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Writing 3:

Uncontrollable. This word comes to mind when I see that a lot of people died for not to do
a genetic testing. First, my grandmother had cancer and she didn’t take this test and she
found out when her cancer was very advanced. Nowadays genetic testing is useful in
medicine and it could become part of standard care for everybody, so with this medicine
can revolutionize. Before you take a genetic testing a genetic counseling helps if you are
the right person to get this test, if you hadn’t been prepared for this, a genetic counseling
might have helped. There has been a lot of controversy about genetic testing, but people
have the incorrect thinking that when you take a genetic test you will receive a shattering
news that you have a genetic problem.
On one hand, a genetic test is considered a great help because you can know if you have a
genetic problem. You have a precise result of the problem that you have, so you know
what is the risk and you can consider a treatment, if you had chosen the correct
treatment, you might have felt better. In addition, you can change your living habits.
Furthermore, you can have a genetic counseling to help a lot when you received the result
of your test.
Plan a family is a huge decision in the life of people, this is an important part of their life. If
you had known that you have a heretic problem, you had prevented that another person
has this problem. Many people with heretic problem take the decision to don’t have
children, but others are very candid with their partners and decide to have a plan to
create a family instead the heretic problem.
In my view, taking a genetic test is the best option to prevent genetic problems, due to
you can receive a good treatment to feel better and you can prevent that others person
has the same problem. I believe, if more person takes this test the way medical practices,
can be advances and maybe they can find the best treatments for all these problems.

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