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INGLÊS| 2018

Professor: Alexandre Hartmann


A. Orientação: Discuta as diferenças de significado, se houver, em cada
grupo de períodos. 2. Al painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He _______a
different color.
1. You should take an English course. A. had to choose
You ought to take an English course. B. should have chosen
You are supposed to take an English course. C. must have chosen
You must take an English course. D. could have been choosing

2. You should see a doctor about that cut on your arm. 3. Tom is sitting at his desk. He is reading his chemistry text because he
You had better see a doctor about that cut on your arm. has a test tomorrow. He _______.
You have to see a doctor about that cut on your arm. A. could study
B. should be studying
3. You must not use that door. C. will study
You don’t have to use that door. D. must be studying

4. I will be at your house by six o’clock. 4. When Mr. Lee was younger, he _______work in the garden for hours,
I should be at your house by six o’clock. but now he has to take frequent rests because he has emphysema.
A. has got to
5. - There is a knock at the door. Who do you suppose it is? B. can
It might be Sally. C. should be able to
It may be Sally. D. could
It could be Sally.
It must be Sally. 5. Whenever my parents went out in the evening, I _______the job of
taking care of my younger brother.
6. - There is a knock at the door. I think it’s Mike. A. would get
It may not be Mike. B. should get
It couldn’t be Mike. C. must have gotten
It can’t be Mike. D. had better get

7. - Where is Jack? 6. Yesterday I _______to a furniture store. I bought a new lamp there.
He might have gone home. A. could go
He must have gone home. B. went
He had to go home. C. could have gone
D. ought to have gone
8. Each student should have health insurance.
Each student must have health insurance. 7. Jimmy and Maria were mischievous children. They _______tricks on
their teachers, which always got them into a lot of trouble.
9. If you are having a problem, you could talk to Mrs. Anderson. A. could play
If you are having a problem, you should talk to Mrs. Anderson. B. used to play
C. could have played
10. I have got to go. D. may have played
I have to go.
I should go. 8. “Did you enjoy the picnic?”
I am supposed to go. “It was okay, but I’d rather _______ to a movie.”
I had better go. A. go
I would rather go. B. be going
C. have gone
11. - I need some help. D. went
You should have asked Tom.
You could have asked Tom. 9. “Why are you so sure that Ann didn’t commit the crime she’s been
accused of committing?”
12. When I was living at home, I would go to the beach every weekend “She _______that crime because I was with her, and we were out of town
with my friends. on that day”
A. may not have committed
When I was living at home, I used to go to the beach every weekend with B. wasn’t supposed to commit
my friends. C. committed
D. couldn’t have committed
Orientação: Escolha a resposta correta. 10. “Since we have to be there in a hurry, we _______take a taxi.”
“I agree.”
1. Peter _______ rather sleep on a mattress than on the floor. A. had better
A. shall B. may
B. could C. have been used to
C. would D. are able to

INGLÊS| 2018
Professor: Alexandre Hartmann

11. “It _______rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella?” GABARITO
“That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?” 1-C 6-B 11-D 16-C
A. had better
B. could be 2-B 7-B 12-C 17-D
C. must 3-D 8-C 13-D 18-A
D. might
4-D 9-D 14-A
12. “Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding. He 5-A 10-A 15-D
_______exhausted by the time he arrived.”
“He was.”
B. could be Transformação de vozes.
C. must have been
D. will have been 1. O verbo (be) toma o lugar do verbo principal, assumindo seu tempo
ou forma.
13. “What are you doing here now? You _______be here for another 2. O verbo principal é deslocado para a direita e assume a forma
three hours.” particípio passado.
“I know. We got an early start and it took less time than we expected. I
hope you don’t mind.” Classifique os tempos verbais em cada frase. Após, transforme para
A. couldn’t a voz passiva as frases abaixo.
B. might not
C. had better not 1. Authors write books.
D. aren’t supposed to ( )
14. “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn’t know what to do.” __________________________________________________________
“You _______your roommate.”
A. could have called 2. Mr. Brown is writing that book.
B. may have called ( )
C. would have called __________________________________________________________
D. must have called __________________________________________________________

15. “You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. You 3. Ms. Lee has written the report.
_______be really hungry!” ( )
“I am.” __________________________________________________________
A. might __________________________________________________________
B. will
C. can 4. Bob wrote that letter.
D. must ( )
16. How long have you been married?” __________________________________________________________
“We _______have been married for twenty-three years on our next
anniversary.” 5. A student was writing the report.
A. must ( )
B. should C. will __________________________________________________________
D. could __________________________________________________________

17. “I _______there at 6 p.m. for the meeting, but my car won’t start. 6. Lucy had written a memo.
Could you please give me a lift in your car?” ( )
“Sure. Are you ready to go now?” __________________________________________________________
A. will be __________________________________________________________
B. may be
C. supposed to be 7. Your teacher will write a report.
D. have got to be ( )
18. “I left a cookie on the table, but now it’s gone. What happened to it?” __________________________________________________________
“I don’t know. One of the children _______it.”
A. may have eaten 8. Tom is going to write the letter.
B. could eat ( )
C. had to eat __________________________________________________________
D. should have eaten __________________________________________________________

9. Alice will have written the report.

( )

INGLÊS| 2018
Professor: Alexandre Hartmann

10. The judges have made a decision. 23. Your emotional appeals will not influence the judge.
( ) ( )
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

11. Several people saw the accident. 24. The voters are going to decide that issue.
( ) ( )
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

12. Ann is sending the letters. 25. The city attorney has discovered new evidence.
( ) ( )
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

13. Fred will plan the party. 26. Mr. Snow hasn’t taught that course since 1985.
( ) ( )
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

14. The medicine had cured my illness. 27. The pollution in the city was affecting Tim’s breathing.
( ) ( )
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

15. The cat will have caught the mouse. GABARITO

( ) 1. Books are written by authors.
__________________________________________________________ 2. That book is being written by Mr. Brown.
__________________________________________________________ 3. The report has been written by Ms. Lee.
4. That letter was written by Bob.
16. Engineers design bridges. 5. The report was being written by a student.
( ) 6. A memo had been written by Lucy.
__________________________________________________________ 7. A report will be written by your teacher.
__________________________________________________________ 8. The letter is going to be written by Tom.
9. The report will have been written by Alice.
17. The city is going to build a bridge. 10. A decision has been made by the judges.
( ) 11. The accident was seen by several people.
__________________________________________________________ 12. The letters are being sent by Ann.
__________________________________________________________ 13. The party will be planned by Fred.
14. My illness had been cured by the medicine.
18. A guard was protecting the jewels. 15. The mouse will have been caught by the cat.
( ) 16. Bridges are designed by engineers.
__________________________________________________________ 17. A bridge is going to be built by the city.
__________________________________________________________ 18. The jewels were being protected by a guard.
19. The chair wasn't broken by Tom.
20. I am not impressed by Alan's knowledge about art.
19. Tom didn’t break the chair. 21. The children's song is being taped by one of the parents.
( ) 22. The match will be won by the best chess player.
__________________________________________________________ 23. The judge will not be influenced by your emotional appeals.
__________________________________________________________ 24. That issue is going to be decided by the voters.
25. New evidence has been discovered by the city attorney.
20. Alan’s knowledge about art doesn’t impress me. 26. That course hasn't been taught by Mr. Snow since 1985.
( ) Since 1985, that course hasn't been taught by Mr. Snow.
__________________________________________________________ 27. Tim's breathing was being affected by the pollution in the city.

21. One of the parents is taping the children’s song.

( )

22. The best chess player will win the match.

( )

14 No texto, a afirmação de que os EUA são o país mais rico do Text for items from 25 through 30
mundo é equivocada, porque essa posição foi perdida há algum
tempo para a China, que, na atualidade, detém a liderança Sharks in the water
econômica e militar exercida pelos norte-americanos por várias
décadas. In the last year, Somalia’s pirates have attacked 120
15 O que mais chama a atenção na presente crise econômico- vessels in the Gulf of Aden, choking commerce in a critical
financeira é o caráter de ineditismo de que se reveste, já que, shipping lane (the transit route for 20 percent of the world’s
pelo menos no século XX, nada parecido ou de grande oil), blocking aid supplies and driving up transport costs.
magnitude chegou a abalar o capitalismo mundial. The last few weeks have shown how hard it will be to
16 A disseminação mundial da crise foi facilitada pela própria defeat the pirates on the high seas, which seems like the
natureza da economia contemporânea, a globalização, international community’s approach. When British Marines
caracterizada pela vigorosa interdependência entre os mais
diversos setores da economia e as distintas regiões do planeta. tried to board a captured fishing dhow on Nov. 11, they had to
go in with guns blazing and killed one possible hostage in the
17 Aproveitando a experiência do passado, os países recusam-se,
com essa crise, a tomar medidas de cunho protecionista, para process. A week later, an Indian warship opened fire on what
não agravar uma situação que atinge a todos. it thought was a pirate mother ship. But the target turned out to
18 Tal como ocorre no presente, o desemprego costuma ser um be a Thai fishing vessel. When pirates seized their most
dos mais elevados custos sociais que uma crise econômica de valuable prize ever on Nov. 15 — the Sirius Star supertanker
grandes proporções acarreta. holding 2 million barrels of Saudi crude — everyone kept their
19 Países considerados emergentes no cenário econômico mundial, distance.
como o Brasil e a Índia, podem não ser muitos afetados pela As this suggests, Somalia’s seaborne bandits are
atual crise por serem detentores de matérias primas estratégicas making a mockery of all efforts to stop them. Pirates have only
e por pouco dependerem do consumo externo, ao contrário do increased their efforts, ranging across an area bigger than the
que ocorre com os de economia mais desenvolvida.
Mediterranean. The Sirius Star was taken 450 nautical miles
20 Blocos econômicos, como a União Europeia e o MERCOSUL, southeast of Kenya, and with it, the Somalis now hold 300
compõem o panorama do que se convencionou chamar de
globalização e derivam, entre outras razões, da necessidade de hostages and 15 ships.
se posicionar bem no competitivo mercado mundial. The Somalia’s internationally recognized transitional
government has invited foreign navies to do what’s necessary
The U.N. and the sea grab of today to stop the pirates, even attacking them ashore if need be. The
It was the Maltese delegate to the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council has affirmed that option. Moreover, nearly all
who spoke up first, in November 1967, to urge the members of the of Somalia’s pirates come from one region (Puntland), live in
U.N. to use their collective clout to come to an agreement on fair a single town (Boosaaso) and stash captured vessels in one of
and responsible use of the world’s oceans. It took 15 years, but an three ports (Eyl, Hobyo or Haradhere) — making interdiction
agreement was eventually struck from a nine-year conference that
produced the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. that much easier. Andrew Linington of Nautilus UK, a
The treaty was completed in 1982 and came into force in seaman’s union that has had many of its members taken
1994. Essentially, it codified already established customs, like the hostage, says the international community “knows where the
Law of the Sea. International waters remained international, “the pirates are, they know the ports they use, they know the mother
common heritage of all mankind”. Limitations were set on how ships. Stopping them could be done,” he says. But that would
much coastal water and seafloor a nation could claim as its own.
be expensive at a time when U.S. resources are tied up in
Other legislation determined by the convention included
creating the concept of exclusive economic zones (EEZ). Territorial Afghanistan and Iraq.
waters are extensions of a state’s laws and right of defense; EEZs Rod Nordlant. Sharks in the water.
are extensions of a state’s rights to resources offshore. The Internet: <> (adapted).
boundaries of an EEZ go well beyond territorial waters, extending According to the text, it is correct to affirm that
200 miles (322 km) from shore. All of the organic and mineral
resources found in these waters are the exclusive domain of the 25 British Marines tried to board a captured pirate ship on
coastal nation it belongs to. Nov 11. In this process, a possible hostage was killed.
Josh C la r k . Who owns the oceans?
Internet: <> (adapted).
26 an Indian warship attacked a supposed pirate mother ship
According to the text, judge the following items. which was, nevertheless, a fishing vessel.

21 It has taken nine years for an agreement on fair and responsible 27 a supertanker was the pirates’ most valuable capture.
use of the world’s oceans to be struck since the Maltese Judge the following items according to the text.
delegate to the United Nations spoke about it.
22 The treaty on fair and responsible use of the world’s oceans was 28 The efforts to stop the attacks have forced the pirates to
struck in 1982 and came into force right away. shrink the area of their activities.
23 Legislation determined by the U.N. Convention on the Law of 29 Although the international community may know where
the Sea included limitations on how much coastal water a the pirates are or the ports they use, interdicting them
nation could claim as its own.
would be quite expensive for the U.S. at this moment.
24 According to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, the
boundaries of an exclusive economic zone exceed territorial 30 All of Somalia’s pirates come from one region, what
waters. makes their interdiction quite easy.


Cargo 1: Especialista em Regulação de Serviços de Transportes Aquaviários – Especialidade: Economia –2–
 É bom também o desempenho do Brasil no comércio de produtos agroindustriais, segmento no qual o país é muito competitivo,
graças aos investimentos em tecnologia feitos pelo setor nos últimos anos. É, porém, um segmento sujeito à intensas oscilações
de preços. Já o segmento no qual os países asiáticos concentraram seus esforços, o de produtos industriais com grande conteúdo
tecnológico, é menos sujeito à variações bruscas de preços.
 Para alcançar, até 2010, nível de investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento semelhante ao dos países asiáticos de rápido
crescimento (cerca de 2% do produto interno bruto), o setor privado brasileiro teria de triplicar suas aplicações nessa área.
 Mas as empresas privadas não dispõem de capital suficiente para isso, e, se despuzessem, esbarrariam em obstáculos históricos,
como seu notório temor de aplicações de risco e sua falta de experiência.

Nos itens de 16 a 30, a seguir, são avaliados conhecimentos em língua inglesa.

1 The Brazilian economy performance in 2008 should  The Brazilian economy shouldn’t ever be stricken by the
not be affected by the international financial crisis, mainly global financial juncture.
due to the domestic demand. This is the evaluation of
4 Brazil’s National Confederation of Industries (CNI).  CNI believes Brazil will be kept out of the international
According to the quarterly Conjectural Information, financial crises this year thanks, to a large degree, to its
disclosed on Friday, October 3, the CNI has increased to internal demand.
5.3% its estimates for growth of the Brazilian Gross
“Conjectural Information” is a periodical published every

Domestic Product (GDP) this year. The previous forecast, in 

June, was that the Brazilian economy would grow 4.7%. four years.
In the evaluation of CNI technicians, the
In 2008, Brazilian GDP growth augmented 0.6%.

international crisis should only reflect in the economic results
next year. The GDP in 2009 should grow 3.5%. To the CNI,  In 2009, the GDP should be 1.8% lower than the data
13 the Brazilian capacity to face difficulties is greater than last predicted for this year.
The country has great reserves, a substantial primary  Four favorable factors will prevent Brazil from being
16 surplus, a developed banking regulation system and lower reached by the development of the international financial
foreign dependency. “However, these conditions do not bar crisis.
the unfolding of the global crisis from reaching Brazil”,
19 according to the Conjectural Information.  International offer of credit and demand for Brazil’s output
According to the study, the foreign crisis should ought to affect its economy.
reduce the international offer of credit and demand for
22 Brazilian products. “The former should have more immediate  The international demand for Brazilian products should
effects, whereas the latter should present itself in a more decrease in the short term, whereas the global offer of credit
progressive manner, as global trade loses dynamism”, write should show its effects gradually.
the institution’s technicians.
It is advisable for Brazil to have its foreign lines of credit

To the CNI, the non-renovation of foreign financing 

lines of credit, especially export credit, should create renovated.
operational difficulties for companies. This way, according
Export credit in particular must bring about operational

to the text, the Brazilian Central Bank should be aware of
liquidity problems and of the greater cost of credit, once troubles for Brazilian companies if present conditions remain
31 again evaluating the monetary policy, “which was not the same.
developed taking into consideration a more adverse
 The Brazilian Central Bank has already evaluated its
environment as the one we are currently living”.
34 The industrial sector should grow 5.5% this year, a monetary policy before.
little over the average growth of the economy as a whole.  The Brazilian Central Bank is conscious of liquidity
This performance should be boosted by the estimated civil
problems and of the price of credit.
37 construction growth of 8.7%. The transformation industry
should grow 5.1% this year.  “surplus” (R.16) is synonymous with product.
Internet: <> (adapted).
 ‘unfolding’ (R.18) is the same as development.
Based on the text above, judge the items 16 through 30.  “boosted” (R.36) means increased.

Prova de Conhecimentos Básicos para todos os cargos –2–
||TCU111_001_01N629464|| CESPE/UnB – TCU

Considerando a teoria do direito penal, a lei penal em vigor e a Lei 1 Government accountants and auditors work in the
public sector, maintaining and examining the records of
de Licitações (Lei n.º 8.666/1993), julgue os itens subsequentes. government agencies and auditing private businesses and
4 individuals whose activities are subject to government
€ Dispensar ou inexigir licitação fora das hipóteses previstas em regulations or taxation. Accountants employed by Federal,
State, and local governments ensure that revenues are received
lei, realizar modalidade de licitação em desacordo com a lei ou 7 and expenditures are made in accordance with laws and
regulations. Those employed by the Federal Government may
deixar de observar as formalidades pertinentes à dispensa ou work as Internal Revenue Service agents or in financial
à inexigibilidade são condutas previstas como crime na Lei de 10 management, financial institution examination, or budget
analysis and administration.
Licitações. Internal auditors verify the effectiveness of their
13 organization’s internal controls and check for mismanagement,
 A lei penal que, de qualquer modo, beneficie o agente deve waste, or fraud. They examine and evaluate their firms’
financial and information systems, management procedures,
retroagir, desde que respeitado o trânsito em julgado da 16 and internal controls to ensure that records are accurate and
sentença penal condenatória. controls are adequate. They also review company operations,
evaluating their efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with
! Para os fins de aplicação dos dispositivos penais contidos na 19 corporate policies and government regulations. Because
computer systems commonly automate transactions and make
Lei de Licitações, equipara-se a servidor público aquele que information readily available, internal auditors may also help
22 management evaluate the effectiveness of their controls based
exerce cargo, emprego ou função em entidade paraestatal, on real-time data, rather than personal observation. They may
incluídas as sociedades de economia mista. recommend and review controls for their organization’s
25 computer systems to ensure their reliability and integrity of the
" Sujeito ativo é aquele que pratica a conduta descrita no tipo data. Internal auditors may also have specialty titles, such as
information technology auditors, environmental auditors, and
penal. Em regra, o sujeito ativo pode ser qualquer pessoa, 28 compliance auditors.
Technology is rapidly changing the nature of the work
independentemente de qualidades ou condições especiais, of most accountants and auditors. With the aid of special
como, por exemplo, a de funcionário público no crime de 31 software packages, accountants summarize transactions in the
standard formats of financial records and organize data in
peculato. O sujeito passivo, por sua vez, é o titular do bem special formats employed in financial analysis. These
accounting packages greatly reduce the tedious work associated
jurídico lesado ou ameaçado de lesão, ou seja, a vítima da ação
with data management and recordkeeping. Computers enable
praticada pelo sujeito ativo. accountants and auditors to be more mobile and to use their
37 clients’ computer systems to extract information from
databases and the Internet. As a result, a growing number of
Acerca da tipicidade, da culpabilidade e da punibilidade, julgue os accountants and auditors with extensive computer skills
itens a seguir. 40 specialize in correcting problems with software or in
developing software to meet unique data management and
analytical needs. Accountants also are beginning to perform
# O menor de dezoito anos de idade é isento de pena por 43 more technical duties, such as implementing, controlling, and
auditing computer systems and networks and developing
inimputabilidade, mas é capaz de agir com dolo, ou seja, é technology plans.
capaz de praticar uma ação típica. Internet: <> (adapted).

$ As escusas absolutórias também são consideradas causas de Based on the text above, judge the following items.
&€ Accounting packages significantly decrease the absorbing work
exclusão da culpabilidade.
linked to data management and recordkeeping.
% São causas de exclusão da culpabilidade, expressamente & An increasing number of accountants and auditors are now able
to cope with data management and analytical needs.
previstas no Código Penal brasileiro, a coação moral &! Accountants are now starting to perform more technical tasks.
irresistível e a ordem não manifestamente ilegal de superior &" Government accountants work for private enterprises and
&# Accountants hired by Federal, State, and local governments
guarantee that the total income is received and expenditure is
 A prescrição, ao contrário do perdão judicial, é causa de
set as required by laws and regulations.
extinção da punibilidade. &$ Accountants and auditors employed by the Federal
Government ought to work as Internal Revenue agents or in
& Se o juízo de adequação típica for negativo, ou seja, se não financial management, financial institute examination, or
budget analysis and administration.
houver subsunção da conduta ao tipo penal, verifica-se causa
&% Internal auditors check over the effectiveness of their
pessoal de exclusão de pena. organization’s internal control.
& Internal auditors are in charge of preventing mismanagement,
&' Na doutrina e jurisprudência contemporâneas, predomina o waste, or fraud.
entendimento de que a punibilidade não integra o conceito && Automated transactions of computer systems have now been
readily replaced by personal observation.
analítico de delito, que ficaria definido como conduta típica,
€'' The pronoun “their” (R.36) refers to “clients’ computer
ilícita e culpável. systems” (R.37).

Cargo 1: Auditor Federal de Controle Externo – Área: Controle Externo – Especialidade: Controle Externo – Orientação: Auditoria Governamental –6–

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