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Particle size analysis

Samuel Saez Lopez

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
Explanation of the devices and the process ..................................................................... 3
Results............................................................................................................................... 4
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 14

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

The current experiment concerns the determination of the particle size of the sample and to
obtain a particle size distribution. For this purpose, we will use the Cilas 1190 machine, which
with its multi-laser technology allows us to measure particles between 0.04 µm and 2500 µm.
Specifically, the Cilas 1190 model has two lasers that measure particles smaller than 40
nanometres and a third laser that measures the rest of the particles, up to a thickness of 2500

The data can be taken with the sample dry or wet, however, if the latter method is chosen, it
must be taken into consideration that the sample does not dissolve in the liquid. This is why the
liquid medium varies depending on the sample. In our case, for the two samples (alumina and
sand) we are going to use water. It should also be considered that the range of dry particle
measurement is smaller, covering particles between 0.1 µm and 500 µm.

In addition, this equipment has an optical vision system that allows us to see the shape and
texture of the particles, this sensor collects the information, and the software (size expert)
shows us the image of the particles.

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Explanation of the devices and the process

The Cilas 1190 measuring instrument consists of several components, including:

A water tank, which is connected to the building's water intake and is self-filling. In addition, it
has a mechanical and ultrasonic mixer to distribute the sample homogeneously in the liquid.

A water pump that allows the liquid in the tank to circulate through the system, making it pass
through the observation point where the laser hits and takes the data.

The laser device, where the three lasers that allow the measurement of the particles are located.

In addition to these three main components, the device has other elements necessary for its
operation, such as the power supply, calibration systems, electronic data processing systems,

We start the experiment by cleaning and calibrating the laser measurement system by
circulating water and renewing the water inside it. This allows us to clean remains of particles
from previously analysed samples that may have been left in the circulation system. It also
renews the old water by eliminating the remains of the old sample.

Subsequently, a small amount of sample is added to the water tank and homogenised by the
agitator. Once homogenised, it is circulated through the system and a check is made to ensure
that sufficient sample has been added. This is necessary because the machine needs a minimum
amount of sample to give reliable values, which is why there is a maximum and a minimum, and
the sample has to be added little by little.

This process is very simple, as all the time the software shows you intuitively the steps to follow.

Once the previous steps have been carried out, the data collection starts, the machine activates
the water pump and this passes through the area of incidence of the laser where the data are
collected. In this way, the size of the particles in the water is observed.

For each sample, three data collection operations will be carried out and the initial process of
cleaning the system will be repeated each time the sample is changed.

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Finally, the software shows us a graph where the particles are distributed according to their size.

In the first data collection with the alumina sample, we can see that most of the particles are
around 95-100 µm. However, the finest particles have a thickness of 0.3 µm and represent 0.01
% of the total particles, and the fattest particles have a thickness of 300 µm and represent 0.07
% of the particles.

Particles measuring 95 µm represent 5.83 % of the total and particles measuring 100 µm
represent 5.83 %, the most predominant group of particles.

The average particle size is 91.76 µm.

10% of the particles are below 41 µm, 50% below 86.75 µm and 90% below 148.9 µm.

In the image below, you can see how the particles are grouped together forming a kind of
Gaussian bell.


Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Data collected:

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

The second data collection carried out on the alumina sample showed very similar data to the
first one, some of its main values are:

Particles measuring 95 µm represent 6.31% of the total and particles measuring 100 µm
represent 6.31%, both being the most predominant group, around these values the Gaussian
bell decreases, as it happened in the first data collection.

The average particle size is 90.05 µm.

10% of the particles are below 41.63 µm, 50% below 86.83 µm and 90% below 143.7 µm.

The graph and the values obtained are shown below.


Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Data collected:

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

The third data collection of the alumina sample yielded similar data to the previous ones. The
most relevant data are shown below.

Particles measuring 95 µm represent 6.46% and are the most predominant group of particles.

The average particle size is 85.06 µm.

10% of the particles are below 39.42 µm, 50% below 83.06 µm and 90% below 137 µm.

The finest particles have a thickness of 0.3 µm and represent 0.01% and the coarsest particles
have a thickness of 242 µm and represent 0.1%.


Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Data collected:

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

The next sample to be analysed was the sand sample, however, the first data collection was
discarded as the data it showed did not correspond with the rest of the samples obtained.

The second data collection showed that the average particle size of the sand particles was 203.5
µm. 10% of the particles are below 106.77 µm, 50% are below 200.81 µm and 90% of the
particles are below 299.81 µm.

The largest group of particles has a thickness of 212 µm and represents 9.66% of the particles.
Around this thickness, the rest of the particles are distributed forming a geometry similar to that
of a Gaussian curve, but with a more elongated left tail.


Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Data collected:

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

The third data collection shows very similar results to the second one.

The average particle size is 203.19 µm, with 10% of the particles below 105.46 µm, 50% below
200.59 µm and 90% below 299.92 µm.

Furthermore, as in the second data collection, the largest group of particles is the one
corresponding to particles with a thickness of 212 µm, this being the maximum value in the
particle distribution around which the rest of the values are grouped, describing a Gaussian
curve with a more elongated left tail.


Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

Data collected:

Samuel Saez Lopez
Erasmus student

After analysing the two samples, we can determine that the particles of the sand are much finer
than those of the alumina, and that in both cases the particle size distribution is Gaussian, where
the particle sizes are grouped around a main value.

The following graph shows all the data taken, on the right we have the sand sample and on the
left the alumina sample.


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