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I know that I know……VUCA………......

 VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and

 Volatile – change is rapid and unpredictable  in its nature and extent.
Uncertain – the present is unclear and the future is uncertain. Complex –
many different, interconnected factors come into play, with the potential to
cause chaos and confusion. Ambiguous – there is a lack of clarity or
awareness about situations.
 Life skill in a VUCA world-The 3C’s of Life skills are Context, Content
and Concepts.
 Environments of Human Performance-Organisational
Environment=External Environment, Work Environment = Internal
Environment, Work = Inputs to Outputs, Worker = Who performs work
 Importance of VUCA - A VUCA environment can Destabilise people
and make them anxious, sap their motivation, thwart their career moves,
make constant retraining and reshaping a necessity, take huge amounts of
time and effort to fight, Increase the chances of people making bad
decisions, Paralyse decision-making processes.
 Management in a VUCA world – Counter volatility with vision. Meet
uncertainty with understanding. React to complexity with clarity. Fight
ambiguity with agility
 Benefits of Managing in a VUCA World are Implementation, Decision
making, Innovation  and creativity, Searching for opportunities, Team
building  and organisational culture, Recruitment.
 Barriers to Managing in a VUCA world- One of the biggest challenges
of managing in a VUCA world is team members who resist change . The
unpredictability of VUCA so need to avoid using an inflexible,
autocratic leadership style . In a VUCA world, collaboration, participation,
debate, and even dissent is more important than obedience, command
and groupthink.
 VUCA can replace with vision, understanding, clarity, agility.
SESSION: ………1…………
What have I learnt?

 About VUCA
 Life skills in a VUCA world
 Importance of VUCA
 Management in a VUCA world
 Benefits of managing in a VUCA world
 Barriers to managing in a VUCA world

How will it impact me as a Manager/Executive?

 As a manager, I am aware of sloppy work

 Make decisions, vision, understanding, clarity, more agile and pragmatic
 Problem solves looking toward future. Future of any business accurately enough to allow
them to choose a clear strategic direction. 
 Anticipate the Issues that Shape Conditions
 Understand the Consequences of Issues and Actions
 Prepare for Alternative Realities and Challenges
 If there is any uncertainty, I can mould decisions.
 Risk avoidance to protect the organisation

What action do I need to take to implement these learnings?

 Volatile- Become adaptive in decision making, have clarity of vision, short and medium
term, communicate clearly to reduce confusion.
 Uncertain- Build commitment and consensus of approach, develop new perspectives,
create risk-management ideologies.
 Complex- Understand the links between cause and effect, simplify processes and
procedures, Encourage development and generation of ideas.
 Ambiguous-Communication through directly and with clarity, listening to divergent
ideas and concepts, learn lessons that can apply in various circumstances.
 Counter volatility with vision, Meet uncertainty with understanding.
 React to complexity with clarity, Fight ambiguity with agility.
My Practices
What do I
really do?

My Skills
What can I do /spply?

My Knowledge
What do I know?

My Persona
Who am I?
What do I value?
My practices

 Work with team

 Challenge the process
 Enable others to act
 Model the way
 Encourage the heart

 1. Inspire a shared vision

 2. Build partnerships and sustainable relationships
 3. Create Anchors
 4. Develop Flexibility, Resilience, Intuition, Perspective, Positive mind

My skills
collaborative capacity
perspective coordination
contextual thinking.
decision-making process.

My knowledge

 Counter volatility with vision,

 Meet uncertainty with understanding.
React to complexity with clarity

Fight ambiguity with agility

What do I value?

 Integrity
 Honesty
 Fidelity
 Courage
 Patience
 Justice
 Humanity

Building personal relationships

Managing relationships
Building trust
Negotiating effectively

 Feeling hesitation Pro active

 Lack of practical knowledge Extensive knowledge
 Lack of skills Acquired skills
 Problem in working as a team Teamwork
 Unsuitable workplace culture suitable workplace culture
 Anxious for career planning Normal situation


 Work with team and enjoy it
 Create a positive and inclusive work environment.
 Motivating goals, expectations and feedback.
 Coach team members.
 Practice self-awareness and grow leadership skills
 Honesty and Hard working

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