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Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

for Determination of Point of Origin


Nima Behrooz

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the degree of


Supervisor: Professor Sanjeev Chandra

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis for Determination of Point of Origin

Nima Behrooz
Bachelor of Applied Science
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto

This thesis investigates the accuracy of the method which is used to determine the origin
in bloodstain pattern analysis, namely, Stringing Method. This is accomplished by
generating blood patterns from a point source. The results show that the stringing method
is accurate in determining the origin on the horizontal plane. However, it fails to predict
the height accurately and over-estimates the origin. Thus, the proposed approach is to
apply the string method to as many stains as possible and take the lowest estimation as
the origin. The secondary goal of the project is to study the effect of drag force on the
motion of blood droplets. It is observed that the error due to neglecting the drag force is
significant and ignoring this force causes inaccuracy in analysis. The amount of error
varies from case to case and no pattern is found in the results. The variation is due to
dependence of drag force on droplet diameter and velocity which are different for each

To my mother and to my father


The author would like to thank Professor S. Chandra for his valued guidance throughout

this project. The appreciation is extended to L. Hulse-Smith of the Ontario Centre for

Forensic Sciences for his valuable support. The author would also like to thank Quality

Meat Packers for their donation of blood for the experiments. Financial support for this

project was provided by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Table of Contents
Abstract ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures viii
Nomenclature ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation.................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Objective................................................................................... ................ 2
1.3 Background................................................................................................ 2
1.3.1 Stringing Method............................................................................ 2
1.3.2 Well-Formed Stain......................................................................... 4
1.3.3 Determining the Impact Angle....................................................... 5
1.3.4 Drag Force on Blood Droplets....................................................... 6
1.3.5 Projectile Motion Equations........................................................... 6
2. Methods & Materials 8
2.1 Generation of Bloodstain Patterns............................................................. 8
2.1.1 Experimental Apparatus................................................................. 8
2.1.2 Needle Gauge Sizes........................................................................ 10
2.1.3 High-Speed Camera....................................................................... 10
2.1.4 Pre-testing with Water & Food Coloring Mixture......................... 11
2.1.5 Testing with Pig’s Blood................................................................ 11
2.1.6 Test Procedure to Generate Bloodstain Patterns............................ 11
2.1.7 Determining the Suspended Droplet Diameter.............................. 12
2.2 Analysis of Bloodstain Patterns................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Digitizing the Bloodstain Patterns.................................................. 14
2.2.2 Determining the Impact Angle....................................................... 14
2.2.3 Measuring Droplet Diameter and Initial Velocity from Video...... 15

2.2.4 Estimation of Initial Velocity & Height by Projectile Method...... 16
2.2.5 Drag Force Effect........................................................................... 17
2.2.6 Determining the Suspended Droplet Diameter from Videos......... 17
2.2.7 Procedure to Analyze Bloodstain Patterns..................................... 18
3. Results 19
3.1 List of Experiments.................................................................................... 19
3.2 Point of Convergence................................................................................ 19
3.3 Point of Origin........................................................................................... 21
3.4 Initial Velocity........................................................................................... 22
3.5 Experimental & Analytical Results........................................................... 25
4. Discussion 27
4.1 Point of Convergence................................................................................ 27
4.2 Point of Origin........................................................................................... 28
4.3 Initial Velocity........................................................................................... 31
4.4 Drag Force Effect...................................................................................... 33
4.5 Droplet Diameter....................................................................................... 34
5. Conclusion 35
References 36
Appendices 37
Appendix A..................................................................................................... 38
Appendix B...................................................................................................... 42
Appendix C...................................................................................................... 52

List of Tables
1 Table 1-1 – Different Stain Geometries.............................................................................. 5
2 Table 2-1 – Size of the Needles Used in the Experiments ............................................... 10
3 Table 2-2 – Physical Properties of Pig Blood & Human Blood ....................................... 11
4 Table 2-3 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 12 Needle Using Volume Method.................... 13
5 Table 2-4 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 12 Needle Using Mass Method ........................ 13
6 Table 2-5 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 12 Needle Obtained from the Videos ............... 13
7 Table 2-6 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 17 Needle Using Volume Method.................... 13
8 Table 2-7 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 17 Needle Using Mass Method ........................ 13
9 Table 2-8 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 17 Needle Obtained from the Videos ............... 13
10 Table 3-1 – List of Blood Experiments Used for Analysis .............................................. 19
11 Table 3-2 – Error Associated with Determination of POC Using Stringing Method....... 19
12 Table 3-3 – Average Height Determined by Stringing and Projectile Methods .............. 21
13 Table 3-4 – Percentage Error Associated with Different Approaches ............................. 21
14 Table 3-5 – Initial Velocity Measured by Different Approaches..................................... 22
15 Table 3-6 – Relevant Information .................................................................................... 25
16 Table 3-7 – Results of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis ......................................................... 25
17 Table 3-8 – Results Deduced from the Video .................................................................. 26
18 Table 3-9 – Effect of Drag Force...................................................................................... 26
19 Table C1 – Relevant Information on Test 1 ..................................................................... 53
20 Table C2 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 1 ............................................ 53
21 Table C3 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 1.................................................... 54
22 Table C4 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 1)......................................................................... 54
23 Table C5 – Relevant Information on Test 4 ..................................................................... 55
24 Table C6 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 4 ............................................ 55
25 Table C7 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 4.................................................... 56
26 Table C8 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 4)......................................................................... 56
27 Table C9 – Relevant Information on Test 5 ..................................................................... 57
28 Table C10 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 5 .......................................... 57
29 Table C11 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 5.................................................. 58

30 Table C12 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 5)....................................................................... 58
31 Table C13 – Relevant Information on Test 6 ................................................................... 59
32 Table C14 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 6 .......................................... 59
33 Table C15 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 6.................................................. 60
34 Table C16 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 6)....................................................................... 60
35 Table C17 – Relevant Information on Test 7 ................................................................... 61
36 Table C18 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 7 .......................................... 61
37 Table C19 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 7.................................................. 62
38 Table C20 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 7)....................................................................... 62
39 Table C21 – Relevant Information on Test 10 ................................................................. 63
40 Table C22 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 10 ........................................ 63
41 Table C23 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 10................................................ 64
42 Table C24 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 10)..................................................................... 64
43 Table C25 – Relevant Information on Test 15 ................................................................. 65
44 Table C26 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 15 ........................................ 65
45 Table C27 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 15................................................ 66
46 Table C28 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 15)..................................................................... 66
47 Table C29 – Relevant Information on Test 18 ................................................................. 67
48 Table C30 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 18 ........................................ 67
49 Table C31 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 18................................................ 68
50 Table C32 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 18)..................................................................... 68
51 Table C33 – Relevant Information on Test 21 ................................................................. 69
52 Table C34 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 21 ........................................ 69
53 Table C35 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 21................................................ 70
54 Table C36 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 21)..................................................................... 70
55 Table C37 – Relevant Information on Test 24 ................................................................. 71
56 Table C38 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 24 ........................................ 71
57 Table C39 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 24................................................ 72
58 Table C40 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 24)..................................................................... 72

List of Figures
1-1 Stringing Method and Point of Convergence.................................................... 3

1-2 Point of Origin Determined by Stringing Method............................................ 3

1-3 Well-Formed Stain............................................................................................ 4

1-4 Measuring Method of the Length and Width of a Stain................................... 4

2-1 Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Apparatus......................................... 9

2-2 Technique Used to Measure the Length and Width.......................................... 14

2-3 Technique Used to Measure the Velocity......................................................... 15

3-1 The Stringing Method Applied to Test 4.......................................................... 20

3-2 Detachment Process During the First 40ms...................................................... 23

4-1 Error Associated With Determination of Point of Convergence (Gauge 12)... 27

4-2 Error Associated With Determination of Point of Convergence (Gauge 17)... 28

4-3 Error in Determination of Point of Origin (Gauge 12)..................................... 30

4-4 Error in Determination of Point of Origin (Gauge 17)..................................... 30

4-5 Error Associated with Different Methods to Determine the Height................. 31

4-6 Comparison of Initial Velocity (Gauge 12)...................................................... 32

4-7 Comparison of Initial Velocity (Gauge 17)...................................................... 32

4-8 Percent Error due to Neglecting the Drag Force Effect.................................... 34

B1 Droplet Detachment Process of Test 1 & 4...................................................... 43

B2 Droplet Detachment Process of Test 7 & 10.................................................... 46

B3 Droplet Detachment Process of Test 15 & 18.................................................. 49

 Impact Angle

L Length or Major Axis of a Stain

W Width or Minor Axis of a Stain

FDrag Drag Force

CD Coefficient of Drag

ρ Density

v Velocity

A Frontal Area

Re Reynolds Number

D Diameter

μ Viscosity

y Height

y0 Initial Height

x Horizontal Displacement

x0 Initial Horizontal Displacement

v0 Initial Velocity

v0 y Initial Vertical Velocity

v0 x Initial Horizontal Velocity

0 Shooting Angle

t Time

g Gravitational Acceleration

vy Vertical Velocity

vx Horizontal Velocity

a Acceleration

Do Suspended Droplet Diameter

Q Droplet Volume

N Number of Droplets to Accumulate 2 ml

m Total Mass

d minor Suspended Droplet shorter Diameter

d major Suspended Droplet longer Diameter

BPA Blood Pattern Analysis

POC Point of Convergence

PO Point of Origin

1. Introduction
1.1 Motivation

Bloodstain patterns are among the most important evidence found at a crime scene

and a lot of information can be obtained from them. Forensic scientists analyze blood

stains by serological (such as studying DNA or determining the blood type),

electrophoretic and immunological methods (such as its identification, species

determination). However, a bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) can have an equivalent

value and sometimes it can be more important than the methods listed above [1].

Bloodstain patterns can provide valuable information about the events that occurred

during a crime and the actions that resulted in their creations. Blood Pattern Analysis

enables the forensic scientists to reconstruct these events and evaluate the statements of

crime participants and witnesses [2].

The importance of blood patterns was recognized over 100 years ago by Piotrowski

[3]. The first recognition of bloodstain patterns as evidence in a trial goes back to 1955 in

Ohio. Additionally, the first influential person in the field of bloodstain pattern analysis

was MacDonell [3]. He studied bloodstain patterns by performing experiments and

attempting to re-create patterns similar to those found at crime scenes. Also, he was able

to provide a formula to calculate the impact angle of a blood droplet from analysis of its

corresponding stain.

Despite the importance of bloodstain patterns, a lack of understanding can be found in

literature reviews and it seems that more research needs to be conducted in this field. One

of the main tasks in a blood pattern analysis is the determination of the point of origin or

height. The current technique, called “Stringing Method”, to determine the origin of a

blood pattern is not very accurate and it only results in a rough estimate. The flaws of this

technique will be explained in detail in the subsequent sections.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this project is to investigate the accuracy of the stringing method and

if possible provide a more accurate technique to determine the point of origin of a

bloodstain pattern. The secondary goal of this project is to investigate the effect of drag

forces on the motion of blood droplets. To accomplish these objectives, an experimental

apparatus is required to be designed. This apparatus must be capable of generating and

shooting a single droplet at different velocities. Using this test fixture, blood patterns are

generated and analyzed in order to achieve the project’s goals. Thus, this thesis project

consists of two main tasks which are as follows:

1) Design and fabrication of a blood pattern generator

2) Analysis of bloodstain patterns to complete the objectives

1.3 Background

1.3.1 Stringing Method

As Akin explains [4], the method in blood pattern analysis to find the point of origin

is based on finding the point of convergence (POC). When blood is dispersed from a

wound, some stains will have tadpole shapes and they tend to fan out around a common

point. If imaginary lines are drawn along the length of several stains, they will cross one

another at a common point, called the point of convergence. This point is taken as the

point where the victim was standing during the crime, figure 1-1 [4] on the next page.

Figure 1-1 – Stringing Method and Point of Convergence [4]

The point of origin is assumed to be above the point of convergence on the

perpendicular axis. The value of point of origin is calculated by measuring the distance

between a blood stain to the POC and multiplying this value by the tangent of the impact

angle, θ, figure 1-2 [4]. This technique uses trigonometry laws of a right-angle triangle to

find the origin but the actual path, taken by the blood droplets, is a parabolic trajectory.

Hence, the stringing method to determine the height results in an over-estimation.

Figure 1-2 – Point of Origin Determined by Stringing Method

1.3.2 Well-Formed Stain

The equations provided for the bloodstain analysis are applicable to “well-formed”

stains only. A stain is considered to be well-formed if it yields two identical halves when

it is divided along its major or minor axis, figure 1-3. The major axis (length or L) and

minor axis (width or W) are defined in this figure and the measurements of these axes

during the analysis are based on this definition [5].

Figure 1-3 – Well-Formed Stain [5]

When measuring the length and width of a stain, one must assume the shape of an

ellipse which covers the stain. All spines, tails or satellite spatters must be excluded from

the measurements, figure 1-4 [5].

Figure 1-4 – Measuring Method of the Length and Width of a Stain [5]

1.3.3 Determining the Impact Angle

If a stain can be considered to be well-formed, it is possible to calculate the impact

angle, θ, of that stain from its major and minor axes (the impact angle is defined as the

angle between the droplet’s velocity and the incident surface). The relation between the

axes and impact angle was identified by Balthazard [5] for the first time; thus, the credit

for the equation of impact angle is given to him. McDonnell [5] developed this concept

more by applying trigonometric functions and he formulated the following equation, also

known as Balthazard formula:

sin   (1)

Where θ is the impact angle, W is the width and L is the length of a stain. Additionally,

three types of stains can be produced based on the impact angle. King [6] was able to find

the range of angles over which each type is deduced, Table 1-1.

1Table 1-1 – Different Stain Geometries [6]

1.3.4 Drag Force on Blood Droplets

Any moving object which is immersed in a fluid experiences some forces from the

fluid flow. The force along the motion’s path of the body is called Drag and it acts in

opposite direction of the motion. In the case of blood droplets, air exerts a drag force on

the droplets which results in decreasing the speed. The value of drag force can be

calculated using the following equation:

1 
FDrag  C D  V 2 A  (2)
2 

where ρ is the fluid density, V is the flow velocity and A is the frontal area. CD is the

coefficient of drag which is a function of Reynolds number and it depends on the shape

of the object. The Reynolds number for a sphere is defined as:

Re  (3)

where ρ is the fluid density, V is the flow velocity, D is the diameter and μ is the

viscosity of the fluid [7].

1.3.5 Projectile Motion Equations

As it was previously stated, the blood droplets undergo a projectile motion. The

general equations for projectile motion that are used in the analysis are as follows:

Vertical Motion Equations:

y t    gt 2  voy t  y o (4)

v y t    gt  voy (5)

a y t    g (6)

voy  vo sin  o (7)

Horizontal Motion Equations:

xt   vx t  xo (8)

v x t   vox  vo cos  o (9)

a x t   0 (10)

Total Space Motion Equations:

v  vx2  v y2 (11)

tan   (12)

2. Methods & Materials
2.1 Generation of Bloodstain Patterns

2.1.1 Experimental Apparatus

The apparatus consisted of a nozzle (1/8” stainless steel tubing) that was connected to

a gas tank, filled with compressed air. The gas tank was equipped with a pressure

regulator which provided the desired pressure inside the tube. Since the pressure

regulator was not very accurate, a pressure gauge was added to the fixture to measure the

pressure. Also, a solenoid valve was placed between the tank and the nozzle to release the

air in the tube. This valve was controlled by a digital pulse generator that could open it

for any desired interval of time. The nozzle was connected to the solenoid valve and the

solenoid valve was connected to the pressure gauge using 1/4” stainless steel tubes. The

pressure gauge was connected to the pressure regulator using a polymer tube (1/2”

polyethylene tubing). The apparatus was mounted on a base support to avoid any possible

movement and consequent errors. The base prevented the movement of the test fixture in

the horizontal plane but it allowed vertical adjustments. This base was made by

aluminium frames and it was fixed in its location by placing heavy iron weights on it.

Additionally, a syringe was used in the test fixture to generate a single droplet. The

droplet was formed at the tip of the syringe’s needle by infusing small amount of liquid

into the needle. This droplet stayed attached to the tip as long as the surface tension

forces overcame its weight. The syringe was placed on a syringe pump which could

infuse liquid into the needle with different flow rates. This allowed to control the rate at

which the droplet size increases at the tip of the needle. Moreover, the needle was

connected to the syringe using a polymer tube (1/4” clear plastic PVC tubing) and it was

held vertically in front of the nozzle by a clamp and a support. Having a suspended

droplet in front of the nozzle, it could be shot at different velocities by blowing air at it.

This resulted in scattering of the suspended droplet into smaller droplets. These smaller

droplets underwent a projectile motion and produced a stain pattern some distance away

from the nozzle. The target surface used in the experiments was printing paper. A

schematic diagram of the apparatus is illustrated below in figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 – Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Apparatus

Finally, a high-speed camera was used to record what happens to the droplet during

its detachment from the needle. The camera was connected to the same pulse generator as

the solenoid valve in order to trigger the recording by the camera and the opening of

solenoid valve at the same time. Use of this camera provided valuable information such

as initial diameter, velocity and shooting angle of the suspended droplets. It must be

mentioned that the actual location of the camera was different from what is shown in

figure 2-1. In the actual setup, the camera recorded from the side view which would be

into the page in this diagram.

2.1.2 Needle Gauge Sizes

The experiments were conducted using stainless steel needles with two different

sizes. The nominal diameters of these two needles are presented in table 2-1.

2 Table 2-1 – Size of the Needles Used in the Experiments

Nominal Outer Nominal Inner
Gauge size
Diameter Diameter
12 2.769 mm 0.1090 in 2.159 mm 0.0850 in
17 1.473 mm 0.0580 in 1.067 mm 0.0420 in

2.1.3 High-Speed Camera

The high-speed camera, used during the experiments, was a Photron FASTCAM-

Ultima 1024 model. This camera was run with Photron FASTCAM Viewer which was

installed on a laptop.

During the experiments, the camera was placed such that it records the detachment

process from the side view. There was no specific instruction to set up the camera for

obtaining the best quality video and the setup was on a trial and error basis. Obtaining a

good quality video using this camera depended on the distances between the camera and

the droplet, and the camera and the light source. The camera and the light source were

placed on the opposite sides of the droplet such that the light source was faced directly

toward the lens of the camera. The lighting had to come from a diffuse source; hence, a

diffuser was placed in front of the light source. The camera and the light source were

placed about 0.5m and 1.5m away from the droplet respectively. The camera was run at

1024  512 resolution and the shutter rate was set at 1000 fps (frame per second).

2.1.4 Pre-testing with Water & Food Coloring Mixture

The apparatus was first tested using 1:1 mixture of water and food coloring. The pre-

testing of fixture was performed to detect possible equipment failures and test procedure


2.1.5 Testing with Pig’s Blood

The blood experiments were conducted using pig’s blood which was attained from

Quality Meat Packers, located in Toronto, Ontario. Fresh blood was taken from

slaughtered pigs and poured in test-tubes. The test tubes contained EDTA anti-coagulant

in order to avoid clogging and decomposing of the fresh blood samples.

Pig’s blood has similar physical properties to human blood and it can be used as a

good replacement for research purposes. The physical properties of these two types of

blood are presented in table 2-2.

3 Table 2-2 – Physical Properties of Pig Blood & Human Blood [8]
Human Blood Pig Blood Distilled Water
RBC Volume % 40.0-45.0 38.9-46.3 –
Viscosity (  10 Kg/ms)
3.8-5.1 3.4-6.1 1.0
Surface Tension (  10 N/m)-2
5.1-5.7 5.3-5.8 7.2
Density (Kg/m ) 1052-1063 1062 1000

2.1.6 Test Procedure to Generate Bloodstain Patterns

Prior to conducting the blood experiments, the syringe was filled with fresh blood and

it was placed on the syringe pump. The syringe pump was set such that fluid infusion into

the needle and droplet size increase were not too fast. This avoided uncontrollable

detachment of the droplet due to force of gravity. In addition, the pulse generator was set

to open the solenoid valve for 0.1ms in order to allow complete detachment of the droplet

from the needle. Then, the following steps were taken repeatedly to generate bloodstain


1) Connect the proper size needle to the syringe

2) Set the pressure in the tube to the desired pressure

3) Place 4 pages of paper in front of the apparatus

4) Clean the tip of the needle

5) Start the syringe pump to form a droplet at the tip of the needle

6) Check to ensure the droplet is in front of the nozzle

7) Generate a pulse to open the solenoid valve and shoot the droplet

8) Repeat steps 1 to 7 as necessary

2.1.7 Determining the Suspended Droplet Diameter

Two different approaches were taken to determine the average size of the droplets,

suspended from the needle. In the first method, the number of droplets to accumulate 2ml

of blood was counted. Then, the average droplet diameter, Do , was calculated using the

following equation:

Do  2  3 (13)

where Q is the volume and N is the number of droplets.

In the second approach, a specific number of droplets were accumulated in a

container and the mass was measured. Then, the droplet diameter was calculated by the

following equation:

Do  2  3 (14)
4N   Blood

where m is the total mass and N is the number of droplets.

The results of these experiments are presented below. The diameters measured from

the videos are also shown here for the purpose of comparison. The method to measure the

droplet diameters from the videos are explained in subsequent sections (for sample

calculations refer to Appendix A).

4 Table 2-3 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 12 Needle Using Volume Method

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
# of droplets to accumulate 2 ml 45 44 45
Droplet Diameter (mm) 4.40 4.43 4.40
Average (mm) 4.41

5 Table 2-4 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 12 Needle Using Mass Method

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Mass of 45 droplets in (g) 1.93 1.60 2.12
Droplet Diameter (mm) 4.26 4.00 4.39
Average (mm) 4.22

6 Table 2-5 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 12 Needle Obtained from the Videos
Test # Pressure [KPa] dminor (mm) dmajor (mm) diameter (mm)
1 20 3.20 3.53 3.42
4 40 3.38 4.65 4.18
5 40 3.06 4.11 3.73
6 40 3.24 4.77 4.19
7 60 3.21 3.95 3.69
10 80 3.34 4.83 4.27
Average (mm) 3.91

7 Table 2-6 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 17 Needle Using Volume Method

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
# of droplets to accumulate 2 ml 76 78 80
Droplet Diameter (mm) 3.69 3.66 3.63
Average (mm) 3.66

8 Table 2-7 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 17 Needle Using Mass Method

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Mass of 80 droplets in (g) 1.96 2.17 2.26
Droplet Diameter (mm) 3.53 3.65 3.70
Average (mm) 3.63

9 Table 2-8 – Droplet Diameter of Gauge 17 Needle Obtained from the Videos
Test # Pressure [KPa] dminor (mm) dmajor (mm) diameter (mm)
15 20 2.65 3.24 3.03
18 40 2.87 3.77 3.44
21 60 2.59 3.30 3.04
24 80 2.79 3.48 3.23
Average (mm) 3.19

2.2 Analysis of Bloodstain Patterns

2.2.1 Digitizing the Bloodstain Patterns

Once the bloodstain patterns were generated during the experiments, they were

allowed to dry. The results were photocopied and the photocopies were scanned into the

computer for further analysis. The digitized results were analyzed using ImageJ which is

an image processing and analyzing software. ImageJ is a free program which can be

downloaded for free at

2.2.2 Determining the Impact Angle

The impact angle of each stain was calculated by measuring its length and width, and

applying equation 1. ImageJ was used to measure these two values and the scale was set

in the program based on a known distance, scanned with each image. ImageJ has the

option of placing an ellipse on a picture; however, the ellipse can only be vertical or

horizontal. Thus, each stain, in the scanned pictures, was rotated so it was in vertical

direction. Then, according to the definition of a well-formed stain, an ellipse was cut out

of the stain and the length and width of this ellipse were measured, figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 – Technique Used to Measure the Length and Width

Figure 2-2 shows the actual stain, the ellipse which was cut out of the stain and the

major and minor axes. This figure shows the measurement of the stain 1 in test 4 which

was run by needle gauge 12 and pressure 40 KPa.

2.2.3 Measuring Droplet Diameter & Initial Velocity from Video

The diameter and initial velocity of some droplets were deduced from the videos

using ImageJ (the scale in the video was set using the outer diameter of the needles). In

the case that a droplet did not have a circular shape in the video, the diameter was taken

as the diameter of a circle that covers the same area. Moreover, the initial velocity of a

droplet was calculated by measuring the traveled distance between two different frames,

figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 – Technique Used to Measure the Velocity

t = 15 ms at frame 25 t = 25 ms at frame 35

Figure 2-3 shows the velocity measurement of droplet 10 in test 4 (needle gauge 12

and pressure 40 KPa). In this figure, the distance traveled by this specific droplet between

frames 25 and 35 was measured using ImageJ. The time interval between each two

consecutive frame was 1 ms; thus, in this case the traveling time was 10 ms. Knowing the

traveled distance by this droplet during a known time interval, its initial velocity was

calculated. This process was repeated to measure the initial velocity for all the droplets.

2.2.4 Estimation of Initial Velocity & Height by Projectile Method

As part of the analysis, it was assumed that the shooing angle of the stains was known

and the projectile motion equations were applied to determine the initial velocity and

height. Shooting angle was taken as zero in this case,  o  0 , since the nozzle was placed

horizontally and this assumption was validated from the videos. Then, the initial velocity

and height of each stain were calculated using the equations 18 and 19 which were

derived from the projectile motion equations. These equations and the derivation are

presented below:

Equations 5, 9 and 12 yield,

v y t    gt  v oy 

v x t   v ox  v o cos  o 
vy   gt tan v o cos  o
tan     tan   t  (15)
vx  v o cos  o g
x 0  0, y 0  0 

 o  0  v oy  0 

from equation 8, it is known,

xt   v x t  xo  xt   vo cos  o t (16)

Substituting 15 into 16:

tan  cos 2  o v02  x(t ) g

xt   vo cos  o t   v0  (17)
g tan  cos 2  o

since  o  0 , it yields:

xg tan vo
vo  (18) & t (19)
tan  g

in the equation 18, x was taken as the distance from each stain to POC. The traveling

time, t, was calculated using the equation 19 and it was substituted in the equation 4 to

find the initial height. To simplify the calculations, the negative signs were ignored and

the directions and signs were determined by inspections.

2.2.5 Drag Force Effect

One of the thesis objectives was to study the effect of drag force on blood droplets.

As explained, the drag force acts as an opposing force which causes a negative

acceleration in the motion of droplets. The effect of drag in the horizontal direction was

studied and two different cases were considered for the purpose of analysis. In the first

case, the effect of negative acceleration due to drag force was taken into account. In the

second case, the drag force was neglected from the calculations and results of these two

cases were compared. Two assumptions were made for the study; the first assumption

was that the shooting angle was zero. The second assumption was that the traveling time

for both cases was equal to the theoretical value which is 0.1324s (refer to Appendix A

for the calculation of this value). It was observed that the Reynolds number was in the

range of 150 for all the droplets; thus, the same drag coefficient was used in all cases.

When Re  150 , coefficient of drag for a sphere equals 0.9 (this value was taken from

figure 7.16 on page 482 in [7]).

2.2.6 Determining the Suspended Droplet Diameter from Videos

To confirm the results of blood experiments in section 2.1.7, the diameter of

suspended droplets were measured from the videos using ImageJ. The outer diameter of

the needles was used to calibrate the scale in the program. Since the suspended droplets

had a tear shape, both of the major and minor diameters were measured. Then, the

equivalent sphere diameter was calculated using the following equation:

Do  3 d minor d major

in equation 20, dminor and dmajor are the shorter and longer diameters of the suspended


2.2.7 Procedure to Analyze Bloodstain Patterns

In order to investigate the experiment results, an origin was assigned as a reference

point. The origin was set as the location of the projection of the suspended droplet on the

first page. The X axis was taken to be positive in the direction where the droplets were

shot and it was zero at the edge of the page. The Y axis was taken to be positive in

upward direction and it was zero on the page. Since all the suspended droplets were in

front of the nozzle, the height was the same for all of them and it was measured to be

86mm. To analyze the experiment results, the following steps were taken repeatedly for

each set of data:

1) Apply stringing method to determine POC and PO

2) Calculate the initial velocity and height by projectile method assuming  o  0

3) Calculate the droplet diameters and initial velocities from the video

4) Calculate the drag force effect

5) Measure the diameter of suspended droplets from the videos

6) Repeat steps 1 to 5 as necessary

3. Results
3.1 List of Experiments

The blood experiments were conducted with 2 different needle sizes and 4 different

pressures. Each case was run 3 times, producing 24 sets of data in total. For the purpose

of analysis, one set of data from each case was investigated. In addition, for one case all

the results were analyzed. Table 3-1 shows the list of experiments which were studied.

10 Table 3-1 – List of Blood Experiments Used for Analysis

Needle Gauge Size Pressure [KPa] Test number
12 20 1
12 40 4
12 40 5
12 40 6
12 60 7
12 80 10
17 20 15
17 40 18
17 60 21
17 80 24

3.2 Point of Convergence

The results of determination of POC using the stringing method, figure 3-1 on the

next page, are shown below, table 3-2. This table gives the offset from the actual origin.

11 Table 3-2 – Error Associated with Determination of POC Using Stringing Method
Test # Gauge Size Pressure [KPa] Error [mm]
1 12 20 5
4 12 40 -7
5 12 40 10
6 12 40 16
7 12 60 10
10 12 80 -3
15 17 20 -10
18 17 40 0
21 17 60 -5
24 17 80 -8
Average 0.8

Figure 3-1– Stringing Method Applied to Test 4 (needle gauge 12 and pressure 40 KPa)

Note: the number shown at the bottom of each image corresponds to distance to the actual origin.

3.3 Point of Origin (Height)

The height was determined by three different approaches. Other than the stringing

and projectile methods which were previously discussed, the third approach was to take

the origin as the lowest height determined by the stringing method. The actual height was

86mm in all cases. The results of analysis are presented below in table 3-3 and 3-4

(sample calculation of error percentage is available at Appendix A):

12 Table 3-3 – Average Height Determined by Stringing and Projectile Methods

Stringing Method Projectile Method
Test Gauge Pressure
Lowest Average Average
# Size [KPa] Standard Standard
Height Height Height
Deviation Deviation
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 12 20 92.0 150.0 64.6 74.7 32.0
4 12 40 102.0 138.1 43.2 70.2 19.2
5 12 40 134.7 177.7 37.2 87.9 17.6
6 12 40 109.0 130.1 21.7 67.1 10.1
7 12 60 92.4 113.0 18.1 56.1 9.3
10 12 80 83.2 123.3 31.3 61.6 16.6
15 17 20 90.1 112.6 28.9 58.1 13.1
18 17 40 106.7 124.8 22.9 63.4 11.7
21 17 60 76.4 101.3 18.8 50.9 7.5
24 17 80 89.8 120.1 31.9 60.0 14.1
Average 97.63 129.1 31.86 65.0 15.12

13 Table 3-4 – Percentage Error Associated with Different Approaches

Error %
Gauge Pressure
Test # Stringing Projectile Lowest Point in
Size [KPa]
Method Method Stringing Method
1 12 20 74.4 -13.1 7.0
4 12 40 60.6 -18.4 18.6
5 12 40 106.6 2.3 56.6
6 12 40 51.3 -22.0 26.7
7 12 60 31.4 -34.7 7.4
10 12 80 43.4 -28.4 -3.3
15 17 20 30.9 -32.4 4.8
18 17 40 45.1 -26.3 24.1
21 17 60 17.8 -40.8 -11.2
24 17 80 39.6 -30.2 4.4
Average 50.1 -24.4 13.5

3.4 Initial Velocity

The initial velocity was determined using two different approaches. First, it was

estimated using the equation 18, derived from the projectile motion equations. In the

second approach, the velocity was measured from the videos as explained in section

2.2.3. The results of the analysis are presented below in table 3-5 (sample calculation for

the error percentage is available at Appendix A). For the calculation of percent error, it

was assumed that the velocity obtained from the video is the actual velocity and the error

of projectile model was compared to that. In addition, the detachment process of droplet

from the needle in test 4 is shown in figure 3-2 on the next page. These pictures are taken

from the video at different times and they show what happens to the droplet during its

detachment from the needle in the first 40 ms (the detachment process of 5 other cases is

presented in Appendix B).

14 Table 3-5 – Initial Velocity Measured by Different Approaches

Projectile Equation Videos
Average Average
Gauge Pressure Error
Test # Initial Standard Initial Standard
Size [KPa] %
Velocity Deviation Velocity Deviation
[m/s] [m/s]
1 12 20 2.44 0.70 2.42 0.81 0.8
4 12 40 2.94 1.47 2.60 1.81 13.1
5 12 40 3.46 1.26 3.41 2.00 1.5
6 12 40 2.53 0.81 3.48 1.49 -27.3
7 12 60 3.45 1.00 3.60 1.78 -4.2
10 12 80 2.49 1.56 2.87 1.76 -13.2
15 17 20 2.64 0.78 4.37 2.32 -39.6
18 17 40 3.59 0.55 3.75 1.84 -4.3
21 17 60 3.52 1.38 3.96 1.96 -11.1
24 17 80 3.73 1.17 3.88 1.55 -3.9
Average -8.8

Figure 3-2 – Detachment Process during the First 40ms
Time Test 4 Time Test 4
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 40 [KPa] [ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]

t=0 t=10

t=2 t=15

t=3 t=20

t=5 t=25

Figure 3-2 – Detachment Process during the First 40ms (continued)
Time Test 4
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]




3.5 Experimental & Analytical Results

The experiment results of test 4 are presented below in tables 3-6, 3-7, 3-8 and 3-9 (for the sample calculations and results of other

tests refer to Appendix A and C respectively).

15 Table 3-6 – Relevant Information

Trial Number 4
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 40
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 4.18
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] -7

Table 3-7 – Results of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.84 1.69 36.52 148 109.6 1.40 0.11 59.3
2 1.96 1.32 42.34 170 154.9 1.35 0.13 82.9
3 2.3 1.38 36.87 179 134.3 1.53 0.12 70.6
4 5.64 1.9 19.69 285 102.0 2.80 0.10 49.0
5 2.08 0.61 17.05 355 108.9 3.37 0.11 59.3
6 5.19 1.51 16.91 397 120.7 3.58 0.11 59.3
7 3.43 1.23 21.01 613 235.5 3.96 0.15 110.3
8 2.94 0.61 11.97 655 138.9 5.50 0.12 70.6
Average 138.1 2.94 70.2
Standard Deviation 43.2 1.47 19.2
Error% 60.6 -18.4

17 Table 3-8 – Results Deduced from the Video
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Initial
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] Velocity [m/s]
1 0.55 Sphere 18 21 0.003 18.2 6.07
2 0.61 Sphere 18 22 0.004 19.54 4.89
3 0.76 Sphere 20 25 0.005 11.07 2.21
4 1.36 Non-sphere 24 30 0.006 13.65 2.28
5 0.65 Sphere 25 29 0.004 25.74 6.44
6 1.16 Sphere 25 32 0.007 11.26 1.61
7 1.59 Non-sphere 28 35 0.007 16.75 2.39
8 1.4 Non-sphere 34 37 0.003 8.36 2.79
9 1.34 Non-sphere 34 37 0.003 9.64 3.21
10 1.23 Sphere 25 35 0.010 14.35 1.44
11 0.92 Sphere 25 41 0.016 18.14 1.13
12 0.8 Non-sphere 33 41 0.008 12.62 1.58
13 0.63 Sphere 29 42 0.013 14.47 1.11
14 1.51 Sphere 19 42 0.023 20.14 0.88
15 1.72 Sphere 28 48 0.020 19.96 1.00
Average 2.60
Standard Deviation 1.81

18 Table 3-9 – Effect of Drag Force

Droplet Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# Diameter [mm] [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.55 6.07 222.6 4.73E-06 8.71E-11 51.1 355.8 803.7 125.9

2 0.61 4.89 198.9 3.77E-06 1.19E-10 29.9 385.4 647.4 68.0

3 0.76 2.21 112.0 1.20E-06 2.30E-10 4.9 249.7 292.6 17.2

4 1.36 2.28 206.7 4.08E-06 1.32E-09 2.9 276.5 301.9 9.2

5 0.65 6.44 279.1 7.43E-06 1.44E-10 48.7 425.8 852.7 100.2

6 1.16 1.61 124.5 1.48E-06 8.17E-10 1.7 198.3 213.2 7.5

7 1.59 2.39 253.3 6.12E-06 2.10E-09 2.7 292.8 316.4 8.1

8 1.4 2.79 260.4 6.47E-06 1.44E-09 4.2 332.6 369.4 11.1

9 1.34 3.21 286.8 7.85E-06 1.26E-09 5.9 373.3 425.0 13.9

10 1.23 1.44 118.1 1.33E-06 9.74E-10 1.3 179.3 190.7 6.4

11 0.92 1.13 69.3 4.58E-07 4.08E-10 1.1 140.0 149.6 6.9

12 0.8 1.58 84.3 6.78E-07 2.68E-10 2.4 188.2 209.2 11.2

13 0.63 1.11 46.6 2.07E-07 1.31E-10 1.5 133.8 147.0 9.8

14 1.51 0.88 88.6 7.49E-07 1.80E-09 0.4 113.0 116.5 3.1

15 1.72 1.00 114.7 1.25E-06 2.66E-09 0.4 128.9 132.4 2.7

4. Discussion
4.1 Point of Convergence

The experiment results show that the stringing method is an accurate technique to

determine the point of convergence. The average error was 0.8mm and the maximum

error among all the cases was only 16mm from the origin. It is worthwhile mentioning

that only a few well-formed stains were selected to find the POC during analysis but this

did not affect the accuracy. The offset of POC from the origin in comparison to the

distances between the stains and the actual origin is negligible. Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show

the offset of the POC from the origin for the cases that were studied during the analysis.

Thus, it can be concluded that the stringing method is an acceptable approach to

determine the origin on the horizontal plane.

Figure 4-1 – Error Associated with Determination of

Point of Convergence (Gauge 12)

Test 6
Offset From Origin [mm]

Test 5

Test 4
20 40 40 40 60 80


Pressure [KPa]

Figure 4-2 – Error Associated with Determination of
Point of Convergence (Gauge 17)

20 40 60 80
Offset from Origin [mm]






Pressure [KPa]

4.2 Point of Origin (Height)

The stringing method over-estimates the point of origin as expected. In the best case

scenario, the height is estimated to be 101.3mm with a standard deviation of 18.8mm.

This estimation corresponds to test 21 (needle gauge 17 and pressure 60KPa) and it is off

by 17.8% from the actual height of 86mm. The second best estimation is deduced in test

15 (needle gauge 17 and pressure 20KPa) and the error in this case is 30.9% which is a

significant error. The worst estimation is obtained in case 5 with a 106.6% error. The

average error using this approach is 50.1% which is a large error. Thus, it seems the

stringing method is not a reliable technique to determine the point of origin. Not only it

results in an over-estimation but also the error in the results varies significantly from case

to case.

The projectile technique is not very accurate but it gives a better estimation than the

stringing method. The errors with this method are mostly in the range of 20 to 30%. The

best estimation with this approach is 88.9mm (case 5 with needle gauge of 12 and

pressure of 40 KPa) while the worst estimation is 50.9mm (case 21 with needle gauge of

17 and pressure of 60 KPa). These two cases correspond to 2.3% and -40.8% errors

respectively. Furthermore, the average error with this technique is -24.4% which means

the projectile approach results in an under-estimation of the actual height. The possible

reason for this under-estimation can be due to neglecting the small vertical component of

initial velocity. It was assumed that the shooting angle was zero which was validated

from the videos. However, this does not mean that the vertical component is absolutely

zero. It must be noted that the droplet, suspended from the needle, is scattered in different

directions when air is blown at it. Thus, the applied force to the droplet is not absolutely

horizontal. The small vertical component of initial velocity causes a downward force,

especially in high pressure cases. This downward force results in faster landing of the

scattered droplets and shorter traveled distances in the x direction. Subsequently, a shorter

traveled distance yields an under-estimation of the point of origin. Moreover, this

method is not applicable with the current knowledge in the field of BPA. This case is

considered in the analysis for comparison purposes since it is similar to the theoretical

model. The projectile motion equations require another independent variable to be known

in order to be applicable. A possible component can be the impact velocity which in

conjunction with impact angle will provide enough information.

As a third approach, the point of origin is taken as the lowest estimation of stringing

method in each test. The best estimation with this approach results in 4.4% error while

the worst estimation yields 51.6% error. All other cases are off by less than 27% and the

average error is 13.5%. Figures 4-4 and 4-5 show the offset of the estimations from the

point of origin in each case using the three techniques discussed above.

Comparing the average error percentages of the three cases considered above, the

third approach seems to be the best. It has the least amount of error among the three

methods. At the same time, it can be used on the field with the current knowledge in

BPA. Figure 4-5 shows the error percentage in each case as well as the average error

deduced by each method.

Figure 4-5 – Error Associated with Different Methods to

Determine the Height
Test 5 Stringing Method
100 Lowest Point in Stringing
90 Method
Test 1 Projectile Method
70 Test 4
60 Test 6 Average
50 Test 10 Test 18
Error %

Test 24
40 Test 7 Test 15
Test 21
-10 20 40 40 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Pressure [KPa]

4.3 Initial Velocity

As was explained in the methodology section, the initial velocities were deduced

from two different approaches and the predicted velocity from projectile motions was

compared with the velocity measured from the videos. The results are in agreement with

fairly small error. The minimum error is 0.8% in test 1 (gauge size 12 and pressure

20KPa) and the maximum error is -39.6% in test 15 (gauge size 17 and pressure 20KPa).

The average error in determination of initial velocity is only -8.8% which is a small error.

Thus, it can be concluded that equation 18, used in the projectile method predicts the

initial velocity with good accuracy. Figures 4-6 and 4-7 show the values measured from

these two methods.

Figure 4-6 – Comparison of Initial Velocity (Gauge 12)

Projectile Motion
Initial Velocity [m/s]

Test 5 Test 6
Test 4



20 40 40 40 60 80
Pressure [KPa]

Figure 4-7 – Comparison of Initial Velocity (Gauge 17)

Projectile Motion

Initial Velocity [m/s]






20 40 60 80
Pressure [KPa]

4.4 Drag Force Effect

The effect of drag force on the horizontal motion of droplets was studied in the

analysis, the error percentage due to neglecting the drag varied a lot from case to case. No

pattern was identified in the results and in some cases the percent error was in the order

of 102. The variety of drag effect on the motion is expected since two factors affect the

value of this force, namely, velocity and diameter. The equations below show the relation

between the acceleration, velocity and diameter:

1  1  
FDrag  C D   AirV 2 A   C D   AirV 2  D 2 
2  2 4 

1  
C D   AirV 2  D 2 
FDrag 2 4  V2
a   Constant 
 Blood Q 4 D3 D
 Blood 
3 8

It can be observed that the acceleration is directly proportional to square of velocity and it

is inversely proportional to the droplet diameter. Changing any of these two factors has a

direct impact on the value of drag force which subsequently changes the error to

neglecting this force.

Figure 4-8, on the next page, shows the percent error obtained for different situations

if drag force is neglected. This graph shows that when the droplet size is small, drag force

must be taken into account. For bigger droplets, drag can be ignored for velocities up to

3m/s which will result in 10% error. Drag force must be considered in all high velocity

cases. Figure 4-8 also shows that the error increases exponentially when the droplet size

is very small or the velocity is high. This graph can be used to read the percent error due

to excluding the drag force from the analysis.

Figure 4-8 – Percent Error due to Neglecting the Drag
Force Effect

D = 0.2 mm D = 0.4 mm D = 0.6 mm D = 0.8 mm
D = 1.0 mm

D = 1.2 mm
Error %

50 D = 1.4 mm

40 D = 1.6 mm




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Velocity (m/s)

4.5 Droplet diameter

The droplets formed with the gauge 12 and 17 needles were 4mm and 3mm in

diameters respectively. The diameters measured in the blood tests are slightly bigger than

what was measured from the videos. There are two factors that contribute to this

difference. Firstly, the droplets measured from the videos are still attached to the needles.

However, in the blood experiments, the diameter of a detached droplet is deduced which

is expected to be bigger than a suspended droplet. Secondly, forming a droplet at the tip

of the needle is a subjective process and droplets with different diameters can be formed

at the needles. This does not apply to the case where droplets are detached from the

needles and accumulated in a container.

5. Conclusions
The objective of the project was to investigate the accuracy of the stringing method

and provide a more accurate approach. Experiments confirmed that stringing method is

accurate in determining the point of convergence but it over-estimates the point of origin

and the error associated with this technique is significant. The average error was 50.1% in

this analysis. The projectile method, which is similar to the mathematical model, under-

estimated the origin and it resulted in -24.4% error. The third approach was to take the

lowest point found by stringing method as the point of origin. This seemed to be accurate

and the error was 13.5% on average. Thus, a good practical method is to apply stringing

method to different stains and take the lowest estimation as the point of origin.

The secondary objective of this thesis project was to study the effect of drag forces on

the motion of droplets. It was observed that the effect is different for each case and the

impact depends on two factors, namely, droplet velocity and diameter. The analysis

showed that drag effect cannot be ignored for small size droplets. For droplets greater

than 1mm, drag can be ignored at low velocities (up to 3m/s), resulting in 10% error. In

all cases, the error grows exponentially as the velocity increases. Thus, it would be

reasonable to conclude that ignoring the drag forces simplifies the analysis at the expense

of accuracy.

The objective of future work should be the determination of the impact velocity.

Knowing the impact velocity will validate the projectile motion equations. The

subsequent analysis will model the actual motion of the blood droplets.


[1] P. Pizzola, S. Roth and P. De Forest, Blood Droplet Dynamics – I, Journal of Forensic
Sciences, Volume 31, No.1, Jan 1986, pp. 36.

[2] International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts, [Online], Available: [Accessed: 10 Nov. 2008]

[3] S. James, P. Kish and T. Sutton, Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Theory
and Practice, New York: CRC Press, 2005, pp. 3-4.

[4] L. Akin, Blood Pattern Analysis at Crime Scenes, 27 Sept. 2005, [Online], Available: [Accessed: 10 Nov.

[5] T. Bevel and R. Gardner, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Second edition, New York:
CRC Press, 2001, pp. 63-168.

[6] M. King, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis for Impacts at Acute Angles, BASC thesis,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2006.

[8] F. White, Fluid Mechanics, Fifth edition, New York: McGraw Hill, 2003, pp. 476-

[9] L. Smith, N. Mehdizadeh and S. Chandra, Deducing Drop Size and Impact Velocity
from Circular Bloodstains, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Volume 51, No.1, Jan
2005, pp. 3.


Appendix A – Sample Calculations

Determining the Suspended Droplet Diameter (Section 2.1.7):

The sample calculations presented here corresponds to needle gauge 12 and trial 1:

Volume Method:

3Q 3  2  10 6 m 3
Do  2  3  23  4.40mm
4N 4    45

Mass Method:

3m 3  1.93  10 3 kg
Do  2  3  23  4.26mm
4N   Blood 4    45  1062kg / m 3


 3 3.20mm  3.53mm  3.42mm

D  3 d minor d major

Theoretical Traveling Time Assuming Zero Shooting Angle (Section 2.2.5):

1 2 1
y t   gt  voy t  y o  0.086m   9.807m / s 2  t 2  0  t  t  0.1324s
2 2

Percent Error in Estimation of Point of Origin (Section 3.3):

The sample calculations presented here corresponds to test 4(gauge size 12 and pressure

40 KPa):

y Stringing  y Actual 138.1mm  86mm

Error %   100   100  60.6%
y Actual 86mm

y Lowest Point From Stringing  y Actual 102.0mm  86mm

Error %   100   100  18.6%
y Actual 86mm

y Pr ojectile  y Actual 70.2mm  86mm

Error %   100   100  18.4%
y Actual 86mm

Percent Error in Estimation of Initial Velocity (Section 3.4):

The sample calculation presented here corresponds to test 4(gauge size 12 and pressure

40 KPa):

VPr ojectile  VVideo 2.94m / s  2.60m / s

Error %   100   100  13.1%
VVideo 2.60m / s

Sample calculations of tables 3-7, 3-8 and 3-9 (section 3.5):

The sample calculations presented here corresponds to the stain 1 in case 4 (gauge size 12

and pressure 40 KPa):

Impact angle:

W 1.69  1.69 
sin       sin 1    36.52

L 2.84  2.84 

Height using stringing method:

y  tan   POC  tan 36.5  148mm  109.6mm

Initial velocity by projectile method (assuming zero shooting angle):

xg 0.148m  9.807m / s 2
v0    1.40m / s
tan  tan 36.5 cos 2 0

Traveling time by projectile method (assuming zero shooting angle):

tan  cos  o v o tan 36.52  cos 0  1.40m / s

t   0.11s
g 9.807 m / s 2

Height by projectile method (assuming zero shooting angle):

1 2 1
y t   gt  voy t  y o   9.807m / s 2  0.11s   0  0.11s  0  0.0593m  59.3mm

2 2

Initial velocity obtained from video:

# of frames  last frame - first frame  21 - 18  3

Traveling time  3  0.001  0.003s

Traveled distance 0.0182m

Initial Velocity    6.07 m / s
Traveling Time 0.003s

Reynolds number:

 airVD 1.2kg / m 3  6.07 m / s  0.55  10 3 m

Re    222.6
 1.8  10 5 kg / m.s

Drag force:

1  1
 2

FDrag  C D   air V 2 A   1    1.2kg / m 3  6.07m / s    0.55m  10 3   5.25  10 6 N

2  2 4 

4 3 4  0.55  10 3 m 
Q  r      8.71  10 11 m 3
3 3  2 


FDrag 5.25  10 6 N
a   56.8m / s
 blood Q 1062kg / m 3  8.71  10 11 m 3


1 2 1
xt   at  v ox t  xo   56.8m / s  0.1324s   6.07 m / s  0.1324 s  0  305.8mm

2 2


xt   vox t  xo  6.07m / s  0.1324s  0  803.7mm

Percent Error for Drag:

X No  Drag  X Drag 803.7 mm  305.8mm

Error %   100   100  162.8%
X Drag 305.8mm

Appendix B – Detachment Process of
Droplet from the Needle

Figure B1- Droplet Detachment Process of Test 1 & 4
Time Test 1 Test 4
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 20 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]





Figure B1- Droplet Detachment Process of Test 1 & 4 (Continued)
Time Test 1 Test 4
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 20 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]





Figure B1- Droplet Detachment Process of Test 1 & 4 (Continued)
Time Test 1 Test 4
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 20 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]




Figure B2 - Droplet Detachment Process of Test 7 & 10
Time Test 7 Test 10
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 60 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 80 [KPa]





Figure B2 - Droplet Detachment Process of Test 7 & 10 (Continued)
Time Test 7 Test 10
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 60 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 80 [KPa]





Figure B2 - Droplet Detachment Process of Test 7 & 10 (Continued)
Time Test 7 Test 10
[ms] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 60 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 12 & Pressure = 80 [KPa]




Figure B3 - Droplet Detachment Process of Test 15 & 18
Time Test 15 Test 18
[ms] Needle Gauge = 17 & Pressure = 20 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 17 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]





Figure B3 - Droplet Detachment Process of Test 15 & 18 (Continued)
Time Test 15 Test 18
[ms] Needle Gauge = 17 & Pressure = 20 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 17 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]





Figure B3 - Droplet Detachment Process of Test 15 & 18 (Continued)
Time Test 15 Test 18
[ms] Needle Gauge = 17 & Pressure = 20 [KPa] Needle Gauge = 17 & Pressure = 40 [KPa]




Appendix C – Experimental & Analytical
Results of All the Blood Experiments

19 Table C1 – Relevant Information on Test 1
Trial Number 1
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 20
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.42
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] 5

20 Table C2 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 1

Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)
Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 1.68 1.04 38.25 186 146.6 1.52 0.12 70.6
2 2.45 1.23 30.14 199 115.5 1.83 0.11 59.3
3 6.82 2.9 25.16 218 102.4 2.13 0.10 49.0
4 3.14 1.14 21.29 236 92.0 2.44 0.10 49.0
5 2.51 0.98 22.98 332 140.8 2.77 0.12 70.6
6 2.05 1.07 31.46 463 283.3 2.72 0.17 141.7
7 3.31 1.1 19.41 480 169.1 3.66 0.13 82.9
Average 150 2.44 74.7
Standard Deviation 64.6 0.70 32.0
Error% 74.38 -13.1

21 Table C3 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 1
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.54 Sphere 19 26 0.007 10.63 1.52
2 0.73 Sphere 24 28 0.004 10.84 2.71
3 0.53 Non-sphere 28 34 0.006 10.82 1.80
4 0.7 Non-sphere 29 37 0.008 21.67 2.71
5 1.24 Non-sphere 34 43 0.009 15.58 1.73
6 0.9 Sphere 31 38 0.007 16.97 2.42
7 0.84 Sphere 35 40 0.005 19.53 3.91
8 1.07 Non-sphere 38 48 0.010 24.36 2.44
9 0.93 Sphere 34 49 0.015 31.34 2.09
10 1.57 Sphere 37 50 0.013 24.86 1.91
11 0.62 Sphere 34 37 0.003 12.37 4.12
12 0.87 Sphere 38 44 0.006 12.34 2.06
13 0.52 Non-sphere 18 21 0.003 9.66 3.22
14 0.6 Non-sphere 22 27 0.005 11.29 2.26
15 0.62 Sphere 37 46 0.009 12.73 1.41
Average 2.42
Standard Deviation 0.81

22 Table C4 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 1)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.54 1.52 54.7 2.86E-07 8.24E-11 3.3 172.3 201.2 16.8
2 0.73 2.71 131.9 1.66E-06 2.04E-10 7.7 291.3 358.8 23.2
3 0.53 1.80 63.6 3.86E-07 7.80E-11 4.7 197.1 238.3 20.9
4 0.7 2.71 126.5 1.53E-06 1.80E-10 8.0 288.7 358.8 24.3
5 1.24 1.73 143.0 1.95E-06 9.98E-10 1.8 213.3 229.1 7.4
6 0.9 2.42 145.2 2.01E-06 3.82E-10 5.0 276.6 320.4 15.8
7 0.84 3.91 219.0 4.58E-06 3.10E-10 13.9 395.9 517.7 30.8
8 1.07 2.44 174.1 2.89E-06 6.41E-10 4.2 286.2 323.1 12.9
9 0.93 2.09 129.6 1.60E-06 4.21E-10 3.6 245.2 276.7 12.9
10 1.57 1.91 199.9 3.81E-06 2.03E-09 1.8 237.1 252.9 6.7
11 0.62 4.12 170.3 2.77E-06 1.25E-10 20.9 362.3 545.5 50.6
12 0.87 2.06 119.5 1.36E-06 3.45E-10 3.7 240.3 272.7 13.5
13 0.52 3.22 111.6 1.19E-06 7.36E-11 15.2 293.1 426.3 45.5
14 0.6 2.26 90.4 7.80E-07 1.13E-10 6.5 242.3 299.2 23.5
15 0.62 1.41 58.3 3.24E-07 1.25E-10 2.4 165.6 186.7 12.7

23 Table C5 – Relevant Information on Test 4
Trial Number 4
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 40
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 4.18
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] -7

24 Table C6 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 4

Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)
Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.84 1.69 36.52 148 109.6 1.40 0.11 59.3
2 1.96 1.32 42.34 170 154.9 1.35 0.13 82.9
3 2.3 1.38 36.87 179 134.3 1.53 0.12 70.6
4 5.64 1.9 19.69 285 102 2.80 0.10 49.0
5 2.08 0.61 17.05 355 108.9 3.37 0.11 59.3
6 5.19 1.51 16.91 397 120.7 3.58 0.11 59.3
7 3.43 1.23 21.01 613 235.5 3.96 0.15 110.3
8 2.94 0.61 11.97 655 138.9 5.50 0.12 70.6
Average 138.1 2.94 70.2
Standard Deviation 43.2 1.47 19.2
Error% 60.57 -18.4

25 Table C7 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 4
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.55 Sphere 18 21 0.003 18.2 6.07
2 0.61 Sphere 18 22 0.004 19.54 4.89
3 0.76 Sphere 20 25 0.005 11.07 2.21
4 1.36 Non-sphere 24 30 0.006 13.65 2.28
5 0.65 Sphere 25 29 0.004 25.74 6.44
6 1.16 Sphere 25 32 0.007 11.26 1.61
7 1.59 Non-sphere 28 35 0.007 16.75 2.39
8 1.4 Non-sphere 34 37 0.003 8.36 2.79
9 1.34 Non-sphere 34 37 0.003 9.64 3.21
10 1.23 Sphere 25 35 0.010 14.35 1.44
11 0.92 Sphere 25 41 0.016 18.14 1.13
12 0.8 Non-sphere 33 41 0.008 12.62 1.58
13 0.63 Sphere 29 42 0.013 14.47 1.11
14 1.51 Sphere 19 42 0.023 20.14 0.88
15 1.72 Sphere 28 48 0.020 19.96 1.00
Average 2.60
Standard Deviation 1.81

26 Table C8 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 4)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.55 6.07 222.6 4.73E-06 8.71E-11 51.1 355.8 803.7 125.9
2 0.61 4.89 198.9 3.77E-06 1.19E-10 29.9 385.4 647.4 68.0
3 0.76 2.21 112.0 1.20E-06 2.30E-10 4.9 249.7 292.6 17.2
4 1.36 2.28 206.7 4.08E-06 1.32E-09 2.9 276.5 301.9 9.2
5 0.65 6.44 279.1 7.43E-06 1.44E-10 48.7 425.8 852.7 100.2
6 1.16 1.61 124.5 1.48E-06 8.17E-10 1.7 198.3 213.2 7.5
7 1.59 2.39 253.3 6.12E-06 2.10E-09 2.7 292.8 316.4 8.1
8 1.4 2.79 260.4 6.47E-06 1.44E-09 4.2 332.6 369.4 11.1
9 1.34 3.21 286.8 7.85E-06 1.26E-09 5.9 373.3 425.0 13.9
10 1.23 1.44 118.1 1.33E-06 9.74E-10 1.3 179.3 190.7 6.4
11 0.92 1.13 69.3 4.58E-07 4.08E-10 1.1 140.0 149.6 6.9
12 0.8 1.58 84.3 6.78E-07 2.68E-10 2.4 188.2 209.2 11.2
13 0.63 1.11 46.6 2.07E-07 1.31E-10 1.5 133.8 147.0 9.8
14 1.51 0.88 88.6 7.49E-07 1.80E-09 0.4 113.0 116.5 3.1
15 1.72 1.00 114.7 1.25E-06 2.66E-09 0.4 128.9 132.4 2.7

27 Table C9 – Relevant Information on Test 5
Trial Number 5
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 40
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.73
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] 10

Table C10 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 5


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.83 1.62 34.92 214 149.4 1.73 0.12 70.6
2 2 0.89 26.42 277 137.6 2.34 0.12 70.6
3 2.97 1.49 30.11 371 215.2 2.50 0.15 110.3
4 2.67 1.05 23.16 380 162.5 2.95 0.13 82.9
5 2.16 0.76 20.60 472 177.4 3.51 0.13 82.9
6 2.38 1.02 25.38 492 233.4 3.19 0.15 110.3
7 2.73 0.6 12.70 598 134.7 5.10 0.12 70.6
8 5.21 1.65 18.46 666 222.4 4.42 0.15 110.3
9 5.63 1.31 13.46 697 166.8 5.35 0.13 82.9
Average 177.7 3.46 87.9
Standard Deviation 37.2 1.26 17.6
Error% 106.64 2.3

29 Table C11 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 5
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.59 Sphere 18 20 0.002 13.71 6.86
2 0.65 Sphere 18 22 0.004 15.63 3.91
3 0.78 Sphere 22 24 0.002 16.19 8.10
4 0.69 Sphere 22 26 0.004 8.53 2.13
5 0.88 Sphere 23 26 0.003 7.87 2.62
6 0.66 Sphere 24 29 0.005 12.77 2.55
7 0.6 Sphere 21 25 0.004 10.47 2.62
8 0.8 Sphere 25 27 0.002 8.71 4.36
9 0.63 Sphere 23 28 0.005 12.79 2.56
10 0.6 Sphere 23 26 0.003 15.46 5.15
11 0.91 Sphere 24 29 0.005 15.45 3.09
12 1.03 Non-sphere 28 34 0.006 18.97 3.16
13 1.04 Sphere 29 35 0.006 10.3 1.72
14 0.59 Sphere 27 36 0.009 13.51 1.50
15 0.49 Sphere 36 50 0.014 11.25 0.80
Average 3.41
Standard Deviation 2.00

30 Table C12 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 5)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.59 6.86 269.8 6.95E-06 1.08E-10 60.8 375.4 908.3 142.0
2 0.65 3.91 169.4 2.74E-06 1.44E-10 17.9 360.8 517.7 43.5
3 0.78 8.10 421.2 1.69E-05 2.48E-10 64.2 509.7 1072.4 110.4
4 0.69 2.13 98.0 9.16E-07 1.72E-10 5.0 238.2 282.0 18.4
5 0.88 2.62 153.7 2.25E-06 3.57E-10 5.9 295.2 346.9 17.5
6 0.66 2.55 112.2 1.20E-06 1.51E-10 7.5 271.9 337.6 24.2
7 0.6 2.62 104.8 1.05E-06 1.13E-10 8.7 270.6 346.9 28.2
8 0.8 4.36 232.5 5.16E-06 2.68E-10 18.1 418.6 577.3 37.9
9 0.63 2.56 107.5 1.10E-06 1.31E-10 7.9 269.7 338.9 25.7
10 0.6 5.15 206.0 4.05E-06 1.13E-10 33.7 386.5 681.9 76.4
11 0.91 3.09 187.5 3.35E-06 3.95E-10 8.0 339.0 409.1 20.7
12 1.03 3.16 217.0 4.49E-06 5.72E-10 7.4 353.5 418.4 18.3
13 1.04 1.72 119.3 1.36E-06 5.89E-10 2.2 208.4 227.7 9.3
14 0.59 1.50 59.0 3.32E-07 1.08E-10 2.9 173.2 198.6 14.7
15 0.49 0.80 26.1 6.52E-08 6.16E-11 1.0 97.2 105.9 9.0

31 Table C13 – Relevant Information on Test 6
Trial Number 6
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 40
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 4.19
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] 16

Table C14 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 6


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.75 1.78 40.34 133 112.9 1.24 0.11 59.3
2 1.91 0.89 27.77 207 109 1.96 0.11 59.3
3 1.76 0.76 25.58 245 117.3 2.24 0.11 59.3
4 1.68 0.86 30.79 267 159.1 2.10 0.13 82.9
5 2.56 1.25 29.23 294 164.5 2.27 0.13 82.9
6 2.88 0.93 18.84 323 110.2 3.05 0.11 59.3
7 2.24 0.89 23.41 342 148.1 2.78 0.12 70.6
8 4.57 1.59 20.36 353 131 3.05 0.12 70.6
9 5.33 1.37 14.89 447 118.9 4.06 0.11 59.3
Average 13.01 2.53 67.1
Standard Deviation 2.17 0.81 10.1
Error% 51.29 -22.0

33 Table C15 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 6
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.54 Sphere 14 17 0.003 22.93 7.64
2 0.5 Sphere 18 21 0.003 14.71 4.90
3 0.73 Sphere 19 23 0.004 19.35 4.84
4 0.75 Sphere 21 25 0.004 18.51 4.63
5 0.78 Sphere 21 25 0.004 16.82 4.21
6 0.59 Sphere 20 24 0.004 13.11 3.28
7 0.68 Sphere 22 27 0.005 13.69 2.74
8 0.74 Sphere 22 27 0.005 15.76 3.15
9 0.75 Sphere 25 31 0.006 13.99 2.33
10 0.52 Sphere 20 26 0.006 19.98 3.33
11 0.62 Sphere 26 31 0.005 12.16 2.43
12 0.92 Non-sphere 31 35 0.004 12.82 3.21
13 0.84 Sphere 29 35 0.006 16.1 2.68
14 0.93 Sphere 36 47 0.011 20.15 1.83
15 0.81 Sphere 33 39 0.006 15.56 2.59
16 0.93 Sphere 27 35 0.008 14.63 1.83
Average 3.48
Standard Deviation 1.49

34 Table C16 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 6)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.54 7.64 275.0 7.22E-06 8.24E-11 82.4 289.3 1011.5 249.6
2 0.5 4.90 163.3 2.55E-06 6.54E-11 36.6 328.0 648.8 97.8
3 0.73 4.84 235.5 5.29E-06 2.04E-10 24.5 426.1 640.8 50.4
4 0.75 4.63 231.5 5.11E-06 2.21E-10 21.8 421.9 613.0 45.3
5 0.78 4.21 218.9 4.57E-06 2.48E-10 17.3 405.8 557.4 37.4
6 0.59 3.28 129.0 1.59E-06 1.08E-10 13.9 312.4 434.3 39.0
7 0.68 2.74 124.2 1.47E-06 1.65E-10 8.4 289.2 362.8 25.5
8 0.74 3.15 155.4 2.30E-06 2.12E-10 10.2 327.7 417.1 27.3
9 0.75 2.33 116.5 1.30E-06 2.21E-10 5.5 260.3 308.5 18.5
10 0.52 3.33 115.4 1.27E-06 7.36E-11 16.3 298.0 440.9 47.9
11 0.62 2.43 100.4 9.63E-07 1.25E-10 7.3 257.7 321.7 24.8
12 0.92 3.21 196.9 3.70E-06 4.08E-10 8.5 350.5 425.0 21.3
13 0.84 2.68 150.1 2.15E-06 3.10E-10 6.5 297.9 354.8 19.1
14 0.93 1.83 113.5 1.23E-06 4.21E-10 2.7 218.6 242.3 10.8
15 0.81 2.59 139.9 1.87E-06 2.78E-10 6.3 287.7 342.9 19.2
16 0.93 1.83 113.5 1.23E-06 4.21E-10 2.7 218.6 242.3 10.8

35 Table C17 – Relevant Information on Test 7
Trial Number 7
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 60
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.69
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] 10

Table C18 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 7


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.79 1.02 21.44 260 102.1 2.55 0.10 49.0
2 2.83 0.89 18.33 279 92.4 2.87 0.10 49.0
3 2.04 0.74 21.27 309 120.3 2.79 0.11 59.3
4 2.08 0.78 22.02 340 137.5 2.87 0.12 70.6
5 2.21 0.57 14.95 352 94 3.60 0.10 49.0
6 2.98 0.82 15.97 376 107.6 3.59 0.10 49.0
7 1.99 0.7 20.59 385 144.7 3.17 0.12 70.6
8 4.19 1.1 15.22 392 106.7 3.76 0.10 49.0
9 5.35 0.94 10.12 626 111.7 5.86 0.11 59.3
Average 113.0 3.45 56.1
Standard Deviation 18.1 1.00 9.3
Error% 31.40 -34.7

37 Table C19 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 7
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.53 Sphere 15 18 0.003 20.75 6.92
2 0.51 Sphere 16 19 0.003 17.11 5.70
3 0.53 Sphere 16 19 0.003 17.79 5.93
4 0.66 Sphere 17 19 0.002 6.14 3.07
5 0.58 Non-sphere 19 22 0.003 15.07 5.02
6 0.6 Non-sphere 20 24 0.004 16.94 4.24
7 0.48 Sphere 20 24 0.004 17.03 4.26
8 0.44 Sphere 22 25 0.003 12.91 4.30
9 0.71 Sphere 23 26 0.003 10.97 3.66
10 0.67 Sphere 26 29 0.003 9.93 3.31
11 0.86 Non-sphere 30 32 0.002 9.65 4.83
12 0.39 Sphere 30 37 0.007 15.56 2.22
13 0.41 Sphere 32 37 0.005 12.41 2.48
14 0.62 Sphere 29 40 0.011 14 1.27
15 1.02 Sphere 24 45 0.021 21.62 1.03
16 1.23 Sphere 37 47 0.01 11.05 1.11
17 0.87 Sphere 31 40 0.009 15.91 1.77
Average 3.60
Standard Deviation 1.78

38 Table C20 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 7)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.53 6.92 244.5 5.70E-06 7.80E-11 68.9 312.3 916.2 193.4
2 0.51 5.70 193.8 3.58E-06 6.95E-11 48.6 328.7 754.7 129.6
3 0.53 5.93 209.5 4.19E-06 7.80E-11 50.6 341.6 785.1 129.8
4 0.66 3.07 135.1 1.74E-06 1.51E-10 10.9 310.9 406.5 30.7
5 0.58 5.02 194.1 3.60E-06 1.02E-10 33.1 374.5 664.6 77.5
6 0.6 4.24 169.6 2.74E-06 1.13E-10 22.9 360.7 561.4 55.7
7 0.48 4.26 136.3 1.77E-06 5.79E-11 28.8 311.6 564.0 81.0
8 0.44 4.30 126.1 1.52E-06 4.46E-11 32.1 288.0 569.3 97.7
9 0.71 3.66 173.2 2.86E-06 1.87E-10 14.4 358.4 484.6 35.2
10 0.67 3.31 147.8 2.09E-06 1.57E-10 12.5 328.7 438.2 33.3
11 0.86 4.83 276.9 7.32E-06 3.33E-10 20.7 458.1 639.5 39.6
12 0.39 2.22 57.7 3.18E-07 3.11E-11 9.6 209.8 293.9 40.1
13 0.41 2.48 67.8 4.38E-07 3.61E-11 11.4 228.4 328.4 43.7
14 0.62 1.27 52.5 2.63E-07 1.25E-10 2.0 150.6 168.1 11.6
15 1.02 1.03 70.0 4.68E-07 5.56E-10 0.8 129.4 136.4 5.4
16 1.23 1.11 91.0 7.91E-07 9.74E-10 0.8 140.0 147.0 5.0
17 0.87 1.77 102.7 1.01E-06 3.45E-10 2.7 210.7 234.3 11.2

39 Table C21 – Relevant Information on Test 10
Trial Number 10
Needle Gauge Size 12
Pressure [KPa] 80
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 4.27
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] -3

40 Table C22 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 10

Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)
Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.37 1.5 39.27 142 116.1 1.31 0.11 59.3
2 3.55 2.08 35.87 165 119.3 1.50 0.11 59.3
3 2.02 1.38 43.09 203 189.9 1.46 0.14 96.1
4 2.65 1.5 34.47 205 140.8 1.71 0.12 70.6
5 2.04 0.94 27.44 213 110.6 2.01 0.11 59.3
6 3.18 1.53 28.76 220 120.7 1.98 0.11 59.3
7 3.59 0.69 11.08 425 83.2 4.61 0.09 39.7
8 3.92 0.74 10.88 552 106.1 5.31 0.10 49.0
Average 123.3 2.49 61.6
Standard Deviation 31.3 1.56 16.6
Error% 43.42 -28.4

41 Table C23 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 10
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.40 Sphere 18 20 0.002 10.92 5.46
2 0.53 Sphere 18 20 0.002 14.13 7.07
3 0.72 Sphere 19 23 0.004 12.61 3.15
4 0.83 Sphere 22 26 0.004 9.9 2.48
5 0.76 Sphere 27 30 0.003 11.75 3.92
6 0.8 Sphere 26 31 0.005 13.08 2.62
7 0.72 Sphere 28 33 0.005 12.33 2.47
8 0.68 Sphere 28 33 0.005 8.83 1.77
9 0.62 Sphere 26 32 0.006 11.18 1.86
10 0.74 Sphere 26 32 0.006 14.14 2.36
11 0.84 Sphere 27 34 0.007 10.55 1.51
12 0.9 Sphere 27 34 0.007 10.62 1.52
13 1.05 Sphere 28 35 0.007 11.59 1.66
14 0.87 Non-sphere 29 31 0.002 11.16 5.58
15 1.02 Non-sphere 31 38 0.007 10.57 1.51
16 0.99 Sphere 25 46 0.021 19.81 0.94
Average 2.87
Standard Deviation 1.76

42 Table C24 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 10)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.40 5.46 145.6 2.02E-06 3.35E-11 56.8 225.1 722.9 221.2
2 0.53 7.07 249.8 5.95E-06 7.80E-11 71.9 305.9 936.1 206.0
3 0.72 3.15 151.2 2.18E-06 1.95E-10 10.5 325.0 417.1 28.3
4 0.83 2.48 137.2 1.80E-06 2.99E-10 5.7 278.4 328.4 17.9
5 0.76 3.92 198.6 3.76E-06 2.30E-10 15.4 384.0 519.0 35.1
6 0.8 2.62 139.7 1.86E-06 2.68E-10 6.5 289.9 346.9 19.7
7 0.72 2.47 118.6 1.34E-06 1.95E-10 6.5 270.1 327.0 21.1
8 0.68 1.77 80.2 6.14E-07 1.65E-10 3.5 203.7 234.3 15.1
9 0.62 1.86 76.9 5.64E-07 1.25E-10 4.3 208.6 246.3 18.1
10 0.74 2.36 116.4 1.29E-06 2.12E-10 5.7 262.5 312.5 19.0
11 0.84 1.51 84.6 6.82E-07 3.10E-10 2.1 181.5 199.9 10.1
12 0.9 1.52 91.2 7.94E-07 3.82E-10 2.0 183.7 201.2 9.5
13 1.05 1.66 116.2 1.29E-06 6.06E-10 2.0 202.3 219.8 8.7
14 0.87 5.58 323.6 1.00E-05 3.45E-10 27.3 499.5 738.8 47.9
15 1.02 1.51 102.7 1.01E-06 5.56E-10 1.7 185.0 199.9 8.1
16 0.99 0.94 62.0 3.67E-07 5.08E-10 0.7 118.3 124.5 5.2

43 Table C25 – Relevant Information on Test 15
Trial Number 15
Needle Gauge Size 17
Pressure [KPa] 20
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.03
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] -10

Table C26 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 15


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.82 1.41 30.00 156 90.1 1.63 0.10 49.0
2 1.55 0.74 28.52 203 110.3 1.91 0.11 59.3
3 3.31 1.16 20.52 255 95.4 2.59 0.10 49.0
4 5.92 2.00 19.75 273 98.0 2.73 0.10 49.0
5 1.72 0.49 16.55 380 112.9 3.54 0.11 59.3
6 2.12 0.74 20.43 453 168.7 3.45 0.13 82.9
Average 112.6 2.64 58.1
Standard Deviation 28.9 0.78 13.1
Error% 30.90 -32.4

45 Table C27 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 15
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.35 Sphere 16 17 0.001 5.96 5.96
2 0.36 Sphere 16 18 0.002 12.25 6.13
3 0.65 Non-sphere 18 19 0.001 8.05 8.05
4 0.43 Non-sphere 19 23 0.004 21.32 5.33
5 0.55 Sphere 19 21 0.002 17.72 8.86
6 0.71 Sphere 20 23 0.003 14.71 4.90
7 0.66 Sphere 23 26 0.003 10.96 3.65
8 0.92 Non-sphere 23 27 0.004 13.3 3.33
9 0.53 Sphere 24 27 0.003 8.91 2.97
10 0.43 Sphere 25 30 0.005 22.51 4.50
11 1.52 Sphere 25 31 0.006 15.7 2.62
12 1.01 Sphere 24 35 0.011 19.58 1.78
13 1.2 Non-sphere 25 32 0.007 11.52 1.65
14 0.74 Sphere 27 42 0.015 21.84 1.46
Average 4.37
Standard Deviation 2.32

46 Table C28 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 15)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.35 5.96 139.1 1.85E-06 2.24E-11 77.4 110.7 789.1 612.8
2 0.36 6.13 147.1 2.07E-06 2.44E-11 79.6 113.9 811.6 612.4
3 0.65 8.05 348.8 1.16E-05 1.44E-10 76.0 399.7 1065.8 166.7
4 0.43 5.33 152.8 2.23E-06 4.16E-11 50.4 263.9 705.7 167.4
5 0.55 8.86 324.9 1.01E-05 8.71E-11 108.9 218.6 1173.1 436.7
6 0.71 4.90 231.9 5.13E-06 1.87E-10 25.8 422.6 648.8 53.5
7 0.66 3.65 160.6 2.46E-06 1.51E-10 15.4 348.3 483.3 38.8
8 0.92 3.33 204.2 3.98E-06 4.08E-10 9.2 360.3 440.9 22.4
9 0.53 2.97 104.9 1.05E-06 7.80E-11 12.7 281.9 393.2 39.5
10 0.43 4.50 129.0 1.59E-06 4.16E-11 35.9 281.1 595.8 111.9
11 1.52 2.62 265.5 6.73E-06 1.84E-09 3.4 317.1 346.9 9.4
12 1.01 1.78 119.9 1.37E-06 5.39E-10 2.4 214.6 235.7 9.8
13 1.2 1.65 132.0 1.66E-06 9.05E-10 1.7 203.6 218.5 7.3
14 0.74 1.46 72.0 4.95E-07 2.12E-10 2.2 174.0 193.3 11.1

47 Table C29 – Relevant Information on Test 18
Trial Number 18
Needle Gauge Size 17
Pressure [KPa] 40
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.44
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] 0.0

Table C30 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 18


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 1.92 0.69 21.06 277 106.7 2.66 0.10 49.0
2 3.49 0.96 15.97 388 111 3.65 0.11 59.3
3 3.04 1.1 21.21 414 160.7 3.23 0.13 82.9
4 2.85 0.7 14.22 430 109 4.08 0.11 59.3
5 6 1.55 14.97 430 115 3.97 0.11 59.3
6 5.27 1.53 16.88 482 146.2 3.95 0.12 70.6
Average 124.8 3.59 63.4
Standard Deviation 22.9 0.55 11.7
Error% 45.07 -26.3

49 Table C31 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 18
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.45 Sphere 14 15 0.001 7.31 7.31
2 0.36 Sphere 16 17 0.001 5.56 5.56
3 0.51 Non-sphere 17 18 0.001 5.49 5.49
4 0.42 Non-sphere 16 17 0.001 5.43 5.43
5 0.47 Sphere 18 20 0.002 7.37 3.69
6 0.57 Non-sphere 22 24 0.002 7.66 3.83
7 0.47 Sphere 21 27 0.006 10.02 1.67
8 0.54 Sphere 20 23 0.003 19.5 6.50
9 0.42 Sphere 20 25 0.005 19.91 3.98
10 0.54 Sphere 21 29 0.008 18.47 2.31
11 0.65 Sphere 25 32 0.007 13.64 1.95
12 0.65 Sphere 21 28 0.007 17.36 2.48
13 0.77 Sphere 25 33 0.008 13.77 1.72
14 1.31 Non-sphere 31 34 0.003 13.73 4.58
15 0.64 Non-sphere 33 35 0.002 7.18 3.59
16 1.24 Sphere 34 38 0.004 11.24 2.81
17 0.78 Non-sphere 34 48 0.014 12.96 0.93
Average 3.75
Standard Deviation 1.84

50 Table C32 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 18)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.45 7.31 219.3 4.59E-06 4.77E-11 90.6 173.7 967.8 457.0
2 0.36 5.56 133.4 1.70E-06 2.44E-11 65.5 162.0 736.1 354.3
3 0.51 5.49 186.7 3.32E-06 6.95E-11 45.1 331.6 726.9 119.2
4 0.42 5.43 152.0 2.21E-06 3.88E-11 53.5 250.0 718.9 187.6
5 0.47 3.69 115.6 1.28E-06 5.44E-11 22.1 294.9 488.6 65.7
6 0.57 3.83 145.5 2.02E-06 9.70E-11 19.6 335.3 507.1 51.2
7 0.47 1.67 52.3 2.61E-07 5.44E-11 4.5 181.7 221.1 21.7
8 0.54 6.50 234.0 5.23E-06 8.24E-11 59.7 337.3 860.6 155.1
9 0.42 3.98 111.4 1.19E-06 3.88E-11 28.8 274.5 527.0 92.0
10 0.54 2.31 83.2 6.60E-07 8.24E-11 7.5 240.1 305.8 27.4
11 0.65 1.95 84.5 6.81E-07 1.44E-10 4.5 218.7 258.2 18.0
12 0.65 2.48 107.5 1.10E-06 1.44E-10 7.2 265.2 328.4 23.8
13 0.77 1.72 88.3 7.44E-07 2.39E-10 2.9 202.3 227.7 12.6
14 1.31 4.58 400.0 1.53E-05 1.18E-09 12.2 499.5 606.4 21.4
15 0.64 3.59 153.2 2.24E-06 1.37E-10 15.4 340.3 475.3 39.7
16 1.24 2.81 232.3 5.15E-06 9.98E-10 4.9 329.1 372.0 13.1
17 0.78 0.93 48.4 2.23E-07 2.48E-10 0.8 116.1 123.1 6.0

51 Table C33 – Relevant Information on Test 21
Trial Number 21
Needle Gauge Size 17
Pressure [KPa] 60
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.04
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] -5

Table C34 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 21


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 2.37 1.43 37.11 157 118.8 1.43 0.11 59.3
2 3.4 1.07 18.34 267 88.5 2.81 0.10 49.0
3 3.68 0.76 11.92 362 76.4 4.10 0.09 39.7
4 4.27 1.08 14.65 370 96.7 3.73 0.10 49.0
5 1.81 0.55 17.69 398 126.9 3.50 0.11 59.3
6 4.75 0.83 10.06 565 100.3 5.59 0.10 49.0
Average 101.3 3.52 50.9
Standard Deviation 18.8 1.38 7.5
Error% 17.76 -40.8

53 Table C35 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 21
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.37 Sphere 16 18 0.002 10.14 5.07
2 0.35 Non-sphere 18 20 0.002 11.92 5.96
3 0.37 Sphere 17 20 0.003 10 3.33
4 0.7 Sphere 18 21 0.003 13.04 4.35
5 1.15 Non-sphere 20 22 0.002 7.15 3.58
6 0.45 Sphere 23 25 0.002 13.03 6.52
7 0.43 Sphere 23 25 0.002 11.27 5.64
8 0.5 Sphere 23 26 0.003 22.69 7.56
9 0.69 Non-sphere 30 34 0.004 15.61 3.90
10 0.55 Non-sphere 29 34 0.005 20.58 4.12
11 0.45 Sphere 25 31 0.006 13.97 2.33
12 0.74 Sphere 29 39 0.01 13.87 1.39
13 0.9 Sphere 30 39 0.009 13.68 1.52
14 0.36 Sphere 30 37 0.007 22.63 3.23
15 0.45 Sphere 36 50 0.014 11.91 0.85
Average 3.96
Standard Deviation 1.96

54 Table C36 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 21)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.37 5.07 125.1 1.49E-06 2.65E-11 53.0 206.7 671.3 224.7
2 0.35 5.96 139.1 1.85E-06 2.24E-11 77.4 110.7 789.1 612.8
3 0.37 3.33 82.1 6.44E-07 2.65E-11 22.9 240.2 440.9 83.6
4 0.7 4.35 203.0 3.93E-06 1.80E-10 20.6 395.4 575.9 45.7
5 1.15 3.58 274.5 7.19E-06 7.96E-10 8.5 399.5 474.0 18.6
6 0.45 6.52 195.6 3.65E-06 4.77E-11 72.1 231.3 863.2 273.2
7 0.43 5.64 161.7 2.49E-06 4.16E-11 56.4 252.4 746.7 195.9
8 0.5 7.56 252.0 6.06E-06 6.54E-11 87.2 236.6 1000.9 323.0
9 0.69 3.90 179.4 3.07E-06 1.72E-10 16.8 369.1 516.4 39.9
10 0.55 4.12 151.1 2.18E-06 8.71E-11 23.5 339.5 545.5 60.7
11 0.45 2.33 69.9 4.66E-07 4.77E-11 9.2 227.9 308.5 35.4
12 0.74 1.39 68.6 4.49E-07 2.12E-10 2.0 166.5 184.0 10.5
13 0.9 1.52 91.2 7.94E-07 3.82E-10 2.0 183.7 201.2 9.5
14 0.36 3.23 77.5 5.73E-07 2.44E-11 22.1 233.9 427.7 82.8
15 0.45 0.85 25.5 6.21E-08 4.77E-11 1.2 102.0 112.5 10.3

55 Table C37 – Relevant Information on Test 24
Trial Number 24
Needle Gauge Size 17
Pressure [KPa] 80
Actual Height [mm] 86
Droplet Diameter Obtained from the Video [mm] 3.23
Error in Determining the Origin in the Direction [mm] -8

Table C38 – Results of the Blood Pattern Analysis of Test 24


Stringing Method Projectile Method (θ = 0)

Major Axis Minor Axis Impact Angle Distance to Height Initial Traveling Height
Stain #
[mm] [mm] (degrees) POC [mm] [mm] Velocity [m/s] Time [s] [mm]
1 3.31 1.19 21.07 233 89.8 2.44 0.10 49.0
2 2.06 0.74 21.05 297 114.3 2.75 0.11 59.3
3 2.08 0.74 20.84 370 140.8 3.09 0.12 70.6
4 5.36 1.32 14.26 392 99.6 3.89 0.10 49.0
5 2.37 0.47 11.44 502 101.6 4.93 0.10 49.0
6 2.53 0.61 13.95 702 174.4 5.26 0.13 82.9
Average 120.1 3.73 60.0
Standard Deviation 31.9 1.17 14.1
Error% 39.63 -30.2

57 Table C39 – Results Deduced from the Video of Test 24
Droplet Droplet Droplet First Last Traveling Traveled Velocity
# Diameter [mm] Shape Frame Frame Time [s] Distance [mm] [m/s]
1 0.46 Sphere 15 16 0.001 6.6 6.60
2 0.69 Sphere 16 18 0.002 12.96 6.48
3 0.55 Sphere 16 18 0.002 11.18 5.59
4 0.45 Non-sphere 16 18 0.002 5.65 2.83
5 0.44 Sphere 19 22 0.003 11.76 3.92
6 0.82 Non-sphere 20 24 0.004 12.42 3.11
7 0.87 Non-sphere 24 27 0.003 11.09 3.70
8 0.83 Non-sphere 24 27 0.003 14.09 4.70
9 0.34 Non-sphere 22 28 0.006 11.57 1.93
10 0.56 Sphere 23 27 0.004 18.51 4.63
11 0.68 Non-sphere 26 29 0.003 12.53 4.18
12 0.64 Sphere 21 26 0.005 8.27 1.65
13 0.78 Sphere 21 27 0.006 10.73 1.79
14 0.56 Sphere 25 28 0.003 11.55 3.85
15 0.47 Sphere 26 29 0.003 9.58 3.19
Average 3.88
Standard Deviation 1.55

58 Table C40 – Effect of Drag Force (Test 24)

Droplet Velocity Reynolds Drag Volume acceleration XDrag XNo-Drag Error
# [m/s] Number Force [N] [m3] [m/s2] [mm] [mm] %
1 0.46 6.60 202.4 3.91E-06 5.10E-11 72.2 241.0 873.8 262.6
2 0.69 6.48 298.1 8.48E-06 1.72E-10 46.4 451.3 858.0 90.1
3 0.55 5.59 205.0 4.01E-06 8.71E-11 43.3 360.6 740.1 105.2
4 0.45 2.83 84.9 6.88E-07 4.77E-11 13.6 255.5 374.7 46.7
5 0.44 3.92 115.0 1.26E-06 4.46E-11 26.6 285.9 519.0 81.6
6 0.82 3.11 170.0 2.76E-06 2.89E-10 9.0 332.9 411.8 23.7
7 0.87 3.70 214.6 4.39E-06 3.45E-10 12.0 384.7 489.9 27.3
8 0.83 4.70 260.1 6.45E-06 2.99E-10 20.3 444.4 622.3 40.0
9 0.34 1.93 43.7 1.83E-07 2.06E-11 8.4 181.9 255.5 40.5
10 0.56 4.63 172.9 2.85E-06 9.20E-11 29.2 357.1 613.0 71.7
11 0.68 4.18 189.5 3.43E-06 1.65E-10 19.6 381.6 553.4 45.0
12 0.64 1.65 70.4 4.73E-07 1.37E-10 3.2 190.4 218.5 14.7
13 0.78 1.79 93.1 8.27E-07 2.48E-10 3.1 209.8 237.0 12.9
14 0.56 3.85 143.7 1.97E-06 9.20E-11 20.2 332.7 509.7 53.2
15 0.47 3.19 100.0 9.53E-07 5.44E-11 16.5 277.7 422.4 52.1


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