W08 Application Activity Template

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W08 Application Activity Template: Advocacy Email

Name: Milton Bonilla

Sometimes you need help or more information with something in your life. Maybe you have
a question about something in your Introductory Certificate course. Maybe you are not sure
about your next steps after this course. Maybe you need more information about something
at work or from a doctor or other service provider. Perhaps you have a question for one of
your Church leaders about your calling.

Step 1 – Identify a situation

Choose a real situation in your life in which you need some help or more information.
 This situation should be something you can share with your instructor.
 Please do not include private information.

Waive a fee for my rent payment

Step 2 – Choose an audience

Choose which person or organization you can email to ask for this help or more
 This person or organization will become the audience of your email.

Tenant’s administration office manager

Step 3
Consider the needs of your audience. You will write your email differently depending on
the nature of your audience. Your audience could range from a close friend to a very large

Step 4
Write an email in which you do the following. Don't send it yet.
 Write a subject line that is clear and helps the person understand the nature of your
 Begin the email with a salutation to a specific person or organization.
 Identify yourself. Use your full name if you are not writing to a close friend or
 Give enough background information so that the person receiving the email can
understand why your request is important to you. This information also helps the
person address your question to the best of his or her ability. Be careful not to
include too much information as it can distract from your request.
 Clearly and assertively make your request. This means you advocate for your need
without being passive or aggressive.
 Be specific in your request. General requests like “please help me in this class” are
not as actionable as “Can you clarify this part of this assignment for me?
 Close the email by stating a desired outcome. Remember to be assertive, which
means not being demanding or too deferential.

To: bsteward@msrenewal.com
Subject: June Payment Confirmation

Bill Steward,

My name is Milton Bonilla, and I live at one of your Glenwood's Apartments. I have a
concern about my monthly payment.

Recently I got a notification in my Residential Portal about my payment for June. It says
that my payment did not get through and I would need to pay a late fee charge for $150.
This is the first time I have had this issue and I already contact my bank, they said that this
refund has nothing to do with the bank and I have to check with my landlord. Hopefully you
can help me out and we can find a solution together and if it is possible to be exonerated of
this $150 fee.

I would appreciate a prompt reply so this issue can be fix. Thank you.

Best regards,
Milton Bonilla

Step 5 - Proofread
Before submitting, proofread your email. Make sure you included a subject line, identified
yourself, included details about your situation, used assertive communication, and signed
your email.
Step 6
Once you have completed checking your document, save this document with your name in
the filename, and following the instructions in your course to submit it for grading and

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