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Bachelor of Education - First Year

(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Program : Bachelor of Education
Program Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Program Part : Bachelor of Education
Program Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Course Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4.00 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2.00 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2.00 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2.00 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2.00 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2.00 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2.00 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page1 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
1 O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page2 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page3 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page4 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ABDULLAH FOUZIA AHAMED SULTANA Seat No : 010001 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136526 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.60 SGPA: 9.49 Grade: O Grand Total: 857/1000 Percentage: 85.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page5 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI MALIKA JASMINE MEHBOOB WARIS PARVEEN BANO Seat No : 010002 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138807 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 21 -- -- 50 21 42/100 2 P 4.40 8.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 790/1000 Percentage: 79.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page6 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JHA RAKHI SUHIL INDRADEVI JHA Seat No : 010003 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139262 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 377.20 SGPA: 9.43 Grade: O Grand Total: 848/1000 Percentage: 84.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page7 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM GEETANJALI DATTARAM DIPTI KADAM Seat No : 010004 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138815 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 808/1000 Percentage: 80.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page8 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN FIRDOUS NABIRAHAM NAZMA Seat No : 010005 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100039833 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 43 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 804/1000 Percentage: 80.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page9 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KORNU DAMAYANTI RANJAN ORALU Seat No : 010006 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140636 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.80 SGPA: 9.02 Grade: O Grand Total: 805/1000 Percentage: 80.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page10 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MISHRA SHIVA RADHESHAYM USHA MISHRA Seat No : 010007 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139293 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 386.80 SGPA: 9.67 Grade: O Grand Total: 886/1000 Percentage: 88.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page11 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAJPUT SURYA GORDAN SINGH MANJU Seat No : 010009 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138831 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 382.00 SGPA: 9.55 Grade: O Grand Total: 864/1000 Percentage: 86.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page12 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AAISHA MOTIBUL HASAN GULNAZ BANO Seat No : 010010 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135763 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.00 SGPA: 8.00 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 706/1000 Percentage: 70.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page13 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH AFIFA MUBARAK HUSSAIN NAZIMA Seat No : 010011 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100139335 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 69 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 378.00 SGPA: 9.45 Grade: O Grand Total: 849/1000 Percentage: 84.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page14 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH SHIFA ABSAR AHEMED ANWARI Seat No : 010012 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100090267 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.20 SGPA: 8.93 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 793/1000 Percentage: 79.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page15 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHABANA KHATOON MOHD AYET ALI MUMTAZ BEGUM Seat No : 010014 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135716 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 73 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 387.60 SGPA: 9.69 Grade: O Grand Total: 887/1000 Percentage: 88.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page16 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN BUSHRA AQEEL AHMED KHAN GULNAR Seat No : 010015 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135755 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 382.00 SGPA: 9.55 Grade: O Grand Total: 869/1000 Percentage: 86.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page17 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SNOBER MUJIB ZARINA Seat No : 010016 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136534 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 387.60 SGPA: 9.69 Grade: O Grand Total: 898/1000 Percentage: 89.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page18 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATHAN SHUMAIL RIYAZ FIRDOUS Seat No : 010017 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100152854 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.20 SGPA: 9.48 Grade: O Grand Total: 864/1000 Percentage: 86.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page19 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH SHWETA RAMBABU SINGH JYOTI SINGH Seat No : 010018 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139254 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.60 SGPA: 9.49 Grade: O Grand Total: 870/1000 Percentage: 87.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page20 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH HUDA KASAM BILQUES Seat No : 010019 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135701 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 386.80 SGPA: 9.67 Grade: O Grand Total: 888/1000 Percentage: 88.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page21 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH NASHRA SHAKEEL AHMED SHAIKH FIRDOS Seat No : 010020 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136035 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.20 SGPA: 9.13 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page22 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SIDDIQUI AFREEN SALIM SIDDIQUI SHAHEEN SIDDIQUI Seat No : 010021 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140702 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.00 SGPA: 9.40 Grade: O Grand Total: 842/1000 Percentage: 84.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page23 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VITMAL PRANALI HEMANT KAVITA Seat No : 010022 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100134036 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 75 100 99 99/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 386.00 SGPA: 9.65 Grade: O Grand Total: 887/1000 Percentage: 88.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page24 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ARIF AHMED SHAIKH ALNISA ARIF AHMED RESHMA Seat No : 010023 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140667 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.80 SGPA: 9.42 Grade: O Grand Total: 850/1000 Percentage: 85.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page25 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PILLAI SARASWATI GANDHINATH LAXMI Seat No : 010024 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136557 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.20 SGPA: 8.83 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page26 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAIVANKAR FIZA ASHIQUE GULZAR Seat No : 010025 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100086134 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.80 SGPA: 9.32 Grade: O Grand Total: 841/1000 Percentage: 84.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page27 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAIWANKAR TAMANNA ABUDL RAHMAN RAFIA Seat No : 010026 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100084085 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.40 SGPA: 9.11 Grade: O Grand Total: 820/1000 Percentage: 82.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page28 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH ADINA MUBARAK HUSAIN NAZIMA Seat No : 010027 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136573 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 387.60 SGPA: 9.69 Grade: O Grand Total: 881/1000 Percentage: 88.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page29 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH ALSABHA ASIF AHMED RUKSANA Seat No : 010028 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136542 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 67 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 378.40 SGPA: 9.46 Grade: O Grand Total: 851/1000 Percentage: 85.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page30 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HADIYA AYUB SHAIKH SHABANA Seat No : 010029 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140675 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.80 SGPA: 9.52 Grade: O Grand Total: 873/1000 Percentage: 87.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page31 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH KAYEENAT BADREZAFAR TABASSUM Seat No : 010030 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135972 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.40 SGPA: 9.41 Grade: O Grand Total: 852/1000 Percentage: 85.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page32 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH NAMIRA SALAUDDIN SHAKERA Seat No : 010031 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136565 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 373.20 SGPA: 9.33 Grade: O Grand Total: 846/1000 Percentage: 84.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page33 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TAMBE PRACHI DILKUSH SARITA Seat No : 010032 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136511 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 830/1000 Percentage: 83.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page34 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : OJHA ALKA SHIVBHUVAN PRAMILA Seat No : 010035 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100153695 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.60 SGPA: 9.24 Grade: O Grand Total: 838/1000 Percentage: 83.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page35 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH SAHELA MUKHTAR ASMA Seat No : 010036 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139327 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.00 SGPA: 9.60 Grade: O Grand Total: 879/1000 Percentage: 87.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page36 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI NASHRAH SHARIF AHMED ATIYA Seat No : 010037 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138765 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 837/1000 Percentage: 83.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page37 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHANWAT SONU SANJAY KALPANA KALPANA Seat No : 010038 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137464 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.80 SGPA: 9.42 Grade: O Grand Total: 852/1000 Percentage: 85.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page38 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GORETTI GONSALVES MARIA Seat No : 010039 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138796 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 377.20 SGPA: 9.43 Grade: O Grand Total: 862/1000 Percentage: 86.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page39 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN FARHEEN ISRAR SHAJIBUNNISA Seat No : 010040 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135747 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.60 SGPA: 8.99 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 805/1000 Percentage: 80.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page40 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV DEEPALI RAJENDRA LATA Seat No : 010041 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136027 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 65 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 810/1000 Percentage: 81.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page41 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE MAYURI ASHOK SANGEETA Seat No : 010042 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135987 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 63 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.20 SGPA: 8.88 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 789/1000 Percentage: 78.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page42 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANKAR JAGRUTI DILIP SUNITA Seat No : 010044 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136484 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 14 30/75 61 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.40 SGPA: 9.01 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page43 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAJAK DIPTI DILIP SUSHMA Seat No : 010045 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135732 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 75 100 98 98/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 383.60 SGPA: 9.59 Grade: O Grand Total: 890/1000 Percentage: 89.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page44 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAYED AFREEN AZIM SHAH HAMIDA Seat No : 010046 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136476 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.60 SGPA: 9.09 Grade: O Grand Total: 813/1000 Percentage: 81.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page45 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH AFREEN NIYAZ AHMED REHANA BANO Seat No : 010047 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139246 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page46 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH ZAKIYANAAZ MOHD ISRAR SALIMA PARVEEN Seat No : 010048 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137514 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 800/1000 Percentage: 80.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page47 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA AMRITA RAMSHIROMANI MITHLESH Seat No : 010049 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136453 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.40 SGPA: 9.36 Grade: O Grand Total: 859/1000 Percentage: 85.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page48 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA SHEETAL MADAN SHAMMA Seat No : 010050 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137487 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.20 SGPA: 9.13 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page49 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH AANCHAL RAJESH PRATAP RENU Seat No : 010051 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136461 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.20 SGPA: 9.48 Grade: O Grand Total: 863/1000 Percentage: 86.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page50 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV JYOTI RAJBAHADUR URMILA Seat No : 010052 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137495 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 71 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.60 SGPA: 9.04 Grade: O Grand Total: 804/1000 Percentage: 80.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page51 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV MANSI KESHAV VIDYA Seat No : 010053 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100134013 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.40 SGPA: 8.91 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page52 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV PRATIBHA RAJBAHAUR URMILA URMILA Seat No : 010054 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137456 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 798/1000 Percentage: 79.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page53 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAMI POOJABEN JAYANTIBHAI MANJULA Seat No : 010055 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137472 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.00 SGPA: 9.30 Grade: O Grand Total: 845/1000 Percentage: 84.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page54 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA GUDDI SUBHASH VIDYAWATI Seat No : 010056 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140644 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.40 SGPA: 9.11 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page55 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KALLUVILAYIL RACHEL JOHNEY MARIAMMA Seat No : 010057 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100134021 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 385.60 SGPA: 9.64 Grade: O Grand Total: 893/1000 Percentage: 89.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page56 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PASI RENUKUMARI UMASHANKAR MALADEVI Seat No : 010058 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139312 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 13 30/75 47 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 13 30/75 63 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 53 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.80 SGPA: 8.17 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 722/1000 Percentage: 72.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page57 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BAMNE MANSI RAGHUNATH SHRUTIKA Seat No : 010059 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138773 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 782/1000 Percentage: 78.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page58 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADIWALA SHAWANA YASIN RUKSANA Seat No : 010060 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136492 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 73 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.40 SGPA: 9.61 Grade: O Grand Total: 872/1000 Percentage: 87.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page59 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN RABIYA AHSANUL HAQUE BILQUIS Seat No : 010061 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138781 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.20 SGPA: 9.23 Grade: O Grand Total: 837/1000 Percentage: 83.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page60 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SAHINA KAJAL ANJUMANO BIBI Seat No : 010062 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135724 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.80 SGPA: 9.42 Grade: O Grand Total: 858/1000 Percentage: 85.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page61 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : OZA RUCHITA DHAVAL JAYSHREE Seat No : 010063 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100141895 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 75 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.40 SGPA: 9.36 Grade: O Grand Total: 846/1000 Percentage: 84.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page62 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH AARTI SITARAM PRITAMDEVI Seat No : 010064 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135995 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.80 SGPA: 9.62 Grade: O Grand Total: 875/1000 Percentage: 87.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page63 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD MAMTA AMOLBHARAT AARTI Seat No : 010065 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139277 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 13 30/75 61 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.80 SGPA: 8.92 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 799/1000 Percentage: 79.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page64 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD MAYURI DAMODAR MAYA Seat No : 010066 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135771 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 13 30/75 61 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 33 -- -- 50 33 66/100 2 A 7.60 15.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.40 SGPA: 8.86 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page65 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VISHAKHA VINOD RAI KANTI Seat No : 010067 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100138823 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.80 SGPA: 9.42 Grade: O Grand Total: 866/1000 Percentage: 86.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page66 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RATHOD KINNARI HITESH RATHOD ALPA RATHOD Seat No : 010068 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100134005 Medium : English

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 830/1000 Percentage: 83.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page67 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NISHAD PURNIMA RAJENDRAPRASAD SUVASANIDEVI Seat No : 010069 Center : 004 PRN : 2015016100054811 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.00 SGPA: 8.10 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 717/1000 Percentage: 71.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page68 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAURASIYA NEHA LALLAN MALTI Seat No : 010070 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136596 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page69 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAL PRITI INDRAJEET SHANTI Seat No : 010071 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140683 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 42 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 10 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 41 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 304.40 SGPA: 7.61 Grade: A Grand Total: 673/1000 Percentage: 67.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page70 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHOUDHARY MAMTA POONARAM KAMLA Seat No : 010072 Center : 004 PRN : 2014016100114713 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 04 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 24 -- -- 50 24 48/100 2 C 5.30 10.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page71 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA NANDINI HARENDRA MUNNI GUPTA Seat No : 010073 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100135964 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.40 SGPA: 8.96 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 801/1000 Percentage: 80.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page72 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA SONI SURENDRA ARTI Seat No : 010074 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100078475 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 24 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page73 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA SUSHAMA BHAGIRATH PARVATI Seat No : 010075 Center : 004 PRN : 2016016100138145 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 75 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.60 SGPA: 8.09 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page74 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HARIJAN POONAM PREMCHAND KAMAL Seat No : 010076 Center : 004 PRN : 2014016100114767 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page75 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAIN MANSI RAJMAL DEVI Seat No : 010077 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100070723 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 24 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 24 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page76 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SHAHNAJ ANIS AKRAMUNNISHA Seat No : 010078 Center : 004 PRN : 2014016100114791 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 770/1000 Percentage: 77.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page77 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAURYA MANISHA SUBHASH SAVITRIDEVI SAVITRIDEVI Seat No : 010079 Center : 004 PRN : 2018016100102771 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.00 SGPA: 8.35 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page78 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANDEY ANKITA AKHILESH SANJANA Seat No : 010080 Center : 004 PRN : 2015016100052715 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.40 SGPA: 8.56 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 775/1000 Percentage: 77.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page79 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANDYA KOMAL PRAVIN VIMALA PANDYA Seat No : 010081 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139285 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.60 SGPA: 8.54 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 781/1000 Percentage: 78.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page80 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRAJAPATI POONAM GAMARAM SHANTI Seat No : 010082 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100139304 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 41 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.60 SGPA: 7.94 Grade: A Grand Total: 714/1000 Percentage: 71.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page81 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH CHHAYA SHOBHNATH PUSHPA Seat No : 010083 Center : 004 PRN : 2014016100073687 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 43 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.00 SGPA: 8.15 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 738/1000 Percentage: 73.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page82 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH MINAKSHI VIRENDRAPRATAP REETA Seat No : 010084 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100150894 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.60 SGPA: 8.34 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 764/1000 Percentage: 76.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page83 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TIWARI PRIYA PRAVIN KUMAR SHASHI Seat No : 010085 Center : 004 PRN : 2012016100019893 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.20 SGPA: 8.28 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 754/1000 Percentage: 75.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page84 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : UPADHYAY PRIYA BADRINARAYAN SUSHILA Seat No : 010086 Center : 004 PRN : 2018016100102747 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.20 SGPA: 8.33 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 753/1000 Percentage: 75.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page85 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV ANSHU MATARU MEERA DEVI Seat No : 010087 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100070866 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 75 100 98 98/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.60 SGPA: 8.74 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page86 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV KANCHAN UMASHANKAR PRAMILA Seat No : 010088 Center : 004 PRN : 2016016100123985 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.60 SGPA: 8.89 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 812/1000 Percentage: 81.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page87 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV SANJU BALINDAR TARADEVI Seat No : 010089 Center : 004 PRN : 2017016100081744 Medium : Hindi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 00 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page88 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ASHWINI ASHOK SAWANT ASMITA Seat No : 010090 Center : 004 PRN : 2018016100096892 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 782/1000 Percentage: 78.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page89 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GANGADE MANISHA TRIMBAK GITA Seat No : 010091 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100133996 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 10 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 38 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 304.40 SGPA: 7.61 Grade: A Grand Total: 678/1000 Percentage: 67.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page90 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHAIWAT VIDHI ARUN ANITA Seat No : 010092 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136607 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 67 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 29 -- -- 50 29 58/100 2 B+ 6.60 13.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.60 SGPA: 8.52 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 762/1000 Percentage: 76.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page91 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN RUKAIYA ISMAIL JILANI Seat No : 010093 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140691 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 10 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 336.00 SGPA: 8.40 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 752/1000 Percentage: 75.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page92 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHARAT JULEE DEVANAND HANSA Seat No : 010094 Center : 004 PRN : 2016016100123254 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 321.20 SGPA: 8.03 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page93 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALI RUCHITA SHANKAR PARVAN Seat No : 010095 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100140652 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 49 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 283.20 SGPA: 7.08 Grade: A Grand Total: 622/1000 Percentage: 62.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page94 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGAT DIPIKA DILIP MEENA Seat No : 010096 Center : 004 PRN : 2012016100003565 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 782/1000 Percentage: 78.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page95 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV SANDHYA SANTOSH SAVITA Seat No : 010097 Center : 004 PRN : 2016016100154732 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.20 SGPA: 7.81 Grade: A Grand Total: 692/1000 Percentage: 69.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page96 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SURYAWANSHI PRIYANKA SURESH BHARATBAI Seat No : 010098 Center : 004 PRN : 2015016100188155 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 339.20 SGPA: 8.48 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 753/1000 Percentage: 75.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page97 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KINI PRITI KISHOR SANGITA Seat No : 010099 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136004 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 45 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page98 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL VRUSHALI JAGDISH SUNANDA Seat No : 010100 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136012 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page99 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TAMBE NISHA DILIP VARSHA Seat No : 010101 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136581 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 49 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.80 SGPA: 8.67 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page100 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TARE POOJA DATTATREYA DIVYATA Seat No : 010102 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137506 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.20 SGPA: 8.08 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 725/1000 Percentage: 72.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page101 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOULE ROHINI ISHWAR KAMAL Seat No : 010103 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100136503 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 36 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 304.00 SGPA: 7.60 Grade: A Grand Total: 675/1000 Percentage: 67.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page102 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SURVE PALLAVI BHAU KAMAL Seat No : 010104 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100137441 Medium : Marathi

College : 004: P.V.D.T. College of Education For Women, Churchgate, MUMBAI

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.60 SGPA: 8.14 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 722/1000 Percentage: 72.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page103 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page104 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page105 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page106 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page107 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page108 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PARDESHI POONAM DASHRATH RATNAMALA Seat No : 010180 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166355 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 29 -- -- 50 29 58/100 2 B+ 6.60 13.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.00 SGPA: 8.65 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page109 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHUMAL TEJASHREE VINAY NAMRATA Seat No : 010181 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166742 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 45 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 47 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 33 -- -- 50 33 66/100 2 A 7.60 15.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.40 SGPA: 8.11 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 711/1000 Percentage: 71.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page110 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TAK RENUKA GORAKHANATH KUSUM Seat No : 010182 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166371 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 36 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 67 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 337.20 SGPA: 8.43 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 748/1000 Percentage: 74.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page111 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AGARWAL SARIKA ALOK SUDHA Seat No : 010183 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166502 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.00 SGPA: 8.85 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page112 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV MANALI MANSING SMITA Seat No : 010184 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166491 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 382.00 SGPA: 9.55 Grade: O Grand Total: 862/1000 Percentage: 86.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page113 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN UZMA ASIF REHANA Seat No : 010185 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166711 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 57 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 49 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.20 SGPA: 8.93 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page114 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MARANE SIDDHITA SANJAY MANISHA Seat No : 010186 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166726 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.40 SGPA: 9.26 Grade: O Grand Total: 830/1000 Percentage: 83.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page115 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NULLWALA ALIFYA MOIZ FARIDA Seat No : 010187 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166692 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 388.40 SGPA: 9.71 Grade: O Grand Total: 876/1000 Percentage: 87.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page116 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONTAKKE SHIVANI SHYAM SAVITA Seat No : 010188 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166587 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.00 SGPA: 9.30 Grade: O Grand Total: 837/1000 Percentage: 83.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page117 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RESHMI DHANISH RATHI Seat No : 010189 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166773 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.00 SGPA: 9.15 Grade: O Grand Total: 815/1000 Percentage: 81.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page118 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH SONAL SUNAINA Seat No : 010190 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166436 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 787/1000 Percentage: 78.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page119 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAMBLE ANKITA ARJUN PADMA Seat No : 010191 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166807 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 43 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.40 SGPA: 8.36 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 737/1000 Percentage: 73.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page120 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAGTAP RASHMI CHETAN KALPANA Seat No : 010192 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166645 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.80 SGPA: 9.62 Grade: O Grand Total: 878/1000 Percentage: 87.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page121 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAMBLE AMITA SHATRUGHNA RUKMINI Seat No : 010193 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166475 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.40 SGPA: 8.66 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page122 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KARPE SMITA DIPAK PRABHAVATI Seat No : 010194 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166444 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 373.20 SGPA: 9.33 Grade: O Grand Total: 835/1000 Percentage: 83.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page123 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KONWAR ANANYA UPAMONI Seat No : 010195 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166684 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 381.20 SGPA: 9.53 Grade: O Grand Total: 863/1000 Percentage: 86.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page124 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LANDE ASHWINI PRADEEP JYOTI Seat No : 010196 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166781 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.00 SGPA: 8.65 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page125 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAHAJAN ANURADHA VINAYAK JYOTI Seat No : 010197 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166483 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 385.60 SGPA: 9.64 Grade: O Grand Total: 877/1000 Percentage: 87.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page126 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAURYA CHHAYA INDRADEV SHANTI Seat No : 010198 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166572 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 14 30/75 47 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 41 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 32 100 47 47/100 4 C 5.20 20.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 297.80 SGPA: 7.45 Grade: A Grand Total: 656/1000 Percentage: 65.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page127 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUKWANE SUVARNA AJINKYA REKHA Seat No : 010199 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166846 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 71 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 385.60 SGPA: 9.64 Grade: O Grand Total: 881/1000 Percentage: 88.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page128 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PARDESHI POOJA SANDEEP RATNAMALA Seat No : 010200 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166661 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.20 SGPA: 8.88 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 788/1000 Percentage: 78.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page129 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR PALLAVI DINKAR MEERA Seat No : 010201 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166394 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page130 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRASAD MUSKAN SHREERAM POONAM Seat No : 010202 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166467 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 817/1000 Percentage: 81.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page131 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : UNNIKRISHNAN KAVITA PUSHPA Seat No : 010203 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166703 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 73 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.80 SGPA: 9.52 Grade: O Grand Total: 867/1000 Percentage: 86.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page132 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ZOPE LAVANNYA MANISH KOKILA Seat No : 010204 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166405 Medium : English

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 386.00 SGPA: 9.65 Grade: O Grand Total: 876/1000 Percentage: 87.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page133 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA LALITA ATUL USHA Seat No : 010205 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166862 Medium : Hindi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.00 SGPA: 8.15 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page134 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI SNEHAL SUNIL MANDA Seat No : 010206 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166452 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.80 SGPA: 8.62 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 767/1000 Percentage: 76.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page135 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAGARKAR GAYATRI SANDEEP LALITA Seat No : 010207 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166734 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page136 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SATHE RUPALI VITTHAL KAMAL Seat No : 010208 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166823 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 59 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 53 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.20 SGPA: 8.73 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 784/1000 Percentage: 78.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page137 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHUNDE VARSHA DILIP LALITA Seat No : 010209 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166614 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.80 SGPA: 8.77 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 791/1000 Percentage: 79.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page138 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ARGADE SONALI ASHOK MANDA Seat No : 010210 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166765 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 343.20 SGPA: 8.58 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 763/1000 Percentage: 76.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page139 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOSALE SATVIKA PRASHANT SHARADA Seat No : 010211 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166757 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 289.20 SGPA: 7.23 Grade: A Grand Total: 643/1000 Percentage: 64.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page140 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BORANE KRUSHNA VIJAY MALINI Seat No : 010212 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166386 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 778/1000 Percentage: 77.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page141 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KALE SUPRIYA SANJAY MANGALA Seat No : 010213 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166854 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.20 SGPA: 8.78 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 788/1000 Percentage: 78.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page142 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL PUNAM DAYARAM LATA Seat No : 010214 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166541 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.60 SGPA: 8.14 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page143 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONAWANE TANUJA SHASHIKANT REKHA Seat No : 010215 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166556 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.20 SGPA: 7.93 Grade: A Grand Total: 703/1000 Percentage: 70.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page144 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WALE PRATIMA RAMDAS MANGAL Seat No : 010216 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166517 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.60 SGPA: 8.94 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 800/1000 Percentage: 80.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page145 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGWAT SHEETAL SATISH SNEHAL Seat No : 010217 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166595 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.60 SGPA: 8.99 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 812/1000 Percentage: 81.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page146 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JOSHI MAYURI ABHAY AARATI Seat No : 010218 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166637 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 04 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.80 SGPA: 8.02 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 707/1000 Percentage: 70.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page147 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAPSE PRITI GORAKH SUDAMATI Seat No : 010219 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166653 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 10 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 308.00 SGPA: 7.70 Grade: A Grand Total: 680/1000 Percentage: 68.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page148 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PARDESHI AMBRAPALI SHRIKRISHNA GEETA Seat No : 010220 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166815 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 33 -- -- 50 33 66/100 2 A 7.60 15.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 33 -- -- 50 33 66/100 2 A 7.60 15.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page149 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE SUJATA NAGNATH SANGITA Seat No : 010221 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166533 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 55 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 823/1000 Percentage: 82.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page150 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALI AMRUTA DATTATRAY YUGANDHARA Seat No : 010222 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166676 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 10 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1115 Music Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.00 SGPA: 8.00 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 709/1000 Percentage: 70.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page151 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADE TRUPTI ANIL CHHAYA Seat No : 010223 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166525 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 53 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.20 SGPA: 8.83 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 792/1000 Percentage: 79.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page152 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BORANE BHAGYASHRI BHATU RANJANABAI Seat No : 010224 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166363 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.40 SGPA: 8.16 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 727/1000 Percentage: 72.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page153 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD PRIYANKA RAJENDRA VARSHA Seat No : 010225 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166421 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 61 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 13 30/75 38 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.40 SGPA: 8.06 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page154 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KASPATE DHANSHREE BAJRANG VARSHA Seat No : 010226 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166831 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.20 SGPA: 8.28 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page155 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHUDE NAMRATA AVINASH SHOBHA Seat No : 010227 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166413 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page156 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI SEEMA UDAYKUMAR MRS UJJWALA Seat No : 010228 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166606 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.40 SGPA: 7.91 Grade: A Grand Total: 701/1000 Percentage: 70.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page157 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RATHOD RAJNANDINI RAJESH LATA Seat No : 010229 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166796 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 57 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.60 SGPA: 7.74 Grade: A Grand Total: 682/1000 Percentage: 68.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page158 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHONGADE PALLAVI PRAVIN LAXMI Seat No : 010230 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166622 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 36 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 32 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 290.40 SGPA: 7.26 Grade: A Grand Total: 646/1000 Percentage: 64.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page159 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADE PRAJAKTA BALASAHEB PRADNYA Seat No : 010231 Center : 012 PRN : 2020016100166564 Medium : Marathi

College : 018: S.N.D.T. College of Education, pune

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.60 SGPA: 7.89 Grade: A Grand Total: 695/1000 Percentage: 69.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page160 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page161 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page162 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page163 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page164 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page165 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN NAVITA AJIT SINGH SADHANA Seat No : 010884 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164983 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page166 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHARASURKAR GAYATRI SUDHIR JAYA Seat No : 010885 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164654 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page167 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MORELLU PREETI GOKUL PADAMA Seat No : 010886 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165352 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page168 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAHADE SEEMA RAJKUMAR PUSHPA Seat No : 010887 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165023 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.80 SGPA: 9.12 Grade: O Grand Total: 819/1000 Percentage: 81.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page169 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TARTE KIRAN RAVINDRA ARCHANA Seat No : 010888 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165054 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.00 SGPA: 9.15 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page170 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TARTE KOMAL RAVINDRA ARCHANA Seat No : 010889 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164631 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.20 SGPA: 9.13 Grade: O Grand Total: 818/1000 Percentage: 81.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page171 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DSOUZA BLOSSOM AUGUSTINE MARY Seat No : 010890 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165255 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.80 SGPA: 8.37 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 737/1000 Percentage: 73.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page172 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KASLIWAL MANISHA RAKESH MEENA Seat No : 010891 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165093 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.80 SGPA: 8.57 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 760/1000 Percentage: 76.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page173 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANICKER SAJITA SUNIL PADMA Seat No : 010892 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164607 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.00 SGPA: 8.90 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 790/1000 Percentage: 79.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page174 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINGARE PRESCILLA PRAKASH INDU Seat No : 010893 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165383 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page175 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINGARE ROHINI KACHARU RANJANA Seat No : 010894 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165135 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.00 SGPA: 8.50 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 750/1000 Percentage: 75.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page176 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SURVE RIDA RIDHA HISHAAMUDDIN HANIFA Seat No : 010895 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165224 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.40 SGPA: 9.01 Grade: O Grand Total: 801/1000 Percentage: 80.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page177 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TANPURE KARISHMA SUDAM RATNA Seat No : 010896 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164712 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.80 SGPA: 8.67 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 767/1000 Percentage: 76.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page178 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LALSARE PRAJAKTA NIKHIL RITA Seat No : 010897 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164751 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.40 SGPA: 8.51 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 753/1000 Percentage: 75.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page179 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH NAZNEEN RABBANI SHAHEEN Seat No : 010898 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164782 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.60 SGPA: 9.09 Grade: O Grand Total: 809/1000 Percentage: 80.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page180 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AGRAWAL MADHURI SURENDRA LATA Seat No : 010899 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165062 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.40 SGPA: 8.31 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 731/1000 Percentage: 73.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page181 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHARDWAJ NIKITA VIJAY ASHA Seat No : 010900 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164816 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.40 SGPA: 8.61 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 763/1000 Percentage: 76.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page182 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN SHEHAL FAKIRA SUNITA Seat No : 010901 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165247 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.80 SGPA: 9.22 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page183 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DANIEL BERYL RAJU BEENA Seat No : 010902 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164905 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.80 SGPA: 8.97 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page184 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEOKAR AARATI BHARAT PRAMILA Seat No : 010903 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164735 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.20 SGPA: 8.68 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page185 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADGUL ANITA SAKHARAM USHABAI Seat No : 010904 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165085 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.00 SGPA: 8.35 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 739/1000 Percentage: 73.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page186 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADGUL SUNITA SAKHARAM USHABAI Seat No : 010905 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164913 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.80 SGPA: 8.52 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 752/1000 Percentage: 75.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page187 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMAR DEEPA SHAKTI ASHA Seat No : 010906 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165182 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.40 SGPA: 8.46 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 746/1000 Percentage: 74.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page188 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LAGHANE SWATI DHUPCHAND HIRA Seat No : 010907 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165232 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.80 SGPA: 8.67 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 767/1000 Percentage: 76.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page189 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NADRE PALLAVI KALYANRAO SANGITA Seat No : 010908 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164766 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.60 SGPA: 8.24 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 729/1000 Percentage: 72.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page190 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAIDU SUJATA ASHOK JYOTI Seat No : 010909 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164526 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.40 SGPA: 8.31 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 731/1000 Percentage: 73.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page191 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : POTDAR AISHWARYA SANJAY MINAKSHI Seat No : 010910 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165112 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.00 SGPA: 8.55 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 755/1000 Percentage: 75.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page192 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAKSHIT SURYALAKSHMI TAPAN CHAINA Seat No : 010911 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165201 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.00 SGPA: 8.55 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 755/1000 Percentage: 75.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page193 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RATHOD PRATIKSHA SHRICHAND BABITA Seat No : 010912 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164534 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page194 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SANGVIKAR PALLAVI ANANTRAO ASHA Seat No : 010913 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164453 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.40 SGPA: 8.61 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 763/1000 Percentage: 76.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page195 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SATHE NEHA DIWAKAR RAGINI Seat No : 010914 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165375 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.80 SGPA: 8.77 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 777/1000 Percentage: 77.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page196 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH AAFREEN CHAND SAHELA Seat No : 010915 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164952 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.20 SGPA: 8.63 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 763/1000 Percentage: 76.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page197 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH RUHEENA SUBUHI QUADEER SHAIKH SULEMAN Seat No : 010916 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164542 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.20 SGPA: 8.68 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page198 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDADE SWATEE BHAUSAHEB CHANDRAKALA Seat No : 010917 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164623 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.00 SGPA: 9.00 Grade: O Grand Total: 801/1000 Percentage: 80.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page199 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TAAKE SHEETAL DNYANESH SANGEETA Seat No : 010918 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164557 Medium : English

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.80 SGPA: 8.57 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page200 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SETHIYA SWATI HARAKCHAND KESARBAI Seat No : 010919 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165127 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.40 SGPA: 8.01 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 706/1000 Percentage: 70.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page201 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ATHAWE PRADNYA DATTATRAYA KAMAL Seat No : 010920 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164727 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.20 SGPA: 8.08 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 711/1000 Percentage: 71.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page202 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHARDE KSHITIJA ASHOK PRAMILA Seat No : 010921 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164921 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.20 SGPA: 8.08 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page203 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GANDHILE JYOTI DEORAO KESARBAI Seat No : 010922 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165174 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.40 SGPA: 8.71 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 771/1000 Percentage: 77.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page204 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MHASKE DIKSHA SANJAY SHILA Seat No : 010923 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164801 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page205 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOKLE JAYASHREEE PRAKASH KAMALBAI Seat No : 010924 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164596 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.80 SGPA: 8.27 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page206 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MORE MEENAKSHI DIGAMBER KUSUM Seat No : 010925 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164437 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.00 SGPA: 8.30 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page207 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUDHALWADKAR ARPITA UPENDRA ANAGHA Seat No : 010926 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165104 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.00 SGPA: 8.35 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 740/1000 Percentage: 74.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page208 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAUT SAYLI VILASRAO PRAMILA Seat No : 010927 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164693 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.00 SGPA: 8.30 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page209 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SALUNKE SHARDA BABANRAO RANJANA Seat No : 010928 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164615 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 337.20 SGPA: 8.43 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 743/1000 Percentage: 74.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page210 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH NAHIDA SIRAJODDIN RAJIYA Seat No : 010929 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165216 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page211 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA RENUKA NANDKUMAR MANGALBAI Seat No : 010930 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164871 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 336.00 SGPA: 8.40 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 745/1000 Percentage: 74.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page212 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHMARE JAYASHREEE RAMCHANDRA MANDODARI Seat No : 010931 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165391 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 723/1000 Percentage: 72.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page213 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : INAMDAR BHAGYASHRI PRAVIN SHOBHA Seat No : 010932 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164743 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.80 SGPA: 8.12 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 717/1000 Percentage: 71.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page214 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV GITANJALI SHIRISHKUMAR SHARDA Seat No : 010933 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164832 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page215 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR SUVARNA BHANUDAS LATA Seat No : 010934 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164445 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.60 SGPA: 8.39 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 744/1000 Percentage: 74.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page216 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RATHOD MAMTA RAMSING KAUSALYA Seat No : 010935 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164774 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.60 SGPA: 8.19 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 724/1000 Percentage: 72.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page217 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE NISHA RAMDAS MANGAL Seat No : 010936 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165305 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 289.20 SGPA: 7.23 Grade: A Grand Total: 644/1000 Percentage: 64.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page218 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BORUDE KAVERI UTTAMRAO BABITA Seat No : 010937 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164646 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.40 SGPA: 8.11 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page219 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEVRE NIRMALA SOMINATH NANDA Seat No : 010938 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164824 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 40 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page220 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHONDGE ASHWINI DATTATRAY GODAVARI Seat No : 010939 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164573 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.60 SGPA: 8.19 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 727/1000 Percentage: 72.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page221 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHORKULE AMRUTA BAPUSAHEB SHOBHA Seat No : 010940 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164414 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 311.20 SGPA: 7.78 Grade: A Grand Total: 688/1000 Percentage: 68.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page222 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV MONIKA UTTAM KAVERI Seat No : 010941 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164662 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page223 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV NIKITA KISAN KAMALBAI Seat No : 010942 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165007 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 14 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page224 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV REKHA PANDURANG TARABAI Seat No : 010943 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164581 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 311.20 SGPA: 7.78 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page225 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAIN VIJETA VINODKUMAR SHARMILA Seat No : 010944 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164422 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page226 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JOGDAND KRUTIKA RATAN MANORAMA Seat No : 010945 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165263 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.00 SGPA: 8.30 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page227 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KARANJKAR PRATIKSHA ISHVAR SANGITA Seat No : 010946 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165344 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.60 SGPA: 8.14 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page228 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MHASKE KALPANA VISHWAS MEERA Seat No : 010947 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165015 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.40 SGPA: 8.16 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 722/1000 Percentage: 72.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page229 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NALAWADE MUKTA SADASHIV MEERA Seat No : 010948 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164855 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.40 SGPA: 8.21 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page230 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NIKAM GAYATRI VILAS SUNITA Seat No : 010949 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164685 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.40 SGPA: 8.01 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 706/1000 Percentage: 70.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page231 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : POTE POONAM GANESH TARABAI Seat No : 010950 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164944 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.20 SGPA: 8.23 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 728/1000 Percentage: 72.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page232 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAUT SARIKA VILASRAO PRAMILA Seat No : 010951 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164863 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.20 SGPA: 8.28 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 733/1000 Percentage: 73.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page233 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE AMRUTA ASHOK RATNAMALA Seat No : 010952 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164461 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.40 SGPA: 8.86 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 791/1000 Percentage: 79.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page234 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHIRSAT USHABAI NAVNATH RANJANA Seat No : 010953 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164967 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 723/1000 Percentage: 72.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page235 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ZIRPE DIPALI RAVSAHEB USHABAI Seat No : 010954 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164975 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.60 SGPA: 8.54 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 759/1000 Percentage: 75.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page236 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AMBILKE JAYSHREE KALIDAS SATYABHAMA Seat No : 010955 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164894 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page237 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AMRUTWAD BHAGVATI BALAJI SANGEETA Seat No : 010956 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165151 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page238 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGWAT SUREKHA ANNASAHEB SHOBHA Seat No : 010957 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164484 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.00 SGPA: 8.20 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 727/1000 Percentage: 72.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page239 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN PRANITA ARUN SEEMA Seat No : 010958 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164565 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 308.80 SGPA: 7.72 Grade: A Grand Total: 681/1000 Percentage: 68.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page240 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN RANI ANGAD ANITA Seat No : 010959 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164406 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 302.00 SGPA: 7.55 Grade: A Grand Total: 666/1000 Percentage: 66.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page241 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHITTE JAGRUTI RAVINDRA TARABAI Seat No : 010960 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165321 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.00 SGPA: 7.75 Grade: A Grand Total: 685/1000 Percentage: 68.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page242 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DABHADE BHAGYASHRI DADARAO SHAKUNTALA Seat No : 010961 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165077 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.40 SGPA: 7.66 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page243 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAWKAR KOMAL ASHOK NEETA Seat No : 010962 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165166 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.80 SGPA: 7.77 Grade: A Grand Total: 685/1000 Percentage: 68.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page244 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESHMUKH SNEHAL VIJAY ROHINI Seat No : 010963 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164492 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.80 SGPA: 7.87 Grade: A Grand Total: 697/1000 Percentage: 69.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page245 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHAWALE VISHAKHA BHAGWAN SUNITA Seat No : 010964 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164991 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.80 SGPA: 7.67 Grade: A Grand Total: 677/1000 Percentage: 67.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page246 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ETHAPE POOJA LAXMAN LATA Seat No : 010965 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165336 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.20 SGPA: 8.38 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 749/1000 Percentage: 74.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page247 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : INGLES SHARAYU SANJAY BHARTI Seat No : 010966 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164503 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.60 SGPA: 7.89 Grade: A Grand Total: 697/1000 Percentage: 69.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page248 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LAMB TEJASVINI JOTIRAM CHABUBAI Seat No : 010967 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164511 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.00 SGPA: 7.85 Grade: A Grand Total: 695/1000 Percentage: 69.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page249 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAGAR SUJATA BHIMRAO ALKA Seat No : 010968 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164847 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.00 SGPA: 7.75 Grade: A Grand Total: 687/1000 Percentage: 68.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page250 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALWATKAR KAVITA MADHAVRAO INDUBAI Seat No : 010969 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164677 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page251 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MORE PRANITA CHANDRAPRAKASH BAYNABAI Seat No : 010970 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165271 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 311.20 SGPA: 7.78 Grade: A Grand Total: 688/1000 Percentage: 68.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page252 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUKADE SAPANA BAPURAO SUNITA Seat No : 010971 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164936 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.60 SGPA: 7.84 Grade: A Grand Total: 689/1000 Percentage: 68.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page253 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUNDE ASHWINI SAYAS SUNITA Seat No : 010972 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165197 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 287.60 SGPA: 7.19 Grade: A Grand Total: 639/1000 Percentage: 63.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page254 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PIMPALVADIKAR ASHVINI ASHOKRAO JAYASHRI Seat No : 010973 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165286 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page255 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : POKLE DARSHANA HARIBHAU MANGAL Seat No : 010974 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165367 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 728/1000 Percentage: 72.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page256 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SABLE ASMITA DADARAO Seat No : 010975 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165031 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page257 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAPKAL SUREKHA POPATRAO SANGITA Seat No : 010976 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165294 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.20 SGPA: 8.23 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 728/1000 Percentage: 72.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page258 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHELKE VARSHA BABURAO NIRMALA Seat No : 010977 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164704 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.80 SGPA: 8.07 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page259 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHEWALE YOGITA VISHWAS SARLA Seat No : 010978 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165046 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 722/1000 Percentage: 72.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page260 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SWAMI SUSHMITA SHASHIKANT MANISHA Seat No : 010979 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164797 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page261 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TANGADE NIKITA GOPAL RATNAMALA Seat No : 010980 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164886 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 321.20 SGPA: 8.03 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 714/1000 Percentage: 71.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page262 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THOKALE PRADNYA BHARAT ASHA Seat No : 010981 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100164476 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.00 SGPA: 7.95 Grade: A Grand Total: 705/1000 Percentage: 70.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page263 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THOMBARE CHAITALI BHIMARAO SUNANADA Seat No : 010982 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165313 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page264 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHMARE PRIYANKA KADU SANGITA Seat No : 010983 Center : 082 PRN : 2020016100165143 Medium : Marathi

College : 101: Shri Dhaneshwari Womens College of Education, Aurangabad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 38 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page265 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page266 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page267 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page268 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page269 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page270 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH MAYURI GAJENDRA RADHABEN Seat No : 010370 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129677 Medium : English

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.00 SGPA: 7.95 Grade: A Grand Total: 700/1000 Percentage: 70.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page271 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH RUCHI DARPAN VEENA Seat No : 010371 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129743 Medium : English

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.80 SGPA: 8.57 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page272 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SOMANI DISHA SANDIP PINA Seat No : 010372 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129751 Medium : English

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.20 SGPA: 8.78 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 778/1000 Percentage: 77.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page273 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONAR PRIYANKA RAVINDRA PUNAM Seat No : 010373 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129406 Medium : English

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.00 SGPA: 8.85 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 788/1000 Percentage: 78.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page274 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MARATHE PUNAM BHAGWAN KOKILA Seat No : 010374 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100132076 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.60 SGPA: 8.14 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page275 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL KOMAL GULABRAO SUNITA Seat No : 010375 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129503 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 311.20 SGPA: 7.78 Grade: A Grand Total: 688/1000 Percentage: 68.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page276 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AHER CHHAYA SHASHIKANT SUNITA Seat No : 010376 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129395 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.20 SGPA: 8.13 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 718/1000 Percentage: 71.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page277 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATHAN YASMIN SAHEBKHAN DILSHAD Seat No : 010377 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129372 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.80 SGPA: 8.32 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 737/1000 Percentage: 73.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page278 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TAMBOLI MEGHANA KISHOR MINAXI Seat No : 010378 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129437 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.60 SGPA: 7.99 Grade: A Grand Total: 707/1000 Percentage: 70.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page279 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHANGAR REKHABAI ANANDA SINDHUBAI Seat No : 010379 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129646 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.60 SGPA: 8.29 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page280 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GANGURDE VIJAYA RAMSING DHARMIBAI Seat No : 010380 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129615 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.00 SGPA: 8.25 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page281 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAVALI CHANDA BHARAT VANITA Seat No : 010381 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129484 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page282 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOKANI NILAM SURESH SUNITA Seat No : 010382 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130352 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.60 SGPA: 7.74 Grade: A Grand Total: 684/1000 Percentage: 68.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page283 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL NIKITA PURUSHOTTAM SHOBANA Seat No : 010383 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100131773 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.00 SGPA: 8.35 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 740/1000 Percentage: 74.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page284 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONWANE VAISHALI ASHOK AAKKABAI Seat No : 010384 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130391 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page285 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BRAHMANE SHUBHANGI SANJEEV MANGAL Seat No : 010385 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129631 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 308.80 SGPA: 7.72 Grade: A Grand Total: 678/1000 Percentage: 67.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page286 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAVIT SUNITA DEVILAL NIMBU Seat No : 010386 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129766 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.40 SGPA: 8.11 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page287 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL DIPIKA BHARAT YOGITA Seat No : 010387 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129774 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 288.80 SGPA: 7.22 Grade: A Grand Total: 637/1000 Percentage: 63.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page288 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AHIRE MEGHA SHANKAR JYOTI Seat No : 010388 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100132092 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 311.20 SGPA: 7.78 Grade: A Grand Total: 689/1000 Percentage: 68.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page289 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BACHCHHAV PUJA RAJENDRA MALATI Seat No : 010389 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129623 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.60 SGPA: 7.89 Grade: A Grand Total: 699/1000 Percentage: 69.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page290 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BARI ASHWINI RAMESH SHARDA Seat No : 010390 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129704 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 299.20 SGPA: 7.48 Grade: A Grand Total: 664/1000 Percentage: 66.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page291 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAMARE NAMRATA SANJAY MANISHA Seat No : 010391 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129654 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.40 SGPA: 7.76 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page292 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BIRHADE ROSHANI SURESH PUSHPA Seat No : 010392 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129387 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page293 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHITTE AASHA GAJMAL YAMUNA Seat No : 010393 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129492 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.60 SGPA: 7.74 Grade: A Grand Total: 684/1000 Percentage: 68.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page294 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEORE TRUPTI BABAN UJWALA Seat No : 010394 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129422 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.80 SGPA: 7.92 Grade: A Grand Total: 704/1000 Percentage: 70.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page295 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESALE YOGESHWARI YUVRAJ VIJAYA Seat No : 010395 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129727 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.80 SGPA: 8.02 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 712/1000 Percentage: 71.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page296 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GANGURDE JAYSHRI KISHOR PARVATI Seat No : 010396 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130383 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.60 SGPA: 7.94 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page297 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GIRASE KALYANI RAJENDRASING USHABAI Seat No : 010397 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130417 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page298 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAIRNAR PALLAVI SANJAY ASHA Seat No : 010398 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100132053 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 712/1000 Percentage: 71.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page299 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI HARSHA NARENDRA SUREKHA Seat No : 010399 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130375 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.20 SGPA: 8.23 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page300 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LOHIYA HINA RAFIKBHAI SARIFA Seat No : 010400 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100132061 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.20 SGPA: 8.13 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 723/1000 Percentage: 72.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page301 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MARATHE ASHWINI VITTHAL ANITA Seat No : 010401 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129476 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 43 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page302 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MARATHE NAMRATA SANJAY REKHA Seat No : 010402 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100132084 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.40 SGPA: 7.96 Grade: A Grand Total: 706/1000 Percentage: 70.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page303 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL ANKITA MANGAL KOKILA Seat No : 010403 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129453 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.80 SGPA: 8.12 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 722/1000 Percentage: 72.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page304 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL BHAGYASHRI KASHINATH SHOBHA Seat No : 010404 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100132045 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.60 SGPA: 8.39 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 744/1000 Percentage: 74.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page305 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL BHARATI JAYWANT USHA Seat No : 010405 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130402 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 294.00 SGPA: 7.35 Grade: A Grand Total: 649/1000 Percentage: 64.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page306 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL DAMINI RAJENDRA SUNITA Seat No : 010406 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129685 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 00 30/75 NP 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page307 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL GAYATRI DAGADU UMABAI Seat No : 010407 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129461 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.00 SGPA: 8.00 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 712/1000 Percentage: 71.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page308 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL GAYATRI RAJENDRA KALPANA Seat No : 010408 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129712 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 308.80 SGPA: 7.72 Grade: A Grand Total: 682/1000 Percentage: 68.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page309 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL GAYATRI DASHRATH KALPANABAI Seat No : 010409 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130433 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.60 SGPA: 7.99 Grade: A Grand Total: 709/1000 Percentage: 70.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page310 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL NISHIGANDHA CHUNILAL ANJANABEN Seat No : 010410 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130367 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page311 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL PRAJAKTA RAMCHANDRA MANGALABAI Seat No : 010411 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129662 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 715/1000 Percentage: 71.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page312 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR ASHWINI GANGADHAR SHOBHA Seat No : 010412 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129693 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.40 SGPA: 8.01 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 708/1000 Percentage: 70.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page313 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR NANDA DEEPAK USHA Seat No : 010413 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100131796 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.60 SGPA: 7.89 Grade: A Grand Total: 697/1000 Percentage: 69.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page314 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAJPUT NUTAN DAULATSING PRAMILA Seat No : 010414 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100130425 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 305.20 SGPA: 7.63 Grade: A Grand Total: 673/1000 Percentage: 67.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page315 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHIRSATH BHAIRAVI BHARAT BHARATI Seat No : 010415 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100131781 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.80 SGPA: 8.17 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 727/1000 Percentage: 72.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page316 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONAWANE KETAKI SUNIL JAYASHRI Seat No : 010416 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129445 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.00 SGPA: 7.90 Grade: A Grand Total: 700/1000 Percentage: 70.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page317 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TAMBOLI NIKITA ARJUN USHA Seat No : 010417 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129607 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.40 SGPA: 8.01 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 711/1000 Percentage: 71.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page318 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VALVI SUBHANGI RAMESH SULOCHANA Seat No : 010418 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129735 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 302.00 SGPA: 7.55 Grade: A Grand Total: 669/1000 Percentage: 66.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page319 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WANI NIKITA NAVINCHANDRA ARCHANA Seat No : 010419 Center : 018 PRN : 2020016100129414 Medium : Marathi

College : 108: College of Education for women, Nandurbar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.20 SGPA: 7.73 Grade: A Grand Total: 685/1000 Percentage: 68.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page320 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page321 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page322 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page323 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page324 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page325 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAUDHRY ZEBA ARSHAD ALI NAZMEEN Seat No : 011023 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147717 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.40 SGPA: 9.11 Grade: O Grand Total: 813/1000 Percentage: 81.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page326 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI UMAME UMAMA SHAMIM SHABANA BANO Seat No : 011025 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144417 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 59 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.20 SGPA: 8.08 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 712/1000 Percentage: 71.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page327 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAUR SARIKA PRASHANT CHHAYA Seat No : 011026 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144441 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.80 SGPA: 8.92 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 792/1000 Percentage: 79.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page328 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SIDRA SALIM SHAHEEN Seat No : 011027 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144464 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 798/1000 Percentage: 79.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page329 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI ARBEENA ABU SHAHMA RAISA BEGUM Seat No : 011028 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145332 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 45 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 55 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 39 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.80 SGPA: 8.12 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 717/1000 Percentage: 71.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page330 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI ARHAMA NISAR HAMEEDA Seat No : 011029 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147702 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.00 SGPA: 9.40 Grade: O Grand Total: 844/1000 Percentage: 84.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page331 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI NOOR SANA MOHD USMAN KARIMUNNISA Seat No : 011030 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147281 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 336.80 SGPA: 8.42 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 749/1000 Percentage: 74.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page332 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BOGA LAVYA CHANDRAMOULI MALLESHWARI Seat No : 011031 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145862 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.00 SGPA: 9.10 Grade: O Grand Total: 810/1000 Percentage: 81.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page333 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHATURVEDI ROSHANI MANOJ NISHA Seat No : 011032 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144402 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 55 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 65 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 59 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 15 30/75 53 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 51 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 43 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.40 SGPA: 7.86 Grade: A Grand Total: 688/1000 Percentage: 68.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page334 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DALAL POOJA PRADEEP JAYASHRI Seat No : 011033 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145846 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 69 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 69 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 39 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.40 SGPA: 8.36 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 741/1000 Percentage: 74.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page335 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FAROOQUI SAMREEN NASEEM TANVEER FATIMA TANVEER Seat No : 011034 Center : 093 PRN : 2014016100027674 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 47 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 67 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 15 30/75 59 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 65 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 55 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 36 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.20 SGPA: 7.88 Grade: A Grand Total: 693/1000 Percentage: 69.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page336 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SANA TARBEZ TANVEER Seat No : 011035 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145831 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 47 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 69 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 15 30/75 59 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 65 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 55 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 43 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.00 SGPA: 8.15 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 717/1000 Percentage: 71.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page337 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN FATIMA KHATOON NEK MOHAMMED TAYYABA Seat No : 011036 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147683 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.60 SGPA: 9.49 Grade: O Grand Total: 849/1000 Percentage: 84.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page338 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN NEDA NASIR ZAKIYA Seat No : 011037 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147741 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.00 SGPA: 8.50 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 752/1000 Percentage: 75.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page339 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN RAMSHA RIZWAN NEELOFER Seat No : 011038 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144391 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 819/1000 Percentage: 81.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page340 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SHABNAM RAMZAN AMIRUNNISA Seat No : 011039 Center : 093 PRN : 2014016100027345 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 47 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 57 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 15 30/75 55 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 49 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 43 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 32 100 47 47/100 4 C 5.20 20.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 33 -- -- 50 33 66/100 2 A 7.60 15.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 298.40 SGPA: 7.46 Grade: A Grand Total: 653/1000 Percentage: 65.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page341 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOMIN AVEZA ASLAM NEELMA Seat No : 011040 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145885 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.00 SGPA: 8.55 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 755/1000 Percentage: 75.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page342 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOMIN FATEMA SANI SAIFUDDIN YASMEEN Seat No : 011041 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146505 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 371.60 SGPA: 9.29 Grade: O Grand Total: 838/1000 Percentage: 83.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page343 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NADAR GLORY SARAL GNANAPRAGASAM LATHA Seat No : 011042 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147691 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.80 SGPA: 9.12 Grade: O Grand Total: 818/1000 Percentage: 81.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page344 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NASIKKAR SHAHZEEN NASHIT SHAHEEN Seat No : 011043 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147733 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page345 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAYAK POOJA SATISHCHANDRA POONAMDEVI Seat No : 011044 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147725 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 798/1000 Percentage: 79.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page346 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAYYAD FARHEEN NAAZ AARIF ALI YASMEEN BANO Seat No : 011045 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145904 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.60 SGPA: 8.74 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 775/1000 Percentage: 77.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page347 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH SHAGUFTA BANO. MOHD AKHTAR HASEENA Seat No : 011046 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146486 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 798/1000 Percentage: 79.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page348 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SOMI PRIYANSHU VIJAY KUMAR ARUNA Seat No : 011047 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145893 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page349 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SYED AARZOO NASRAT ALI ASMAT FATEMA Seat No : 011048 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147265 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 818/1000 Percentage: 81.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page350 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV PRIYA RAJESHKUMAR GEETANJALI Seat No : 011049 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147667 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.40 SGPA: 9.36 Grade: O Grand Total: 845/1000 Percentage: 84.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page351 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YELGONDA ASHWINI RAMCHANDRAM PRABHAVATI Seat No : 011050 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147675 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.20 SGPA: 8.53 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page352 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV TRUPTI PRASHANT KAMAL Seat No : 011051 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145877 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.40 SGPA: 9.11 Grade: O Grand Total: 812/1000 Percentage: 81.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page353 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOMIN SAMREEN SOHEL AMBARIN Seat No : 011052 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144456 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 69 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page354 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATEL RABIYA FAROOQUE FARZANA Seat No : 011053 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144433 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.00 SGPA: 9.10 Grade: O Grand Total: 810/1000 Percentage: 81.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page355 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAISWAL PRATIKSHA KRISHNACHANDRA RADHA Seat No : 011054 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147273 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 371.60 SGPA: 9.29 Grade: O Grand Total: 833/1000 Percentage: 83.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page356 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAMIDALA AKSHARA RAJKOTESH SAROJANA Seat No : 011055 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147226 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.00 SGPA: 9.00 Grade: O Grand Total: 801/1000 Percentage: 80.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page357 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL SARIKA DURYODHAN SHAILA Seat No : 011056 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147211 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.00 SGPA: 8.95 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 795/1000 Percentage: 79.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page358 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH JAYA ARIMARDAN VIDYA Seat No : 011057 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145854 Medium : English

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.00 SGPA: 9.10 Grade: O Grand Total: 811/1000 Percentage: 81.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page359 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONI KUMARI NILAM DEVI Seat No : 011058 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147257 Medium : Hindi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 296.00 SGPA: 7.40 Grade: A Grand Total: 657/1000 Percentage: 65.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page360 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SUMAN SUSHMITA . . Seat No : 011059 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146494 Medium : Hindi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 67 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.40 SGPA: 7.81 Grade: A Grand Total: 694/1000 Percentage: 69.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page361 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANCHAGALLE RAKHI BASVARAJ LATA Seat No : 011060 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147296 Medium : Marathi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.00 SGPA: 8.95 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 800/1000 Percentage: 80.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page362 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VAZE SAYLI HEMANT MEGHA Seat No : 011061 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144425 Medium : Marathi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.20 SGPA: 8.78 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 783/1000 Percentage: 78.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page363 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GURAV SWATI CHANDRAKANT USHA Seat No : 011062 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147242 Medium : Marathi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.00 SGPA: 8.90 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page364 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV MOHINI SHRIPAT SHASHIKALA Seat No : 011064 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100144472 Medium : Marathi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 781/1000 Percentage: 78.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page365 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHELKE ASHA ATUL ANANDI Seat No : 011065 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145347 Medium : Marathi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 30 100 46 02 46/100 4 C 5.10 20.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 51 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 45 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.20 SGPA: 7.98 Grade: A Grand Total: 703/1000 Percentage: 70.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page366 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHMARE VISHAKHA SUNIL JAYSHREE Seat No : 011066 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100147234 Medium : Marathi

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page367 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOMIN LEENA KAUSAR MOHD ASLAM RASHIDA Seat No : 011067 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146447 Medium : Urdu

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.60 SGPA: 7.84 Grade: A Grand Total: 694/1000 Percentage: 69.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page368 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI SARA BANO MOHD ASHFAQUE SHAGUFTA Seat No : 011068 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146471 Medium : Urdu

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1106 Urdu Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.00 SGPA: 8.00 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 704/1000 Percentage: 70.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page369 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SULTANA MOHD VASIM SHARIFA Seat No : 011069 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146455 Medium : Urdu

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 15 30/75 49 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 61 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 15 30/75 55 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 15 30/75 39 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 47 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1106 Urdu Language Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 45 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 39 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 32 -- -- 50 32 64/100 2 A 7.40 14.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 285.60 SGPA: 7.14 Grade: A Grand Total: 624/1000 Percentage: 62.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page370 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH ZAKIYA BANO MOHD JAFAR ZAHIDA Seat No : 011070 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100145912 Medium : Urdu

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 41 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 51 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 59 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1106 Urdu Language Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 41 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 43 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.00 SGPA: 7.65 Grade: A Grand Total: 671/1000 Percentage: 67.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page371 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOMIN FARZANA BEGUM ABDUL SATTAR HAFEEZA Seat No : 011071 Center : 093 PRN : 2020016100146463 Medium : Urdu

College : 109: Swayam Siddhi Mitra Sangh`s College of Education, Bhiwandi

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.40 SGPA: 8.96 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page372 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page373 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page374 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page375 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page376 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page377 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SALEHA IRSHAD ANSARI MUSARRAT Seat No : 010746 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100148574 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page378 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HAJARE VAISHALI GOVIND PARVATI Seat No : 010747 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145011 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.60 SGPA: 9.14 Grade: O Grand Total: 814/1000 Percentage: 81.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page379 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAISWAL RUPALI SURYABHAN MEENA MEENA Seat No : 010748 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143855 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page380 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JOSHI MANISHA MANOJ SUNITA Seat No : 010749 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147192 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.80 SGPA: 8.37 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 742/1000 Percentage: 74.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page381 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHADSE RUPALI ATUL VIJAYA Seat No : 010750 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147161 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.40 SGPA: 9.51 Grade: O Grand Total: 852/1000 Percentage: 85.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page382 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KANG SIMRAN KAUR KULBIR SINGH SAVITA Seat No : 010751 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144947 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page383 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANUPAM KUMARI REKHA Seat No : 010752 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143847 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.80 SGPA: 9.42 Grade: O Grand Total: 846/1000 Percentage: 84.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page384 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANIKAR HARINAXI MILIND HEMALATHA Seat No : 010753 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145042 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 378.80 SGPA: 9.47 Grade: O Grand Total: 855/1000 Percentage: 85.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page385 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : R KIRUPASREE K SELVANAYAKI Seat No : 010754 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143991 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 383.60 SGPA: 9.59 Grade: O Grand Total: 860/1000 Percentage: 86.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page386 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH AFARIN IMAMALI KHURSHIDA Seat No : 010755 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145807 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.20 SGPA: 9.23 Grade: O Grand Total: 824/1000 Percentage: 82.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page387 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEEP SHIKHA LATE GYANTI DEVI Seat No : 010756 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147145 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.80 SGPA: 8.47 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 752/1000 Percentage: 75.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page388 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AGALE POURNIMA RAGHUNATH MANGALA Seat No : 010757 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146915 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.60 SGPA: 8.74 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 774/1000 Percentage: 77.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page389 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAITAPKAR ZAHIRA RIYAZ IRANNISSA Seat No : 010758 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147017 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.40 SGPA: 8.96 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page390 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOGE SANDHYA ANAND NANDA Seat No : 010759 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145003 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 53 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.60 SGPA: 9.19 Grade: O Grand Total: 821/1000 Percentage: 82.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page391 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BORAWAKE DEEPTI AVADHUT URMILA Seat No : 010760 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147033 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.20 SGPA: 8.73 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 775/1000 Percentage: 77.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page392 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH SAIMA ASIF IMRANA Seat No : 010761 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147041 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.40 SGPA: 9.06 Grade: O Grand Total: 806/1000 Percentage: 80.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page393 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANO HUSN RAISUL HASAN SITARA BANO SITARA Seat No : 010762 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144007 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.40 SGPA: 8.51 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 751/1000 Percentage: 75.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page394 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MISHRA REKHA K S LALTI DEVI Seat No : 010763 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147764 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page395 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NIDA SARFARAZ ANSARI NASEEM AGA Seat No : 010764 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143863 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.60 SGPA: 9.24 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page396 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRERANA DABRAL KANDWAL BANMALA DABRAL Seat No : 010765 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144224 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.80 SGPA: 9.02 Grade: O Grand Total: 802/1000 Percentage: 80.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page397 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD SMINILA MAHENDRA MANALI Seat No : 010766 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144015 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 34 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.80 SGPA: 7.92 Grade: A Grand Total: 697/1000 Percentage: 69.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page398 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAGE ANKITA VINAYAK VARSHA Seat No : 010767 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146993 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.80 SGPA: 8.92 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 792/1000 Percentage: 79.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page399 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRITI BINOD KUMAR INDU Seat No : 010768 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144263 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page400 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAHESWARAN CHITHRAA SHARADHA Seat No : 010769 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146946 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.00 SGPA: 9.00 Grade: O Grand Total: 804/1000 Percentage: 80.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page401 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ALPA PANDEY SARITA Seat No : 010770 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143372 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 382.80 SGPA: 9.57 Grade: O Grand Total: 862/1000 Percentage: 86.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page402 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SATYANISTHA PARTH KRANTI Seat No : 010771 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147787 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 383.20 SGPA: 9.58 Grade: O Grand Total: 864/1000 Percentage: 86.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page403 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATEL FORAM PARTH VANITA Seat No : 010772 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143364 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 377.20 SGPA: 9.43 Grade: O Grand Total: 846/1000 Percentage: 84.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page404 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL HARSHADA RAMCHANDRA PRATIBHA Seat No : 010773 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146954 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.00 SGPA: 8.50 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 751/1000 Percentage: 75.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page405 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VARMA KANCHANDEVI LALJI KALAVATI Seat No : 010774 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145757 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.60 SGPA: 9.04 Grade: O Grand Total: 806/1000 Percentage: 80.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page406 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE VISHAKHA VISHAL SAROJINI Seat No : 010776 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143341 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 375.20 SGPA: 9.38 Grade: O Grand Total: 838/1000 Percentage: 83.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page407 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KATHPAL VIDHI JITENDRA MEENA RAMRAKHYANI Seat No : 010777 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146977 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 387.60 SGPA: 9.69 Grade: O Grand Total: 874/1000 Percentage: 87.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page408 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATEL ANAM ISAK RESHMA Seat No : 010778 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147176 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 71 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page409 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HONEY VERMA SANDHYA Seat No : 010779 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145251 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.00 SGPA: 9.60 Grade: O Grand Total: 864/1000 Percentage: 86.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page410 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI FALAK NAAZ MOHD ZUBAIR GULNAR BEGUM Seat No : 010781 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144294 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 782/1000 Percentage: 78.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page411 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANDERKAR AFREEN USMAN ZAHIDA Seat No : 010782 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145026 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 817/1000 Percentage: 81.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page412 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BENITA BIJOY SELINA Seat No : 010783 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144971 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.40 SGPA: 9.16 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page413 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRIYANKA CHATURVEDI KSHAMA Seat No : 010784 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144271 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.40 SGPA: 8.91 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 791/1000 Percentage: 79.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page414 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESAI SHRADDHA UTTAM SHUBHANGHI Seat No : 010785 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144986 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.80 SGPA: 8.67 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page415 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADGE SNEHAL DATTATREY MEENA Seat No : 010786 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146907 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.60 SGPA: 8.39 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 743/1000 Percentage: 74.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page416 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHARAT SUSHMITA DHANAJI SUSHILA Seat No : 010787 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147184 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 746/1000 Percentage: 74.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page417 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HARNEKAR FARHAT MOHD IQBAL ZAHIDA Seat No : 010788 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145781 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.20 SGPA: 8.38 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 743/1000 Percentage: 74.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page418 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV DIPALI DASHARATH VIMAL Seat No : 010789 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143975 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.60 SGPA: 8.79 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page419 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM SHUBHANGI KISAN NANDA Seat No : 010790 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143333 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 377.60 SGPA: 9.44 Grade: O Grand Total: 851/1000 Percentage: 85.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page420 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TALWINDER KAUR SARABJEET KAUR Seat No : 010791 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146803 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.00 SGPA: 9.20 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page421 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHERTKAR SAMATA SANJAY SUNANDA Seat No : 010792 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146923 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.40 SGPA: 8.71 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 771/1000 Percentage: 77.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page422 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOTHULE ASHWINI AMBADAS NANDU Seat No : 010793 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144023 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.00 SGPA: 8.70 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 770/1000 Percentage: 77.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page423 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MISHRA SWASTI POOJA PRIYABRATA JAYASHREE Seat No : 010794 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145243 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.60 SGPA: 8.89 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 791/1000 Percentage: 79.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page424 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUKADAM VRUSHALI YASHVANT MANJULA Seat No : 010795 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144994 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.20 SGPA: 8.93 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 793/1000 Percentage: 79.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page425 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ASTHA NAMBIAR RENU Seat No : 010796 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145034 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 71 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 386.00 SGPA: 9.65 Grade: O Grand Total: 876/1000 Percentage: 87.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page426 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NITHYA MERLIN E EBENEZER DAVID Seat No : 010797 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147772 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 38 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.80 SGPA: 8.57 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 758/1000 Percentage: 75.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page427 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL PRIYA NITIN SUREKHA Seat No : 010798 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147153 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 57 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 49 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page428 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR ANKITA KACHESHWAR LATA Seat No : 010799 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147137 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page429 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAUT RITU KUMARI LALMOHAN CHINTA DEVI Seat No : 010800 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143387 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.20 SGPA: 8.73 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page430 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE NUTAN ANAND KAVITA Seat No : 010801 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147203 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.40 SGPA: 8.66 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 767/1000 Percentage: 76.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page431 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH SWATI GAJENDRAKUMAR SAVITRI SINGH Seat No : 010802 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147756 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 809/1000 Percentage: 80.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page432 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH TUHINA ANUPAM ANNAPURNA Seat No : 010803 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144255 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page433 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SUTE TEJAL LAXMAN VAISHNAVI Seat No : 010804 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144031 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.40 SGPA: 8.16 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page434 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THOMBRE VARSHA SUDHIR SUPRIYA Seat No : 010805 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143967 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.00 SGPA: 8.65 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 765/1000 Percentage: 76.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page435 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONALIKA VIKAS VERMA SHEELA Seat No : 010806 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146962 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 371.20 SGPA: 9.28 Grade: O Grand Total: 832/1000 Percentage: 83.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page436 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YAMGAR SWATI DINKAR MALAN Seat No : 010807 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145742 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.60 SGPA: 8.39 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 745/1000 Percentage: 74.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page437 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAT ARCHANA AKHILESH MOOKAMBIKAI Seat No : 010810 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143832 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.60 SGPA: 7.99 Grade: A Grand Total: 701/1000 Percentage: 70.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page438 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DIVYA J VATHSALA J Seat No : 010811 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146931 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.80 SGPA: 9.62 Grade: O Grand Total: 866/1000 Percentage: 86.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page439 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEEPIKA JAIN RAJMATI Seat No : 010812 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144963 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.40 SGPA: 9.16 Grade: O Grand Total: 821/1000 Percentage: 82.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page440 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAKADE MRUNAL PRAVIN ARUNA Seat No : 010813 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147025 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.20 SGPA: 9.18 Grade: O Grand Total: 821/1000 Percentage: 82.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page441 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAMBLE SNEHA RAMHARI VANDANA Seat No : 010814 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100147002 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 803/1000 Percentage: 80.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page442 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KANKODIA ASHWINI ISHWAR DADM Seat No : 010815 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100146985 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 373.60 SGPA: 9.34 Grade: O Grand Total: 836/1000 Percentage: 83.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page443 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MESHRAM SWATI BHIMRAO PUSHPA Seat No : 010816 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145796 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 59 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 388.80 SGPA: 9.72 Grade: O Grand Total: 881/1000 Percentage: 88.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page444 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAZIYA MOHAMMED RAMZAN Seat No : 010817 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144286 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.20 SGPA: 9.23 Grade: O Grand Total: 823/1000 Percentage: 82.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page445 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAWTHER MUNIRA SYED ALI RAWTHER JAWHAR NISHA Seat No : 010818 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144955 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.40 SGPA: 8.61 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 761/1000 Percentage: 76.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page446 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ALMAS IQBAL SHAIKH REHANA Seat No : 010820 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143317 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.60 SGPA: 9.19 Grade: O Grand Total: 821/1000 Percentage: 82.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page447 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONAWANE SHWETA RAJENDRA AMBIKA Seat No : 010821 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145057 Medium : English

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.20 SGPA: 9.13 Grade: O Grand Total: 813/1000 Percentage: 81.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page448 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAYA MORAIYA LAXMI Seat No : 010822 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143983 Medium : Hindi

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.60 SGPA: 8.54 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 759/1000 Percentage: 75.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page449 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMARI ABHILASHA CHANDRA MOHAN SINGH REETA DEVI Seat No : 010823 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143325 Medium : Hindi

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.40 SGPA: 7.86 Grade: A Grand Total: 699/1000 Percentage: 69.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page450 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMARI SIMA VIVEK REKHA Seat No : 010824 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100144232 Medium : Hindi

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page451 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DANDEKAR SABA SAMREZ AMINA Seat No : 010825 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145765 Medium : Marathi

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 336.40 SGPA: 8.41 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 748/1000 Percentage: 74.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page452 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DUDWADKAR PRANOTI PRALHAD SHEELA Seat No : 010827 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100143356 Medium : Marathi

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.00 SGPA: 8.25 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page453 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THAKUR KALPANA DEEPAK SAROJINI Seat No : 010828 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100145773 Medium : Marathi

College : 117: Women`s College of Education, Kharghar

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 777/1000 Percentage: 77.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page454 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page455 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page456 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page457 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page458 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page459 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN SHAHEEN MAJID ZAMRRUD BEGUM Seat No : 011072 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168056 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.00 SGPA: 8.65 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 774/1000 Percentage: 77.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page460 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THAKARE AVANTIKA ANIL NITA Seat No : 011073 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167826 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.80 SGPA: 8.82 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 788/1000 Percentage: 78.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page461 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ADHAU PRATIKSHA BHARAT JYOTI Seat No : 011074 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168087 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.60 SGPA: 9.19 Grade: O Grand Total: 828/1000 Percentage: 82.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page462 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANBHORE PRIYANKA RAMDAS RAMA Seat No : 011075 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168041 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 343.20 SGPA: 8.58 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page463 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGAT ANJALI GAJANAN NALINI Seat No : 011076 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168025 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.20 SGPA: 9.48 Grade: O Grand Total: 854/1000 Percentage: 85.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page464 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOYAR KALYANI GAJANAN SAVITA Seat No : 011077 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167865 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 343.60 SGPA: 8.59 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page465 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVHAN VAISHNAVI DEEPAKRAO AARTI Seat No : 011078 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168106 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.40 SGPA: 8.66 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 778/1000 Percentage: 77.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page466 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEOLASI MANALI SHAILESH RUSHALI Seat No : 011079 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168033 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.80 SGPA: 9.12 Grade: O Grand Total: 819/1000 Percentage: 81.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page467 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : INGLE POOJA GAJANAN MANORAMA Seat No : 011080 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167753 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.60 SGPA: 8.74 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 781/1000 Percentage: 78.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page468 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUNAZZA NAYAB SABIR KHAN SHAHEEN NAZIYA Seat No : 011081 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167993 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.00 SGPA: 9.40 Grade: O Grand Total: 847/1000 Percentage: 84.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page469 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LUNGE KALYANI SUDHIR MADHURI Seat No : 011082 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168161 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 373.20 SGPA: 9.33 Grade: O Grand Total: 839/1000 Percentage: 83.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page470 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUSANI SAIMA BANO M MAJEED SHAKEELA BANO Seat No : 011083 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167881 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 377.60 SGPA: 9.44 Grade: O Grand Total: 854/1000 Percentage: 85.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page471 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR MAYUREE VIRENDRA SAVITA Seat No : 011084 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167714 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.00 SGPA: 9.10 Grade: O Grand Total: 817/1000 Percentage: 81.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page472 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHIWAL SALONI MANOJ SADHANA Seat No : 011085 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168095 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.20 SGPA: 8.53 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 765/1000 Percentage: 76.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page473 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONONE SHARDA SANGRAM SAGARBAI Seat No : 011086 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167931 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.20 SGPA: 8.78 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 785/1000 Percentage: 78.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page474 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THAKARE RASIKA ANIL NEETA Seat No : 011087 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167722 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.00 SGPA: 8.55 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page475 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WADURKAR SWATI RAJARAM RATNAKALA Seat No : 011088 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167896 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page476 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : POONAM PADMAKAR JADHAO MANGALA Seat No : 011089 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167792 Medium : English

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 75 100 98 98/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 388.00 SGPA: 9.70 Grade: O Grand Total: 889/1000 Percentage: 88.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page477 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANWAR RUSHALI SURESH PADMA Seat No : 011090 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167803 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.40 SGPA: 9.21 Grade: O Grand Total: 829/1000 Percentage: 82.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page478 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GORE SNEHAL VITHAL CHHAYA Seat No : 011091 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167737 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 10 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.40 SGPA: 7.81 Grade: A Grand Total: 698/1000 Percentage: 69.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page479 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GULHANE DIVYATA ARUNRAO JYOTI Seat No : 011092 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167946 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.40 SGPA: 9.01 Grade: O Grand Total: 806/1000 Percentage: 80.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page480 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAO SHITAL KIRAN UMATAI Seat No : 011093 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167857 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.40 SGPA: 9.36 Grade: O Grand Total: 841/1000 Percentage: 84.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page481 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MATRE KOMAL KISANRAO MEENA Seat No : 011094 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168072 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page482 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KURMVANSHI ASHVINI SHYAMKUMAR SUNITA Seat No : 011095 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167907 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 721/1000 Percentage: 72.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page483 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THAKARE KOMAL RAJKUMAR SUREKHA Seat No : 011096 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168122 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.20 SGPA: 7.83 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page484 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGAT SUVARNA NILKANTH BHARTIBAI Seat No : 011097 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167776 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.80 SGPA: 8.07 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page485 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHGAT PRIYA MANOHAR BEBI Seat No : 011098 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168137 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.80 SGPA: 8.52 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 759/1000 Percentage: 75.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page486 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHOLE AAKANKSHA RAJENDRA BHAGYASHRI Seat No : 011099 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168064 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page487 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHUMALE VAISHALEE DHANRAJ LEELA Seat No : 011100 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168192 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page488 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM SEEEMA SHANKARRAO SAVITA Seat No : 011101 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168145 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.40 SGPA: 8.16 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page489 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAHAJAN REKHA VITTHAL LEELABAI Seat No : 011102 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168002 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.20 SGPA: 7.98 Grade: A Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page490 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RATHOD SUREKHA PANJAB LALITA Seat No : 011103 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167977 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.40 SGPA: 7.66 Grade: A Grand Total: 689/1000 Percentage: 68.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page491 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHIKHARE JAYASHREE PRAVIN SUREKHA Seat No : 011104 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167745 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.60 SGPA: 7.74 Grade: A Grand Total: 696/1000 Percentage: 69.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page492 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TARALE BHAGYASHRI NARHARI SUREKHA Seat No : 011105 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167706 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 40 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page493 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TRIVEDI PARVATI RUPESH ARCHANA Seat No : 011106 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167954 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 10 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page494 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADADE MANISHA SAHEBRAO CHANDRAKALA Seat No : 011107 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167915 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page495 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : INGOLE SWAPNALI SADASHIV LATA Seat No : 011108 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167811 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page496 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AMBURE AARATEE VISHNU KAVITA Seat No : 011109 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168114 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 10 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.20 SGPA: 7.83 Grade: A Grand Total: 703/1000 Percentage: 70.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page497 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGAT SONALI KISHOR RAJASHREE Seat No : 011110 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168017 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.00 SGPA: 9.30 Grade: O Grand Total: 837/1000 Percentage: 83.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page498 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DARWHEKAR PRAJAKTA PURUSHOTTAM ROSHANI Seat No : 011111 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168176 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page499 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHURVE MAYURI SHRIKRUSHANA JYOTI Seat No : 011112 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167834 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.80 SGPA: 8.32 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 749/1000 Percentage: 74.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page500 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JIRAPURE RITUJA VINODRAO VARSHA Seat No : 011113 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167962 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.60 SGPA: 8.34 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 750/1000 Percentage: 75.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page501 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KATYARMAL BHAWANA SURESH RATNAMALA Seat No : 011114 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167985 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.80 SGPA: 7.82 Grade: A Grand Total: 699/1000 Percentage: 69.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page502 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAGARDE VAISHNAVI RAJENDRA SWATI Seat No : 011115 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168153 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.40 SGPA: 7.91 Grade: A Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page503 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUNDE RANI KRUSHNARAO SULBHA Seat No : 011116 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167842 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.00 SGPA: 8.15 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 732/1000 Percentage: 73.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page504 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAYSHRI DAYARAM PAWAR ANITA Seat No : 011117 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167784 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.80 SGPA: 8.22 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 743/1000 Percentage: 74.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page505 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THAKARE SAKSHI PRAVIN KOMAL Seat No : 011119 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100168184 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page506 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WASNIK ROSHANI VITTHALRAO HARUBAI Seat No : 011120 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167761 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.00 SGPA: 8.20 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 742/1000 Percentage: 74.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page507 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YEOLE RADHIKA DIPAK NALINI Seat No : 011121 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167923 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 24 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page508 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HAJARE PRACHI RAMDAS VIMAL Seat No : 011122 Center : 101 PRN : 2020016100167873 Medium : Marathi

College : 118: Late Chhabutai Dahake Women`s College of Education, Karanja

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.40 SGPA: 7.91 Grade: A Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page509 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page510 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page511 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page512 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page513 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page514 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOITE DIWYAKSHRI RAJENDRA SHUBHADA Seat No : 010656 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150275 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.60 SGPA: 8.84 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 784/1000 Percentage: 78.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page515 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHUMAL TANUSHA JAGDISH SANGITA Seat No : 010657 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150302 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 808/1000 Percentage: 80.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page516 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH ASIN KHAYYAM MADHURI Seat No : 010658 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150291 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.40 SGPA: 9.26 Grade: O Grand Total: 829/1000 Percentage: 82.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page517 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SATARA BABITA Seat No : 010659 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150534 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.40 SGPA: 8.71 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 771/1000 Percentage: 77.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page518 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOSALE RAJASHREE MOHAN VAISHALI Seat No : 010723 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150484 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.40 SGPA: 7.76 Grade: A Grand Total: 689/1000 Percentage: 68.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page519 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESHMUKH PRANALI DILIP SUREKHA Seat No : 010726 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150445 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.40 SGPA: 7.86 Grade: A Grand Total: 696/1000 Percentage: 69.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page520 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD KIRTI SURESH MUKTABAI Seat No : 010727 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150453 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 723/1000 Percentage: 72.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page521 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAVHANE PUNAM NARAYAN SUJATA Seat No : 010728 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150476 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 340.80 SGPA: 8.52 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 752/1000 Percentage: 75.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page522 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHADGE JAYASHRI YASHVANT MANGAL Seat No : 010729 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150422 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.00 SGPA: 8.25 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 730/1000 Percentage: 73.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page523 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHADGE POOJA SACHIN SUNANDA Seat No : 010730 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150437 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.00 SGPA: 8.00 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 707/1000 Percentage: 70.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page524 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GOGAWALE SWATI DASHARATH ASHWINI Seat No : 010731 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150503 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.40 SGPA: 8.86 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 790/1000 Percentage: 79.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page525 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KANSE SUPRIYA ASHOK SHOBHA Seat No : 010733 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150492 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.20 SGPA: 7.93 Grade: A Grand Total: 700/1000 Percentage: 70.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page526 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KARANDE AMRUTA ABHIJEET UJWALLA Seat No : 010734 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150511 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 706/1000 Percentage: 70.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page527 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHARAT NAMRATA SAHEBRAO SAVITA Seat No : 010735 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150557 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page528 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NIKAM PRIYANK VIJAY RAJANA Seat No : 010738 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150526 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 280.40 SGPA: 7.01 Grade: A Grand Total: 629/1000 Percentage: 62.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page529 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SATARA SANGITA Seat No : 010740 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150461 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.20 SGPA: 7.93 Grade: A Grand Total: 704/1000 Percentage: 70.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page530 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE SHRADHA ANIL LATA Seat No : 010741 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100150542 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page531 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOLEKAR MEGHA HARI VAISHALI Seat No : 011123 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150341 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page532 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MATHAPATI MAYURI MALLAYYA SANGITA Seat No : 011124 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150213 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 802/1000 Percentage: 80.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page533 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MEDIDAR SUJATA MADAGONDA JAGADEVI Seat No : 011125 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150406 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page534 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE VARSHARANI JALINDAR PRAMILA Seat No : 011126 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150283 Medium : English

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.40 SGPA: 8.86 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page535 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL AISHWARYA RAVASAHEB JAYASHRI Seat No : 011127 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150252 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 302.40 SGPA: 7.56 Grade: A Grand Total: 670/1000 Percentage: 67.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page536 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AURSANGE RUPALI NARENDRA NAMRATA Seat No : 011128 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150163 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 339.60 SGPA: 8.49 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 754/1000 Percentage: 75.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page537 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DABADE DIPIKA DIGAMBAR VIMAL Seat No : 011129 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150387 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page538 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANDGAR LATA DADASAHEB VIMAL Seat No : 011130 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150155 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 299.20 SGPA: 7.48 Grade: A Grand Total: 662/1000 Percentage: 66.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page539 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BENURE BHAGYASHRI RAMCHANDRA SHOBHA Seat No : 011131 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150414 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.80 SGPA: 8.22 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 727/1000 Percentage: 72.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page540 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : INGAWALE PRAMILA SUBHASH VIMAL Seat No : 011132 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150372 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.40 SGPA: 8.11 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 719/1000 Percentage: 71.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page541 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HIRVE SUMAN NARAYAN JANABAI Seat No : 011133 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150333 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.40 SGPA: 7.96 Grade: A Grand Total: 704/1000 Percentage: 70.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page542 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOTI SUREKHA IRAPPA SUMITRA Seat No : 011134 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150244 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 300.00 SGPA: 7.50 Grade: A Grand Total: 666/1000 Percentage: 66.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page543 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MASAL MANJUSHA BHARAT SUREKHA Seat No : 011135 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150356 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.20 SGPA: 8.63 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page544 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JATH SULBHA Seat No : 011136 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150317 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 303.60 SGPA: 7.59 Grade: A Grand Total: 677/1000 Percentage: 67.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page545 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA PADMAVATI RAGHUNATH TARABAI Seat No : 011137 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150147 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 337.20 SGPA: 8.43 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 748/1000 Percentage: 74.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page546 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAWANT MOHINI SANJAY ALKA Seat No : 011138 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150132 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 30 100 54 08 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.00 SGPA: 8.35 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 745/1000 Percentage: 74.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page547 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AINAPURE KARISHMA SALIM FARAJANA Seat No : 011139 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150364 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 20 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page548 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHUSNUR PRIYANKA TANAJI SUNITA Seat No : 011140 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150236 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.40 SGPA: 8.06 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page549 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUGWAD ABHINITI MAYGONDA VIDYAWATI Seat No : 011141 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150581 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 718/1000 Percentage: 71.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page550 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JATH ASHA Seat No : 011142 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150221 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.20 SGPA: 8.63 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 764/1000 Percentage: 76.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page551 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAMBLE ASHWINI VIKAS KALPNA Seat No : 011143 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150395 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.40 SGPA: 8.06 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page552 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHUDE DIPALI NAMDEV ANITA Seat No : 011144 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150186 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.60 SGPA: 7.84 Grade: A Grand Total: 694/1000 Percentage: 69.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page553 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOTI AMRUTA VISHWANATH SULOCHAN Seat No : 011145 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150101 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.20 SGPA: 7.98 Grade: A Grand Total: 711/1000 Percentage: 71.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page554 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KSHIRSAGAR SHRUTIKA SHRIKANT SWARUPA Seat No : 011146 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150325 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.40 SGPA: 8.01 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page555 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI SUKHADA GAJANAN GEETA Seat No : 011147 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150194 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.40 SGPA: 8.56 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 764/1000 Percentage: 76.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page556 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALI BHAGYASHRI NINGAPPA REKHA Seat No : 011148 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150124 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 14 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page557 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOTE SHRUTI DARYAPPA KAMAL Seat No : 011149 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150116 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page558 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JATH PADMA Seat No : 011150 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150573 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.00 SGPA: 8.20 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 730/1000 Percentage: 73.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page559 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINGE ASHVANI DHANAPPA SUJATA Seat No : 011151 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150267 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.20 SGPA: 7.98 Grade: A Grand Total: 709/1000 Percentage: 70.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page560 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SOUDAGAR RANI ARUN SARUBAI Seat No : 011152 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100149747 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.40 SGPA: 8.06 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page561 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHOLI DHANAMMA VITTHAL JAYASHRI Seat No : 011153 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150205 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 339.20 SGPA: 8.48 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 758/1000 Percentage: 75.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page562 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WALEKAR SONALI VYANKATRAO VANDANA Seat No : 011154 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150171 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.00 SGPA: 8.35 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 740/1000 Percentage: 74.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page563 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WALEKAR VARSHA VYANKATRAV VANDANA Seat No : 011155 Center : 102 PRN : 2020016100150565 Medium : Marathi

College : 119: Gangabai Gobbi Women`s College of Education, Jat, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 321.20 SGPA: 8.03 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page564 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page565 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page566 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page567 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page568 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page569 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAHA MANALI PARAN SHOBA Seat No : 011156 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172402 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page570 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHUKLA BHOOMI BHARAT MANISHA Seat No : 011157 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172545 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.00 SGPA: 9.00 Grade: O Grand Total: 800/1000 Percentage: 80.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page571 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AHUJA BHUMIKA MANISH SANGITA Seat No : 011158 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172827 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 378.00 SGPA: 9.45 Grade: O Grand Total: 848/1000 Percentage: 84.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page572 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ASHER SALONI ASHISH KUMKUM Seat No : 011159 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172866 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 798/1000 Percentage: 79.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page573 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BAIG SABA SOHAIL AHMED YASMEEN BANO Seat No : 011160 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172367 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page574 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANGA PARLEEN KAUR ROOPSINGH HARJEET KAUR Seat No : 011161 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172843 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page575 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHONA AASHNA BALDEVRAJ POOJA Seat No : 011162 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172746 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.20 SGPA: 8.28 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 736/1000 Percentage: 73.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page576 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAND MANVI BHUMIT VIBHA Seat No : 011163 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172793 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.00 SGPA: 9.15 Grade: O Grand Total: 821/1000 Percentage: 82.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page577 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHAMIR SHWETA TARESH REKHA Seat No : 011164 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172472 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.00 SGPA: 9.50 Grade: O Grand Total: 860/1000 Percentage: 86.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page578 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HATHIARY ALIFIYA ZUZER SAKINA Seat No : 011165 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172626 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 25 30/75 57 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.80 SGPA: 8.97 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page579 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : IYER SITALAXMI VIJAYKUMAR KAVERY Seat No : 011166 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172835 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 804/1000 Percentage: 80.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page580 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAIN SHREYA RAJESH PINAL Seat No : 011167 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172804 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.60 SGPA: 8.84 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 784/1000 Percentage: 78.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page581 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHAN ANJUM BANO NOORULLAH BINDU DEVI Seat No : 011168 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172576 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page582 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOORAKULU RIEYA HARISH JYOTI Seat No : 011169 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172495 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.40 SGPA: 9.51 Grade: O Grand Total: 854/1000 Percentage: 85.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page583 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MODY ZEAL SAMEER NAYNA Seat No : 011170 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172375 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page584 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAJEJA PREETI AMIT KAVITA Seat No : 011171 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172417 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.40 SGPA: 9.61 Grade: O Grand Total: 870/1000 Percentage: 87.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page585 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH ADITI SAHIL PAULOMI Seat No : 011172 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172665 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 373.20 SGPA: 9.33 Grade: O Grand Total: 839/1000 Percentage: 83.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page586 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH DIPTI KANTILAL KALAVATI Seat No : 011173 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172754 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.40 SGPA: 9.41 Grade: O Grand Total: 846/1000 Percentage: 84.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page587 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH UZMA ABDUL REHMAN FARIDA Seat No : 011174 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172851 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 73 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 371.20 SGPA: 9.28 Grade: O Grand Total: 831/1000 Percentage: 83.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page588 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SUVARNA AKSHATHA ASHOK ARUNDHATHI Seat No : 011175 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172611 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.80 SGPA: 8.87 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 787/1000 Percentage: 78.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page589 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TIWARI PRIYANKA KUSUM Seat No : 011176 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172561 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page590 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DUBEY SEJAL VINAY KUMAR KIRAN Seat No : 011177 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172785 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.40 SGPA: 8.16 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 720/1000 Percentage: 72.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page591 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JOSHI KINNARI PANKAJ HARSHADA Seat No : 011178 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172506 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.80 SGPA: 9.12 Grade: O Grand Total: 819/1000 Percentage: 81.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page592 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KALEKAR AISHWARYA VISHWANATH KALPANA Seat No : 011179 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172762 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 371.60 SGPA: 9.29 Grade: O Grand Total: 830/1000 Percentage: 83.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page593 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MEHTA KARISHMA JIGNESH AMITA Seat No : 011180 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172642 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.60 SGPA: 9.24 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page594 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NATHANI DIVYA BHUPENDRA SHARDA Seat No : 011181 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172592 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.80 SGPA: 9.22 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page595 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH PAYAL RAHUL PRAGNA Seat No : 011182 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172352 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 812/1000 Percentage: 81.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page596 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TRIVEDI PRANALI SHAILESH MEENA Seat No : 011183 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172603 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 371.60 SGPA: 9.29 Grade: O Grand Total: 833/1000 Percentage: 83.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page597 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BAM NILUFER FIROZE ROSHAN Seat No : 011184 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172433 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 20 -- -- 50 20 40/100 2 P 4.00 8.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.00 SGPA: 7.80 Grade: A Grand Total: 687/1000 Percentage: 68.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page598 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAUDHARI DIPTI ARUN SARALA Seat No : 011185 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172336 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 02 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page599 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DOSHI MOSMI HITUL RASILA Seat No : 011186 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172634 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.20 SGPA: 8.38 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 738/1000 Percentage: 73.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page600 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FERNANDES NAVINA ALFRED GENEVIEVE Seat No : 011187 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172464 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.00 SGPA: 9.00 Grade: O Grand Total: 800/1000 Percentage: 80.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page601 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOTHARI DISHMA BHIKAM MADHUBEN Seat No : 011188 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172696 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.60 SGPA: 8.99 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 799/1000 Percentage: 79.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page602 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALIK LUTFIYA UBAID SAJIDA Seat No : 011189 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172425 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 339.60 SGPA: 8.49 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 749/1000 Percentage: 74.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page603 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NANDA ANKEETA ANIL SEEMA Seat No : 011190 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172537 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.20 SGPA: 9.23 Grade: O Grand Total: 823/1000 Percentage: 82.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page604 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : REBELLO MARILYN RAYNWICK ANITA Seat No : 011191 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172673 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page605 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SARKAR SUDESHNA SUBHRA Seat No : 011192 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172441 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.80 SGPA: 9.22 Grade: O Grand Total: 823/1000 Percentage: 82.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page606 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH RICHA BIPINCHANDRA RASHMI Seat No : 011193 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172321 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.20 SGPA: 9.13 Grade: O Grand Total: 813/1000 Percentage: 81.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page607 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH SHEETAL DHARMVEER PUSHPENDRA KUMARI Seat No : 011194 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172584 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.60 SGPA: 9.24 Grade: O Grand Total: 824/1000 Percentage: 82.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page608 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV POOJA LALBAHADUR LILAVATI Seat No : 011195 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172657 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.20 SGPA: 8.68 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page609 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI JUVARIA SALIM SHAHEEN Seat No : 011196 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172553 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.20 SGPA: 8.38 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 747/1000 Percentage: 74.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page610 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI SHAISTA MOHAMMED SHABEER MEHRUNISSA Seat No : 011197 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172681 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.00 SGPA: 9.05 Grade: O Grand Total: 805/1000 Percentage: 80.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page611 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AWARE TRUPTI POPATRAO CHHAYA Seat No : 011198 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172456 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.20 SGPA: 8.28 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 733/1000 Percentage: 73.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page612 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANERJEE DEBOLINA SWAPNA Seat No : 011199 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172522 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 808/1000 Percentage: 80.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page613 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAUDHARY PREMLATA KUMARI SANJAY KUMAR BINDU Seat No : 011200 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172344 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.20 SGPA: 8.08 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 712/1000 Percentage: 71.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page614 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DICHOLKAR BHAGYASHREE SUNIL SUPRIYA Seat No : 011201 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172723 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.40 SGPA: 9.16 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page615 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA KRITHIKA PRASHANT LALITHA Seat No : 011202 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172715 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.80 SGPA: 8.92 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page616 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HILL MANPREET CARLTON HARVINDER Seat No : 011203 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172777 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page617 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANIKANDAN M MANJUSHAH USHA Seat No : 011204 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172487 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.60 SGPA: 8.84 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 784/1000 Percentage: 78.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page618 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHRINGI SHRUTEE REKHA Seat No : 011205 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172383 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page619 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH RAJLAXMI MAYA Seat No : 011206 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172731 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 336.40 SGPA: 8.41 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 747/1000 Percentage: 74.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page620 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TIWARI PRITI JITENDRAPRASAD SUNITA Seat No : 011207 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172514 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.20 SGPA: 8.33 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 742/1000 Percentage: 74.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page621 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAIN USHA RAJESH NIRMALA Seat No : 011208 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172391 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 381.20 SGPA: 9.53 Grade: O Grand Total: 865/1000 Percentage: 86.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page622 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAISWAL NEELU RADHEYSHYAM PUSHPA Seat No : 011209 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172707 Medium : English

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.00 SGPA: 8.85 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 785/1000 Percentage: 78.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page623 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AVHAD ANJALI ISHWAR SHAKUNTALA Seat No : 011210 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172812 Medium : Marathi

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 777/1000 Percentage: 77.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page624 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VAJA KAVITA SANJAY SHEELA Seat No : 011211 Center : 104 PRN : 2020016100172874 Medium : Marathi

College : 121: Mumbai B.Ed College for Women, Wadala, Mumbai

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.00 SGPA: 8.25 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 728/1000 Percentage: 72.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page625 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page626 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page627 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page628 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page629 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page630 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAIK POOJA RUPESH DIPASHREE Seat No : 010008 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100161501 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 390.00 SGPA: 9.75 Grade: O Grand Total: 882/1000 Percentage: 88.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page631 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESHPANDE RASHMI RAJU MEENA Seat No : 010033 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100161377 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 830/1000 Percentage: 83.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page632 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JIWNANI NEHA PRAKASH INDU Seat No : 010034 Center : 004 PRN : 2020016100161563 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.00 SGPA: 9.10 Grade: O Grand Total: 810/1000 Percentage: 81.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page633 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : IYER RAGHAVI SUBRAMANI SEETHALA Seat No : 010105 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161354 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.40 SGPA: 9.41 Grade: O Grand Total: 841/1000 Percentage: 84.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page634 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI NEHA VAIBHAV SHEETAL Seat No : 010106 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161412 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.80 SGPA: 8.87 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 788/1000 Percentage: 78.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page635 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI MAAHII VAIBHAV ARCHANA Seat No : 010107 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161323 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 364.40 SGPA: 9.11 Grade: O Grand Total: 811/1000 Percentage: 81.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page636 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI NAMITA RAJENDRAKUMAR SUMAN Seat No : 010108 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161474 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 69 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 65 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 69 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.40 SGPA: 8.86 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page637 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAUL GOWRI JOHN AMIRTHAM Seat No : 010109 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161346 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.40 SGPA: 9.21 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page638 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SANAS PRAJAKTA ANKUSH SANGEETA Seat No : 010110 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161532 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 389.60 SGPA: 9.74 Grade: O Grand Total: 893/1000 Percentage: 89.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page639 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHEDGE SAVITA ANIL SHARDA Seat No : 010111 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161331 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 55 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 61 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.00 SGPA: 8.75 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 775/1000 Percentage: 77.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page640 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THANDEN SIDDHI SURESH ANITA Seat No : 010112 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161571 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page641 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BULBULE VAISHALI ONKAR RATNAMALA Seat No : 010113 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161547 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.20 SGPA: 8.93 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 798/1000 Percentage: 79.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page642 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEHANKAR MEENAKSHI KISHOR VILOBHA Seat No : 010114 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161594 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.20 SGPA: 8.93 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 793/1000 Percentage: 79.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page643 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANDEKAR ADITI DAYANAND SUSHAMA Seat No : 010115 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161466 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 73 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.40 SGPA: 9.41 Grade: O Grand Total: 845/1000 Percentage: 84.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page644 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAIR SHWETA MURALEEDHARAN ANITA Seat No : 010116 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161482 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.80 SGPA: 9.37 Grade: O Grand Total: 843/1000 Percentage: 84.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page645 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANDEY SHIVANGI VIRENDRA SEEMA Seat No : 010117 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161605 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 36 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 47 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 45 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 297.60 SGPA: 7.44 Grade: A Grand Total: 655/1000 Percentage: 65.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page646 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL BHAVANA PRASAD SANGEETA Seat No : 010118 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161524 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 71 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.00 SGPA: 8.95 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page647 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PODUVAL RANJANA ASHOKAN SHOBHANA Seat No : 010119 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161393 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 51 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.60 SGPA: 8.14 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 720/1000 Percentage: 72.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page648 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAI KHUSHBOO BASUDEO KUNTI Seat No : 010120 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161385 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 15 30/75 61 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 69 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 15 30/75 59 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 57 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 39 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.40 SGPA: 8.26 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 731/1000 Percentage: 73.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page649 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAHARE SONAL HARIDAS USHA Seat No : 010121 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161427 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 43 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 57 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 38 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 711/1000 Percentage: 71.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page650 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA APRINA HIRAMANI Seat No : 010122 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161404 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.20 SGPA: 8.83 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 788/1000 Percentage: 78.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page651 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA BRAJESHWARI SHYAMSUNDAR AMARJEET Seat No : 010123 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161435 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 59 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 67 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 15 30/75 65 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 61 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 69 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 59 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 15 30/75 36 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.20 SGPA: 8.53 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 758/1000 Percentage: 75.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page652 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SINGH MADHU UGRASEN BINDU Seat No : 010124 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161307 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.40 SGPA: 8.61 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 761/1000 Percentage: 76.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page653 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAMUSHTE SONALI SANTOSH SANCHITA Seat No : 010125 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161516 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 73 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 384.80 SGPA: 9.62 Grade: O Grand Total: 872/1000 Percentage: 87.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page654 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV VINEETA VILAS CHHAYA Seat No : 010126 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161451 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 390.00 SGPA: 9.75 Grade: O Grand Total: 890/1000 Percentage: 89.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page655 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAIR ANJALI ANIYANKUNJU VANAJA Seat No : 010127 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161555 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.20 SGPA: 9.18 Grade: O Grand Total: 820/1000 Percentage: 82.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page656 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAIR BEENA PRADEEP KANAKAMMA Seat No : 010128 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161497 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 75 100 98 98/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 393.60 SGPA: 9.84 Grade: O Grand Total: 898/1000 Percentage: 89.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page657 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANDEY KHUSHBU SUBHASH KALAWATI Seat No : 010129 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161362 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.80 SGPA: 9.32 Grade: O Grand Total: 838/1000 Percentage: 83.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page658 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV SHASHI RAJEEV SUNAINA Seat No : 010130 Center : 009 PRN : 2020016100161315 Medium : English

College : 123: Saraswati Vidya Bhavans College of Education and Research, Dombivali

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 383.20 SGPA: 9.58 Grade: O Grand Total: 865/1000 Percentage: 86.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page659 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page660 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page661 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page662 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page663 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page664 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHHABRA SIMAR CHARANJEET SHWETA Seat No : 011212 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146312 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 745/1000 Percentage: 74.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page665 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAWRE SHIKHA PRAHLAD DAWRE SANGEETA DAWRE Seat No : 011213 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142902 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.80 SGPA: 8.57 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page666 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FERNANDES GAYZEL FRANKY HAZEL Seat No : 011214 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146656 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.80 SGPA: 9.32 Grade: O Grand Total: 832/1000 Percentage: 83.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page667 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAUR BHATIA RAMANDEEP JASPAL BHATIA MANJEET K Seat No : 011215 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143607 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 357.60 SGPA: 8.94 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 794/1000 Percentage: 79.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page668 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAUR MATHARU SIMRAN SARBJEET SINGH KARMJEET KAUR Seat No : 011216 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146513 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 10 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page669 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAUR SAINI SIMRAN SURENDER SINGH JASVINDER KAUR Seat No : 011217 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146432 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.80 SGPA: 8.92 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 792/1000 Percentage: 79.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page670 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOTIANI NEHA KISHORE MOTIANI RENU MOTIANI Seat No : 011218 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146401 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.60 SGPA: 8.89 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 789/1000 Percentage: 78.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page671 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAGHUNATH LAKSHMI T RAGHUNATH BHAVANI C Seat No : 011219 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146424 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 381.20 SGPA: 9.53 Grade: O Grand Total: 855/1000 Percentage: 85.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page672 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RANI S SELVA S SUSAI S MICKLAMAL Seat No : 011220 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146617 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 55 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 378.00 SGPA: 9.45 Grade: O Grand Total: 859/1000 Percentage: 85.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page673 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHANKHLA VENUS VIRENDRA SHANKHLA MEENA SHANKHLA Seat No : 011221 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146567 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 805/1000 Percentage: 80.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page674 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA PRATIBHA SUDHIR SHARMA SUDHA DIKSHIT Seat No : 011222 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143646 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 38 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 53 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page675 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PALNDE SNEHAL FULCHAND SUMAN Seat No : 011223 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148245 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.80 SGPA: 8.22 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 728/1000 Percentage: 72.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page676 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAHA DIPITA SADHU SHAMOLI Seat No : 011224 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148253 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.00 SGPA: 8.80 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page677 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA BEENADEVI RAMBHAROSELAL PRABHAVATI Seat No : 011225 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148663 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.20 SGPA: 8.63 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 763/1000 Percentage: 76.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page678 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHUKLA DEEPIKA RAJENDRA KUSUM Seat No : 011226 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148284 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.20 SGPA: 8.33 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 733/1000 Percentage: 73.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page679 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AIL SHRADHA SHASHINDRA RASHMI Seat No : 011227 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148261 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.60 SGPA: 8.79 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 779/1000 Percentage: 77.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page680 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANSAL ISHITA SANJAY HEMA Seat No : 011228 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146103 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.40 SGPA: 9.01 Grade: O Grand Total: 801/1000 Percentage: 80.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page681 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BARIYA HANSA MULJI LAXMI Seat No : 011229 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148237 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.60 SGPA: 8.54 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 754/1000 Percentage: 75.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page682 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHANCHLANI SAKSHI RAVI SALOCHNA Seat No : 011230 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100147814 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.40 SGPA: 8.36 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 736/1000 Percentage: 73.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page683 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESAI AKRUTI AAKIN GIRA Seat No : 011231 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148705 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 00 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page684 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DEVGHARE MINAL MILIND ARCHANA Seat No : 011232 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148616 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.20 SGPA: 9.13 Grade: O Grand Total: 814/1000 Percentage: 81.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page685 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DIAS JUVENHA SEBASTIAN JULIET Seat No : 011233 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146625 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 382.00 SGPA: 9.55 Grade: O Grand Total: 855/1000 Percentage: 85.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page686 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FAZAL NADA SYED SAOOD NAYYAR Seat No : 011234 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146374 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.80 SGPA: 9.52 Grade: O Grand Total: 854/1000 Percentage: 85.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page687 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FERNANDES MILLICENT OMESH GEORGINA Seat No : 011235 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142925 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 385.60 SGPA: 9.64 Grade: O Grand Total: 868/1000 Percentage: 86.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page688 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FRANCISCA SHILPA PRAKASH SUIZA Seat No : 011236 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148671 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.40 SGPA: 8.61 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page689 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : IYER ROOPA RAVI LALITA Seat No : 011237 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148222 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.80 SGPA: 8.82 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 782/1000 Percentage: 78.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page690 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAFFAR NELUFAR MOHD NAFEESA Seat No : 011238 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148601 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.40 SGPA: 8.26 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 729/1000 Percentage: 72.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page691 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JALOTA RUPALI MANISH CHANDA Seat No : 011239 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143654 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.60 SGPA: 9.19 Grade: O Grand Total: 819/1000 Percentage: 81.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page692 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAUR GURPREET MAHINDER GURMEET Seat No : 011240 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148632 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.60 SGPA: 8.64 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 764/1000 Percentage: 76.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page693 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MISHRA ANKITA BIBHASH CHANDRA KUMKUM Seat No : 011241 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146277 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 75 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 377.60 SGPA: 9.44 Grade: O Grand Total: 850/1000 Percentage: 85.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page694 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PILLAI SONALI FELIX MARTINA Seat No : 011242 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148647 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.80 SGPA: 8.87 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 787/1000 Percentage: 78.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page695 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PUJARI RITHULA RAGHU SHREEJA Seat No : 011243 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148655 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page696 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAJANI HARSHITA BHAJAN DIVYA Seat No : 011244 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146366 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 41 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 47 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 375.60 SGPA: 9.39 Grade: O Grand Total: 854/1000 Percentage: 85.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page697 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAVAL RIDDHIMA UNCHIT RAJNI Seat No : 011245 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148624 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.00 SGPA: 8.85 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 785/1000 Percentage: 78.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page698 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH SHABANA ABDUL KADAR NOORJAHAN Seat No : 011246 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148686 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.00 SGPA: 9.15 Grade: O Grand Total: 815/1000 Percentage: 81.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page699 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA SWARNIMA PRADEEP KAMAL Seat No : 011247 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100147806 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page700 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHETTY VIJITHA SANJEEVA SHETY VIMALA SHETTY Seat No : 011248 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146037 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 391.60 SGPA: 9.79 Grade: O Grand Total: 889/1000 Percentage: 88.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page701 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VYAS MANISHA BASANT VYAS NIRMALA VYAS Seat No : 011249 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146335 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.80 SGPA: 8.97 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page702 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GUPTA KANGAN RAJENDRA KUMAR GUPTA USHA GUPTA Seat No : 011250 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146602 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.60 SGPA: 8.74 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 775/1000 Percentage: 77.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page703 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JOHN RINCY BACHITTER SINGH LILY SINGH Seat No : 011251 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146142 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 373.20 SGPA: 9.33 Grade: O Grand Total: 850/1000 Percentage: 85.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page704 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHEKHAWAT BHUMIKA NAVEEN SHEKHAWAT SAROJ Seat No : 011252 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146633 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.40 SGPA: 8.11 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 718/1000 Percentage: 71.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page705 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHRIVASTAVA BHARTI B B SHRIVASTAVA CHANDRABALA Seat No : 011253 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146664 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 379.20 SGPA: 9.48 Grade: O Grand Total: 848/1000 Percentage: 84.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page706 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SOMAN DIVYA B S PILLAI VASANTHA Seat No : 011254 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146641 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page707 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONI SHIVRANJANI PANKAJ KUNDA Seat No : 011255 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148736 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page708 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TOMAR SANGEETA ARVIND KUNDA Seat No : 011256 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146134 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.80 SGPA: 9.37 Grade: O Grand Total: 837/1000 Percentage: 83.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page709 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA REKHA HITESH LEELA Seat No : 011257 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148292 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 75 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 75 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.40 SGPA: 9.36 Grade: O Grand Total: 845/1000 Percentage: 84.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page710 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHETTY SWATI KRISHNA BHARTI Seat No : 011258 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148597 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 73 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.20 SGPA: 8.78 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page711 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ARYA NEHA JEEVAN KUMAR ARYA SEEMA Seat No : 011259 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146327 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 808/1000 Percentage: 80.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page712 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANJARE NEHA GOPAL SEEMA Seat No : 011260 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146126 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.20 SGPA: 9.18 Grade: O Grand Total: 818/1000 Percentage: 81.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page713 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHARADWAJ PREETI GHANSHYAM DARDHAN Seat No : 011261 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148276 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.40 SGPA: 8.56 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page714 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FAKHRUDDIN FARIDA MUSTAFA KAPADIA MARYAM KAUSAR Seat No : 011262 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146521 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.80 SGPA: 9.27 Grade: O Grand Total: 827/1000 Percentage: 82.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page715 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHOSH SWAGATA SHREEMAN TRISHNA Seat No : 011263 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146045 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 59 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.80 SGPA: 9.17 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page716 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VISHAKHA NARENDRA KAJALE MAMATA PANDE Seat No : 011264 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148214 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 55 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 363.20 SGPA: 9.08 Grade: O Grand Total: 808/1000 Percentage: 80.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page717 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAUR TUTEJA JASMEET SATPAL TARANJEET Seat No : 011265 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100147795 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.20 SGPA: 9.23 Grade: O Grand Total: 824/1000 Percentage: 82.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page718 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMARI KAVITA PANKAJ KUMAR SADHNA DEVI Seat No : 011266 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146014 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 73 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page719 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALAV MONIKA HARISHANKER RAMURTI MALAV Seat No : 011267 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142875 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 339.20 SGPA: 8.48 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 748/1000 Percentage: 74.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page720 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAGAR CHETNA MUKESH SANDHYA Seat No : 011268 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142844 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page721 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAITHANKAR DEEPIKA PRASANNA PAITHANKAR JAYSHRI Seat No : 011269 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146022 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 57 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.00 SGPA: 9.20 Grade: O Grand Total: 827/1000 Percentage: 82.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page722 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR KAVITA PRAHLAD NARMADA Seat No : 011270 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148694 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.00 SGPA: 8.10 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 716/1000 Percentage: 71.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page723 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PUNJABI KASHISH BANSILAL PUNJABI RESHMA PUNJABI Seat No : 011271 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146552 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page724 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAMCHANDANI DIKSHA RAJESH RAMCHANDANI SONA Seat No : 011272 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146343 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.40 SGPA: 8.76 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page725 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHARMA TEENA ARUN SUSHILA Seat No : 011273 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146784 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.40 SGPA: 9.16 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page726 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MADHYA PRADESH JYOTI JAIN Seat No : 011274 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146084 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.80 SGPA: 9.07 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page727 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AGARWAL ANSHUL ANKUR SUNITA Seat No : 011275 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146575 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 73 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 392.40 SGPA: 9.81 Grade: O Grand Total: 897/1000 Percentage: 89.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page728 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANSAL SUPRIYA SARVAPRIYA ANITA Seat No : 011276 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100147822 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 73 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 73 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 391.20 SGPA: 9.78 Grade: O Grand Total: 901/1000 Percentage: 90.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page729 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHATIA PRABHJOT HARSHDEEP AMRAT Seat No : 011277 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146285 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 71 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 365.60 SGPA: 9.14 Grade: O Grand Total: 816/1000 Percentage: 81.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page730 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BOSE BABITA PANKAJ BOSE KAJAL SIRKAR Seat No : 011278 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146591 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 75 100 98 98/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 392.80 SGPA: 9.82 Grade: O Grand Total: 894/1000 Percentage: 89.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page731 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHHETIYA SONIYA JAGDISH CHHETIYA CHANDNI CHHETIYA Seat No : 011279 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143677 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 380.00 SGPA: 9.50 Grade: O Grand Total: 851/1000 Percentage: 85.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page732 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAVID SHARIN FRANKY DAVID SUNITA DAVID Seat No : 011280 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143662 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page733 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FUNDWANI YUKTA DINESH FUNDWANI VINITA FUNDWANI Seat No : 011281 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146544 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.00 SGPA: 9.30 Grade: O Grand Total: 831/1000 Percentage: 83.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page734 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GANDHI JASLEEN HARPREET PREET Seat No : 011282 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146397 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.00 SGPA: 9.25 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page735 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GULABCHANDANI POOJA RAJESH GEETA Seat No : 011283 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148721 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.00 SGPA: 8.00 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 705/1000 Percentage: 70.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page736 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAIN ADITI PARAS SNEH Seat No : 011284 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146304 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 73 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 386.00 SGPA: 9.65 Grade: O Grand Total: 876/1000 Percentage: 87.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page737 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAIN KOMAL VIKAS CHANDRA Seat No : 011285 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100147837 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.40 SGPA: 8.96 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page738 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JHA KANCHAN SHUBH KANT BIBHA JHA Seat No : 011286 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142867 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 343.20 SGPA: 8.58 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 758/1000 Percentage: 75.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page739 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JHA KUMKUM SHUBH KANT BIBHA JHA Seat No : 011287 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142852 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 746/1000 Percentage: 74.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page740 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAPOOR KRITIKA KUNAL KAPOOR KAPOOR Seat No : 011288 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100148713 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.00 SGPA: 9.40 Grade: O Grand Total: 840/1000 Percentage: 84.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page741 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAUR SAINI SUKHVINDER AVTAR RAJINDER Seat No : 011289 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146792 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.40 SGPA: 7.76 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page742 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAHESHWARI VANDANA ADITYA MAHESHWARI SITA DEVI Seat No : 011290 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146382 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 388.00 SGPA: 9.70 Grade: O Grand Total: 878/1000 Percentage: 87.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page743 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANSOOR HARSHI MEHANDI MANSOOR KHAN SABHA Seat No : 011291 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146536 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.60 SGPA: 9.19 Grade: O Grand Total: 820/1000 Percentage: 82.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page744 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOTWANI NISHA RAMESH JYOTI Seat No : 011292 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142891 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 341.60 SGPA: 8.54 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 755/1000 Percentage: 75.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page745 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : POPLI MANSI NITIN POPLI SANGEETA Seat No : 011293 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146157 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 385.60 SGPA: 9.64 Grade: O Grand Total: 868/1000 Percentage: 86.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page746 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRADEEP GURNANI JUHI PRADEEP GURNANI GURNANI Seat No : 011294 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143631 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 71 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 388.00 SGPA: 9.70 Grade: O Grand Total: 898/1000 Percentage: 89.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page747 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RATHI DEEPIKA ADITYA RATHI SADHANA GADHI Seat No : 011295 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146076 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 71 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 75 100 98 98/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 394.80 SGPA: 9.87 Grade: O Grand Total: 913/1000 Percentage: 91.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page748 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SANGHVI VINITA AADIT MEENA Seat No : 011296 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142883 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 55 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 383.60 SGPA: 9.59 Grade: O Grand Total: 878/1000 Percentage: 87.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page749 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHUKLA SONAL NARENDRA SHUKLA Seat No : 011297 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146173 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.20 SGPA: 9.23 Grade: O Grand Total: 823/1000 Percentage: 82.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page750 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SIDDIQI JASMINE A HAMID SIDDIQUI ASMINA SIDDIQUI Seat No : 011298 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146583 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page751 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SITLANI KANCHAN AMARLAL MAMTA Seat No : 011299 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146776 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.80 SGPA: 8.97 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page752 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TIRTHANI POOJA CHETAN HEMANI Seat No : 011300 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100142917 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.00 SGPA: 8.95 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 795/1000 Percentage: 79.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page753 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TOURANI JAYA RAJESH ANITA Seat No : 011301 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100147845 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page754 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VIJAYWARGIYA GUNJAN PIYUSH VIJAYWARGIYA Seat No : 011302 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146061 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 65 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 395.20 SGPA: 9.88 Grade: O Grand Total: 909/1000 Percentage: 90.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page755 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ZAHRA FAROOQI FATIMA HABIB UR REHMAN KAZI HAZIRA BI Seat No : 011303 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146053 Medium : English

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 67 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 63 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 49 -- -- 50 49 98/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 395.60 SGPA: 9.89 Grade: O Grand Total: 916/1000 Percentage: 91.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page756 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMARI AYUSHI VIJAY SINGH SITA DEVI Seat No : 011304 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146165 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.00 SGPA: 8.30 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page757 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMARI KHUSHBOO ARUN KUMAR GUPTA KUMKUM DEVI Seat No : 011305 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146351 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 339.60 SGPA: 8.49 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 749/1000 Percentage: 74.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page758 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PRIYA ANNU VINAYAK REKHA Seat No : 011306 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143615 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1113 Social Science Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page759 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AGRAWAL PRIYANKA MAYUR PRAMILA Seat No : 011307 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146111 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.40 SGPA: 9.16 Grade: O Grand Total: 820/1000 Percentage: 82.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page760 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAKOTIYA VASHNI KULDEEP VIKEY SAVITRI KAKOTIYA Seat No : 011308 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146416 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 352.80 SGPA: 8.82 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 783/1000 Percentage: 78.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page761 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMARI PRIYANKA ANIMESH KUMAR RENU DEVI Seat No : 011309 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146092 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 RR 30/75 NP 100 RR -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page762 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SITOLE SHRADDHA MANOJ ANITA Seat No : 011310 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100146293 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 61 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.40 SGPA: 8.66 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page763 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADUWANSHI RINKI MAYANK INDIRA DEVI Seat No : 011311 Center : 109 PRN : 2020016100143623 Medium : Hindi

College : 130: Smt. Dherya Prabha Devi Sojatia Women`s College, Indore

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 51 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.80 SGPA: 8.47 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 755/1000 Percentage: 75.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page764 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page765 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page766 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page767 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page768 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page769 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : FARHANA KHATOON MD QALANDAR TAHERA Seat No : 011700 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170701 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 12 30/75 57 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 69 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 61 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 57 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 59 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.80 SGPA: 7.95 Grade: A Grand Total: 697/1000 Percentage: 69.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page770 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH AYESHA MD QUALANDER TAHERA BEGUM Seat No : 011701 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170434 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 12 30/75 61 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 71 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 15 30/75 65 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.60 SGPA: 8.29 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 729/1000 Percentage: 72.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page771 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : UMARJI PRAGATI BHIMASHANKAR KALAVATI Seat No : 011702 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170604 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 69 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 367.20 SGPA: 9.18 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page772 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHOUGULE PARVATI BILYANI GAURAKKA Seat No : 011703 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170403 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 55 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.40 SGPA: 9.31 Grade: O Grand Total: 835/1000 Percentage: 83.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page773 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANSARI ALFIYA MUSA AFSANA Seat No : 011704 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170562 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 55 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 61 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 51 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 13 30/75 67 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.20 SGPA: 8.21 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 723/1000 Percentage: 72.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page774 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BARDE SHUBHANGI PANDHARINATH ARCHANA Seat No : 011705 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170666 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 57 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 65 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 57 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 53 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 55 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 41 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 38 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 23 -- -- 50 23 46/100 2 C 5.10 10.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 27 -- -- 50 27 54/100 2 B 5.90 11.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 273.60 SGPA: 6.84 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 607/1000 Percentage: 60.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page775 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BORLE SMITA PANKAJ NALINI Seat No : 011706 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170322 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.80 SGPA: 9.02 Grade: O Grand Total: 802/1000 Percentage: 80.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page776 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KALJE SWEETI VIJAY KALPANA Seat No : 011707 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170674 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 53 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page777 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KATTE NIKITA CHANNAPPA SHAKUNTALA Seat No : 011708 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170531 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 51 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 69 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 67 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 57 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 61 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 57 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 38 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 27 -- -- 50 27 54/100 2 B 5.90 11.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 289.60 SGPA: 7.24 Grade: A Grand Total: 644/1000 Percentage: 64.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page778 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KENDALE SAMRUDHI SUNIL NEETA Seat No : 011709 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170337 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 67 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.60 SGPA: 8.84 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 784/1000 Percentage: 78.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page779 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHALSODE SHALAKA PARMESHWAR SANGITA Seat No : 011710 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170256 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 49 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 57 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 63 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 53 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 12 30/75 65 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 39 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 27 -- -- 50 27 54/100 2 B 5.90 11.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 287.80 SGPA: 7.20 Grade: A Grand Total: 637/1000 Percentage: 63.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page780 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHARAT SHWETA ANSAYYA JAYASHREE Seat No : 011711 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170411 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 63 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 15 30/75 63 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 14 30/75 45 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.00 SGPA: 7.65 Grade: A Grand Total: 676/1000 Percentage: 67.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page781 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KODACHWAD MEGHANA RAVINDRA GEETA Seat No : 011712 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170716 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 53 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 73 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 14 30/75 67 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 59 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 59 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 55 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 45 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 28 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/700 Percentage: --

Name : KODACHWAD RASHMI RAVINDRA GEETA Seat No : 011713 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170295 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 53 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 73 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 12 30/75 67 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 14 30/75 59 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.00 SGPA: 7.93 Grade: A Grand Total: 703/1000 Percentage: 70.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page782 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH AMREENSALEHA ABDULRAHIM ASMA Seat No : 011714 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170272 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 36 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.40 SGPA: 9.16 Grade: O Grand Total: 823/1000 Percentage: 82.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page783 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH WAHIDA ABUTAHER SHAKERA Seat No : 011715 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170314 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 47 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 67 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 16 30/75 71 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 57 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 63 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 33 -- -- 50 33 66/100 2 A 7.60 15.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.20 SGPA: 8.13 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 715/1000 Percentage: 71.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page784 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANDHARE MAYAWATI MOHAN SHOBHA Seat No : 011716 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170384 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 49 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 73 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 67 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 59 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 63 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 55 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 36 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 27 -- -- 50 27 54/100 2 B 5.90 11.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 290.00 SGPA: 7.25 Grade: A Grand Total: 645/1000 Percentage: 64.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page785 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATEL MASARRAT MOHD FAIZ PARVEEN Seat No : 011717 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170507 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 43 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 361.20 SGPA: 9.03 Grade: O Grand Total: 812/1000 Percentage: 81.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page786 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE SNEHAL HEMANT SAPANA Seat No : 011718 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170392 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 47 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 47 -- -- 50 47 94/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 374.00 SGPA: 9.35 Grade: O Grand Total: 840/1000 Percentage: 84.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page787 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SOLAPURE APURVA VINAYAK SHAILAJA Seat No : 011719 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170515 Medium : English

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 366.00 SGPA: 9.15 Grade: O Grand Total: 822/1000 Percentage: 82.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page788 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN SONAL SUDAM BANUTAI Seat No : 011720 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170241 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 57 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 53 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 30 100 43 04 43/100 4 P 4.60 18.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 55 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 47 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 39 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 65 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 27 -- -- 50 27 54/100 2 B 5.90 11.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 264.80 SGPA: 6.62 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 591/1000 Percentage: 59.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page789 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD SONALI MALAPPA MAREWWA Seat No : 011721 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170287 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 45 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.40 SGPA: 8.01 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 707/1000 Percentage: 70.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page790 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL ROHINI RAJKUMAR MALTI Seat No : 011722 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170473 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 16 30/75 51 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 63 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 30 100 43 04 43/100 4 P 4.60 18.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 59 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 43 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 71 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 283.60 SGPA: 7.09 Grade: A Grand Total: 632/1000 Percentage: 63.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page791 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BAGAWAN HEENA A RAJAK SHAKILA Seat No : 011723 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170442 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 73 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.20 SGPA: 8.98 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 810/1000 Percentage: 81.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page792 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HANDE SNEHAL NAGANATH VIJAYA Seat No : 011724 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170577 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.80 SGPA: 8.57 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page793 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMBHAR SAVITA MAHADEV NANDA Seat No : 011725 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170465 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 10 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.60 SGPA: 8.34 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 743/1000 Percentage: 74.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page794 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOMIN ANEES SADIK AHMED NAFISA Seat No : 011726 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170264 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 32 100 43 43/100 4 P 4.60 18.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 49 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 15 30/75 30 100 45 08 45/100 4 C 5.00 20.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 14 30/75 30 100 44 44/100 4 P 4.80 19.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 14 30/75 38 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 31 -- -- 50 31 62/100 2 A 7.20 14.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 30 -- -- 50 30 60/100 2 A 7.00 14.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 246.60 SGPA: 6.17 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 543/1000 Percentage: 54.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page795 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL SARIKA BABURAO NILABAI Seat No : 011727 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170554 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 69 100 92 92/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 369.60 SGPA: 9.24 Grade: O Grand Total: 833/1000 Percentage: 83.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page796 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAKHARE SANJIVANI PANDURANG JANAKI Seat No : 011728 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170353 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 45 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 67 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 14 30/75 30 100 44 06 44/100 4 P 4.80 19.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 57 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 41 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 13 30/75 57 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 11 30/75 61 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 24 -- -- 50 24 48/100 2 C 5.30 10.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 29 -- -- 50 29 58/100 2 B+ 6.60 13.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 266.60 SGPA: 6.67 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 595/1000 Percentage: 59.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page797 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHMARE ASHWINI SHIVARUDRA SANGEETA Seat No : 011729 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170651 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 38 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page798 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOLI RADHIKA SANDESH RENUKA Seat No : 011730 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170496 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.20 SGPA: 8.63 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 772/1000 Percentage: 77.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page799 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BABAR ARPITA BHASKAR REKHA Seat No : 011731 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170612 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 349.20 SGPA: 8.73 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 790/1000 Percentage: 79.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page800 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BIRAJDAR DIPALI CHIDANAND SAVITA Seat No : 011732 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170523 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 55 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 323.20 SGPA: 8.08 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 721/1000 Percentage: 72.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page801 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD VISHAKHA PANDURANG SATYABHAMA Seat No : 011733 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170361 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 14 30/75 63 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 14 30/75 51 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 29 -- -- 50 29 58/100 2 B+ 6.60 13.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 774/1000 Percentage: 77.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page802 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HAJARE ANUPRITA AVINASH PRABHAVATI Seat No : 011734 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170481 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 24 30/75 53 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 24 30/75 34 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.20 SGPA: 8.88 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 802/1000 Percentage: 80.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page803 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAGTAP AMBIKA MOHAN LAXMI Seat No : 011735 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170627 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.80 SGPA: 7.67 Grade: A Grand Total: 679/1000 Percentage: 67.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page804 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM PRANJALI NARAYAN MAHANANDA Seat No : 011736 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170457 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 16 30/75 45 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page805 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOLI DHANASHRI MUTYAPPA JAYASHRI Seat No : 011737 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170376 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 757/1000 Percentage: 75.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page806 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOTHAVALE AMRUTA ASHOK SUNITA Seat No : 011738 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170585 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 08 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 704/1000 Percentage: 70.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page807 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MHAMANE DIPIKA RAMCHANDRA SHAILASHRI Seat No : 011739 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170345 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 55 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 35 -- -- 50 35 70/100 2 A+ 8.00 16.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 301.20 SGPA: 7.53 Grade: A Grand Total: 661/1000 Percentage: 66.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page808 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANCHAL ARCHANA ASHOK ANURADHA Seat No : 011740 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170306 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 41 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 12 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 30 100 42 04 42/100 4 P 4.40 17.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 47 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 45 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 26 -- -- 50 26 52/100 2 B 5.70 11.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page809 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI NIKITA NITIN SUCHETA Seat No : 011741 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170635 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 11 30/75 49 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 12 30/75 57 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 13 30/75 30 100 43 04 43/100 4 P 4.60 18.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 12 30/75 49 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 11 30/75 45 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 45 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 39 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 27 -- -- 50 27 54/100 2 B 5.90 11.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 25 -- -- 50 25 50/100 2 B 5.50 11.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 250.40 SGPA: 6.26 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 557/1000 Percentage: 55.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page810 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMBHARE VAISHNAVI EKNATH KAMAL Seat No : 011742 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170682 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.40 SGPA: 8.36 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 741/1000 Percentage: 74.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page811 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE MADHURI RAJIV MADHUMATI Seat No : 011743 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170546 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 303.20 SGPA: 7.58 Grade: A Grand Total: 670/1000 Percentage: 67.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page812 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MORE SUHASINI VISHWAS SUNANDA Seat No : 011744 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170426 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 16 30/75 59 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 30 100 47 04 47/100 4 C 5.20 20.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 16 30/75 59 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 34 -- -- 50 34 68/100 2 A 7.80 15.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 311.60 SGPA: 7.79 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page813 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NINGADALE SHRUTI ANANDRAO ANAJANADEVI Seat No : 011745 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170724 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 14 30/75 47 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 14 30/75 30 100 44 02 44/100 4 P 4.80 19.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 14 30/75 32 100 46 46/100 4 C 5.10 20.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 28 -- -- 50 28 56/100 2 B+ 6.20 12.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 260.40 SGPA: 6.51 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 578/1000 Percentage: 57.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page814 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL IRAM ILIYAS MOHEENABEGAM Seat No : 011746 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170593 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.80 SGPA: 7.97 Grade: A Grand Total: 717/1000 Percentage: 71.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page815 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL NURUNNEHA MUMTAJ ARIFA Seat No : 011747 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170643 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.80 SGPA: 8.02 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 720/1000 Percentage: 72.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page816 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL RUPINI RAJKUMAR MALTI Seat No : 011748 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170697 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 337.20 SGPA: 8.43 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 760/1000 Percentage: 76.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page817 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH SUMAIYYA SHARIF JULEKHANA Seat No : 011749 Center : 124 PRN : 2020016100170732 Medium : Marathi

College : 135: Matoshri Girijabai Dhobale`s Womens College of Education, Jule-Solapur

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 48 -- -- 50 48 96/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.40 SGPA: 8.16 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page818 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page819 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page820 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page821 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page822 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page823 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AKHADE PALLAVI SHIVAJI CHHAYA Seat No : 011312 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135264 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page824 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANSODE KANCHAN KABIR TAI Seat No : 011313 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138491 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.00 SGPA: 7.80 Grade: A Grand Total: 695/1000 Percentage: 69.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page825 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GALAVE RESHMA VASANT SANGITA Seat No : 011314 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135813 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 321.20 SGPA: 8.03 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 709/1000 Percentage: 70.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page826 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHANDARE ARTI BABASAHEB REKHA Seat No : 011315 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138475 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.40 SGPA: 8.31 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 736/1000 Percentage: 73.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page827 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHANKAL DIPALI YOGESH VISHRANTI Seat No : 011316 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136101 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 67 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.00 SGPA: 8.20 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page828 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOSHTI KAVITA SHANKAR SHRIDEVI Seat No : 011317 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136074 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.80 SGPA: 8.17 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 725/1000 Percentage: 72.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page829 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MALI VAISHALI BHAGWAN SHINDU Seat No : 011318 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135794 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 321.60 SGPA: 8.04 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 709/1000 Percentage: 70.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page830 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANIYAR APARIN TAJUDDIN LAILABI Seat No : 011319 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135786 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 345.20 SGPA: 8.63 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 769/1000 Percentage: 76.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page831 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NANAVARE SUPRIYA SUBRAO CHHAYA Seat No : 011320 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135844 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 59 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 71 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.00 SGPA: 8.20 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 725/1000 Percentage: 72.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page832 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SATHE CHHAYA SOMNATH SUVARNA Seat No : 011321 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138467 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 300.00 SGPA: 7.50 Grade: A Grand Total: 661/1000 Percentage: 66.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page833 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LIGADE SONALI RAJKUMAR MALTEE Seat No : 011322 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133145 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 AB 30/75 NP 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 AB -- -- 50 AB -- 2 F 0.00 0.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page834 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BALTE VIDYA BHIMRAO BHAGIRATHI Seat No : 011323 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138394 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 282.80 SGPA: 7.07 Grade: A Grand Total: 626/1000 Percentage: 62.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page835 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GADEKAR SUVARNA NAMDEO SHOBHA Seat No : 011324 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135306 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page836 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GODASE MAYURI RAMESH SAVITRI Seat No : 011325 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138726 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.40 SGPA: 8.36 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 742/1000 Percentage: 74.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page837 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAMGAONKAR DIPANJALI GOPALRAO BAI Seat No : 011326 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136082 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page838 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KARAPE KASTURA NANASAHEB NANDA Seat No : 011327 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133203 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.80 SGPA: 8.27 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 732/1000 Percentage: 73.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page839 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LONDHE SHARADA UDDHAV SUNITA Seat No : 011328 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136097 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 51 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 292.00 SGPA: 7.30 Grade: A Grand Total: 647/1000 Percentage: 64.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page840 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PUKALE SWATI ARVIND ANUSAYA Seat No : 011329 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135867 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 71 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.40 SGPA: 8.21 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page841 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BIRAJDAR GANGABAI SHIVABALA NILAVVA Seat No : 011330 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138734 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 39 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 40 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 30 100 47 47/100 4 C 5.20 20.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 264.00 SGPA: 6.60 Grade: B+ Grand Total: 590/1000 Percentage: 59.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page842 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV SHITAL BALASO SUVARNA Seat No : 011331 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136066 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 303.60 SGPA: 7.59 Grade: A Grand Total: 672/1000 Percentage: 67.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page843 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LINGADE JYOTI ARJUN UJJWALA Seat No : 011332 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138502 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 75 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.20 SGPA: 8.28 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 737/1000 Percentage: 73.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page844 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MADAKE SNEHAL SHIVAJI PADMAVATI Seat No : 011333 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138711 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.60 SGPA: 7.74 Grade: A Grand Total: 681/1000 Percentage: 68.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page845 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MAHADIK CHANDANI RAJENDRA SUMITRA Seat No : 011334 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135337 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 10 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.60 SGPA: 7.99 Grade: A Grand Total: 704/1000 Percentage: 70.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page846 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAPAKAL VARSHA BANDU SANGITA Seat No : 011335 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133211 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 303.20 SGPA: 7.58 Grade: A Grand Total: 665/1000 Percentage: 66.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page847 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ANUSE RESHMA NIVRUTTI SHARADA Seat No : 011336 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135805 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 302.80 SGPA: 7.57 Grade: A Grand Total: 669/1000 Percentage: 66.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page848 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BABAR RUTUJA SHANKARRAO MANISHA Seat No : 011337 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133184 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 08 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.80 SGPA: 8.07 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page849 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BURANDE MAYURI BALASAHEB NANDABAI Seat No : 011338 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138452 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 298.80 SGPA: 7.47 Grade: A Grand Total: 662/1000 Percentage: 66.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page850 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN SUPRIYA VISHNU VANDANA Seat No : 011339 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138525 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 38 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 298.40 SGPA: 7.46 Grade: A Grand Total: 662/1000 Percentage: 66.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page851 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DARGUDE PRIYANKA NAGNATH RATAN Seat No : 011340 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138517 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.00 SGPA: 7.90 Grade: A Grand Total: 700/1000 Percentage: 70.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page852 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHANWADE DIPTI BHARAT SUREKHA Seat No : 011341 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135272 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 307.60 SGPA: 7.69 Grade: A Grand Total: 679/1000 Percentage: 67.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page853 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HEGADKAR SONALI ABHIMAN TAI Seat No : 011342 Center : 113 PRN : 2015016100113212 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 08 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 39 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 303.60 SGPA: 7.59 Grade: A Grand Total: 668/1000 Percentage: 66.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page854 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : HULWAN TEJASWINI HANMANT SUVARNA Seat No : 011343 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135287 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.80 SGPA: 8.17 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 724/1000 Percentage: 72.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page855 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV VRUSHALI SAMBHAJI SANDHYA Seat No : 011344 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135821 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 32 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 304.00 SGPA: 7.60 Grade: A Grand Total: 670/1000 Percentage: 67.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page856 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM SAYALI SATISH SUVARNA Seat No : 011345 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135314 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.00 SGPA: 7.90 Grade: A Grand Total: 698/1000 Percentage: 69.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page857 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KALE PRIYANKA RAGHUNATH RANJANA Seat No : 011346 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135836 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.00 SGPA: 8.20 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 730/1000 Percentage: 73.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page858 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KAMBLE ASMITA BALASAHEB SHITAL Seat No : 011347 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138405 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 331.60 SGPA: 8.29 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 738/1000 Percentage: 73.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page859 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KARANDE PRIYANKA GAJANAN REKHA Seat No : 011348 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135256 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.40 SGPA: 7.86 Grade: A Grand Total: 696/1000 Percentage: 69.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page860 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VISHWAS KIRAN KENGAR VIMAL Seat No : 011349 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133192 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.40 SGPA: 7.91 Grade: A Grand Total: 695/1000 Percentage: 69.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page861 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KULKARNI SAMPADA SANTOSH SUREKHA Seat No : 011350 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136043 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 304.40 SGPA: 7.61 Grade: A Grand Total: 674/1000 Percentage: 67.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page862 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LATNE SUCHITRA SANJAY SAVITA Seat No : 011351 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138483 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.40 SGPA: 8.21 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page863 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LAVATE RUPALI BALASAHEB SUMAN Seat No : 011352 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135852 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.40 SGPA: 8.06 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 715/1000 Percentage: 71.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page864 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL MANJUSHRI LAXMAN SAVITA Seat No : 011353 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133153 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 294.40 SGPA: 7.36 Grade: A Grand Total: 651/1000 Percentage: 65.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page865 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL SONAL SURESH VANDANA Seat No : 011354 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135322 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 34 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 298.00 SGPA: 7.45 Grade: A Grand Total: 660/1000 Percentage: 66.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page866 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR DIPALI VYANKU ANUSAYA Seat No : 011355 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133161 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 309.20 SGPA: 7.73 Grade: A Grand Total: 683/1000 Percentage: 68.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page867 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : RAJMANE SANDHYA ASHOK SHOBHA Seat No : 011356 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100133176 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 326.80 SGPA: 8.17 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 722/1000 Percentage: 72.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page868 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SALUNKHE SHITAL POPAT SUDHATAI Seat No : 011357 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138742 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 36 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 08 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 297.20 SGPA: 7.43 Grade: A Grand Total: 654/1000 Percentage: 65.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page869 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SAWANT POONAM SANTOSH USHA Seat No : 011358 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138757 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 69 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 59 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 32 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 36 -- -- 50 36 72/100 2 A+ 8.20 16.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 312.80 SGPA: 7.82 Grade: A Grand Total: 692/1000 Percentage: 69.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page870 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SURYAWANSHI PRIYANKA DADASO JAYSHRI Seat No : 011359 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100135295 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 300.80 SGPA: 7.52 Grade: A Grand Total: 665/1000 Percentage: 66.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page871 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THORAT SNEHAL RAMCHANDRA SANGITA Seat No : 011360 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100138533 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 45 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 08 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page872 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV MANJUSHA RAJKUMAR ASHA Seat No : 011361 Center : 113 PRN : 2020016100136051 Medium : Marathi

College : 136: Smt. Geeta Bankar Women`s College of Education, Sangola

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.00 SGPA: 7.90 Grade: A Grand Total: 705/1000 Percentage: 70.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page873 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page874 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page875 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page876 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page877 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page878 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHORPADE DIPTI SUBHASH MADHURI Seat No : 010647 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171267 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 376.80 SGPA: 9.42 Grade: O Grand Total: 844/1000 Percentage: 84.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page879 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHADRE RATI HEMANT SANGITA Seat No : 010648 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171004 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 69 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 381.60 SGPA: 9.54 Grade: O Grand Total: 858/1000 Percentage: 85.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page880 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHORAGE KALYANI CHANDRASHEKHAR URMILA Seat No : 010649 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170917 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.40 SGPA: 8.31 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 736/1000 Percentage: 73.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page881 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GOSAVI ASHWINI MANGESH BEBI Seat No : 010651 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171012 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 347.60 SGPA: 8.69 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 770/1000 Percentage: 77.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page882 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM SHEETAL AMIT ALKADEVI Seat No : 010652 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170883 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 344.80 SGPA: 8.62 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page883 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PHADATARE SWATI SANJAY NANDA Seat No : 010654 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170867 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 67 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 350.00 SGPA: 8.75 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 775/1000 Percentage: 77.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page884 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHIRDHONE NAMRATA SHIVAJI JAYASHEE Seat No : 010655 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171291 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 358.40 SGPA: 8.96 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 796/1000 Percentage: 79.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page885 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAN NAMRATA VINOD MEENA Seat No : 010660 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170956 Medium : English

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 372.40 SGPA: 9.31 Grade: O Grand Total: 840/1000 Percentage: 84.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page886 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE DHANASHRI PRAKASH SUREKHA Seat No : 010664 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170771 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.00 SGPA: 8.10 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 717/1000 Percentage: 71.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page887 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NAGARGOJE JAYASHREE LAXMAN SHANTA Seat No : 010665 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171236 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 63 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 355.60 SGPA: 8.89 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 797/1000 Percentage: 79.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page888 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NIMBALKAR MEGHA HIMMATRAO PUSHPA Seat No : 010666 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171283 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.00 SGPA: 8.55 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 760/1000 Percentage: 76.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page889 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAIKH RESHMA SALIM ZUBEDA Seat No : 010669 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171194 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 336.40 SGPA: 8.41 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 745/1000 Percentage: 74.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page890 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PANDIT SONALI PRABHAKAR MANGAL Seat No : 010670 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171035 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.20 SGPA: 7.88 Grade: A Grand Total: 693/1000 Percentage: 69.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page891 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAMAKALE SAYLI BHARAT APARNA Seat No : 010671 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170875 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.20 SGPA: 8.78 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page892 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE LALITA BALKRISHNA NALINIBAI Seat No : 010672 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170813 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.40 SGPA: 8.46 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 751/1000 Percentage: 75.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page893 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MATKAR MAYURI BALKRISHNA SHOBHA Seat No : 010673 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171186 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 750/1000 Percentage: 75.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page894 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ADAGALE REKHA GANESH SANGITA Seat No : 010674 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171155 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 351.60 SGPA: 8.79 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 779/1000 Percentage: 77.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page895 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BEBALE ANUJA ARUN SADHANA Seat No : 010675 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171051 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 325.60 SGPA: 8.14 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 723/1000 Percentage: 72.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page896 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BOBADE PRACHI JAGANNATH SUNITA Seat No : 010676 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170755 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.80 SGPA: 8.37 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 742/1000 Percentage: 74.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page897 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESHMUKH SEEMA SHAHAJI SHAKUNTALA Seat No : 010677 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171116 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 65 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 777/1000 Percentage: 77.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page898 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KARANDE PRAJAKTA SAHADEV UTTARA Seat No : 010678 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171171 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.80 SGPA: 8.72 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 777/1000 Percentage: 77.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page899 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOLI VAISHALI JEEVAN MALAN Seat No : 010679 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171275 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 342.40 SGPA: 8.56 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 762/1000 Percentage: 76.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page900 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR SEEMA SHANKAR LALITA Seat No : 010680 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170821 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 335.60 SGPA: 8.39 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 744/1000 Percentage: 74.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page901 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : ATTAR NARGIS UMARFAROOQUE BEBIJAN Seat No : 010683 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171101 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 73 100 96 96/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 737/1000 Percentage: 73.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page902 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BAGWAN SUMAIYYA RAJU JAMELA Seat No : 010684 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171205 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 47 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 47 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.00 SGPA: 8.25 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page903 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BANSODE ANUJA ASHOK SUNITA Seat No : 010685 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171252 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page904 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BORATE PRANJALI VASANT BHARATI Seat No : 010687 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170794 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 39 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.60 SGPA: 8.24 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 731/1000 Percentage: 73.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page905 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN MADHURI TANAJI KAMAL Seat No : 010688 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170836 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.80 SGPA: 8.02 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 715/1000 Percentage: 71.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page906 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GAIKWAD MADHUMITA VIJAY KAMAL Seat No : 010690 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171213 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 34 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.80 SGPA: 8.07 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 718/1000 Percentage: 71.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page907 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GODSE SWATI MANSING MANDAKINI Seat No : 010691 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171066 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 73 100 95 95/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 65 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 39 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.80 SGPA: 8.87 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 801/1000 Percentage: 80.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page908 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : INGALE RESHMA SUKHADEV SANGITA Seat No : 010692 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170964 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 36 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 45 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 307.20 SGPA: 7.68 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page909 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV GAURI HANMANT MANDAKINI Seat No : 010693 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170763 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.40 SGPA: 8.91 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 794/1000 Percentage: 79.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page910 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV PRIYANKA RAMESH SEEMA Seat No : 010694 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170805 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.20 SGPA: 8.23 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 733/1000 Percentage: 73.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page911 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM DHANASHRI YOGESH ALKA Seat No : 010697 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170844 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 41 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.80 SGPA: 8.27 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 741/1000 Percentage: 74.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page912 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM PRAJAKTA SADASHIV MEENA Seat No : 010698 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170925 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.40 SGPA: 8.71 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page913 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHANDALE ANURADHA SHANKAR JAYASHEE Seat No : 010700 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171124 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 317.60 SGPA: 7.94 Grade: A Grand Total: 700/1000 Percentage: 70.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page914 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHARADE ANUJA VIJAY SANGITA Seat No : 010701 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171221 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 71 100 93 93/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 368.80 SGPA: 9.22 Grade: O Grand Total: 825/1000 Percentage: 82.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page915 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LAD KADAMBARI MAHESH KAVITA Seat No : 010702 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171074 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 04 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.80 SGPA: 8.32 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 746/1000 Percentage: 74.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page916 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : LAKERI DIVYA RAJESH SANGITA Seat No : 010703 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171027 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 348.00 SGPA: 8.70 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 780/1000 Percentage: 78.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page917 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE DHANASHRI DATTA SANGITA Seat No : 010704 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170972 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 06 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 45 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 36 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.00 SGPA: 7.90 Grade: A Grand Total: 697/1000 Percentage: 69.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page918 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE SNEHA JOTIRAM LALITA Seat No : 010705 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170852 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 49 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page919 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MANE SUCHETA DILIPKUMAR RUTUJA Seat No : 010706 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170933 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.40 SGPA: 8.31 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 740/1000 Percentage: 74.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page920 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MARATHE NILAM TUSHAR SUNITA Seat No : 010707 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170891 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 59 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 08 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 41 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 314.40 SGPA: 7.86 Grade: A Grand Total: 694/1000 Percentage: 69.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page921 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MOHITE KSHITIJA NANDKUMAR ANITA Seat No : 010708 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171132 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 32 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 10 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 32 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 34 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 305.20 SGPA: 7.63 Grade: A Grand Total: 682/1000 Percentage: 68.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page922 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : NIRMAL ARUNA CHHAGAN HEMLATA Seat No : 010709 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171082 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.80 SGPA: 7.67 Grade: A Grand Total: 682/1000 Percentage: 68.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page923 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL SHITAL SAMBHAJIRAO GITANJALI Seat No : 010710 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170987 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 53 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.80 SGPA: 8.32 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 747/1000 Percentage: 74.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page924 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR NILAM MANGESH SUREKHA Seat No : 010711 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170786 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 67 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 41 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 34 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.00 SGPA: 7.90 Grade: A Grand Total: 705/1000 Percentage: 70.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page925 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : POTEKAR MEGHA AJIT PRAMILA Seat No : 010713 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170941 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 59 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.80 SGPA: 8.47 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 748/1000 Percentage: 74.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page926 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SALUNKHE KOMAL UTTAM KALPANA Seat No : 010714 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170902 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 53 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 04 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.00 SGPA: 8.30 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 740/1000 Percentage: 74.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page927 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHELAR SHRADDHA SHRIDHAR MIRA Seat No : 010715 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171147 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 36 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 02 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.00 SGPA: 7.75 Grade: A Grand Total: 686/1000 Percentage: 68.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page928 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHETE ASHWINI GAURIJ JYOTI Seat No : 010716 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171244 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 47 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 06 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 51 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 307.20 SGPA: 7.68 Grade: A Grand Total: 688/1000 Percentage: 68.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page929 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SUL PRIYANKA DIPAK MUKTA Seat No : 010719 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171097 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 55 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 08 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 49 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 32 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.60 SGPA: 8.24 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page930 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHMARE RUTUJA RAVINDRA SHUBHANGI Seat No : 010720 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171043 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 02 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 39 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 38 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 328.40 SGPA: 8.21 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page931 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV KOMAL SUDHIR PANKAJA Seat No : 010721 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100170995 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 43 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 23 30/75 30 100 53 10 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 23 30/75 43 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 34 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.00 SGPA: 8.05 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page932 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DARBHE PRAJAKTA DATTATRAY DEVYANI Seat No : 010745 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171163 Medium : Marathi

College : 137: Venutai Women`s College of Education, Satara

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 61 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 22 30/75 30 100 52 06 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 49 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 57 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 38 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 46 -- -- 50 46 92/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 45 -- -- 50 45 90/100 2 O+ 10.00 20.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.80 SGPA: 8.67 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 776/1000 Percentage: 77.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page933 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page934 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page935 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page936 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page937 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page938 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DISLAY DIVYARANI VITTHAL SUDANDA Seat No : 010232 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171607 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 745/1000 Percentage: 74.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page939 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHILAVADE SWATI SACHIN SHAILAJA Seat No : 010233 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171387 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 71 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 356.40 SGPA: 8.91 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 791/1000 Percentage: 79.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page940 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : TODKAR ASHVINI PRASAD SHAILAJA Seat No : 010234 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171526 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 69 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 360.80 SGPA: 9.02 Grade: O Grand Total: 803/1000 Percentage: 80.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page941 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOSALE SHWETA RAHUL SHAIL Seat No : 010235 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171325 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 67 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 354.00 SGPA: 8.85 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 786/1000 Percentage: 78.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page942 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GOTHE AATIYA AHMED MASOOMA Seat No : 010236 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171774 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 67 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 71 100 91 91/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 362.40 SGPA: 9.06 Grade: O Grand Total: 807/1000 Percentage: 80.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page943 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KOLE SUPRIYA BALASAHEB PUSHPALATA Seat No : 010237 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171727 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 334.40 SGPA: 8.36 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 736/1000 Percentage: 73.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page944 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : METGUD KALYANI ASHOK MAHADEVI Seat No : 010238 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171503 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 327.20 SGPA: 8.18 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 718/1000 Percentage: 71.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page945 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SARVE HARSHA YURAJ PRAMILA Seat No : 010239 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171712 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 AB 100 AB -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page946 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : WAGHMODE POURNIMA VITTHAL MEERA Seat No : 010240 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171317 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 71 100 89 89/100 4 O 9.90 39.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.00 SGPA: 8.65 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page947 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YADAV ABHILASHA BHAGWAT RAMKUMAR Seat No : 010241 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171453 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 333.60 SGPA: 8.34 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 735/1000 Percentage: 73.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page948 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHAH POOJA PARESH BEENA Seat No : 010242 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171437 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 55 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.40 SGPA: 8.66 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 766/1000 Percentage: 76.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page949 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHORPADE BHARATI VASANT KANCHAN Seat No : 010243 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171766 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 318.00 SGPA: 7.95 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page950 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : GHORPADE UJJWALA RAVINDRA VITHABAI Seat No : 010244 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171662 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page951 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHATAVKAR DHANASHREE SURYAKANT CHAYA Seat No : 010245 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171646 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 41 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 41 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page952 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHANDANSHIVE PRIYANKA BALU SAUDAMINI Seat No : 010246 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171356 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 332.80 SGPA: 8.32 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 737/1000 Percentage: 73.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page953 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MULLA FAIROJA JAHANGIR JULEKHA Seat No : 010247 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171685 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 61 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 65 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 45 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 338.00 SGPA: 8.45 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 750/1000 Percentage: 75.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page954 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL POOJA SHIVAJI SUVARNA Seat No : 010248 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171751 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 02 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 61 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.80 SGPA: 8.07 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 712/1000 Percentage: 71.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page955 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SANNAKE DHANVARSHA NAMDEV SANGEETA Seat No : 010249 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171565 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 41 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 10 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.20 SGPA: 7.83 Grade: A Grand Total: 693/1000 Percentage: 69.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page956 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHIRADHONE TEJASHRI MAHAVIR RAJASHREE Seat No : 010250 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171414 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 43 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 02 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 297.20 SGPA: 7.43 Grade: A Grand Total: 655/1000 Percentage: 65.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page957 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHISE JAYASHREE ASHOK ARUNA Seat No : 010251 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171364 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 38 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 313.20 SGPA: 7.83 Grade: A Grand Total: 693/1000 Percentage: 69.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page958 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL KAVITA SAJANRAO SHALAN Seat No : 010252 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171581 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 41 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1103 Hindi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page959 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AVASARE ARCHANA SUNIL SUDANDA Seat No : 010253 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171557 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 43 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 39 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.00 SGPA: 7.65 Grade: A Grand Total: 674/1000 Percentage: 67.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page960 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHAVAN PRIYANKA VIJAY SUMAN Seat No : 010254 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171704 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1111 Geography Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 69 100 87 87/100 4 O 9.70 38.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 320.80 SGPA: 8.02 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 710/1000 Percentage: 71.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page961 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MUJAWAR TANJEELA SHAFIR RASHIDA Seat No : 010255 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171677 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 59 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 08 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.40 SGPA: 7.91 Grade: A Grand Total: 696/1000 Percentage: 69.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page962 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THORAT SAPANA TANAJI SANJANA Seat No : 010256 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171372 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 45 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 324.00 SGPA: 8.10 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 715/1000 Percentage: 71.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page963 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHOUGULE ANKITA ASHOK SHAILA Seat No : 010257 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171782 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 02 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 69 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.60 SGPA: 8.24 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 734/1000 Percentage: 73.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page964 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHOUGULE MADHURI ANIL ANITA Seat No : 010258 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171406 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 41 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 57 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 06 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page965 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DESHMUKH SHIVANI SATISHRAO SAVITA Seat No : 010259 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171735 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page966 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV SUPRIYA ARUN SHOBHA Seat No : 010260 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171445 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 63 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 57 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 08 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.80 SGPA: 8.07 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 713/1000 Percentage: 71.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page967 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KHOT ROHINI VILAS PADMASHRI Seat No : 010261 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171596 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 51 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 04 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 315.60 SGPA: 7.89 Grade: A Grand Total: 699/1000 Percentage: 69.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page968 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KUMBHAR PRIYANKA SANJAY SHUBHANGI Seat No : 010262 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171623 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 47 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 71 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 06 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 34 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.40 SGPA: 7.91 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page969 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PATIL JYOTI DASHARATH MANGAL Seat No : 010263 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171631 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 30 100 51 10 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.00 SGPA: 7.65 Grade: A Grand Total: 675/1000 Percentage: 67.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page970 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SALUNKHE DEEPIKA ANKUSH MANGAL Seat No : 010264 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171484 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 32 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.80 SGPA: 7.92 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page971 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THANE MRUNALI SANJEEVKUMAR ARUNA Seat No : 010265 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171476 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 41 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 302.40 SGPA: 7.56 Grade: A Grand Total: 667/1000 Percentage: 66.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page972 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : THORAT SWAPNALI BAJIRAO SANTOSHI Seat No : 010266 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171395 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 30 100 47 47/100 4 C 5.20 20.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 43 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 43 100 60 60/100 4 A 7.00 28.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 22 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page973 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VHANKHANDE SANJIVANI PURANDAS SHANTABAI Seat No : 010267 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171333 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 30 100 50 04 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 16 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 24 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page974 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : YENDE SWAPNALI JAYPAL LATA Seat No : 010268 Center : 013 PRN : 2020016100171511 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 63 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 55 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 10 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 310.00 SGPA: 7.75 Grade: A Grand Total: 689/1000 Percentage: 68.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page975 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DAREKAR YOGITA POPAT ANJANA Seat No : 010650 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171693 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 61 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 47 100 65 65/100 4 A 7.50 30.00 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 32 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 330.40 SGPA: 8.26 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 731/1000 Percentage: 73.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page976 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KIRDAT TEJASHRI PRABHAKAR JAYASHREE Seat No : 010653 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171654 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 34 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 43 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.80 SGPA: 7.92 Grade: A Grand Total: 702/1000 Percentage: 70.20

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page977 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : CHINCHKAR ASHA RUDRAPPA SUMAN Seat No : 010661 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171542 Medium : English

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 61 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 65 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 346.40 SGPA: 8.66 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 768/1000 Percentage: 76.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page978 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JADHAV MAYURI CHANDRASEN URMILA Seat No : 010662 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171341 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 49 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 38 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 39 100 58 58/100 4 B+ 6.60 26.40 c

1101 English Language Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 51 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 303.20 SGPA: 7.58 Grade: A Grand Total: 669/1000 Percentage: 66.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page979 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHAGWAT VARSHA RAJESH SEEMA Seat No : 010686 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171801 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 57 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 59 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 55 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 17 30/75 53 100 70 70/100 4 A+ 8.00 32.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 59 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 322.40 SGPA: 8.06 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 715/1000 Percentage: 71.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page980 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : DHUMAL NILAM PRADIP NALITA Seat No : 010689 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171461 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 59 100 78 78/100 4 A+ 8.80 35.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 47 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 329.20 SGPA: 8.23 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 726/1000 Percentage: 72.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page981 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : JAGTAP SMITA MILIND SUREKHA Seat No : 010695 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171534 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 65 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 67 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 319.60 SGPA: 7.99 Grade: A Grand Total: 714/1000 Percentage: 71.40

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page982 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM BHAGYASHRI CHANDRAKANT CHAYA Seat No : 010696 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171573 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 49 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 47 100 66 66/100 4 A 7.60 30.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 06 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 34 100 52 52/100 4 B 5.70 22.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 36 100 54 54/100 4 B 5.90 23.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 284.80 SGPA: 7.12 Grade: A Grand Total: 633/1000 Percentage: 63.30

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page983 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : KADAM PUJA DADASO NITA Seat No : 010699 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171743 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 17 30/75 34 100 51 51/100 4 B 5.60 22.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 63 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 18 100 FF -- 4 F 0.00 0.00 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 17 30/75 38 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 41 100 59 59/100 4 B+ 6.80 27.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 08 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: -- SGPA: -- Grade: -- Grand Total: --/1000 Percentage: --

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page984 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : PAWAR SAYALI SANJAY SHARMILA Seat No : 010712 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171797 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 63 100 81 81/100 4 O 9.10 36.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 17 30/75 30 100 47 06 47/100 4 C 5.20 20.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 51 100 69 69/100 4 A 7.90 31.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 38 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 32 100 50 50/100 4 B 5.50 22.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 306.00 SGPA: 7.65 Grade: A Grand Total: 678/1000 Percentage: 67.80

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page985 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SHINDE MADHURI DHANRAJ KESHAR Seat No : 010717 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171422 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 53 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 53 100 72 72/100 4 A+ 8.20 32.80 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 08 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 49 100 67 67/100 4 A 7.70 30.80 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 19 30/75 36 100 55 55/100 4 B+ 6.00 24.00 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 34 100 53 53/100 4 B 5.80 23.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 304.00 SGPA: 7.60 Grade: A Grand Total: 675/1000 Percentage: 67.50

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page986 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : SONAWANE YOGITA RAVINDRA SUVARNA Seat No : 010718 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171492 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 19 30/75 43 100 62 62/100 4 A 7.20 28.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 67 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 18 30/75 30 100 48 02 48/100 4 C 5.30 21.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 18 30/75 57 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 51 100 71 71/100 4 A+ 8.10 32.40 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 20 30/75 36 100 56 56/100 4 B+ 6.20 24.80 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 316.80 SGPA: 7.92 Grade: A Grand Total: 701/1000 Percentage: 70.10

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page987 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHOITE VRUSHALI SATYAWAN SUNITA Seat No : 010744 Center : 050 PRN : 2020016100171615 Medium : Marathi

College : 138: Rajmata Women`s College of Education, Sangli

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 18 30/75 55 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 19 30/75 57 100 76 76/100 4 A+ 8.60 34.40 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 19 30/75 30 100 49 04 49/100 4 C 5.40 21.60 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 19 30/75 49 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 18 30/75 45 100 63 63/100 4 A 7.30 29.20 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 18 30/75 39 100 57 57/100 4 B+ 6.40 25.60 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 17 30/75 47 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 39 -- -- 50 39 78/100 2 A+ 8.80 17.60 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 37 -- -- 50 37 74/100 2 A+ 8.40 16.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 38 -- -- 50 38 76/100 2 A+ 8.60 17.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 308.80 SGPA: 7.72 Grade: A Grand Total: 680/1000 Percentage: 68.00

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page988 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page989 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Result Ledger For
Faculty : Faculty of Interdisciplinary
Course : Bachelor of Education
Course Code :
Mode of Learning : Regular
Pattern : Revised 2020
Branch : No Branch
Course Part : Bachelor of Education
Course Part Term : Annual
Event : Nov/Dec 2021

Course Level Details:-

Course Course Name Credits Grade Template Name AM INT EXT Paper Max Marks
Min Max Min Max
1001 Childhood and Growing Up 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1002 Contemporary India and Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1003 Critical understanding of ICT 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1004 Learning and Teaching 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1005 Language across curriculum 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1101 English Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1102 Gujarati Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1103 Hindi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1104 Marathi Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1105 Sanskrit Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1106 Urdu Language Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1107 Mathematics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1108 Commerce Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1109 Book Keeping and Accountancy Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1110 Economics Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1111 Geography Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1112 History Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1113 Social Science Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1114 Science and Technology Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1115 Music Education 4 10 Point Grading TH 10 25 30 75 100
1301 Skill Development Program 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1302 Teaching -learning Competency 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1303 Learning to use computer 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1304 Understanding the Self 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50
1305 Drama and Art in Education 2 10 Point Grading PV 20 50 -- -- 50

Grade Template Used: :-

Template Name : Grade_10_40_new
Grade Scale : 10 Point Grading
No. Of Intervals : 52
Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
PRINCIPAL O+ 90 100 Pass 10.00 O+
Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page990 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description
2 O 89 89.99 Pass 9.90 O
3 O 88 88.99 Pass 9.80 O
4 O 87 87.99 Pass 9.70 O
5 O 86 86.99 Pass 9.60 O
6 O 85 85.99 Pass 9.50 O
7 O 84 84.99 Pass 9.40 O
8 O 83 83.99 Pass 9.30 O
9 O 82 82.99 Pass 9.20 O
10 O 81 81.99 Pass 9.10 O
11 O 80 80.99 Pass 9.00 O
12 A+ 79 79.99 Pass 8.90 A+
13 A+ 78 78.99 Pass 8.80 A+
14 A+ 77 77.99 Pass 8.70 A+
15 A+ 76 76.99 Pass 8.60 A+
16 A+ 75 75.99 Pass 8.50 A+
17 A+ 74 74.99 Pass 8.40 A+
18 A+ 73 73.99 Pass 8.30 A+
19 A+ 72 72.99 Pass 8.20 A+
20 A+ 71 71.99 Pass 8.10 A+
21 A+ 70 70.99 Pass 8.00 A+
22 A 69 69.99 Pass 7.90 A
23 A 68 68.99 Pass 7.80 A
24 A 67 67.99 Pass 7.70 A
25 A 66 66.99 Pass 7.60 A
26 A 65 65.99 Pass 7.50 A
27 A 64 64.99 Pass 7.40 A
28 A 63 63.99 Pass 7.30 A
29 A 62 62.99 Pass 7.20 A
30 A 61 61.99 Pass 7.10 A
31 A 60 60.99 Pass 7.00 A
32 B+ 59 59.99 Pass 6.80 B+
33 B+ 58 58.99 Pass 6.60 B+
34 B+ 57 57.99 Pass 6.40 B+
35 B+ 56 56.99 Pass 6.20 B+
36 B+ 55 55.99 Pass 6.00 B+
37 B 54 54.99 Pass 5.90 B
38 B 53 53.99 Pass 5.80 B
39 B 52 52.99 Pass 5.70 B
40 B 51 51.99 Pass 5.60 B
41 B 50 50.99 Pass 5.50 B
42 C 49 49.99 Pass 5.40 C
43 C 48 48.99 Pass 5.30 C
44 C 47 47.99 Pass 5.20 C
45 C 46 46.99 Pass 5.10 C
46 C 45 45.99 Pass 5.00 C
47 P 44 44.99 Pass 4.80 P
48 P 43 43.99 Pass 4.60 P
49 P 42 42.99 Pass 4.40 P
50 P 41 41.99 Pass 4.20 P
51 P 40 40.99 Pass 4.00 P
52 F 0 39.99 Fail 0.00 F

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page991 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Sr. No. Grade Abbreviation From (Marks) To (Marks) Status GradePoint Description

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page992 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Abbreviations Used:
EXT External Assessment
INT Internal Assessment
EX External
IN Internal
PR Practical
PV Practical/Viva
TH Theory
TW Term Work
Cr Credits
AM Assessment Method
Gr Grade Obtained
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
EGP Earned Grade Points
c Current Performance
NP Not Permitted
UMC Unfair Means Case
FF Fail
RR Result Reserved
+ Grace applied
AB Absent
ATKT Allowed to keep Terms
RMK Remark
x Past Performance
App Appearance
Obt Obtained

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page993 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : VARMA ARATI VIJAYSHANKAR RAMAVATI Seat No : 010775 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100167312 Medium : English

College : 140: M.S.P. Mandal`s Women`s B.Ed College, Beed, Aurangabaad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 22 30/75 55 100 77 77/100 4 A+ 8.70 34.80 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 22 30/75 63 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 20 30/75 55 100 75 75/100 4 A+ 8.50 34.00 c

1104 Marathi Language Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 61 100 83 83/100 4 O 9.30 37.20 c

1112 History Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 39 100 61 61/100 4 A 7.10 28.40 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 359.60 SGPA: 8.99 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 799/1000 Percentage: 79.90

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page994 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : MEMON SANIYA FAROOQUE SALMA Seat No : 010780 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100167327 Medium : English

College : 140: M.S.P. Mandal`s Women`s B.Ed College, Beed, Aurangabaad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 61 100 82 82/100 4 O 9.20 36.80 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1107 Mathematics Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 63 100 84 84/100 4 O 9.40 37.60 c

1114 Science and Technology Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 45 100 68 68/100 4 A 7.80 31.20 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 370.40 SGPA: 9.26 Grade: O Grand Total: 826/1000 Percentage: 82.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page995 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : AGARWAL MADHURI SURENDRA MEENA Seat No : 010808 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100167045 Medium : English

College : 140: M.S.P. Mandal`s Women`s B.Ed College, Beed, Aurangabaad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 21 30/75 43 100 64 64/100 4 A 7.40 29.60 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 59 100 80 80/100 4 O 9.00 36.00 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 20 30/75 53 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 21 30/75 53 100 74 74/100 4 A+ 8.40 33.60 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 22 30/75 57 100 79 79/100 4 A+ 8.90 35.60 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 51 100 73 73/100 4 A+ 8.30 33.20 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 23 30/75 71 100 94 94/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 41 -- -- 50 41 82/100 2 O 9.20 18.40 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 44 -- -- 50 44 88/100 2 O 9.80 19.60 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 353.20 SGPA: 8.83 Grade: A+ Grand Total: 787/1000 Percentage: 78.70

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University
3/1/2022 Page996 Pariskha Bhavan, Mumbai- 400 049
Bachelor of Education - First Year
(Regular - 2020 Pattern) Examination:Nov/Dec 2021
Result Date :01 Jan 2022

Name : BHARUCHA JILL MAYUR GITA Seat No : 010809 Center : 067 PRN : 2020016100166982 Medium : English

College : 140: M.S.P. Mandal`s Women`s B.Ed College, Beed, Aurangabaad

Course Code Course Name AM INT EXT Total Grace Total Cr Gr GP EGP App
Min/ Obt Min/ Obt Max Obt
Max Max

1001 Childhood and Growing Up TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1002 Contemporary India and Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 67 100 88 88/100 4 O 9.80 39.20 c

1003 Critical understanding of ICT TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1004 Learning and Teaching TH 10/25 20 30/75 65 100 85 85/100 4 O 9.50 38.00 c

1005 Language across curriculum TH 10/25 21 30/75 65 100 86 86/100 4 O 9.60 38.40 c

1108 Commerce Education TH 10/25 21 30/75 69 100 90 90/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1110 Economics Education TH 10/25 22 30/75 75 100 97 97/100 4 O+ 10.00 40.00 c

1301 Skill Development Program PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1302 Teaching -learning Competency PV 20/50 40 -- -- 50 40 80/100 2 O 9.00 18.00 c

1303 Learning to use computer PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1304 Understanding the Self PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1401 Practice Teaching (4 Lessons) PV 20/50 42 -- -- 50 42 84/100 2 O 9.40 18.80 c

1305 Drama and Art in Education PV 20/50 43 -- -- 50 43 86/100 2 O 9.60 19.20 c

Annual-FY.B.Ed. Total Credits: 40 Total EGP: 383.60 SGPA: 9.59 Grade: O Grand Total: 866/1000 Percentage: 86.60

Board of Examination and Evaluation
SNDT Women’s University

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