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CompoMat G5

Service Manual
Edition: 3/11.10
Part. no.: M67 599 1
Table of Contents

1 Index

2 Important Information
2.1 How to use the Service Manual................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Significance of the warnings.................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Significance of the note ............................................................................................................ 2-2
2.4 Significance of the tip ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.5 Technician's qualification......................................................................................................... 2-2
2.6 Instructions to be observed when servicing the system....................................................... 2-2
2.7 Warnings .................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.7.1 Basic warnings ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.7.2 Warnings regarding electric hazards ........................................................................................... 2-4
2.7.3 Warnings regarding mechanical hazards .................................................................................... 2-5
2.7.4 Warnings regarding risk of burning.............................................................................................. 2-5
2.7.5 Warnings regarding biological hazards ....................................................................................... 2-6
2.8 Addresses .................................................................................................................................. 2-7

3 Installation
3.1 Preface........................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Important information on initial start-up ................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Installing the optional scales ................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.1 Installing the PLS scales ............................................................................................................. 3-4 Mounting the PLS scales ............................................................................................. 3-4
3.3.2 Installing the RCC scales ........................................................................................................... 3-5 Mounting the RCC scales............................................................................................. 3-6
3.4 Connector layout ....................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.5 Initial start-up........................................................................................................................... 3-10
3.6 Decommissioning / removal from service / recommissioning............................................ 3-19

4 Specifications

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 0-i

5 Service mode
5.1 Accessing service mode when the device is switched off .................................................... 5-1
5.2 Accessing service mode from standby ................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.1 Self-test........................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Entering the password ................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.3 Main menu (Service).................................................................................................................... 5-2 Entering the serial number ........................................................................................... 5-3 Entering an E-code....................................................................................................... 5-4 Update/Init ARM7 ......................................................................................................... 5-5 Update/Init Trinamic ..................................................................................................... 5-5 Calibrating ADC & Heads............................................................................................. 5-6
5.2.4 Special functions (extended menu) ............................................................................................. 5-8
5.2.5 Application service mode............................................................................................................. 5-8
5.2.6 Program selection........................................................................................................................ 5-9 Display and operation of a service program ............................................................... 5-10
5.3 Seal & weighing (program-independent)............................................................................... 5-11
5.3.1 Program-independent sealing.................................................................................................... 5-12
5.3.2 Program-independent weighing................................................................................................. 5-12
5.4 Calibration ................................................................................................................................ 5-13
5.4.1 Calibrating top press.................................................................................................................. 5-13 Top press (calibrating press force)............................................................................. 5-14 Top press (calibrating press stroke) ........................................................................... 5-16
5.4.2 Calibrating the upper press........................................................................................................ 5-16 Upper press (calibrating the press force) ................................................................... 5-17 Upper press (calibrating press stroke) ....................................................................... 5-19
5.4.3 Calibrating the lower press ........................................................................................................ 5-19 Lower press (calibrating the press force) ................................................................... 5-20 Lower press (calibrating the press stroke) ................................................................. 5-22
5.4.4 Calibrating the scales ................................................................................................................ 5-22 Calibrating the press scales ....................................................................................... 5-22 Calibrating the RCC scales ........................................................................................ 5-23 Calibrating the PLS scales ......................................................................................... 5-24
5.4.5 Calibrating detector A ................................................................................................................ 5-25
5.4.6 Calibrating ADC & Heads (see chapter on page 5-6).................................................... 5-26
5.5 Cleaning the press area .......................................................................................................... 5-26
5.5.1 Cleaning the upper press........................................................................................................... 5-27
5.5.2 Cleaning the lower press ........................................................................................................... 5-28
5.5.3 Cleaning the slide ...................................................................................................................... 5-29
5.6 Setup......................................................................................................................................... 5-30
5.6.1 Language selection.................................................................................................................... 5-30
5.6.2 Process data.............................................................................................................................. 5-31
5.6.3 Software update......................................................................................................................... 5-31
5.6.4 Barcode test............................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.6.5 System information .................................................................................................................... 5-34

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6 TSC / TMC / MA
6.1 Important information for the procedure ................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Test report - annual maintenance ............................................................................................ 6-2
6.3 Checking the electrical safety ................................................................................................ 6-12
6.4 Explanations on the reports ................................................................................................... 6-14
6.4.1 Explanations on the reports "Initial start-up" and "Annual maintenance" .................................. 6-14
6.4.2 Explanations on electrical safety checks ................................................................................... 6-36

7 Error Messages
7.1 CompoMat G5 Error Codes ...................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Actuator, action and error codes ............................................................................................. 7-4
7.2.1 Example....................................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.2.2 Error codes .................................................................................................................................. 7-4
7.2.3 Actuator codes............................................................................................................................. 7-6
7.2.4 Action codes ................................................................................................................................ 7-8

8 Calibration / adjustment
8.1 Calibration (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13) ............................................................................. 8-1

9 Servicing / repair
9.1 Description / warnings .............................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Electrical hazards ...................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Mechanical hazards................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.4 Risk of burning .......................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.5 Biological hazards..................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.6 Replacements / Repairs ............................................................................................................ 9-5
9.6.1 Replacing the Application Board bought-in assembly (M68 137 1)............................................. 9-5
9.6.2 Replacing the Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly (M68 115 1)....................... 9-7
9.6.3 Replacing the Trinamic Board bought-in assembly ..................................................................... 9-8
9.6.4 Changing the top press silicon mat G5 (M68 129 1) ................................................................... 9-9
9.6.5 Replacing the BG-CompoFlow Opener Top and door............................................................... 9-10
9.6.6 Replacing the BG-CompoFlow Opener RCC ............................................................................ 9-14
9.6.7 Testing the BG-CompoFlow Opener ......................................................................................... 9-16
9.6.8 Replacing the Heads ................................................................................................................. 9-18
9.6.9 Replacing Head 3 (PLS scales)................................................................................................. 9-22
9.6.10 Replacing the weighing cell RCC (M63 526 1).......................................................................... 9-24
9.6.11 Testing the weighing cell RCC .................................................................................................. 9-27
9.6.12 Replacing the weighing cell PLS (M63 526 1)........................................................................... 9-27
9.6.13 Testing the weighing cell PLS ................................................................................................... 9-30
9.6.14 Replacing the scales 3 (M68 109 1) .......................................................................................... 9-30
9.6.15 Testing scales 3......................................................................................................................... 9-33

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9.7 Tests after the replacement of components ......................................................................... 9-34
9.7.1 BG-CompoFlow Opener height measurement .......................................................................... 9-34
9.7.2 BG-CompoFlow Opener installation .......................................................................................... 9-35
9.7.3 BG-CompoFlow Opener opening .............................................................................................. 9-35
9.7.4 BG-CompoFlow Opener height assembly ................................................................................. 9-35

10 Passwords Service password ....................................................................................................... 10-1 Default settings for passwords in CompoMaster Net G5 .......................................... 10-1 Defining individual passwords in CompoMaster Net G5........................................... 10-1

11 Functional Description
11.1 Description of the therapy ...................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Physical Description ............................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Functional description ............................................................................................................ 11-1
11.3.1 Application Board bought-in assembly (M68 137 1) .................................................................. 11-1
11.3.2 Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly (M68 115 1) ............................................ 11-1
11.3.3 HF generator 24V bought-in assembly (M66 178 1).................................................................. 11-2
11.3.4 Relay box G5 (M68 107 1)......................................................................................................... 11-2
11.3.5 Sealing Head El.Mag. Drive assembly (M68 144 1) .................................................................. 11-2
11.3.6 Trinamic Board bought-in assembly (M68 138 1)...................................................................... 11-2
11.4 Block diagram .......................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.5 Component layouts ................................................................................................................. 11-4
11.5.1 Application Board bought-in assembly ...................................................................................... 11-4
11.5.2 Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly ................................................................ 11-5
11.5.3 LP1361 ...................................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.5.4 Trinamic Board bought-in assembly .......................................................................................... 11-6
11.6 Flow diagram (Service Menu) ................................................................................................. 11-7

12 Spare parts catalog

12.1 Tools and accessories .......................................................................................................... 12-21

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Chapter 1: Index

1 Index
Accessories and tools 12-21 Replacing Application Board
bought-in assembly 9-5
B Replacing Display G5 printed
circuit board bought-in assembly
Biological hazards 9-4 9-7
Block diagram 11-3 Replacing the Trinamic Board
bought-in assembly 9-8
C Risk of burning 9-3

Calibration / adjustment 8-1

Checking the electrical safety 6-12 S
Scales, installing 3-3
D Sealing seam, test criteria 6-30
Service mode 5-1
Default passwords 10-1
Service password 10-1
Servicing / repair 9-1
Spare parts catalog 12-1
Electrical safety inspections
Specifications 4-1
(explanation) 6-36
Error messages 7-1
F Test report - annual maintenance
Functional description 11-1
Test report explanation 6-14
Fuses 6-36
Tools and accessories 12-21
TSC / TMC / maintenance 6-1
Hazards (electric) 9-2 W
Hazards (mechanical) 9-3
Warning description 9-1
Head 3, replacing (PLS scales)
Heads, replacing 9-18

Important information 2-1
Initial start-up report 3-10
Installation 3-1

Passwords 10-1

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Chapter 2: Important Information

2 Important Information

2.1 How to use the Service Manual

Identification The document can be identified by the following information on the title
page and on the labels, if any:
– Edition of the technical document
– Part number of the technical document

Page identification The page identification 1-3, for example, refers to Chapter 1, page 3.

Editorial information The editorial information 3/11.10, for example, refers to: 3rd Edition,
November 2010.

Organization of the To facilitate the use of documents from Fresenius Kabi, the organization
chapters of the chapters has been standardized in all manuals. There may
therefore be chapters within this document without any content.
Chapters without content are identified.

Illustrations The illustrations used in the documents (e.g. screens, photos, etc.) may
differ from the original if this does not have any influence on the

Document changes Changes to the technical document will be released as new editions or
supplements. In general, this manual is subject to change without

Reproduction Reproduction, even of extracts, may only be performed with written


2.2 Significance of the warnings

Advises the operator that incorrect operation can result in personal

Advises the operator that incorrect operation can cause damage to the

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Chapter 2: Important Information

2.3 Significance of the note

Information alerting the operator to the fact that failure to follow the
steps as specified may result in the specific function not being executed
correctly, not being executed at all, or not producing the desired effect.

2.4 Significance of the tip

Information providing useful tips for easy handling.

2.5 Technician's qualification

Purpose This technical document is intended for service technicians and can be
used for first studies (to acquire a basic knowledge) and for reference
purposes (for TSC, maintenance and repair). The study of this
document, however, does not replace the training courses offered by
the manufacturer.

Requirements Knowledge of the current Operating Instructions of the respective

Background experience in mechanics, electrical and medical

2.6 Instructions to be observed when servicing the system

Authorized persons Assembly, extensions, adjustments, modifications or repairs may only

be undertaken by the manufacturer or any person authorized by the

Test equipment and The activities described in this technical document require the
accessories availability of the necessary technical measuring equipment and

Specifications Observe the information on the specifications.

Precautions Before turning power on, repair any visible damage.

Prior to opening the device and when working on the open device, the
following precautions have to be observed:

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Chapter 2: Important Information

– Protect the components against ingress of fluids.

– Do not touch live parts.
– Disconnect and connect all jacks, connectors and components only
when the device is turned off.

2.7 Warnings

2.7.1 Basic warnings

The CompoMat G5 may only be opened by qualified and skilled staff.

Operators are wholly responsible for any processes that they create in
CompoMaster Net G5 and which are executed by the CompoMat G5.
This applies in particular to possible loss of blood and blood products by
incorrect programming. See the User Manual for CompoMaster Net G5
for information about using the CompoMaster Net G5 to program the
CompoMat G5.

Operators are wholly responsible for preparatory tasks, such as
storage, centrifuging, transport to the CompoMat G5, suspending on
the pins and snapping any possible rated break points, all of which can
have a significant influence on the quality of separation of the blood
For these reasons, Fresenius Kabi does not provide information in
advance concerning the quality of results as regards blood components
obtained using CompoMat G5 processes.
Fresenius Kabi only claims that there is a relatively high reproducibility
of results for processed blood components within a relatively short
preparation time.
Please refer to the relevant literature for specific quality results for blood
components processed with the CompoMat G5 in daily practice at a
blood bank.

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Chapter 2: Important Information

2.7.2 Warnings regarding electric hazards

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
When connecting the CompoMat G5 to a mains supply, the local
regulations that apply have to be observed.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Improper commissioning and use of the electrical equipment can result
in injuries, such as burns and electrical shocks.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
When using safety class I systems, the quality of the protective ground
of the installation is of particular importance. It must be taken into
consideration that in many countries regulations have been enacted by
the national authorities. The rear panel of the CompoMat G5 is provided
with a connection for a grounded power cable.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
If the power cable needs to be replaced, use only the original power
cable listed in the spare parts catalog. If additional equipment, which is
not included in the accessories, is connected to the device, there will be
a danger that the permissible leakage currents will be exceeded.

Risk of injury by burning
The devices are not suitable for use with flammable mixtures or nitrous

Loss of the preparation when disconnecting the power plug or in the
event of a power failure.
If there is a loss of power while processing a program in the
CompoMat G5, all sealing heads/clamps will open and the presses will
stop. This may cause a loss of the preparation.

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Chapter 2: Important Information

2.7.3 Warnings regarding mechanical hazards

Risk of injury caused by parts moving autonomously.
To avoid injury, operators must ensure to keep a sufficiently large
distance to all moving parts of the CompoMat G5 .
Moving parts are:
– Door
– upper press
– lower press
– slide
– Top press
– CF-Opener

Risk of injury by crushing
Keep hands clear of the inside of the CompoMat G5 during operation of
the device.

2.7.4 Warnings regarding risk of burning

Risk of burning by touching the sealing electrodes
– Do not touch the sealing electrodes of Heads 1-6 during the sealing
– Do not place any live parts into the Heads.
– Maintain a sufficient distance from the sealing electrodes in the

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Chapter 2: Important Information

2.7.5 Warnings regarding biological hazards

Risk of infection by leaking blood bags
It is always possible that donated blood could be infected by germs of
contagious diseases. The blood must therefore always be treated as
being potentially infectious.
– Wear surgical or similar gloves when processing blood products.
– Immediately clean and disinfect work surfaces that are
contaminated with blood or blood products.
Local laws and regulations concerning the handling of potentially
infectious material must be observed at all times.

Risk of infection by leaking tubes
– The operator should not exert any force on tubing, which is currently
being sealed.

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Chapter 2: Important Information

2.8 Addresses

Please address any inquiries to:

Manufacturer Fresenius Kabi AG

61346 Bad Homburg v.d.H.
Phone: +49 (0)6172 / 608 - 0

Service Fresenius HemoCare GmbH

Central Europe Technischer Service
Pfingstweide 53
D-61169 Friedberg
International Service Hotline (08:30 - 17:00)
Tel: +49 (0)6172 / 608 8469
Fax: +49 (0)6172 / 608 8539

Service Responsible Regional Organization

International (Technical Service)

Local Service

2-7 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 3: Installation

3 Installation

3.1 Preface

Instructions for all technicians authorized to commission our

We, as manufacturers, permanently aim at delivering systems of
highest quality.
To reach this aim, we need your support.
Please commission our devices uniformly using the enclosed "initial
start-up report" and enter the values determined in the columns
The following applies:
Corrections are necessary only if the measured values are outside
of the specified tolerances!

3.2 Important information on initial start-up

For initial start-up only This technical document is intended for initial start-up only.

Environmental conditions Variations in temperature during transport may lead to condensation

water developing on conducting parts. In the event of major variations
in temperature, the device must be given enough time to adapt to the
ambient temperature before start-up.

Tester's qualification The initial start-up must be performed by the Technical Service of
Fresenius Kabi or a person authorized by them.
The initial start-up procedure may only be performed by persons
qualified to properly perform the specified checks on the basis of their
educational background and training, as well as knowledge and
experience gained in practice. Furthermore, the persons performing the
tests must not be bound by any directives when performing this activity.

Test equipment and The activities described in this technical document require the
accessories availability of the necessary technical measuring equipment and

Specifications Observe the information on the specifications.

Precautions Before turning power on, repair any visible damage.

Prior to opening the device and when working on the open device, the
following precautions have to be observed:
– Protect the components against ingress of fluids.
– Do not touch live parts.
– Disconnect and connect all jacks, connectors and components only
when the device is turned off.

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Chapter 3: Installation

TSC/TMC/MA intervals

TSC Technical safety check

There is no TSC obligation for the CompoMat G5.

TMC Technical measurement check

There is no TMC obligation for the CompoMat G5 .

MA Servicing
In order to avoid personal injury and damage to property, an annual
maintenance must be carried out. (see chapter 6 on page 6-1)

Once the CompoMat G5 has been opened, the Electrical Safety

Check must be carried out before recommissioning the device. (see
chapter 6.3 on page 6-12)

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Chapter 3: Installation

3.3 Installing the optional scales

Risk of injury when assembling the scales and when tilting the
CompoMat G5.
Electric shock
– Turn CompoMat G5 off and disconnect the power plug.

Risk of damaging the CompoMat G5 when assembling the scales.
Overvoltage and/or short-circuit
– Turn CompoMat G5 off and disconnect the power plug.

Improperly-mounted scales can lead to incorrect weighing results.
– A visible air gap must be present between the CompoMat G5
housing and the scales housing.
– The connection cable must not touch the scales housing.

To ensure correct weighing results, the scales must be calibrated after
mounting. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

CompoMat G5 Tilting the To facilitate mounting, the CompoMat G5 can be placed on its back
(see the following illustrations).

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Chapter 3: Installation

3.3.1 Installing the PLS scales

PLS scales kit

Unpack the PLS scales Kit (902 552 1) and check that it is complete and
has not been damaged in transit:
1 x PLS scales
3 x Allen screws Mounting the PLS scales

CompoMat G5 being
positioned on its rear.

– Place the PLS scales flush with the housing and use the three Allen
screws supplied to secure them to the mounting points (1).

Laying the connection


– Connect the BNC plug (1) for Head 3 to the BNC port (2).
– Secure the scales connecting cable using the cable clip (3).

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Chapter 3: Installation

Damage to the scales connecting cable caused by incorrect routing.
Crushing hazard
– The scales connecting cable must be passed through the brackets
(see following illustration).

– Connect the PLS scales to the Balance A (4) connector.

– Calibrate the PLS scales (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13).
– Check calibration of the PLS scales.
– Check Head 3.

3.3.2 Installing the RCC scales

RCC scales kit

Unpack the RCC scales Kit (902 551 1). Check that it is complete and
has not been damaged in transit.
1 x RCC scales
3 x Allen screws

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Chapter 3: Installation Mounting the RCC scales

CompoMat G5 being
positioned on its rear.

– Place the RCC scales flush with the housing and secure it with the
three Allen screws (1) provided.
– Route the scales connecting cable (1) and secure it using the two
cable clips (2) (see following illustration).

Routing the connecting


Damage to the scales connecting cable caused by incorrect routing.
Crushing hazard
– The scales connecting cable must be passed through the brackets
(see following illustration).

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Chapter 3: Installation

– Connect the RCC scales to the Balance B (5) connector.

– Calibrate the RCC scales (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13).
– Check calibration of the RCC scales.
– CF-Opener Check RCC scales.

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Chapter 3: Installation

3.4 Connector layout

Damage to the device when connecting the scales.
Short circuit and/or overvoltage
– Scales must only be connected when the device is switched off.

View: CompoMat G5 from

below 4/5 3/6 2 1

The allocation of the numbers complies with the following schematic

Schematic view (from below):

To rear

5 6

4 3 2 1

To front

(1) Network connection (LAN)

(2) Two equal-priority USB ports
(3) Scanner port
(4) Connector for PLS scales
(5) Connector for RCC scales
(6) RFID scanner (pre-allocated, see following note)

The RFID (6) Scanner interface is allocated for future applications. At
the moment no RFID scanner has been approved for use.

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Chapter 3: Installation

View: CompoMat G5 tilted

90° to the rear, with front
facing up

1 2 3/6 4/5

The allocation of the numbers complies with the following schematic


To front

1 2 3 4

6 5

To rear

(1) Network connection (LAN)

(2) Two equal-priority USB ports
(3) Scanner port
(4) Connector for PLS scales
(5) Connector for RCC scales
(6) RFID scanner (pre-allocated, see following note)

The RFID Scanner (6) interface is allocated for future applications. At
the moment no RFID scanner has been approved for use.

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Chapter 3: Installation

3.5 Initial start-up

A detailed description of the individual items can be found under chapter
Explanations of reports (see chapter 6.4 on page 6-14)

CompoMat G5 Initial start-up report

Technician's name: Customer/customer no.:

Version: Optional: Device no.:

RCC scales:
Serial number:
Service report no.: Equipment code:
PLS scales:
Serial number:

No. Description Correct. Meas.


1 Unpacking (only for initial start-up!)

1.1 Unpack the device. –

1.2 Check that all parts of the device have been accounted for. –

1.3 Device without visible shipping damage. –

2 Visual inspection

2.1 Check the fuses on the power input panel jack.

Melting point of the fuses (2x) T 10 A / 230/240 V ~AC.

2.2 Labels and inscriptions are present and legible.

2.3 Mechanical condition permits safe use.

2.4 No contamination or damage.

2.5 The power cable is not damaged.

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Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3 Device-related inspections

3.1 Calibration of ADC and the head sensors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Cal. ADC & Heads No

Calibration value Head 1: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 2: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 3: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 4: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 5: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 6: Desired value 10-50 ________

3.2 Calibrating the top press position Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Top Press

3.3 Calibrating the upper press position Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Upper Press

3.4 Calibrating the lower press position Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Lower Press

3.5 Calibrating the top press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Top Press

3.6 Calibrating the upper press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Upper Press

3.7 Calibrating the lower press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Lower Press

3.8 Calibrating the press scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Press Scale

3.9 Calibrating the RCC scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / RCC Scale

3.10 Calibrating the PLS scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / PLS Scale

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Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.11 Calibrating the A1-A8 detectors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Detector A

Calibration value det. A1: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A2: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A3: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A4: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A5: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A6: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A7: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A8: Desired value 50-200 ________

3.12 Testing the barcode scanner, barcode test (see chapter 5.6.4 on Yes
page 5-33) No
Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode /
Ready to use / Menu / Setup / Barcode test

3.13 Testing the network functionality Yes


3.14 Testing the WLAN functionality (n.v. = not available) Yes


3.15 Door / Door locks Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. door

3.17 Top press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. TP force

Press stops at a target value of 500 N (±30 N) _______N

3.18 Upper press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. UP force

Press stops at a target value of 500 N (±30 N) _______N

3.19 Lower press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. LP force

Press stops at a target value of 500 N (±30 N) _______N

3-12 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.20 Test of press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. X Scale

PLS scales unladen target value: 0 g (±3 g) _______g

PLS scales loaded with 500 g target value: 500 g (±3 g) _______g

RCC scales unladen target value: 0 g (±3 g) _______g

RCC scales loaded with 500 g target value: 500 g (±3 g) _______g

Press scales unladen target value: 0 g (±3 g) _______g

Press scales loaded with 500 g target value: 500 g (±3 g) _______g

3.21 Slide occlusion Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Slide occl. or
Serv. Slide occl. no PLS

Target value 0 g (±15 g) _______g

3.22 Test of CF-Opener top press / door / RCC scales Yes

(see Re: 3.22 on page 6-24) No
Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode /
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. CompoFlow

Empty CF-Opener top press

⇒ Error message empty CF-Opener

Place test tool 3.6 mm in CF-Opener top press

⇒ Error message ERROR CODE 0x0401

Empty CF-Opener door

⇒ Error message empty CF-Opener

Place test tool 3.6 mm in CF-Opener door

⇒ Error message ERROR CODE 0x0401

Empty CF-Opener RCC scales

⇒ Error message empty CF-Opener

Place test tool 3.6 mm in CF-Opener RCC scales

⇒ Error message ERROR CODE 0x0401

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 3-13

Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.23 A1 - A8 detectors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Detector A

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A1 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A2 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A3 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A4 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A5 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A6 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A7 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A8 is covered

3.24 Opening / closing the Heads Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. O./C. heads or
Serv. O./C. heads no PLS

Close Head 1

Close Head 2

Close Head 3 (optional, only if PLS scales present)

Close Head 4

Close Head 5

Close Head 6

Open Head 1

Open Head 2

Open Head 3 (optional, only if PLS scales present)

Open Head 4

Open Head 5

Open Head 6

Close all Heads

Open all Heads

3-14 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.25 Testing the Heads Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Check heads or
Serv. Check heads no PLS

All Heads empty

Tubing requested for all Heads.

Head 1, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 2, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 3, tubing inserted (optional, only if PLS scales present)

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 4, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 5, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 6, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

All Heads with tubings inserted

No error message

3.26 Sealing behavior of the Heads Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Seal heads or
Serv. Seal heads no PLS

Head 1:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 2:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 3 (optional, only if PLS scales present):

Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 4:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 5:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 6:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 3-15

Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.27 Head sensors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Head det. or Serv.
Head det. no PLS

Head 1: At 30% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 2: At 30% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 3: At 30% visual sensitivity (optional)

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 4: At 30 % visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 5: At 30 % visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 6: At 30 % visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

3.28 Behavior during bag press-out Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Empty bag

Bag is emptied (from the lower press)

Bag is emptied (from the upper press)

Bag is emptied (from the top press)

3.30 Expanded test CF-Opener Yes


CF-Opener Top

CF-Opener Door

CF-Opener RCC

3-16 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 3: Installation

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.31 System information Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / System information

Serial number ________

E-Code ________

Release ________

4 Checking the electrical safety

(see chapter 6.4.2 on page 6-36)
For Germany: in accordance with DIN EN 62353.
In other countries, observe the local regulations!

4.1 Visual inspection performed.

4.2 Protective earth resistance max. 0.3 Ω (with power cable) ______ Ω

4.3 Leakage current measurement (device leakage current) max. 500 µA

Differential current measurement acc. to DIN EN 62353, Figure 5 _____ µA
Direct measurement acc. to DIN EN 62353, Figure 4 _____ µA

4.4 Insulation resistance measurement > 2 MΩ _____ MΩ

Test equipment used:

Force measuring device
(Type, serial number):
Protective earth resistance, leakage current, insulation resistance
(Type, serial number):


Date: Signature: Stamp:

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 3-17

Chapter 3: Installation

The device has been released for its intended use. Yes



Date: Signature: Stamp:

Confirmation of the test Test equipment used:

Type and serial number of the test equipment used.
Any irregularities which occurred during the test are documented in this
Date, signature, stamp
Performance of the test has to be confirmed with date, tester's signature
and stamp.

Assessment of the test The device has been released for its intended use.
During the intended use of the device it must be ensured that the device
does not present a hazard to patients, employees or other third parties.
As part of overall evaluation, testers are obliged to give their official
approval for the use of the device. If defects are identified, then the
device owner must be informed of these without delay.
Date of next inspection:
The next inspection date has to be entered in the report. The intervals
specified by the manufacturer have to be observed.
Any irregularities which occurred during the assessment are
documented in this section.
Date, signature, stamp:
Assessment of initial start-up must be confirmed by the tester including
the date, tester's signature and stamp.

3-18 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 3: Installation

3.6 Decommissioning / removal from service / recommissioning

For information regarding this chapter see:
CompoMat G5 Operating Instructions

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 3-19

Chapter 4: Specifications

4 Specifications

For information regarding this chapter see:
CompoMat G5 Operating Instructions

4-1 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

5 Service mode

The display has a yellow background when service mode is active.

To help you find your way around the Service Menu, a flow diagram is
available for this menu (see chapter 11.6 on page 11-7).

5.1 Accessing service mode when the device is switched off

Accessories – USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)

Procedure 1. Insert the USB stick service G5.

2. Turn on the CompoMat G5 via the main switch.
Service mode is activated after approx. 2 min.
The two-part self-test is then executed. (see chapter 5.2.1 on page 5-2)

5.2 Accessing service mode from standby

Accessories – USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)

Procedure 1. Insert the USB stick service G5. (see chapter 3.4 on page 3-8)
2. Wait at least 10 s (USB stick is initialized).
3. Press the menu key (On/Off).
The two-part self-test is then executed. (see chapter 5.2.1 on page 5-2)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-1

Chapter 5: Service mode

5.2.1 Self-test

The following components are tested:

– System files – PLS Scale

– Network – RCC scales
– IO communication – Press Scale
– Slide – Upper Press
– CF-Opener Top – Lower Press
– CF-Opener Door – Top Press
– CF-Opener RCC – Door
– Head

5.2.2 Entering the password

Passwords (see Passwords on page 10-1)

Once the self-test has been passed, the screen message Password
request will be displayed (shown here on the left).
The password is entered as follows:
– Select the input position using the (yellow) and (green)
function keys.
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the required
numerical value for the highlighted input position. The password is
– Confirm the input using the menu key .

5.2.3 Main menu (Service)

Once the password has been entered, the screen message Main menu
(Service) will be displayed (shown here on the left).
The following menu options are available:
– Set serial number
– Set E-Code
– Set MAC-Address
– Update/Init ARM7
– Update/Init Trinamic
– Cal. ADC & Heads
– Special functions

5-2 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode Entering the serial number

The serial number must be entered again after the replacement of the
Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly.

Requirements The menu Main menu (Service) must be selected.

(see chapter 5.1 on page 5-1) to (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Set serial number.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Set serial number will be displayed (shown here
on the left).
The serial number is entered as follows:
– Select the input position using the (yellow) and (green)
function keys.
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the required
numerical value for the highlighted input position.
– Confirm the input using the menu key .

The screen message Advice will be displayed (shown here on the left).
– Accept the message using the (green) function key.
The CompoMat G5 will be rebooted.
A screen message will be displayed, requesting password entry.
(see chapter 5.2.2 on page 5-2)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-3

Chapter 5: Service mode Entering an E-code

The E-code must be entered again after the replacement of the Display
G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly.

Requirements The menu Main menu (Service) must be selected.

(see chapter 5.1 on page 5-1) to (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Set E-Code.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Set E-Code will be displayed (shown here on the
– Note the E-code from the rear of the CompoMat G5 and enter as
– Select the input position using the (yellow) and (green)
function keys.
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the required
numerical value for the highlighted input position.
– Confirm the input using the menu key .

The screen message Advice will be displayed (shown here on the left).
– Accept the message using the (green) function key.
You will be returned to the Main menu (Service) screen.

5-4 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode Update/Init ARM7

The firmware for the Application Board bought-in assembly (M68 137 1)
is installed automatically during installation of the G5 procedure
software (see Software update on page 5-31). Manual installation
normally is not required.

After the update/init on the Application Board bought-in assembly
(M68 137 1) the CompoMat G5 must be fully calibrated (see
chapter 6.2 on page 6-2).
The calibration process is started automatically.

Requirements The menu Main menu (Service) must be selected.

(see chapter 5.1 on page 5-1) to (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

Accessories The subsequent calibration requires the use of the following

– Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor
(M67 499 1)
– Tool for force measurement G5 (M67 961 1)
– Synthetic block G5 (M67 851 1)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Update/init ARM7.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .
The update is carried out without safety prompt.
The following screen messages will be displayed in sequence:
– Wait... Reset IO board...
– Wait... Erase IO software...
– Wait... Install IO software...
– Restart... Please wait...
– Selftest... Update/Init Trinamic

The procedures for the Trinamic Board bought-in assembly
(M68 138 1) are installed automatically during installation of the G5
procedure software (see Software update on page 5-31). Manual
installation of the Trinamic board normally is not required.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-5

Chapter 5: Service mode

Requirements The menu Main menu (Service) must be selected.

(see chapter 5.1 on page 5-1) to (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Update/init Trinamic.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .
The Application Board bought-in assembly (M68 138 1) update is
carried out automatically without safety prompt.

The screen message Init motor control will be displayed (shown here
on the left).
The CompoMat G5 will be rebooted once the progress bar is complete.

All presses must be re-calibrated following an update/init on the
Trinamic Board bought-in assembly (M68 138 1).
The calibration process is started automatically. Calibrating ADC & Heads

Requirements The menu Main menu (Service) must be selected.

(see chapter 5.1 on page 5-1) to (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

5-6 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Cal. ADC & Heads .
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Calibrate ADC & Head Detectors... will be

displayed (shown here on the left).

After successful calibration, the screen message Advice will be

displayed (shown here on the left).
– The calibration data displayed must be documented in the report.
(i.e. values for Heads 1 to 6)
– Confirm the end of calibration using the (green) function key.
The CompoMat G5 will be rebooted.

The calibration values must be in the range between 10 and 50.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-7

Chapter 5: Service mode

5.2.4 Special functions (extended menu)

Requirements The menu Main menu (Service) must be selected.

(see chapter 5.1 on page 5-1) to (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu option
Special functions.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Special functions will be displayed (shown here

on the left).
The Special functions menu expands the Main menu (Service) to
include the following options:
– Appl. Service mode
– Download files
– Unittest screenshots
– Unittest network stress
– Create Production Stick
– Production state

5.2.5 Application service mode

Requirements The extended menu Special functions must be selected in the Main
menu (Service). (see chapter 5.2.3 on page 5-2)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Appl. Service-Mode.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

5-8 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Ready to use will be displayed (shown here on

the left).
The program selected (here, 30 Demo no heads) may differ from the
actual program shown.
– Press the (green) function key.
The program displayed will be executed.
– Press the (yellow) function key.

The screen message Main menu will be displayed (shown here on the
The following menu options are available:
– Programm selection
– Seal & weighing
– Calibrate
– Cleanup
– Setup
– System information

Special features in service – All passwords are deactivated

– The language is English throughout and cannot be modified.
– Process data are deactivated

5.2.6 Program selection

Requirements The sub-menu Appl. Service-Mode has been selected in the extended
Special functions menu. (see chapter 5.2.5 on page 5-8)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Program selection.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

Special features for In the Program selection service menu, a fixed set of service programs
service menu "Program are available that are not provided by CompoMaster Net G5.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-9

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Program selection will be displayed (shown here

on the left).
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the desired
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Ready to use will be displayed (shown here on

the left).
– Press the (green) function key.
The selected program (here, 30 Demo no heads) will be executed.
– Press the (yellow) function key.
The display switches back to the Main menu Display and operation of a service program

The program step currently running is shown in field 1.

1 – To stop the service program: Press the (blue) function key.

– To interrupt the service program: Press the (yellow) function key.

5-10 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

– The corresponding parameters are shown in field 1 during execution

of the program step.

5.3 Seal & weighing (program-independent)

Requirements The sub-menu Appl. Service-Mode has been selected in the extended
Special functions menu. (see chapter 5.2.5 on page 5-8)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Seal & weighing.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Seal & weighing will be displayed (shown here
on the left).

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-11

Chapter 5: Service mode

5.3.1 Program-independent sealing

Only Head 2 can be used for program-independent sealing.

The number of sealing processes is not limited.

– Insert the tubing into sealing head 2.

– Press the (green) function key.
The inserted tubing will be sealed.

– Press the (blue) function key.

The display switches back to the Main menu

5.3.2 Program-independent weighing

Only the RCC scales can be used for program-independent weighing.

The number of weighing processes is not limited.

– Tare the RCC scales using the (yellow) function key.

The weighing process can be carried out.

– Press the (blue) function key.

The display switches back to the Main menu

5-12 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

5.4 Calibration

Risk of injury from actuators moving automatically.
Crushing hazard
– Do not reach into the press area when the presses are active.

Requirements The sub-menu Appl. Service-Mode has been selected in the extended
Special functions menu. (see chapter 5.2.5 on page 5-8)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Calibrate.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Calibrate will be displayed (shown here on the

The following actuators can be calibrated:
– Top press
– upper press
– lower press
– Press scales
– RCC scales
– PLS scales
– Detector A

5.4.1 Calibrating top press

Requirements The menu Calibrate must be selected in the Main menu. (see
chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-13

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the desired
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Calibrate Top Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
Two calibration functions are available:
– Calibrate press force ( (yellow) function key)
– Calibrate press stroke ( (green) function key) Top press (calibrating press force)

Requirements The menu Calibrate Top Press must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor

(M67 499 1)

– Use the (yellow) function key to select Calibrate force.

5-14 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Calibrate Top Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The CompoMat G5 automatically calculates the null force for the top

On completion of the null force adjustment, the screen message

Calibrate Top Press will be displayed (shown here on the left).

– Place the calibrated force measuring device in or under the top press
(see illustration to the left).
– Proceed by pressing the (green) function key.

The screen message Calibrate Top Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
Note the determined force [N] from the force measuring device and
enter it as follows:
– Select the input position using the (yellow) and (green)
function keys.
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the required
numerical value for the highlighted input position.
– Confirm the input using the menu key .
After successful calibration, the message Calibration finished
successfully! will be displayed.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-15

Chapter 5: Service mode Top press (calibrating press stroke)

Requirements The menu Calibrate Top Press must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (green) function key to select Calibrate position.

The screen message Calibrate Top Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The calibration process for the press stroke will be performed and
completed automatically.

5.4.2 Calibrating the upper press

Requirements The menu Calibrate must be selected in the Main menu. (see
chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the desired
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

5-16 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Calibrate Upper Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
Two calibration functions are available:
– Calibrate press force ( (yellow) function key)
– Calibrate press stroke ( (green) function key) Upper press (calibrating the press force)

Requirements The menu Calibrate Upper Press must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor

(M67 499 1)

– Use the (yellow) function key to select Calibrate force.

The screen message Calibrate Upper Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The CompoMat G5 automatically calculates the null force for the upper

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-17

Chapter 5: Service mode

On completion of the null force adjustment, the screen message

Calibrate Upper Press will be displayed (shown here on the left).

– Place the calibrated force measuring device into the upper press
(see illustration to the left).
– Proceed by pressing the (green) function key.

The screen message Calibrate Upper Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
Note the determined force [N] from the force measuring device and
enter it as follows:
– Select the input position using the (yellow) and (green)
function keys.
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the required
numerical value for the highlighted input position.
– Confirm the input using the menu key .
After successful calibration, the message Calibration finished
successfully! will be displayed.

5-18 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode Upper press (calibrating press stroke)

Requirements The menu Calibrate Upper Press must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (green) function key to select Calibrate position.

The screen message Calibrate Upper Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The calibration process for the press stroke will be performed and
completed automatically.

5.4.3 Calibrating the lower press

Requirements The menu Calibrate must be selected in the Main menu. (see
chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the desired
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-19

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Calibrate Lower Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
Two calibration functions are available:
– Calibrate press force ( (yellow) function key)
– Calibrate press stroke ( (green) function key) Lower press (calibrating the press force)

Requirements The menu Calibrate Lower Press must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor

(M67 499 1)

– Use the (yellow) function key to select Calibrate force.

The screen message Calibrate Lower Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The CompoMat G5 automatically calculates the null force for the lower

5-20 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

On completion of the null force adjustment, the screen message

Calibrate Lower Press will be displayed (shown here on the left).

– Place the calibrated force measuring device into the lower press
(see illustration to the left).
– Proceed by pressing the (green) function key.

The screen message Calibrate Lower Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
Note the determined force [N] from the force measuring device and
enter it as follows:
– Select the input position using the (yellow) and (green)
function keys.
– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the required
numerical value for the highlighted input position.
– Confirm the input using the menu key .
After successful calibration, the message Calibration finished
successfully! will be displayed.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-21

Chapter 5: Service mode Lower press (calibrating the press stroke)

Requirements The menu Calibrate Lower Press must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (green) function key to select Calibrate position.

The screen message Calibrate Lower Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The calibration process for the press stroke will be performed and
completed automatically.

5.4.4 Calibrating the scales

When calibrating the scales, the following requirements must be met:
– The CompoMat G5 must be set up so that it is free of vibrations.
– Do not allow any external force to affect the scales. Calibrating the press scales

Requirements The menu Calibrate Press Scale must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Calibration weight 500 g (M63 925 1)

5-22 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Relieve the press scales.

– Start the calibration process using the (green) function key.
The device calculates the zero point for the press scales (approx. 3 s).

The screen message Calibrate Press Scale will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
– Hang the 500 g calibration weight on the suspension pins.
– Wait until the weight has stopped moving (approx. 3 s).
– Confirm the weight using the (green) function key.

After successful calibration, the screen message shown on the left will
be displayed.
– Check the calibration of the press scales. (see Re: 3.20 on
page 6-22) Calibrating the RCC scales

Requirements The menu Calibrate RCC Scale must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Calibration weight 500 g (M63 925 1)

If the calibration process is aborted using the (blue) function key,
then the previous calibration is retained.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-23

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Relieve the RCC scales.

– Start the calibration process using the (green) function key.
The device calculates the zero point for the RCC scales (approx. 3 s).

The screen message Calibrate RCC Scale will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
– Place 500 g calibration weight in the scales tray.
– Wait until the scales tray has stopped moving (approx. 3 s).
– Confirm the weight using the (green) function key.

After successful calibration, the screen message shown on the left will
be displayed.
– Check calibration of the RCC scales. (see Re: 3.20 on page 6-22) Calibrating the PLS scales

Requirements The menu Calibrate PLS Scale must be selected in the Calibrate
menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Calibration weight 500 g (M63 925 1)

If the calibration process is aborted using the (blue) function key,
then the previous calibration is retained.

5-24 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Make sure there is nothing on the scale.

– Start the calibration process using the (green) function key.
The device calculates the zero point for the PLS scales. (approx. 3 s).

The screen message Calibrate PLS Scale will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
– Place 500 g calibration weight on sealing head 3.
– Wait until the weight has stopped moving (approx. 3 s).
– Confirm the weight using the (green) function key.

After successful calibration, the screen message shown on the left will
be displayed.
– Check calibration of the PLS scales. (see Re: 3.20 on page 6-22)

5.4.5 Calibrating detector A

Requirements The menu Calibrate Detector A must be selected in the Calibrate

menu. (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Accessories – Synthetic block G5 (M67 851 1)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-25

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Hang the G5 synthetic block on the suspension pins.

– Press the (green) function key.
The calibration process will be performed automatically (multiple screen
messages shown)

After successful calibration, the screen message shown to the left will
be displayed, presenting the detector calibration data.
– The calibration data displayed must be documented. (i.e. values for
detectors A1 to A8)
– Confirm with the (green) function key.
The screen display switches back to the Calibrate menu.

The calibration values must be in the range between 50 and 200.

5.4.6 Calibrating ADC & Heads (see chapter on page 5-6)

5.5 Cleaning the press area

Risk of injury caused by parts moving autonomously.
Crushing hazard
Do not reach into the press area while the press or slide are moving!

Requirements The sub-menu Appl. Service-Mode has been selected in the extended
Special functions menu. (see chapter 5.2.5 on page 5-8)

5-26 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Cleanup.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Cleanup will be displayed (shown here on the

The following options are shown:
– upper press
– lower press
– slide

5.5.1 Cleaning the upper press

Requirements The menu Cleanup must be selected in the Main menu. (see
chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Upper Press.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-27

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Cleanup Upper Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
– Press and hold the (green) function key.
The upper press is extended.
The upper press can now be cleaned.
– Press and hold the (yellow) function key.
The upper press is retracted.
– Press the (blue) function key.
The screen display switches back to the Cleanup menu.

You can only exit the Cleanup Upper Press menu once the upper
press has been fully retracted.

5.5.2 Cleaning the lower press

Requirements The menu Cleanup must be selected in the Main menu. (see
chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Lower Press .
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Cleanup Lower Press will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
– Press and hold the (green) function key.
The lower press is extended.
The lower press can now be cleaned.
– Press and hold the (yellow) function key.
The lower press is retracted.
– Press the (blue) function key.
The screen display switches back to the Cleanup menu.

5-28 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

You can only exit the Cleanup Lower Press menu once the lower press
has been fully retracted.

5.5.3 Cleaning the slide

Requirements The menu Cleanup must be selected in the Main menu. (see
chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Slide.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Cleanup Slide will be displayed (shown here on

the left).
– Press and hold the (green) function key.
The slide is extended.
The slide can now be cleaned.
– Press and hold the (yellow) function key.
The slide is retracted.
– Press the (blue) function key.
The screen display switches back to the Cleanup menu.

You can only exit the Cleanup Slide menu once the slide has been fully

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-29

Chapter 5: Service mode

5.6 Setup

Requirements The sub-menu Appl. Service-Mode has been selected in the extended
Special functions menu. (see chapter 5.2.5 on page 5-8)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Setup.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Setup will be displayed (shown here on the left).
The following options are shown:
– Language selection
– Process data
– Software update
– Barcode test

5.6.1 Language selection

Language selection only affects the language settings for the operator.
Service mode is only available in English.

Requirements The menu Setup must be selected in the Main menu. (see chapter 5.6
on page 5-30)

5-30 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Language selection.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

5.6.2 Process data

Requirements The menu Setup must be selected in the Main menu. (see chapter 5.6
on page 5-30)

Process data settings only affect the user mode.
These settings have no effect in service mode.

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Process data.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

5.6.3 Software update

Requirements The menu Setup must be selected in the Main menu. (see chapter 5.6
on page 5-30)

Accessories – Update CompoMat G5 VX.X.X USB stick (M67 484 1)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-31

Chapter 5: Service mode

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Software update.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message Software update will be displayed (shown here

on the left).
– Press the (green) function key.
The update process is started if there is a valid update on the USB stick.

The screen message Software update will be displayed (shown here

on the left).

5-32 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 5: Service mode

The following screen messages will be displayed in sequence:

Once the self-test has been successfully completed, the password will
once again be requested for service mode (see chapter 5.2.2 on
page 5-2)

5.6.4 Barcode test

Requirements The menu Setup must be selected in the Main menu. (see chapter 5.6
on page 5-30)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option Barcode test.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 5-33

Chapter 5: Service mode

The screen message Barcode scan will be displayed (shown here on

the left).
– Scan in the test barcode shown below.

The barcode is shown in plain text.

(in the screen shot: BC_TEST_VAL or KBC_TEST_VAL)

5.6.5 System information

Requirements The sub-menu Appl. Service-Mode has been selected in the extended
Special functions menu. (see chapter 5.2.5 on page 5-8)

– Use the (Up) and (Down) menu keys to select the menu
option System information.
– Confirm the selection using the menu key .

The screen message System information will be displayed (shown

here on the left).
The following system information is made available:
– Netname: Network name
– Process counter: Number of processes run
– Serial-No.: Serial number
– Software: Software version
– Firmware: Firmware version
– E-Code: Equipment code
– Version: Complete version number
– Press the (blue) function key.
The display switches back to the Main menu

5-34 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

6 TSC / TMC / MA

6.1 Important information for the procedure

TSC Technical safety check

There is no TSC obligation for the CompoMat G5.

TMC Technical measurement check

There is no TMC obligation for the CompoMat G5 .

MA Annual maintenance
In order to avoid personal injury and damage to property, an annual
maintenance must be carried out. (see chapter 6 on page 6-1)

Once the CompoMat G5 has been opened, the Electrical Safety

Check must be carried out before recommissioning the device. (see
chapter 6.3 on page 6-12)
The following applies to the annual maintenance: After successful
completion of the annual maintenance, the CompoMat G5 must be
identified with an inspection label. This label must, in a unique and
traceable manner, specify the year of the next annual maintenance and
the authority or person having performed the annual maintenance.

Tester's qualification The checks must be performed by the Technical Service of Fresenius
Kabi or an institution/person authorized by them.
The checks may only be performed by persons qualified to properly
perform the specified checks owing to their educational background,
training, knowledge and experience. Furthermore, the persons
performing the checks must not be bound by any directives when
performing this activity.

Test equipment and The activities described in this technical document require the
accessories availability of the necessary technical measuring equipment and

Specifications Observe the information on the specifications.

Precautions Before turning power on, repair any visible damage.

Prior to opening the device and when working on the open device, the
following precautions have to be observed:
– Protect the components against ingress of fluids.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-1

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

– Do not touch live parts.

– Disconnect and connect all jacks, connectors and components only
when the device is turned off.

6.2 Test report - annual maintenance

Annual maintenance Maintenance here relates to checking the sensors and actuators.
Checks are carried out without opening the device.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Caused by changes to the cable connection, the way the cables are laid
or due to an electrical part.

Once the CompoMat G5 has been opened, the Electrical Safety

Check must be carried out before recommissioning the device. (see
chapter 6.3 on page 6-12)

A detailed description of the individual items can be found under chapter
Explanations of reports (see chapter 6.4.1 on page 6-14)

6-2 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

CompoMat G5 Test report - annual maintenance

Technician's name: Customer/customer no.:

Version: Optional: Device no.:

RCC scales:
Serial number:
Service report no.: Equipment code:
PLS scales:
Serial number:

No. Description Correct. Meas.


2 Visual inspection

2.1 Check the fuses on the power input panel jack.

Melting point of the fuses (2x) T 10 A / 230/240 V ~AC.

2.2 Labels and inscriptions are present and legible.

2.3 Mechanical condition permits safe use.

2.4 No contamination or damage.

2.5 The power cable is not damaged.

2.6 The complete housing is cleaned

2.7 Welding head 1-6 (no penetrated liquids)

2.8 Silicone mats from top press, lower press, upper press and door are
not worn or damaged

2.9 Top press cleaned and with no damage

2.10 Door cleaned and with no damage

2.11 Touch pad undamaged,

key contact points OK

2.12 Check the upper press block with the cleaning program

2.13 Check the lower press block with the cleaning program

2.14 Check the slide with the cleaning program

2.15 Check the allocation of the sealing heads

2.16 Connector plug and circuit from PLS scales and RCC scales

2.17 Network connection and barcode scanner connection undamaged

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-3

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


2.18 Device feet undamaged

2.19 Check that the suspension pins of the upper press are secure.
Do not bend the suspension pins; replace them if necessary

3 Device-related inspections

3.1 Calibration of ADC and the head sensors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Cal. ADC & Heads No

Calibration value Head 1: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 2: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 3: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 4: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 5: Desired value 10-50 ________

Calibration value Head 6: Desired value 10-50 ________

3.2 Calibrating the top press position Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Top Press

3.3 Calibrating the upper press position Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Upper Press

3.4 Calibrating the lower press position Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Lower Press

3.5 Calibrating the top press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Top Press

3.6 Calibrating the upper press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Upper Press

3.7 Calibrating the lower press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Lower Press

3.8 Calibrating the press scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Press Scale

3.9 Calibrating the RCC scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / RCC Scale

3.10 Calibrating the PLS scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / PLS Scale

6-4 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.11 Calibrating the A1-A8 detectors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Calibrate / Detector A

Calibration value det. A1: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A2: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A3: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A4: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A5: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A6: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A7: Desired value 50-200 ________

Calibration value det. A8: Desired value 50-200 ________

3.12 Testing the barcode scanner, barcode test (see chapter 5.6.4 on Yes
page 5-33) No

3.13 Testing the network functionality Yes


3.14 Testing the WLAN functionality (n.v. = not available) Yes


3.15 Door / Door locks Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. door

3.16 Closing characteristics of the door with a bag Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. door
Door must close correctly

3.17 Top press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. TP force

Press stops at a target value of 500 N (±30 N) _______N

3.18 Upper press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. UP force

Press stops at a target value of 500 N (±30 N) _______N

3.19 Lower press force Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. LP force

Press stops at a target value of 500 N (±30 N) _______N

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-5

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.20 Test of press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. X Scale

PLS scales unladen target value: 0 g (±3 g) _______g

PLS scales loaded with 500 g target value: 500 g (±3 g) _______g

RCC scales unladen target value: 0 g (±3 g) _______g

RCC scales loaded with 500 g target value: 500 g (±3 g) _______g

Press scales unladen target value: 0 g (±3 g) _______g

Press scales loaded with 500 g target value: 500 g (±3 g) _______g

3.21 Slide occlusion Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode /
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Slide occl. or
Serv. Slide occl. no PLS

Target value 0 g (±15 g) _______g

3.22 Test of CF-Opener top press / door / RCC scales Yes

(see Re: 3.22 on page 6-24) No
Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode /
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. CompoFlow

Empty CF-Opener top press

⇒ Error message empty CF-Opener

Place test tool 3.6 mm in CF-Opener top press

⇒ Error message ERROR CODE 0x0401

Empty CF-Opener door

⇒ Error message empty CF-Opener

Place test tool 3.6 mm in CF-Opener door

⇒ Error message ERROR CODE 0x0401

Empty CF-Opener RCC scales

⇒ Error message empty CF-Opener

Place test tool 3.6 mm in CF-Opener RCC scales

⇒ Error message ERROR CODE 0x0401

6-6 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.23 A1 - A8 detectors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Detector A

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A1 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A2 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A3 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A4 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A5 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A6 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A7 is covered

Lower press stops / retracts when det. A8 is covered

3.24 Opening / closing the heads Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. O./C. heads or
Serv. O./C. heads no PLS

Close Head 1

Close Head 2

Close Head 3 (optional, only if PLS scales present)

Close Head 4

Close Head 5

Close Head 6

Open Head 1

Open Head 2

Open Head 3 (optional, only if PLS scales present)

Open Head 4

Open Head 5

Open Head 6

Close all Heads

Open all Heads

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-7

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.25 Testing the Heads Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Check heads or
Serv. Check heads no PLS

All Heads empty

Tubing requested for all Heads.

Head 1, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 2, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 3, tubing inserted (optional, only if PLS scales present)

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 4, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 5, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

Head 6, tubing inserted

Tubing requested for all remaining Heads

All Heads with tubings inserted

No error message

3.26 Sealing behavior of the Heads Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Seal heads or
Serv. Seal heads no PLS

Head 1:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 2:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 3 (optional, only if PLS scales present):

Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 4:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 5:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

Head 6:
Sealing seam and separation at the sealing seam are correct

6-8 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.27 Head sensors Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Head det. or Serv.
Head det. no PLS

Head 1: At 30% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 2: At 30% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 3: At 30% visual sensitivity (optional)

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70% visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 4: At 30 % visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 5: At 30 % visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

Head 6: At 30 % visual sensitivity

Release at grey scale tone 4 (Tolerance: ±1)

At 70 % visual sensitivity
Release at grey scale tone 2 (Tolerance: ±1)

3.28 Behavior during bag press-out Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / Program selection / Serv. Empty bag

Bag is emptied (from the lower press)

Bag is emptied (from the upper press)

Bag is emptied (from the top press)

3.29 Stud screws for CF-Opener covers tightened hand-tight

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-9

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

No. Description Correct. Meas.


3.30 Expanded test CF-Opener Yes


CF-Opener Top

CF-Opener Door

CF-Opener RCC

3.31 System information Yes

Main menu (Service) / Special functions / Appl. Service mode / No
Ready to use / Menu / System information

Serial number ________

E-Code ________

Release ________

Test equipment used:

Force measuring device
(Type, serial number):


Date: Signature: Stamp:

6-10 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

The device has been released for its intended use. Yes



Date: Signature: Stamp:

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-11

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

6.3 Checking the electrical safety

Danger of injury from electric voltage due to changes to cable
connections, the way the cable is laid or due to an electrical part.

Once the CompoMat G5 has been opened, the Electrical Safety

Check must be carried out before recommissioning the device. (see
chapter 6.3 on page 6-12)

A detailed description of the individual items can be found under chapter
Explanations of reports (see chapter 6.4.2 on page 6-36)

No. Description Correct. Meas.


4 Checking the electrical safety

(see chapter 6.4.2 on page 6-36)
For Germany: in accordance with DIN EN 62353.
In other countries, observe the local regulations!

4.1 Visual inspection performed.

4.2 Protective earth resistance max. 0.3 Ω (with power cable) ______ Ω

4.3 Leakage current measurement (device leakage current) max. 500 µA

Differential current measurement acc. to DIN EN 62353, Figure 5 _____ µA
Direct measurement acc. to DIN EN 62353, Figure 4 _____ µA

4.4 Insulation resistance measurement > 2 MΩ _____ MΩ

6-12 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Test equipment used:

Force measuring device
(Type, serial number):
Protective earth resistance, leakage current, insulation resistance
(Type, serial number):


Date: Signature: Stamp:

The device has been released for its intended use. Yes



Date: Signature: Stamp:

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-13

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

6.4 Explanations on the reports

The tolerances specified in the report must be observed.
Corrections are only required if the measured value lies outside the
specified tolerance.

6.4.1 Explanations on the reports "Initial start-up" and "Annual maintenance"

Identification Technician's name:

Technician's first name and last name.
Device type with option(s) / software:
System name with possible options or extras.
Service report number:
Service operation number.
Customer/customer no.:
Final customer's number.
Device no.:
The serial number printed on the type label
Inventory no.:
Inventory number assigned to the device.
Equipment code:
The configuration code on the device (E-code xxx).
Complete version number.

Re: 1 Unpacking (only for initial start-up!)

Re: 1.1 Remove the CompoMat G5 from its transport packaging and save the
packaging for possible future return shipments.

Re: 1.2 Check that all parts of the CompoMat G5 have been accounted for.
Inform your contact at Fresenius immediately of any missing parts.

Re: 1.3 CompoMat G5 cycler without visible shipping damage.

Check that the CompoMat G5 has no visible damage or is dirty in a way
that could affect safety.

6-14 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Re: 2 Visual inspection

Re: 2.1

Check the line fuses accessible from the outside. Melting point of the
line fuses (2x) T 10 A / 230/240 V ~AC.
To change the fuses, first disconnect the device from the power supply.
The line fuses (2) are located behind a cover underneath the power
socket (1).
The line fuses (2) can be accessed by pulling and folding out the cover.
Fig.: Power connection (1) with line fuses (2)

Re: 2.2 Labels and inscriptions are present and legible:

Labels on front / controls:

– Label about Head numbering;
– Top press warning label;
– Press / door warning label;
– CF-Opener warning label;

Labels on rear:
– Type label;
– Fuse label;
– Balance A label;
– Balance B label;
– Scanner label;
– Network label.

Re: 2.3 The mechanical condition permits further use.

Re: 2.4 There are no signs of damage or contamination.

Re: 2.5 Power cable not damaged.

Re: 3 Calibration and functional testing of the components,

Control of the functional ability and the operational safety
The following features of the device are checked for correct function
when the device is used for its intended purpose.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

– Functionality of intended use

– Functionality of the existing warning devices
– Measuring function
– Parameter specifications and their tolerances
Calibration can be carried out in user mode or service mode. For each
description, a note will inform you whether calibration/testing must be
carried out in user mode or service mode.
The user mode is normal operation. The CompoMat G5 starts up as
usual with no help from applications in user mode.
Service Mode (see chapter 5 on page 5-1) is reserved exclusively for
development, production and service and offers a number of advanced

Re: 3.1 Calibration of ADC and the head sensors

(see chapter on page 5-6)

Re: 3.2 to 3.11 Calibration

– Top press position
– Upper press position
– Lower press position
– Top press force
– Upper press force
– Lower press force
– Press scales
– RCC scales
– PLS scales
– Detectors A1 to A8
(see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

Re: 3.12 Testing the barcode scanner

(see chapter 5.6.4 on page 5-33)

Re: 3.13 Testing the network ethernet RJ45

– 2x network cable (M67 810 1)
– 1x LAN hub 5-port (M67 481 1)
– Connect CompoMat G5 to LAN hub assy. using a network cable
– Connect CompoMaster Net G5 PC to LAN hub assy. using a
network cable
– Start CompoMat G5 in user mode
– Start CompoMaster Net G5.
– Deactivate WLAN interface on the PC on which the
CompoMaster Net G5 is installed.
– Configure Ethernet interface on the PC on which the
CompoMaster Net G5 is installed as follows:

6-16 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

IP address:


Gateway: (No entry)

DNS: (No entry)

– Select configured ethernet interface in CompoMaster Net G5 (See

User Manual, CompoMaster Net G5, Configuration /
CompoMat G5 Parameters)
– Set up CompoMat G5 on CompoMaster Net G5
(Allocate serial number, IP address and network name).
– Reboot CompoMaster Net G5.
The CompoMaster Net G5 recognizes the connected CompoMat G5.
The status bar on the top right of the screen should show the following:
= CompoMaster Net G5 connected, process data activated.
= CompoMaster Net G5 connected, process data deactivated.

Re: 3.14 Testing the network WLAN functionality

– WLAN stick (M67 478 1)
– WLAN access point (M67 479 1)

Ensure nothing is connected to the network port on the CompoMat G5.

– Plug in the WLAN stick into a free USB port on the CompoMat G5.
– Deactivate Ethernet interface on the PC on which the
CompoMaster Net G5 is installed.
– Configure WLAN interface on the PC on which the
CompoMaster Net G5 is installed as follows:

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-17

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

IP address:


Gateway: (No entry)

DNS: (No entry)

ESSID: g5Net

Password: CompoMasterNet

Encryption: WPA/PSK

EncyptType: TKIP

Mode: Managed

– Start CompoMat G5 in user mode

– Start CompoMaster Net G5.
– Select configured WLAN interface in the CompoMaster Net G5.
(See User Manual, CompoMaster Net G5, Configuration /
CompoMat G5 Parameters)
– Set up CompoMat G5 on CompoMaster Net G5
(Allocate serial number, IP address and network name).
– Reboot CompoMaster Net G5.
The CompoMaster Net G5 recognizes the connected CompoMat G5.
The status bar on the top right of the screen should show the following:
= CompoMaster Net G5 connected, process data activated.
= CompoMaster Net G5 connected, process data deactivated.

Re: 3.15 Door / Door locks

If the door is blocked, then the error message Error: Close Door should
be generated.
Following this, the correct closure of the door is tested.
– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Suitable implement for blocking the door
(e.g. screwdriver handle)

Risk of damage to device surface by introducing sharp objects.
Risk of scratching device surface.
– Do not use any metallic or edged implements to block the door.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Risk of injury since door closes automatically.
Crushing hazard
– Do not reach into the movement area of the door with your hands.

– Service program: Select Serv. Door.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Prevent door closure by introducing a suitable object between the
door lock and the door.
– Press the (green) function key ⇒ Door closes.
– An audible warning is sounded.
– Door re-opens automatically.

The screen message shown to the left will be displayed:

Error / Error: Close Door
– Press the (green) function key.
The audible warning sound is switched off.
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.
– Remove blockage between lock case and door.

Check that the door closes – Press the (green) function key again ⇒ Door closes.
Program step Wait for Start is displayed.
– Manual opening of the door must not be possible.
– No air gap must be visible between the door lock and door.
– Press the (green) function key.
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Re 3.16 Closing characteristics of the door with a bag

The ability of the door to close properly under pressure is tested by

placing a filled dual-bag system inside.
– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Dual-bag system (M63 925 1)
– Tube clamp
– Service program: Select Serv. Door.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Allow the entire liquid content of the dual-bag system to run into one
– Close the tubing with a tube clamp.
– Hang up the filled bag in the press area so that the tube hangs
– Place the bag suspension in the front notch of the suspension pins.
– Insert the tube over the pulley into Head 6.

Damage to press scales with tubing under tension.
Overloading the press scales
– Do not pull the tube when placing it over the pulley and when
inserting Head 6.

– Press the (green) function key.

The door closes and locks without an error message.
– Press the (green) function key.
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.

Re: 3.17 Top press force

The press force of the top press is measured by placing a force

measuring device into the top press.
– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Tool for force measurement G5 (M67 228 1)
– Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor
(M67 449 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. TP force.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

– Insert the pressure sensor underneath into the G5 force measuring
device (see arrow). Position the G5 force measuring device with the
pressure sensor in the middle of the top press.
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the top press is retracted.
1. Screen display: Top Press close until 500 N
2. Screen display: Toppress force 500 N
– After 10 s, note the value on the force measuring device and enter
this into the report.
– Press the (green) function key.
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.

Re: 3.18 Upper press force

The press force of the upper press is measured by placing a force

measuring device into the upper press.
– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Tool for force measurement G5 (M67 228 1)
– Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor
(M67 499 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. UP force.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)

– Insert the pressure sensor at the top into the G5 force measuring
device (see arrow).
– Position the G5 force measuring device with pressure sensor
centrally on the door (see illustration).
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the upper press is extended.
1. Screen display: Upper Press close until 500 N
2. Screen display: Upper Press force 500 N
– After 10 s, note the value on the force measuring device and enter
this into the report.
– Press the (green) function key.
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Re: 3.19 Lower press force

The press force of the lower press is measured by placing a force

measuring device into the lower press.
– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Tool for force measurement G5 (M67 228 1)
– Calibrated force measuring device incl. pressure sensor
(M67 499 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. LP force.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)

– Insert the pressure sensor underneath into the G5 force measuring
device (see arrow).
– Position the G5 force measuring device with pressure sensor
centrally on the door (see illustration).
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the lower press is extended.
1. Screen display: Lower Press close until 500 N
2. Screen display: Lower Press force 500 N
– After 10 s, note the value on the force measuring device and enter
this into the report.
– Press the (green) function key.
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.

Re: 3.20 Test of press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales

– Calibration weight 500 g (M63 925 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. Press scale, Serv. PLS scale or
Serv. RCC scale.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)

Testing the PLS scales – Press the (green) function key.

The following screen message is displayed:
Press START for weighing
Scale: PLS-Scale
Weight: XXX g
– Enter the weight shown (XXX g) into the report
– Load the PLS scales with 500 g calibration weight.
– Press the (green) function key.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

The weight determined is transferred to the CompoMaster Net G5 and

appears in the PLS scales field.
– Enter the weight displayed into the report

Testing the RCC scales The following screen message is displayed:

Press START for weighing
Scale: RCC-Scale
Weight: XXX g
– Load the RCC scales with 500 g calibration weight.
– Enter the weight shown (XXX g) into the report
– Press the (green) function key.
The weight determined is transferred to the CompoMaster Net G5 and
appears in the RCC scales field.
– Enter the weight displayed into the report
The door opens.

Testing the press scales The following screen message is displayed:

Press START for weighing
Scale: Press Scale
Weight: XXX g
– Enter the weight shown (XXX g) into the report
– Load the press scales with 500 g calibration weight.
– Press the (green) function key.
The weight determined is transferred to the CompoMaster Net G5 and
appears in the Press scales field.
– Enter the weight displayed into the report
The screen message Ready to use is displayed.

Re: 3.21 Slide occlusion

– Dual-bag system (M63 924 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. Slide occl. or Serv. Slide occl. no
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Allow the entire liquid content of the dual-bag system to run into one
– Hang the dual-bag system on the suspension pins in the press area
of the upper press.
– Place the empty bag in the PLS scales plasma deaeration unit and
place the connection tubing into clamp 1.
– Press the (green) function key.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

The door closes.

The display then shows the following sequence of messages:
– Both Presses out until 150 N
– Both Presses to 45.0 mm
– Both Presses out until 650 N
– Slide out
– Wait 60 s
– Press START for weighing
– Press the (green) function key.
– In the Process Data window (Scales weights/PLS scale), note the
first value = reference value.
– Lower Press out for 100 s
– Press START for weighing
– Press the (green) function key.
– In the Process Data window (Scales weights/PLS scale), note the
second value = reference value.
– Enter the difference between the reference value and
measurement value in the report.

Re: 3.22 Test CF-Opener Top, CF-Opener Door and CF-Opener RCC
– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Test tool 3.6 mm (661 578 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. CompoFlow or Serv. CompoFlow
no RCC.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)

Test CF-Opener Top – Press the (green) function key ⇒ Door closes.
Screen message Processing... CF-Opener Top is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: CF-Opener is empty! is displayed,
audible signal is sounded.
– Press the (green) function key.
The audible warning sound is switched off.
Screen message Pause... Open CF-Opener Top is displayed,
– Place 3.6 mm test tool in the CF-Opener Top.
– Press the (green) function key.
The following screen message is displayed:
Technical error!
Actor: 0x03, Action: 0x17
ERROR-CODE: 0x0401
– Press the (green) function key.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Screen message Pause... Open CF-Opener Top is displayed,

– Press the (yellow) function key.
Screen message Processing... CF-Opener Door is displayed.

Test CF-Opener door – Press the (green) function key.

Screen message Processing... CF-Opener Door is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: CF-Opener is empty! is displayed,
audible signal is sounded.
– Press the (green) function key.
The audible warning sound is switched off.
Screen message Pause... Open CF-Opener Door is displayed,
– Place test tool 3.6 mm in the CF-Opener door
– Press the (green) function key.
The following screen message is displayed:
Technical error!
Actor: 0x04, Action: 0x17
ERROR-CODE: 0x0401
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Pause... Open CF-Opener Door is displayed.
– Press the (yellow) function key.
Screen message Processing... CF-Opener RCC is displayed.

Test of CF-Opener RCC – Press the (green) function key.

Screen message Processing... CF-Opener RCC is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: CF-Opener is empty! is displayed,
audible signal is sounded.
– Press the (green) function key.
The audible warning sound is switched off.
Screen message Pause... Open CF-Opener RCC is displayed.
– Place test tool 3.6 mm in the CF-Opener RCC.
– Press the (green) function key.
The following screen message is displayed:
Technical error!
Actor: 0x05, Action: 0x17
ERROR-CODE: 0x0401
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Pause... Open CF-Opener RCC is displayed.
– Press the (yellow) function key.
The program is terminated, the door opens.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Re: 3.23 Multi-detector field (detectors A1 to A8)

– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Black foam mat (661 545 1)

Preparation: – Service program: Select Serv. Detector A.

(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the program starts.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A1 is displayed.
The lower press is extended slowly.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A1 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A2 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A2 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A3 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A3 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A4 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A4 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A5 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A5 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A6 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A6 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A7 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A7 detector field.
The lower press is retracted.
The screen message Lower Press out until Det A8 is displayed.
– Hold a black foam mat in front of the A8 detector field.
The lower press is retracted, the door opens.

Re: 3.24 Opening / closing the Heads (without tubes)

– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)

6-26 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

– Service program: Select Serv. O./C. heads or Serv. O./C. heads
no PLS .
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the program starts.
Screen message Processing... Close head 1 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 1 is closed.
Screen message Processing... Close head 2 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 2 is closed.
Optional: Screen message Processing... Close head 3 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 3 is closed.
Screen message Processing... Close head 4 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 4 is closed.
Screen message Processing... Close head 5 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 5 is closed.
Screen message Processing... Close head 6 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 6 is closed.

Screen message Processing... Open head 1 is displayed.

– Press the (green) function key.
Head 1 is opened.
Screen message Processing... Open head 2 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 2 is opened.
Optional: Screen message Processing... Open head 3 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 3 is opened.
Screen message Processing... Open head 4 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 4 is opened.
Screen message Processing... Open head 5 is displayed.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

– Press the (green) function key.

Head 5 is opened.
Screen message Processing... Open head 6 is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Head 6 is opened.

Screen message Processing... Close all heads is displayed.

– Press the (green) function key.
All Heads are closed.
The screen message Processing... open all heads is displayed.
All Heads are opened.
Screen message Processing... Wait for START is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
The program is terminated, the door opens.

Re: 3.25 Testing the Heads (with tubings)

– USB stick service G5 (M67 281 1)
– Empty 3.1 x 4.2 mm PVC tubing or six short tubing sections
(each approx. 10 cm) (M60 024 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. Check heads or Serv. Check heads
no PLS .
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the program starts.
Screen message Processing... No tubes in heads is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.

The screen message shown to the left will be displayed:

Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 1 2 3 4 5 6
– Press the (green) function key.
– Insert the tubing into Head 1.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 2 3 4 5 6 is
– Remove the tubing from Head 1 and insert it into Head 2.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 1 3 4 5 6 is

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

– Remove the tubing from Head 2 and insert it into Head 3, if the PLC
scales are installed. If not, insert the tubing into Head 4.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 1 2 4 5 6 is
– Remove the tubing from Head 3 and insert it into Head 4.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 1 2 3 5 6 is
– Remove the tubing from Head 4 and insert it into Head 5.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 1 2 3 4 6 is
– Remove the tubing from Head 5 and insert it into Head 6.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Error / Error: Check Head Inspect 1 2 3 4 5 is
– Insert a tubing into all Heads.
– Press the (green) function key.
The program is terminated without an error message, the door opens.

Re: 3.26 Sealing behavior of the Heads

– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– A 4.2 mm tube (approx. 50 cm long) filled with saline solution (0.9%
NaCl) for making corresponding pieces of tubing each with a length
of 80 mm
– Vise with a jaw length of 50 mm
– Caliper (M67 963 1)
– Spring balance
– Service program: Select Serv. Seal heads or Serv. Seal heads no
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Insert a tubing into all Heads.
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes, the program starts.
The tubings in all Heads are sealed.
The program is terminated without any errors.
– Remove the tubing from Head 1 and check it:
Sealing seam successfully passes a visual inspection.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-29

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Separation at the sealing seam is correct.

– Remove the tubing from Head 2 and check it:
Sealing seam successfully passes a visual inspection.
Separation at the sealing seam is correct.
– Remove the tubing from Head 3 and check it:
Sealing seam successfully passes a visual inspection.
Separation at the sealing seam is correct.
– Remove the tubing from Head 4 and check it:
Sealing seam successfully passes a visual inspection.
Separation at the sealing seam is correct.
– Remove the tubing from Head 5 and check it:
Sealing seam successfully passes a visual inspection.
Separation at the sealing seam is correct.
– Remove the tubing from Head 6 and check it:
Sealing seam successfully passes a visual inspection.
Separation at the sealing seam is correct.

Test criteria for sealing 1. Visual inspection:


The sealing seam must have a symmetrical shape on both, its bottom
and top sides, as well as to the left and right of the cut.
There must be no sharp edges or leaks in the transitional area between
tubing and sealing seam.
2. Tensile load:

1 2 3

1 Sealed length of tubing

2 Sealing seam
3 Spring balance
– Allow the sealing seam to cool down for 2 min.
– Pull the two segments of the line apart smoothly and uniformly, using
the spring balance.
The tensile loading capacity of the sealing seam should be between
10–50 N (1–5 kg).

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

3. Pressure test:

The pressure test only functions with a completely filled tubing (no air
bubbles), as only then can a correspondingly high pressure build up in
the tubing.
Two balloons form during the pressure test.

Clamp the section symmetrical between the clamping jaws of the vise.
The tubing must project for 15 mm at both ends of the jaws (see
following illustration).

With the bench vise tightened, no sealing seams should be opened and
no saline solution should escape.

Re: 3.27 Head sensors

– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Gray wedge 13 levels (679 514 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. Head det. or Serv. Head det. no
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)

Head 1 – Press the (green) function key.

The door closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in Head 1 | 30 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-31

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Screen message Processing... Close Head 2 at signal / Head

detector 1 | red | 30% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 2 closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 1 | 70 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 2 at signal / Head
detector 1 | red | 70% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 2 closes.

Head 2 Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 2 | 30 is

– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 3 at signal / Head
detector 2 | red | 30% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 3 closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 2 | 70 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 3 at signal / Head
detector 2 | red | 70% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 3 closes.

Head 3 Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 3 | 30 is

– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 4 at signal / Head
detector 3 | red | 30% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 4 closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 3 | 70 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.

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Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Screen message Processing... Close Head 4 at signal / Head

detector 3 | red | 70% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 4 closes.

Head 4 Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 4 | 30 is

– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 5 at signal / Head
detector 4 | red | 30% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 5 closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 4 | 70 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 5 at signal / Head
detector 4 | red | 70% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 5 closes.

Head 5 Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 5 | 30 is

– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 6 at signal / Head
detector 5 | red | 30% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 6 closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 5 | 70 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 6 at signal / Head
detector 5 | red | 70% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 6 closes.

Head 6 Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 6 | 30 is

– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-33

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Screen message Processing... Close Head 1 at signal / Head

detector 6 | red | 30% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 1 closes.
Screen message Processing... Grey wedge in head 6 | 70 is
– Place a 13-level step wedge, beginning at 0, into the Head.
– Press the (green) function key.
Screen message Processing... Close Head 1 at signal / Head
detector 6 | red | 70% is displayed.
– Increase the grey level by moving the step wedge.
– Note the grey value at which Head 1 closes.

Re: 3.28 Behavior during bag press-out

– USB stick service G5 (M67 482 1)
– Dual-bag system (M63 924 1)
– Service program: Select Serv. Empty bag.
(see chapter 5.2.6 on page 5-9)
– Attach dual-bag system.
– Place the empty bag under the top press.
– Place the connection tubing into Head 1.
– Press the (green) function key.
The door closes.
Both presses are extended until the bag is touched.
Both presses are retracted to 55 mm.
The lower press is fully extended.
The slide is extended.
The upper press is fully extended.
Head 1 closes.
⇒ The bag in the press must have been pressed out completely.
Screen message Processing... Wait for START is displayed.
– Press the (green) function key.
Both presses and the slide are fully retracted.
Head 1 opens.
Top press closes.
Head 1 closes.
⇒ The dual-bag system in the top press must have been pressed out

6-34 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Screen message Processing... Wait for START is displayed.

– Press the (green) function key.
Head 1 opens.
Top press opens.
The program is terminated without an error message, the door opens.

Re: 3.30 Extended test CF-Opener Top, CF-Opener Door and CF-
Opener RCC

A service program is not required for this test.

– 9 CompoFlows
– Disconnect CompoMat G5 from the customer’s network and reboot
without the service stick.
– Connect the service technician’s CompoMaster Net G5 using a
crossover network cable.
– Program the following processes for CF-Opener Top, door and

– 9 CompoFlows are to be marked (TOP_01 ... TOP_03, DOOR_01 ...

DOOR_03, RCC_01 ... RCC_03).
– Open 3 CompoFlows using the related CF-Opener.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-35

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

The CompoFlow in the tubing is completely opened (illustration on the


Re: 3.31 System information

(see chapter 5.6.5 on page 5-34)

6.4.2 Explanations on electrical safety checks

Re: 4 Check of the electrical safety:

– In Germany according to DIN EN 62353 (DIN VDE 0751-1;
edition 08/2008)
– In other countries, observe the local regulations!

Re: 4.1 Perform visual inspection.

– Check the fuses accessible from the outside
Melting point of the fuses (2x) T 10 A / 230/240 V AC.
– Labels and inscriptions are present and legible.
– The mechanical condition permits further safe use.
– There are no signs of damage or contamination.
– The power cable is not damaged.

Re: 4.2 Protective earth resistance max. 0.3 Ω (with power cable)
Measurement point:
– Screws for attaching the housing sheet (see arrow)

6-36 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Re: 4.3 Measurement of the leakage current (device leakage current)

Differential current measurement acc. to DIN EN 62353, Figure 5

Direct measurement acc. to DIN EN 62353, Figure 4

Basic conditions:
– Measurement of the protective earth resistance performed.
– When performing a direct measurement, the following precautions
also must be observed:
The device must be insulated when installed.
All external connections must have been removed from the device.
Additional conditions:
If the value scaled to the nominal voltage is higher than 90% of the
admissible alarm limit (= 450 µA), the last measured value or the first
measured value must additionally be considered for the rating.
If necessary, reduce the interval for the regular test.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 6-37

Chapter 6: TSC / TMC / MA

Re: 4.4 Insulation resistance measurement > 2 MΩ

Measurement between the active parts and any conductive part that
can be touched, including the protective earth conductor.

Confirmation of the test Test equipment used:

Type and serial number of the test equipment used.
Any irregularities which occurred during the test are documented in this
Date, signature, stamp
Performance of the check must be confirmed with the date, the
signature of the person performing the check and a stamp.

Assessment of the test The device has been released for its intended use.
During the intended use of the device it must be ensured that the device
does not present a hazard to patients, employees or other third parties.
As part of overall evaluation, testers are obliged to give their official
approval for the use of the device. If defects are identified, then the
device owner must be informed of these without delay.
Date of next inspection:
The next inspection date has to be entered in the report. The intervals
specified by the manufacturer have to be observed.
Any irregularities which occurred during the assessment are
documented in this section.
Date, signature, stamp:
Assessment of the initial start-up has to be confirmed with date, tester's
signature and stamp.

6-38 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 7: Error Messages

7 Error Messages

7.1 CompoMat G5 Error Codes

Error message Possible cause Action required

0x0001 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0002 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0003 – Indicates presence of a syntax error in a Turn off/on device

programmed procedure.
– CompoMaster Net G5 version incompatible
with device version.

0x0004 – Indicates presence of a syntax error in a Turn off/on device

programmed procedure.
– CompoMaster Net G5 version incompatible
with device version.

0x0005 – Indicates presence of blockage or defect Turn off/on device

involving the presses.
In relation to other actuators (e.g. CF-Opener,
door, clamp, etc.):
– Indicates presence of defect in actuator

0x0006 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0007 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0008 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0009 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x000A – Indicates presence of a syntax error in a Turn off/on device

programmed procedure.
– CompoMaster Net G5 version incompatible
with device version.

0x000B Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x000C Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0100 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0101 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0200 Internal error; ADC not calibrated ADC must be re-calibrated. If the error
continues to occur, then this may
indicate that the Application Board
bought-in assembly is defective.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 7-1

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Error message Possible cause Action required

0x0201 Internal error; ADC not calibrated ADC must be re-calibrated. If the error
continues to occur, then this may
indicate that the Application Board
bought-in assembly is defective.

0x0202 Internal error; digit < 2300 or digit > 2700 Check scales, re-calibrate device as

0x0203 Internal error; digit < 1350 or ADCValueSum > Check scales, re-calibrate device as
1750 required

0x0204 Internal error XXX ADC must be re-calibrated. If the error

continues to occur, then this may
indicate that the Application Board
bought-in assembly is defective.

0x0400 Internal error XXX Turn off/on device

0x0401 CF-Opener is blocked. Turn off/on device

0x0402 CompoFlow has not been opened Turn off/on device

0x0404 CompoFlow has been opened Turn off/on device

0x0500 Scales are not calibrated Check scales, re-calibrate device as


0x0501 Internal error; communication with scales Check scales, re-calibrate device as
disrupted required

0x0502 Internal error; calibration value not plausible Check scales, re-calibrate device as

0x0503 Internal error; calibration value not plausible Check scales, re-calibrate device as

0x0600 Internal error XXX Check Heads

0x0601 Sealing defective Check Heads, insert tubing

0x0602 Error during Head check Check Heads, insert tubing

0x0604 Erroneous ADC value from head sensors Check head sensor

0x0607 Erroneous ADC value from head sensors during Check head sensor

0x0900 Internal error XXX Check Trinamic Board bought-in


0x0901 Fault on the Trinamic Board bought-in assembly, Turn off/on device
Application Board bought-in assembly, or
software error.

0x0902 Step motor out of step. If this error persists, then the
corresponding unit must be

0x0903 Calibration error Check presses

7-2 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Error message Possible cause Action required

0x0905 Door not closing during press movement Check door sensor and door motor

0x0B00 Not possible to calibrate photodetection board Check PDB

0x8001 Internal error ADC timeout Re-calibrate ADC.

0x8002 5V in the range < 4500 or > 5500 mV Change Application Board bought-in
Possible defect in power adapter or the assembly (M68 137 1)
Application Board bought-in assembly.

0x8004 12 V within range 11000 <or> 13000 mV Change Application Board bought-in
Possible defect in power adapter or the assembly (M68 137 1)
Application Board bought-in assembly.

0x8008 24 V within range 23000 <or> 25000 mV Change Application Board bought-in
Possible defect in power adapter or the assembly (M68 137 1)
Application Board bought-in assembly.

0x8010 Internal error; I2C bus 0 defective Turn off/on device

0x8020 Internal error; I2C bus 0 defective Turn off/on device

0x8040 Internal error; I2C bus 1 defective Turn off/on device

0x8080 Internal error; I2C bus 1 defective Turn off/on device

0xFFFF Turn off/on device

0x7001 Red cells have been detected by a head detector Confirm with the (green) function
The error appears in plain text on the display: key.
Error Head sensor x alarm
Then assess whether the procedure
This is a monitoring function that has been should be aborted or should continue.
programmed into the procedure.

0x7010 The error appears in plain text on the display: – Correct the problem;
Error: No weight rising on PLS Scale! e.g. – Confirm with the (green)
– Kinks in the tubing; function key.
– clamp closed;
– breaker not opened.
– etc.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 7-3

Chapter 7: Error Messages

7.2 Actuator, action and error codes

7.2.1 Example

In the example on the left the following error is indicated:

Actuator: 0x1d = AS_Slide
Action: 0x03 = AC_Close
Error-Code: 0x0200 = ERR_ADC_NOT_CALIBRATED

7.2.2 Error codes

Significance Error codes





ERR_TIMEOUT 0X0005 0x0005













7-4 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Significance Error codes































Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 7-5

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Significance Error codes









ERR_STATE_5V 0x8002

ERR_STATE_12V 0x8004

ERR_STATE_24V 0x8008











7.2.3 Actuator codes

Actuator codes Significance

0x00 AS_Null=0

0x01 AS_All

0x02 AS_Both_Presses

0x03 AS_Breaker_Top Breaker_0

0x04 AS_Breaker_Front Breaker_1

7-6 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Actuator codes Significance

0x05 AS_Breaker_RCC Breaker_2

0x06 AS_Det_0 Head 1

0x07 AS_Det_1 Head 2

0x08 AS_Det_2 Head 3

0x09 AS_Det_3 Head 4

0x0a AS_Det_4 Head 5

0x0b AS_Det_5 Head 6

0x0c AS_Det_6 Head 7

0x0d AS_Det_7 Head 8

0x0e AS_Det_A0 Multidetection board 1

0x0f AS_Det_A1 Multidetection board 2

0x10 AS_Det_A2 Multidetection board 3

0x11 AS_Det_A3 Multidetection board 4

0x12 AS_Det_A4 Multidetection board 5

0x13 AS_Det_A5 Multidetection board 6

0x14 AS_Det_A6 Multidetection board 7

0x15 AS_Det_A7 Multidetection board 8

0x16 AS_Door

0x17 AS_Head

0x18 AS_Lower_Press

0x19 AS_Process_Mode

0x1a AS_Scale_Press Scale_0

0x1b AS_Scale_RCC Scale_1

0x1c AS_Scale_Plasma Scale_2

0x1d AS_Slide

0x1e AS_Sync_Presses

0x1f AS_Top_Press

0x20 AS_Upper_Press


0x22 AS_RFID

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 7-7

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Actuator codes Significance

0x23 AS_EEProm

0x24 AS_Production

0x25 AS_Deaerate

0x26 AS_Debug

0x27 AS_Trincamic

0x28 AS_Counter

0x29 AS_Breaker_3 Breaker_3 NOT AVAILABLE

0x2a AS_Breaker_4 Breaker_4 NOT AVAILABLE

0x2b AS_Breaker_5 Breaker_5 NOT AVAILABLE

7.2.4 Action codes

Action codes Significance

0x00 AC_Null=0

0x01 AC_Calibrate

0x02 AC_Check

0x03 AC_Close

0x04 AC_Close_Det

0x05 AC_Close_Weight

0x06 AC_Close_Delta

0x07 AC_Close_Det_A

0x08 AC_Close_Force

0x09 AC_Close_Scale_0

0x0a AC_Close_Scale_1

0x0b AC_Close_Scale_2

0x0c AC_Get_Cal

0x0d AC_Get_State

0x0e AC_Get_Timeout

0x0f AC_Get_Val

0x10 AC_Home

7-8 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 7: Error Messages

Action codes Significance

0x11 AC_Seal

0x12 AC_Set_Cal

0x13 AC_Set_Timeout

0x14 AC_Set_Val

0x15 AC_Stop

0x16 AC_To_Pos

0x17 AC_Open

0x18 AC_Open_Close

0x19 AC_Open_Delta

0x1a AC_Open_Force

0x1b AC_Enable

0x1c AC_Disable

0x1d AC_Set_Limit

0x1e AC_Get_Limit

0x1f AC_Reset

0x20 AC_Init

0x21 AC_Flash

0x22 AC_Verify

0x23 AC_Debug_0

0x24 AC_Debug_1

0x25 AC_Start

0x26 AC_Wait

0x27 AC_Wait_for_Start

0x28 AC_Display_Text

0x29 AC_Close_Time

0x2a AC_Close_with_Check

0x2b AC_Take_Tare

0x2c AC_Close_Det_A_PLS

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 7-9

Chapter 8: Calibration / adjustment

8 Calibration / adjustment

8.1 Calibration (see chapter 5.4 on page 5-13)

8-1 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

9 Servicing / repair

9.1 Description / warnings

CompoMat G5 and CompoMaster Net G5 may only be operated by
qualified and specialized personnel.

The CompoMat G5 may only be opened by qualified and skilled staff.

Operators are wholly responsible for any processes that they create in
CompoMaster Net G5 and which are executed by the CompoMat G5.
This applies in particular to possible loss of blood and blood products by
incorrect programming. See the User Manual for CompoMaster Net G5
for information about using the CompoMaster Net G5 to program the
CompoMat G5.

Operators are wholly responsible for preparatory tasks, such as
storage, centrifuging, transport to the CompoMat G5, suspending on
the pins and snapping any possible rated break points, all of which can
have a significant influence on the quality of separation of the blood
For these reasons, Fresenius Kabi does not provide information in
advance concerning the quality of results as regards blood components
obtained using CompoMat G5 processes.
Fresenius Kabi only claims that there is a relatively high reproducibility
of results for processed blood components within a relatively short
preparation time.
Please refer to the relevant literature for specific quality results for blood
components processed with the CompoMat G5 in daily practice at a
blood bank.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-1

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

9.2 Electrical hazards

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Electric shock
– When connecting the CompoMat G5 to a mains supply, the local
regulations that apply have to be observed.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Electric shock
– Improper commissioning and use of the electrical equipment can
result in injuries, such as burns and electrical shocks.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Electric shock
– When using safety class I systems, the quality of the protective
ground of the installation is of particular importance. It must be taken
into consideration that in many countries regulations have been
enacted by national authorities. The rear panel of the CompoMat G5
is provided with a connection for a grounded power cable.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Electric shock
– Disconnect the power plug before opening the CompoMat G5.

Risk of injury caused by electrical voltage.
Electric shock
If the power cable needs to be replaced, use only the original power
cable listed in the spare parts catalog. If additional equipment, which is
not included in the accessories, is connected to the device, there will be
a danger that the permissible leakage currents will be exceeded.

9-2 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Loss of the preparation when disconnecting the power plug or in the
event of a power failure.
– If there is a loss of power while processing a program in the
CompoMat G5, all sealing heads/clamps will open and the presses
will stop. This may cause a loss of the preparation.

9.3 Mechanical hazards

Risk of injury caused by parts moving autonomously.
Crushing hazard
– To avoid injury, operators must ensure to keep a sufficiently large
distance to all moving parts of the CompoMat G5 .
Moving parts are:
– Door
– upper press
– lower press
– slide
– Top press
– BG-CompoFlow Opener

Risk of injury caused by parts moving autonomously.
Crushing hazard
– Keep hands clear of the inside of the CompoMat G5 during
operation of the device.

9.4 Risk of burning

Risk of burning by touching the sealing electrodes.
– Do not touch the sealing electrodes of Heads 1-6 during the sealing
– Do not place any live parts into the Heads.
– Maintain a sufficient distance from the sealing electrodes in the

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-3

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Risk of injury by burning
Skin injury
– The devices are not suitable for use with flammable mixtures or
nitrous oxide.

9.5 Biological hazards

Risk of infection by leaking blood bags.
It is always possible that donated blood could be infected by germs of
contagious diseases. It must always be treated as being potentially
– Wear surgical or similar gloves when processing blood products.
– Immediately clean and disinfect work surfaces that are
contaminated with blood or blood products. The cleaning
instructions must be observed!
Observe your local laws and regulations concerning handling of
potentially infectious material.

Risk of contamination by leaking tubes.
Risk of infection
– The operator should not exert any force on tubing, which is currently
being sealed.

9-4 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

9.6 Replacements / Repairs

9.6.1 Replacing the Application Board bought-in assembly (M68 137 1)

CompoMat G5 preparation – Turn on the CompoMat G5 via the main switch.

The device performs a self-test.
– Wait until the top press and the door are open.
– Switch off main switch on the CompoMat G5 so that the top press
and the door remain open.

Measures required – Remove PLS scales.

– Loosen screws for the SUB-D connectors for the following
connections: Balance A/B as well as Scanner twice.

– Loosen the four screws for the Application Board bought-in

assembly as per the following illustration.

– To simplify subsequent assembly, mark all cables and connections.

– Loosen all cables.
– Loosen all four fastening screws for the Application Board bought-in
assembly as per the following illustration.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-5

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– To simplify subsequent assembly, mark all cables and connections,

in particular those for the Heads.
– Loosen all cables.
– Pull Application Board bought-in assembly to the side of the PLS
scales out of the CompoMat G5 (see arrow).

The new Application Board bought-in assembly is fitted in the reverse

order of removal. The following must be noted during this process:
– On connection X90 head 1 starts on the right side.
– Position 3 is not used.

9-6 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Apply Loctite 243 to the screws for the SUB-D connectors undone
– Then tighten screws to a torque of 0.8Nm.
– Ensure the connections X2 and X31 are in the correct position.

Settings, calibration and – All calibrations and tests must be performed again as specified in the
tests test report - annual maintenance (see chapter 6.2 on page 6-2).
– Explanation of Test report - annual maintenance (see
chapter 6.4.1 on page 6-14).

9.6.2 Replacing the Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly (M68 115 1)

Settings, calibration and Once the Display printed circuit board bought-in assembly in the
tests CompoMat G5 has been replaced, the following steps have to be taken:
– Use the menu key to switch off the CompoMat G5.
– Insert USB stick service G5 in a USB port in the CompoMat G5.

The software version of the service G5 USB stick must match the
customer's software version!

Entering the E-Code – (see chapter on page 5-4)

Entering the serial number – (see chapter on page 5-3)

– The Service-Menu is displayed.Select
Set E-Code.
– Set E-Code is displayed.
<Enter E-code>
– The display shows:
Calibration successful.
Confirm with the (green) function key.
– The Service Menu is displayed.Select
Set Serial-Num.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-7

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– The display shows:

Set Serial-Num
Enter serial number
– The display shows:
Calibration successful.
Please restart.
Confirm with the (green) function key.
– The following message is displayed:
the CompoMat G5 enters standby mode.
– Use the menu key to switch on the CompoMat G5.
– All calibrations and tests must be performed again as specified in the
test report - annual maintenance. (see chapter 6.2 on page 6-2)
– Explanation of Test report - annual maintenance (see
chapter 6.4.1 on page 6-14).

9.6.3 Replacing the Trinamic Board bought-in assembly

Settings, calibration and – All calibrations and tests must be performed again as specified in the
tests test report - annual maintenance (see chapter 6.2 on page 6-2).
– Explanations regarding test report - annual maintenance (see
chapter 6.4.1 on page 6-14).

9-8 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

9.6.4 Changing the top press silicon mat G5 (M68 129 1)

Removing the old silicon – Lift the silicon mat by one corner and fold it back as far as the old
mat adhesive will permit.
– At this point, pull slowly and evenly in order to detach the adhesive.

Cleaning the top press – remove as much as possible of the residual adhesive without
contact area damaging the surface of the top press.
– Clean the surface with an alcohol-based cleaning agent (e.g.
Freka®-NOL). The cleaning instructions must be observed!

Preparing the replacement – Use emery paper (grain min. 180) to lightly roughen the side of the
mat replacement mat which is to be affixed with adhesive and then clean
it again.

Applying the adhesive

– The silicon mat is to be glued to the top press contact area by

applying silicon adhesive M67 879 1 (Elastosil E43, 90 ml tube) in 3
places. To do so, apply adhesive to the circular areas (diameter
approx. 10 mm) as highlighted in the illustration and spread slightly.
– Lay the silicon mat down flat and press down evenly, removing all
noticeable ridges.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-9

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

9.6.5 Replacing the BG-CompoFlow Opener Top and door

CompoMat G5 preparation – Use the main switch to turn off the CompoMat G5 and
– disconnect the power cable

Opening the housing To open the CompoMat G5, proceed as follows:

– Loosen the two screws on the lower left and unscrew completely
(see arrows in the following illustration).

– Loosen the two screws on the lower right and unscrew completely
(see arrows in the following illustration).

– Open the cover to the rear, disconnect the protective earth cable and
remove the cover.

To facilitate removal of the BG-CompoFlow Opener, it is helpful to
dismount the PLS scales.

9-10 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Disassembling BG-
CompoFlow Opener Top

– Use an Allen wrench size 2 (M67 978 1) to unscrew the stud screws
(see arrows) on both sides of the assembly.
– Remove assembly.

The stud screws must not be removed.

– Remove four socket screws.

(See 4 arrows in both illustrations)

– Unscrew the grounding cable.

– Remove the cable completely from the cable ducts.
– Disconnect related connector X51 on the Application Board bought-
in assembly.
– Remove BG-CompoFlow Opener Top from the housing of the
CompoMat G5.

Fitting BG-CompoFlow
Opener Top

– Place mounting tool CFO G5 (661 586 1) on the pins on the CFO
Top (red part in the illustration).
– Guide BG-CompoFlow Opener Top into the housing of the
CompoMat G5.
– Fit the grounding cable.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-11

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Observe the installation direction of the BG-CompoFlow Opener Top as


Description Position of the long leg

(CompoMat G5 viewed from the

BG-CompoFlow Opener Left


– Secure the BG-CompoFlow Opener in position using the four pan

head screws M4x8.
The BG-CompoFlow Opener Top is automatically correctly
positioned by the mounting tool.
– Remove CFO G5 mounting tool.
– Re-route cables through the cable ducts.
– Connect related connector X51 on the Application Board bought-in
– Fit assembly and use an Allen wrench size 2 to fasten the stud
screws on both sides of the assembly.

The BG-CompoFlow Opener Top assembly must be flush with the

Disassembling BG-
CompoFlow Opener door

– Use an Allen wrench size 2 (M67 978 1) to unscrew the stud screws
(see arrows) on both sides of the assembly.
– Remove assembly.

The stud screws must not be removed.

9-12 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Remove four socket screws.

(See 4 arrows in both illustrations)

– Unscrew the grounding cable.

– Remove the cable completely from the cable ducts.
– Disconnect related connector X52 on the Application Board bought-
in assembly.
– Remove BG-CompoFlow Opener door from the housing of the
CompoMat G5.

Fitting BG-CompoFlow
Opener door

– Place mounting tool CFO G5 (661 586 1) on the pins for the CFO
door (red part in the illustration).
– Guide BG-CompoFlow Opener door into the housing of the
CompoMat G5.
– Fit the grounding cable.
Observe the installation direction of the BG-CompoFlow Opener door
as follows:

Description Position of the long leg

(CompoMat G5 viewed from the

BG-CompoFlow Opener Right


– Secure the BG-CompoFlow Opener door in position using the four

pan head screws M4x10.
The BG-CompoFlow Opener door is automatically correctly
positioned by the mounting tool.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-13

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Remove CFO G5 mounting tool.

– Re-route cables through the cable ducts.
– Connect related connector X52 on the Application Board bought-in
– Fit assembly and use an Allen wrench size 2 to fasten the stud
screws on both sides of the assembly.

The BG-CompoFlow Opener assembly must be flush with the housing.

Close the housing – Slide the cover back onto the CompoMat G5 from the rear.
– Connect the grounding cable.
– Close the cover completely and secure it with screws.

9.6.6 Replacing the BG-CompoFlow Opener RCC

Disassembling BG-
CompoFlow Opener RCC

– Use an Allen wrench size 2 (M67 978 1) to unscrew the stud screws
(see arrows) on both sides of the assembly.
– Remove assembly.

The stud screws must not be removed.

– Unscrew both mounting pins (see arrows) using a size 7 socket.

– Remove yellow RCC (M68 119 1).
– Unscrew four oval head screws M3x4 from the protective cover and
remove protective cover.

– Use a hot air gun to heat up two screws M6x16 coated with
Precote 80 on the top of the RCC platform and unscrew.

9-14 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Unsolder cable from the weighing cell (M63 526 1) and remove the
BG-CompoFlow Opener RCC with platform.

Fitting BG-CompoFlow – Fasten RCC platform and the spacer plate 5.0 mm to the weighing
Opener RCC cell using two screws M6x16 (M68 324 1) coated with Precote 80.
– During this process align the RCC platform and the base plate so
they are parallel with each other.

– Lay cable behind the motor to the microswitch and fasten using the
two fastening elements H2P 029.
– Lay cable away from the weighing cell as shown in the illustration

– During this process ensure that the cable does not protrude and then
fix the cable in this position.
– Solder strain gauge cable to the RCC cable as shown in the
illustration below.

Solder points

+VE input (green )

-VE output (white) 1

-VE input (black )

+VE output (red) RCC End- 9

position 10
4 470 1
2 14

Motor M

– Connect cable to the motor.

– Pull a piece of heat shrink tubing over the cable and ensure the cable
is not touching the motor housing.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-15

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Apply Loctite 243 to four oval head screws M3x4.

– Attach protective cover to the platform and the bearing block using
the screws.

– Screw both mounting pins into the RCC platform using a torque
wrench (M683151+M683171+M683181) and a torque of 0.8 Nm.
– Fit assembly and use an Allen wrench size 2 to fasten the stud
screws on both sides of the assembly.

The BG-CompoFlow Opener RCC assembly must be flush with the

9.6.7 Testing the BG-CompoFlow Opener

The following tests must be carried out:

– Check both legs for easy movement by pressing them together.
– Both legs must move easily.
– The legs must open again automatically.
– None of the two legs may have any axial clearance.
– When the sealer is open, the pin of leg 2 must reliably trigger the
1) Pin, leg 2 and microswitch
2) Axial clearance


9-16 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

The position of the eccentric must be correct:

– Fit the assembly tool CFO Top/door (661 591 1). The assembly tool
must sit firmly on the drive holder CFO (Motor board RCC) and the
eccentric firmly on the assembly tool.
– Apply Loctite 243 to the threaded pin M4x6.
– Press down the eccentric and the drive shaft for the DC motor
– Tighten the threaded pin to 1.8 Nm and in this way fasten the
– Remove assembly tool CFO Top/door.
1) Eccentric
2) Assembly tool CFO Top/door
3) Threaded pin

Adjusting the BG-

CompoFlow Opener

If the sealer is stuck or jammed, an adjustment is required:

– Loosen the stud screw.
1) – Adjust the clearance by moving the shaft of the BG-CompoFlow
Opener using parallel pliers or a similar tool.
– Apply Loctite 243 to the stud screw and then re-tighten the screw.
Both legs must move easily, but neither leg may have any axial
2) clearance.
1) Stud screw
2) CFO shaft

Adjusting microswitch

If the microswitch is not triggered reliably, it can be adjusted as

– Loosen the pan head screws (1).
– Position the FCO switch bracket (2) so that the microswitch is
2) triggered reliably.
1) Pan head screws
2) Switch bracket

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-17

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Calibration and tests After the replacement of a BG-CompoFlow Opener the following tests
must be performed:
– Calibrate RCC scales (see chapter on page 5-23)
– Calibrate PLS scales (see chapter on page 5-24)
– Press force for the upper press (see Re: 3.20 on page 6-22)
– Test press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales (see Re: 3.20 on
page 6-22)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener height measurement (see chapter 9.7.1 on
page 9-34)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener Installation (see chapter 9.7.2 on
page 9-35)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener opening (see chapter 9.7.3 on page 9-35)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener height assembly (see chapter 9.7.4 on
page 9-35)
– Expanded test BG-CompoFlow Opener for the replaced BG-
CompoFlow Opener (see Re: 3.30 on page 6-35)
– Perform the electrical safety check (see chapter 6.4.2 on
page 6-36).

9.6.8 Replacing the Heads

CompoMat G5 preparation The following description applies to Heads 1-6, but does not include
Head 3 which is located on the PLS scales (see chapter 9.6.9 on
page 9-22).
Disconnect the CompoMat G5 from the power supply.
– Use the main switch to turn the device off and
– disconnect the power cable

Opening the housing To open the CompoMat G5, proceed as follows:

To open the housing, the PLS scales and the RCC scales must not be

– Loosen the two screws on the lower left and unscrew completely
(see arrows in the following illustration).

9-18 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Loosen the two screws on the lower right and unscrew completely
(see arrows in the following illustration).

– Pull the cover to the rear to remove.

– Disconnect the protective earth cable.
– Remove the cover.

Dismantling the Head All Heads have the same design. The following description refers to
Head 5 and can be applied to all other Heads.

– Loosen grooved nut.

If the grooved nut (1) is very tight, use the service tool for manual
screwing (2) to loosen it (see illustration).

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-19

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Remove the head cover (1) (see illustration).

3 2 1

Remove the following plug connectors from Head 5:

– BNC connector, RF (1) (already removed in the illustration)
– Four-pole connector, (sensor 2) (2).
– Two-pole connector, (magnet 2) (3).

– Lift and remove Head 5 (see illustration).

Installing the Head The installation is described on the example of Head 5 and is identical
for all heads.

9-20 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Assemble the individual parts of the head as shown in the


– Insert Head 5 into the housing from above.

Observe the following items when installing:
– The Head position is determined by the design.
– Make sure that the head opening is correctly aligned.

Damage can occur to cables.
Crushing hazard
– Make sure not to damage the cables on the side of the Head when
inserting and positioning the head.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-21

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Insert the following plug connectors into Head 5:

– BNC connector (RF)
– Four-pole connector (sensor 2)
– Two-pole connector (magnet 2)

– Position Head 5 cover and manually tighten the grooved nut (see

Testing Heads After the replacement of a Head the following tests must be performed:
– Calibrate Head sensors (see chapter on page 5-6)

9.6.9 Replacing Head 3 (PLS scales)

CompoMat G5 preparation – Use the main switch to turn the CompoMat G5 off.
– Disconnect the power cable.

Disassembling the PLS Head 3 is part of the PLS scales. The PLS scales must be dismounted
scales before dismounting Head 3:
– Tilt the CompoMat G5 to the rear and place it onto its rear panel (see
chapter 3.3 on page 3-3).
– Loosen and remove PLS scalesplug (Back board: Balance B).
– Remove the connection cable from the cable clips.
– Disconnect the BNC connector for Head 3.
– Loosen and unscrew the three screws on the PLS scales fixing
– Completely remove the PLS scales.

9-22 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Dismantling Head 3 To replace Head 3, proceed as follows:

– Loosen both screws on the upper device housing (1) of the PLS

Both screws are located on the rear of the PLS scales and are only
accessible once the PLS scales have been unmounted.

– Disconnect the BNC connector (RF).

– Disconnect the four-pole connector (sensor 2).
– Disconnect the two-pole connector (magnet 2).
– Loosen the grooved nut on Head 3.

If the grooved nut is very tight, use the tool for manual screwing to
loosen it (see illustration).

– Unscrew and remove the head cover.

– Remove Head 3.

Installing Head 3 (see Installing the Head on page 9-20)

– Mount the upper scales housing and secure it with two screws.

Fitting PLS scales Procedure for mounting the PLS scales(see chapter 3.3 on page 3-3).

Connect the PLS scales Procedure for connecting the PLS scales (see chapter 3.4 on
page 3-8).

The PLS scales must be re-calibrated after mounting. (see
chapter on page 5-24)
After calibrating the scales, the scales must be tested (see Re: 3.20 on
page 6-22).

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-23

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Checking Head 3 on the

PLS scales.


The integrated Head 3 on the PLS scales must be inspected for

functionality after assembly of the PLS scales.

(see Re: 3.24 on page 6-26)

(see Re: 3.25 on page 6-28)
(see Re: 3.26 on page 6-29)
(see Re: 3.27 on page 6-31)

9.6.10 Replacing the weighing cell RCC (M63 526 1)

Disassembling weighing
cell RCC

– Loosen RCC scales at connection B.

– Use an Allen wrench size 2 (M67 978 1) to unscrew the stud screws
(see arrows) on both sides of the assembly.
– Remove assembly.

The stud screws must not be removed.

– Unscrew both mounting pins (see arrows) using a size 7 socket.

– Remove yellow RCC (M68 119 1).
– Unscrew four oval head screws M3x4 from the protective cover and
remove protective cover.

– Use a hot air gun to heat up two screws M6x16 secured using
Precote 80 on the top of the RCC platform and unscrew.

9-24 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Unsolder cable from the weighing cell (M63 526 1) and remove the
BG-CompoFlow Opener RCC with platform.
– Use a hot air gun to heat up two screws M6x16 coated with
Precote 80 screwed into the weighing cell from below and unscrew.
– Similarly, unscrew the two countersink head screws M6x16 with
which the weighing cell (M63 526 1) is fastened to the RCC base
– Remove spacer plate 0.6 mm.
– Unsolder cable for the weighing cell and remove the weighing cell.

Fitting weighing cell RCC – Apply Loctite 243 to four countersink head screws M6x16.
– Fasten weighing cell (M63 526) and the spacer plate 0.6 mm on the
cable side of the weighing side and fasten to the RCC base plate
using the four countersink head screws.
– Prior to finally tightening the screws from below, screw the weighing
cell assembly tool (661 534 1) into the threaded bores on the
weighing cell and align it.

– After tightening the countersink head screws, remove the assembly

tool again.
– Fasten RCC platform and the spacer plate 5.0 mm to the weighing
cell using two screws M6x16 (M68 324 1) coated with Precote 80.

– During this process align the RCC platform and the base plate so
they are parallel with each other.
– Screw two screws M6x16 (M68 324 1) coated with Precote 80
screwed into the weighing cell from below.

– Adjust distance between base plate and countersink head screw to

0.6 mm.

There must not be any dust or other foreign bodies between the
weighing cell and the base plate.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-25

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Align four spacer bolts until there is a distance of 0.7 mm to the RCC
platform. For this purpose place the RCC scales upright and secure
to a table using a screw clamp.

– Tighten four nuts M6 and ensure that the distance is now 0.6 mm.
– Solder RCC cable to the weighing cell for the RCC scales as shown
in the illustration below.


Solder points
+VE input (green )

-VE output (white) 1

-VE input (black )

+VE output (red) RCC End- 9

position 10
4 470 1
2 14

Motor M

– Protect cable with heat shrink tubing.

– Lay cable away from the weighing cell as shown in the illustration

– During this process ensure that the cable does not protrude and fix
the cable in this position.
– Apply Loctite 243 to four oval head screws M3x4.

– Attach protective cover to the platform and the bearing block using
the screws.

9-26 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Screw both mounting pins into the RCC platform using a torque
wrench (M683151+M683171+M683181) and a torque of 0.8 Nm.
– Fit assembly and use an Allen wrench size 2 to fasten the stud
screws on both sides of the assembly.

The BG-CompoFlow Opener RCC assembly must be flush with the

9.6.11 Testing the weighing cell RCC

After the replacement of the weighing cell RCC the following tests must
be performed:
– Calibrate RCC scales (see chapter on page 5-23)
– Calibrate PLS scales (see chapter on page 5-24)
– Test press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales (see Re: 3.20 on
page 6-22)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener height measurement (see chapter 9.7.1 on
page 9-34)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener Installation (see chapter 9.7.2 on
page 9-35)
– BG-CompoFlow Opener height assembly (see chapter 9.7.4 on
page 9-35)
– Perform the electrical safety check (see chapter 6.4.2 on
page 6-36).

9.6.12 Replacing the weighing cell PLS (M63 526 1)

CompoMat G5 preparation – Use the main switch to turn off the CompoMat G5.
– disconnect the power cable

Disassembling weighing – Loosen BNC connection and PLS connector.

cell PLS
– Unscrew three screws M5x16 from the PLS scales (1).

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-27

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Unscrew two screws M4x10 and replace lower cover.

– Use a hot air gun to heat up two screws M6x16 coated with
Precote 80 screwed into the weighing cell from below and unscrew.
– Similarly, use a hot air gun to heat the two screws M6x16 secured
with Precote 80 that fasten the platform to the spacer plates 5.0 mm
and unscrew.
– Similarly, using a hot air gun heat the two countersink head screws
M6x16 with which the weighing cell (M63 526 1) is fastened to the
PLS base plate and unscrew.

– Remove spacer plate 0.6 mm.

– Unsolder cable for the weighing cell and remove the weighing cell.

Fitting weighing cell PLS – Apply Loctite 243 to two countersink head screws M6x16.
– Fasten weighing cell (M63 526) and the spacer plate 0.6 mm on the
cable side of the weighing side and fasten to the base plate using the
two countersink head screws.
– Prior to finally tightening the screws from below, screw the weighing
cell assembly tool (661 534 1) into the threaded bores on the
weighing cell and align it.

9-28 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– After tightening the countersink head screws, remove the assembly

tool again.
– Fasten platform and the spacer plate 5.0 mm to the weighing cell
using two screws M6x16 (M68 324 1) coated with Precote 80.
– During this process align the platform and the base plate so they are
parallel with each other.
– Screw two screws M6x16 (M68 324 1) coated with Precote 80
screwed into the weighing cell from below.

– Adjust distance between base plate and countersink head screw to

0.6 mm.

There must not be any dust or other foreign bodies between the
weighing cell and the base plate.

– Loosen screw for the cable holder on the weighing cell (M63 526 1)
and lay the cable as shown in the illustration on the left.
– Lay cable for the weighing cell through the hole in the base plate.
– Solder PLS cable to the weighing cell for the PLS scales as shown
in the illustration below.

Magnet 2

load cell 5
+VE input (green ) Plasma 6

-VE output (white) 1

-VE input (black )

+VE output (red)

The cable must not touch the lower cover under any circumstances!

– Check whether the distance between spacer bolt and platform is

0.6 mm.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-29

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

There must not be any dust or other foreign bodies between the
weighing cell and the base plate.

– If not: Align four spacer bolts until there is a distance of 0.7 mm to

the platform. For this purpose place the PLS scales upright and
secure to a table using a screw clamp.
– Tighten four nuts M6 and ensure that the distance is now 0.6 mm.
– Fasten lower cover with two screws M4x10 using a torque wrench
and a torque of 0.4 Nm.
– Finally re-fit the PLS scales (see chapter 3.3.1 on page 3-4).

9.6.13 Testing the weighing cell PLS

After the replacement of the weighing cell PLS the following tests must
be performed:
– Calibrate Head sensors (see chapter on page 5-6)
– Calibrate RCC scales (see chapter on page 5-23)
– Calibrate PLS scales (see chapter on page 5-24)
– Test press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales (see Re: 3.20 on
page 6-22)
– Open/close the Heads (see Re: 3.24 on page 6-26)
– Test the Heads (see Re: 3.25 on page 6-28)
– Head sensors (see Re: 3.27 on page 6-31)
– Sealing behavior of the Heads (see Re: 3.26 on page 6-29)
– Perform the electrical safety check (see chapter 6.4.2 on
page 6-36).

9.6.14 Replacing the scales 3 (M68 109 1)

CompoMat G5 preparation – Use the main switch to turn off the CompoMat G5 and
– disconnect the power cable

Opening the housing To open the CompoMat G5, proceed as follows:

9-30 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Loosen the two screws on the lower left and unscrew completely
(see arrows in the following illustration).

– Loosen the two screws on the lower right and unscrew completely
(see arrows in the following illustration).

– Open the cover to the rear, disconnect the protective earth cable and
remove the cover.

Disassembling scales 3 – Loosen connector X56 on the Application Board bought-in

– Remove the cable completely from the cable ducts.
– Loosen screw M4x10 with which the grounding cable is fastened to
the front press guide.
– Ensure that all washers and locking washers are removed.
– Unscrew four screw M4x20 and remove the silicon insert top press
G5 (M68 117 1).
– Unscrew two screw M4x20 and carefully remove the sensor unit top
press G5 (M68 113 1).
– Unscrew two screws M4x30.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-31

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Carefully move holder back and forward using pliers (see arrows).

During the next work step do not grasp the scales at the weighing cell
under any circumstances.

– Carefully pull out scales 3 and remove cable.

Fitting scales 3 – Fit scales 3 (M68 109 1) in the block for the upper press and fasten
using two screws M4x30.

– Tighten the two screws alternately until they are tight.

– Fasten sensor unit upper press G5 (M68 113 1) with two screws
M4x20 using a torque wrench and a torque of 0.8 Nm.

– Fit silicon insert upper press G5 (M68 117 1) and fasten with two
screws M4x20 using a torque wrench and a torque of 0.2 Nm. The
plastic may break at a higher torque.
– Fasten grounding cable for the front press guide (M67 469 1) to the
scales 3 for the upper press using a screw M4x10.

9-32 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

Allen screw – During this process place a locking washer and spacer under the
Spacer cable lug as well as a further spacer under the Allen screw.
Cable lug
Spacer – Fasten cable using a few cable ties as shown in the illustration
Locking washer below.

– Lay new cable through the cable ducts like the old one and connect
to connector X56 on Application Board bought-in assembly.

Close the housing – Slide the cover back onto the CompoMat G5 from the rear.
– Connect the grounding cable.
– Close the cover completely and secure it with screws.

9.6.15 Testing scales 3

After the replacement of the scales 3 the following tests must be

– Calibrate press stroke for upper press (see chapter on
page 5-19)
– Calibrate press force for upper press (see chapter on
page 5-17)
– Calibrate press scales (see chapter on page 5-22)
– Calibrate RCC scales (see chapter on page 5-23)
– Calibrate PLS scales (see chapter on page 5-24)
– Calibrate detector A (see chapter 5.4.5 on page 5-25)
– Upper press force (see Re: 3.18 on page 6-21)
– Test press scales / PLS scales / RCC scales (see Re: 3.20 on
page 6-22)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-33

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Multi-detector field (detectors A1 to A8) (see Re: 3.23 on page 6-26)

– Perform the electrical safety check (see chapter 6.4.2 on
page 6-36).

9.7 Tests after the replacement of components

9.7.1 BG-CompoFlow Opener height measurement

– Test tool height CF-Opener G5 (661 570 1)
– Allen key size 2 (661 526 1)
– Fully switch off CompoMat G5.
– Remove assembly from the CF-Opener (M67 987 1).
– Switch on the dial gauge (part of the test tool height BG-CompoFlow
Opener G5).
– Place the dial gauge on the adjusting piece and press the ORIGIN
– Place the dial gauge on each CF-Opener in turn and make a note of
the measured value.
Measured values:

CF-Opener Meas. value

Desired value Top: 0 mm ± 0.7 mm ______ mm
Desired value door: 0 mm ± 0.7 mm ______ mm
Desired value RCC: 0 mm ± 0.7 mm ______ mm

Ensure that the assembly for the dial gauge is firmly seated on the
housing during all measurements.
Test result:

CF-Opener Test result

All CF-Opener within tolerance Yes

9-34 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

9.7.2 BG-CompoFlow Opener installation

– Mounting tool CFO G5 (661 586 1)
– Allen key size 2 (M67 978 1)
– Fully switch off CompoMat G5.
– Fit mounting tool CFO G5 to each CF-Opener.
Test result:

Mounting tool can be simply inserted. Test result

CF-Opener Top Yes
CF-Opener Door Yes
CF-Opener RCC Yes

9.7.3 BG-CompoFlow Opener opening

This test is also performed during the annual maintenance (see Re:
3.22 on page 6-24).
– After the replacement of a BG-CompoFlow Opener the test must,
however, be undertaken using the test tool production 3.3 mm
(661 580 1) and not using the test tool service 3.6 mm (661 578 1).
– Also only the BG-CompoFlow Opener that has been replaced needs
to be tested.

During this service work all actual limits for the CF-Opener are
exceeded. For this reason, on the completion of the service work the
CompoMat G5 must be rebooted. Without a reboot the correct function
of the CF-Opener cannot be ensured.

9.7.4 BG-CompoFlow Opener height assembly

– Test tool height assembly CF-Opener G5 (661 576 1)
– Digital vernier caliper, round depth gauge (M67 963 1)
– Allen key size 2 (M67 978 1)
– Fully switch off CompoMat G5.
– Fit assembly (M67 987 1) to the CF-Opener and fasten.
– Place test tool to each assembly.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 9-35

Chapter 9: Servicing / repair

– Using the vernier caliper measure the distance between the surface
of the test tool and the bottom of the CF lever through the 3 mm

– Make a note of the absolute values found during the height

measurement (see BG-CompoFlow Opener height measurement on
page 9-34).
– Determine the desired value as well as the related tolerance and
compare with the measured value.

CF-Opener Top desired value Meas. value

35.1 mm ± (magnitude of the measured value CF-
Opener Top + 0.3 mm)
35.1 mm ± ______ mm ______ mm

CF-Opener door desired value Meas. value

35.1 mm ± (magnitude of the measured value CF-
Opener door + 0.3 mm)
35.1 mm ± ______ mm ______ mm

CF-Opener RCC desired value Meas. value

29.7 mm ± (magnitude of the measured value CF-
Opener RCC + 0.3 mm)
29.7 mm ± ______ mm ______ mm

Example CF-Opener Top:

The measured value for the height measurement was -0.52 mm. It
follows that:
Desired value: 35.1 mm ± (0.52 mm + 0.3 mm) = 35.1 mm ± 0.82 mm
Measured values between 34.28 mm and 35.92 mm are in order.
Test result:

CF-Opener Test result

All CF-Opener within tolerance Yes

9-36 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 10: Passwords

10 Passwords Service password

The service password works only in Service Mode with an inserted

Service G5 USB stick. It cannot be changed by the operator.

Passwor Function Description


1462 Service Enables the Service mode Default settings for passwords in CompoMaster Net G5

The passwords only apply for the User mode. By default the following
passwords are assigned.

Passwor Function

1000 Program

2000 Calibration

3000 Cleaning

4000 Setup

For further information see:
User Manual, CompoMaster Net G5 Defining individual passwords in CompoMaster Net G5

For further information see:
User Manual, CompoMaster Net G5

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 10-1

Chapter 11: Functional Description

11 Functional Description

11.1 Description of the therapy

For information regarding this chapter see:
Operating Instructions, CompoMat G5

11.2 Physical Description

For information regarding this chapter see:
Operating Instructions, CompoMat G5

11.3 Functional description

11.3.1 Application Board bought-in assembly (M68 137 1)

The functional component group Application Board bought-in assembly

is responsible for the entire control of the actuators as well as for
monitoring sensors. The Application Board bought-in assembly controls
communication with the functional component group Trinamic Board
bought-in assembly. Communication with the functional component
group Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly is carried out
via a USB connection.

11.3.2 Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly (M68 115 1)

The functional component group Display G5 printed circuit board

bought-in assembly controls the external interfaces to superior systems
(such as BIS - Blood Bank Information System) as well as the user
guidance and communication with the internal sub-systems.

11-1 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 11: Functional Description

11.3.3 HF generator 24V bought-in assembly (M66 178 1)

The functional components group HF generator 24V G5 is responsible

for the generation of HF (high frequencies). It is controlled via the
functional component group Application Board bought-in assembly.

11.3.4 Relay box G5 (M68 107 1)

The functional components group relay box G5 is responsible for the

channeling of HF (high frequencies). It is controlled via the functional
component group Application Board bought-in assembly.

11.3.5 Sealing Head El.Mag. Drive assembly (M68 144 1)

The functional group Sealing Head El.Mag. Drive assembly is

responsible for clamping and sealing the tubes and for the detection of
red cells. Control and evaluation of the data is done by the functional
component group Application Board bought-in assembly.

11.3.6 Trinamic Board bought-in assembly (M68 138 1)

The functional component group Trinamic Board bought-in assembly

controls the stepper motors and measures the power required by them.
It is controlled via the functional component group Application Board
bought-in assembly.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 11-2

6 5 4 3 2 1
opener 2 x USB 1 x USB
scanner intern
X13 X12 X11

X54 X21 USB Hub

D X52 D
RFID X20 X51
X56 1* B/ASM-Board
breaker0 detector
ASM-Plasma scale DMS 2
(M66846) M 2*
Mtp D tp 2.* ASM-
X80 GND/24V top press
breaker1 Opener
upper press S (M66810)
Jtag X1000 D
11.4 Block diagram

K3 Mup D up
Chapter 11: Functional Description

Motor 0 DMS 0 Motor 2

RF X93 Trinamic board slider
Reserve B/ASM-Application board (M66639)
X200 (M66960)
X81 Communication
lower press M
X30 S
X30 M
0 Mlp D lp

Motor 1
X50 Mixer



X2 X57


X1 X55 X46 X47 X30 X31


L K1

power supply
G +24V
N (M66969) GND




B display G5 CON303 USB B

(M66824) CON300
K/ASM display G5 board X48



cpl (M67174)

ASM-sealing head

display G5
front foil (M66829)

Fresenius Kabi


Ethernet Ethernetconnection
4000V Isolation

generator OUT3
door door motor 24V B/ASM OUT4
(M66178) relay box OUT5
M (M66407) OUT6

A Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH A

door sensor

CompoMat G5
block diagram G5
door lock
version drawing no. REV.
date: 21.04.2009
V1.4 0
author: M.Hock scale 1:1 sheet 1 of 1

6 5 4 3 2 1

Chapter 11: Functional Description

11.5 Component layouts

11.5.1 Application Board bought-in assembly

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 11-4

Chapter 11: Functional Description

11.5.2 Display G5 printed circuit board bought-in assembly

11.5.3 LP1361

11-5 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 11: Functional Description

11.5.4 Trinamic Board bought-in assembly

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 11-6

Chapter 11: Functional Description

11.6 Flow diagram (Service Menu)

Entering the password

Main menu (Service)

Set Serial number

Set E-Code Program selection

Set MAC-Adress
01 <--->
Update/Init ARM7 02 <--->
Update/Init Trinamic

Cal. ADC & Heads

Special functions
50 <--->

Special functions

Appl. Service mode

Download files Main menu

Unittest screenshot
Program selection
Unittest Network stress
Seal & weighing
Create Production-Stick
Production state

Cleanup Calibrate
System information
Upper Press Top Press

Lower Press Upper Press

Slide Lower Press

Press Scale
Language selection
RCC scales
Process data
PLS Scale
Software update
Process data Language selection Detector A
Barcode test
Process data off English

Process data on German



11-7 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

12 Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 109 1 Scale 3 f. Service

2 M68 110 1 Suspending pin f. Service (2x)

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 113 1 Sensor unit upper press G5 f. Service

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-1

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description


3 M68 149 1 DETECT.BOARD A8-A2 COMPOMAT f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 991 1 textile EMI gask f. Service (Set)

2 M68 114 1 Display G5 f. Service

3 M68 150 1 ferrite core filter display f. Service 10x

4 M68 115 1 Display G5 board ARM9 f. Service

12-2 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description


2 M67 986 1 Rear cover PLS + clamp collar f. Service

3 M68 123 1 Upper cover G5 f. Service

4 M68 122 1 Lower cover f. Service

5 M68 121 1 Terminal strip f. Service

6 M68 144 1 Sealing head cpl. G5 f. Service

7 M68 120 1 Strip sheet coated f. Service

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-3

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 138 1 Trinamic board f. Service

2 M68 137 1 Application board ARM7 LP1349 f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M66 178 1 EE/ HF-generator 24V G5 adjusted + tested

2 M68 107 1 Relay box G5 f. Service

3 M68 139 1 Powerbox Medline 450 f. Service

4 M67 997 1 ethernet isolator f. Service

12-4 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

5 M67 988 1 BNC panel jack 10HC 049 f. Service (5x)

6 M67 989 1 D-SUB-mounting set UNC 4-40 f. Serv. 4x

7 M67 996 1 components clip V-1001 f. Serv. (Set 10)

8 M68 103 1 COVERING CAP F. CIRCUIT f. Service (10x)

9 M68 142 1 Glider PGB 40x20x8 f. Service (8x)

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-5

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 125 1 Step motor f. press with spindle f. Serv.

2 M68 124 1 double guide bearing + flange f. Serv. 4x

3 M68 146 1 Proximity sensor G5 f. Service

4 M68 106 1 SHOCK ABSORBER f. Service

5 M68 127 1 Guide bearing slide f. Service 2x

6 M68 126 1 Slide drive cpl. f. Service

12-6 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 994 1 wiper 16_22_04 f. Service (2x)

2 M68 125 1 Step motor f. press with spindle f. Serv.

3 M68 128 1 Pressing plate G5 incl. label f. Service

4 M68 131 1 Double guide sleeve top press (Serv. 2x)

5 M68 130 1 Force sensor top press f. Service

6 M68 129 1 Silicone mat toppress G5 f. Service

7 M67 992 1 Disk wiper f. Service (2x)

8 M68 104 1 CountersinkScr.M6X16+precote80 f. S. 20x

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-7

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 987 1 Fixture active breaker G5 f. Service

2 M68 119 1 covering RCC f. Service


4 M68 132 1 CompoFlow Opener G5 RCC f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 145 1 Interface Detector f. Service

12-8 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

M67 987 1 Fixture active breaker G5 f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 101 1 passive insert activebreaker G5 f. Serv.

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-9

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 108 1 Force sensor upper+down press f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 111 1 CompoFlow Opener TOP-Pr. f. Service

M68 112 1 COMPOFLOW Opener Upper-Pr. f. Service

12-10 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 117 1 Silicone inlay upper press G5 f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 118 1 Silicone inlay lower press G5 f. Service

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-11

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 144 1 Sealing head cpl. G5 f. Service

2 M68 298 1 top electrode f. sealing head G5 f. Serv

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 134 1 assyembly door G5 f. Service

2 M68 135 1 Door G5 plate f. Service

3 M67 993 1 plug_B-Plastic_SFL 18x0_8-2 f. Service 5x

4 M68 136 1 Silicone inlay for door G5 f. Service

12-12 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

661 524 1 B/ASM-packaging RCC scales

Pos. Part no. Description

661 525 1 B/ASM-packaging plasma-Scale

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-13

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

M67 216 1 B/ASM-packaging CompoMat G5

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 126 1 Slider drive cpl. f. Service

12-14 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 133 1 Door drive cpl. f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 141 1 Lock G5 f. Service

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-15

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 990 1 support bypass pin

2 M67 999 1 profile seal f. Service

3 M68 116 1 display front foil G5 f. Service

Pos. Part no. Description

M68 143 1 Rear panel sheet G5 f. Service

12-16 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 299 1 IEC power connector G5 f. Service

2 M68 301 1 ON/OFF SWITCH 10A 250V f. Service


1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M66 514 1 cable RF sealhead K1/5/6

2 M67 446 1 cable RF sealhead K2/4

3 M67 447 1 cable RF switchbox - RF-generator

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 449 1 cable RF sealhead K3

2 M67 301 1 cable power supply ARM7-board X1

3 M67 306 1 cable power supply ARM9-board X2

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-17

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 310 1 cable RFID ARM7-board - Connector X21

2 M67 314 1 cable power supply RF-generator X30

3 M67 322 1 cable relaybox - ARM7-board X31

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 330 1 cable PLS ARM7-board - Connector X53

2 M67 342 1 cable door motor X55

3 M67 346 1 cable slider motor X57

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 354 1 cable door lock X47

2 M67 357 1 Cable CF-Opener Toppress X51

3 M67 363 1 Cable CF-Opener Upperpress X52

12-18 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 368 1 cable power supply Trinamic Board X80

2 M67 372 1 cable sealhead K1/2/4 X90.1/90.2/90.4

2 M67 383 1 cable sealhead K5 X90.5

2 M67 386 1 cable sealhead K6 X90.6

3 M67 392 1 cable sealhead sensor K1 X40

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 395 1 cable sealhead sensor K2 X41

2 M67 397 1 cable sealhead sensor K4 X43

3 M67 399 1 cable sealhead sensor K5 X44

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 402 1 cable sealhead sensor K6 X45

2 M67 404 1 cable communication X81Trinamic

3 M67 412 1 cable powerline powerinlet

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-19

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

1 2 3

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M67 434 1 cable powerline powerinlet blue

2 M67 463 1 cable sealhead K3 crossing cable

3 M67 464 1 cable photodetection board X60

Other spare parts not illustrated

Pos. Part no. Description

644 066 1 GV FUSE 10 A/T (D5 X 20 MM) SHORT

M68 324 1 Hex. socket scr.M6x16+Precote80 f. S. 10x

M67 995 1 Oval head screw ISO7380 M5x8 f. Serv. 20x

M67 998 1 warning label CompoFlow f. S. (54x)

M68 102 1 Hex. socket scr.M5x16+Precote80 f. S. 30x

M68 176 1 sticker set sealing head G4/G5 1-8 A B

M68 140 1 IEC power conn. PF0033/20/63 f. Service

M67 432 1 cable USB communication

M67 433 1 cable Ethernet communication

M67 438 1 Power cord EU except UK

M67 448 1 cable RF PLS-scales

M67 520 1 FUSE 8 A/T (D5 X 20 MM)

M67 416 1 cable grounding power line

M67 420 1 cable grounding power supply

M67 424 1 cable powerline powersupply black

M67 428 1 cable grounding back panel

M67 439 1 cable powerline powersupply blue

M67 469 1 cable grounding Front press guidance

M67 471 1 cable grounding Toppress

M67 494 1 cable grounding Scale CF-Toppress

12-20 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Other spare parts not illustrated

Pos. Part no. Description

M67 495 1 cable grounding CF Upperpress

M68 147 1 RCC-cable f. Service

M68 148 1 PLS-cable f. Service

12.1 Tools and accessories

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-21

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21

12-22 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

22 23 24

25 26 27

28 29 30

31 32 33

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-23

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

34 35 36

37 38 39

40 41 42

43 44 45


12-24 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Tools and accessories

Pos. Part no. Description

1 M68 287 1 ASM-electrical test equipment for G5

2 M68 288 1 EE motor switch box G5

3 661 545 1 black foam mat G5

4 M67 228 1 Service tool power measurement G5


6 M67 851 1 EE/SYNTHETIC BLOCK G4+G5 calibrated



9 661 537 1 flare double-ended ring spanner 17x19


11 M67 980 1 hexagon socket screwkey SW4 (Service)

12 M60 024 1 PVC-TUBE 3.1X4.2 MM COMPOSEAL

13 M67 499 1 Mobile force gauge EasyForce 2kN

14 M67 502 1 service tool manual screwing G5

15 M67 981 1 Tool for manual screwing f. Service

16 M67 979 1 double-end. ring span. deep offset 12x13

17 M67 978 1 hexagon socket screw key SW2 f. Service

18 M67 507 1 ferrit opener

19 661 534 1 Assembly tool load cell

20 M67 482 1 USB Stick Service CompoMat G5

21 661 570 1 testing tool height CompoFlowOPener G5

22 661 576 1 testing tool height fixture G5

23 661 586 1 Assembly-Tool CFO G5

24 M67 963 1 dig. calliper gauge, round depth gauge

25 661 535 1 talcum Pressol 10 588 50gr.

26 M64 006 1 glue - SICOMET 77 20G bottle

27 661 575 1 Torque Wrench 4-20 Nm

28 M67 977 1 Silicone ELASTOSIL E43 90ml Tube

29 M68 198 1 case I for G5 service tools CFO empty

30 M68 199 1 case II for G5 service tools empty

31 M67 985 1 testing tool single empty blood bag

Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10 12-25

Chapter 12: Spare parts catalog

Tools and accessories

Pos. Part no. Description

32 661 578 1 Testing-Pin Holder for Service G5

33 661 580 1 Testing-Pin Holder for Production

34 M68 170 1 Syringe Grease POLYLUB GLY151 6 ml

35 661 592 1 Assembly tool CFO RCC

36 661 591 1 assembly tool CFO Top/Door

37 641 950 1 GLUE LOCTITE NO.243; 50ML



40 M67 961 1 Service tool power measurement slide G5

41 M67 484 1 Update CompoMat G5 V01.01.06 USB-Stick

42 M68 314 1 dynamometric screwdriver 10-80cNm

43 M68 315 1 dynamometric screwdriver 40-250cNm

44 M68 316 1 reversing blade 6mm with 1/4”-bit-drive

45 M68 317 1 reversing blade 6mm with external square

46 M68 318 1 hexagon socket wrench - SW7

12-26 Fresenius Kabi CompoMat G5 SM-EN 3/11.10

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