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Assignment no.

Islamic Studies

Surah Al Asr

Muhammad Tayyab Naveed

To: Shafia Jamil

April 03,2022
Table of Contents
Findings and Discussion..............................................................................................................................5
General Tragedy of Human Beings.........................................................................................................5
Solution of the Tragedy...........................................................................................................................5
Surah Al-Asr highlights the general tragedy of human beings and then presents the solution of
that problem in no time.
Quran is the complete code of life. Even from Surah Al-Asr which is a relatively short surah,
believers get valuable lessons on how to lead a successful life. It gives the solution how to cope
up with the crisis one might face in life. The theme of the surah is that man/human being is in
loss. Only those are successful who are patient and truthful.
Findings and Discussion
The word ‘Asr’ is used in the meaning of ‘Time’ and the Time significantly includes here the age
of every individual as well. This one word title is significant enough to highlight the subject
matter of the surah

General Tragedy of Human Beings

The surah reflects how man is responsible of having either success or failure in his short span of
life. The start of the Surah with the oath of the Allah Almighty Himself arrest the attention of
one’s mind and warns one to ponder over cautious steps to save oneself of permanent loss and
ruin. The loss of money can be compensated; however, the loss of oneself cannot. The loss also
refer to the passing of life which is man’s capital and every time one loses his capital and he
didn’t use it for obedience it would be a loss for him; as there is no loss greater than being
entitled to eternal punishment.
The human tragedy depicted in surah can be considered in two ways. Firstly, we observe that
efforts and struggles are assigned to every person. People face atrocities and calamities of
different types. The majority of people work day and night but they are unable to provide the
basic needs for themselves and their families. Moreover, there are other types of sorrow that
people come across. Thus, a human undergoes much frustration and conflict. Frankly,
forgetfulness and oversight are reliefs for a person. The ointment of time heals human wounds.
Many sorrows and calamities are faced by humans but people bear them and the caravan of life
goes on its journey.
Some people may have the deception that rich people don’t suffer at all and they are living in
comfort and luxuries. But the reality is that the psychological complexities and mental agonies
which they suffer are not observed and felt by poor and labour-class people.
All this suffering that people experience in this world is only the first suffering. After going
through all these severe atrocities, the climax of human tragedy will occur when the person’s eyes
will open in the next world where the person will find himself in front of Allah for the grand

Solution of the Tragedy

For every meaningful success in this world and hereafter, a comprehensive but quite concise
lesson is found in Surah Al-Asr. In this Surah, Allah very particularly swears an oath by the time
and makes it clear human beings, by and large, find loss except those who possess following four
 Faith (Religious beliefs)
 Righteous deeds
 Advising each other to follow the right path
 Advising each other for patience
Every human being inevitably requires the observance of following four steps to save himself
from eternal loss:
 To have a firm belief in the Oneness of Allah, His angels, His holy books, His messengers
(A.S), sealing of prophethood on the advent of His last messenger Hazrat Muhammad
(S.A.W), the Day of Judgement and predestination
 Those who believe in God and all the righteous beliefs and those who do good deeds. The
good-doers who perform all the good deeds are the real instances of those saved from
loss and the believers who are sinful are only partly exempted from loss
 Inviting others to the right path (true faith and good deeds)
 Steadfastness on the right path, endurance on enmity
Beyond any shadow of doubt, man is in loss by reason of wasting his age. If the reality of life is
reasonably analyzed, it draws a factual conclusion that time is the actual capital of a man. He,
tending himself to right path throughout his lifetime, may earn bountiful rewards in both the
worlds and conversely, he may incur wrath (mere loss) if he commits sins in his life.

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