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Mechanisms of Cell Volume Regulation in the Proximal Segment of the


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4 authors, including:

Celso Caruso-Neves Luiz Onuchic

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro University of São Paulo


Aníbal Gil Lopes

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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J. MembraneBiol. 146, 47-57 (1995) The Journal of

9 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1995

Mechanisms of Cell Volume Regulation in the Proximal Segment of the Malpighian

Tubule of Rhodnius neglectus

I.R. Arenstein 1, C. Caruso-Neves 2, L.F. Onuchic 1, A.G. Lopes 2

1Departmentof Physiology, Instituto de Ci~ncias Biom6dicas, Universidadede Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
eInstituto de BioffsicaCarlos Chagas Filho, UniversidadeFederal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Received: 20 September 1994/Revised: 7 March 1995

Abstract. The cell volume regulation of the lower seg- Introduction

ment cells of the Malpighian tubule of Rhodnius neglec-
tus in anisosmotic media was evaluated by using video- Most cells are able to regulate their volume in hypos-
optic techniques. When the medium osmolality was in- motic medium with a typical regulatory volume decrease
creased with addition of 100 mM mannitol the cells (RVD). Only few cell types regulate volume in hyper-
shrank to a minimum of 16.84 + 2.62% and subsequently osmotic conditions by regulatory volume increase (RVI)
swelled towards their initial volume undergoing a typical (Montrose-Rafizadeh & Guggino, 1990; Hoffmann &
regulatory volume increase (RVI). Replacement of ei- Ussing, 1992; MacCarty & O'Neil, 1992; Onuchic et al.,
ther K + or Cl-or HCO 3 by Na +, gluconate and phos- 1992). Some cells, however, recover their volume when
phate, respectively, abolished the RVI response. Fur- exposed to hyperosmotic medium, with a typical RV1
thermore, the substitution of Na + by tetrarnethylammo- after a pretreatment in hyposmotic medium (Corasanti et
nium (TMA +) in isosmotic conditions led to cellular al., 1990; Hoffmann & Ussing, 1992; Onuchic et al.,
swelling and death. Addition of either amiloride 10 -4 M, 1992). In mouse medullary thick ascending limb, it was
anthracene-9-COOH 5 x 10.4 M, furosemide 5 x 10-4 M shown that the RVI depends on the antidiuretic hormone
or ethacrynic acid 5 x 10-5 M, also abolished RVI. On (ADH) (Hebert, 1986). It has been suggested that this
the other hand, addition of either Ba 2+ 10-3 M, SITS 5 x difference between the cell's capacity to regulate it vol-
10-4 M, ouabain 10-3 M or vanadate 10-3 M, did not ume in hyposmotic or hyperosmotic media developed
change the RVI response. When the tubules were incu- early in evolution and allowed animals to live in fresh
bated in hyperosmotic media with EGTA 2 rr~ or vera- water (Hoffmann & Ussing, 1992).
pamil 10-6 M, the RVI response was abolished. In con- In isosmotic conditions, cell volume regulation has
trast, a decrease of NaC1 concentration from 129 to 79 been explained by a "pump-leak" hypothesis, in which
rnM induced a cell swelling to a maximum of 33.11 + the (Na + + K+)ATPase is the crucial mechanism to main-
1.73%, but the cells maintained swollen, only partially tain Na + and K + gradients (Leaf, 1959; Tosteson &
regulating their volume. These results show that the Hoffmann, 1960). On the other hand, several groups
proximal cells of Malpighian tubule of R. neglectus are have found that in some cells volume regulation is re-
able to regulate their volume in hyperosmotic but only sistant to ouabain (Russo et al., 1985; Proverbio et al.,
partially regulating in hyposmotic solutions. The mech- 1989). These observations led some investigators to pro-
anisms in RVI involve Na +, K +, CI-, Ca 2+ and HCO 3 pose that a cardiac glycoside-insensitive sodium pump
transport pathways and a ouabain-insensitive ATPase plays an important role in cell volume regulation (Del
stimulated by Na § Castillo et al., 1982; Marfn et al., 1985; Proverbio et al.,
1986; 1989).
Key words: RVD - - RVI - - Cell volume regulation - - Cell volume regulation involves several steps before
Malpighian tubule - - Furosemide - - Ethacrynic acid the activation of its final effectors (Lewis & Donaldson,
1990; MacCarty & O'Neil, 1992; Hoffmann & Ussing,
1992). After the detection of the volume change, the cell
effectors have to be stimulated to start the regulatory
Correspondence to: A.G. Lopes response. The activation of effectors proceeds via sec-
48 I.R. Arenstein et al.: Cell Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule

o n d m e s s e n g e r s i n c l u d i n g C a 2+, cyclic A M P and others tip and a constriction of 45 pm. The perfusion pipettes were 1,200 gm
( M a c C a r t y & O ' N e i l , 1992). It h a s b e e n r e p o r t e d that long with a external diameter of 35 gm.
To allow the best exchange of luminal solution and to avoid
C a 2+ is i n v o l v e d in the R V D r e s p o n s e o f s o m e cells.
vibration, cell volume was always analyzed in cells placed close to the
I n s o m e others, C a ~+ does n o t s e e m to b e i n v o l v e d i n the
tip of the perfusion pipette.
R V I r e s p o n s e ( C a l a et al., 1983; F o s k e t t & Spring, 1985;
B e a r , 1990; P i e r c e & Politis, 1990; L e w i s & D o n a l d s o n ,
1990; M o n t r o s e - R a f i z a d e h & G u g g i n o , 1991; M a c C a r t y SOLUTIONS
& O ' N e i l , 1991; 1992; H o f f m a n n & Ussing, 1992). Thus,
the n a t u r e o f t h e s e c o n d m e s s e n g e r s c o n t r o l l i n g v o l u m e The control solution contained (in mg): 129 NaC1, 8.6 KC1, 8.5 MgC12,
r e g u l a t i o n varies a m o n g d i f f e r e n t cells. 2 CaC12, 4.3 Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4, 10.2 HCO3, 34 glucose and 3 ala-
nine, with final osmolality of 320 _+ 5 mOsm/Kg, The solution was
T h e first step in i n s e c t u r i n e f o r m a t i o n is t h e secre-
gassed with a mixture of 95% 02-5% CQ, and the pH was adjusted to
tion o f an i s o s m o t i c fluid i n distal s e g m e n t o f the M a l - 7.0. The hyposmotic solution had the same ionic composition as the
pighian tubule. In following segments including the control, except that NaC1 concentration was decreased to 79 mM, lead-
p r o x i m a l s e g m e n t o f M a l p i g h i a n tubule, h i n d g u t a n d rec- ing to a final osmolality of 220 _+5 mOsm/Kg. Hyperosmotic solutions
tum, solutes are r e a b s o r b e d selectively. D u r i n g diuresis, were prepared by adding 100 mM mannitol to the control solution, to
t r a n s c e l l u l a r fluid t r a n s p o r t across t h e s e i n s e c t e p i t h e l i a l obtain a final osmolality of 420 + 5 mOsm/Kg. Solutions free of Na+,
cells is v e r y fast (Phillips, 1981, M a d d r e l l & O ' D o n n e l l , K+, C1- and HCO~ were prepared by replacement of Na§ by with
tetramethylammonium (TMA+), K+ by Na+, C1- by gluconate and
1992). T h u s , b e c a u s e t h e c o n t e n t o f t h e s e cell e x c h a n g e s
HCO3 by HEPES. Ion substitutions were always made in both perfus-
e v e r y f e w m i n u t e s , it is i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e s e cells regu- ate and bath, simultaneously after the tubules had been equilibrated for
late t h e i r cell v o l u m e accurately. 20 min in the chosen isosmotic ion-depleted solution prior to the hy-
In this paper, w e s t u d y w h e t h e r t h e p r o x i m a l seg- perosmotic shock. To block the role of K+ and of C1- channels, 10.3 M
m e n t cells o f t h e M a l p i g h i a n t u b u l e o f R. neglectus reg- Ba2+ and 5 x 10.4 M anthracene-9-COOH were used, respectively.
ulate t h e i r v o l u m e in a n i s o s m o t i c s o l u t i o n s a n d i n v e s t i - To determine if the Na+/I-I+, CI-/HCO~ and Na+/K+/2CF cotransporters
were involved in the RVI response the follows specific inhibitors were
gate the m e c h a n i s m s i n v o l v e d in this r e g u l a t i o n . M o s t o f
added: 10 - 4 M amiloride, 5 x 10.4 u SITS and 5 x 10~4 M furosemide,
the p r e v i o u s studies c o n c e r n i n g t r a n s p o r t m e c h a n i s m s i n
respectively. Ouabain and vanadate were added to the bath at concen-
the M a l p i g h i a n t u b u l e h a v e f o c u s e d o n distal cells ( M a d - trations of 10 -3 M and used to detect a possible role of basolateral
drell, 1969, Phillips, 1981, M a d d r e l l & O ' D o n n e l l , 1992, (Na+ + K+)ATPase in RVI. Ethacrynic acid 5 x 10.4 M was used to
N i c o l s o n , 1993). T h u s , i n this paper, w e c o m p a r e the determine if the ouabain-insensitive Na+-ATPase was involved in RVI
results o b t a i n e d in p r o x i m a l cells w i t h t h o s e o b t a i n e d in response. In the experiments where these drugs were added, tubules
distal s e g m e n t . were incubated for 20 min in isosmotic solutions containing the drug
prior to the hyperosmotic shock. In all experimefits, each condition
was studied during a period of 20 min.
Materials and Methods
Cell volume measurements were carried out by video-optical tech-
Male Rhodnius neglectus, fasted for 5-8 days, were used in the exper- niques similar to those used in previous publications (Guggino et al.,
iments. After decapitation, the animals were kept in isosmotic solution 1985; Lopes et al., 1988). Briefly, to evaluate cell volume, the level of
and the tubules were dissected out with thin tweezers (Dumont #5) focus of a 32x objective was adjusted near the center of the tubule
under a stereoscopic microscope. For the microperfusion experiments, lumen to get a longitudinal side view, which was observed in a tele~
1 mm long lower segments were cut with microsurgical needles (Cir- vision monitor. Besides file use of an air table to hold the microper-
con, Micro Surgical, USA) and transferred to the microperfusion cham- fusion setup, two basic procedures were employed to avoid undesirable
ber. The tubule was viewed through an inverted microscope (Dia- movements of the tubule during the experiments: (1) the tubule length
phot--TMD, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). The condenser lens was removed between the pipette tips was kept very short, and (2) the tubule was
and replaced by a revolving nosepiece containing a 40x water immer- positioned between the bottom of the chamber and the water-
sion objective (40/0,75 W, 160/-, Carl Zeiss, Germany). This lens was immersion lens used as a condenser. With this care, it was possible to
important both to allow a larger amount of light and to help to maintain obtain a laminar flow and a very stable preparation. By this means, the
a laminar flow in the perfusion chamber, which is essential to avoid cells were kept stable at the same focal plane during the whole proce-
vibration and to keep the tubule in focus. The condenser was changed dure, which was essential for the reliability of the results. Images of
to a 10x lens by rotating the nosepiece when a large light beam was the tubule were recorded during all the experiments. The frozen dis-
required in order to position the pipettes and perfuse the tubules under play of the video image on the television screen was used for the direct
a lower magnification. The tubules were cannulated and perfused ac- measurement of tubule diameter and cell height. The volume of a
cording to techniques used in a previous work adapted from the original constant tubule segment was calculated by means of a mathematical
ones described by Burg et al., 1966) to permit exchange of luminal and model based on the difference between its external and internal cylin-
peritubular solutions (Lopes et al., 1988). These modifications made it ders. The temporal resolution for cell volume measurements was lim-
possible to exchange the solutions of the bath or the lumen perfusate in ited by the system to a frame-by-frame sampling rate. However, due to
less than 5 sec. the slow rate of phenomenon, we took one measurement every minute.
The holding pipettes were drawn in a microforge in order to The total cell volume obtained under each experimental condition
obtain a 800 p,m long parallel section with diameter of 75 gm at the was normalized to the total cell volume of the same segment under
I.R. Arenstein et al.: Cell Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule 49

Table 1. Cell volume regulation during hyposmotic and hyperosmotic ~-@ I - - Hyposmotie I Isosmotic_
shocks, expressed in % of control volume
0-0 [ Hyperosmotic [ Isosmotic-
Hyperosmotic Hyposmotic 30

V1 -16.84 _+2.62 33.11 _+ 1.73

V2 -2.05 _+ 1.53 16.11 + 3.18
V4 19.14 + 2.74 -7.06 -+ 1.10 20
n 6 6
P values
V 2 vs. W0 NS <~0,05
V2 vs. V 1 <0.05 <0.05
V4 v s . V o <0.05 <0.05

Values are means _+SE expressed as % change of cell volume obtained

under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume 215
of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi-
ments. Ns = not statistically significant. V 0 = control volume in isos-
motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic or hy-
-10 Time (mln)
posmotic stress; V 2 = final % change during hyposmotic or hyperos-
motic stress; V 4 = % change after reintroduction of isosmotic solution.
Positive and negative values represent swelling and shrinking, respec- -20
Fig. 1. Cell volume regulation during hyposmotic and hyperosmotic
shocks expressed in % of initial volume. Experimental conditions are
control conditions, and the results are shown as percent cell volume shown at the top.
variation calculated by the following equation:

% cell volume change = (100V/Vo) - 100,

solutes, respectively. One representative experiment is
where Vo = control cell volume and V = cell volume under a given illustrated in Fig. 1. These results indicate that the prox-
experimental condition, as indicated in the table legends. imal cells of Malpighian tubule of R. neglectus are able
The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance to fully regulate their volume during hyperosmotic
(ANOVA), considering as factors the treatments. The magnitude of the shock. On the other hand, the regulation of cell volume
differences were verified " a posteriori" by the least significant differ-
in hyposmotic is incomplete.
ence statistical contrast test (Montgomery, 1976). The considered level
of significance was 0.05. The statistical comparisons for each experi-
mental group are shown in the tables. IONIC DEPENDENCE OF R V I RESPONSE

Results The dependence of RVI on K +, C1- or HCO~ is shown in

Table 2. In separate experiments, tubules were first in-
cubated for 20 rain in an isosmotic medium in which K +
VOLUME REGULATION DURING OSMOTIC SHOCK was replaced by Na +, C1- by gluconate, or HCO 3- by
HEPES. Substitution of these ions in both luminal and
To verify if the cells of Malpighian tubule were able to bath solutions did not result in a significant change in
regulate their volume in hyposmotic or in hyperosmotic cellular volume during this period. When these tubules
media, the osmolality of both intraluminal and bath flu- were exposed to hyperosmolality, the cells showed no
ids was decreased or increased, respectively. Table 1 RVI. Re-addition of K +, CI-- or HCO 3, in the hyperos-
shows that the cells' shrinkage occurred when the osmo- motic solution, restored RVI. Upon return to the isos-
lality was increased by the addition of 100 mM mannitol. motic solution the cell swelled, in a way similar to that
Following shrinkage, the cell volume returned to the ini- observed in Fig. 1. One of these experiments is shown in
tial value. This pattern is a typical response to cells dur- Fig. 2. When Na + was replaced by TMA +, even in isos-
ing RVI. In contrast, when the osmolality was decreased motic solution, the cell swelled and died (data not
by reduction of NaC1 from 129 to 79 mM the cells shown). Based on these results, we may conclude that
swelled, but only partially recovered. They remained the RVI depends upon Na +, K +, C1- and HCO~.
partially swollen after 15 rain of the osmotic shock. In
addition, upon return to normal osmolality, after a hy-
perosmotic or hyposmotic shock, the cells swelled or IONS TRANSPORT MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN RVI RESPONSE
shrank. This observed "undershoot" or "overshoot"
indicates that during the RVI or the partial RVD, there To determine the ion transport mechanisms involved in
occurs either an increase or a decrease of intracellular RVI, we utilized inhibitors of several transport process,
50 I.R. Arenstein et al.: Cell Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule

Table 2. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the Table 3. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the
absence of K§ C1- or HCO~, expressed in % of control volume presence of amiloride 10-~ M, expressed in % of control volume

0 K+ 0 C1- 0 HCO~ Amiloride

V1 -24.60 + 1.26 -20.94 5:1.39 -22.26 + 1.25 VI -17.04 + 3.30

V2 -18.89 - 2.90 -20.94 _+_1.39 -22.26 + 1.25 V2 -17.04 + 3.30
V3 -1.09 + 0.40 0 -1.26 5:0.69 V3 -17.04 + 3.30
V4 17.93 + 6.38 23.80 -+ 1.56 17.89 ---3.84 V4 -7.19 + 2.98
n 6 6 6 n 4
P value P value
V 2 vs. V o <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 V 2 vs. Vo <0.05
g 2 VS. V 1 NS NS NS V 2 VS. V 1 NS
V s vs. V 2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 V 3 vs. V 2 NS
V4 vs. V o <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 NS
V 4 vs. Vo
Values are means + SE expressed as % change of cell volume obtained
under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume Values are means + SE expressed as % change of celi volume obtained
of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi- under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume
ments. NS = not statistically significant. V o = control volume in isos- of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi-
motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic stress in ments. NS = not statistically significant. V o = control volume in isos-
the absence of the ions shown at the top of each column; V 2 = final % motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic stress in
change during hyperosmotic stress in the absence of the ions shown at the presence of amiloride; V 2 = final % change during hyperosmotic
the top of each column; V 3 = % change after re-addition of the ions stress in the presence of amiloride; V 3 = % change after amiloride
shown at the top of each column, still in hyperosmolality; V4 = % removal, still in hyperosmolality; V4 = % change after re-introduction
change after re-introduction of isosmotic solution containing all the of isosmotic solution, in the absence of amiloride. Positive and negative
ions. Positive and negative values represent swelling and shrinking, values represent swelling and shrinking, respectively.
a m i l o r i d e o n RVI. T h e p r e i n c u b a t i o n o f t h e t u b u l e for
2 0 rain in the i s o s m o t i c m e d i u m w i t h amiloride, d i d not
cr e - - e l - - 0mM I 148.1mM alter cell v o l u m e significantly. T h e t u b u l e w a s t h e n ex-
He03- ~--0 ] 0 mM [ 10.2 mIVl p o s e d to h y p e r o s m o l a l i t y in the p r e s e n c e o f this drug.
K§ ~--01 OmM I 8,6raM T h e cells s h r a n k w i t h o u t a n y R V I , e v e n after the d r u g
Hyperosmotie ] lsosmotic_ had been washed out under hyperosmotic medium. The
30- r e t u r n to i s o s m o t i c s o l u t i o n led to s o m e R V I , b u t to a
v a l u e t h a t w a s still l o w e r t h a n the c o n t r o l v o l u m e . O n e
o f t h e s e e x p e r i m e n t s is r e p r e s e n t e d i n Fig. 3. T h e s e data
are c o n s i s t e n t w i t h the c o n c l u s i o n t h a t a n a m i l o r i d e -
s e n s i t i v e p a t h w a y i n v o l v i n g e i t h e r N a + c h a n n e l s or Na§
r) lo
H § c o t r a n s p o r t e r s or b o t h is i n v o l v e d in RVI.
In the f o l l o w i n g g r o u p o f e x p e r i m e n t s , cells w e r e

0 initially i n c u b a t e d in i s o s m o t i c s o l u t i o n s i n the p r e s e n c e
30 40 50
o f 10 -3 M B a 2§ or 5 x 10 -4 U f u r o s e m i d e in b o t h l u m i n a l
Q n.)
-10 - a n d b a t h fluids ( T a b l e 4). B o t h d r u g s h a d n o e f f e c t o n
cell v o l u m e u n d e r i s o s m o t i c c o n d i t i o n s . W h e n the os-
Q,) -20 - m o l a l i t y w a s i n c r e a s e d in the p r e s e n c e o f B a 2+, the cells
shrank and recovered their volume completely. Thus,
R V I w a s n o t i n h i b i t e d b y B a 2+. O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , w h e n
the o s m o l a l i t y w a s i n c r e a s e d in t h e p r e s e n c e o f furose-
Fig. 2. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the ab- m i d e the cells s h r a n k w i t h o u t R V I . A f t e r w a s h o u t o f t h e
sence of K§ C1- or HCO3 expressed in % of initial volume. Experi- cells w i t h a f u r o s e m i d e - f r e e h y p e r o s m o t i c solution, t h e y
mental conditions are shown at the top. s w e l l e d to t h e i r initial v o l u m e . T h e r e t u r n to i s o s m o t i c
solution, in b o t h cases, p r o m o t e d cell s w e l l i n g a b o v e
t h e i r initial v o l u m e , as s h o w n in T a b l e 4. O n e r e p r e s e n -
as d e s c r i b e d in M a t e r i a l a n d M e t h o d s . T o s t u d y t h e pos- t a t i v e e x p e r i m e n t is s h o w n in Fig. 4. T h e s e data d e m -
sible i n v o l v e m e n t o f N a § volume regulatory o n s t r a t e t h a t K § p a r t i c i p a t e s in R V I p r o b a b l y t h r o u g h
m e c h a n i s m s (either N a c h a n n e l s or N a § + e x c h a n g e or Na+/K+/2C1 - c o t r a n s p o r t e r s .
b o t h ) , a n o t h e r g r o u p o f t u b u l e s w a s e x p o s e d to h y p e r o s - T o i n v e s t i g a t e C1- p a t h w a y s i n v o l v e d in the R V I
m o t i c s h o c k in t h e p r e s e n c e o f 10 -4 M a m i l o r i d e in b o t h response, a group of experiments were conducted with
l u m i n a l a n d b a t h fluids. T a b l e 3 s h o w s the e f f e c t o f addition of 5 x 10 ~ M a n t h r a c e n e - 9 - C O O H or 5 x 10 .4 M
I.R. Arenstein et al.: Cell Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule 51

Amiloride L - - IO'4M [ - - OM Fur~3~de ] 5x104M I - - 0 M

Hyperosmolie j Isosmotic__ Barium ~ _ _ 10"3M [ 0M

Hyperosmotic i
I -
Isosmotie --
~0 10 1 40-
r..) 12OO
0.[ i i i , i 30-
! 10 20 30 40 50
Time (min.) ,.~ 2o-

> I0-
o 7- 0,
10 20 .r ,0


Fig. 3. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the pres- -10 - C~=g~ Time (mm)
ence of amiloride expressed in % of intial volume. Experimental con-
ditions are shown at the top. ~) -20 -

Table 4. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the
presence of furosemide 5 x 10-4 M or Ba 2+ 10-3 M, expressed in % of Fig. 4. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the pres-
control volume ence of furosemide or barium expressed in % of initial volume. Ex-
perimental conditions are shown at the top.
Furosemide Ba 2+

V1 -19.45 + 2.12 -16.54 + 2.16 Table 5. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the
V2 -19.45 + 2.12 -1.42 + 1.34 presence of anthracene-9-COOH 5 x 10-4 M or SITS 5 x 10-4 M,
V3 -1.10 + 0.50 -0.41 _+0.20 expressed in % of control volume
V4 25.15 + 4.03 19.79 _+4.20
n 6 6 Anthracene-9-COOH SITS
P values
V 2 vs. Vo <0.05 NS VI -21.01 + 2.45 -21.79 +_ 1.51
V 2 vs. V 1 NS <0.05 V2 -19.63 _+3.00 -3.58 _+ 1.64
V 3 Vs. V 2 <0.05 NS V3 -12.98 _+4.92 -2.59 _+ 1.43
V 4 VS. V o <0.05 <0.05 V4 11.75 + 6.75 12.17 + 2.86
n 6 6
Values are means + sE expressed as % change of cell volume obtained P values
under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume V 2 vs. Vo <0.05 Ns
of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi- V 2 vs. V1 NS <0,05
ments. NS = not statistically significant. V o = control volume in isos- V 3 vs. V2 NS NS
motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic stress in V 4 vs. Vo <0.05 <0.05
the presence of furosemide or barium; V z = final % change during
hyperosmotic stress in the presence of furosemide or barium; V 3 = % Values are means + sz expressed as % change of cell volume obtained
change after furosemide or barium removal, still in hyperosmolality; V 4 under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume
= % change after re-introduction or isosmotic solution, in the absence of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi-
of furosemide or barium. Positive and negative values represent swell- ments. NS = not statistically significant. V o = control volume in isos-
ing and shrinking, respectively. motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic stress in
the presence of anthracene-9-COOH or SITS; V 2 = final % change
during hyperosmotic stress in the presence of anthracene-9-COOH or
S I T S ( T a b l e 5). T h e s e a g e n t s d i d n o t c a u s e a n y s i g n i f -
SITS; V 3 = % change after anthracene-9-COOH or SITS removal, still
i c a n t c h a n g e s in v o l u m e d u r i n g t h e i s o s m o t i c i n c u b a t i o n in hyperosmolality; V 4 = % change after re-introduction of isosmotic
period. Hyperosmotic shock in the presence of an- solution, in the absence of anthracene-9-COOH or SITS. Positive and
thracene-9-COOH or SITS, however, was followed by a negative values represent swelling and shrinking, respectively.
s i g n i f i c a n t cell s h r i n k a g e ( s e e T a b l e 5). T h e s e c e l l s w e r e
a b l e to r e c o v e r t h e i r v o l u m e in t h e p r e s e n c e o f S I T S
(3.58 + 1 . 6 4 % ) , b u t w e r e u n a b l e to r e c o v e r t h e i r v o l u m e m o s t l y l i k e l y i n v o l v i n g C1- c h a n n e l s . O n e r e p r e s e n t a -
with anthracene-9-COOH even after a washout with a t i v e e x p e r i m e n t is i l l u s t r a t e d in F i g . 5. It is i m p o r t a n t to
blocker-free, hyperosmotic solution. Re-addition of the stress that some C1-/HCO~ cotransporters are insensitive
i s o s m o t i c s o l u t i o n l e d to a c e l l u l a r s w e l l i n g o n l y in t h e to S I T S , as in t u r t l e b l a d d e r ( K o h n et al., 1990) a n d
presence of SITS, indicating that the participation of CI- c o l l e c t i n g d u c t i n t e r c a l a t e d c e l l s ( F u r u y a et al., 1991;
in t h e R V I r e s p o n s e is m e d i a t e d b y a n a n t h r a c e n e - 9 - S c h u s t e r , 1993). T h e r e f o r e , it c a n n o t b e i n f e r r e d f r o m
COOH-sensitive and not a SITS-sensitive pathway the SITS insensitivity of RVI that the anion cotransport-
52 I.R. Arenstein et al.: Cell Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule

Anthracene- T a b l e 6. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the

9-COOH } - - 5x104M- [ _ 0M_
presence of ouabain 10 -3 M, vanadate 10-3 M or ethacrynic acid 5 x
SITS t-- 5 x 104M [ 0M 10-5 M, expressed in % of control volume
_ _ Hyperosmotic _ _ i ]sosmotic- -
Ouabain Vanadate Ethacrynic

20 V1 -16.75_+2.93 -19.18_+0.50 -15.43-+3.09

V2 - 2 . 1 2 + 0.92 - 2 . 6 0 +__2.05 -15.43 + 3.09
,s= V3 -1.16+0.60 -2.45_+2.11 -0.37_+0.30
Q) 10
V4 22.06 -+ 2.97 12.70 _+9.25 20.70 + 3.67
n 3 6 6
0 -- I P value
E 20 30 so V 2 vs. Vo NS NS <0.05
O Time (min.) V 2 vs. V~ <0.05 <0.05 NS
~;~ -10
V 3 vs. V 2 NS NS <0.05
V 4 vs. V o <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Q,) -20
Values are means _+ SE expressed as % change of cell volume obtained
under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume
of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi-
ments. NS = not statistically significant. V o - control volume in isos-
Fig. 5. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the pres-
motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic stress in
ence of anthracene-9-COOH or SITS expressed in % of initial volume.
the presence of ouabain, vanadate or ethacrynic acid; V 2 = final %
Experimental conditions are shown at the top.
change during hyperosmotic stress in the presence of ouabain, vanadate
or ethacrynic acid; V 3 = % change after ouabain, vanadate or ethacrynic
acid removal, still in hyperosmolality; V 4 = % change after re-
introduction or isosmotic solution, in the absence of ouabain, vanadate
ers do not play a role in this process. This is especially
or ethacrynic acid. Positive and negative values represent swelling and
true because the dependence of RVI on HCO~ in the shrinking, respectively.
medium is consistent with the participation of a HCO 3-
dependent anion cotransporter. Ethacrynic
To determine whether primary active transport Acid ~ - - 5x 104M 0 M -- 1

mechanisms generate the ionic gradients responsible for Vanadate 10-3M 0M I

(>-O I - -
volume regulation, hyperosmotic shock was induced in
Ouabain _ _ 10-3M 0M I
the presence of either 10 -3 M ouabain, 10-3 M vanadate or
5 x 10-5 M ethacrynic acid (Table 6). The incubation of Hyperosmotic _ _ I Isosmotic __

tubules in an isosmotic solution with these drugs did not

significantly change cell volume. When the hyperos-
motic shock was induced in the presence of ouabain, 20

vanadate or ethacrynic acid the cells shrank. RVI was

abolished by ethacrynic acid but not by ouabain or van- Q) 10
adate. When the cells were washed with hyperosmotic
solution in absence of ethacrynic acid, full RVI was ob-
served. In three experimental conditions, return to isos-
~,1 0 , L ~ I
T ~_ _ _ .2_~ .~ e ~ 3 0. 4~ ime ( r a i n ' ;
motic solutions led to cellular swelling. One representa- O -10
tive experiment is shown in Fig. 6.
~) -20
It was reported that, in several cells, RVI response is
independent of the intracellular Ca 2+ concentration (Ho- Fig. 6. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the pres-
ffmann & Ussing, 1992; MacCarty & O'Neil, 1992). ence of ouabain, vanadate or ethacrynic acid expressed in % of initial
Therefore, to verify if the RVI response is dependent on volume. Experimental conditions are shown at the top.
extracellular Ca 2§ the Malpighian tubule was exposed to
hyperosmotic medium in the presence of 2 mM EGTA or
10.6 M verapamil (blocker of voltage dependent Ca 2§ added or verapamil was removed the cells showed a
channels). Initially, the cells shrank to a minimum in the typical RVI response. The return to isosmotic solution
presence of EGTA and verapamil, respectively. In both promoted the increase of cell volume (Table 7). A typ-
cases, RVI response was abolished. When Ca 2+ was re- ical experiment is shown in Fig. 7.
I.R. Arenstein et al.: Ceil Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule 53

Table 7. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the Ve<~-~ t 10-6M I OM
presence of EGTA 2 mM or verapamil 10-3 M
EGTAI 2x 10"3M I 0M
EGTA Ver~amil Hypcrosmolie ] lsosmotic __

V1 -22.00 _+ 1.70 -15.39 + 1.84 0 30 ]

V2 -19.57 + 1.23 -15.39 • 1.84
V3 -1.79 + 0.45 -3.14 • 1.20
V4 11.66 • 4.05 16.00 • 6 . 6 0
n 6 6 [,,) 10
P values
V2 vs. Vo <0.05 >0.05
V 2 vs. V 1 NS NS
V 3 v s . V2 <0.05 <0.05
V 4 vs. Vo <0.05 <0.05 -10 - ~ Time (rain.)

Values are means _+SE expressed as % change of cell volume obtained

under each experimental condition normalized to the total cell volume ~.) -20 -
of the same segment under control conditions, n = number of experi-
ments. NS = not statistically significant. V o = control volume in isos- -30
motic solution; V 1 = maximal % change during hyperosmotic stress in
the presence of EGTA or verapamil; V 2 = final % change during Fig. 7. Cell volume variations during hyperosmotic shock in the pres-
hyperosmotic stress in the presence of EGTA or verapamil; V 3 = % ence of EGTA or verapamil expressed in % of initial volume. Exper-
change after EGTA or verapamil removal, still in hyperosmolality; V 4 imental conditions are shown at the top.
= % change after the re-introduction of isosmotic solution, in the ab-
sence of EGTA or verapamil. Positive and negative values represent
swelling and shrinking, respectively.
mechanisms involved in the short term response of RVI
of some of these cells require the presence of specific
hormones in solution (Hebert, 1986) or specific pre-
Discussion osmotic exposure to be activated (Montrose-Rafizadeh &
Guggino, 1990). In contrast, in proximal cells of the
In the present work, we have used video-optical tech- Malpighian tubule: (1) volume regulation in hyperos-
niques similar to those used previously (Guggino et al., motic stress is acutely established by ionic uptake, with-
1985; Lopes et al., 1988; Onuchic et al., 1992) to study out the need of pre-activation processes; (2) the RVI
the cell volume regulation in proximal cells of Mal- response observed was complete, whereas RVD was in-
pighian tubule of R. negIectus exposed to hyperosmotic complete; and (3) several ionic mechanisms seem to be
or hyposmotic solutions. These cells regulate their vol- involved in the RVI response, giving the cell a handful of
ume in hyperosmotic medium with a typical RVI, but possibilities to regulate volume. Therefore, we postulate
they are not able to regulate completely their volume in that, in general, insect Malpighian tubule cells may reg-
hyposmotic medium (i.e., they do not show a full RVD). ulate their volume in hyperosmolality using ionic trans-
These results are in contrast with the data obtained in porters independent of pre-activation mechanisms, while
previous studies performed on amphibian and mamma- renal mammalian cells might require organic osmolyte
lian cells (Ussing, 1982; Hoffmann et al., 1984; Davis & dependent or pre-activated processes to regulate cell vol-
Finn, 1985). Several studies have shown that: (1) many ume in hyperosmotic stress. On the other hand, insect
mammalian renal epithelial cells regulate their volume in Malpighian tubule cells may require prestimulation ei-
hyposmolality but fail to completely regulate cell volume ther by hormones or previous activation of transport sys-
when submitted to hyperosmotic stress (Montrose- tems for complete RVD. This might be attributed to ev-
Rafizadeh & Guggino, 1990; Onuchic et al., 1992); (2) olutionary adaptation of animal cells, such as different
organic osmolyte accumulation may contribute to RVI in basal or variations of environmental osmolality to which
renal medullary cells, although no direct evidence has the cells are submitted, as well as by different functions.
been shown so far. This process may involve uptake However, further experiments are still required to test
from extracellular compartment (Nakanishi et al., 1988) this hypothesis.
or intracellular synthesis of organic solutes (Bagnasco et The observation that replacement of Na § by TMA §
al., 1988). While the incorporation of extracellular ions promoted cell swelling and death in isosmotic medium
constitutes an acute response (Hebert, 1986), the organic indicates that cell volume regulation in basal state re-
osmolyte mechanisms are slow and progressive, consti- quires Na § The addition of amiloride abolished RVI,
tuting probably a second line of cell volume defense. suggesting that Na § participates in RVI either through a
These processes are more stable and may refine the abil- Na+/I-I+ exchanger or/and Na + channels. It has been well
ity to regulate cell volume, and (3) the electrolyte uptake known that Na § transport pathways inhibited by
54 I.R. Arensteinet al.: Cell VolumeRegulationin MalpighianTubule

amiloride play a central role in fluid secretion in the HCO 3. As a consequence, the parallel function of these
distal portions of the Rhodnius Malpighian tubule (Mad- transporters results in the exchange of osmotically active
drell, 1969; Gee, 1976; Phillips, 1981; Baldrick et al., for osmotically inactive particles, represented by the in-
1988; Maddrell & O'Donnell, 1992; Nicolson; 1993). flux of Na + and C1- and the outflow of CO 2 and H20
Phillips (1981), proposed that the amiloride-sensitive (Cala, 1980; Hoffmann & Ussing, 1992). Despite the
Na § transport is energized by a "second Na § pump," SITS-insensitivity, we did observe that the RVI response
located in the basolateral membrane. More recent obser- requires the presence of HCO 3 in medium. For these
vations are compatible with the presence of an amiloride- reasons, we postulate that there may be a SITS-
sensitive Na+/I-I+ cotransport in the luminal membrane of insensitive CI-/HCO~ antiporter involved in RVI re-
the distal portion of the Malpighian tubule, energized by sponse of Malpighian tubule of R. neglectus.
H+-ATPase located in same membrane (Maddrell & The present data clearly indicate that RVI is inhib-
O'Donnell, 1992; Nicolson, 1993). In addition, it has ited by anthracene-9-COOH, a well known C1--channel
been shown that the basal Na § permeability of this seg- blocker. It has been reported in previous studies the par-
ment is low. On the other hand, it has been proposed that ticipation of C1- channels in RVD response in several
there is a Na § channel stimulated by cAMP that is cell types, but not in RVI response (Knoblauch et al.,
present in the same portion of Aedes and Glossima Mal- 1989; Hoffmann & Ussing, 1992; McCarty & O'Neil,
pighian tubules (Nicolson, 1993). Sawyer & Beyenbach 1992; Onuchic et al., 1992). The presence of CI- chan-
(1985) also working with fluid secretion in the distal nels in the apical membrane of the Malpighian tubule
portion of Aedes Malpighian tubules showed that addi- cells involved in fluid secretion has been described
tion of cAMP depolarizes Vb (basolateral voltage) but (Maddrell, 1969; Phillips, 1981; O'Donnell & Maddrell,
has no effect no Va (apical voltage), indicating that the 1984; Wright & Beyenbach, 1987; Nicolson, 1993).
Na + channel is located in the basolateral membrane. The Moreover, the CI- electrochemical gradient in apical
electrochemical gradient for Na + favors the influx across membrane favors C1- secretion. It becomes difficult then
the basolateral membrane (Maddrell, 1969; Phillips, to postulate that apical CI- channels are involved in RVI
1981). response. However, because the CI- electrochemical
Because 5-8 day-fasting animals were used in the gradient in the basolateral membrane favors the C1- up-
present experiments, we expect that the level of diuretic take, it is possible that there are CI- channels in the
hormone is very low (Beyenbach & Petzel, 1987). basolateral membrane that activate only during RVI re-
Therefore, we postulate that in the antidiuretic state that sponse (Maddrell, 1969; Phillips, 1981; Hevert, 1984).
the Na+/H+ antiporters and/or amiloride-sensitive Na + In agreement with this hypothesis, there is evidence that
channels, which are involved in fluid secretion in the Cu2+-sensitive anionic channels are indeed present in the
diuretic state, may participate in the RVI response during basolateral membrane (Phillips, 1981). Following the
periods of antidiuresis. Our observation that replace- electroneutrality principle, the participation of CI- chan-
ment of Na + by TMA § in isosmotic solutions induces cell nel in RVI response may indicate that the mechanism of
swelling and death suggests that Na+-dependent transport Na + transport during RVI could be through Na + channels
pathways may also be important in maintaining cell ho- in addition to a Na+/H+ antiporter. However, in this pa-
meostasis in resting conditions. On the other hand, if we per, whether the amiloride effect was through the Na+/H+
consider that the Malpighian tubule plasma membrane is antiporter or through the Na § channel was not further
permeable to TMA +, the favorable gradient could ex- investigated.
plain the cell swelling caused by TMA + influx. Since the effects of amiloride on the Na+/I-I+ an-
In our experiments, SITS did not change the RVI tiporter or Na § channel and anthracene-9-COOH on the
response, suggesting the independence of this mecha- CI- channel are readily reversible, the present observa-
nism on a SITS-sensitive C1-/HCO5 antiport. The par- tion of an irreversible action could also indicate that
ticipation of this transporter in fluid secretion also had these drugs disrupt cell volume regulation through dif-
been ruled out (Phillips, 1981, Nicolson, 1993). On the ferent amiloride- and anthracene-9-COOH-sensitive
other hand, most of the animal cells studied so far that pathways.
regulate volume using a Na+/H+ antiporter also utilize a The inhibition of the RVI promoted by substitution
C1-/HCO~ antiporter in this process (Ericson & Spring, of K + by Na + could be explained by the K + depletion
1982; Grinstein et al., 1984; Cala, 1985; Hoffmann et al., established during the 20-min removal of K + during the
1992). In these cells, both antiporter and exchanger isosmotic equilibrium period. The intracellular K § is
work together to support net CF and Na + influx in hy- necessary to sustain the (Na§ + K+)ATPase and in its
perosmotic solutions. This operates because the ex- absence would inhibit the enzyme activity. However,
change of Na + for I-V increases intracellular pH and this possibility can be ruled out because addition of oua-
HCO~ concentration. Higher HCO~ concentrations en- bain and vanadate, blockers of the (Na§ + K+)ATPase,
hance the C1-/HCO~ exchange, resulting in the net did not inhibit the RVI response. Therefore, we con-
movement of C1- into the cell and removing excess clude the involvement of K+ in RVI could be through
I.R. Arenstein et al.: Cell Volume Regulation in Malpighian Tubule 55

Na+/K+/2C1- cotransporter, as it has been shown in other Basolateral lntracellular

cells (Gargus & Slayman, 1980; Mercer & Hoffman,
1985; Montrose-Rafizadeh & Guggino, 1990; Hoffmann
& Ussing, 1992). It has been proposed that this trans- Na+@
porter is involved in fluid secretion of the Malpighian ( Furosemide~ "[
tubule, and that it is located in the basolateral membrane ~thacrynic Aeid~ ~ ~ Na+
Z ~2C1-
(Maddrell, 1969; Gee, 1976; Phillips, 1981; O'Donnell
& Mad&ell, 1984; Nicolson, 1993). This possibility is
supported further by the observation that the addition of
furosemide, an inhibitor of Na+/K+/2C1- cotransporter, [ Amiloride
blocked the RVI response.
Some cells exhibit a volume regulatory response ~'C ~ Na+
which is insensitive to ouabain (Russo et al., 1985, Pro-
verbio et al., 1989). In our experiments, we observed aco,- L. Cl-
that even with the addition of very high concentrations of
ouabain or vanadate the cells shrank after hyperosmotic --C
shock followed by a typical RVI. On the other hand, the
addition of ethacrynic acid abolished RVI. Ethacrynic
[ .ceno z cl-
acid can be associated with the possible inhibition of the
Na+/K+/2C1- cotransporter, as described in other ceils [ Verapamil y Zll~Ca++
(O'Grady et al., 1987). But, it is also known that this
drug blocks a ouabain-insensitive pump (Proverbio et al.,
Fig. 8. Working model showing postulated transporters involved in
1989). These observations could be interpreted to indi- cell volume regulation in the Malpighian tubule during hyperosmotic
cate that the primary active transport involved in RVI in shock. Inhibitors of the different pathways shown in boxes.
the Malpighian proximal tubules after hyperosmotic
stress is via a ouabain-insensitive, ethacrynic acid- proximal tubule cells. It seems that these channels are
sensitive Na + pump (Proverbio et al., 1989). Similar inactive in isosmotic medium and would activate in hy-
pumps have been proposed to be present in other cells, perosmotic solutions increasing the intracellular concen-
where after swelling, they regulate volume by a ouabain- tration of Ca >. Thus, increases in intracellular Ca 2+
insensitive mechanism (Whittembury & Proverbio, concentration would stimulate the volume regulatory
1970; Del Castillo et al., 1982; Marfn et al., 1985; Pro- mechanisms either directly or indirectly (MacCarty &
verbio et al., 1986; Proverbio et al., 1989). It has also O'Neil, 1992). Because RVI is Ca2+-and verapamil-
been proposed that that the "primary" energy source for sensitive, it is possible that a similar mechanism partic-
fluid secretion in the Malpighian tubule is a Na + stimu- ipates in RVI in our insect tubules. Figure 8 illustrates
lated, ouabain-insensitive ATPase, located in the apical the possible membrane ion transport systems involved in
membrane (Maddrel, 1969; Gee, 1976; Phillips, 1981; RVI as discussed above: (1) Na+/H+ antiporter and/or
O'Donnell & Maddrell, 1984; Pannabecker et al., 1992). Na + channel; (2) CI- channels; (3) CI-/HCO 3 antiporter;
Thus, we postulate that the primary active transport in- (4) Na+/K+/2C1- cotransporter; (5) ouabain-insensitive,
volved in RVI could be this ouabain-insensitive, Na +- Na+-stimulated ATPase, and (6) verapamil-sensitive
stimulated pump. However, it has also been proposed Ca 2+ channels.
that the "prime mover" for fluid secretion in Malpighian Thus, we conclude that proximal segment cells of
tubule is a H+-ATPase in parallel with K+/H+ or Na+/H+ Malpighian tubules of R. neglectus regulate their volume
exchangers (Wieczorek et al., 1991; Bertram et al., 1991; effectively in hyperosmotic solutions but only partially
Nicolson, 1993). Thus, further experiments will be in hyposmotic solutions.
needed to prove our hypothesis.
Finally, this paper shows that RVI of the cells in the We thank Drs. Gerhard Malnic, Guillermo Whittembury and William
Malpighian tubule is dependent on extracellular Ca 2+ and B. Guggino for critical reading of the manuscript.
is mediated by verapamil-sensitive transport pathways. This work was supported by grants from the Funda~o de Amparo
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Projetos e Pesquisas-FINEP.
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