Tunnel Construction Methods 3.0 General

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Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

Tunnel construction methods

3.0 General

Tunnels are dug in types of materials varying from soft clay to hard rock. The method
of tunnel construction depends on such factors as the ground conditions, the ground
water conditions, the length and diameter of the tunnel drive, the depth of the tunnel,
the logistics of supporting the tunnel excavation, Local experience and time/cost
considerations (what is the value of time in the project), Limits of surface disturbance
and many others factors the final use and shape of the tunnel and appropriate risk
There are six types of tunnel construction in common use:
1) Classical methods
2) Mechanical drilling/cutting
3) Cut-and-cover
4) Drill and blast
5) tunnel boring machines method (TBMs)
6) New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM)
7) Immersed tunnels method

3.1 Classical method

• Among the classical methods are the Belgian, English, German, Austrian,
Italian and American systems. These methods had much in common with early
mining methods and were used until last half of the 19th century.
• Excavation was done by hand or simple drilling equipment.
• Supports were predominantly timber, and transportation of muck was done on
cars on narrow gauge tracks and powered by steam.
• Progress was typically in multiple stages i.e. progress in one drift, then
support, then drift in another drift, and so on.
• The lining would be of brickwork.
These craft-based methods are no longer applicable, although some of their
principles have been used in combination up to present day.

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

Fig 3.1 classical method

3.2 Mechanical drilling/cutting

In this method tunnel are excavate through special construction tunnel machine and
Material is removed by a rotating head equipped with specially made chisel tools.
Mechanical cutting machine Roadheaders are designed to excavate roadways, tunnels
and underground chambers continuously without using explosives that can cause
harmful vibrations. Especially in situations where blasting is not permitted and when
vibration must be minimized. Roadheaders are best suited for soft and medium hard
rock conditions.

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

(Fig 3.2a Mechanical drilling/cutting)

(Fig 3.2b Roadheader machine)

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

3.3 Drill-and-blast method

The advancement of long tunnels through hard rock well before tunnel boring
machines (TBMs) were invented relied entirely on the drill-and-blast method. Today,
the drill-and-blast method is still widely practiced and used in building shorter tunnels
through hard rock where the use of tunnel boring machines is not justified and too
expensive. The drill-and blast-method is also used in combination with full face
drilling with tunnel boring machines.

In the drill-and-blast method, a drilling jumbo is used to drill a predetermined pattern

of holes to a selected depth in the rock face of the proposed tunnel’s path. The drilled
holes are then filled with explosives such as dynamite. The charges are then
detonated, causing the rock to crack and break apart. The loosened debris or muck is
then dislodged and hauled away. Other tools such as a pneumatic drill or hand tool are
then used in smoothing out the surface of the blasted rock.

Procedure of Drilling and blasting method as follows:

 A number of holes are drilled into the rock, which are then filled with
 Detonating the explosive causes the rock to collapse.
 Rubble is removed and the new tunnel surface is reinforced.
 Repeating these steps will eventually create a tunnel.

The positions and depths of the holes (and the amount of explosive each hole
receives) are determined by a carefully constructed pattern, which, together with the
correct timing of the individual explosions, will guarantee that the tunnel will have an
approximately circular cross-section

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

F i

3.3a Drill-and-blast method)

(3.3b Face master machine used for drill hole)

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

3.4 Cut-and-cover 
Cut-and-cover is a simple method of construction for shallow tunnels where
a trench is excavated and roofed over with an overhead support system strong enough
to carry the load of what is to be built above the tunnel. Two basic forms of cut-and-
cover tunnelling are available.

3.4.1 Bottom up method

A trench is excavated, with ground support as necessary, and the tunnel is constructed
in it. The tunnel may be of in situ concrete, precast concrete, precast arches, or
corrugated steel arches; in early days brickwork was used. The trench is then carefully
back-filled and the surface is reinstated.

(Fig 3.4.1 Cut-and-cover Bottom up Method

3.4.2 Top down method

Side support walls and capping beams are constructed from ground level by such
methods as slurry walling, or contiguous bored piling. Then a shallow excavation
allows making the tunnel roof of precast beams or in situ concrete. The surface is then
reinstated except for access openings. This allows early reinstatement of roadways,
services and other surface features. Excavation then takes place under the permanent
tunnel roof, and the base slab is constructed.

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

(Fig 3.4.2 Cut-and-cover Top down method)

3.5 Tunnel boring machine (TBM)

A tunnel boring machine (TBM) also known as a "mole" is a machine used to
excavate tunnels with a circular cross section through a variety of soil and rock strata.
They can bore through anything from hard rock to sand. Tunnel diameters can range
from a meter) to 19.25 meters to date. Tunnels of less than a meter or so in diameter
are typically done using trenchless construction methods or horizontal directional
drilling rather than TBMs.Tunnel boring machines are used as an alternative
to drilling and blasting (D&B) methods in rock and conventional "hand mining" in
soil. TBMs have the advantages of limiting the disturbance to the surrounding ground
and producing a smooth tunnel wall. This significantly reduces the cost of lining the
tunnel, and makes them suitable to use in heavily urbanized areas. The major
disadvantage is the upfront cost. TBMs are expensive to construct, and can be
difficult to transport. However, as modern tunnels become longer, the cost of tunnel
boring machines versus drill and blast is actually less. This is because tunneling with
TBMs is much more efficient and results in shortened completion times.

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

(Fig 3.5 Tunnel boring machine (TBM))

3.6 New Austrian tunneling method (natm)

The New Austrian Tunnelling method (NATM), also known as Sequential Excavation
Method (SEM), describes a popular method of modern tunnel design and
construction. This technique first gained attention in the 1960s based on the work
of Ladislaus von Rabcewicz, Leopold Müller and Franz Pacher between 1957 and
1965 in Austria. The name NATM was intended to distinguish it from the old
Austrian tunnelling approach. The fundamental difference between this new methods
of tunneling, as opposed to earlier methods, comes from the economic advantages
made available by taking advantage of the inherent geological strength available in
the surrounding rock mass to stabilize the tunnel

NATM/SEM is generally thought to have helped revolutionise the modern tunnelling

industry. Many of the most famous modern tunnels have used this excavation

Chapter 03 ___ Tunnel Construction Methods

3.7 Immersed tunnel

The immersed tunnel (or immersed tube) is a tunnel construction method commonly
used for crossing a body of shallow water. The method has been widely used for
about 100 years, and more than 150 immersed tunnels have been constructed
worldwide. They mainly serve as road or rail tunnels, but immersed tunnels are also
used for water supply and electric cables. Ramboll provided professional services to a
wide range of immersed tunnels worldwide.

(Fig 3.7 Immersed tunnel)


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