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Douglas County Voters’ Opinions

Toward Recall of School Board Members.

• Sample Size: n=651 completed interviews.

• Eligibility: Likely November 2022 voters in Douglas County.
• Interview Method: Mix of online through cell text invites and telephone.
• Dates: June1-5, 2022.
• Margin of Error: 3.7%.
• Client: DougCo Collective.


• 60% would vote YES to RECALL and Remove the recently-elected Douglas County School
Board members; 39% vote NO to keep them.

Recall School Board Members

If there were an election held today, to RECALL and REMOVE the recently elected Douglas
County School board members, would you vote?

• YES to recall them.

• Vote NO to keep them as School Board members.

Yes, recall 60%

No, keep them 39%

350 South 200 East, #722

Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(703) 801-9506 (p)
Poll Results
June 15, 2022 Page 2

• This solid majority opinion in favor of Recall is well-grounded since...

-- 84% are aware of "controversies involving actions by the new majority of Douglas County
School Board members who were elected in last November's elections."


-- By a greater than 2:1 margin, voters have a negative (56%), not positive (22%) opinion of
the new Board's act to fire Superintendent Corey Wise.

• When given both sides of the story, 66% say the new board was WRONG to use secret meetings
to fire Corey Wise who was only following the federal "rule of law" on masks, Covid safety, and
equity policy. In contrast, just 33% side with new School Board, saying they were RIGHT to make
this change since voters just elected them in protest to policies like mask mandates.

Informed Opinion on Firing of Corey Wise

Which is closer to your opinion about the firing of Superintendent Corey Wise by the newly
elected School Board majority?
• They were RIGHT to make this change since voters just elected them in protest against
policies like mask mandates and liberal Woke equity instruction.
• They were WRONG to use secret meetings to abruptly fire a long-time Superintendent with a
good track record running the District providing quality education when he was only following
the federal "rule of law" on masks, Covid safety, and equity policy.

Wrong 66%

Right 33%

• Further, Douglas County voters want "professional educators" (66%) in control of what is taught
in school classrooms, not Activist Parents (20%) or elected School Board members (14%).

• Messaging tests show that vast majorities of Douglas County voters want School Board members

-- Conduct business in a transparent way with open meetings.

-- Focus on problem solving, not trouble making and, on academic excellence in the
classroom, not parental control.

-- Don’t use kids as pawns to further a national political agenda.

FrederickPolls June 2022

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