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Animal diversity
Different criteria used to group animals.

★ Mode of locomotion
★ Body shape
★ Body colour
★ Size of the body
★ Mode of nutrition
★ Based on the feeding mechanism
● Chew & swallow
● swallow without chewing
● Chew
● Suck
Uses of classification
➢ Easy for naming
➢ Help to identify the organisms
➢ Easy to study

A scientific way of classification is essential to

group animals.
Classification of animals

Vertebrates Invertebrates
Animals with a backbone Animals without a backbone
Groups of vertebrates

Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals




Do activity 6.1
Adaptations of organisms to environment
The ability of organisms adapt to their environment is
called adaptation.
These adaptations are useful for them to fulfil their needs.
★ Food
★ Shelter
★ Protection

The difficulty to identify animals

separately from their surroundings due
to blending of body colour to particular
environments is called camouflage.
Do Assignment 6.3
Benefits due to camouflage

★ Most of the animals do not become victims to predators.

★ Help to find prey.
How shape helps the existence of animals
Body shape of animals is also very important for locomotion.
Write observations and conclusion.
Use of dichotomous key for classification of
Features of dichotomous key
❖ Select a feature that could be differentiated easily.
(Dichotomous keys are used to classify organisms
mainly based on their external features.)
❖ Consider one feature at a time and separate that
feature as present or absent.
❖ Finally, separate the items so that only one item will
remain at the end.
Do the exercise on page number 85

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