02.03.2022 Notes

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2022 Notes

Recruitment: Finding the candidate.
Re-hiring: Hiring a former employee.

Why can it be important for employees to know about the company’s
reputation and image?
When employees know that the company they are working at is well structured and well known, it increases their
engagement and they will start telling everyone that they are working there.

This will also increase the citizenship behavior.

What kind of characteristics does an employee look in a firm?

Challenging environment/workplace is a factor that motivates employees.

High salary.


Diversity and teamwork.

Good networking potential.

Other packages stuff (Private Insurance, flexible working hours, Safety).

Better experience.

A company’s challenge is to create a percption for employees and potential employees that they have the best work
place etc.

Everyone in the company is responsible for creating such perception, manager, employees and everyone. The HR is
the architect.

Employer branding: Is a mixture between marketing and HR. HR marketing to employees and external parties.

Personality traits:
OCEAN: Openness, Consciousness, Extravesion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.

Topics to research:
Psychological safety in the workplace.


Self-initiated expatriation.

Virtual employee

Grey collar employees

02.03.2022 Notes 1


Survivor anxiety

Cost leadership strategy.

02.03.2022 Notes 2

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