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The parking lots that are available to the general public are known as the right place
for people to temporarily house their vehicles, this provides reduced traffic on the streets,
in the same way you have greater safety for vehicles. Parking lots are of great importance
in society, but not all meet the appropriate requirements to execute their main work. By
not having knowledge about the existence of programs for the registration and payment
of the service, you can not get the best out of it, which generates inefficient performance
in many parking lots, which wastes time in the development of the activities that are
carried out in these parking lots.

Vehicle traffic, traffic jams, broken traffic lights and traffic accidents seem to be the main
traffic problems in Latin America. However, there is another problem that few people
think about and that is to find parking lots, so our project will help solve that problem so
that users who do not have that knowledge and can find an available parking lot.


1. Review Questions
● What are the main technologies when developing a smart parking lot?
● What is the main impact on parking, mobility and transport with the
implementation of smart parking?
● Will the intervention of special systems, equipment or tools be necessary?

1.1 Databases selected for review

1.2 Keywords

● Parking-> Parking
● Design -> Sketch
● Problematic -> Wrong
● Solution -> Outcome
● Deployment -> Apply
● IoT-> Connectivity
● Development ->Progress
● Intelligent

1.3 Search Equation

● ‘Smart Parking’



1.4 Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria:

✔ Users who need parking service.

Exclusion Criteria:

✔ People who are not old enough to drive.

✔ Users who do not comply with the agreed policies.
✔ All those users who have used the service, but for one reason or another did not
comply with the proposed policies.


2. Problem statement

Lately in humans there has been a great increase in the population year after year
leading to what is the field of technology, cars, food among others have an
increase or a high demand for production and advancement. Considering that
parking lots have also had their high demand, lack of space, generating in users a
great difficulty when they fence in search of a place to park their vehicle, as it says
As the population increases, day by day, the dependence on transport also
increases. This increases the dependence on parking vehicles. People who visit
public places in urban cities such as shopping malls, parks, temples, theaters, etc.
face difficulties parking vehicles. (Gokulkrishna , Harsheetha, Akshaya , &
Jeyabharathi , 2021)
In short, this leads people to cause annoyance, waste of time, environmental
pollution, frustration, among many more.
Now reviewing what studies say such as Increased traffic, disorganized parking
and time wasted in finding a parking spot in an urban area of high density of
vehicles (Sibal, Jain, & Jain, 2022), likewise Problem when identifying an optimal
vacant parking space for your vehicles (Singh, Satish, & Lakshmi , 2021)
A waste of time in finding parking. In addition, large energy consumption, long
processing time and also environmental pollution are very worrying issues
(Deepak, Kolur, Pavithra, Deeksha, & Chethan, 2021), not only parking has become
a real challenge in cities, especially in the subways, due to the exponential increase
in the number of vehicles. A significant amount of time lost in locating parking
space results in traffic congestion, pollution, and fuel consumption. (Baranwal,
Kumar, & Vidyarthi, 2020) but also thedifficulty or problem that drivers have when
parking especially at rush hour, which is due to lack of availability of parking space,
a driver can spend a lot of time looking for an available parking space near his
destination, which means the increase of the city's traffic problem, a very high fuel
consumption and the spectacular impact on the environment. (Nihal, Faouzia,
Nawal, & Khadija, 2018), The increase in population, together with advances in
technology made cars grow in production and be an essential part of our life, for
this reason finding a parking lot to park and more in populated areas is a
challenging task. (Tayyba, Farooque, Muahmmad, Ayesha, & Haider, 2020), Urban
traffic currently affects the quality of life in cities and metropolitan areas as the
problem is increasingly aggravated by parking problems: congestion increases due
to individuals looking for spaces to park their vehicles. (Arjona, Linares, Casanovas-
Garcia, & Vazquez, 2020), further so finding available parking spaces can be a
painful experience for drivers because they must drive until they find a free space.
(Shaaban & Tunsi, 2021), making it clear that users when looking for a parking lot
always have the problem of finding a space, along with traffic congestion, the
stress generated, environmental pollution, quality of life, etc ...
In turn, parking lots also have almost no more or face land scarcity as it says The
change to the multi-level parking system solves the land shortage, but results in a
longer space search time (Rajasekhar , Maya, & Panday , 2021).
Another feature of cities and governments has generated interest in improving this
problem that they are implementing IOT, improving in the capacity of technologies
to become smart cities as well, for example, Smart cities are developed in such a
way that problems are solved using technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT)
technology. ). One of those problems is parking. Parking on busy streets is difficult
and causes a lot of inconvenience to people. The difficulty lies in the fact that
people will not know the availability of parking spaces. (Pandit, Rohit Mohan
Krishna, Akash, & Moharir, 2019), to better illustrate The last decade has
witnessed a renewed interest in life in the city. Associated with this trend are
parking problems in city centers and central business districts. (Fabusuyi & Hill,
2020), Governments are preparing to make the most of initiatives to educate and
attract talents thus improving the capacity to make the country smarter. This idea
arises from the concept of smart cities, and the idea proposed here is to
implement solutions through smart parking, since a problem arises, which is that
some people spend more time looking for places to park than driving to reach their
main destination. For this it is thought to include smart parking devices in several
places to connect them to the cloud thus providing real-time updates. (Somani,
Periwal, Patel, & Gaikwad, 2018) and Smart Cities are being designed through
mobile communication networks better known as fifth generation (5G). This
technology has many features that will generate a positive impact on the digital
experience. This technology can improve the low latency for intelligent transport
systems thus facilitating secure parking, thus making it easier for users to find the
right parking for different sizes of vehicles. (Aamir, Ijaz-ul, Nagham, & Parisa,
Considering that universities are also being affected as an example of users and the
high demand for vehicles are implementing smart parking lots as it is since a large
part of the world's universities are promoting a smart campus campaign, for this it
is understood that integrating Internet of Things (IoT) technologies ), parking lots
can be managed efficiently. For this, an integrated development and creation of
prototypes in the cloud for an intelligent campus is presented. Since monitoring
the availability of each parking place is one of the tasks that presents the most
problems when developing this type of project, therefore a module is presented
where a solution to this problem can be presented. (Ajchariyavanich, Limpisthira ,
Chanjarasvichai, Jareonwatanan, & Phongphanpanya, 2019).
In order to improve parking, the experience of users when parking a vehicle,
reduce the stress generated, try not to spend fuel, provide them with information,
etc., using different technologies and systems.
PART III. Writing contributions to the state of the art

This section will define the contributions that the project Implementation of a web
platform for the management and administration of the information of an
intelligent parking lot apply to the state of the art. For this, the main technologies
that this project applies must be considered, and it mainly talks about the Internet
of Things (IoT).
The operation of physical device systems that transfer data over networks is very
useful today. Thanks to this, the integration of devices that manage computer
systems facilitate the development of some tasks that could be of a high degree of
difficulty for most people, therefore when using the Internet of Things in this
project, a notable improvement is reflected for users, whether they are owners of
parking lots or those people who will use the parking service. IoT presents a
solution in many companies, and for the smart parking project it is no exception,
since it presents commercial models and also the interaction of customers with the
service is engaged more fluidly. The volumes of data that are handled by smart
devices is overwhelming so it can commonly be complicated.
Another aspect that is improved by applying IoT is security, and this is a very
important factor when it comes to manipulating data.
The trend that is evident in this project in smart cities, since it has been talking
about the IoT, smart cities are another key point in this project, thanks to the
innovative solutions offered together with the IoT, therefore the project can be
expanded quickly, smart cities allow to connect and improve the technological
infrastructure of a company for which there is an improvement in the efficiency
and quality of life of the areas where this trend is practiced.
They are composed of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which
allows to develop, promote and implement sustainable development strategies
thus approving the constant challenges that arise. ICTs are essentially reflected in a
smart network that spans data using wireless technology and the cloud. Users
interact with the tools of smart cities allowing them to exchange a variety of
information either through mobile phones or any other device that lends itself to
applying this technology. Pairing these devices together with user-stored data and
services offered can improve sustainability.
Sensors are one of the most used tools for this trend, since they lend themselves
to obtaining information and converting it into data.
The importance of a smart city lies in the fact that urbanization is expanding
exponentially, therefore social, environmental and economic sustainability
become a fundamental need to keep pace with that rapid expansion that
consumes the resources of cities, and that is where smart cities come in, applying
sustainable growth methods to successfully face the phenomenon of Urbanization.
Thus, the IoT and smart cities turn traditional elements through wireless
connectivity and IoT technology into smart platforms that contribute to better
management of the technological resources of cities.
Another feature of the sensors is a part that is being used a lot in smart parking
lots around the world regarding the studies and articles seen, which have the
function that in each parking place is placed a sensor which when the car is parked
the automatically sends a signal informing that the place is already occupied,
otherwise if the car leaves a place it will mark that the place is available whose
information will be seen in said implemented platform, it should be added that the
information is uploaded to the cloud, as we all know lately all the programs and
others use a lot the part of loading data through the cloud, which then facilitates
many to users, in this case is not the exception since in the studies carried out the
vast majority of projects are based on the cloud since it is the most appropriate
technology for this type of project, which will be stored the information that is
concerned regarding the parking lots and the available spaces, so that you can
associate it and that the user can see that information.

At the same time, platforms and applications are being implemented with different
technologies, artificial intelligence algorithms and others that help to develop a

program that digitizes all the information obtained and that users can have access
as it is through their cell phone or computer that is what human beings have more
at hand or closer, bringing comfort to users when looking for a parking lot in that

Given that the problems with respect to the city with parking lots, traffic
congestion, environmental pollution, etc. governments and city are motivating
these types of projects to be generated such as the so-called smart city's that
includes smart parking, making these projects have more aid when implementing
them and promoting that more are generated, since these projects are the future
and improvements of cities.
With regard to the advances for the degree work we are looking at designs,
technologies to apply in our project and do analysis of the parking areas, and then
start designing our web platform.
Considering that we have to strengthen our knowledge regarding the development
of the prototype such as web pages and mobile applications, as well as everything it
requires for its proper development and operation, look at the part of the
domains, the database that is most optimal either relational or non-relational with
its prices, to reduce costs.
In effect we have to evaluate, analyze, identify, promote our project in the city of
Ocaña by going out to the streets recognizing the parking lots, the traffic
congestion that is being generated in the city by the increase in population and the
increase in vehicles, make surveys to people to know what they think of our
project, if they see it viable, if they have difficulty when looking for parking lots, on
the other hand they also implement the survey to the owners of the parking lots,
asking them about the problems they present, looking at the parking lots as how
much capacity it has, what they think about our project and if they would be
willing to have our project carried out in their facilities, after that generate a
report in which the opinions of the users are evidenced and make our analysis to
carry out the project.

It should still be noted that the part of the costs and find the necessary devices for
the project, first with the analyzes that we have carried out in the referent take the
technology with the other necessary implementations that is better and be able to
make the evaluation of different parts where they are achieved and then look if
here in Colombia they are or if it is time to bring them from another country,
evaluating the costs to which it resembles our economic condition, in order to
have all the possible information that can help us to be able to generate the
project, finish it and be able to implement it based on testing in the city of Ocaña.
3. General objective:
● Implement a platform for an intelligent parking lot in the treatment of
information from parking areas, trying to reduce fuel consumption, and the
stress generated when going in search of a parking lot.

3.1 Specific objectives

● Characterize the main parking lots in the city as information because it will
help us to know where the parking lots are located and for the
development of our project.
● Design of the platform as a way to know how to implement it because this
way a model is already obtained for development and so that it has a
structure which the user and the client will have.
● Develop the prototype as a platform because it will improve the experience
when looking for a parking lot and so that it is easily accessible, since it will
have a website and mobile application.
● Evaluate the prototype in a parking lot as a test because it helps us to look
at the operation of the platform and to know if the client is satisfied, if it
complies with the forecast and if there are things to improve.


● Characterize:
✔ Examine the main parking lots in the city
✔ Collect all the information and its problems
✔ Study these parking lots interested in our project, giving us a perspective on
which we will go to work.
✔ Graph the categorization of the interested parking lots thus having which are
the best and of lower quality.

● Design:
✔ Look for designs in which it can be implemented or used as a guide for our
✔ Draw models of the platform as you want to see and develop.
✔ Gather the necessary components to carry out the design of the platform, such
✔ Make the final design to which the platform is going to be implemented.

● Develop:
✔ Gather the necessary components to carry out the development of the
platform, such as...
✔ List a number of creative ideas to improve the user experience.
✔ Organize the information collected so far to have an order as the content of the
platform is advanced.
✔ Develop the platform taking into account all the material gathered so far.

● Evaluate:
✔ Execute the prototype made.
✔ Test that the platform is running correctly.
✔ Deliver a report specifying the current status of the prototype and the points to
be improved.
✔ Test the prototype after making the improvements and points to improve to
see if the goal of improving it was always met.


✔ Not finding a parking lot available on time produces stress and not having
knowledge of where there are parking lots, therefore, this project is
favorable for these users since it generates an attractive and reliable
interface with which the beneficiaries of the service interact to carry out
their main objective, which is to find a parking lot quickly and safely.
✔ When applying the project (Implementation of a web platform for the
management and administration of the information of a smart parking lot),
environmental pollution will be reduced, taking into account that the
polluting gases that are expelled by vehicles while moving to find a parking
lot will no longer be issued with the same instance since this project will
considerably reduce the time it takes to find a parking area, in the same
way the vehicular traffic will be reduced, this in order that the vehicles that
previously remained in circulation looking for a place to park will no longer
be, since they will already have a fixed route to reach the point where you
want to house the vehicle.
✔ The parking lots through this project will be more automated, because it
will help people find a parking lot faster, they will show their capacity and
availability, thus providing the necessary information to know which is the
parking lot that best suits the needs of the client and in the same way
providing information on which is the route that provides greater speed
and security to reach said parking.
✔ It will help the operators in the organization, since having the information
in an automated way facilitates both the different forms of payment, as
well as the way to handle the client's data, which requires the use of a
database that allows to host all the information provided by the client, in
this way the user will notice the effectiveness of the service and will choose
to continue preferring the parking lots that are participants of this project.
✔ After analyzing all the information obtained with the respective research
and all the needs identified, this model can be applied in any parking lot
that wishes to have the service, thus generating greater control on the
roads where mobility problems were reflected by this problem.
✔ By carrying out this project, a monetary improvement for the parking lots
will be reflected, since their service will be more required, thus
demonstrating that an automated system is more effective and allows a
better operation in the parking lots, leaving room for possible
improvements in said system.


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