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School of Nursing and Allied Medical Sciences

Department of Radiologic Technology

RTINTRO – Introduction to Radiologic Technology and Health Care

1st Semester, SY. 2021 – 2022

Reflective Essay

Areas of Specialization in Radiology

Kim, Sung Soo S.


Learning Outcomes:

LO10: Differentiate the various imaging modalities as to its physical principles and applications
to brief students for future clinical practice.

LO12: Emphasize the need to undergo training in the various fields of specializations in
radiologic technology.


• 4 years from now you will be graduating from this program and finally earning your
degree in Radiologic Technology.
• Next, you are obliged to take the licensure examination for Radiologic Technologists in
order to be duly recognized as a certified professional health care provider by the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
• You victoriously passed the licensure examination and now you are about apply for
employment in the clinical practice.
• Out of the several career opportunities and or training on specialized areas offered in
radiology (Imaging modalities), which career path would you like to specialize in or have
formal training? Do you want to be assigned in the diagnostic side or you wanted to work
in the therapeutic side of the profession?
• Of course it is understood that general radiography/X-ray is one of the core strengths or
fundamental skills which you should have acquired especially during clinical
internship/training. Now this is the time for you to decide and reflect which among the
areas of specialization in radiology do you consider in the future to be the starting point
of your career as Registered Radiologic Technologist (RRT).


1. Put a check mark on the field of specialization you chose to undergo training and
practice. Only pick one.
2. Be guided by the focus/guide questions shown above when writing your reflection.
3. Make sure your reflections consist an introduction, a body, and conclusion which are all
written in a concise, succinct but in a well comprehensible manner.
4. Your reflection should contain at least a minimum of 150 words/maximum of 250 words.
5. You will be graded using a rubric. Be guided accordingly. (See below).

Imaging Modalities (Special areas of Radiologic

Put a check mark (/) on your chosen field.
Note: Choose only one area of specialization.
Computed Tomography (CT Scan)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultrasound/Sonography (UTZ)
Interventional Radiology/Cardiac
Catheterization lab (CATHLAB)
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT/PET)
Radiation Therapy – Oncology department

Guide Questions:

• Introduce and briefly discuss your chosen area of specialization (Cite your references if
necessary in APA format).
• What interests you the MOST to take that career path? What made it stand out among
other specializations in Radiology?
o What moved/pushed you to specialize and have formal training in that field? Do
you believe it will help you develop and grow as a professional Radiologic
Technologist in the future? Reflect.

The specialization that I am interested in is MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

So what is MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging? According to 지역구 건강지킴이

동부제일병원 : 네이버 블로그 (2021), MRI uses a strong electromagnetic field instead of
radiation. The process goes like this: when a patient enters a cylinder composed of a powerful
magnetic field, the machine shoots high frequencies to detect and image signals from each tissue
of the human body. The biggest advantage of MRI is that unlike CT, it is not exposed to radiation.
In addition, you can obtain soft tissue images with excellent resolution by covering the weaknesses
of CT. It is useful in evaluating brain diseases such as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage,
and brain tumors, or cancers in soft tissues such as breasts, liver, and ovaries.

Of all the specializations, one must be wondering why I had to pick MRI as my
specialization. Mainly, it has a lot to do with curing brain injuries. The brain is the most important
part of the person. If our brain dies, then so is our bodies and through MRI scans, we can see what
kind of injuries a patient has when they undergo an MRI scan. And because of that, we are able to
protect and help people from developing more serious injuries.

Another important reason why I chose the MRI as my specialization is that I want to help
save people's lives. Of course, there are medical sections for doctors and nurses in other hospitals,
but I chose to become a radiologist among them. This is because through radiography diagnosis,
pain can be picked up and treated. This is because you can see and find the disease faster than
anyone else in the hospital, so you can treat it right away. Although MRI requires delicacy and a
lot of communication because you should not have any disruption, metal, or certain diseases in
your body beforehand, and if you have claustrophobia, you should let the technician know before
testing. So, I think communication is very important. And since it is inspected with a delicate
magnet, iron and small magnets should be inspected importantly. And before surgery with a doctor,
I want to find out where it is uncomfortable and be helpful.


지역구 건강지킴이 동부제일병원 : 네이버 블로그 . (2021).

Reflective Essay Rubric

5 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Very good) (Fair) (Poor)
Writing demonstrates
an in-depth reflection
Writing demonstrates demonstrates a
that shows a Writing
a general reflection on minimal reflection
considerable level of demonstrates lack
Depth of the selected topic, on the selected
reflective thought and of reflection on the
Reflection thoroughness on the
including some topic, including a
selected topic,
supporting details and few supporting
selected topic, with no details.
examples. details and
including supporting
details and examples.
Writing does not
Writing includes
Writing surpasses the Writing includes the include the
Required the a few
required components required components required
Components of the selected topic. of the selected topic.
components of
components of the
the selected topic.
selected topic.
The reflective
The reflective
The reflective essay essay is
The reflective essay essay clearly
clearly relates to the unclear/vague and
clearly relates to the relates to the
Quality of main topic. It includes has little or
main topic. It provides main topic. No
Information several supporting nothing to do with
1-2 supporting details details and/or
details and/or the main topic. No
and/or examples. examples are
examples. examples were
also provided
Writing is clear, Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear, Writing unclear,
concise, and well concise, and and thoughts are disorganized.
organized with the use organized with the use not well Thoughts make
Structure and of excellent of excellent organized. little to no sense.
Organization sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph Thoughts are not
structure. Thoughts are structure. Thoughts expressed in a
expressed in a logical are expressed in a logical manner.
manner. logical manner.
5 2 1
There are no There are few There are many
grammatical errors or grammatical errors or grammatical
typos. typos. errors and/or
Well written and Average and/or
clearly organized using casual writing style Poor writing
standard English, that is sometimes style lacking in
characterized by unclear and/or with standard English,
Mechanics elements of a strong some errors in clarity, language
writing style and grammar, punctuation, used, and/or
basically free from usage, and spelling. frequent errors in
grammar, punctuation, grammar,
usage, and spelling punctuation,
errors. usage, and
spelling. Needs
The reflective essay The reflective essay Reflective essay
contains at least 150 contains less than 150 did not come near
words addressing all words; somewhat the requirement
the required guide addresses all the for the writing;
Length questions. required guide shows little
questions. elaboration on the
required guide

Submitted a day
Submitted before/on Submitted hours
Timeliness the deadline. beyond the deadline.
or days after the



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