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WORD 2016 MOS Mock Test 3

Mỗi projects tương ứng với một file thực hành. Hãy mở đúng file thưc hành để hoàn thành nhiệm vụ.

PROJECT 1: Why River No Longer Burn?

☐ Task 1
Change the position of the picture on Page 1, so that the picture is above the heading “SUCCESS STORY ABOUT WATER
dùng chuột di chuyển
☐ Task 2
On page 3, rearrange the text in the SmartArt graphic so that the “Global Warming” shape is above the
“Industry waste” shape.
☐ Task 3
Insert “Brackets 2” page number at the top of page in the document.
☐ Task 4
Insert “DO NOT COPY 2” watermark in the document.
☐ Task 5
Insert “Austin” header in the document and enter the text “THEYOUNG” as the Document title in the header.
Make it not be displayed on the first page.

☐ Task 6
Copy the paragraph “The Clean Water Act is one of the greatest successes in enviromental law” and paste
it to the end of the paragraph “More people have access to safe” at the end of the document. Ensure format
bold and left indent after pasting the paragraph.
paste-> merge formatting
☐ Task 7
Format the title, “The Cuyahoga River” as a WordArt textbox. Use the style Fill-Black, Text 1, Shadow.
Change the position of the WordArt to Top Center.
dùng position trong pic format
☐ Task 8
Insert a table with 8 rows and 4 columns at the end of the document. Merge all cells in the row at the bottom
of the table.
insert table-> chọn hàng cuối bảng-> (table tools) layout-> merge cells

☐ Task 9
Change the layout of the “City and Figures” table to make all the columns equal in width
distribute columns(layout- table tools)
☐ Task 10
Change the citation source of the word “Crying Indian”: Change the Year to 2001
edit source trong mục citation
☐ Task 11
Use “Go to” tool to go to the “theYOUNG” bookmark in the document. Delete all contents of the “theYOUNG”
tìm bookmark-> bookmark dc bôi đen-> xoá

PROJECT 2: Networking

☐ Task 1
Before heading “The examples highlight”, insert a Text wrapping page break.
để con trỏ trước tiêu đề-> layout-> breaks mũi tên-> chọn như đề
☐ Task 2
Apply the Emphasis Style to the heading This support material.
☐ Task 3
Show all hidden formatting marks in the document
như show paragraph marks
☐ Task 4
Insert the picture theYOUNG.png below the last paragraph in the Sidebar
nhấp vào phần sau đoạn cuối trong trang 3-> insert pic
☐ Task 5
Add bullet list that has a parentheses after the number to the paragraph after heading “The examples

☐ Task 6
Add the cover page, Integral.

☐ Task 7
Insert a Banded Quote textbox in the bottom center of the last page and insert the text, “Claudia Kwok, OAGN
position-> more layout options

PROJECT 3: RockCrawling
☐ Task 1
On page 1, change the bullets of the first list to a solid circle to match the other list.
☐ Task 2
Highlight Colorado Springs, Colorado heading by using Teal highlighter pen.
☐ Task 3
Simultaneously replace all text, municipality with city.
☐ Task 4
Apply the Casual style set to the document.
☐ Task 5
Modify the whole document so the top and bottom margins are 1.0" (2.54 cm) and the left and right
margins are 1.2" (3.048 cm).

☐ Task 6
Apply a Shadow border around the entire document that is a solid line, 2 1/4 pt wide, Automatic color.
(Accept all other defaults)
☐ Task 7
Insert the rockcrawling.jpg photo, located in the Documents folder, to the left of the last paragraph. Apply
Through text wrapping.
☐ Task 8
Add Trademark Sign at the end of the title document
☒ Task 9
After the last paragraph, insert the text from the file WirelessNetworks.docx located in the Documents
folder. (Accept all defaults)
☐ Task 10
Display the paragraph marks on the document.


☐ Task 1
Sort the table on the first page by “Division” in descending order. Make the headings of the table repeat onto
the second page.

☐ Task 2
Below the title WHY PLAY IN THE ASDHL? which includes numbered text “PLAYER’S BENCH” and “EASY
REGISTRATION”. Continue the existing number sequence
☐ Task 3
On the first page of the document, draw a textbox between the title WHY PLAY IN THE ASHL? and the
graphic. Inside the textbox, type the text ADULT SAFE HOCKEY LEAGUE
☐ Task 4
Apply the Outer Shadow Effect, Offset Bottom to the Ice hockey graphic on the first page of the document
☐ Task 5
Apply the Off Axis 1 Left 3-D Rotation Parallel effect to the picture on the second page.
☐ Task 6
After heading Struture, create 2 columns using the text Format … off your team fees. Make the columns
2.85" (7.24 cm) wide with spacing between the columns of 0.8” (2.03 cm). (Accept all other defaults)
☐ Task 7
Apply the style Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 6 to the table
☐ Task 8
Insert an endnote on the second page that reads Season start dates and end dates are subject to change.
Reference the endnote after ….Winter ’21/22 season. Use the endnote number format: i,ii,iii …

☒ Task 9
After heading EASY REGISTRATION, remove all spacing words in two paragraphs. Then show only tab
☐ Task 10
Inspect the document and emove all of the Document Properties and Personal Information from the
document. Leave all other hidden properties.

Project 5: Himalayan Coffee House

☐ Task 1
On the third page, enhance the graphic by applying Colorful Range - Accent Colors 2 to 3.
☒ Task 2
Rearrange the text in the SmartArt graphic so that “Artists” is the first point.
☐ Task 3
On the second page, apply the Intense Emphasis style to the four list items Vision, Reliability,
Adaptability and Family.
☐ Task 4
Add 12-point star with limited source in the last page. Align bottom-left of the document.

☐ Task 5
In the endnote, replace the word Copyright with its Special Character.
☐ Task 6
Increase the font size of the document one level.
☐ Task 7
Remove all formatting from the endnote 2016 ©: Bill Cosby
☐ Task 8
Change the Status property of the document to Done.
Project 6: Games
☐ Task 1
On the second page, remove the background from the picture of the game controller, being careful not to crop
off any part of the controller.
☐ Task 2
Convert the text Safer Gaming to WordArt Gradient Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Reflection. Position the WordArt
left to the text
chọn WordArt như đề -> wrap text-> more layout-> left only
☐ Task 3
On the second page, change the width of the table column More of Our Most Popular Games to 3" (7.62 cm). Then,
add title alternative text “Popular Games” for table.

☐ Task 4
Merge all cells in the table More of Our Most Popular Games! into a single cell.
☐ Task 5
Convert the text below More of Our Most Popular Games! into a numbered list. Continue the numbering
sequence from the list below Our Most Popular Games! located on the first page.
☐ Task 6
Modify Controller source citation to edit 2021 year.
☒ Task 7
Rearrange the following page of page break in Contact us (Controller, 2021) heading to portrait.
☐ Task 8
Change the line spacing for the entire document to double spaced

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