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Journal of Islamic Law Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, December 2017, pp.


Genealogical relationship receives a special attention under Islamic Law that

the methods of its establishment and legal proofs for a valid establishment of
a child’s legitimacy have been comprehensively defined. These traditional
methods remain the sole arbiter whenever disputes arise until the emergence
of DNA profiling that almost subverts the hierarchy of the Islamic legal proofs.
This paper, therefore, explores the contemporary scholars’ polemics over the
position of DNA profiling among other Islamic legal proofs of establishing
the legitimacy of children. The paper finds that giving precedence to the
tradition methods of establishing a genealogical relationship over DNA would
not only safeguard the value of the family institution but also the divine
texts. The paper adopts qualitative doctrinal approach by revisiting classical
books with the available modern literature.

Genealogical relationship receives a special attention under Islamic

law that the means of its establishment and legal proofs for a valid
establishment have been comprehensively defined under Islamic law.
In no other area has Shari’ah been as detailed and specific as it is in
the area of family law. The Muslim jurists and judges have always
given precedence for these principles whenever disputes arise over a
genealogical claim based on the judgment of the Prophet (s.a.w)
between S’ad and ‘Abdullah ibn Zam’ah. One of the rationales behind
the comprehensive explanation is to safeguard one of the higher
objectives of Islamic law which prevention of lineage from
intermingling. Any child born through any of the legally established

* Ph.D. Scholar at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, the International Islamic University
Malaysia, Malaysia, E-mail:
** Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia,
modes is automatically considered legitimate; such a child cannot be the moment of conception. The genetic code determines each person’s
disavowed except through the established imprecation by Shari’ah. individual characteristics and in doing so, dictates that no two
However, the emergence of biomedical technological developments, persons, with the exception of identical twins, are the same.4
associated with the discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing The analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) began in medical
has triggered legal debates among the jurists. Employing DNA testing research. Scientific interest in the DNA structure arose in the early
to establishing the legitimacy of a child has triggered a new phase in 20th century as biochemists began to define the classes of chemicals
the legal research. Intellectual efforts (ijtihad) exerted by the that comprise us all. Initially, it was discovered that nucleic acids
contemporary scholars over the legal characterization of DNA testing were a major component of all cellular material. There are two
has inevitably resulted in arriving at different opinions. Analogizing categories of nucleic acids: ribonucleic acid (RNA) and
DNA testing to physiognomy is uncontroversial among the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Later, it was learned that DNA, rather
contemporary scholars, though the extent to which the analogy is than RNA, is the repository of the genetic code. In 1953 James
applied is highly controversial. Having agreed that the result of the Watson and Francis Crick published their seminal paper describing
DNA testing is more definitive than the decision of physiognomists, the primary structure of DNA.5
the main interest of this paper is to investigate the extent to which Historically, identity testing in the forensic field started with the
DNA analysis can be used as evidence in establishing the legitimacy analysis of the ABO blood group system. Later, new markers for
of a child. identity and paternity identification were based on variations of serum
proteins and red blood cell enzymes; eventually, the human leukocyte
antigen system was used.6 It was not until 20 years ago that Sir Alec
The history of DNA discovery goes back to 1953 when Francis H.C. Jeffreys, professor and geneticist at the University of Leicester in the
Crick and James D.Watson identified and described the double-helix United Kingdom (UK), pioneered DNA-based identity testing.7
structure of DNA as the basic genetic repository of living organisms. The steps involved in DNA fingerprinting are as follows. First,
Every individual possesses his/her own unique DNA, which exists the DNA is extracted from the specimen (i.e., blood, semen, skin,
in every cell of his/her body, be it a blood cell, sperm cell, or skin hair). After DNA extraction, restriction enzymes are added, which
cell. Only identical twins have the same DNA blueprint.1 Before the work like scissors to cut the DNA into the smaller segments that are
discovery of DNA testing (genotype), blood group typing different between individuals. The DNA segments are sorted by
(phenotype) was the established method of relationship verification. agarose gel electrophoresis and visualised by staining with ethidium
Although blood group typing can be used to prove that individuals bromide.8 A Southern blot is performed to transfer the DNA onto a
are unrelated, it is not as effective in proving the opposite. It cannot, membrane. A radioactive probe is applied to the membrane, and the
therefore, be considered conclusive evidence in paternity pattern of DNA is detected by exposing the membrane to x-ray film.
establishment disputes.2 The result is a pattern of DNA bands that looks like a supermarket
DNA has become an invaluable instrument in the search for bar code. Each individual has a signature fingerprint.9
justice. DNA evidence may play a significant role at various points The first DNA testing was carried out when a family from Ghana
throughout the life of a criminal case, from the initiation of a criminal immigrated to the UK and became citizens. However, one of the
investigation through post-conviction confirmation of the truth.3 sons went back to Ghana and was stopped from returning to the UK
Every human body is comprised of chemicals whose interactions and because he had a forged passport. The family’s lawyer contacted
synthesis are regulated by the genetic blueprint that was drawn at Professor Jeffreys and asked whether he could confirm that the boy
was, in fact, the mother’s son and not her nephew (she had several
sisters in Ghana). The situation was complicated by the absence of
the father.10 Samples of DNA were taken from the mother, from the The basis of evidence of this maxim (mā lā yatimmul al-wājib illa
son whose identity was disputed, and from the mother’s three bihi fahuwa wājib) is that the preservation of the progeny is one of
undisputed children. The patterns confirmed the relationship between the fives necessities of Shari’a. Realization of this obligation sometimes
the mother and the son in question. Moreover, the testing confirmed entails adoption or incorporation of DNA testing particularly in a
that all four children had the same father.11 situation when babies are mixed up in the hospital, day-care and
babies born through In vitro fertilisation (or fertilization; IVF).
Employing DNA test to determine the children’s identity would
become imperative in this situation in that to avoid intermixing of
Since DNA is one of the modern scientific discoveries, its legal status children.15
was not discussed by any of the classical Muslim jurists in a specific
manner. There are, however, established divine legal texts, generic
principles and maxims that are sufficient for every novel issue at every This maxim (mā kāna ablagh fi tahcīl al-maqcud al-shāri’ kāna
time and place. The modern scholars have exerted their intellectual ahabb)16 explains, any objective among the objectives of should have
efforts to give essential legal discourse filling loopholes on every issue a means to actualize it, the means might be different in realisation,
related to DNA. The legal status of employment of DNA in though. Of the processes that would actualize the objectives in totality
establishing genealogy is one of these issues through which numerous and some would not. When two or more methods are available for
conferences and colloquiums have been conducted for the importance the realisation of the objective, the best among them becomes worthily
of family establishment in Islam. The methodology adopted by the commendable provided it is not legally prohibited.17 The point in
scholars in characterization of DNA fingerprint and its incorporation the maxim is that the Islamic law has shown a considerable concern
in establishment of child’s legitimacy would be treated accordingly for the establishment of the genealogical relationship and attributing
below individuals to where they belong in the best way to preserve their
tribe. There are several means to actualize the required preservation
by Shari’ah, and DNA testing is a reliable scientific means to achieve,
The contemporary scholars have employed this legal maxim (al-asl more reliable than the physiognomic tradition. Besides, physiognomy
fil ashyā al-ibāhah)12 to establish the permissibility of incorporation is sinking into oblivion where the predominant means of determining
of DNA as means to establish a genealogical relationship. The opinion the baby is through DNA testing in the case of a mix-up.18
is based on the grounds that every novel issue that has no prohibition
neither from the Quran nor from the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w)
or from the consensus of the Muslim jurists would fall under the Considering the solicitude of Islamic law towards the establishment
realm of permissibility.13 of the genealogical relationship, incorporation of physiognomy was
DNA is one of the modern scientific discoveries that no approved by the Prophet (s.a.w) and used by his companions to
prohibitive text has been recorded neither from the Quran nor Sunnah acknowledge paternity. If adopting physiognomy that is based on
or the scholars’ consensus. Therefore, the default ruling for DNA is physical resemblance by the experts is legally recognised as a means
permissibility on the basis of the analysed maxim.14 to determine the legitimacy of a child, it is more desirable to approve
adopting DNA testing that is more extremely accurate.19 DNA result
is more fastidious than physiognomy that which its accuracy is The majority of contemporary jurists hold the opinion that
scientifically proved to be 100% through concrete evidence of unanimous traditional legal proofs that are comprised of firash, al-
laboratory tests for establishing or negating genealogy.20 Besides DNA bayyina, and iqrar remain optimal and the most desirable evidence.
testing result is not typically determined by one or two persons as
If any of these proofs are provided, it is not allowed to resort to the
known to the long physiognomic tradition.21
employment of DNA testing except in a disputing situation where
using of physiognomy is allowed.24
This opinion has been reiterated in the resolution of the council
of the international Islamic Fiqh academy of the organisation of
The contemporary Muslim jurists have upheld the validity of
Islamic cooperation.25 Among the scholars who have conducted
adopting DNA testing to establish the true genealogical relationship
painstaking research in favour of this opinion are, al-Qardagy,26
by considering it a strong circumstantial evidence on basis that its
Wahabah al-Zuhaily,27 Nasir Farid,28 Umar Muhammad Sabil,29
result is reliably proved accurate beyond a reasonable doubt in
establishing a child’s legitimacy and illegitimacy.22 Additionally, Muhammad Sulayman al-Ashqar30 and some others.
it is believed to be more convincing than some legally Wahabah Zuhaily emphatically asserted that Islamic classical
established evidence like physiognomy and lot-casting (Qur’an) methods of establishing legitimacy and illegitimacy of a child must
that are considered last resort to determine the legitimacy of a always take precedence over DNA testing. Firash, al-bayyina, istilhaq,
child. 23 or iqrar are therefore remained prime means for establishing the
It is evident from the proofs provided by the contemporary legitimacy of a child for the fact that these methods are established
Muslim jurists that employing DNA testing in investigating the by traditional legal text (nusus shar’iyyah). Therefore, these proofs
legitimacy of a child is legally permissible. The scholars’ efforts are to be favoured over physiognomy and DNA analysis except in
indicate the validity for every time and place to address every novel exceptional situations like disputing over a child without a
issue. preponderant or convincing evidence from any of the
disputing parties or when the proofs that are provided appear
Nasir Farid also elaborated that studying the legal proofs of the
One of the issues that incited juristic discourse among the Islamic for the establishment of genealogical relationship which are
contemporary Muslim jurists is the legal status of DNA among other legitimate marriage contract (firāsh), al-bayyina (evidence), al-iqrar
legal means to establish child’s legitimacy under Islamic law. Some (acknowledgement), al-shahādah (witnessing) and qiyāfa
scholars hold the opinion that DNA is at the same level with (physiognomy), it is obvious that physiognomy accords with DNA
physiognomy and cannot be equated with other legally established in several aspects. Physiognomy is a branch of knowledge that is
proofs like firash, al-bayyina and al-iqrar. On the contrary, other based on studying the physical or outward appearance to ascertain
scholars opine that DNA is an independently valid proof on its own natural or biological lineage. Similarly, DNA is the material within
and cannot be comparedd with physiognomy. Each group of the cells that contains each individual’s unique genetic information.32
scholars have substantiated their position with discursive proofs which On this basis physiognomy and DNA as legal proofs come before
would be elaborated. the established legal proofs.33 These scholars have supported their
opinion with proofs from the Holy Quran, Sunnah of the prophet, claimed child and the fornicator. The striking resemblance of the
consensus and reasoning. child to the fornicator did not induce the Prophet (s.a.w) to resort
to physiognomy which has a common denominator with DNA, he
rather gave preference to the legitimate establishment over
“The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years if the
father desires to complete the term. But he shall bear the cost of their food
and clothing on equitable terms.” 34 The Islamic legal means to establish legitimate genealogical
relationship have established through Divine texts (Quran and
The scholars inferred from the above verse that attributing children Sunnah) and consensus of the Muslim jurists. Giving precedence for
to their mother by virtue of birth and simultaneously attributing DNA over these established legal proofs is tantamount to suspension
same children to whom they were begotten for (wa ‘ala al-mauládi and invalidation of Islamic law.38 Besides, most of the modern
lahu) who may not be the real biological father. Thus, once the child scientific theories, no matter how accurate in the sight of the
is born through a legitimate marriage contract, the attribution to his specialists, it does not virtually free from doubt and sometimes proved
father occurs automatically as it is established in the Islamic tradition. wrong by scientists.39 This has made Muslim jurists be strictly
Therefore, DNA testing becomes unnecessary when the textual proofs adherent to prioritising the major sources of Islamic law.40 It is
remain unimpaired.35 inconceivable that DNA testing that is susceptible to compromise
or technical defects would have precedence over the classical methods
that have been established through the original sources of Islamic
legislation. In addition, absolute reliance on DNA testing for
The proponents of this view have also supported their position with
establishing genealogical relationship would undoubtedly have
famously narrated hadith from ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with
destructive implication on peoples’ privacy. This is absolutely
contradictory with the objective of Shari’ah.41
Sa’d b. Abu Waqqas and Abd b. Zam’a (Allah be pleased with them)
disputed with each other over a young boy. Sa’d said: Messenger of Allah,
he is the son of my brother ‘Utba b. Abu Waqqas as he made it explicit that Some contemporary Muslim scholars are of the opinion that DNA
he was his son. Look at his resemblance. Abd b. Zam’a said Messenger of
Allah, he is my brother as he was born on the bed of my father from his
is in the same category with the classical means of establishing a
slave-girl. Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w) looked at his resemblance and found a genealogical relationship. It is rather much stronger than the classical
clear resemblance with ‘Utba. (But) he said: “He is yours O ‘Abd (b. Zam’a), means, so whenever there is a contradiction between the DNA result
for the child is to be attributed to one on whose bed it is born, and stoning and the classical methods, DNA result would be preferred. 42 The
for a fornicator. Sauda bint Zam’a, O you should observe veil from him.” arguments of these scholars are based on the following verse.
So he did not see Sauda at all. Muhammad b. Rumh did not make a
mention (of the words): “O Abd.”36
In the above hadith, the power of legitimate marriage contract or “Those who conceal the clear (Signs) We have sent down and the guidance
proprietorship is explicitly expressed by the clear verdict given by after We have made it clear for the people in the book on them shall be
the Prophet (s.a.w) even with a marked resemblance between the Allah’s curse and the curse of those entitled to curse.”43
It is claimed that the clarity and accuracy of DNA testing when a Ultimately, it is claimed that all the classical proofs for the
dispute arises are proved beyond a reasonable doubt compared with establishment of genealogical relationship are speculative, meanwhile,
the classical methods that are encircled with scepticism and it has been conditioned that the speculative evidence should not be
uncertainty44. And it is plausibly believed that the certainty has at variance with reasoning.51 Claiming legitimacy of a child through
precedence over doubt.45 Besides, it is extremely rare to find faults in licit sexual relationship (firāsh) is to be rejected if it cannot be
the DNA testing. For this reason, it should occupy an outstanding rationalised. For example, if a woman gives a birth in a period less
position within the means of establishing legitimacy and illegitimacy than six months from her wedding day or from a husband who has
of a child and genealogical relationship at large for being more not reached the age of puberty, the child would not be affiliated to
accurate than physiognomy.46 her husband by the consensus of the scholars. As the scholars also
condition that claiming paternity of a child of unknown genealogy
should not contravene reason (‘aql). Therefore DNA becomes a
It is scientifically proved that DNA testing is incredibly powerful condition for the acceptance of firāsh, iqrar and shahāda as a sensory
and 100% or 99.9% accurate for the identity verification which and intellectual proof.52
makes it more definitive than shahāda, iqrār and firāsh that are Meticulously studying the two differing views and their
based on approximation. If these speculative proofs are regarded as arguments on the legal status of DNA analysis, the preponderance
a legitimate method of establishing paternity out of a precautionary of the majority of scholars’ evidence is quite obvious. Giving
measure, DNA should, therefore, should occupy a higher position.47 precedence for the established Islamic legal proofs (adilla shar’iyyah)53
Hilālī asserted that after scientific clarification of DNA position, over DNA results is the prevailing opinion held by the most
it is to be treated as a physical feature and should not contradictory contemporary scholars at numerous conferences of the International
with other Islamic evidentiary structures. He argued that DNA is Fiqh academies. However, the scholars concur that DNA testing
in the position of “condition” for the authenticity of the established occupies the status of physiognomy. There is no doubt that giving
Islamic evidentiary proofs in respect of verification of identity. precedence to the established legal proofs which have been agreed
‘Uthman also argues that DNA analysis can be used to verify other upon from the time of the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w) is
traditional methods for paternity such as the testimony of witnesses tantamount to underestimation of the sources of Islamic law. Besides,
(shuadā).48 Al-Khayyat argues that DNA result is definitive in there have been reports over technical and laboratory errors during
paternity disputes by identifying the real father or mother of a child the process of DNA replication.54 Human errors are also possible.
with genetic traits. He claims the legal efforts made by the classical Contaminations, mislabelling,55 misrecordings,56 misrepresentations,
scholars were virtually based on the speculative hypothesis that is case mix-ups and interpretive errors may lead to false positive errors.57
void of definitiveness. Since Allah, in His infinite mercy, has blessed Therefore, it is impermissible to employ DNA analysis to
mankind with the sign of DNA that can authoritatively determine investigate the legitimacy of a child in the following cases:
the identity in the face paternity disputes, there is no need resorting ā whenever the legitimate marriage contract is intact, it
to uncertain means. 49 In reiterating the comprehensive of is absolutely impermissible to employ DNA testing for
DNA analysis, it is claimed that the classical methods of verification of a child’s legitimacy for the hadith of the Prophet,
establishing genealogical relationship are not devotional based “the child is to be attributed to the legitimate husband” (al-
proofs (ta’abudiyyah) that not questioned after the emergence of walad lil al-firāsh). 58 This has long been a tradition
DNA. 50 unanimously held by the classical jurists to avoid opening the
floodgate for the deterioration of family values.59 In addition, (v) When a baby is born through a doubtful sex (wat’u al-
the family institution has been fortified with very strong shubha) of an invalid marriage like shighar marriage,
principles for the tranquillity of the society. General inclination mut’an or marrying a divorced woman or a widow whose
towards investigating the legitimacy of a child through DNA waiting period has not completed. Affiliation of such a child
analysis would be disastrous to the established tradition laid to the first and second husband might be questionable.
through the main sources of Shari’a. Having apprehended the The case could, therefore, be solved through resorting to
devastating consequence of this issue by the contemporary DNA testing in the way classical scholars used to resort to
Muslim jurists, they have put forward at the seventh lot-casting or physiognomy.67
resolutions of the Islamic Fiqh academy that it is impermissible (vi) When there is doubt over the period of gestation after a
to employ DNA with the aim of investigating the legitimacy marriage contract of fewer than six months. This could
of a child born through a legitimate marriage.60 happen when a woman is divorced after being consummated
ā It is impermissible to investigate of a by her husband with the assurance of completing sixty days
child whose legitimacy has been established through of her waiting period. If the woman gets married to another
acknowledgement and shahāda or bayyina for these means husband and gives birth in a period less than six lunar
are legally inexpugnable by DNA testing as previously months68 . In this case, the legitimacy of the child is
explained. questionable and resorting to DNA testing is allowed.69
(vii) When a husband doubts the legitimacy of his child due to
clear dissimilarity and other reasons, it is allowed by some
Having clarified the status that DNA occupies among other classical contemporary jurists to employ DNA testing. The husband
means of establishing the legitimacy of a child, the contemporary should be satisfied if DNA result affirms the legitimacy of
scholars have stipulated several situations when employment of DNA the child or he could, however, resort to imprecation if
analysis are allowed. otherwise.70
(i) When babies are mixed up in the hospital61 and day care (viii) In the case of returning of prisoners of wars and a lost
centres: it is allowed to employ DNA testing when babies person having wandered away from his family, and his
get mixed up which might occur by mistake or otherwise lineage for a long period of time, if they claim affiliation
that identifying them may be difficult for their parents.62 to a family without a proof, DNA testing could be
(ii) When babies are mixed up due to natural disasters, employed for clarification of their identity and their
accident, and wars and the identity of the victims becomes affiliation to the claimed family.71
problematic.63 (ix) In a case when a person of unknown genealogy claims
(iii) It is allowed to employ DNA testing where is a mixed up of affiliation to a particular tribe DNA testing might be
in vitro fertilisation or artificial insemination64 procedures employed to investigate the validity of the claim.72
to avoid attributing the foetus to wrong parents.65 (x) In a situation when a married woman is raped and if her
(iv) When two or more people claim a child of unknown husband is sceptical about the paternity of the child born
genealogy or a foundling, it is allowed to resort to DNA after that horrific incident, DNA testing may be resorted
testing to the revelation of his true father.66 to.73
(xi) When a husband disavowed a child born by his divorced v) Private and commercial sectors with special interests should
wife claiming that her period of gestation is questionable, be prevented from conducting DNA testing and punitive
DNA testing can be carried out.74 measures be imposed on anyone caught to avoid destroying
It is evident from the above resolutions75 that all the cases the family institution.80
mentioned are restricted to disputing matters and not in clash with vi) Experts to conduct DNA testing should be known for
any of the methods approved Shari’ah. If any of the classical legal integrity, honesty and perfection in the field and there should
proofs (bayyina, firash, iqrar) is involved, employment of DNA not be relationship or enmity between the claimants and
testing would be rendered invalid. people to conduct DNA testing.81 Composition of a special
committee genetic fingerprint in each country involving
forensic specialists, doctors and administrators, and would
1. Even though contemporary Muslim jurists have held the be responsible for overseeing the results of DNA and the
permissibility of employment of DNA test in certain situations, adoption of results
they have rather set out conditions in order to avoid being vii) DNA testing should comprise of forensic specialists, doctors,
inconsistent with the principles and objectives of Shari’a which a legal practitioner and administrators to oversee the result.82
may consequently lead to harm. These conditions are divided
viii)The DNA sample analysis must be conducted by an upright
into two different categories: Legal and technical conditions.
Muslim because his report will serve as a testimony and, as
These conditions are based on the resolution of the Islamic Fiqh
the Shari’ah stipulates, a non-Muslim’s testimony in a case
involving a Muslim is acceptable only in cases of wasiyyah
i) Employment of DNA testing should not be conducted to
(will and testament) during travel and the like.
investigate the legitimacy of a child of a legally established
family to avoid opening floodgates to an unfounded
suspicion and precarious society. However, it allowed
employing DNA testing where there is a mixed up of babies Contemporary scholars have devised different approaches to
in hospitals as previously expatiated.76 establishing the legality of incorporation of DNA profiling through
the employment of the Islamic legal maxims and analogical deduction.
ii) DNA testing should not contradict reasoning. For example,
DNA profiling has been considered among substantial proofs that
running DNA testing for a person claiming paternity to a
can be adopted as substantial evidentiary supports in a dispute.
child of his age group or claiming a child without reaching
However, the idea of comprehensive incorporation of DNA by
grouping it in the same category with other classical means of
iii) DNA testing should not be in contravention of the original establishing the legitimacy of a child is quite implausible let alone
texts from Quran and Sunnah to avoid suspension of Allah’s elevating it over them. It is, therefore, submitted from the from the
injunction. For example, no scientific proof can have scholars’ discourse that DNA results are almost definite in establishing
precedence no matter how definitive over firash.78 the legitimacy of the child. However, studying the scholars’ arguments
iv) DNA testing should not be employed by an individual but on the legal status of DNA testing among other traditional modes of
through judiciary order or through a constituted authority establishing the legitimacy of a child, it is concluded that DNA testing
to avoid gambling with the principles of Shari’ah.79 should not be given precedence over the legally established evidence
(adillah shar’iyyah) like shahadah iqrar and firash. Even though the 9. 5. Jeffreys AJ, Wilson V, Thein SL. Individual-specific ‘fingerprints’ of
scholars admitted the definitiveness of DNA results, there is a human DNA. Nature. 1985; 316: 76–79. 
possibility of the occurrence of human and technical errors. That is 10. Saad, Rana. “Discovery, development, and current applications of DNA
why it is not allowed to use DNA for verification of the legally identity testing.” In Baylor University Medical Center. Proceedings, vol.
established lineage, and in a case of dispute over the claim of paternity 18, no. 2, p. 130. Baylor University Medical Center, 2005
between a legitimate husband and an (adulterer), the child is to be 11. 7. Jeffreys AJ, Brookfield JF, Semeonoff R. Positive identification of an
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through the imprecation, even if DNA results favour the latter. 317:818–819. 
Ultimately, it is suggested that Shari’ah scholars, medical scientists 12. Ibn Taymiyyah expatiated that the basis of this legal maxim is that
and administrative authority in the Muslim countries should supervise people’s daily dealings are not considered impermissible except what is
DNA results, create an accurate mechanism to prevent frauds and prohibited by Quran, Sunnah and the consensus of the Muslim jurist.
contamination and all that is negatively related to the human efforts Conversely, the act of worship is strictly confined to what has been
in the laboratories. legislated by the Lawgiver. See al-SIyasa al-Shar’iyyah fi Islahi al-Ra’i
wa al-Ra’iyyah, (Makkah: ‘Alam al-Nashr wa al-Taozi’i, 1997), 220.
13. Abdallah, Salam. “Islamic ethics: an exposition for resolving ICT ethical
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9. 14. Muslih al-Najjar, al-Ba’mat al-Wirāthiyya fi al-Fiqh al-Islamī, Majalla
2. Chadarevian, Soraya de. “Portrait of a discovery: Watson, Crick, and al-Buhut al-Fiqhiyy al-Mu’a’ira, 2004 edition, vol. 17-65, 195.
the Double Helix.” Isis 94, no. 1 (2003): 90-105. 15. Muslih al-Najjar, 45.
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Institute, 2003. 17. Aisha Ibrahim Ahmad, 65.
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5. Watson and Crick, A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, 2012, 65-66.
NATURE, April 2, 1953, available at,
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6. Weedn VW. Forensic DNA tests. Clin Lab Med. 1996; 16: 187–196. sixteenth session of Muslim World League Islamic Fiqh Academy in
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V, Thein SL Nature. 1985 Mar 7-13; 314(6006):67-73. 20. See Al-Qardagy ali muhyiddin, al-Basmat al- Wirathiyyah min mandhuri
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J. Mehlman, 2 vols. (New York: Wiley, 2000), 1:357. al-Nasab (Egypt: dār al-Naha al’Arabiyya, 2006), 118-119.
22. Sufyan ibn Umar, al-Nsab wa Mada al-T’athīrāt al-Mustajiddāt al- 34. Baqarah, verse 233.
‘Ilmiyya al-Mu’acira, (Riyadh: Dār al-Kunáz Ishbiliyya li al-Nashr wa 35. Aisha Ibrahim, 69.
al-Tauzī’, 2007), 241.
36. Sahih Muslim 1457 Book 17, Hadith 46.
23. Muslih al-Najjar, 46.
37. Ibid. 70.
24. Sufyan ibn Umar, 345.
38. Sufyan ibn Umar, 243.
25. It has been asserted in the seventh resolution of the Islamic Fiqh
Academy on DNA and its benefits that DNA analysis needs to carried 39. Nasir Abdullah al-Miman, al-basmat al-Wirathiyyah wa Majāl
out with adequate precaution and should never be prioritized over the Istikhdāmiha fi Majāl al-libb al-Shar’i wa al-Nasab, Majalla al-Shari’a
Islamic classical proofs like firash, bayyinah and iqrar. Though it is at wa al-Qanán Juwailiyya, vol.18, 218.
the same category with physiognomy (qiyafa) that could resorted to 40. Ashraf Abdul al-Razaq, 97.
when children are mixed up at hospital and a child of unknown
genealogy. See the international Islamic fiqh academy (IIFA) in its 20th 41. Sufyan ibn Umar, 246.
session held on 13th September, 2012, in Wahran, Algeria. 42. Among these scholars are Ra’fat ‘Uthman, S’addin al-Hilaly in his book
26. See Al-Qardagy ‘Ali muhyiddin, al-Bacmat al- Wirāthiyya min man“ári titled “al-Basmat al-Wirathiyyah, wa ‘Alaqatuha al-Shar’iyyyah” and
al-Fiqh al-Islami, a research presented at the sixteenth Islamic Fiqh Muhammad Ghannam in his article titled “al-Basmat al-Wirathiyyah
Council, Makkah, held on the 5th October, 2002, vol.3, 63-64. fi al-Ithbat” presented at the United Arab Emirates University
Conference themed “Genetic Engineering between Law and Shariah”,
27. See al-Zuhaily Wahabah, al-basmat al-Wirathiyyah wa Majālāt al- 2002, vol. 2, 7-5.
Istifadat Mihah, a Research Presented at the Sixteenth Session of the
Islamic Fiqh Council, Makkah, held on the 5th October, 2002, vol.3. 43. Baqarah, 159.

28. Nasir Farid, al-basmat al-Wirathiyyah wa Majalat al-Istifadat Miha, , a 44. Farid al-Shamal, Taqniyyāt al-Bacmat al-Wirāthiyya fi Qaāya al-Nasab
Research Presented at the Sixteenth Session of the Islamic Fiqh Council, wa ‘Alāqatuha bi al-Shari’a al-Islamiyyah, a Research presented the
Makkah, held on the 5th October, 2002, vol.3, 102. Conference on Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Human Genome and
Genetic Treatment, Faculty of Law and Shari’a, United Arab Emirates
29. Umar Muhammad Sabil, al-basmat al-Wirathiyyah wa Madah University, 5-7 may, 2002, vol.4, 1478.
Mashru’iyyat istikhdamiha fi al-Nasab wa al-Jinaya a Research Presented
at the Sixteenth Session of the Islamic Fiqh Council, Makkah, held on 45. Abdul al-Qadir al-Khayyat, 16.
the 5th October, 2002, vol.3, 173. 46. Bandar ibn Fahd al-Suwailim, al-Bacmat al-Wirāthiyya wa Atharuha
30. Sulyman al-Ashqar, Ithbāt al-Nasab bi al-basmat al-Wirathiyyah, a fi al-Nasab, Majalla al-‘Adli, Ministry of Justice, Saudi Arabia, 2008,
research presented at the Seminar of Genetics, Genetic Engineering, vol.37, 121.
Human Genome and Genetic Treatment, Kuwait, 1981. 47. Bandar Fahd al-Suwailim 129.
31. Wahbah al-Zuhaily, 22. 48. Muhammad Ra’fat ‘Uthmān, al-Mādda al-wirāthiyya al-jīnûm (Cairo:
32. See Lichter, Peter, Thomas Cremer, J. Borden, L. Manuelidis, and D. Wahba Bookstore, 2009), 325- 339.
C. Ward. “Delineation of individual human chromosomes in metaphase 41. S’aduddeenHilaly, al-Basmat al-wirathiyyah wa ‘Alaqatuha al-shar’iyyah
and interphase cells by in situ suppression hybridization using (Kuwait University, 1st edition), 316.
recombinant DNA libraries.” Human genetics 80, no. 3 (1988): 224-
234. 49. Abdul al-Qadir Khayyat, 20.
33. Nasr Farid Wasil, 106. 50. S’aduddin al-Hilaly, 316.
51. Sufyan umar, 350. the husband’s or donor’s sperm in the laboratory using a receptacle
52. Ibid. 350. similar to a test-tube. That’s why a baby conceived in this way is called
a ‘test-tube’ baby. This procedure is obviously carried out for infertile
53. The established legal proofs (adilla shar’iyyah) for determining couples and mothers who cannot bear children. In Islam this will be
legitimacy of a child primarily include legitimate marriage contract allowed under the following conditions:
(firash), witness/evidence (shahada/bayyina), and acknowledgement
(iqrar). (a) Sperm used must be that of the husband. Using donor sperm is
not permissible.
54. Friedberg, Errol C. “The intersection between the birth of molecular
biology and the discovery of DNA repair.” DNA repair 1, no. 10 (2002): b) The husband should not use masturbation as a means to collect
855-867. sperm. Instead Shari’ah allows coitus interruptus as well as
masturbation of the husband by the wife.
55. McNabb, S. J., Christopher R. Braden, and Thomas R. Navin. “DNA
fingerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: lessons learned and c) Surrogacy should not be resorted to. That is, once the sperm and
implications for the future.” Emerging infectious diseases 8, no. 11 the ova are fertilized, this matter should not be implanted into the
(2002): 1314-9. womb of another woman who will act as a surrogate mother for
the couple. This is sometimes done when the infertile mother has
56. Huggins, R. M. “On the robust analysis of variance components models too weak a womb to carry a pregnancy to its term. The fertilized
for pedigree data.” Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 35, eggs must go back into the womb of the mother. This is the verdict
no. 1 (1993): 43-57. of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Organization of the Islamic
57. Koehler, Jonathan J. “Error and Exaggeration in the Presentation of Conference in which it says: There is nothing wrong with resorting
DNA Evidence at Trial.” (1993). to this in the case of need, but it is absolutely essential to take all
necessary precautions.
58. Husni Mahmud ‘Abd al-Dāim, al-Basmat al-wirathiyyah wa Mada
Hujiyyatuha fi al-Ithbāt (Alexandria, Dār al-Fikr al-Jāmi’ī, 2008), 774. Majallat al-Majma’ (3/1/423). 
59. Muhyiddin al-Qardagy, 59.9 65. Aisha Ibrahim al-Muqādima, 81.
60. Scholars have differentiated between individual and general 66. Al-Zuhaili Wahba Mustafa, 24.
investigation of child’s legitimacy. See ‘Aisha Sultan al-Marzuqi, ithbat 67. Ashraf ‘Abdul al-Razaq, 108
al-Nasab fi daui al-Mu’tayat al-‘Ilmiyyah al-Mu’asira, a PhD Thesis at
faculty of Dar al-‘Ulum, Cairo University, 2000, 312. 68. Six months is considered the minimum period of gestation unanimously
agreed upon Muslim jurists.
61. One of the similar cases of this happened in Malaysia where two babies
were mistakenly swapped at a medical centre by the staff. The babies 69. ‘Aisha Ibrahim, 83.
were eventually returned to their biological parents following the release 70. Al-Qardagi ‘Ali Muhyiddin, 60. See Nasr Farid Wasil, 109.
of DNA test result. <
article/baby-mix-up-solved-with-dna-test> accessed on 18th February, 71. Al-Zuhaili Wahba, 29.
2017. 72. Aisha Ibrahim, 84.
62. Ashraf abd Razaq 106. 73. Al-Qardagi ‘Ali Muhyiddin, 80.
63. Al-Qardagi Muhyiddin, 60. 74. Ibid. 80.
64. 1) IVF or in vitro fertilization, also known as artificial insemination is 75. The aforementioned resolutions have been recommended by the Islamic
a procedure whereby the woman’s eggs are extracted and fertilized with Fiqh Academy Muslim World League in Makkah at its fifteenth session
held on the 31st of October, 1998, to complete the study of research
and studies and developments on the subject of DNA.
76. Al-Qardagi ‘Ali Muhyiddin, 46.
77. Khalifa al-K’aby, 49.
78. Husni Mahmud ‘Abd al-Dāim, 481
79. Bandar ibn Fahd al-Suwailim, 130.
80. Husni Mahmud ‘Abd al-Dāim, 479.
81. Ibid. 479.
82. Bandar ibn Fahd al-Sawailim, 130.

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