Chapter 1: The Essence of Catholic Morality

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Chapter 1: The Essence of Church.

His salvific work is directed

towards building up of his mystical
Catholic Morality body. Moral theology emphasizes the
communitarian dimension of Christian
♥ Nature of catholic Morality
 Biblical- The word of God is
Moral Theology is sometimes called
authoritative in matters of faith and
Christian or theological ethics, moral
morality. The fundamental orientation
theology focuses on the implications of faith
and conception of morality should be
for the way of life. As a theological
derived from scriptures.
discipline, it is concerned with God’s
 Sacramental- Moral theology should
revelation of divine love in Jesus and
develop the sacramental dimension of
through the Spirit as an invitation calling for
the Christian life. Progressive
response. It regards the response to the
sacramental incorporation into the
initiative of God’s offer of love as the very
ecclesial community brings about a
soul of moral life. Moral theology makes
gradual transformation into Christ.
clear how faith shapes Christian life, both
 Personalistic- Moral theology
the lives of individual Christians and the life
emphasizes the human person in its
of the Church. As Fr. Pasquale Giordano,
totality: body, intellect, will,
S.J. in his book, Evangelizing Presence:
conscience, relationship, family,
Living the Moral Life Today, He said that,
church, and society.
“Moral Theology is about making decisions
 Ecumenical- The universality of the
in life that enable us to become more fully
Gospel of Christ.
human, to enable us to come to God as our
final end.”
Christian moral theology is
♥ The Place of morality in the Catholic
interested in the implications of Christian
faith for the sort of persons Christians ought
to be (ethics of being or character ethics)
and the sort of actions Christians ought to Our life as catholic has three parts:
perform (ethics of doing). Both being and
doing, character and action are 1. How Catholics think—Catholic
interdependent concerns that are taken theology--- Creed---Words---Mind
together in the complete project of moral 2. How Catholics live----- Catholic
theology. Morality--- Code---Works-- Will
3. How Catholics pray---- Catholic
♥ Sources of Moral Theology Worship--- Cult----Worship-Heart
1. Divine revelation as interpreted by the These three come simultaneously.
Church The more prayer, the more virtue; the more
2. Human reason virtue, the more faith.
3. Human experience The three parts are like the three
legs of a tripod. If all three legs are not
According to Vatican 11, these are the
there, it is not a tripod. A person is not a
characteristics of a Catholic morality:
catholic without belief in the essence of
 Theocentric- Morality is a response to
what the Catholic Church teaches as God’s
God’s call out of love.
revealed truth or without sincere effort to
 Christocentric- Moral theology
obey what the Church teaches as God’s
explicitly deals with the way of the
commandments or without facing God in
following from the Christian’s being-
prayer as the Church does. God alone can
in-Christ. The person of Christ and our
know whether you are a strong or a weak
being-in-Christ is the center and focus
Catholic. But you can know whether you are
of moral theology.
a Catholic or not.
 Ecclesial- Christ is present to us and is
These three parts of the Catholic life
setting in us today ion and through the
are three aspects of the same single reality.
The reality that we confess in our creed is “If God does not exist, everything is
the same reality that we obey in the permissible”, according to Dostoyevsky.
commandments and worship in prayer. That When we destroy religion, we destroy
one reality is the life of Christ. morality.
Pagan thinkers knew much of the
content of the moral law and recognized its
binding force without knowing much of
♥ The Centrality of Christ in Catholic God. St. Paul in Rom. 1:17-21) wrote that
Morality. all men know God’s moral law through
natural reason and conscience. So there can
Luke 10:41-42 “Martha, Martha, you are be true morality without true religion.
anxious and troubled about many things;
one thing is needful.” That ‘one thing’ is ♥ If you can live a good moral life
Christ Himself. without being a Catholic, why be
Christ is not merely a teacher of a one?
moral code but God himself, the One who is
the sole source of all good things (the moral You can live a long and healthy life
law and our obedience to it). Christian without knowing or practicing anything
morality is not merely a means to the end of about diet or exercise or medicine. But it is
a better world, peace and Justice, the not easy!
welfare of the family, or social harmony.
These things are relative to Christ, not ♥ Importance of Catholic Morality
Christ relative to them. They are ways of today
obeying his will. They are good because
they are from him. He is not good because Human civilization has ceased to
he is for them. believe in an objectively real, universally
Catholic morality is a love affair binding moral law and that civilization used
with Christ and his people, thought not to be called “Christendom”. European
‘romantic love’. It has its laws and rules, as countries and in America, Catholics
a city has its streets. Streets are essential to a believed that morality is subjective and
city, but they are not the very essence of a relative. So the critical teachings of the
city. Streets are a means to the end of Church today are her moral teachings, her
getting home. Home is where the real living response to the moral crisis both in the
takes place. Similarly, moral rules are the Church and in the world.
means to the good life, but they are not the
thing itself. The thing itself is a relationship
of love. Though laws are only a means to
the greater end of the good life, laws are
essential means. You cannot be a Christian
without following the laws of morality.
So Catholic morality is a way of
being; of becoming a new creation,
becoming ‘little Christ’ (2 Cor. 5:17).
Christians love goodness most of all where
we saw it perfectly on earth: in Christ, the
God-man. It looked like a cross: God loving
us to death, to the end, no matter what it
cost him and no matter how undeserving we

♥ The relation between religion and


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