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Assignment 1 (Basic programming)

Object Oriented Programming (CSE-211), Spring 2021
Name: Hasnain Ali CMS ID#: 033-19-0028 Instructor: Dr. Abdul Aziz
Section: A Lab group: AX Department: Electrical Marks obtained 100%
Note: Submit within a week Submitted on 24-02-2021

Almost Progressing
Fully meets Below
meets to meet Total out of
Criteria criteria Expectations
criteria criteria 100%
(80~100 %) (0~39%)
(60~79%) (40~59%)
Wrote name on each
Excellent Good Average poor  100%
handwritten page
Did all programs Excellent Good Average poor  100%

Included code Excellent Good Average poor  100%

Included code output Excellent Good Average poor  100%

Lot of
Guidance required No Little yes guidance  100%
Readability of code and
Excellent Good Average poor  100%
output of the programs
Coding layout Excellent Good Average poor  100%
Put major comments to
Excellent Good Average poor  100%
explain programs
Properly wrote
Excellent Good Average poor  100%
program number
Properly wrote
Excellent Good Average poor  100%
program heading

Less than 1 Less than 3 A week or

Submitted on time Yes  100%
day late days late later

Followed guidelines Excellent Good Average poor  100%

Helped other students Excellent Good Average poor  100%

Minimum score in any of the criteria  100%

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