Lab Report of Modules (SP22-BCS-069)

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JUNE 23rd,2022

▪ To understand the types and properties of magnets
▪ To learn how to operate relays equipment

Bar magnet, Relay, Module KL-13002, linking wires, digital voltmeter, 2 keys wire

▪ Relays are widely used in control circuits as remotely controlled mechanical
switches to turn on or off the sequence of events.
▪ In this experiment we determined the magnetic properties of closed and open
circuits. We had also checked the resistance of different loops and coil.

a) For Block A
We approached the magnet to the block a and recorded the result.

b) For Block B
 We located the block B and approached the magnet to the magnetic switch on block
B and measured the contact resistance of the switch.
 When the distance of the magnet is between 0.5 and 1 cm approx. The magnetic
switch had closed and we measured the contact resistance of the circuit.
 Then we remove the magnet and record the resistance of the magnet switch.

c) For Block C
 Locate the block C and applied the +5 voltage to the coil terminal using the ohm
meter measure and record the resistance of the switch.
 Turn of the power measure and record the resistance of the switch.

d) For Block D
 Locate the block D
 Connect the ohm meter to the two terminals 2,3. And the positive power to the
terminal 4,5. Slowly race the power supply until the resistance is infinity indicated by
the ohm meter. We measured and recorded the power voltages

e) For Block E
 Locate the block E. Complete the circuit as shown.
 Connect the power supply to the V+ and slowly raced the v+ voltage until the SSR
and lamp are turned on.
 Measure and record the power voltage

For block A: like poles repel unlike poles attract.
For block B: 0 ohm resistance for closed circuit and infinite resistance for open

For block C: 0 ohm resistance for closed circuit and infinite resistance for open

For block D: 8.3 V for closed circuit and 2.8 V for open circuit.
For block E: The power V is 3V.

The polarities of magnet are called north and south pole. There are two laws: Like poles repel,
unlike poles attract.


 To demonstrate the applications of magnetic field.
 To learn how to use magnetic devices in alarm circuit.

Module KL-13003, jumpers, connecting wires
Step sequence for alarm is:
 Turn on reset switch. Relay will be activated and there will no contact too.
 Approach the magnet to the magnetic switch
 Turn off reset switch. The relay is still activated through magnetic switch.
 The circuit is now in normal condition.
 Remove the magnet from the switch.
 LED is lighted up.
 The circuit will give the alarm.

 We set the module KL-13003 on unit KL-21001, and locate block a.
 We completed the circuit as shown in figure. Disconnect the short clip for turning
reset switch to OFF position.

We applied +6V to V+:

 We observed for LED: ON
 We observed for relay: OFF
We plug in short clip to turn reset switch ON:
 Observation on relay: ON
 We Removed the short clip a
 Observation on relay: OFF
 Is circuit normal? NO
We approach the magnet to the magnetic switch:
 We observed for relay: OFF
 We plug in short circuit clip and approach the magnet on magnetic switch.
 We observed for relay: ON
We approach the magnet to the switch and remove the short circuit clip
 We observed of relay: ON
 Is circuit normal? YES
 Observation on LED: OFF
We remove the magnet from magnetic switch:
 We observed for relay: OFF
 We observed for LED: ON
 Circuit alarmed? YES

 To understand magnet field strength around a coil.
 To study how to produce magnetic field.

Current is produced by changing magnetic field. It was noticed when current carrying wire
affected the compass.
If the number of wires are wounded together, it makes a coil which generate more flux. More
the loops, stronger will be the magnetic field. The wire wounded on the coil leads to
solenoid. The characteristic of solenoid is that when we change the current in it, it behaves
like a bar magnet.
 We Set the module Kl-13003 on the main unit KL-21001, and located the block c
 We Completed the circuit as shown. The ammeter had been used from the main unit.
 We applied +18V to V+, then slowly turned the VR1 ccw until the iron bar is drawn
into the coil.
o The recorded value of current is 0.15.
o Then we turned off the power and turned the voltage control to the left completely
 Then we turned on the power and slowly raised the positive power until the iron bar
is drawn into the coil.
o Recorded value for E=15V and I=0.15A

In third and fourth step, we checked that the magnetic field in the coil is directly proportional
to the current and number of turns in the coil.
If iron core is being kept, we can strengthen the magnetic field.


 To become familiar with Lenz’s law in electromagnetic induction.
 To become familiar with Faraday’s Law in electromagnetic induction.

 Lenz’s law states that induce current opposes the cause that produces it.
 Faraday’s law states that changing magnetic field produces induce current
Lenz’s Law states that a change in current or flux produces an emf whose direction is such
that it opposes the change in the current or flux.
We can demonstrate these phenomena by considering the relative motion between a
moveable magnet and a stationary coil as shown. When the magnet is put in the coil the coil
produces a magnetic field with the same pole as the end pole of the magnet on the left end
trying t prevent the magnet in and the induced current cause the pointer of the ammeter to
deflect to one side. If the magnet is putting out the coil, the coil will produce a magnetic field
with the opposite pole to the pole of magnet and the left end trying to prevent the magnet out
and the induced current causes the pointer of the ammeter to deflect the other side.
Faradays law states that voltage induced in a coil of N turns by a changing flux is El=-
N(phi/t), where (phi/t) is the instantaneous rate of change of flux. Since a change in current
in a coil produces the change in the magnetic flux. Therefore, a change in current in the coil
will cause the voltage induced in a coil too. If we replace the magnet by a coil with a current
flowing in it, the result will be the same.
Fig. shows that two separate coils P and S are set on the same tube. The ends of the coil S
and connected to an ammeter and the ends of the coil P are connected to a battery. At the
moment either the switch K is turned on or off, the ammeter will indicate an induced current
flowing in the coil S due to the rapid change in current in the coil P.

 Set the module KL-13003 on the main unit KL-21001, and locate the block b.
 According to Fig. 2 and 4 complete the experiment circuit.
 Movie up and down the magnet and coil and observe the current indication on the
micro Ampere meter.
o Does any current indication on the micro ammeter? YES
 Change the moving speed of the magnet and observe the current indication on the micro
What is the relation between the induced current and the moving speed?
The faster the speed the greater the current.
 Stay the magnet in the coil statically. Does the current indication return to zero? YES

Remember that an emf is induced in any wise that moves in a magnetic field. In this case, it is the field that
moves, but the effect is the same as if the wire was moving and the field is stationary. All that is required is
relative motion between the magnetic field and the conductor. Therefore, as the magnetic field expand
through the conductor, it tends to the produce a current flow of its own. Similarly, when the magnetic field
collapse, the flux lines cut through the conductor again, and again an emf is induced


 To verify the right-hand rule by using a single wire
 To verify the right-hand rule by using a coil

Since the magnetic field around an electron forms a loop, the field of the electrons combine to form a series
of loops around the wire. The direction of the magnetic field depends upon the direction that the current
flows. This can be examined by using a compass, the compass moved around the wire will align itself with
the flux lines.

A right-hand rule, also called Ampere’ s rule, can be used to determine the direction of the magnetic
field. If wrap your fingers around the wire with your thumb pointing in the direction of conventional
current flow, your fingers will point in the direction of magnetic field.

If a number of wire loops are wound in the same direction to form a coil, more fields will add to make the
flux lines through the coil even denser. The magnetic field through the coil becomes even stronger. The
more loops there are, the stronger the magnetic field becomes.

1. Set the module KL-13004 on the main unit KL-21001, and locate the block a.
2. According to figs. 1 and 2, complete the experiment circuit with short-circuit clips
3. Apply +5V to V+, and -5V to V-
4. Approach the compass to the single wire.
o Press SW1 and observe the deflection of the
compass needle. (Note: The time of SW1 on should
be not too long).
o What is the deflecting direction of the compass needle? THE RIGHT HAND
5. Is the slight deflection caused by the magnetic field? YES
o If yes, does it mean the magnetic field around the wire? YES
6. According to Figs.3 and.4, compare the experiment circuit with short-circuit clips.
7. Press SW2 and observe the deflection of the compass needle.
o What is the deflecting direction of the compass needle? THE LEFT HAND
8. Locate the block b on the module KL-13004 and repeat steps 4 thru 7.
9. Compare the results of step 8 with those of step 4 through
10. Is there agreement between the directions of deflection?
11. Is there agreement between the degrees of deflection? NO

You have verified the right-
hand rule for determining
the direction of the magnetic
field produced by a single
wire or a coil. You have
found that the direction and
the magnitude of the
magnetic fields depend on
the direction of the current
and the number of the wire
loops, respectively.


 To become familiar with Fleming’s left-hand rule.
 To become familiar with Fleming’s right-hand rule.

As mentioned before, a magnetic field will be developed around a wire if a current flows
through the wire. Is this wire is within the magnetic field, the wire will be moved in a specific
direction depending on the interaction of these two fields. Fleming’s rules are usually used to
describe the relationships of the magnetic field, current and the direction of movement.
Fleming’s rules include left-hand rule and right-hand rule. The
left-hand rule commonly used to demonstrate the operation of
motors, is also called motor’s rule. The relationship of the
existed magnetic field, current in the conductor, and the
moving direction of conductor is shown in Fig 1. If the index
finger pointing in the direction of the existed magnetic field
(lines of forces), and the middle finger pointing in the current
flowing in the conductor, then your thumb will point in the
direction that the conductor moves.

Fleming’s right-hand rule, usually used to describe the operation of power generators is also
called generator’s rule. It is illustrated in Fig 2 If your thumb pointing in the moving
direction of conductor, and the index finger pointing in direction of the magnetic field, then
the middle finger will point in the direction of the induced current.

1. Set the module KL-13005 on the main unit KL-21001, and locate the block a.
2. According to Figs 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 complete the experiment circuit with short-circuit clips.
Apply +5V to V+
3. Press SW1 and observe the movement of the wire
(Note: The time of SW1 on should be not too long.)
What is the direction of the movement? Down
4. According to Figs 3.7.5 and 3.7.6, complete the experiment circuit with short-circuit
clips. Apply -5V to V-
5. Press SW1 and observe the movement of the wire.
What is the direction of the movement? Up

6. Locate the block b and complete the experiment circuit of Fig 3.7.7
7. Slowly raise the positive power (< +10V) and observe the brightness of the lamp.
Is the brightness increased as the power is increased? YES

In procedure steps 3 and 5, you have
verified Fleming’s left-hand rule and
have found that the wire moved in the
direction depends on the direction of the
current in the wire. You have also
verified Fleming’s right-hand rule in
step 7. This circuit is a good example for
simulating a generator.


 Set the module KL-13006 on the main unit KL-21001, and locate the block a.
 According to fig. 3.8.1 and 3.8.2, complete the experiment circuit with short circuit clips.

 Apply +5V to +V
 Observe the states of the lamp while pressing or releasing the SW and write down your comment:
The lamp has a maximum brightness when switch is turned off.
Whenever there is magnetic flux, there is inductance. The inductance may be that of a wire or of a coil, but
always magnetic flux and inductance go together.

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