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My magazine covers will represent two different social groups by featuring a main photo of a woman
from Romania and a cover consisting of a woman who is bisexual. My audience would have a
negative reaction towards a patriarchal representation of these women so they will be represented
as empowering and independent. The woman in my main photo for my first issue will be a young
aspiring actress who has independently formed her own path towards her career, without the help
of anyone else. My second issue will have a photo of a woman who has built up her own successful
business from her own home over the Covid – 19 pandemics. These challenge Van – Zoonen’s theory
of patriarchal representations in the media, as they would both show the anti – stereotype of
powerful women who do not rely on men and aren’t on focused on a traditional family lifestyle. My
mise – en – scenes will help draw attention on the different ethnicities and sexualities represented
by the women as they will each where, or be surrounded by, the colours featured on the Romanian
and Bisexuality flag. This links to Barthes semiology theory as the colours are the signifiers and the
countries/sexualities are the signified. I will use a photography studio to take photos of the actress
as this is sophisticated, I will then take photos of the other woman around her products for product
placement and context. Typefaces will be sans – serif as it creates a modern, simplistic look. I will use
a pastel colour palette for a chilled yet eye-catching appeal. I will do a shoot on the British weather,
showing another representation of ethnicity, and a shoot on a heterosexual woman, showing
another representation of sexuality. Lastly, to show the regulation of the magazine, I will place the
IPSO logo on the cover, tying in with Livingstone and Lunt.


My website will be aimed for the use of mobile phones as this will be the method of viewing used by
most of my audience. Social media links will be added to all pages of the website to build attention
to the platforms, therefore building a larger audience through communities online (Jenkins fandom
theory). I will have four tabs, ‘home’, ‘the bloom blog’, ‘contact’ and ‘about’. The ‘bloom blog’ tab
will give the audience an option to filter the articles to find the ones that interest them. The ‘about’
tab will consist of background information about the magazine and it’s beliefs and policies. Lastly,
there will be a subsection on the ‘bloom blog’ page called ‘your story’ and this will allow readers to
find previously read articles, saved articles and then upload their own for editors to read and review
before putting it forward for a small section in the magazine that focuses on young, aspiring men
and women, this will create a safe and welcoming community of prosumers (Shirky). The website
will have the IPSO logo at the bottom for regulation details as well as the Hearst UK logo, giving
added information on the ownership and regulation of the magazine (Livingstone and Lunt). Similar
colour palette and type faces will be used online for consistency, media in the form of photos and
videos will also be present throughout.


I will encourage audiences to follow and repost social media content to promote the magazine. I will
create extra, online exclusive, content such as a podcast focusing on conversations with people who
are aspirational and inspiring to young adults or teenagers. I will promote Hearst UK alongside my
brand on my website. My website will be tested on multiple phones to find the best layouts and
transitions to form an effective product. Lastly, I will transition to platforms like TikTok, Instagram
and Twitter so that I can reach my target audience and encourage conversation between them.

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