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When did the world war occur

First World War (WWI) was a global war centered in Europe that began on July
28,1914 and lasted until November 11,1918
It involved all the world's great powers, which were assembled in two opposing
alliances: the Allies (based on the Triple Entente of the United Kingdom, France
and Russia) and the Central Powers (originally the Triple Alliance of Germany,
Austria-Hungary and Italy;
but, as Austria-Hungary had taken the offensive against the agreement, Italy did
not enter the war). These alliances both re-organised (Italy fought for the Allies)
and expanded as more nations entered the war.

The common things that caused the world war were

1. Conflicts between states:
a. The contradiction between the UK and Germany due to economic competition, the
armed forces, and the seizure of the colony.
b. Disagreement between France and Germany as a result of vengeance (Revance Idea)
since Germany defeated France in 1870.
c. Russian opposition to Germany cause
Germany was not willing to help the development of Russia.What’s more, Germany
helped Turkey while Turkey was an enemy to
obstruct Russia.Russian army implemented water policy in the Mediterranean.
And Political Alliance .
2.Arms race due to the development and
progress of science and technology.

WWI process
 It started with the war between Austria and Serbia . On June 28, 1914 Austrian
crown prince named Frans Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The killer was
Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian secret police.The event was an excuse for
Austria to expand his territory in the Balkans with Serbia .
Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914.Followed by ,Germany declared war
on Russia on August 1, 1914, France against Germany on August3, 1914, and England
against Germany on August 4, 1914.
Within a week, the five countries involved in
the arena of war Austria-Serbia. Then there
was a massive war.
•World War I was divided into two hostile blocks,namely the Block States or
Allied (Allied) and the Central Powers (Axis), Block States consisting of the
Triple Entente, while the Central Powers consisting from the
Triple Alliance.The battle occurred on two fronts, the west and east.Germany
against France and Russia on the western
front and in the eastern front. Germany plan to destroy the French on the western
front before facing Russia in the east. In September 1914,Germany had reached the
river Marne and threatened Paris.However, this plan failed because of getting
fierce opposition from France. Besides Germany, to face
Russia was also headed Prussia.
France could hold Germany in the river Marne,
England could still mastering the English Channel,and Russia could survive in
Military forces of both sides took their respective
positions in the trenches that extended as far as 78 kms from the North Sea to the
Swiss border..While the slow war, both sides were trying to strengthen itself
outside Europe by expanding the territory. Britain and France attacked the German
colonies in Togoland, Cameroon, and East Africa.In Asia Pacific, the Japanese took
over the German colonies in the Marshall Islands,Mariana, and Karolina.
According to the power calculation, Block States army was three times larger than
the power of the Central Powers. This
situation resulted in the defeat of the Central Powers. On December 12, 1916,
Germany proposed peace. The proposal was accepted by the States with the burdensome
requirements for the Central Powers, namely:
Liberation of Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro,which were
occupied by the Germans in 1915.
Withdrawal of German troops from France, Russia and Romania.Liberation of Italy,
Slavic, Romania, and Czechoslovakia,which
were under the control of Austria and the liberation of the nations under Turkish
War indemnity from the Federal Reserve,
.With such severe conditions, the Central eventually canceled the peace proposal.
To break the blockade of Britain, Germany on January 31, launched unlimited
submarine warfare. As a result, the German detached light cruiser SMS Emden
destroyed 15 merchant ships and passengers , including the ship Lusitania ,which
was sunk by Germany on May 7,1915. America was initially neutral, finally America
declared war on Germany on April 10,1917. Meanwhile in Russia was a upheaval of the
workers who wanted peace. Workers' revolution toppled the rule of Emperor Nicolas
Il under the leadership of Lenin's Bolsheviks.One step up from this was the rule
of the Bolsheviks withdrew from World War I to perform Brest Litovsk Treaty (1918).
This was very beneficial for the Central Powers. Since U.S. troops were flowing to
the Continent, Block States were able to beat back the forces of the Central Block.
As a result, in September 1918, Bulgaria filed peace and one by one the countries
that joined the Central Powers defeated .States forces occupied Macedonia and
Britain succeeded in occupying Yerussalem.
Together with the Arabs,the British under General Allenby successfully urged
Turkey and
captured their fortifications from Baghdad to
Aleppo. Turkey no longer withstood attacks of
States. Finally, Turkey had signed the Treaty of
Sevres in 1920. Meanwhile, the people of
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Croatia and the Slavic broke free and formed independent
states after the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed.. The spirit of the German
forces began to fall and the German people were suffering from hunger. Meanwhile,
in Germany,there was its own domestic uprising of the people. The communist
movement in Munich could topple the empires of Wilhelm II,forming a
republic.Finally, Germany on November 11 ,1918 signed a ceasefire agreement in
accordance with the terms required by the States. World War I ended after Germany
signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919.

The impact of WWI

World War I is the total movement of all the
powers possessed by countries around the
world, especially countries in Continental
Europe. Countries involved in World War 1,
both the losing and winning were equally at risk.More than 10 million people died
and about 20 million people are injured as a victim of the magnitude of World War
I.In addition The First World War destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-
states, encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies, forced the United
States to become a world power and led directly to Soviet communism and the rise of

Alliance-an arrangement between two or more people,groups or countries by which

they agree to work together to achieve something
Seizure -the action of taking something or taking control of something, especially
using power or force
Vengeance-the act of harming or killing someone because they have done something
bad to you
Implement-to make something such as an idea, plan system, or law start to work and
be used
Hostile- behaving in a very unfriendly or threatening way towards someone
Fierce-involving very strong feelings such as determination,anger or hate
Trench-a long narrow open hole dug in the ground
Burdensome-creating problems for someone
Withdrawal -the act of stopping something or of taking something away
Indemnity-or protection against injury or loss
Upheaval- a sudden or violent change,especially one that affects the people’s lives
Withdraw- to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from
taking part
fortification-the process of making buildings,walls etc stronger in order to defend
a place
ceasefire-an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially in order
to discuss permanent peace
Domestic uprising-ներքին ապստամբություն

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