Very Short Answer Questions RAY OPTICS (2 Marks)

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RAY OPTICS ( 2 marks)

1. Define focal length and radius of curvature of a concave lens.
A. The distance between the optic centre and principle focus is called focal length.
The distance between pole of the lens and centre of curvature is called radius of curvature.
2. Define power of a lens. What is its unit.
A) The reciprocal of focal length is called focal power. P=1/f
SI Unit is doiptre(D).
3. A small angled prism of 40 deviates a ray through 2.480. Find the refractive index of the prism.
A. d = (µ -1) A => 2.48 = (µ -1) 4 => µ = 1.62.
4. What is dispersion? Which colour gets relatively more dispersed?
A. The splitting of white light into its component colours is called dispersion.
Violet colour is relatively more dispersed.
5. What is myopia? How can it be corrected?
A. The defect in which human eye can see only near objects but cannot see far objects clearly is Called
It can be removed by using a concave lens of suitable focal length.
6.. What is hypermetropia ? How can it be corrected?
A. The defect in which human eye can see only far objects but cannot see near objects is called
hypermetropia .
It can be removed by using a convex lens of suitable focal length.
7. The focal length of concave lens is 30 cm, Where should an object be placed so that its image is 1/10 of
its size.
A. Here f = -30 cm , u =?, v=u/10
1/v-1/u = 1/f; u=-270 cm.
X. What is optical density and how is it different from mass density?
A. The proprty of the medium to slow down the speed of light is called optical density. A medium of higher
refractive index has more optical density.
Mass per unit volume of a substance is called mass density. A medium of less mass density has le4ss or
more optical density.
Y. What do you understand by the terms focus and principal focus?
A. When an object placed at infinite distance form the lens the point at which its image
is formed is called focus.
When a point object is placed on the principle axis of a lens at infinite distance then
the point at which its images formed is called principle focus.


8. What is the importance of Oersted „s experiment.
A. It Establish the fact that there is a connection between electric current and magnetism. It showed that the origin of
magnetic field is due to motion of electrons.
9. State Ampere‟s law and Biot - savart‟s law.
A) Amperes law : The line integral of the magnetic induction field around any conductor is equal to o times the net current
passing through it.
Biot Savart law : The magnetic induction field due to current carrying element at any point is given by
10. A circular coil of radius „r‟ having „N‟ turns carries a current „i‟. What is its magnetic moment?
A) B = n i r2
11. What is the force on a charged particle of charge „q „moving with a velocity V in a uniform magnetic
field of induction B? When does it become Maximum?
A) (1) F = BqV sin . (2) Force is maximum=FMAX=BqV ; when = 90o
12. What is the force on a conductor of length L carrying current i placed in a magnetic field of induction B
? When does it become Maximum?
A) (1) F = Bil Sin . (2) Force is maximum=FMAX=Bil ; when = 90o
13. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter?
Ammeter Voltmeter

1. A small resistance connected in parallel to 1. A high resistance connected in series to

the galvanometer constitutes ammeter the galvanometer constitutes voltmeter.
2, Is used to measure current in the circuit 2. It is used to measure potential
difference between two points

14. What is the principle of a moving coil galvanometer?

A) When rectangular current carrying coil placed in a magnetic field it experience a torque.
15. How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter?
A) A low resistance is connected in parallel to the galvanometer.
16. How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter?
A) A very high resistance is connected in series to the galvanometer.
17. What is the relation between the permittivity of free space and the permeability of free space and speed
of light in vacuum
A. C = ; where 0 is permeability of free space and 0 is permittivity of free space,


18. A magnetic dipole placed in a magnetic field experiences a net force. What can you say about the nature
of magnetic Field.
A. A magnetic dipole placed in a magnetic field experiences a net force, it shows that the field is a non -
uniform magnetic field.
19. What happens to compass needles at the Earth‟s poles?
A) A compass needle will not show any particular direction.
20. What is the magnetic moment associated with a solenoid ?
A) Magnetic moment = M = N I A.
Where N is number of turns and A is area of cross section.
21. Magnetic lines form continuous closed loops Why ?
A) The magnetic poles N and S always exist together in pairs
22. Define magnetic declination.
A) The angle between the magnetic meridian and geographic meridian.
23. Define magnetic inclination (or) angle or dip.
A) The angle made by the resultant magnetic field of the earth with the horizontal.
24. Classify following materials with regard magnetism:
i) Manganese, ii) Cobalt iii) Nickel iv) Bismuth v) Oxygen vi) Copper
A. i) Manganese --- para ii) Cobalt – ferro iii) Nickel -- ferro iv) Bismuth --- dia v) Oxygen --
para vi) Copper --- dia
25. A bar magnet of length 0.1 m and with a magnetic moment of 5 Am 2 is placed in a uniform magnetic
field of intensity 0.4 T with its axis making an angle of 60 0 with the field. What is the torque on the magnet.
A. Torque on the magnet =Ʈ= MB sinƟ = (5) (0.4) sin 600 = 1. 732 N
26.The Horizontal component of earth‟s magnetic field at a certain place is 2.6 x 10 -5 T and the angle of dip
is 600 . What is the magnetic field of the earth at this location.
A. BH = B cos 600; 2.6 x 10-5 = B cos 600 => B = 5.2 x 10 -5 T
27. Define magnetic susceptibility. Mention its units.
A) The ratio between intensity of magnetization to the magnetic intensity is called susceptibility.
It has no units.
28. What do you understand by magnetization of a sample. What is its S I unit.
A. The magnetic moment per unit volume is called intensity of magnetization.
S I unit is ampere/metre
29. What is meant by watt less component of current?
A) If the phase difference between voltage and current is 900 the current does not perform any work such a
current is called watt less current.
30. What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp?
A) Step down transformer.
31. What is the phase difference between AC emf and current in the following : Pure resistor, pure
inductor and pure capacitor.
A) In a pure resistor Voltage and current are in the same phase.
B) In pure inductor current lags behind the voltage by 900
C) In a pure capacitor current leads voltage by 900
32. Define power factor. On which factors does power factor depends?
A) The ratio between true power to apparent power. It depends on R, L, C and frequency of AC
33. What is the phase difference between voltage and current when then power factor in LCR series circuit
is unity?
A) Given cos = 1 = 0o Voltage and current are in the same phase.
34. Write the expression for the reactance of 1) an inductor and 2) a capacitor.
A) Inductive reactance=XL = WL Capacitative reactance=XC =
Where W = 2 π f ; L is inductance of the inductor and C is capacitance of the capacitor
35. A transformer converts 200V ac into 2000Vac. Calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the
primary has 10 turns.
A) = = ns= 100
36. What is the phenomenon involved in the working of transformer,
A. Mutual induction.
If the current through the primary coil change an emf is generated in the secondary coil
37. What is transformer ratio.
A. The ratio between number of turns in the primary to the number of turns in the secondary is called
transformer ratio.
38. What is meant by wattles component of current.
A. If the phase difference between voltage and current is 90 0 then its power factor is zero. In this case the
power consumed by the circuit becomes zero even though current passing through it. Such a current is
known as wattles component of current.
39. If the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled what happens to the energy of photon ?
A) Energy of photon E . If wavelength is doubled energy is halved.
40. What are the applications of Microwaves?
A) Microwaves are used a) In radar and Telecommunications b) In microwave ovens
41. What is the principle of production of electromagnetic waves?
A) An accelerated charged particle produces electromagnetic waves.
42. Micro waves are used in Radars why?
A) Due to their shorter wavelength they can easily penetrate the earth‟s atmosphere. Hence they are used
in radars for space vehicle communication.
43. Give two uses of infrared rays?
A) Infrared rays are used 1) in remote control systems of TV 2) for taking photographs where there is no
visible light.
44.How are microwaves are produced.
A) Microwaves are produced by special vacuum tubes called klystrons.
45.The charging current for a capacitor is 0.6 A What is the displacement current across its plates.
A) At any instant charging current = displacement current.
So the displacement current is 0.6 A
46. What are “cathode rays”?
A) Stream of fast moving electrons
47. What important fact did Millikan‟s experiment establish?
A) Charge is quantized. The charge on any body is equal to integral multiple of charge of electron.
48. What is “Work function” ?
A) The minimum energy required to liberate an electron from the metal surface.
49. What is Photo electric “effect‟‟?
A) When a photon of sufficient energy is incident on a metallic surface then electrons are emitted from it.
50. Give example of “Photo sensitive substances” Why they are called so?
A) Sodium, potassium, lithium --- . They produce photoelectric effect even with visible light.
51. Write down Einstein‟s photo electric equation.
A) Energy of incident photon (h ) = Work function (W) + Kinetic energy of photo electron( mv2)
52. Write down de-Broglie‟s relation and explain the terms there in.
A) de-Broglie wavelength =
Where „m‟ is mass of the particle, v is velocity of the particle.
53. State Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle?
A) It is not possible to measure both the position and momentum of an electron at a time exactly.
x . p h/2π
where x is uncertainty in determining its position and p is Uncertainty in determining its momentum.
54. An electron, an particle and a proton have the same kinetic energy. Which of these particles has the
shortest de-Broglie wavelength?
A. de-Broglie wavelength.


55. What is an n- type semiconductor ? What are the majority and minority charge carriers in it?
A) When a pentavalent substance like arsenic is added to pure germanium is called n – type
The majority carriers are electrons and minority carriers are holes.
56. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?
A) Pure semi conductor is called intrinsic and doped semiconductor is called extrinsic. in it ?
A) When a trivalent substance like boron is added to a pure semiconductor is called p – type
The majority carriers are holes and minority carriers are electrons.
58. What is p- n junction diode? Define depletion layer.
A) A semiconductor is doped in such a way that one side of it becomes p type and the other side becomes
n type is called p – n junction diode.
The region near the junction where there are no mobile charge carriers is called depletion region.
59. How is a battery connected to a junction diode in i) forward and ii)reverse bias?
A) In a forward bias p type is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and n type is connected to
the negative terminal of the battery.
In reverse bias n type is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and p type is connected to the
negative terminal of the battery.
60. Draw the circuit symbols for p-n-p and n-p-n transistors.

(P) (P) (n) (n)

B (n) B(p)

p-n-p transistor n-p-n transistor

61. Which gates are called universal gates?

A) NAND, NOR gates
62. Write the truth table of NAND gate. How does it differ from AND gate?
Input Output of AND Output of NAND
gate gate
A B Q1 Q2
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0
63. What are the basic blocks of communication system?
A) 1.Transmitter 2. Transmission channel 3. Receiver
64. What is sky wave propagation?
A) The long distance communication is achieved by the reflection of radio waves ( 3 MHz to 30 MHz)
from the ionosphere present in the atmosphere is called sky wave propagation.
65. Define modulation. Why is it necessary?
A) The process of combining audio frequency signal to the high frequency carrier wave is called
Modulation can be done 1) to decrease size of the antenna 2) To increase effective radiated 3) To avoid
mixing up of channels.
66. What is the difference between Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation?
A) In amplitude modulation the amplitude of the carrier wave changes in accordance with the amplitude of
the modulating signal. In frequency modulation the frequency of the carrier wave changes in accordance
with the frequency of the modulating signal.
67. What is “World Wide Web” (www)?
A) It is an encyclopedia of knowledge accessible to everyone round the clock throughout the year.
68. Mention the frequency range of speech signals.
A) 300 Hz to 3100 Hz.
69. Which type of communication is employed in mobilephones.
A) Space wave communication is employed mobile phones.
70. Mention various parts of the ionosphere.
1. D layer ( 65 to 70 km)
2. E layer ( 100 km)
3.F1 layer ( 170 to 190)
4. F2 layer ( 250 to 400 km)


1. Explain the formation of stationary waves is stretched strings and hence deduce the law of transverse
waves in stretched strings.
2.Explain the formation of stationary waves in air column enclosed in open pipe. Derive the equations
for the frequencies of the stationary waves are formed in a closed pipe?
***3. Explain the various modes of vibrations in a closed pipe and establish the relation between their
Current Electricity
1. State Kirchhoff’s s laws for electrical network. Using these laws deduce the condition for balancing in
a Wheatstone bridge.
2. State working principle of potentiometer . Explain with the help of circuit diagram how the emf of
two primary cells are compared by using potentiometer.
3.State the working principle of potentiometer explain with the help of circuit diagram. How the
potentiometer is used to determine the internal resistance of the given primary cell
1. Explain the principle and working of a nuclear reactor with the help of a labeled diagram,
2. Explain the source of stellar energy. Explain the carbon -nitrogen cycle and proton - proton cycle
occurring in stars.
Ray optics
1. Define critical angle, Explain total internal reflection using a neat diagram.
2. Explain the formation of mirage.
3. Explain the formation of rain bow.
4.With a neat labeled diagram explain the formation of image in a simple microscope.
***5. What is the position of the object for a simple microscope? What is the Maximum
magnification of a simple microscope for a realistic focal length.
Wave optics
1. Explain Doppler effect in light. Distinguish between Red shift and Blue shift.
2. Derive the expression for the intensity at a point where interference of light occurs. Arrive at
the conditions for maximum and zero intensity.
3 . Does the principle of conservation energy hold good for interference and diffraction
phenomenon? Explain briefly.
4. How do you determine the resolving power of your eye.

Electric charges and fields

1. State and explain Coulombs inverse square law in electricity.
2. Derive an expression for the couple acting on a electric dipole in a uniform electric field.
3. Derive an expression for the intensity of electric field at a point on the axial line of a dipole.
4. Derive an expression for the intensity of the electric field at a point on the equatorial line of an
electric dipole.
5. State Gauss law in electrostatics and its importance.
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
1. Derive an expression for the electrostatic potential due to a point charge.
2. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
3. Explain the behavior of dielectric in an external field
***4. Explain the series and parallel combination of capacitors. Derive the formula for the equivalent
capacitance in each combination.
Moving charges and Magnetism
1. State and explain Biot- Savart law.
2. State and explain Ampere‟s law.
3. Find the magnetic induction due to a long current carrying conductor.
4. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre (also axis) of a current carrying
circular coil using Biot –savart law.
5. Derive an expression for the magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron

Electro magnetic Induction

1. Obtain an expression for the emf induced across a conductor which is moved in a uniform magnetic
field which is perpendicular to the plane of motion.
2. Describe the ways in which eddy currents are used to advantage.
3. Obtain an expression for the mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids.
4. Obtain an expression for the magnetic energy stored in a solenoid in terms of the magnetic field, area
and length of the solenoid.
1. What is impact parameter and angle of scattering? How are they related to each other?
2. What are the limitations of Bohr‟s theory of hydrogen atom?
3. Describe Rutherford atom model. What are the drawbacks of this model?
4. Distinguish between excitation potential and ionization potential.
5. Explain different types of spectral lines.
6. Write a short note an DeBroglie‟s explanation of Bohr‟s second postulate of quantization.
7. Derive an expression for potential energy and kinetic energy of an electron in an orbit of hydrogen
**8. State basic postulates of Bohrs theory of hydrogen atom.
Semiconductor Devices and Electronics
1. What are n- type and p-type semiconductors? How is a semiconductor junction formed?
2. Describe how a semiconductor diode is used as a half wave rectifier.
3. What is rectification? Explain the working of a full wave rectifier.
***4. Define NAND and NOR gates. Give their truth table.
***5. Explain the operation of a NOT gate and give its truth table.
6. Explainthe working of a Transistor
7. Distinguish between half wave and full wave rectifiers.

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