112-28-015 Rev A - Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX

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: 112-28-015 Revision: A ECN#: 2401 Page 1 of 6

Title: Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX
Written: C. McIntire
Date Effective: 12/1/2017

iSED® Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX

1. Purpose:
Please follow this procedure to update your iSED Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer (iSED) from
software v2.00x to v3.02A or later.

2. Scope:
All iSED analyzers that have software versions earlier than v3.00A.

3. Materials Required:
- Windows 7 or later computer equipped with at least 2 USB ports and installed Microsoft NET
framework 4.5 which can be downloaded using the link below:
- iSED programming cable (Cat# 112-15-033).
- Download and install Operating System-specific driver from the below link.
- Dropbox Link contains the following items: http://bit.ly/2Akz1cu
- iSED installer software (isedinstaller.exe)
- iSED software package (iSED302A_build_008.zip or later)
- 112-28-016 - iSED External Calibration Worksheet, Latest Revision
- 112-09-043 - iSED Operator's Manual, Latest Revision
- Micro SD Card Adapter
- Seditrol® Level 1
- Seditrol® Level 2

4. Procedure:

I. Software Update

1. Enter the service screen by pressing on the touchscreen of the iSED analyzer.

2. Using the number pad on the touchscreen, enter password “19912”

3. Go to page 2 by pressing

4. Press

5. Shut off the iSED by pressing the power switch on the back of the analyzer.

6. Connect one end of the programming cable to the LIS port in the rear of the iSED®.

7. Connect the other end of the cable to a USB port on the personal computer.
No.: 112-28-015 Revision: A ECN#: 2401 Page 2 of 6
Title: Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX
Written: C. McIntire
Date Effective: 12/1/2017

8. From Dropbox launch the iSED installer software. The iSED Software Upgrade window will open.

9. In “Select the ISED software update package” click the … button

10. Select “iSED302A_build_008” software package to be installed (located on Dropbox) and click
“Open”. (Software version code will vary depending on latest version provided by ALCOR).

11. Verify that iSED Installer says ‘Package OK.’ Click ‘Next’.

12. Select the correct COM port from the drop-down list.

Note: The USB ports on the computer are labeled with the COM port. iSED® Installer will poll to ensure iSED® is

16. If the Installer shows “Polling”, then turn on the power on the iSED.

No.: 112-28-015 Revision: A ECN#: 2401 Page 3 of 6
Title: Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX
Written: C. McIntire
Date Effective: 12/1/2017

17. Once iSED Installer shows “Connected,” click “Next” to program iSED. The
programming process takes between 30-40 minutes to complete.

18. Once Installer shows “Complete”, click “Finish” and disconnect Serial Cable from iSED.
Note: New software icons are described in 112-09-043 - iSED Operator's Manual

II. Preparation

1. Place Level 1 and Level 2 Seditrol on a mechanical rocker for 20 minutes.

2. Enter the service screen by pressing on the touchscreen of the iSED analyzer.

3. Using the number pad on the touchscreen, enter password “19912”.

4. Go to page 1 by pressing

5. At the top left press

6. Enter value +150 then press

7. Press

8. Add approximately 3.5 ml of 6-7 % hypochlorite (Bleach) to an unused 13 x 75 tube.

9. Press

10. Once the screen prompts you, insert the tube into the sample loading position and press
continue. (Pressing abort will stop the deep clean process).

III. Running Samples

1. Run both levels of Seditrol 10 times each.

2. Press

IV. Data Input

1. Power off iSED.

2. Remove the Micro SD Card from the iSED.

No.: 112-28-015 Revision: A ECN#: 2401 Page 4 of 6
Title: Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX
Written: C. McIntire
Date Effective: 12/1/2017

3. Put Micro SD Card into adapter and plug into the computer.

4. Open 112-28-016 REV A - iSED External Calibration Worksheet.

a. Click “Enable Content” at the top of the page.
b. Enter iSED serial number next to “iSED S/N:”
c. Select the Seditrol Lot Number used.
d. Mark “COMPLETE” next to “Run Normal (Level 1) QC tube in iSED a minimum of 10
e. Mark “COMPLETE” next to “Run Abnormal (Level 2) QC tube in iSED a minimum of 10
f. Click Import QC Results.
g. Find Micro SD directory.
h. Open “ISED” folder.
i. Open “RESULTS” folder.
j. Open current year folder.
k. The result files are named with the date code of MMDDYY. Locate and open the file for the
day the controls were ran.
l. If a pop-up appears, click OK.
m. Save document as “XXXXX - 112-28-016 - iSED External Calibration Worksheet,” where
XXXXX is the serial number the iSED being updated.

5. If Stability Test shows “PASS” for both levels continue to Step 6. If Stability Test shows “FAIL” for
either level follow below step:
a. Open Micro SD directory.
b. Open “ISED” folder.
c. Open “RESULTS” folder.
d. Open current year folder.
e. Locate results file named with date code MMDDYY.
f. Delete file.
g. Eject Micro SD Card.
h. Put Micro SD Card back into the iSED analyzer.
i. Go back to step II. 9. and repeat process again to ensure Stability Test shows “PASS” for
each level. If it fails a second time, please contact Alcor Scientific’s Tech Service team
6. Eject Micro SD Card from the computer and place Micro SD Card back in iSED analyzer.

No.: 112-28-015 Revision: A ECN#: 2401 Page 5 of 6
Title: Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX
Written: C. McIntire
Date Effective: 12/1/2017

7. Power on iSED.
8. Enter calculated Controls Gain and Controls Offset values on Page 4 of the services screen.
Note: The below screen may show slightly different values than entered.

Controls Gain Controls Offset

9. Press

No.: 112-28-015 Revision: A ECN#: 2401 Page 6 of 6
Title: Software Upgrade Procedure v3.XX
Written: C. McIntire
Date Effective: 12/1/2017

V. Verification

1. Run each level of Seditrol once.

2. In below cells, on “XXXXX - 112-28-016 REV A - iSED External Calibration Worksheet”, enter
Level 1 and Level 2 results

Note: If either cell shows “FAIL” verify Controls Gain and Controls Offset values and rerun. If
either level shows “FAIL” a second time email the results file and printouts to

3. Enter services screen and go to page 2.

4. Press

VI. File Transfer

1. Email all printouts and “XXXXX - 112-28-016 REV A - iSED External Calibration Worksheet” to


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