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@ AKADEMIA MUZYCZNA im. Grazyny i Kiejstuta Bacewiez6w w Lodzi DEGREE SUPPLEMENT Valid with Degree No 7113 1. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE GRADUATE theng, 1.2, First name(s 13. Date of birth ( 07.04.2000 1.4, Album number: 6514 2, INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION 2.1. Professional title: licencjat 2.2, Field of study, education profile: instrumental studies, general academic. 2.3. Name and status of awarding institution: The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in L6dz is a state higher school acting in accordance with the Act of 27 July 2005, Law on Higher Education (Journal of Laws 2005, no 164, item 1365 as amended). After World War II the school was reactivated as the State Music Conservatory. On Ist April 1946, following the directive of the Minister of Culture and Art of 1 February 1946 (The Official Register of the Minister of Culture and Science No 2 of 8 July 1946), the State Music Conservatory was transformed into the State Higher School of Music. On Ist December 1981 the School was renamed the Academy of Music (Journal of Laws No 31 of 29 December 1981) and on 2nd July 1999 it took on the name of Grazyna and Bacewicz, (Journal of Laws No 62, item 683 of 18 June 1999). 2.4, Name and status of institution running the courses (if of above. 2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination: English. r than mentioned in point 2.3): as 3, INFORMATION REGARDING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION 3.1, Level of qualification: full qualification at Polish Qualifications Framework and European Qualifications Framework level six. 3.2. Official length of courses according to the study program: three years (six semesters), not less than 180 ECTS points. 3.3. Entry requirements: secondary school-leaving exami basis of results of entrance exams. certificate and admission on the 4, INFORMATION REGARDING CONTENT AND RESULTS ACHIEVED 4.1. Mode of study: full-time programme. 4.2. Learning outcomes: 4.3. Graduate’s academic record details: classes attended, sylabus content and individual achievements, obtained grades and ECTS points: Year 1- Semester I Noofhrs/Type Grades ECTS 1. Analysis of music piece 1Sfet 5(22) ‘3.00 2. History of music 301 312) 3.00 3. Marketing 751 pass 1.00 4. Foreign language (Polish) 30/el 522) 2.00 5. PE. 15/el pass 0.00 6. Aural training 30/1 416) 2.00 1. Forms of visual arts 30Vel pass 2.00 8 Copyright 7.51 pass 1.00 9. Foreign language (Polish) - music conversations 30/cl $22) 2.00 age 1/5 10. u. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. Foreign language (English) - music ‘conversations Performance issues of early music Ethnic music Work with accompanist ‘Major instrument - Double bass Work ergonomics for musicians History of art Year I Semester II 8 9. 10. IL 12 3B. rn 15. 16. Year II - Semester I Analysis of music piece History of music Foreign language (Polish) PE Aural training Foreign language (Polish) - music conversations Foreign language (English) - music ‘conversations Work with accompanist ‘Major instrument - Double bass Work ergonomics for musicians ‘Symphonic orchestra Music and movement History of art Faculiative orchestra ~ Laboratorium Principles of music Forms of visual arts PE Foreign language (Polish) Aural training Chamber music Forms of visual arts Foreign language (English) - music conversations Specialized literature Work with accompanist Major instrument - Double bass Orchestra studies Orchestra . Dance theatre "Physical studio" Music literature Improvisation History of art IT. |. History of western culture = Semester IV Chamber music ‘Music literature Improvisation English language - music conversations PE. Aural training Foreign language (Polish) Specialized literature Work with accompanist Orchestra studies Dance theatre "Physical studio" page 2/5 30/e1 Isiet 1s 15/et 301 30/el 301 No. of hrs/Type 15iet 301 30/et 15fcl 30/el 30/el 30/el 1s/el 30/1 30/el 4/el 30/e1 30/1 45/el 301 30/et No. of hrs/Type 30/el 3/e1 30/el 30/1 el 30/et 1511 15fet 301 15/el 4S/el 30 3011 7S/el 3011 15/el 30 No. of hrs/Type 3011 301 301 7.S/el 30/e1 I5/el 30/eL 30et Is 13/el 15/et 30/1 say) an pass ass 52) pass pass Grades se) 4509) 5(22) pass 47) 5(22) 3,515) pass 5023) 629) ass ass 45020) pass S21) 5023) Grades pass Sal) 418) 4,520) pass 3,515) $022) pass 522) 4.5(19) sal) 4018) 3,5(14) pass pass ass ass Grades 6(24) Sl) 5@i) pass 3,55) pass 48) 418) 5022) ass 52) 4,5(19) 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 ECTS 8.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Nun Diy bu Di 13. Symphonic orchestra 45/et pass 3.00 14, Music and movement 30 Pass 2.00 15, History of western culture 30 45(19) 2.00 16. Forms of visual arts Wel 418) 2.00 - Semester V No. of hrs/Type Grades ECTS L. Orchestra 48/el 6725) 3.00 2. Chamber music 30 418) 3.00 3. Research text analysis 15M pass 1.00 |. Work with accompanist 15fet pass 1.00 3. Orchestra studies 15fet sau) 1.00 6. Major instrument - Double bass 30 5023) 10.00 ‘Year Ill - Semester VI No.of hrs/Type Grades ECTS 1. Major instrument - Double bass 30/t pass 15.00 2. Chamber music 30 35(15) 3.00 3. Work with accompanist 15/el pass 1.00 4. Orchestra studies 15iet $21) 1.00 5. Vocational training 15let pass 1.00 Number of ECTS points: 190.00 Diploma recital: Concerto No.2 in h-Moll Giovanni Bottesini hungarian Rhapsodie No.2 Franz Liszt Diploma recital grade: celujacy (24) / excellent (24) Average grade: 20.50 4.4. Grading Scale and, if available, grade awarding scheme: Grading Scale in the University of Music in Lodz 6 (celujacy) excellent 25-24 5 (bardzo dobry) very good 23-21 4,5 (dobry +) above good 20-19 4 (dobry) 00d 18-16 3,5 (dostateczny +) above sufficient 15-14 3 ostateczmy) sufficient 13-11 2 (niedostateczny) fail 10-0 Explanation of the symbols: pass - credits with no grade, - lecture, el - classes, - seminar, 4.5. Overall classification of the qualification: bardzo dobry (23) / very good (23) 5, INFORMATION REGARDING THE GRADUATE’S RIGHTS 5.1. Access to further education: Gives access to further study (2nd cycle studies and postgraduate studies). 5.2. Professional qualifications and rights (if 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6.1. Additional information (including 6.2. Sources of information: ‘The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz - www. ternships completed, awards received): - page 3/5 ‘The Ministry of Science and Higher Education 7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEME! 7.1, Date of issue ( 21.06.2022 7.2. The rector’s signature and name stamp or overprint of information corresponding to the data contained on the stamp: 7.3. Official university stamp: ~ Rector of the Gratyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodé Px Cw ae Prof. AM. Elebieta Aleksandrowicz, DA Hab. page 4/5 9, DESCRIPTI 9.1. Criterion total dur ‘aoollea¥ine Shoot er a higher ed 8.2. Higher “phe princip and Seiene public uni cor uniform irst-oyeh enabling 5 semest Full paritim Quali Quali our "The f Qual suc a3. 1) Iie » 1810 the versity fab, 8, DESCRIPTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN POLAND &LO rion for admission to higher education institutions ‘The total duration of education until completion of a school which offers the possibility of taking the high schoolleaving examination (matura examination) is 12-15 years. Having passed the matura examination, high school graduates are awarded a school-leaving certificate (natura), which entitles them to apply for admission to a higher education institution. 8. 2. Higher education system, ‘The principles of higher education functioning are set out in the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science Journal of Laws, item 1668, as amended). Public universities are created by a state body. Studies at universities are conducted as first-cycle, second-cycle or uniform Master's degree studies. Studies can be conducted as full-time or part-time studies. First-cycle full-time studies last at least 6 semesters, and if the study program includes learning outcomes ‘enabling obtaining engineering competences - at least 7 semesters. Second-cycle fulltime studies last from 3 to 5 semesters. Full-time uniform Master's degree studies last from 9 to 12 semesters. Part-time studies may take longer than the corresponding full-time studies. Qualifications obtained as a result of graduation as part of higher education are assigned the level of the Polish Qualifications Framework set out in the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System Gournal of Laws of 2018, item 2153, as amended). ‘The first-cycle (undergraduate) diploma confirms the award of a full qualification at level 6 of the Polish Qualifications Framework. The second-cycle (graduate) diploma and the completion of uniform Master's degree studies diploma confirm the full qualification at level 7 ofthe Polish Qualifications Framework. 8. 3, Degrees (‘professional titles’) awarded to graduates of higher education institutions: 1) licencja, intnier and equivalent titles: inzynier architekt, in?ynier pozamictwa, licencjat pielegniarstwa, licengjat poloznictwa - granted to first-cycle studies graduates, 2) magister, magister inzynier and equivalent titles: ister inzynier architekt, magister inzynier pozamictwa, magister pielegniarstwa, magister ppoloznictwa - awarded to graduates of second - cycle studies, by Iekarz, lekarz dentysta, lekarz weterynarii, magisterfarmacji, magister in2ynier architekt- awarded to ‘graduates of uniform Master's degree studies. 8.4. Credit points To obiain a first-cycle studies diploma, students are required to obtain at least 180 ECTS eredit points, second- cycle studies - atleast 90 ECTS, uniform master's studies - at least 300 ECTS, if they last 9 or 10 semesters, or at Teast 360 points ECTS if they last 11 or 12 semesters. page 5/5

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