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RESTRICTED. T. @. NO, 01-70A-1 PILOT'S FLIGHT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ARMY MODEL PT-17 AIRPLANES Poblied by out RESTRICTED. [Now fra Litho N.Y. 25000745 30 DECEMBER 1942 REVISED 25 FEBRUARY 1945 RESTRICTED 1.0, Now O1-70A-1 THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE USED BY PERSONNEL RENDERING SERVICE TO THE UNITED STATES OR ITS ALLIES Instructions Appliceble to AAF a) Resid ier may be dices, wove special ctcumsanet Paragraph of Are sete noting of fe at ives ren pn Bie “./Diuenianion of reared maver—The information contsined The Barta of Atomic he Und Si SS te aie ha eedbtie sy re oer neta wchmial pobien i brag me sera ete tian aed enltied percnoe who fave we for them” ae Lener No. 1243 futher sess Generel. ‘There sirens semis the ie of setuid publictions 0, cian foe inthe pie iveren St Secrat or aicralt accenociea, and to similar commercial organiza LIST OF REVISED PAGES ISSUED. 2 ne, 10 he te of th tet He tesa Nt ates erent Naas ethuce Page Latest No. Revision Date +25 February 1945 tevs30 Jenuary 1944 1.30 January 1944 30 January 1944 125 February 1945 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION’ MAY BE OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: pert sn ets WB SAI "Act 60:89 for des on any Deparment, Wathogton, B.C. Alto we Navy ACTIVITIES. Sani gees tothe Chil Bates of Aeron TONKA a etd puso stm eqitemeci on Fm 2944, in dupe, the Air Pubiaioas and Forms Store, New Cal teadhall Lane, Hao A RESTRICTED Revised 25 February 1945, aestetcten 1.0. No. 01-70A-1 TABLE OF ConTENTS Section Page Section 1° peceription 16. Stopping Engine as 17! Before Leaving the Pilot's a. Airplane 3 Compartaent as a! Power Plant 3 28. Naseuvers Prohibited ta 3+ Controls aad Operational Ravipment 3. MT Flight Operation data IT Pitot Operating Instructions Take-Off, Climb and Land ine Chart 16 On Betering the Pilot's Bngine Plight Calibration a iompertnent a3 senrte? at ” a. Starting Engize 3 Specific Bagine Plight a! Engise WaraUp 2h Chart 38 4. Engine and Accessories Weight & Balance chart 39 Ground Test as Flight Operation Inst ruc~ S. Taxing Instructions a tion Chart 20. 6. Take-oFr 3 ' 2+ Engine ature During Take~ Appendis 4 8. Glinb 1 1 U.S.A. = BRITISH GLossaRY 9: General Flying Characteristics 14 OF NOMENCLATURE aa 30. Engine Failure During Flight. te ML Stal aa 22! Spine 13: Aerobatics 1 1a) Divieg iu 35. Approach, Landiae, and Cross- Wind Landing a ILLUSTRATIONS, Page 1, Play Airplane - three-Guarter Rear View 2 2+ Fusclage Contents Arrangeneat 5 31 Poel System Diagram é 51 O81 system Diagram > 5. Instrament Panel 5 5! Front Cockpit - Lett Side > 2. Prost Cockpit — Right Sige 20 8. Rear Cockpit - Left Side n 9. Rear Cockpit - Right Side 2 ¥ RESTRICTED RESTRICTED T.0. No, O1-70A-1 SN = pTsiz Airplane ~ Three-Quarter f ee k Ficure | -2- RESTRICTED RESTRICTED T.0. No. 01-704-' Section 1 Pare b To 3 SECTION DESCRIPTION He Ale - General. ~ The PT-17 Airplane is a two- place open Biplane, manufactured by Boetag Airplane Company aad powered with a Continens tal 220 hp air-cooled engine coupled to an 8'-6" dlaneter steel blade, fixed piteh prow Peller. The wings are of internally braced wooden construction, with aluminum alloy leads ing and trailing edges. Both the enpennage and feselage are welded tabular steel struee tures, ‘provided with aluniaum alloy fairing, The ailerons are ariveted structare of formed alominam alloy. With the exception of the engine and fuselage cowling, the wings, fuses lage, enpennage, and ailerons are fabric cove ered. The landing gear is of the fixed cana tilever type with hydraulic brakes. Overall dimensions of the airplane are as follows! Length 291-9" Span) 3a'-3* Weigne “o'-aa" Power Plant. The PT-1> Airplane is powered with a Con~ Htinental R6ro-si-s; and “11 air-cooled engines Fated at 220 hp, at 2075 rpm at sea Levels Maxinem allowable fight rpmis sors. Conpres sion ratio g.uit, direct drive, 1=0il, = The fuer tank is located in the center section of the upper wing and has a capacity of 46 U.S. gations (38-25 Iap. gallons) with as expansion space of i-¢ 018 gallons (i-2/q Imp. gations. The fuel systen fs of the gravity feed type Servico this airplane with 73 octane Easoline ~ Spec. AN-V¥-Fuy6) only. Tt aoe available, the sext higher grade will be used in"an “emergency. The 011 tank is mounted on the forward side of the firewall in the engine conpatinent and has a capacity of g.4 Us. gallons (3.67 Inp, gallons) with am expansion space of ieg ealions (reap Imp. gallons). Replonish oil supply with aircraft engine oi, Spec. AN-YV-O-4q6. Por teaperas teres above a? C. 139° P. Jase Grade ise operating under extreme cold candicinas, wae Grade rr00, 4, Controls and Operational coulpments a. Cockpit Seats. - Pilot's seats are of setngara hi BFF Corps Types, in both Prone and The seats may be adjusted through rive inches, tn increments of ones hate ‘Tach. "To raise’ or Tower the seats pall the release lever na the right side nf the Kevised as February agus Seat, upward, and nove the seat up or down to the ‘desired neight. When released, the handte is returned to the Locked position by spring. It the locking pin, attached to the release lever will not cacages move the Seat slightly upward or downward until the pin slides in place. be and Klevat Pig. s).~ The ailerons and elevators are coatrolied, by inter-connected coatrol sticks in each Cockpit, through a series of pah-pull tubes gad bellcranks. Pushing the stick forward, Geflects the elevator dows agaiast the aire stream, causing the nose of the airplaae to Stop; pulling the stick back, deficets the glevator upward ant causes the nose of the airplane to raise. If the stick is pushed to Fight or left, the alleross are detiected te opposite directions, causing the airplane to Toll about the longitudinal aris in the direction the stick is moved. vator Trim Tab Control (Fig. 8). - Blevator trin tab coatrols are mounted oa the Left side of each cockpit and control the trim tabs through a syeten of cables and Dulleya. The tab control is titted with a ial that indicates ta degrees the displaces nent of the tab with roopect to the elevators The control is moved aft to correct for a ‘Bone heavy condition, and pushed forward to correct Tor a tail heavy coaditioa. 4 Rudder Controls (Pig. 5). - The redder is controlled through a system of cables and pulleys, by two pedals in cack cockpit. Pushe ing the'right pedal forward, turns the rudder tothe right, Into the airstreans causing the Airplane to'tura to the Tight? pushing the Left pedal torvard, turas the rudder te the Left, causing the airplane to turn to the lett.’ Toe type brake controls are incorporas ted with the rudder pedals. Toe preasure, when applied to the top of the pedals, serves Lo actuate the braking system. Independent, brake control is thus obtained on each wheel: g- Tail Wheel. - The tail wneel is the Steerable, free-awiveling type, novating a 10" smooth’ contour tire. A shack absorber of the wir-oil type is provided, A+ Puet Tank Gage (Fig. 3). ~ A sight type fuel gage extends tron the boiton of the tank aad is visable to doth members of the crew, It is calibrated in fourths of eapacity nad Rust be read with the airplane in level tient. &. Fuel Valve (Fig. 31, - A fuel enut-off— valve, remotely operated by comtral haadies Mounted on the left side, velow the iaattns ment panel ia both cockpits, controls the, flow of fuel to the engine nestRicreD aesTRicTED snl tb, Vented on the right site t aie Taek “le ae Daa ttt this Vaadie out, aad while hotding it, applying {ira presaure to both Deake pedaiss The Drakes are released Dy Applications of further pressure on the pedals without tovchiag the control handle. Do not operate the parking caution: ia the ate beaten WRiT® Control Sgrtace Lock (Pig. 6).- A handle for the operation of the coatrol Sur~ face lock, which secures the rudder, ai lero: Aga elevator, is installed im cach cockpit. To Lock the controls, posh the red handle, oo the Lett side of the cockpit, forward, to disengage the latch pin. Neutralize the rod- der pedals snd stick; posh the Stick sligatly forward, aad while holdiag the coatcols in this position, tors the lockiog handle down and allow the lates pia to snap tate place. It the Latch pia does sot seat readily, a alight movencat of the rudder pedals will as~ Sist in tiniag up the pis for eagagenent ine Controle tipeattle IPips. 6 and 8). ~ The ‘mounted on the Left is Bay C throttle contol lever, Side of each cockpit, coatrols the throttle Falve heough as oyeten Of fods and bell= cranks. Pushing the throttle lever forward, Gaceeases the rpm of the eagine; pulling the lever aft, decreases the rpm. (a) Mixtore Control (Figs. 6 and 8). ~ xtare control Tever, mounted adjacent to the throttle Lever in cach cockpit, controls the carburetor mixture valve throggh a aya~ {US of reds and bellcranks. Forward move~ neat of the control lever, richens the car- Duretor nizture--att movemeat Tears the mix T.0. Now O1-70A-1 Section I rare 3 Te an ts) Carboretor Air Conteot (Fig 7) .~ “Seite Cae the control for adwittieg heated air into the Carburetor ts located oa the right side of Cie sieplane betweea the {rot and rear cock= pitsiand ts nccessible to Doth pilots. A Upridg laten on the control Lever keeps it TOcked ia the desired position. In the full forward position, cold aif oaly, goes into the carburetor. Moviag the control aft, ta~ Greases the proportion of seated airy wmtily fe°the coll sft position, oaly heated sir 15 Aunitied toto the carburetors |. Slight Report Holder (Pig. phe - ype h-a Fiight report folder is provided on the right side in the front cockpit L. Pire Uxtiagwisher (Fig. 8). = A Type Acathaau Tire ertaguisher is fasieaed ina holder on the ioside of an access door at the Tete sine of the rear cockpit. The fire ex tinguisher nay De reroved fron either inside prioutside of the airplage. If inside the {Eeplase, pull dowa the holder catch located just forvatd of the fire extinguisher handle, And renove the extinguisher from the holder. Tf stavdlag ovtside the airplane, opcaisg the Access oor will swigg the extinguisher oot iSto eacy reach, so that the holder cate nay be reised and’ the extinguisher removed fs. Speaking Tape (Pig. 8) Btstieds enabling the a> itrector to apeak to the Student plots a0 provie Sioa ts ade for the st Gent to speak to the tam Sttuctor, | Mouthpiece ana earphone tuves are helt ta clips at the Lef Siat"or une cocxpit. tall B age Compartment Lock. - 4 keyless c onbiac te ieee te peeriged toe the aresee Gonpartment door. Yheu the airplase leaves the ’factory, tbe three dials are set at zero. Any desired Lock combigation may be obtaiaed by pressing the dutton at the rear of the Lock aad thea setting the three dials to che conbitation desired. RESTRICTED RestarcTeD T.0. Ho. 01-70A-1 1 OL Tank 8 Bagoave Conpartment 2 Fuel Tank 9 Pilot's Seat 3. Fuel Filler Heck 10. Fire Extinguisher 4 Fuet Gage ce 5 Flight Control Stick 8 Front Cockpit 7 Rear Cockpit Figure 2 - Fuselage Contents Arrangenent RESTRICTED T.0. No. O1-70k-1 LEGEND NOTE: Left-Hand Side Of Fuel Tank Identical — Fuel Lines With Right-Hand Side ym Vent Lines 14 Carburetor 23 Fuel Valve Control 15 Primer Line To Engine Front, Cockpit 18 Fuel Gage 24 Fuel Yalve Contro! 17 Vent Line Rear Cock 1a Outlet Line 25 Line From Left 19 Sup. Outlot & Sup 20 Filler Nock 26 Fuel Valve 21 Fuel Line From Tank 27 Priner 22 Fuel Tank-W6 Gal Be Fuel Strainer Figure 3 ~ Fuel System Diagran -6- RESTRICTED RESTRICTED T.0. Nos 01-70A-1 Return Line From Engine Vent Line From Tank To Engine OW! Tank ~ wou Gat Floure 4 ~ LEGEND Oi Lines Vent Lines Breather Lines Drain Lines 3M Breather Line Fron Engine 85 Oi! Pressure Line From Engine To Gages On Both Instrument Panels, 38 Intake Line To Engine 37 Drain Line 38 Drain *y# 39 Outlet Line Fran Tank O11 System Diagram RESTRICTED T.0. No, O1-70A-1 DOG ae OGnOeae YO Ignition Switch Controt Yi Fuel Valve Control NQ Rudder Pedals Na Altimeter WY Airspeed Indicator 46 Clock 6 Control Stick 47 Compass 4a oi No Tachone 50 Parking Brake Handle ture & Pressure Gage Figure 6 - Instrument Pane! -8- nestRICTED RestRicteD T.0. No, O1-70A-1 51 Speaking Tube 52 Elevator Trim Tad Controt 53 Engine Control Quadrant 5Y Control Surface Lock 55 Fuel Valve Control Figure 8 - Front Cockpit ~ Left Side -9- RestRicTED RESTRICTED T.0. No. O1-70A~1 Parking Brake Handle Br Flight Report Hold $8 Gonpass Correction Card Holder 9 Carburetor Air Control Figure ? - Front Cockpit - Right Side = (e RESTRICTED RESTRICTED T.0. No, O1-70A-1 @ 8 28 80 Speaking Tube 01 Fire Extinguisher 62 Engine Control Quadrant 63 Ignition Switch Control 6y Fuel Valve Control 85 Control Surface tock 66 Elevator Trin Tab Control Figure 8 - Rear Cockpit - Left Side sue Resraicreo ResTRICTED T.0. No. 01-70A-1 67 Parking Brake Handle @8 Compass Correction Holder 69 Engine Starter Crank Figure 9 - Rear Cockpit - Right Side =i kesTRICTED RESTRICTED n o1-704-1 Section 11 pore To 6 seetu0M 11 PuLor ortRaTina 1astnucr ons 1. on Entering the Pilot's Conpartnent, heck For ALL PLights. - (a) Tesition Seiten + "oree (al Parking Brake = °0n 1) Gostrols ~ "Locked" (4g) Trotte = Close (5) Mixtare Coatrol = *Pa1t bean" (5) Carburetor Air fe “Conde er Control + Starting Engine. As Tynition Sviten = noe ON” By (Putt oroperier Through several tines Lo Tree combustion The 2 Sa tte Oe Ehabere! of excens Feet ~ "08 Garrat sPeii cole” fy Mixture Control ~ "Pott Rich’ tara) inch’ "Open! tle Settieg ~ approximately 1/2 Be Priner - 2 to 4 strokes, De Starter = Buergize the daertia starter with'pand eaar. i, Bugage Starter ~ Pull starter clutch control Located oe the starter panel fa the dlete'siae"or eugise coniing: 3. Engine warecup. A; whee the engine starts, et throttle to optaia”to0 rtm. WARNING: Shot off the eagiae if the oft prasttendocs not repisier whthle so seconde After starting: b. O11 Temperature. 20°C.-g0%C. (689P.-1049P.1 for Taxi 09C, 90°C. (1049P ons 9g OP.) Max MMosdee) for Takeoet 900. Contions varnise engine during taciiag. Revised vansary $0, 1964 -3- : Carburetor Air Control ~ "Co2: Engine and Accossories Ground Test. tp naz deen conpleted, indicates by DLL temperature gage TeeLateriag eC. 90%. (1oyPetg4oP ed, advance throttle ale beidees :300 and 1300 fom. ae Ateer wa Test ignitor vy awitehing from "30TH" to dee magaets aad thea back to "BOTH, to alloy engine to pick up loss in coms teat Sack an nthe sane seaners “The speed lnaicatea by tie tachoneters id “aot decrease more than so cpm whes fay 8 only one aapeeto. VARWING: This test should acrer exceed is soctida OF either maguecos Le Check O11 pressure = 60-90 pei. sy Check oll temperature - ¥0°C.-900C. (203 ay sR oD 5. Jaxling Instructions Taxiiag Ctaracteristics. Precautions need be taken: Mo speeiat 5. TavenoFe. Pre-tlignt Check (1) Fright Controin:~ *Ualocea” thaeate la) Mevator Trin Tai- Set trim tad tp sestral position. (It ta, recommended that the aicplase be takes off in a slightly aose heavy condition. Best setting aay ve deters nined after trial flignts! (a) Mixture Control:= "PyLL Rieh* (For (4) Carovretor Air:- "Co1a" (Porward, except ander icing conditions.) +. |S) Altimeter, Clock, Airapeed:~ check for operation aad proper indications if fescalted (8) Throttie:~ Grousd rpm is approxi- mately 1650 = Take off on full theattle, CAUTION: Begine speeds netuecn 1500) and Gea. Pane (7) O11 Pressure ~ 60-90 18) O11 Temperature ~ 4a®C--p0PC.Ir04°F~ 1999P.1 Desired 700. fa580P.) aestarcreo nesta rere 7. Engine Falture Ouring TakomoFt a. Throttle closed. + Ugeition Sviten torre Gs Put s0se of alrplase dova asd saiataia a gTiaing peed of approsinately 7s mph = SUIAIGHT AQEAD - Do cot attenpt to Care back Tato the field. 4. cine. Initial rate of CLinb:~ B30 feet per ninate on foil throttle, at sea Levely uader ftingara ‘conditions 9. Genera! Flying characteristics. Stability. ¥itm gormal, Load: plats GEtAbIS avout all arta, the air iatained by Db. Loagitudiaal valasce Le the ise of elevator trim tabs 10. Engine Faiture curing Flight. «Drop a0se of aérpl. maistsia glide of approm Cated air apeed=-selece most suitable area Sadacd Late the wied, if possible. je the Mes Bi gs aph with sormal ere ecg toad! ed pte al B, The stati is. syane} Fical with either power on or pover offs The pin characteristics of the air. plane are sormal. : 18, Acrobatics. Acrobatics vith thin aiplase sual be restricted to those peraissible with this Type of airplanes, Under a0 circumstasces Shot13 ‘the aarinun atiowaole eogise pmb Greceded. Prohibited maacuvers are Listed Bare age nore: o1-704-1 Sectlon 11 pare} to UB bce ‘clown! Speed of 186 ph, tL afented airspeeds Is. Approach, Landing and Crosswind. A. Appeoach.- No seusual procedure need ve rol1oued during the approach for landing- 2. Cross-Wiad Laadiag. Avoid cross-vind landiag whenever practicavie, Exercise care to'aveld ground Loop. cs Landing. = At conclusion of landing can, no unaswal procedure need be followed vefore Starting to taxt 16. Stopping Engines Id.e Bai Je to approximately sou rpm. b, Stop engine by vaing the "1416 Cut-off" Hnoaitinns Seating the tach valve on 17, Before Leaving Pilot's Cockpit. a. Fuel = "Ot" position be Ignition Seiten ~ *04f" position. . Set Parking Brakes. 4. Lock Flight Costrois. Va, Man Prob a. averted Plight. be Laverted Spine Outside Loops 2 roll 4 at nore than 106 #phy ingigated air speed. f- Slow rolls, at more thas 124 aph Do aot exceed ax indicated air speed of 186 wphe The baggage compartnent of thls airplane is of heavy duck Gesigucd to carry sot nore tha ixty pounds, Ovjects car= Tlea"wiich have ahacp edges or corners auould be wrapped. to prevent plercaiag the fabric. A11 objects should be siracture, When baggage to"the supporting Revised vanvary 30, 1900 Revres careica avoid Restaicreo aeSTRICTED Te 0. Ho. O1-704~ Section 111 Par. tte 5 Section TT FLigHT overar, 3. WEIGHT AND BALANCR CHART is a tabulation of typical Loading of the aircraft, The tatical weignt empty ts the sum of the empty aieplase weight, fixed equipment, crews and Oil. Alternate ‘load tems which may be care ried are listed {a typical combinations and totaled to give the gross weight. See the warming note regarding baggage, in Section I 2. SPECIFIC ENGINE FLIGHT CHART sum the characteristics of the engines is standard for all Aray aireraft.. The im portant items for the PT-17 Airplane are Maximum permissible diving rpm, oft preseure aad temperature, rpm, for the various opera. ling conditions with corresponding minvace control position and the precantionary note regarding rpm. ‘It should be noted thar rpms in Level flight is limited to a7so-1900 Bet cept in emergeacy 3. TAKE-OFF, CLIMB AND LANDING CHART 1s co Posed of three tables. Ih) "Take-Off disc tance” lists for various veights, wind. veloe= ities, surface conditions and altitudes: the Approrimate number of feet required to tates Off and also the total distance required to Glear a fifty foot obetacie. Eramole;. At ful en ght wind sear sea level, tance required to take-off from a sod’ runway and clear a fifty foot obstacle Such asa power line, should be at least goo fect, it the ienperature is near freere ing. AsSuming ‘the temperature on the field is ainety two degrees Panreaheit (92°P-10 4 correction of approsinately a0 per cent, oF Foughiy, one-third (92%-308 2 635, which ta approximately three, tveaty degree ‘iscrenenta tus, requiring about thirty per cent t crease in distancel, additional distaace will be required, increasing the grousd run, and take-off distance to clear so foot object, to approxinately 600 and aa00 feet respectively. As shown on the chart, full throttle is eaed for all ‘take-ofts. (B}. The landing distance chart lists data slmilar to the take-off chart, except the beat indicated airspeed for Landing approach replaces the head wind cole wan since the wind velocity is seldom knows Prior to landing. ‘It should be noted that tenperature corrections are only necessary ie very hot weather. While it in possidie to lake-off or land in distances somewhat. short. er than those shown, it is stupid noe to, tate Advantage of the entire field. (0) Climb data Lists the best indicated airspeeds ape proximate rate of climb, time aad fuel reo ‘mired to reach the altitude shown for Light © struction chart ATA and heavy take-off weights. No valves are Issted opposite "Perry" clind since climb at Feduced power is aot recommended. In plage ning a flight Co reach a certain altitade at a given tine, It is necessary to apply the temperature correction shows 4 PLIGHT OPERATION INSTRUCTION CHART is in. cluded to illustrate the standard form om which cruising control data iz presented. Tn the upper balf of the chart, typical fuel quantities are Listed in the “tucl" coluaas. On a line with each fuel quantity, various ranges are Listed in both statute and nautie cal air miles. Direetiy below each column of ranges the roa and mixture setting are set forth on a Line with the altitude of fights Indicated airspeed and {uel consumption are listed. The colums oa the extreme left shows conditions tor high apeed ceuising. Colunas to the right progressively show increase ia range at a sacrifice in speeds The extreme Fight column lists maximom range data, Coa= ditions showa on this chart apply when the gross weight is betwees 700 and aso pounds As shown in the title block. Example to il- lustrate the use of the flight operation in= ‘Assume (A) no ead wind (8) full Load soto flignt (gross weight 2500 desired range ayo statute miles pounas! 1) plus 20 mile reserve, (D) flight altitode Gooo feet. Solution: ago plas 30 in a6o miles required. Total fuel 46 gallons less hres gallons, take-off allovance Leaves 43 gallons availabie (7/8 Tant). Select colemm If sho ing 260 statote nilea.In this columa opposite S000 feet read 18c0 ron, with leaa mixture as indicated dy light print. Upon reaching Soco, feet in full rich, reduce rpm to 1875. by throttle, establish course and trim.” ith ixture ‘control "Lean out” for so rpm drop nd carefully “rich up" as tpn or to 1850 rpn. Under these conditions the fuel cone sumption will be about 14 gallons per hour and indicated airspeed yo mph. It will be Boted that the same’ range may be obtained at 4000 feet, 2900 rpm, f¥ll rich oF at 9000 feet, ang0 rpm, Loancd out as explained avove. Whereas 2750 rpm, with Lean mitture at 6000 feet will give increased range but with dee creased speed. The maximim range of the PR Ob 08 tar WOWINIA SHILOSI SEU BMT XW WOIMONODE,_ Tee [os | os | 5 | wn BH/LD'SN—O'E BH/Id aI O'S .SNONNLNOO XW, Oi f* SL- + < a34uIS30 ROUENTENOO OS TVNOTY =—NOTLIONOS tT De | De | NI OS/ET| ML OS7EN 7 aaa | aman | Sunseadd | Suntssauu |NOLLINOO| 06>2 Wad ONAN 21aISSINEE XV || aNviogg | “Wo | td | 7 an Pea aIcOLG-MTONVR ge ee : | $-029-Y “b-0L9-4 LMWH LHOIS Le 7 ST3Q0W 3NION3 ANIONS O14I9adS RCO 3NVIduI¥ i} RESTRICTED Rovised 25 Fobruary 1945 RESTRICTED T.0. No. 01-704-1 AIRPLANE MODEL PI=JZ. WEIGHT & BALANCE CHART BASIC WAD ITEMS Pouos WEIGHT EMPTY, (ews NORMAL EQUIPMENT i |—__ janie —— + —_]1967_ FXED GUN INSTALLATION is ( oe PRED CANNON INSTALL ATION{SH ( aw NO ARMAMENT INSTALLED FLEXIBLE GUN INSTALLATIONG:¢ )——ea tbe, FLEXIBLE can oe ooo EQUIPMENT: wavi6aTiOn we PuoTOGRAPwiC. ca onwen PYHOTECNICS rcanty ere GREW | Laceun ca meu mncwres) 200 a8 O44 vou 3.7 wen) 33 uy. | 233 sa __TACTIGAL WEIGHT EMPTY [2200 ALTERNATE LOADING (eounosi ALTERNATE: ITEMS wooum | SOLO JSPECIAL fuew | FLigHT [ovERLoa FUEL ce cnren us cat. - 78 ca. ren went oat! us ea EXTRA TANK @) INSTALLATION EXTRA O1L Us neouinee — BOMB INSTALLATION tr Derrennat wren CD ORD exvenna a TORPEDO INSTALLATION AMMUNITION ! —AGGAGe tmes) 54 oy BAGGAGE (NORMAL)_24 LB, GROSS WEIGHT =e Restaicren 1.0. No. 01-70A-1 RESTRICTED i i sai T 96 071 Poe es osui oon 96 josui | arose} |__| oadwannoo3 cwost| |_| wen} | Pee eel swe = TOC) | | | | | so st [01 09 on 09 zim] $9 | ot og! os: [él|. oz1| Gb oz ez/%,| oz: | or ooz | oc2 |ez . Pelee ars sel%| ser | o1z ove osz [oe sce | O12 sz ev|8/,| szz | 092 AMo174 Ni aTevTIYAY LOW Z0NYROTTY azozpiM SHOT! 9b|TIn4) a0v0 yang SNHOILIGNOD ON AS S1VNUSLIV “poy sip ode anh se pose opp and Lag on yoy onan g qh stamps "Se pe wie Sea tan wanes psy {210 eH Bae wna “te Bown pose sedse pn mney Henn oh | SB 3 EOIS-U ONY 6-015 [amon ose peg any me tas ann wos SNOWMAN [eee aNOW SWALI GVO T¥NYaLXa AMVH> NOILINALSNI NOLLWaadO LHOMTL og22. oone = restavcten -20- RestRicreo T.0, No, O1-70A-1 APPENDIX Appendix 1 Glossary U.S.A. = BRITISH GLOSSARY OF NOMENCLATURE. Bogine - power plant Enpenaage Bugine Starter Gage Gasol Landing pear Tandiae Gear Assenbly O11 tank (mais) Pano ~ ovtboara Panel, wing center of Inboard pagel Propeller Reticule evh sight, ete. ship Stabilizer-horizontat Stabilizer-vertical Tachonerer Tartine. Valve (fuel of oi) Weight (empty) “a BRITISH Aero-eapine Tait ait Inertia Starter Gauge Perrot Rand starter Aigntiog gear Retractable vacercarriage Service 1 Outer plane Center sectiog Ate screw Gratioute Aircragt Tail plage Fis Bogine speed indicator Taxling Cock Tare RESTRICTED “FEW WORDS ABOUT THE STEARMAN: " An airplane with real stage presence. " " Build like a bridge able to survive all aerobatics and most cadets, " "Stearman are made to fly and I like to think there will always be people who are made to fly them. " Bill Marsano "The airplane indestructibility is legend no matter the severity of the smash pilots walked away from most wrecks, " Nigel Moll "It offers serenity and peace of mind from just flying it. You can feel the | controls and breath fresh air and fly by the seat of your pants. ! A nostalgic mount for sunshine pilots, " fl George F. Mitchel Jr "When you can fly the yellow peril and fly it well, any other plane is just El a kite." El : Robert Taylor i "If someone said, your life depends on it : you must this minute solo in an N2S Stearman, SNV, SNJ, F4U Corsair or TBF Avenger - all planes that I fl flew in the Navy; I would instantly choose the Stearman. It would forgive u mé my trespasses. " { | George Bush

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