invasion’s Impact on Manufacturers Is Foggy obstacles thrown in their path. But

their ability to protect shoppers
from further inflation by running
their own factories more effi-
Manufacturers’ supply-chain less from abroad, potentially eas- ciently is limited after several
problems looked as if they were ing supply strains elsewhere. quarters of increases in their labor,
set to start easing this year. Rus- For example, there were 1.7 mil- transportation and packaging
sia’s invasion of Ukraine could lion new cars and other light vehi- costs. Without a quick end to the
throw a wrench into that process, cles sold in Russia last year, ac- Ukraine conflict, shoppers likely
but good luck figuring out what cording to the AEB Automobile face another round of sticker shock
the outcome will be. Manufacturers Committee. Pre- at the supermarket.
The Institute for Supply Man- sumably, fewer will be sold this —Carol Ryan
agement on Tuesday said its index year and components that went
of U.S. manufacturing activity rose into them will be directed else- 80%
to 58.6 in February from 57.6 a where. Daimler Truck Holding
month earlier, while a similar in- said Monday that it would suspend 70 Share of global
dex from IHS Markit rose to 57.3 deliveries of truck components to markets by volume,
from 55.5. For both indexes, any- its Russian partner Kamaz, which 2018 to 2020

thing over 50 indicates expansion. accounts for over one-third of the

Factories would probably be Russian truck market. Ukraine
running even harder if they were Russia’s economy is about the 50 Russian
able to get the raw materials and size of Australia’s, and its financial Federation
parts they need. Supply-chain is- isolation and dependence on oil
sues continue to hamper produc- production mean that it isn’t as in-
tion, but there were signs of light. tegrated in supply chains as many
IHS Markit reported delays in de- The conflict threatens to curtail supplies of steel and other commodities. other countries. Ukraine’s economy 30
liveries were the least severe since is more globalized, but smaller.
last May. And the ISM and the IHS factories would likely have had an There are offsets to consider: It is impossible to figure out how 20
Markit surveys indicated that the easier time getting supplied this Russia is an exporter of commodi- global supply chains will interact
prices manufacturers were paying spring—if it weren’t for Russia. The ties, but it is an importer of capi- with the uncertainty of war—espe-
rose at a slower pace in February invasion threatens to curtail sup- tal goods, manufacturing compo- cially during a pandemic. Don’t bet 10
than the previous month. plies of steel and commodities used nents, consumer goods and on factories having a harder time
With the sharp drops in Covid-19 in semiconductors. The rise in oil transportation equipment. The getting what they need just yet. The 0
cases across much of the world, as prices will increase transport and sanctions and the sharp decline in longer the conflict and sanctions Sunflower oil Wheat Barley Maize
well as shifts in many governments’ production costs, while the conflict the value of the ruble mean that it drag on, the more manufacturers
approach to fighting the disease, has begun to disrupt shipping. will be able to buy significantly will feel its bite. —Justin Lahart Source: IFPRI, Comtrade

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