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Title of The three little pigs

Student Age 6-8
Skills to be
emphasized Listening and speaking

Grammar: will
Language ● Animals: pig,wolf,
● Adjectives and Nouns: lazy, hard, straw, sticks, bricks
● Expressions: Little pigs!
Let me in!
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● Learn new vocabulary
● Identify the values of the story (effort, perseverance,
hard working)
Materials ● Pictures
● Stick Puppets

Warm - up

Capture Teacher shows stick puppets and introduce the animals to the
their class

As the teacher: Hi class they are my friends, the three

little pigs and the wolf. Say hello to the class little pigs!

As the little pigs: Hi guys! How are you today? We are

reeeally happy! oing oing!

As the teacher: Ok class this is my other friend, the

wolf. Say Good morning to the class, please.
As the wolf: Good morning guys! Auuuuuuuu…!

As the teacher: We are going to read a story about the

three little pigs and the wolf.

Teacher uses the stick puppets to do the storytelling, the
Storytelling teacher uses different voices to differentiate the characters
with puppets and move in every moment the puppets.
Repetition Teacher reads the part of the expressions and students have to
repeat that part. Also the teacher can make a sound to
introduce the expressions.
For example, the teacher can make a sound of door knocking
and students say: Little pigs! Little pigs! Let me in! Let me


Check Teacher shows some pictures (pigs, wolf, straw house, stick
predictions/ house, brick house) and asks students about each imagen
Q&A according to the order of the story. Ss have to say and point
out the correct answer.

Teacher: What was the first house of the story?

Ss: The straw house (and point out the image)

Storyboardi Prepare a storyboard with pictures of the different scenes in

ng/Group the story. Here the animals have speech bubbles.
retelling - First, students have to order the pictures
- The teacher and students retell the story together
- Work with the students to write the correct dialog in
the speech bubbles
- Students copy the storyboard pictures and text in
speech bubbles on their own paper

Mini- First, the teacher showed many examples of mini books.
books/ Students create their own story and do their mini books, they
personalized can add images, text and things that they like.
Collect the Teacher revised the mini-books, and observed how creative
mini-books they were and how they did their own story.

Follow - up
Homework Ss are going to continue working on their mini-books at home
and if necessary in the class.

Lopez Corzo, Jazmin
Ramirez Ravines, Gianella
Cubillas Murga, Leydy
Condori Romero, Nicole

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