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Hà Nội_2022
Topic 7:
Part 1: Make a 45-minute lesson plan to teach Unit 7_Listening: International
students in Vietnam_English 11_Book 1_Page 24-25
Part 2: Write an essay (about 500 words) in which you analyse the type of
procedure and the teaching principles being applied in the
lessson plan.
Part 1:


Listening: International students in Viet Nam

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can:

- Get information about international students in Vietnam.
- Practise listening for details and taking notes.
- Listen for specific information about international students in Vietnam.
1. Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: coordinator, thorough, knowledgeable, overcome,
b. Grammar: the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
2. Competences: independent working, pair work, linguistic
competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence
3. Qualities: By the end of the lesson, students will be aware of their
own education and being willing to help international students in Vietnam.
1. Teacher: Textbook, powerpoint, lesson plan,...
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen,…
Teacher’s activities Contents
1. Warm up (5 minutes)
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and lead in the lesson
- Teacher asks Students to Activity 1: Look at pictures then - Listen to the
look at the pictures and answer the questions teacher and
answer the questions. answer the
- Lead into the lesson. question
Suggestion answers:

- They are in Vietnam.

- They are learning about
Vietnamese culture.
- They are getting to know their
Vietnamese fellow students.
2. Presentation (10 minutes)
Aim: Build up Ss’ vocabulary base.
- Teacher introduces the - Students listen,
- coordinator (n): điều phối viên
new words. practice and
- thorough (adj): chu đáo
- Makes Students listen write down the
- knowledgeable (adj): am hiểu
and repeat. new words.
- overcome (v): khắc phục, vượt qua
- Call on students to read
- worthwhile (adj): đáng giá
the new words.
3. Practice (25 minutes)
Aim: Students can practice on checking specific information that they have listened
Activity 2: Listen and take notes
- Teacher gives students Suggestion answers: - Listen to
some tips before listening. 1. Undergraduate. teacher’s
- Teacher asks students to 2. Vietnamese history and instruction.
read the situation and economic development.
suggested words then 3. Very friendly and helpful
makes sure they
understand all the 4. Very organized, - Complete the
statements. knowledgeable and thorough, activity
- Teacher plays the record always available for emergencies. individually
twice, asks students to 5. Lives with a host family, has
listen and take note. his own room, comfortable and
- Teacher asks student to clean, has Internet.
come to the board and 6. Eat breakfast and dinner with
write down the answer. host family, and lunch with
- Teacher checks the Vietnamese fellow students;
answers, plays the record food-healthy and delicious; has
once more time and pauses his favorite dishes.
at the keywords for Ss to
check their answers.
Activity 3: T/F/NG
- Teacher asks students to - Students
read the statements and underline the
1. F (I have been doing an
underline the keywords. keywords.
undergraduate course in VietNam
- Teacher plays the record
for two years.)
and ask students to listen - Work
2. T
again and decide if the individually.
3. NG
following statements are
4. F ( I was really worried when I
true (T), false (F), or not
used a friend’s motorbike to get
given (NG).
around the city.)
- Teacher checks the
5. T
answer, plays the record
once again and pauses at
the correct answers.
4. Further practice (5 minutes)
Aim: Ss will apply in real life and talk about things they are going to prepare for
studying abroad.
Activity 4: Discuss how you should
- Teacher asks students to prepare for studying abroad. - Listen to
practice in pairs talk teacher’s
about what they are going Eg: instruction.
to prepare for studying - Research your destination's local
abroad. customs, culture, and people
- Teacher gives students a - Be ready for homesickness - Work in pairs.
list of suggestion - Deal with "culture shock"

3. Homework
- Make a conversation about studying abroad with partner and present
on the next lesson
- Learn the new words and structures by heart
- Prepare for the new lesson.
Part 2:
A lesson plan is a teacher’s plan for a particular lesson, which typically
includes the goal (what students need to learn), method, and procedure. It is
an integral part and plays a crucial role in the success of the lesson. That’s
why we give our details lesson plan to teach Unit 7_Listening: International
students in Vietnam (English 11_Book 1_Page 24-25).
Firstly, we find out about the procedure of our lesson plan. The three basic
components of the procedure are teaching, learning, and teaching and
learning. With the main method is “Teaching centered on the students”, three
components support each other and help the students develop creativity and
thinking. We teach with a positive education method (students learn
knowledge by themselves, teacher supports students). The teacher starts the
lesson by giving students a warm-up activity to attract students' attention to
the lesson and lead in the lesson. This activity helps students develop their
powers of observation. Subsequently, students learn new words with the next
activity. These vocabularies help students listen more easily in the practice
activity. And so, students can develop their ability to memorize. Moreover,
students also practice listening skills in the process of listening part with three
activities. In activity 2, students must listen carefully to take notes. They think
and filter information in the audio. After that, they fill the box. Students keep
practicing the quality of their intellect when they do activity 3. Students must
choose T for true, F for false, and NG for not given when comparing
information in the audio and information in the box. Students can develop
skills in working in a pair in activity 4. They practice speaking when they
discuss with their partner. Moreover, students can expand their vocabulary of
the lesson’s topic. Certainly, students can listen when they hear their friends
talk. Besides the method of practicing in the class, the teacher also focuses on
the method of homework. Before the end of the class, the teacher summarizes
the knowledge, makes careful recommendations to students, and gives
students tasks to practice at home.
In this lesson plan, we apply five teaching principles. To begin with
visualization, the teacher presents contents by the pictures in activity 1.
Students will be impressed and interested with the contents. Also with this
activity, the teacher can interrelate with reality. For this reason, students feel
the lesson contact with their life. This is also the second teaching principle.
And the teaching principle which is used most in this lesson plan is
encouraging students to learn by themselves. The teacher only leads students,
students work to know. This helps students develop skills. After all, the
teacher sums up the lesson. The teacher helps students take note of the main
contents of this lesson. The teacher gives students homework and ends the
lesson. Students can reminisce the knowledge about what they learned in the
lesson, and then taking notes is easier for students to learn. The teacher also
creates an atmosphere of positive. The teacher and students care and respect
one another.
We look forward to our lesson plan will bring an effective and interesting
lesson. At last, we hope students can develop their skills best with our
procedure, method, and teaching principles.

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