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Department of Finance and Accounting

Section: 65
Summer 2021
Internship Report
Prepared for
Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Rabby (Rby)
Name: Ashiq ul Islam
ID: 1711359030
20th September, 2021

Sheikh Mohammad Rabby

Lecturer, Department of Marketing and International Business

School of Business and Economics

North South University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.

Dear Sir,

With due Respect, this is my Internship report on A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants. I have
compiled this internship report according to your guidelines and directions. For preparing this
report, I have analyzed all different learning experience from my internship program. I tried my
best to make this report interesting, informative and better one. I, therefore, pray and hope that you
would find this report satisfactory. However, for further explanation concerning this report, I will
be available by any means.


Ashiq-ul Islam

ID: 1711395030

Firstly, I would thank Almighty Allah for giving me strength to finish my internship period and
report successfully. Also, I am deeply indebted to my honorable faculty Mr. Sheikh Mohammad
Rabby, Lecturer, School of Business and Economics North South University for his full support.

Then, my humble gratitude goes to my Team leader Mr. Abrar, Senior Associate, Assurance, A.
Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants. I appreciate his allowance for me to carry out my role
properly with utmost support.

Lastly, I am lucky that I got this opportunity work with such amazing team members namely Mr.
Sabbir, Mr. Sazid, Mr. Mahtab and Mr. Sahadad.

Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................... iii
Company and Department Overview: ...................................................................................................... 1
Internship Experience of 11 weeks in the Firm ........................................................................................ 2
Introduction to the Audit Team............................................................................................................. 2
Different Types of Skills Developed ...................................................................................................... 2
Technical and Analytical Skills.............................................................................................................. 2
Interpersonal Skills ................................................................................................................................. 4
Time Management .................................................................................................................................. 4
Expectations vs. Experience ................................................................................................................... 4
Career Plans and Redoing the Internship ............................................................................................ 5
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Journal-1 .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Journal-2 .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Journal-3 .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Journal-4 .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Journal-5 ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Journal-6 ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Journal-7 ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Journal-8 ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Journal-9 ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Journal-10 .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Journal-11 .............................................................................................................................................. 17

Company and Department Overview:

A.Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants (AQC) is a member firm of ECOVIS International in
Bangladesh. It was set up in the year 1953 in Chittagong by Late Mr. A. Qasem FCA. He was the
first President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). After that, other
branches were set up, later, in Dhaka and Karachi. At present, they operate from three offices in
Dhaka and Chittagong, respectively. In addition to assurance, AQC provides a broad range of
Taxation, Business Advisory Services, etc.

CA firms recruit students for article ship, a part of being certified Chartered Accountant. There are
mainly three departments: Audit, Taxation and Cash Incentives. The mission and vision of the firm
is to assist the companies to deliver accurate financial statements to the stakeholders. They aim to
help the people of Bangladesh and the companies to follow the rules and regulations for forming
accounts and save them from any level of misstatements or fraudulent.

I was selected for the Audit Department. Here, the hierarchy goes on like Partners-Directors-
Managers-Assistant Manager-Supervisor-Audit Associates in teams. Here, the recruitment takes
place to work under managers in teams made by them. I was recruited under the manager Mr.
Dipto Dipayan Paul. There are around five teams currently working under him. So, at first, I
submitted my CV to the Human Resource Department in the selection process. Then, they called
me for the written test. After the written test, they called me for joining. The probation period of
the Firm will be treated as the internship period for me.

The first two weeks did not involve much work. On the first day, as I entered there, one of the
seniors briefly explained the company and its rules and regulations. Here, we need to maintain the
seniority according to the joining dates of the employees. Then, the juniors need to greet the
seniors, especially the partners, by standing. Everyone needs to address everyone with respect.
They also told me about the people working here, the teams, the departments, leisure times, rules
of taking leaves, etc. The people here are amicable and helpful. Some of the seniors took a fair
amount of effort to make the juniors comfortable.

Internship Experience of 11 weeks in the Firm
Introduction to the Audit Team

For being a chartered accountant, a student need to carry two things simultaneously: studying for
the CA exams and working under a CA firm for three years to get the Course Completion (CC)
certificate. I could totally relate the works with the courses I was taught in my BBA life like Act
380 (Audit), Act 370 (Taxation), and Eng105 (Advanced English Language). Working in a CA
firm has a different way of carrying out processes. Here, when a new student joins, after a certain
period, which continues from at least one month to two months, the student is assigned to an
existing team. Under one manager, there can be many sub-teams. In my Firm, under Mr. Dipto,
there are around five teams. In the week of my joining, Mr. Abrar texted me and told me that I was
selected to join his team. He was the head of his team.

My internship period was a very eventful one in last eleven weeks. This team handles mainly three
clients: British American Tobacco Bangladesh Limited (BATB), Green Smart Shirt Limited
(GSSL), Progress Apparel Limited. I have been with the team for around two and a half months
now and I wish to carry forward with them throughout my Course Completion (CC) period.

Different Types of Skills Developed:

As my team leader Mr. Abrar says, “CA does not only teach you how to get a professional degree.
It teaches you various aspects of life, people and how to deal with them with a calm head.” I have
never seen a person like him, so calm even with a client who only makes his life miserable by
denying to provide documents needed to audit. I really wish to learn a lot of things from him to
upgrade myself every way possible.

Technical and Analytical Skills:

Auditing is a job that includes a lot of repetitive works. After I joined the team, at first, I was
assigned to check different types of licenses of British American Tobacco Bangladesh Ltd. In this

task, we were to check if the licenses had validity date or not and if they needed to renew it. These
are called ‘Positive Confirmations’ in the language of Auditing. These are very confidential
information and we had to be very careful about it.

Here, work comes in continuous basis. When I was done with the confirmations, Mr. Abrar taught
me how to prepare Agreement Summaries. In this area, we need to study the agreements that our
client, British American Tobacco/ Bangladesh Ltd, went through with their vendors and lessors.
As auditing refers to the thorough check-up of the Financial Statements, we also need to make sure
if the amounts in the Ledgers and Financial Statements comply with the contracts they make. We
had to go through the contracts and extract information like total price for the contract, starting
and ending dates, duration of the contract, details of the two parties who are creating the contract,
advance payments, penalties, and so on.

Mr. Abrar, one of the seniors taught me how to prepare Overall Analytical Review (OAR) for
British American Tobacco Bangladesh Limited. Here, we had to create an excel sheet where, the
information of the Financial Statements of the current and previous years needed to be included.
Then we had to find the change in both the years, in amount and percentage in detail, including
the notes. Here, I learnt two new excel formulae which makes the process easy and quick.

Mr. Abrar taught me how to organize work papers and vouching. The work of vouching starts with
delivering requisitions to the client. This means, suppose, I am dealing with the head named
“Admin Expenses”. Here, it is not possible to audit all the hundreds and thousands of account lines
under this head. So, the seniors find a sample size and ask some of the documents from the clients
for that head. When the client provides us with those documents, we match the dates with the
financial year, the amounts in the requisition, the invoices, delivery notes, and so on. Then, we
prepare an excel file and dump those information received in that which we name as “Vouching”.
In SBL, I prepared vouching for two heads: Admin Expenses and Cost of Sales.

Mr. Arefin also taught how to prepare TB Mapping. Here, we need to separate the accounts in the
trial balance according to the heads in the Financial Statements. We can do it by matching the

General Ledger Codes. Mr. Sabbir and I also went for Cash Counting in BATB. There, we had to
calculate the cash in hand of the company and match with the amount shown in the General Ledger.

Interpersonal Skills:

From the middle of June, we were visiting the client, British American Tobacco Bangladesh
Limited (BATB). There, we had to deal with different officials from whom we had to collect
documents for evidences. There, I learnt, how to address the officials, how to ask for the
documents, how to mail them in a standard way, how to ask if there is any query and so on. As
Mr. Abrar said, here we get to know how to deal every situation in a good way. Since school, I
was a very short tempered and talkative boy. Here, my team members are also very fun loving and
talk a lot but in these weeks, I have learnt to control my temper and handle things calmly.

Time Management:

In this period of internship, I always tried to be punctual in my office hours. In my Employer

Satisfaction Form, my supervisor has confirmed that I have been punctual to deliver whatever task
has been assigned to me till now. In this period, I had to work at client’s office more than the
standard time. My team was always supportive. Whenever such late hours took place, they made
sure that I reach home safely.

Expectations vs. Experience:

Before joining the firm, I heard a lot of negative things from my surroundings. I heard the seniors
to be very non-cooperative, rude and so on. I heard the job is monotonous and brings frustration
after a period. However, as I have already said earlier, I found such people as team members who
have been among the most amazing people I have encountered with. The team members teach me
with a lot of patience and clarity. Always encourages me towards the CA studies. They always
guide me in every way possible. They are very considerate. In client’s office, we had to use our
own internet. The firm gave allowances for that. In my internship period, I took one remaining
courses of BBA alongside. They always took care of me and gave me leaves whenever I wanted
for my exams, presentations and report submissions. Mr. Abrar has been so helpful that I was
astonished by his act one day. My accounting faculty gave a surprise exam on an opening day and
told to submit the answers by midnight. As I was not informed, I did not study prior that day. The
exam was on accounting information system. When I told this to them, Mr. Abrar gave two hours
of his busy schedule, taught me and helped me with the chapters so that I can give the exam. I will
always remember this and would be grateful for this act of kindness.

Career Plans and Redoing the Internship

I have always been passionate about taking a professional degree and being a chartered accountant.
Yet, while starting in this firm, I was not much sure if I wanted to carry out my CC in this firm. I
had also applied in other CA firms as well. However, in these eleven weeks, I became very sure
that choosing this field of career and this firm was definitely a good decision. If I had to redo my
internship, I would not like to change anything that I have encountered. My experience with this
firm is quite satisfactory and loved working with these people. I hope to continue in such pace of
mine and work with these people in future as well while doing my CC.

Since class nine, I was very fond of the subject accounting and always wanted to carry out my
career relating to this subject. This love for the subject led me to carry out my majors in finance
and accounting in my BBA period. Being a chartered accountant is a dream now. These eleven
weeks with the firm has explained me that this world is worthy to be given a shot. I loved the
developments of mine, let it be technical, interpersonal or others, in these days. I would love to
work hard and learn more in this firm to excel in my dream to be a certified chartered


Date: (1st June, 2021 – 3rd June, 2021)

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Company and Department Overview:

A.Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants (AQC) is one of the oldest accountancy firms in the
country. It was set up in the year 1953 in Chittagong by Late Mr. A. Qasem, FCA. He is the first
President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). Later branches in
Dhaka and Karachi were set up. At present, they operate from three offices in Dhaka and
Chittagong respectively. In addition to assurance, AQC provides a broad range of services like
Consultancy, Taxation, etc.

For any CA student they have to get a CC certificate which can only be received after working
for an audit firm for a specific amount of time. There are mainly three departments: Audit,
Taxation and Cash Incentives. I was selected for the Audit Department. Here, the hierarchy goes
on like: Partners-Directors-Managers-Assistant Manager-Supervisor-Audit Associates in teams.
Here, the recruitment takes place to work under managers in teams made by them. I was
recruited under the manager Mr. Dipto Dipayan Paul. So, in the selection process, at first, I
submitted my CV to the Human Resource Department. Then, I was called for the written test. I
was called to join for the article ship in the firm on Sunday, 23th March, 2021. The probation
period of the firm will be treated as the internship period for me. It is an unpaid internship. As
my spring semester was going on I could join right away and I informed them. They were ok
with it and gave me time to complete my academic semester first. I joined the firm on 1st June,

Work Done:

 On the first day (01.06.2021), as I entered there, one of the seniors gave brief about the
company and its rules and regulations. Here, we maintain a hierarchical system in this
firm. The juniors need to greet the seniors, especially the partners, by standing. I was also

told about the people working here, the teams, the departments, break times, rules of
taking leaves and so on.
 On the second day (02.06.2021), Mr. Paul (Manager) texted me a number of my senior
and asked me to go to client from the next day onward with my colleague.
 Then, on the third day (03.06.2021), one of the seniors, Mr. Abrar (Supervisor), he also
briefed us about the work we are doing at the client. He gave me a work to distribute the
sections he created and told me to observe the procedures.

Learning and Achievement:

 I have learnt how to behave in a professional space. Till now, I have been in informal
places like schools, colleges and university where I was with my friends and own ones.
This place is not like that. In this place, there are some rules and factors which has to be
taken care of.


 We are told that it is not a financial audit it is a consultation audit that we will are doing
at this specific client their global audit will come in a few weeks and before that we have
to check and prepare them so they can reduce the faults in their firm.
 Me and my colleague are included in the team in last moment as a result we have missed
a lot of activities that took place in the previous months.

th th
Date: (6 June, 2021 - 10 June, 2021)

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 06.06.21, my senior gave me a bunch of licenses and asked me to check if all the licenses are
updated or not and to document everything.
 On 07.06.21, my senior fixed a meeting with the officials to go and check all the observation we made
of the situation. My senior asked me to follow him and to take minutes of the meeting and later to
document and correct the errors in our observation.

 On 08.06.21, we were given a new process to handle as a result our senior gave us new documents and
to go through them as the next day he fixed up a meeting with the manager of that department.
 On 09.06.21, we went to the manager and asked about of their procedure. Then he gave us manuals of
all the functions that department performs. We took minutes of the meeting and documented everything.
 On 10.06.21, we had to go to the department on which we were previously working on as our manager
asked for evidence of the processes done by that department. So, we had to do a meeting with them.
We took minute and later documented the whole meeting. However, the meeting was not fruitful.

Learning and Achievement:

 In this week, I have learned how to take minutes. How to document minutes, and write observation.
 I have learnt how the auditors check licenses, document them, and inform the client about their lacking.

 I was told to observe the audit team last week. This week, I consulted with the seniors from the team I
was with about some reference works. I was also given some reference books and reading materials to
study to get along with the audit process.

 Another observation was that many of the employees were on paid leave due the CA exams. It is the
policy of the firm that the examinees are allowed to take 1 month paid leave before the CA exams.

Date: (13th June, 2020 – 17th June, 2020)

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 13.06.21, we were asked by our senior to create a doc file where the processes written in manual to
be copied, segmented, and allocated under proper head.
 On 14.06.21, we went for testing the controls that had in place and to check if all they have mentioned
in the manual were true or not. However as there were too many controls to be tested, as the department
we were working with was intertwined with other departments, so we could not complete everything
in one day.
 On 15.06.21, we started the day with conducting more test and taking notes of all the things we
 On 16.06.21, we sit with our senior to discuss all our findings after checking everything our senior told
us to compile everything in a doc file and to highlight all the things we found missing which were
mentioned in the manual.

 On 17.06.21, we tried to fix up a meeting with the manager of the department but as he was busy he
could not give as a time and promised to sit with us on the following week.


 The company is recruiting more article ship students under various teams.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.

Date: (20th June, 2021 – 24th June, 2021)

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 20th June, 2021, we got the meeting with the manager and got the opportunity to show all our
observations and got to clear majority of the issues we had. There was one section in the manual which
was supposed to be the responsibility of the department we were working with but they mentioned that,
that responsibility was transferred to a different department. So we collected the phone number of that
department and fixed a meeting the following day.
 On 21st June, 2021, we arrived at the department, looked at how they maintain, perform their
responsibilities, and took notes. Talked with the manager of the department, took minutes of the
meeting. We came back to our work-desk and documented everything we saw.
 On 22nd June, 2021, we tried to set a meeting with the manager of the department we last day went on
an investigation but as the manager was busy she promised to sit with us on the very next day.
 On 23rd June, 2021, we showed the manager all our findings and all the observation we had about her
department. She cleared the confusion we had and pointed the issues about our observation.
 On 24th June, 2021, our manager from our firm came to see our work. He checked every observation
made by us and commented on a few and asked to put more things that we skipped.
Learning and Achievement:

 This week I have learnt how to write professional letters, I got some ideas about some of the very
important clients of the firm and also I got to know about the acts and laws of IFRS a company needs
to follow.


 I have been told to keep the privacy of the information of the clients with such strictness that one of the
seniors told “the privacy factor should be so important that one should not even share the names of the
clients even with friends and family.”

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.

Date: (27th June, 2021 – 1st July, 2021)

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 27.06.21, we wanted to sit with the internal audit community and show all our observations and
inform the factors they need to watch out before their global audit comes in. However unfortunately
the person we were supposed to report was busy and therefore could not give us time on that day and
scheduled the meeting for the next day.
 On 28.06.21, we went in the meeting with our manager and we showed our findings. I was responsible
for taking minutes. On the meeting everything was cleared out however the internal auditor gave us
new information which was related to a sub section of the department we were auditing and suddenly
we were vested with new responsibilities.
 On 29.06.21, according to the instructions of my senior, me and colleague noted down all the minutes
in a document. Then we called the new sub-department and set a meeting with the head. We went to
the meeting and gathered all the information, manual, and minutes of the meeting.
 On 30.06.21, we documented the minutes then we wrote down the important bits of the manual on
which we will be conducting tests and observation would be written.
 On 01.07.21, the government imposed lockdown as a result we could not go to our client. Our senior
called and instructed us to stay home and we will be doing home office from the next week onward.

Learning and Achievement:

 I got to the importance of the minutes for a company, especially, the auditors.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.

Date: (3 July, 2021 – 6 July, 2021)
rd th

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 03.07.21, as we were stuck in home we had to video call the department we were working with so
that we can check their controls and write an observation on it.
 On 04.07.21, we sat with the head of the department and presented our observation and concluded the
 On 05.07.21, we sat with the internal audit team and showed all our work and got a positive response
from them hence our work with that particular company ended.
 On 06.07.21, our manager assigned us a new company to work with. The phone number of the finance
department’s manager was provided to us and we were instructed to start our work from the following
Learning and Achievement:

 This week I worked with legal documents, got more ideas about some of the very important clients of
the firm and also got to know about the acts and laws of IFRS a company needs to follow while
preparing financial statements.
 I have observed and got ideas about the languages of a legal document. Then, I got to know how the
legal process works and also the signs of the people needed for the process to work for a company.


 I found out that before providing any information to the internal departments or the auditors, around 5
to 6 heads of different departments, Managing Director, CEO and so on reviews and signs the
document. This is done so that all the information is verified to be correct and if any disputes happen,
these documents will help them.

 As told in earlier journals, when clients have been assigned to anyone, keeping the privacy is the most
important factor here. My seniors told me to delete all the files and mails after the work has been done
to avoid intruders of any kind, as, those informations are very crucial and private for a company.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.
 I got to know about the importance of legal documents. Then, I got to know how clauses are made to
the employees of a company and how they are recorded and how they can be carried on or breached.

Date: (11 July, 2021 – 15 July, 2021)
th th

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 11.07.21, we contacted the finance manager and asked to give us the SOP of the inventory
department as with this client we were supposed to do inventory audit. The manager promised us to
provide us that and introduced us with their store manager. The store manager gave us sheets of the
inventories and introduced us with the respective line manager so we can conduct our operations. We
started calling the product names one by one and they started bringing them out and we asked to count
it and they did so. We worked till 6 PM as the store had no electricity to avoid fire hazard and we left
the work for the next day.
 On 12.07.21, we started working from 10 AM and we resumed from where we left and did our inventory
valuation till 6 PM. By the end of the day we were provided with the SOP that we asked for.
 On 13.07.21, we were introduced with the manager of the “Finished Goods” department. This
department is very hectic and like the previous department their goods were continuously going in and
out of their warehouse. So we were instructed to get reporting done within the day as otherwise the
whole thing would be difficult to maintain so we had to extra-long hours to check everything.
 On 14.07.21, we started working on finished goods but of different merchants and the same thing as
the previous day was repeated.
 On 15.07.21, we started working on finished goods and the same thing as previous day was repeated.
Learning and Achievement:

 I have observed and got ideas about the languages of a legal document. Then, I got to know how the
legal process works and also the signs of the people needed for the process to work for a company.
 Then, I learnt the SAP and saw it for the first time in my life and got to know how the companies use
automated strategies to store their information and use them for further use for providing opinions.


 As told in earlier journals, when clients have been assigned to anyone, keeping the privacy is the most
important factor here. My seniors told me to delete all the files and mails after the work has been done
to avoid intruders of any kind, as, those information are very crucial and private for a company.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.
 I got to know about the importance of legal documents. Then, I got to know how clauses are made to
the employees of a company and how they are recorded and how they can be carried on or breached.

** I cannot provide the documents of the letters I have written or the summaries made due to the privacy

Date: (18 July, 2021 – 22 July, 2021)
th th

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 16.07.21, we tried to count inventories of finished goods but as they were getting ready to ship
products so they could not give us enough manpower to complete our work hence the work is still
 On 17.07.21, we complete half of the buyers we were given to check inventory of so we started from
an early morning to get things done but we faced the same problem again that is very low manpower,
not enough space to get forklift in so that we can check the goods in the upper selves and hence the
work extended.
 On 18.07.21, we were somewhat able to round up our work and close the department. We went to
collect data for WIP so that we can start working on it from the next day.
 On 19.07.21, we talked with the manager of WIP department and tried to arrange some documents and
manpower so that we could start on it but this department was busy too and arranging people was
difficult also.
 On 20.07.21, we were given 18 buyers to work with and we could only see 3 buyers’ inventory so we
carried on with our work.

Learning and Achievement:

 Just like last week, this week, as well, I worked with legal documents, got more ideas about some of
the very important clients of the firm and also got to know about the acts and laws of IFRS a company
needs to follow while preparing financial statements. This was the first time I was working with legal
documents and its contents.
 I have observed and got ideas about the languages of a legal document. Then, I got to know how the
legal process works and also the signs of the people needed for the process to work for a company.

 Then, I learnt the SAP and operated it for the first time in my life and got to know how the companies
use automated strategies to store their information and use them for further use for providing opinions.


 As told in earlier journals, when clients have been assigned to anyone, keeping the privacy is the most
important factor here. My seniors told me to delete all the files and mails after the work has been done
to avoid intruders of any kind, as, those informations are very crucial and private for a company.

 The clients are not always very supportive while we work. Auditing is essential and compulsory for
any registered company. It is an essential tactic for their stakeholders to trust on them. Even if, we are
working for the sake of their betterments, yet, the clients or the companies seemed reluctant to
cooperate. We had to poke and ask them every now and then for giving the relevant information and
they always delay.

 Moreover, as they behave indifferent about their documents, I found a lot of incomplete and wrong
documents among the ones provided.

Notable Incident:

 It takes more time to work in the client’s office than in my audit firm. This is because the employees in
the Finished goods department, of the client, are not much cooperative and always tend to be more
interested in chit-chatting with each other.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.

 I got to know about the importance of legal documents. Then, I got to know how clauses are made to
the employees of a company and how they are recorded and how they can be carried on or breached.

 Moreover, this week, I learnt the documentation of the auditing. I learnt about the essentials and
characteristics of the accounts and how they are prepared and checked.
** I cannot provide the documents of what I have done or the summaries made due to the privacy

Date: (25th July, 2021 – 29th July, 2021)

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 25.07.21, we picked up from where we left we started from the cutting department and matching
the number of fabric with the number of fabric given to us on SAP. We were able to see 3 more buyers’
material as the quantity of material for each buyer were huge.
 On 26.07.21, we started our work again and today we were able to complete 5 more buyers’ material.
 On 27.07.21, we started our work and today we were able to wrap up our work in the cutting department
and we were provided with list of material that was supposed to be present in the sewing department.
 On 28.07.21, we were shown the respective line where we would be able to find the material and
introduced us with respect line managers and input boys so that we can physically and by document
verify the materials stated in the SAP. We started working asking the input boy to show us records of
input of material they gave on a specific date and we made them count the materials and we could only
complete 4 buyers’ material.
 On 29.07.21, we picked up from where we left and we were able to count materials of 4 more buyers’.

Learning and Achievement:

 Just like last week, this week, as well, I worked with legal documents, got more ideas about some of
the very important clients of the firm and also got to know about the acts and laws of IFRS a company
needs to follow while preparing financial statements. This was the first time I was working with legal
documents and its contents.

 I have observed and got ideas about the languages of a legal document. Then, I got to know how the
legal process works and also the signs of the people needed for the process to work for a company.

 Then, I learnt the SAP and operated it for the first time in my life and got to know how the companies
use automated strategies to store their information and use them for further use for providing opinions.
From there and the dumped general ledgers, we got the accounts for vouching.


 As told in earlier journals, when clients have been assigned to anyone, keeping the privacy is the most
important factor here. My seniors told me to delete all the files and mails after the work has been done
to avoid intruders of any kind, as, that information are very crucial and private for a company.

 The clients are not always very supportive while we work. Auditing is essential and compulsory for
any registered company. It is an essential tactic for their stakeholders to trust on them. Even if, we are
working for the sake of their betterments, yet, the clients or the companies seemed reluctant to
cooperate. We had to poke and ask them every now and then for giving the relevant information and
they always delay.

 Moreover, as they behave indifferent about their documents, I found a lot of incomplete and wrong
documents among the ones provided.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.

 I got to know about the importance of legal documents. Then, I got to know how clauses are made to
the employees of a company and how they are recorded and how they can be carried on or breached.

** I cannot provide the documents of what I have done or the summaries made due to the privacy

Date: (1 August, 2021 –5 August, 2021)
st th

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 01.08.21, we started from where we left and at the end of the day we counted materials of 4 buyers.
 On 02.08.21, we were able to wrap all our work and finished all the materials that was left. Now we
started signing our work papers and got the in-charges of the respective department to sign our work
papers. They even kept a copy of our work papers for future reference. However, the manager of FG
department refused to sign the paper we informed the COO of the garment and started for our home.
 On 03.08.21, was our rest day. However, we got a call from our senior that we have to return to the
garment as a lot of drama happened due to the complaint we made and the COO personally requested
us to return to the garment and check the FG that we had not been able to see and verify.
 On 04.08.21, we went to the factory and everyone was present to greet and welcome us not only that
we were smoothly able to calculate the FG and everything was in order so we concluded there got the
signs we required and ended our engagement there. Then we started for our homes.
 On 05.08.21, it was our rest day.
Learning and Achievement:

 This week I worked with legal documents, got more ideas about some of the very important clients of
the firm and also got to know about the acts and laws of IFRS a company needs to follow while
preparing financial statements. This was the first time I was working with legal documents and its
 I have observed and got ideas about the languages of a legal document. Then, I got to know how the
legal process works and also the signs of the people needed for the process to work for a company.


 I found out that before providing any information to the internal departments or the auditors, around 5
to 6 heads of different departments, Managing Director, CEO and so on reviews and signs the

document. This is done so that all the information is verified to be correct and if any disputes happen,
these documents will help them.
 As told in earlier journals, when clients have been assigned to anyone, keeping the privacy is the most
important factor here. My seniors told me to delete all the files and mails after the work has been done
to avoid intruders of any kind, as, that information are very crucial and private for a company.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.
 Till now, I wrote letters using the knowledge I was taught in the course of English 103 and 105.
 I got to know about the importance of legal documents. Then, I got to know how clauses are made to
the employees of a company and how they are recorded and how they can be carried on or breached.
 I can thoroughly connect my work with the BBA subjects.

** I cannot provide the documents of the letters I have written or the summaries made due to the privacy

Date: (8 August, 2021 –12 August, 2021)
th th

Company: A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants

Name: Ashiq-ul Islam

I.D.: 1711395030

Section: 65

Work Done:

 On 08.08.21, a new client was assigned to us and we were informed about it during our weekend. We
were supposed to visit the garments which is situated in Narayanganj as our senior had some work our
director chose to come with us to the garments. Here we were welcomed warmly and after finishing
our breakfast we few small meetings with the officials of the garments. They provided us with a list of
items present in their inventory and we started our work.
 On 09.08.21, we started from where we left off and finished all the counting in that department by that
 On 10.08.21, we were provided with item list of the cutting department. We divided the sheets among
us and started working.
 On 11.08.21, we finished off counting but it took the whole day.
 On 12.08.21, we had a meeting with the Head of the garments and he instructed us to count items of
the cutting department using the SAP list but we were provided with Excel list and we did our
calculation based on that. We came to know that the SAP list of the cutting, sewing, and finishing
department were not updated and they asked us for some time so that they can prepare the SAP list.

Learning and Achievement:

 This week, also, I worked with legal documents, got more ideas about some of the very important
clients of the firm and also got to know about the acts and laws of IFRS a company needs to follow
while preparing financial statements. This was the first time I was working with legal documents and
its contents.
 I have observed and got ideas about the languages of a legal document. Then, I got to know how the
legal process works and also the signs of the people needed for the process to work for a company.
 I learnt how to check and handle the accounts heads.


 Work in this firm is much repetitive.

 My seniors are very cooperative and guide me with everything I need. My seniors always encourage
and help me with my studies even if it does not have much contribution to the company
 As told in earlier journals, when clients have been assigned to anyone, keeping the privacy is the most
important factor here. My seniors told me to delete all the files and mails after the work has been done
to avoid intruders of any kind, as, that information are very crucial and private for a company.

Relation to Academics:

 As I have told before, the CA profession is all about applying everything that we have learnt in the
course of Act 380 (Audit and Assurance). In this course, I learnt about the outline of the auditing. Now,
I am researching in depth and trying to find the applications of those theories in real life.
 I got to know about the importance of legal documents. Then, I got to know how clauses are made to
the employees of a company and how they are recorded and how they can be carried on or breached.
 I can thoroughly connect my work with the BBA subjects.
 I also implied a lot of things I learnt from my course of Act 370 (Taxation).

** I cannot provide the documents of the letters I have written or the summaries made due to the privacy


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