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Assignment (Writing Body and Concluding Paragraph)

HI A1 / Engilsh II

Nama : Hamied Endrianto

NIM : 20210510295

Program Studi : Hubungan Internasional (Reguler)

Dosen Pengampu : Bunga Ikasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Study Abroad

If you want to learn about someone walk a mile in their shoes, what is the greater way
to understand another culture's point of view than studying abroad? Studying abroad is a life
changing opportunity that benefits not only you but our nation and the world. I am going to
tell you how you can during college by studying abroad. For the past couple of weeks I have
been researching this topic, and because of what I have learned from this research I have
decided to study abroad at some point during my college years. First I will define what
studying abroad is. Secondly I will discuss the benefits that studying abroad gives you.
Thirdly I will talk about how affordable studying abroad is and the scholarships that are
possible. Lastly I will give you a visualization.

What study abroad is, well the education board for abroad defines studying abroad
simply as a program in which students attend school in a country outside and receive
academic credit toward their major. Think of what studying abroad can do for your career.
Studying abroad is so much fun you will forget that you are gaining academic credit while
visiting another country. Not to mention the knowledge and experience that can help you
succeed in future career options. The studying abroad experience is a great addition to any
resume and can help you snag the job of your choice. By studying abroad, it gives you that
extra edge that employers might be looking for. Employers desks are covered with stacks of
applications but your experience from studying abroad will set you apart from other well
qualified applicants.

A common myth most people think is that studying abroad is expensive, but it
actually is affordable. I understand that studying abroad can be very expensive for some of
us, that's why they choose not studying abroad, but the study abroad programs offer many
different scholarships and grants to make it more affordable to you and your family. Plus,
your financial aid and scholarships you may already have can transfer over. Most students
don’t believe that they can get scholarships for study abroad. Most students look for financial
scholarships, when they should be looking for ability based scholarships. The programs try to
make it as least as expensive as possible unlike if you were to vacation there with your
family, it would be five times more expensive.
Here are some tips that you can follow about studying abroad. Try to picture a world
where people are not allowed to leave the country that they are born in. Imagine the
consequences we would face if we ignored the world around us. Lack of knowledge and
understanding of other cultures could lead to disaster. Every culture benefits from the
traditions, beliefs, values, and experiences of other cultures. The world is a better place when
there is understanding among different cultures. Therefore, if you study abroad you can be an
essential part of keeping the world together.

The rising benefits of studying abroad are undeniable and affordable. Going to a
different country can be scary, but it can also be fun. You learn a different culture, language,
and view on the world. There will be so many stories that you will never forget about from
your time abroad. You will not regret it. Other critics may say that it is a waste of time and
will not help you in the long-term with your career. Employers do value seeing you have
study abroad. It gives them the impression that you are adaptable, open to new experiences,
and you have experienced a culture beyond your own. Overall, there are many opportunities
for you to discover overseas in college. Everyone that I have spoken to that has study abroad
claimed it was the best experience of their life. I leave you with this quote from Henry Miller
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Go explore the world,
discover yourself, and study abroad!

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