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Let’s Check Activity 1.1.

Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer. Consider the Nine Principles of
Effective Communication.
historia interpretative historical bias Aristotle
verisimilitude historical method historiography artifacts or
documents historical analysis limitation of historical knowledge
historical impartiality
historical method 1. The process of critically examining and analyzing the records and survivals of the
historical impartiality 2. Historical objectivity.
Historia 3. Learning by inquiry.
historiography 4. The practice of historical writing.
historical bias 5. Objects or things that have since been forgotten or the experience of
generation long dead.
verisimilitude 6. Historians aim of searching the truth, authenticity and plausibility.
historiography 7. Historian’s ability to reconstruct historical events.
historical analysis 8. This historical method in which the historians investigate, collects and examine
artifacts or documents 9. These are raw materials out of which history maybe written.
limitation of historical knowledge 10. Incompleteness of records has limited man’s knowledge of history.
Let’s Firm Up Activity 1.2. Discovering History: You need to complete the table by
answering the question in each door in order for you to deepen your understanding in

Task #1: Give (5) definitions of history according to various historians? Cite the name of


According to John Jacob Anderson, "History is a narration of the events which have
happened among mankind, including an account of the rise and fall of nations, as well
as of other great changes which have affected the political and social condition of the
human race."

According to W.C. Sellar and R.J. Yeatman, "History is not what you thought. It is
what you remember. All other history defeats itself." (1066 and All That).

According to James Joyce, "History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am

trying to awake." (Ulysses).

According to The Passage of Time, whether you like history or not, there's no
denying the impact it leaves on us.

According to Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges, "History is and should be a science ...
History is not the accumulation of events of every kind which happened in the past.
It is the science of human societies."
Hirst, K. Kris. "What Is History?" ThoughtCo, Oct. 7, 2021,

Task #2: Which among the definitions given would be the best describe your “own” history? and


As for me among the definitions given, the best definition would be described on my own is
“The Passage of Time” because history means is what happening in the past. Whether we like it
or not of what happened on us in the past, we need to accept the fact that it is part of our

Task #3: Why do you need to study history?


We need to study history because it helps us to understand the changes of people and society,
we live in to be. Studying history is essential for good citizenship at is makes us realize our
national identity. History is also a way to gain access to the laboratory of human experience.

Task #4: What role does history take in the Philippine society, culture and identity?


Through history we can begin to comprehend the factors that cause changes of our
societies, History Builds Empathy Through Studying the Lives and Struggles of Others.
Studying the diversity of human experience helps us appreciate cultures, ideas, and
traditions that are not our own and to recognize them as meaningful products of
specific times and places. Studying history is essential for good citizenship at is makes us
realize our national identity.

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