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If you know anything about Antarctica, you may know that it is really, really cold. In fact, it's the coldest place on
Earth. Antarctica is made up of ice. It doesn't get much snow or rain so it's considered a desert. Given how cold
Antarctica is, it's no surprise that not many people live there. Most of the people who stay in Antarctica are scientists
who study its ice. In the summer, tourists also visit Antarctica. Soon enough, these tourists go back home. In general,
this continent can be a pretty lonely place for humans. While not many humans call Antarctica home, some animals
certainly do. Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. They are the biggest species of penguins. Weddell seals live in
Antarctica. They spend a lot of their time in the cold waters below the ice looking for animals to eat. Killer whales live
in the ocean waters of Antarctica. They eat other animals like seals and seabirds. They also eat krill, a small ocean
animal that lives in the ocean surrounding Antarctica. Many other animals in the Antarctic also eat krill. As for plants,
not many can be found in Antarctica. Moss and algae are few of the plants that can live in a place that cold.

algae (n): su yosunu emperor (n): imparator seabird (n): deniz kuşu
call (v): adlandırmak, telefon etmek krill (n): kril seal (n): fok balığı, mühür
cold (adj): soğuk, ilgisiz lonely (adj): yalnız, ıssız (yer) species (n): tür (canlı)
consider (v): düşünmek moss (n): yosun surround (v): çevrelemek
continent (n): kıta pretty (adv): oldukça whale (n): balina
desert (n): çöl scientist (n): bilim insanı

get snow : kar yağmak spend time : zaman harcamak/vakit cold water : soğuk su

know about : ... hakkında bilmek stay in : ...da kalmak in general : genel olarak/genellikle
on Earth : Dünya'da in summer : yazın live in : ...da yaşamak

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Plants are living things. They depend on water and light to help them grow. But how do plants find what they need?
They get it from the world around them! Plants get water from the soil. They get light from the sun. Many plants have
roots, stems, and leaves. Roots keep a plant attached to the soil and help the plant take in water. Water moves up the
plant’s stem to the leaves. The stem also supports the plant so it stays up straight. Leaves take in light energy from
the sun. The leaves use water, light energy, and a gas called carbon dioxide to make glucose. Glucose is a kind of
sugar. It is food for the plant. Yes, plants make their own food! They use it to grow.

call (v): adlandırmak, telefon etmek, plant (n): bitki, santral stem (n): sap (bitki)
çağırmak root (n): kök support (v): desteklemek
grow (v): büyümek stay (v): kalmak use (v): kullanmak
leaf (n): yaprak

living thing : canlı stay straight : düz durmak

attached to : …ya iliştirilmiş kind of : ...nın türü

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The Sahara Desert is one of the natural wonders on Earth. There are a few cities in the Sahara Desert, like Cairo and
Egypt, but compared to other parts of the world not many people live in this desert. Despite its large size, only around
2.5 million people live in the Sahara Desert. The most common language spoken in the Sahara is Arabic. The Sahara
Desert is the world's largest hot desert, but the third largest desert overall behind the Antarctic and the Arctic, which
are cold deserts. The Sahara Desert is on the northern part of the continent of Africa and is about 3.5 million square
miles. The overall climate of the Sahara makes it a difficult place for any life to exist. It is hot, dry, and windy. Even
though it is so hot during the day, the temperature can drop rapidly at night. It is even sometimes to below freezing.
It rarely rains in the Sahara. Some regions can go years without seeing a drop of rain. Plants, like the cactus, and
some grasses that don't need a lot of water grow here. Palm trees and fig trees grow in the areas of the desert that
have water.

cold (adj): soğuk, ilgisiz exist (v): var olmak grow (v): büyümek
continent (n): kıta fig (n): incir overall (adv): bütününe bakıldığında
desert (n): çöl grass (n): çim windy (adj): rüzgârlı
despite (prep): ...e rağmen

natural wonder : doğa harikası speak language : dili konuşmak make sth difficult : bir şeyi zorlaştırmak
large size : büyük boy hot desert : kızgın çöl temperature may drop : sıcaklık düşebilir
common language : ortak dil northern part : kuzey kısmı drop rapidly : hızla düşmek

on Earth : Dünya'da during the day : gün boyunca below freezing : donma noktasının altında
compared to : … ile karşılaştırıldığında at night : geceleyin drop of : ... damlası

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Penguins are one of the most beloved animals in the world. Penguins are found in many areas in the southern
hemisphere. Most people think of penguins as living in very cold climates like the icy continent of Antarctica, but they
also live in more temperate areas like the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and South Africa. Penguins love to swim in the
ice cold ocean water. They can swim very fast and can dive deep looking for food. A layer of fat together with a layer
of air keeps penguins warm in the cold water and almost any weather. There are several different types of penguins,
but you can tell these different types of penguins apart by the unique markings on their heads. Perhaps the Macaroni
penguin has the most unusual of these markings as it has long orange feathers right on top of its head. The largest
of the penguins is the Emperor penguin which is over three feet tall. All Penguins are mostly black and white in
colouring, which provides an excellent camouflage in the water. When swimming in the ocean, their white stomachs
make them hard to see from below as they blend into the sky and sunlight above. Likewise, their black backs help
disguise them from above as they are hard to see against the water and the dark ocean bed. Penguins mostly eat
fish. What types of fish they eat can depend on where they live. Some penguins mate for life, while others mate for a
season. In spring they return to the same place every year and lay eggs. Sometimes there will be thousands of
penguins at the same place. Each parent penguin stays close to the eggs and newborn chicks to protect them. While
one parent watches over the chick, the other parent will get food and store it in its mouth to feed the chick.

apart (adj, adv): ayrı feather (n): tüy ocean (n): okyanus
beloved (adj): sevilen feed (v): beslemek protect (v): korumak
blend (v): karıştırmak find (v): bulmak southern (adj): güney
chick (n): civciv, genç kadın hemisphere (n): yarı küre, beyin yarısı stomach (n): mide
continent (n): kıta icy (adj): buzlu, buz gibi store (v): depolamak
deep (adj, adv): derin layer (n): katman sunlight (n): güneş ışığı
different (adj): farklı likewise (trans): benzer şekilde temperate (adj): ılıman
disguise (v): kılık değiştirmek marking (n): iz type (n): tür
dive (v): dalmak, azalmak mate (v): çiftleşmek, eş olmak unique (adj): eşsiz
fat (n): yağ mostly (adv): çoğunlukla unusual (adj): sıra dışı

cold climate : soğuk iklim excellent camouflage : mükemmel make sth hard : bir şeyi sertleştirmek |
look for food : yiyecek aramak kamuflaj zorlaştırmak
keep warm : sıcak tutmak provide camouflage : kamuflaj lay egg : yumurtlamak
sağlamak stay close : yakın durmak

in the world : dünyada at a/the place : bir yerde for life : ömür boyu
in the water : suda, suyun içinde close to : ...ya yakın return to : ...ya (geri) dönmek
disguise from : ...dan gizlemek

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There are few animals on Earth who work as well together as meerkats. They live in the deserts and grasslands of the
southern tip of Africa. They live in groups of between twenty and fifty individuals. Each group has a king and a queen.
An adult meerkat weighs about three quarters of a kilo and is about 30 cm long with a long tail. These extremely
social animals live together in burrows, which they dig with their long, sharp claws. Living underground keeps mob
members safe from predators and out of the harsh African heat. Meerkats only go outside during the daytime. Each
morning, as the sun comes up, the mob emerges and begins looking for food. They use their keen sense of smell to
locate their favourite foods, which include beetles, caterpillars, spiders and scorpions. When the group hunts or
plays, two meerkats watch for danger. They start making noises when they see danger and all the meerkats run into
the tunnels. They have special cries which mean ‘eagle’ and ‘snake’. But if caught in the open by a predator, a meerkat
will try to look fierce, lying on its back and showing its teeth and claws. Meerkat parents teach their children how to
eat scorpions and they sometimes have babysitters so they can go out. When the young leave the tunnels for the first
time, the whole group comes to celebrate the occasion.

babysitter (n): çocuk bakıcısı grassland (n): çayır predator (n): yırtıcı hayvan
beetle (n): böcek harsh (adj): sert queen (n): kraliçe, vezir (satranç),
burrow (n): yuva heat (n): ısı kız (iskambil)
caterpillar (n): tırtıl hunt (v): avlamak, aramak scorpion (n): akrep
cry (n): çığlık, ağlama include (v): içermek social (adj): toplumsal
danger (n): tehlike individual (n): birey special (adj): özel
desert (n): çöl king (n): kral spider (n): örümcek
dig (v): kazmak, araştırmak lie (v): uzanmak tip (n): ipucu, bahşiş, uç
emerge (v): ortaya çıkmak locate (v): yerini belirlemek tunnel (n): tünel
extremely (adv): son derece member (n): üye underground (adj, adv): yer altı, gizli
fierce (adj): şiddetli mob (n): kalabalık weigh (v): tartmak, hesap etmek

long tail : uzun kuyruk look for food : yiyecek aramak favourite food : favori yiyecek
sharp claw : keskin pençe keen sense : keskin duyu celebrate occasion : özel durum
sun may come up : güneş doğabilir kutlamak

on Earth : Dünya'da watch for : gözlemek run into : ...ya rastlamak
during the daytime : gündüzleri

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Paris is the capital city of France. This city is well-known for many things. It’s known for its charming streets,
impressive art, and delicious food. One of the things Paris is most known for is the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a
very tall structure. It stands over 1000 feet tall! It has four huge legs. These bend inwards till they meet to form a
single tower. The structure is made of more than 18,000 pieces of iron. These iron pieces make a criss-crossing
framework for the tower. This kind of framework is very strong, but also has many empty spaces. So the Eiffel Tower
is tall and strong, but it weighs very little for its size! This tower was built for a huge event called the World Fair. It was
the main focus of the event. Millions of people saw the tower during and after the event. And many of them hated it!
Some people from Paris felt it was ugly. Others were afraid that it was not strong and safe, and that it might fall.
However, today people love the Eiffel Tower. About 7 million people visit it each year! It is thought of as a beautiful
symbol of Paris.

afraid (adj): korkmuş fall (v): düşmek, azalmak safe (adj): güvende, güvenli
art (n): sanat, beceri form (v): oluşmak, şekil vermek stand (v): ayakta durmak, tahammül
bend (v): bükmek, boyun eğmek framework (n): temel yapı etmek
build (v): inşa etmek however (trans): ancak structure (n): yapı, bina
charming (adj): çekici huge (adj): kocaman tower (n): kule
criss-cross (v): çarpraz çizgi çekmek, impressive (adj): etkileyici ugly (adj): çirkin
boydan boya geçmek iron (n): demir, ütü visit (v): ziyaret etmek
event (n): olay, etkinlik meet (v): buluşmak, tanışmak, weigh (v): tartmak, hesap etmek
fair (n): fuar gidermek

capital city : başkent empty space : boş alan main focus : ana odak
delicious food : lezzetli yemek

well-known for : ...ile ünlü made of : ...dan yapılmak

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Soap has been around for thousands of years. Early kinds of soap were made from animal fats. When animal fats
were boiled, they turned into soap. Some people believe that soap was invented as early as 2800 BCE. Even though
soap is very old, it was not popular until the 1600s! Before the 1600s, most people could not buy soap because it was
too expensive. Many people got sick because they did not clean themselves with soap. Now, soap is cheap and easy
to make. Most soap is made in factories. People no longer have to boil animal fats to make their own soap. They can
just buy it at the store.

believe (v): inanmak early (adj): erken, başları invent (v): icat etmek, uydurmak
boil (v): kaynamak easy (adj): kolay, rahat kind (n): tür
buy (v): satın almak expensive (adj): pahalı sick (adj): hasta, midesi bulanmış
cheap (adj): ucuz factory (n): fabrika soap (n): sabun
clean (v): temizlemek fat (n): yağ store (n): mağaza, depo

get sick : hastalanmak use soap : sabun kullanmak

kind of : ...nın türü turn into : ...ya dönüşmek clean with : ...ile temizlemek
made from : ...dan yapılmak in factory : fabrikada

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The Roman Empire was the largest empire of the ancient world. Its capital was Rome, and its empire was based on
the Mediterranean. The Empire dates from 27 BC, when Octavian became the Emperor, Augustus. The empire was
the third stage of Ancient Rome. Rome was first ruled by Roman kings, then by the Roman Republic, then by an
emperor. Many modern lands were once part of the Roman Empire, including Britain (not Scotland), Spain, Portugal,
France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Egypt, and the north coast of Africa. The main language of the Roman Empire
was Latin; Greek was an important secondary language. The western part of the Roman Empire continued for about
500 years, and the eastern part, including Greece and Anatolia, continued for about a thousand years more. The
eastern part was called the Byzantine Empire with a capital at Constantinople, which was the ancient name for the
modern city of Istanbul in Turkey.

Mediterranean (n): Akdeniz continue (v): devam etmek main (adj): ana
capital (n): başkent, büyük harf, emperor (n): imparator once (adv): bir kez, bir zamanlar
sermaye including (prep): … dahil rule (v): yönetmek, hüküm vermek
coast (n): sahil language (n): dil secondary (adj): ortaokul, ikincil, sonraki
stage (n): aşama, sahne

roman empire : roma imparatorluğu ancient world : eski dünya large empire : büyük imparatorluk

name for : ...nın adı

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One of the most popular foods of all time is chocolate. People nowadays eat chocolate in many different forms. We
eat chocolate candy, and we drink hot and cold chocolate drinks. The chocolate we eat today is made from a lot of
different ingredients, but the most important ingredient is cacao bean. The story of cacao bean and its long journey
to stores and supermarkets all over the world started hundreds of years ago in Mexico. Cacao trees need hot and
humid weather, and they originally grew in the Yucatan Peninsula. The Maya were the first people to eat cacao beans.
They picked cacao beans from wild trees and cleared land to cultivate their own trees. They made a drink from cacao
beans and exchanged the beans for other goods. They also used cacao beans for religious ceremonies. Mayan
merchants travelled north and introduced cacao beans to the Aztec people. Soon the cacao bean was part of the
Aztecs' lives. They used it as a drink, as part of religious ceremonies and even as money. With 10 beans, you could buy
a rabbit. With 100 beans, you could buy a slave. The Aztecs could not grow cacao trees because of the dry climate.
When the Aztecs conquered the Maya, they asked for cacao beans as a tribute.

candy (n): şeker important (adj): önemli rabbit (n): tavşan
clear (v): temizlemek ingredient (n): malzemeler, unsur slave (n): köle
conquer (v): fethetmek, üstesinden gelmek merchant (n): tüccar travel (v): seyahat etmek, yol almak
cultivate (v): ekip biçmek, geliştirmek money (n): para tribute (n): övgü, eser
exchange (v): değiş tokuş etmek nowadays (adv): bugünlerde wild (adj): vahşi, vahşi doğa
grow (v): büyümek originally (adv): başlangıçta

different form : farklı şekil/tür humid weather : nemli hava religious ceremony : dinî tören, ayin
long journey : uzun yolculuk hot weather : sıcak hava dry climate : kurak iklim

made from : ...dan yapılmak pick from : ...den toplamak introduce to : …ya tanıtmak
all over the world : dünyanın her use for : ... için kullanmak

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Traffic signs warn you of possible dangers and provide information. They tell you what the rules are and what the
road conditions are like. A road sign is something that gives information by means of a symbol, or in only 1 or 2 words.
It helps people in their vehicles on the road. Without signs and traffic lights there would be many accidents and
arguments on the road. Warning signs are usually black on a yellow background and are mostly diamond shaped.
Pictures, diagrams and symbols are used to alert you to danger. Speed signs are sometimes used together with other
signs. They show the maximum speed that is safe in good conditions. Sometimes other signs are used together with
warning signs to advise on how long you should look out for a particular hazard. Although the purpose of a traffic
signal is to regulate the flow of automobiles, traffic signals emerged long before automobiles were invented. The
idea for developing traffic signals began in the 1800’s, the first gas-lit traffic lights were installed outside the Houses
of Parliament in London. They would signal "stop" and "go" during the day, and at night red and green lights would be
used. In 1909, nine European governments chose four pictorial symbol signs to be used as a standard in some areas.
By 1930, all major American cities and many small towns had at least one electric traffic signal, and the innovation
was spreading around the world. The death rates in the United States fell by more than 50 percent between 1914 and
1930.And the technology became a symbol of progress. The need for new traffic signs is always growing and
changing, especially to keep up with advancements in technology and modern lifestyles. In some places, signs are
going digital.

accident (n): kaza, tesadüf emerge (v): ortaya çıkmak progress (n): ilerleme
argument (n): tartışma, iddia fall (v): düşmek, azalmak purpose (n): amaç
background (n): arka plan, kişinin grow (v): büyümek road (n): yol
geçmişi hazard (n): tehlike rule (n): kural, yönetim
change (v): değişmek, (para) bozdurmak innovation (n): yenilik safe (adj): güvende, güvenli
condition (n): durum, koşul, rahatsızlık install (v): kurmak, tayin etmek signal (v): işaret vermek
develop (v): gelişmek, ortaya çıkmak invent (v): icat etmek, uydurmak speed (n): hız
diagram (n): şema lifestyle (n): yaşam tarzı spread (v): yayılmak
diamond (n): elmas, eşkenar dörtgen parliament (n): millet meclisi vehicle (n): taşıt

traffic sign : trafik işareti warning sign : uyarı işareti light gas : gaz yakmak
possible danger : olası tehlike maximum speed : azami hız motor vehicle : motorlu taşıt
provide information : bilgi sağlamak regulate flow : akışı düzenlemek death rate : ölüm oranı
give information : bilgi vermek

warn of : ... hakkında uyarmak idea for : …için fikir around the world : dünya genelinde |
on the road : yolda during the day : gün boyunca dünyanın etrafında
alert to : ...ya karşı uyarmak at night : geceleyin need for : … ihtiyacı
advise on : ... konuda tavsiye vermek advancement in : ... alanında ilerleme

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Breathing is moving air in and out of the lungs. The air going in and out is called breath. If a person cannot breathe,
they will die. Breathing helps people do two very important things. One of them is getting oxygen into the body,
because every part of the body needs oxygen to survive. The only way humans can get oxygen is to breathe it in. The
other one is getting carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the body. When the body makes energy, carbon dioxide gets left over.
The body needs to get rid of extra carbon dioxide, because too much of it is poisonous. The only way humans can get
rid of carbon dioxide is to breathe it out. When a person breathes in, they bring air into their lungs. Air has oxygen in
it. The oxygen goes from the lungs into the person's bloodstream. When oxygen goes into the bloodstream, extra
carbon dioxide comes out and goes into the lungs. This is called gas exchange: basically, oxygen and carbon dioxide
are changing places. Oxygen is now in the bloodstream, which can carry that oxygen around to every part of the body.
Also, carbon dioxide is now in the lungs, where it can be breathed out. Adults breathe about 18 times a minute, which
is more than 25,000 times a day. Children breathe even faster.

adult (adj, n): yetişkin breathe (v): nefes almak move (v): hareket etmek, taşınmak,
basically (adv): temel olarak carry (v): taşımak duygulandırmak
because (conj, trans): ...dığı için, çünkü die (v): ölmek poisonous (adj): zehirli
bloodstream (n): kan dolaşımı lung (n): akciğer survive (v): hayatta kalmak
breath (n): nefes

get snow : kar yağmak spend time : zaman harcamak/vakit cold water : soğuk su

get oxygen : oksijen almak change place : yeri/pozisyonu

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Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep during deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers actually walk.
Some sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! But most do get up and move
around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' eyes are open, but they don't see the same way
they do when they're awake. They'll often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether.
Sleepwalkers tend to go back to bed on their own and they won't remember what happened in the morning.
Sleepwalking is more common in children and affects both boys and girls. It can begin as soon as a child is able to
walk. The rate of it in children is as high as 17 percent. Rarely, sleepwalking may begin at any time in the adult life,
even when someone is in their seventies. In adults, men are more likely to show aggressive behaviour when they
sleepwalk. There's no cure for sleepwalking, but the doctor can talk to you about what's happening and try to find
ways to help you sleep more soundly. Medicines are sometimes used if you sleepwalk often or there's a risk for you.

affect (v): etkilemek happen (v): meydana gelmek show (v): göstermek
altogether (adv): tamamen likely (adj): olası sleepwalker (n): uyurgezer
asleep (adj): uyuyan medicine (n): ilaç, tıp sleepwalking (n): uyurgezerlik
awake (adj): uyanık remember (v): hatırlamak tend (v): eğilimli olmak, ilgilenmek

deep sleep : derin uyku aggressive behaviour : saldırgan find way : yol bulmak
adult life : yetişkin hayatı davranış sleep soundly : mışıl mışıl uyumak

in bed : yatakta common in : ...da yaygın talk about : ... hakkında konuşmak
act like : …gibi davranmak cure for : ... için tedavi risk for : ... için risk
in the morning : sabahleyin talk to : ...ile konuşmak

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Asthma is a serious lung disease that causes breathing problems. These problems, called asthma attacks, can kill.
Asthma can affect people of all age groups but often begins in childhood. It can be controlled but not cured.
Sufferers must deal with the disease every day. Asthma is common in kids and teens, and members of the family can
have it. It can start at an early age and stop when a person has become an adult. Some children grow out of asthma;
sometimes it comes back when they are older. It can be mild or so severe that it gets in the way of daily activities. No
one knows exactly why some people develop asthma. People with asthma may have a parent or other close relative
with asthma. Those who are overweight may be more likely to have it. With asthma, air has a harder time passing
through. Airways swell and fill with mucus. The muscles around the airways tighten, making airways narrower.
Things that can irritate the airways are called "triggers". Common triggers include cigarette smoke, allergies, and
exercise. There's no cure for asthma, but it can be managed to prevent triggers. With medicine and the right care
plan, a person can live a healthy and active life.

adult (adj, n): yetişkin include (v): içermek overweight (adj): aşırı kilolu
affect (v): etkilemek irritate (v): sinirlendirmek, tahriş etmek prevent (v): önlemek
airway (n): solunum yolu, havayolu kill (v): öldürmek severe (adj): ciddi, sevimsiz
asthma (n): astım likely (adj): olası sufferer (n): hasta
attack (n): saldırı, eleştiri, hastalık nöbeti lung (n): akciğer swell (v): şişmek, artmak
breathing (n): nefes alıp verme member (n): üye tighten (v): sıkılaştırmak
control (v): kontrol etmek mild (adj): yumuşak (hava), hafif, sakin trigger (n): tetik, tetikleyici
cure (v): tedavi etmek narrow (adj): dar

serious disease : ciddi hastalık know exactly : tam olarak bilmek cigarette smoke : sigara dumanı
age group : yaş grubu develop asthma : astım gelişmek healthy life : sağlıklı yaşam
early age : erken, küçük yaş close relative : yakın akraba active life : hareketli hayat
daily activity : günlük aktivite

in childhood : çocuklukta fill with : ... ile doldurmak at a ... age : ... yaşında
common in : ...da yaygın cure for : ... için tedavi

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Muscles are how we move and live. All movement in the body is controlled by muscles. Some muscles work without
us thinking, like our heart beating, while other muscles are controlled by our thoughts and allow us to do stuff and
move around. All of our muscles together make up the body's muscular system. Muscles are all made of the same
material, a type of elastic tissue. Thousands, or even tens of thousands, of small fibers make up each muscle. There
are over 600 muscles in the human body. They are under our skin and cover our bones. Muscles often work together
to help us move. We don't really have to think about moving each individual muscle. For example, we just think of
running and our body does the rest. You may not think of it as a muscular body part, but your face has plenty of
muscles. Facial muscles don't all attach directly to bone like they do in the rest of the body. Instead, many of them
attach under the skin. Even the smallest movement can turn a smile into a frown. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43
muscles to frown. You can raise your eyebrow to look surprised or wiggle your nose. Your tongue is also made of a
group of muscles that work together to allow you to talk and help you chew food. When we exercise we work our
muscles allowing them to become bigger and stronger. Exercise helps keep your muscles strong and flexible. If you
don't use your muscles they can shrink and become weak. You can help your muscles stay strong and healthy by
exercising every day and using different sets of muscles when you exercise.

allow (v): izin vermek, olanak sağlamak frown (n): çatık kaş shrink (v): küçülmek
control (v): kontrol etmek individual (adj): bireysel stuff (n): şey
cover (v): kaplamak movement (n): hareket, akım thought (n): düşünce
directly (adv): doğrudan muscle (n): kas, güç tissue (n): kâğıt mendil, doku
eyebrow (n): kaş rest (n): dinlenme, geri kalanı wiggle (v): oyna(t)mak

human body : insan vücudu chew food : yiyeceği çiğnemek keep sth flexible : bir şeyi esnek
facial muscle : yüz kası keep sth strong : bir şeyi güçlü tutmak tutmak
look surprised : şaşırmış görünmek become weak : zayıflamak

made of : ...dan yapılmak attach to : …ya iliştirmek turn into : ...ya dönüşmek
think about : ...hakkında düşünmek under the skin : derinin, cildin altında

15 www.remzihoca.com

Your kidneys are a pair of organs that are critical to helping your body work properly. Those organs are called kidney
beans because their shape is almost the same as an actual chilli bean. Kidneys are organs that are extremely
important in maintaining a healthy body. They perform many crucial functions, such as filtering waste materials from
food, medications, and toxic substances. While filtering, the kidneys produce urine to carry the toxins away. The
kidneys also make hormones and these hormones help regulate blood pressure, make red blood cells and promote
bone health. You have two kidneys, one located on each side of your spine, right below your lowest rib. The kidneys
face one another and look kind of like a pair of parentheses. When you are an adult, each kidney is about 3 inches
wide and 5 inches long. That is roughly the size of a smartphone. Although humans are born with two kidneys, it is
possible for a person to survive with only one. However, the kidneys need an adequate supply of blood, so if there is
something wrong with the blood vessels to the kidney, such as a narrowing, this will prevent the kidneys from
working efficiently.

blood (n): kan, soy material (n): madde roughly (adv): kabaca, zorla
bone (n): kemik medication (n): ilaç tedavisi shape (n): şekil
carry (v): taşımak narrow (v): daraltmak size (n): ebat
face (v): yüzleşmek, ...ya dönük olmak possible (adj): mümkün smartphone (n): akıllı telefon
filter (v): süz(ül)mek produce (v): üretmek, neden olmak spine (n): omurga, sırt (kitap), diken
however (trans): ancak regulate (v): düzenlemek survive (v): hayatta kalmak
kidney (n): böbrek rib (n): kaburga waste (n): israf, atık
maintain (v): devam ettirmek, bakım yapmak

work properly : düzgün çalışmak crucial function : önemli işlev promote health : sağlığı geliştirmek
extremely important : son derece önemli toxic substance : zehirli madde adequate supply : yeterli kaynak
healthy body : sağlıklı vücut blood pressure : kan basıncı / tansiyon blood vessel : kan damarı
perform function : işlev gerçekleştirme- red blood cell : kırmızı kan hücresi / work effectively : verimli/etkin çalışmak
k/yapmak alyuvar

critical to : …için çok önemli born with : …ile doğmuş prevent sb from doing sth : birinin
locate on : ...da konumlanmak wrong with : ...da yanlış/sorunlu ...yapmasını önlemek, engellemek

www.remzihoca.com 16



Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and
October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather. The east coast is hotter and wetter,
with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of
damage. So, you should avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can
make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant. The high, central part of the country is
much drier and cooler. The summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with
freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days. The west
coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and
blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert,
and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

avoid (v): kaçınmak mountain (n): dağ, yığın sunny (adj): güneşli
because (conj, trans): ...dığı için, çünkü pleasant (adj): hoş travel (n): seyahat
cool (adj): serin, harika, sakin rainfall (n): yağmur yağışı visit (v): ziyaret etmek
especially (adv): özellikle road (n): yol warm (adj): ılık, sıcak tutan, içten
freezing (adj): dondurucu shower (n): duş, sağanak weather (n): hava durumu
however (trans): ancak stay (v): kalmak

wet season : yağışlı mevsim rainy season : yağmurlu mevsim central part : temel parça, orta kısım
dry season : kurak mevsim strong wind : sert rüzgar cool temperature : düşük sıcaklık
different part : farklı bölüm cause damage : zarara sebep olmak extremely hot : son derece sıcak
east coast : doğu kıyısı make sth difficult : bir şeyi zorlaştırmak

per year : yılda / her yıl in the morning : sabahleyin

www.remzihoca.com 18
1. State whether the following are True (T) 5. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Madagascar has four seasons: spring, The wettest part of the island is the east.
summer, autumn and winter.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. State whether the following are True (T)
2. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F):
or False (F): January-March is a good time to visit
There is more rain in January than in eastern Madagascar.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
7. State whether the following are True (T)
3. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F):
or False (F): The centre of Madagascar is the coldest
The wet season is colder than the dry part.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
8. State whether the following are True (T)
4. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F):
or False (F): The west coast has the best weather in
It hardly ever rains in central December.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)

19 www.remzihoca.com

Rainforests are forests characterized by biodiversity and high rainfall, with annual rainfall between 250 and 450
centimetres. There are two types of rainforest: tropical rainforest and temperate rainforest. Tropical rainforests are
characterized by a warm and wet climate with no substantial dry season: typically found within 10 degrees north and
south of the equator in areas such as South America, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Temperate
rainforests, however, are only found in few temperate regions around the world such as Europe, North America and
East Asia. Around 40% to 75% of all biotic species are indigenous to the rainforests. It has been estimated that there
may be many millions of species of plants, insects and microorganisms still undiscovered in tropical rainforests.
Tropical rainforests have been called the "jewels of the Earth" and the "world's largest pharmacy", because over one
quarter of natural medicines have been discovered there. Rainforests are also responsible for 28% of the world's
oxygen turnover; that is why tropical forests are also called "Earth's lungs." Rainforests produce many items that we
all use in our daily lives. Tropical rainforests provide timber as well as animal products such as meat and hides. Other
common rainforests products include: chocolate, sugar, cinnamon, rubber, medicine, and pineapples. Rainforests
also have value as tourism destinations and for the ecosystem services provided.

because (conj, trans): ...dığı için, çünkü indigenous (adj): yerli service (n): hizmet, çalışma süresi
biodiversity (n): biyolojik çeşitlilik insect (n): böcek species (n): tür (canlı)
biotic (adj): canlılara ait item (n): madde substantial (adj): önemli, dayanıklı
cinnamon (n): tarçın meat (n): et temperate (adj): ılıman
destination (n): varış yeri medicine (n): ilaç, tıp timber (n): kereste
equator (n): ekvator natural (adj): doğal, normal tropical (adj): tropikal
estimate (v): tahmin etmek provide (v): sağlamak undiscovered (adj): keşfedilmemiş
hide (n): hayvan post rainforest (n): yağmur ormanı value (n): değer
however (trans): ancak rubber (n): kauçuk, silgi

high rainfall : yüksek yağış wet climate : yağışlı iklim animal product : hayvansal ürün
annual rainfall : yıllık yağış dry season : kurak mevsim economic development : ekonomik
warm climate : sıcak iklim daily life : günlük yaşam gelişme

to be characterized by : ... ile around the world : dünya genelinde | responsible for : ...dan sorumlu
nitelenmek / tanımlanmak dünyanın etrafında

www.remzihoca.com 20
1. State whether the following are True (T) 3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Tropical forests are found only in Rainforests have contributed to
tropical regions. economic development.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T)

or False (F):
Many species of plants, insects and
microorganisms haven't been
discovered in tropical rainforests yet.

A) (T)
B) (F)

21 www.remzihoca.com

Most contemporary ethologists view the elephant as one of the world's most intelligent animals. With a mass of just
over 5 kg, an elephant's brain has more mass than that of any other land animal, and although the largest whales have
body masses twenty times those of a typical elephant, a whale's brain is barely twice the mass of an elephant's brain.
In addition, elephants have a total of 300 billion neurons. Elephant brains are similar to humans' and many other
mammals' in terms of general connectivity and functional areas. Elephants manifest a wide variety of behaviours,
including those associated with grief, learning, mimicry, play, self-sacrifice, use of tools, compassion, cooperation,
self-awareness, memory, and communication. Further, evidence suggests elephants may understand pointing: the
ability to nonverbally communicate an object by extending a finger, or equivalent. Elephants are thought to be highly
self-sacrificing animals that even aid other species, including humans, in distress. In India, an elephant was helping
locals lift logs by following a truck and placing the logs in pre-dug holes upon instruction from the mahout (elephant
trainer). At a certain hole, the elephant refused to lower the log. The mahout came to investigate the hold-up and
noticed a dog sleeping in the hole. The elephant only lowered the log when the dog was gone. When an elephant is
hurt, other elephants, even if they are unrelated, aid them.

aid (v): yardım etmek functional (adj): işlevsel, çalışır durumda memory (n): anı, hafıza
although (conj, trans): ...e rağmen, fakat further (adv): daha fazla, daha ileriye mimicry (n): taklit
barely (adv): neredeyse hiç grief (n): üzüntü neuron (n): nöron
behaviour (n): davranış highly (adv): hayli, yüksek mevkili self-awareness (n): öz farkındalık
communication (n): iletişim hurt (adj): yaralanmış, üzülmüş self-sacrifice (n): özveri
compassion (n): şefkat including (prep): … dahil self-sacrificing (adj): fedakâr
connectivity (n): bağlanabilirlik intelligent (adj): zeki tool (n): alet
contemporary (adj): çağdaş lift (v): kaldırmak total (n): toplam
cooperation (n): iş birliği local (n): yerel halktan olan truck (n): kamyon
elephant (n): fil log (n): kütük, (gemi, uçak) seyir defteri understand (v): anlamak
equivalent (n): eş değerlik lower (v): indirmek unrelated (adj): ilişkisi olmayan
ethologist (n): etolog manifest (v): göstermek whale (n): balina
extend (v): uzatmak, kapsamak mass (n): yığın, kütle

land animal : kara hayvanı evidence may suggest : kanıt extend finger : parmak uzatmak
a wide variety of : çok çeşitli ... gösterebilir dig hole : delik/çukur kazmak

in distress : tehlikede/sıkıntıda associated with : ... ile ilişkili story about : ...hakkında hikaye
similar to : ...ya benzer in the hole : bir delikte

www.remzihoca.com 22
1. State whether the following are True (T) 3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
An elephant’s brain is larger than that of Elephants may understand a certain
a whale. type of body language.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
In some respects, an elephant’s brain The story about an elephant in India is
resembles the human brain. an example of self-sacrifice.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

23 www.remzihoca.com

Although some of the steps in photosynthesis are still not completely understood, the overall photosynthetic
equation has been known since the 1800s. Jan van Helmont began the research of the process in the mid-1600s when
he carefully measured the mass of the soil used by a plant and the mass of the plant as it grew. After noticing that the
soil mass changed very little, he hypothesised that the mass of the growing plant must come from the water, the only
substance he added to the potted plant. His hypothesis was partially accurate—much of the gained mass also comes
from carbon dioxide as well as water. In 1796, Jean Senebier, a Swiss pastor, botanist, and naturalist, demonstrated
that green plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen under the influence of light. Soon afterwards,
Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure showed that the increase in mass of the plant as it grows could not be due only to
uptake of CO2, but also to the incorporation of water.

afterwards (trans): ardından incorporation (n): birleşme yaymak, piyasaya çıkarmak
although (conj, trans): ...e rağmen, fakat notice (v): fark etmek research (n): araştırma
change (v): değişmek, (para) bozdurmak overall (adj): tüm show (v): göstermek
consume (v): tüketmek pastor (n): papaz soil (n): toprak, ülke
demonstrate (v): göstermek, gösteri yapmak photosynthesis (n): fotosentez substance (n): madde, önem
equation (n): denklem, eşitlik process (n): süreç, işlem uptake (n): kavrama
grow (v): büyümek release (v): serbest bırakmak,

understand completely : tamamen measure mass : kütle ölçmek gain mass : kütle kazanmak
anlamak potted plant : saksı bitkisi understand fully : tam olarak
measure carefully : dikkatlice ölçmek partially accurate : kısmen doğru anlamak

step in : ...da adım under the influence : etki altında increase in : ...de artış
add to : ...ya eklemek, katkıda bulunmak

www.remzihoca.com 24
1. State whether the following are True (T) 3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
We now fully understand the process of De Saussure demonstrated that both
photosynthesis. carbon dioxide and water contribute to
an increase in mass in plants as they
A) (T) grow.
B) (F)
A) (T)
B) (F)
2. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F):
Van Helmont's hypothesis did not take
into account that plants consume
carbon dioxide.

A) (T)
B) (F)

25 www.remzihoca.com


A recent survey has shown that the number of people in the United Kingdom who do not intend to get internet access
has risen. These people make up 44% of UK households, or 11.2 million people in total. The research also showed that
more than 70 percent of these people said that they were not interested in getting connected to the internet. This
number has risen from just over 50% in 2005, with the lack of computer skills as a reason for not getting internet
access, though some also said it was because of the cost. More and more people are getting broadband and high
speed net is available almost everywhere in the UK, but there are still a significant number of people who refuse to
take the first step. The cost of getting online is going down and internet speeds are increasing, so many see the main
challenge to be explaining the relevance of the internet to this group. This would encourage them to get connected
before they are left too far behind. The gap between those who have access to and use the internet is the digital
divide, and if the gap continues to widen, those without access will get left behind and miss out on many
opportunities, especially in their careers.

access (n): erişim household (n): ev halkı rise (v): yükselmek, doğmak (güneş),
available (adj): mevcut, müsait increase (v): artmak ayağa kalkmak
broadband (n): geniş bant intend (v): niyet etmek show (v): göstermek
cost (n): maliyet, bedel net (n): ağ skill (n): beceri
encourage (v): teşvik etmek opportunity (n): fırsat though (conj, trans): ...e rağmen, fakat
especially (adv): özellikle refuse (v): reddetmek widen (v): genişletmek
explain (v): açıklamak relevance (n): ilgi

recent survey : yeni araştırma high speed : yüksek hız digital divide : sayısal uçurum
research may show : araştırma take step : adım atmak main reason : temel sebep
gösterebilir main challenge : başlıca sorun, engel

in total : toplamda lack of : ... eksikliği gap between : …arasındaki boşluk, fark
interested in : …ile ilgili reason for : ...nın sebebi access to : …ya erişim
connect to : …ile bağlantı kurmak challenge to : ...için zorluk key to : ...için önemli

www.remzihoca.com 26
1. State whether the following are True (T) 5. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
More people in the UK do not intend to High speed intenet is not available
get internet access than before. everywhere in the UK.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) 6. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Most of those without internet access Many people think that getting the costs
want to get it. down is the key to this problem.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

3. State whether the following are True (T) 7. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
The minority of the people surveyed in The digital divide is widening in the UK.
2005 weren't interested in having
internet access. A) (T)
B) (F)
A) (T)
B) (F)
8. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F):
4. State whether the following are True (T) Not having access to the internet will
or False (F): only affect people's careers.
The main reason for not getting internet
access is the cost. A) (T)
B) (F)
A) (T)
B) (F)

27 www.remzihoca.com

Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that that people are feeding the birds, which
makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insects, not high-fat
junk food they are eating in the city centre. The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is
responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from
the city centre and into parks and open spaces. Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the
pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds - known as 'robops' - will
sit on the roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon,
which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. They hope that
the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two years.

because (conj, trans): ...dığı için, çünkü feed (v): beslemek robotic (adj): robota ilişkin, robot (dans)
building (n): bina, inşa etme hope (v): ummak roof (n): çatı
clear (v): temizlemek insect (n): böcek scare (v): korkutmak
diet (n): beslenme, rejim location (n): konum seed (n): tohum
different (adj): farklı pigeon (n): güvercin visitor (n): ziyaretçi
encourage (v): teşvik etmek

make sb fat : birini şişmanlatmak high-fat food : yüksek yağlı yiyecek give food : yiyecek vermek
get big : büyümek open space : açık/boş alan city council : şehir meclisi

responsible for : ...dan sorumlu crowded with : …ile dolu sit on : ...üzerinde oturmak/bulunmak

www.remzihoca.com 28
1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Pigeons get fat because they eat seeds Visitors shouldn't feed the pigeons.
and insects.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
5. State whether the following are True (T)
2. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F):
or False (F): The robotic birds can move around the
According to the council, everyone is to city centre.
blame for the numbers of pigeons.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. State whether the following are True (T)
3. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F):
or False (F): Liverpool is the European Capital of
They want the pigeons to move out of Culture.
the city centre.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)

29 www.remzihoca.com

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite,
a set of communications protocols, to serve billions of users worldwide. The internet has reshaped and redefined
most traditional communications media including telephone, music, film, and television. This has given birth to new
services. Newspaper, book and other print publishing are adapting to Web site technology, or are reshaped into
blogging and web feeds. The Internet has enabled or accelerated new forms of human interactions through instant
messaging, Internet forums, and social networking. Online shopping has boomed both for major retail outlets and
small artisans and traders. Business-to-business and financial services on the Internet affect supply chains across
entire industries. The origins of the Internet reach back to research of the 1960s, commissioned by the United States
government in collaboration with private commercial interests to build robust, fault-tolerant, and distributed
computer networks. The commercialization of what was by the 1990s an international network resulted in its
popularization and incorporation into virtually every aspect of modern human life. As of 2011, more than 2.1 billion
people —nearly a third of Earth's population — use the services of the Internet.

accelerate (v): hızlanmak incorporation (n): birleşme research (n): araştırma
artisan (n): zanaatkar industry (n): sanayi, çalışkanlık reshape (v): şeklini değiştirmek
aspect (n): özellik interconnect (v): birbirine bağlamak retail (n): perakende satış
boom (v): ani ses çıkarmak, artmak media (n): medya robust (adj): sağlam
commercialization (n): ticarileş(tir)me newspaper (n): gazete serve (v): hizmet etmek, görev
commission (v): görevlendirmek, origin (n): köken yapmak, işe yaramak
rütbe vermek outlet (n): çıkış, indirim mağazası, priz service (n): hizmet, çalışma süresi
communication (n): iletişim popularization (n): kitleselleştirme trader (n): tüccar
enable (v): olanak sağlamak print (n): baskı user (n): kullanıcı
entire (adj): bütün private (adj): özel virtually (adv): neredeyse
global (adj): küresel publishing (n): yayıncılık worldwide (adj, adv): dünya çapında
including (prep): … dahil

computer network : bilgisayar ağı social network : sosyal ağ commercial interest : ticari ilgi
new form : yeni çeşit, biçim online shopping : internet üzerinden human life : insan hayatı
human interaction : insan etkileşimi alışveriş use service : hizmet kullanmak
instant message : anlık ileti supply chain : tedarik zinciri

in distress : tehlikede/sıkıntıda associated with : ... ile ilişkili story about : ...hakkında hikaye
similar to : ...ya benzer in the hole : bir delikte

www.remzihoca.com 30
1. State whether the following are True (T) 3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
The internet has completely dethroned The internet was first introduced in the
traditional media. 1990s.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
The internet has had an impact on More than a quarter of the Earth's
commerce. population are internet users.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

31 www.remzihoca.com


From a single point of origin, Mainz, Germany, printing spread within several decades to over two hundred cities in a
dozen European countries. By 1500, printing presses in operation throughout Western Europe had already produced
more than twenty million volumes. In the 16th century, with presses spreading further afield, their output rose
tenfold to an estimated 150 to 200 million copies. The operation of a press became so synonymous with the
enterprise of printing that it lent its name to an entire new branch of media, the press. In Renaissance Europe, the
arrival of mechanical movable type printing introduced the era of mass communication which permanently altered
the structure of society. The relatively unrestricted circulation of information and ideas transcended borders and
threatened the power of political and religious authorities. The sharp increase in literacy broke the monopoly of the
literate elite on education and learning and supported the emerging middle class.

afield (adv): uzakta information (n): bilgi produce (v): üretmek, neden olmak
arrival (n): varış introduce (v): tanıştırmak, ortaya koymak relatively (adv): nispeten
border (n): sınır, şerit lend (v): ödünç vermek, kredi vermek rise (v): yükselmek, doğmak (güneş),
branch (n): branş, dal, nehir kolu literacy (n): okuryazarlık ayağa kalkmak
circulation (n): dolaşım movable (adj): taşınabilir support (v): desteklemek
emerging (adj): gelişmekte olan operation (n): ameliyat, operasyon, threaten (v): tehdit etmek
enterprise (n): girişim işletme transcend (v): aşmak
entire (adj): bütün output (n): çıktı, çıkış unrestricted (adj): sınırlanmamış
era (n): çağ power (n): güç, enerji volume (n): hacim, cilt, ses (gücü)
estimated (adj): tahmini press (n): basın

mass communication : kitle iletişimi political authority : siyasal otorite break monopoly : tekeli bozmak
alter permanently : kalıcı olarak religious authority : dini otorite negative effect : olumsuz etki
değiştirmek sharp increase : keskin artış/yükseliş middle class : orta sınıf
alter structure : yapısını değiştirmek

synonymous with : ... ile eş anlamlı increase in : ...de artış rise in : ...da artış
spread over : ... üzerinde yayılmak monopoly on : ... üzerinde tekel effect on : …üzerinde etki
in operation : çalışmakta in use : kullanımda, tedavülde
lend to : ...ya ödünç vermek link to : ... ile bağlantılı olmak, ilişkili olmak

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Solar energy system is the new source of energy used in most of the developed countries. The solar system
technology has started to gain popularity in developing countries too. Use of gasoline and other natural resources
as sources of energy are harmful for the environment; therefore, developed countries are trying to put more
reliance on solar energy for industrial use in general and domestic usage in particular. Use of solar energy for
industrial and domestic purpose is likely to increase in the future due to its benefits and multipurpose usage.
In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, energy requirement around the globe has increased significantly.
Fossil fuels are the primary energy source that has the inherent disadvantage of being non-renewable. Due to
limited fossil fuels and the ever-increasing requirement for energy sources, it is important to look for the
alternative energy sources in order to replace the fossil fuels. Solar energy is another venue that provides an
alternative source. Sun energy is converted into electrical or thermal energy after it reaches earth. Solar energy
helps to sustain life on earth by maintaining the earth’s atmosphere and weather. Presently, only a very meagre
portion of the world energy is obtained from the sun, however, it is believed that solar energy can produce 5000
times more for energy for present consumption. In addition to the energy produced through solar panels,
hydropower and wind power are also forms of solar energy. Wind is due to the low and high temperatures caused
by the heat of the sun. Rainfall leads to plenty of water that produces hydropower. Solar energy can be extracted
both by active and passive methods. Active method includes the extraction of solar energy from photovoltaic cells
and using the same for different purposes. Passive solar energy is gained by orienting and siting the buildings in
accordance with the dispersion of light. There is a hybrid form of energy in which solar energy is used in
combination with other sources such as hydropower and energy produced by use of fossil fuels. Solar energy can
also be stored in batteries for later use.

consumption (n): tüketim hybrid (adj, n): melez provide (v): sağlamak
dispersion (n): dağılma, renksel saçılım important (adj): önemli purpose (n): amaç
domestic (adj): yurt içi, aile içi, evcil limited (adj): sınırlı, limitet şirket rainfall (n): yağmur yağışı
ever-increasing (adj): sürekli artan maintain (v): devam ettirmek, bakım reach (v): ulaşmak, uzanmak
extract (v): çıkarmak yapmak, iddia etmek replace (v): değiştirmek, yerine koymak
extraction (n): çıkarma meagre (adj): yetersiz requirement (n): gereklilik
gain (v): kazanmak non-renewable (adj): yenilenemeyen store (v): depolamak
harmful (adj): zararlı presently (adv): şimdi, yakında therefore (trans): bu yüzden
heat (n): ısı primary (adj): başlıca, ilkokul, ilk venue (n): yer
however (trans): ancak

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solar energy : güneş enerjisi produce energy : enerji üretmek meet need : ihtiyacı karşılamak
developed country : gelişmiş ülke solar panel : güneş paneli harm environment : çevreye zarar vermek
gain popularity : popülerlik kazanmak wind power : rüzgar gücü/enerjisi tiny fraction : küçük kesir
natural resource : doğal kaynak low temperature : düşük sıcaklık shrink steadily : sürekli küçültmek /
industrial use : endüstriyel kullanım high temperature : yüksek sıcaklık küçülmek
increase significantly : önemli traditional society : geleneksel toplum great potential : büyük ihtimal
derecede artmak environmentally damaging : çevreye economic boom : ekonomik patlama/-
fossil fuel : fosil yakıt zarar veren canlanma
energy source : enerji kaynağı primary source : birincil/ana kaynak environmental health : çevre sağlığı
inherent disadvantage : temel dezavantaj environmentally friendly : çevre reduce sharply : keskin bir şekilde
alternative source : alternatif kaynak dostu azaltmak
sustain life : hayatı sürdürmek cardinal direction : ana yön

put reliance on : ...ya güvenmek, bel on Earth : Dünya'da for use : kullanma/kullanım için
bağlamak obtain from : ...dan elde etmek shift to : ...ya dönüşmek
in general : genel olarak/genellikle to be caused by : ...dan kaynaklanmak align with : … ile aynı hizada olmak
around the globe : dünya çapında use for : ... için kullanmak
requirement for : ... için gereksinim in combination with : ... ile birlikte /
convert into : ...ya dönüştürmek kombine halde

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Solar energy was popular in traditional Solar energy is more environmentally
societies, but the modern world is friendly than fossil fuel-based energy.
shifting to more fossil fuel
consumption. A) (T)
B) (F)
A) (T)
B) (F) 5. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F):
2. State whether the following are True (T) Some solar energy can be harnessed
or False (F): simply by siting buildings correctly,
Solar energy is environmentally even without solar panels.
damaging because solar energy used
for electrical generation is no longer A) (T)
available to regulate climate. B) (F)

A) (T)
6. Which of the following could be another
B) (F) title for this passage?

3. State whether the following are True (T) A) How Solar Panels Were Invented
or False (F): B) Solar Energy: A Renewable, Eco-Friendly
Wind is the primary source of Power Source
hydropower. C) Pros and Cons of Solar Power
A) (T) D) Wind Power vs. Solar Power
B) (F) E) Should I Buy A Solar Panel?

35 www.remzihoca.com

6. Which of the following could be another title 11. The passage says that solar energy can
for this passage? be harnessed ----.

A) How Solar Panels Were Invented A) through passive means like siting and
B) Solar Energy: A Renewable, Eco-Friendly orientation but not by active means
Power Source B) actively through solar panels but not in any
C) Pros and Cons of Solar Power other way
D) Wind Power vs. Solar Power C) both actively and passively
E) Should I Buy A Solar Panel? D) in tropical climates, but not in temperate
E) only by people in areas with strong wind
7. The meaning of the word "domestic" patterns
in this passage is ----.

A) tame 12. According to this passage, developed

B) within one nation’s borders nations are investing in solar energy,
C) in homes wind and hydropower because ----.
D) servants’ A) getting energy from fossil fuel harms the
E) native environment and getting energy from the sun
does not
8. The word "orienting" in this passage B) solar technology is much cheaper than oil
is closest in meaning to ----. extraction technology
C) solar technology requires more manpower
A) aligning with a cardinal direction than fossil fuel technology so it creates more
B) positioning with the face toward the east jobs
C) positioning according to feng shui D) solar technology requires less manpower than
D) navigating fossil fuel technology so it frees people up to
do other kinds of work
E) adjusting the width
E) solar energy can be transmitted more
efficiently than fossil fuel energy
9. The phrase "due to" in this passage
is closest in meaning to ----.
13. Which of the following most accurately
A) owed to reflects what this passage says about
B) caused by solar energy capacity?

C) a cause of A) Most of the world’s electricity is already

D) the opposite of provided by solar power.
E) expected to B) Solar power will never provide more than a
tiny fraction of the world’s energy.
10. This passage is mainly about ----. C) The proportion of human-consumed energy
generated by the sun is steadily shrinking.
A) why solar power and other renewables D) Direct solar energy is very limited, but indirect
will never be able to meet all our energy forms of solar energy generation such as wind
needs power have great potential.
B) how solar technology has developed over E) Only a small portion of the world’s energy is
the past 50 years now produced by solar power, but there is the
C) why wind power is not quite as efficient capacity to generate much more.
as solar power
D) how and why nations are developing
solar power and other renewable
E) why some nations are developing solar
power and others developing fossil fuels

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14. This passage estimates that we could 15. We can guess from this passage that
produce how much more solar power the author believes that ----.
than we currently do?
A) solar technology will lead to an immediate
A) 100 times economic boom
B) 5.6 times B) nations will make long-term environmental
C) one million times health a priority
D) 5,000 times C) we will soon discover a technology even more
safe and efficient than solar
E) the potential is infinite and cannot be
measured D) humans will have to sharply reduce our
energy consumption
E) wind power is safer than hydropower

37 www.remzihoca.com

Do all animals talk to each other? Probably not, but many do communicate. Like human beings, many animals live
together in groups. Some insects, including ants and bees, are well known for living in groups. For animals to live
together in groups, they must be able to communicate with each other.
Animal communication increases the ability to survive and have children. This is known as genetic fitness.
Communication helps animals find food, defend themselves, have, and care for children.
Some animals communicate with sound. Most birds communicate this way. Birds use different calls to warn other birds
of danger. They use sounds to tell them to flock together. Many other animals also use sound to communicate. For
example, monkeys use warning sounds to tell other monkeys that danger is near. Frogs make noise (croak) to attract
female frogs as mates. Gibbon use calls to tell other gibbons to stay away from their area.
Another way some animals communicate is with sight. They communicate by moving in certain ways or by “making
faces”. Most primates communicate in this way. For example, a male chimpanzee may raise his arms and stare at
another male chimpanzee. This warns the chimpanzee to not come close. The chimpanzee may look like he is smiling,
but he is really showing fear. He is communicating to other chimpanzees that he will not fight them.
Some animals communicate with scents and smells. They release chemicals. Other animals can smell or detect these
chemicals. Ants release many different chemicals. Other ants detect the chemicals with their antennae. This explains
how ants are able to work together. The different chemicals that ants produce have different meanings.
Some of the chemicals signal the ants to come together. Other chemicals warn of danger. Still other chemicals mark
paths to food sources. When an ant finds food, it marks the path back to the nest by leaving behind a chemical on the
ground. Other ants follow the chemical path to the food.

ability (n): yetenek follow (v): takip etmek, anlamak noise (n): gürültü
attract (v): çekmek gibbon (n): şebek path (n): patika, yaşam biçimi
call (n): arama, talep, kısa ziyaret, including (prep): … dahil probably (adv): muhtemelen
sesleniş increase (v): artmak produce (v): üretmek, neden olmak
danger (n): tehlike insect (n): böcek scent (n): koku
defend (v): savunmak mark (v): puanlamak, lekelemek, sight (n): görme yetisi, görüntü
detect (v): tespit etmek belirtmek signal (v): işaret vermek
explain (v): açıklamak mate (n): arkadaş, eş smell (n): koku, koklama
fight (v): kavga etmek, mücadele meaning (n): anlam sound (n): ses
etmek, savaşmak monkey (n): maymun survive (v): hayatta kalmak
fitness (n): sağlıklı yaşam, uygunluk nest (n): kuş yuvası warn (v): uyarmak
flock (v): akın etmek

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human being : insanoğlu find food : come close : yakına gelmek/yaklaşmak effective way : etkili yol
yiyecek bulmak show fear : korkuyu göstermek express idea : fikir ifade etmek
use sound : ses kullanmak release chemical : kimyasal salmak basic idea : temel fikir
make face : surat asmak food source : besin kaynağı
raise arm : kolunu kaldırmak

talk to : ...ile konuşmak care for : ...nın bakımını üstlenmek out of sight : gözden uzak, gizli
in a group : grupta, grup halinde warn of : ... hakkında uyarmak similarity between : ...arasında benzerlik
known for : ...sıyla ünlü, tanınan, bilinen stare at : gözlerini ...ya dikmek speak with : ... ile konuşmak
communicate with : …ile iletişim kurmak on the ground : yerde use as : ...olarak kullanmak
be known as : ... olarak bilinmek in a ... manner : ... bir şekilde, biçimde mixture of : ... karışımı

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
Male frogs use noises such as croaking Communications helps animals to
to attract female frogs as sexual partners. defend themselves but does not help
them find food.
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
2. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): 5. State whether the following are True (T) or
Sight is another very common and False (F):
effective way of communication. Ants generally communicate using
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): 6. Which of the following could be another
For animals to exist in groups they do title for this passage?
not necessarily need to communicate.
A) How to Talk to Animals
A) (T)
B) Communication Skills and Monkeys
B) (F)
C) Sight, Sound and Scent, Animal
D) Sight vs Sound
E) Learning to Communicate

39 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word "call" in this 11. The passage mentions each of the
passage is ----. following EXCEPT ----.

A) sound A) For animals or insects to live in groups they

B) cry must have some form of communication
C) scream B) Not all animals talk or speak with each other
but many do communicate
D) singing
C) Humans generally live in groups and work
E) speaking together in groups
D) Insects such as ants and bees are also
8. The word “mark” is closest in known for living in groups
meaning to ----. E) Animals often live together in groups but do
not have any form of communication
A) stain
B) blot
12. According to this paragraph, ----.
C) prove
D) show A) Birds often use head movements that to warn
other birds of danger
E) sign
B) Generally birds use sound to communicate
with each other
9. What does the pronoun “they” in C) When birds flock together they do not require
this passage refers to? sound to do it
A) insects D) Very few animals are able to use sound to
B) animals
E) Gibbons and monkeys use arm actions to
C) ants signal danger or tell others to stay away from
D) bees the area
E) human beings
13. It is clearly stated in the passage that ---
10. The primary purpose of the -.
passage is to ----.
A) chemicals can not be used as a tool of
A) explain how humans are very different communication by any insects or animals
from animals in the manner they
B) scents and smells can be enjoyable or
disgusting but is very difficult to be used as a
B) express the basic ideas of group communication basis
dynamics and how groups work
C) chemicals can be released to communicate
with other animals who either smell or detect
C) explain how sight, sound and smell are these chemicals
used by animals to communicate and
D) ants detect chemicals on their legs and then
thereby allow them to function in groups
communicate using dance
D) teach which form of communication is
E) ants only use a single type of chemical but
better out of sight, sound and smell
interpret the chemical differently
E) remind the reader that there are
many similarities between animals
and humans

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14. According to the passage, animals 15. It can be inferred from the passage that
communicate using sight ----. ----.

A) only if the animals can not communicate by A) humans have a very complex level of
using sound communication and this means we can not
B) very rarely as smell is more commonly used communicate with other species
C) because the senses of sound and scent or B) if humans can understand how animals and
smell is very very poor insects communicate we may be able, in the
future, to communicate or control these
D) by moving in a certain way, making faces
animals or insects
such as waving arms or smiling
C) people must be care with what scent or
E) if there is no danger and the animal is relaxed
perfumes he/she wear as it will affect insect
and feels safe
who communicate using scents and smells
D) sound is a much more important form of
communication than either sight or scent
E) all animals and insects must use a mixture of
sight, sound and smell to communicate in a
strong group

41 www.remzihoca.com


Many of us don’t like insects and prefer not to have them in our yards and neighbourhoods. While there are certainly
unwanted insects, such as poisonous spiders, ticks and mosquitos; we need the majority of insects for pollination for
most of the beautiful flowers in our gardens and neighbourhoods.
Pollination is a vital process of nature that isn’t very well known, but is extremely important in the food growing
processes, and without it, we would be in trouble. For the fruit seeds to develop, pollen has to be transferred between two
flowers of the same species, which then fertilizes the flower and allows the production of healthy seeds on the plant.
It is estimated that ¾ of our staple crops, and 1/3 of all food crops require pollination. Without the necessary amount of
pollinators, we wouldn’t be able to grow the crops necessary for food. Hand-pollinating crops would be a huge financial
burden and undertaking, and would drastically change agriculture.
The most widely known pollinators are honey bees. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination and thus production of
$19 billion worth of food crops each year, just in the United States alone! There are many other pollinators that are just as
vital to food crop productions and plant reproduction as honey bees, but aren’t as well known such as wasps, moths, flies,
butterflies, beetles, bats, birds, and ants.
We can take steps in our own backyards, gardens, and neighbourhoods to create a pollinator friendly environment, which
is crucial to pollinators’ (and our own) survival! One way to do this is to plant more pollinator food sources such as a
variety of flowering plants. It is best to choose different flowering plants so you will have a continuous bloom throughout
the year in order to extend the pollen and nectar seasons. Planting your variety flowers in large areas is more effective
than planting flowers in small, isolated areas.
Another important step is providing pollinators a source of water in your yard. A simple idea is to put a bird dish of water
in a shady spot in your yard.

agriculture (n): tarım fertilize (v): gübrelemek, döllemek require (v): gerektirmek
backyard (n): arka bahçe insect (n): böcek seed (n): tohum
beetle (n): böcek majority (n): çoğunluk species (n): tür (canlı)
bloom (n): (yeni açmış) çiçek, hayatın baharı moth (n): güve survival (n): hayatta kalma
continuous (adj): devamlı necessary (adj): gerekli thus (trans): bu yüzden
crop (n): ekin pollinator (n): polen taşıyıcı tick (n): ( ) işareti, tik tak sesi, kene
crucial (adj): çok önemli prefer (v): tercih etmek undertaking (n): zor ve önemli iş
develop (v): gelişmek, ortaya çıkmak process (n): süreç, işlem unwanted (adj): istenmeyen
effective (adj): etkili production (n): üretim, yapım vital (adj): hayati, enerji dolu
estimate (v): tahmin etmek provide (v): sağlamak wasp (n): yaban arısı
extend (v): uzatmak, kapsamak

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poisonous spider : zehirli örümcek take step : adım atmak pollinate flower : çiçeği döllemek
extremely important : son derece önemli friendly environment : dost canlısı çevre direct link : doğrudan bağlantı
staple crop : temel ürün flowering plant : tohumlu bitki short space : kısa süre
grow crop : ekin yetiştirmek isolated area : ayrılmış/ıssız alan price may increase : fiyat artabilir
financial burden : finansal yük important step : önemli adım population may increase : nüfus artabilir
change drastically : büyük ölçüde shady spot : gölgelik daily life : günlük yaşam

in yard : bahçede necessary for : …için gerekli link between : ...arasındaki bağlantı
in the neighbourhood : civarda/semt- responsible for : ...dan sorumlu in the world : dünyada
te/mahallede step in : ...da adım assist with : ...da yardım etmek
in trouble : başı belada throughout the year : yıl boyunca aware of : …nın farkında
transfer between : ... arasında aktarma around the world : dünya genelinde |
yapmak dünyanın etrafında

1. Most insects are not required to 5. Around the world honey bees are
pollinate flowers or plants in our responsible for the pollination of 19
gardens billion dollars worth of food each year.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. It is well known by normal people that 6. The meaning of the word "steps" in this
insects are necessary for pollination. passage is ----.

A) (T) A) actions
B) (F) B) movements
C) jumps
3. Honey bees are the most widely known D) strides
pollinators in nature. E) walks
A) (T)
B) (F) 7. The word "vital" is closest in meaning to

4. To pollinate a flower, pollen needs to be A) active

moved between two flowers of the same B) lively
C) absolutely necessary
A) (T) D) progressive
B) (F) E) common

43 www.remzihoca.com

8. What does the pronoun "we" in this 11. The passage mentions each of the
passage refers to? following EXCEPT ----.

A) insects A) Without pollination people would be in trouble

B) flowers as it is important in the food growing process.
C) humans B) Most insects are required in some capacity to
assist with the process of pollination.
D) spiders
C) Many people do not like insects and do not
E) neighbourhoods like having them in their houses and gardens.
D) People often do not like insects such as
9. The passage is best described as being spiders or scorpions.
----. E) Every species of insect is necessary for the
process and action of pollinating plants.
A) informative and instructive
B) scientific 12. According to the passage, if food crops
C) well-researched were not pollinated ----.
D) negative
A) then the human species would have
E) unconvincing absolutely no sources of food to consume
B) then food crops would have to be hand
10. The main point made by the pollinated which would be very expensive
passage is that ----. C) we would still be able to grow all the
necessary vegetables that people want to eat
A) specific insects are important as
pollinators such as ticks and spiders D) the humans species would die out within a
very short space of time
B) pollinating insects are essential to food
growing and anybody with a garden can E) two thirds of our food sources could not be
help these pollinators grown
C) honey bees are very important to the
food cycle of humans around the
13. According to this paragraph, ----.
D) the average person can do little A) the most common and well-known pollinator is
actions around the garden to help the ant
pollinators B) in the United States, honey bees are
E) there is a direct link between the number responsible for 40 billion dollars of food crops
of pollinators in the world and the amount every years
of food that can be grown C) the honey bee is the most widely known and
effective pollinator of crops around the world
D) honey bees are the only important and
necessary pollinator in the world
E) it is possible for humans to cheaply grow all
the food they need without insects to pollinate

www.remzihoca.com 44

14. According to the passage, people can 15. Based on the passage, which of the
help pollinators by ----. following was true of pollinators?

A) keeping the garden dry and without any ponds A) All insects can works as pollinators and if one
or water species dies another species can replace that
B) changing nothing our yard, gardens and pollinator.
neighbourhoods B) Pollinators are essential to the human food
C) planting trees and not flowers cycle and people must be aware of them and
take care of pollinators or food prices will
D) buying insects from the pet shops and putting
increase and the vegetable food types may
them in the garden
E) planting flowering plants and having a source
C) Pollinator are actually quite simple for humans
of water in the garden
to places with hand pollinators and in the
future this may be the simplest system.
D) People must make specific plans to help
pollinators in their gardens, backyards and
neighbourhoods or pollinators will die out and
be killed.
E) People will have to start living with more
pollinators in their daily lives as the population
of the world increase and more food must be
grown to feed these people.

45 www.remzihoca.com


Chemicals had been used in wars for thousands of years. For example, poisoned arrows, boiling tar, arsenic smoke
and noxious fumes. Modern chemical usage started in World War I.
Chlorine and phosgene gases was used during World War I. The chemicals were released on the battlefield and
spread by the wind. These chemicals were produced in large amounts before WW1. The first large attack with
chlorine gas occurred 22 April 1915 in Belgium. During the war several different types of chemical weapons were
used. Mustard gas caused 90,000 deaths and over one million injuries. Injured soldiers affected by chemical
warfare suffered for the rest of their lives.
By the end of World War I, 124,000 tonnes of chemical agent had been used. The delivery system for the chemicals
changed over the years. These weapons now have a large capacity to kill. Chemical weapons can be delivered in the
form of artillery shells, mortar projectiles, aerial bombs, spray tanks and landmines.
After World War I, few countries wanted to use even deadlier chemical weapons on the World War II battlefields.
However, many countries prepared chemical weapons to be used in war. Chemical weapons were used everywhere
in the First and Second World Wars. Old and forgotten chemical weapons are a problem for many countries.
During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union both maintained enormous stockpiles of chemical
weapons, amounting to tens of thousands of tonnes. The amount of chemical weapons held by these two countries
was enough to destroy much of the human and animal life on Earth.
Iraq used chemical weapons in Iran during the war in the 1980s. Also, Iraq used mustard gas and nerve agents
against Kurdish residents in Northern Iraq, in 1988. Pictures of Kurdish victims shocked the world. Two recent uses
of chemical weapons were both sarin attacks in Japan. These two attacks focused international attention on
terrorists using chemical weapons.
Chemical weapons have a terrible history. The use of modern chemicals scares many people. There is a ban on
such chemical weapons now. Many countries are trying to stop the use of chemical weapons around the world.

affect (v): etkilemek enormous (adj): muazzam produce (v): üretmek, neden olmak
agent (n): temsilci, ajan, etmen however (trans): ancak projectile (n): mermi
artillery (n): top (askeri) injury (n): yaralanma resident (n): sakin
attack (n): saldırı, eleştiri, hastalık nöbeti landmine (n): kara mayını rest (n): dinlenme, geri kalanı
boiling (adj): kaynayan maintain (v): devam ettirmek, bakım sarin (n): sarin
chemical (adj, n): kimyasal yapmak, iddia etmek smoke (n): duman, sigara içme
deadly (adj): ölümcül mortar (n): harç, havan (silah), stockpile (n): stok
delivery (n): teslimat, doğum havan (mutfak) tar (n): katran
destroy (v): yok etmek prepare (v): hazırlamak weapon (n): silah

www.remzihoca.com 46
poisoned arrow : zehirli ok large capacity : geniş kapasite traditional form : geleneksel biçim
noxious fumes : zehirli dumanlar chemical weapon : kimyasal silah modern invention : modern buluş
large amount : büyük miktar cold war : soğuk savaş human history : insanlık tarihi
attack may occur : saldırı meydana human life : insan hayatı chemical attack : kimyasal saldırı
gelebilir international attention : uluslararası ilgi give power : güç vermek
injured soldier : yaralı asker ancient time : antik zaman private company : özel şirket
chemical warfare : kimyasal savaş popular choice : popüler seçim

around the world : dünya genelinde | over the years : yıllar boyunca ban on : … yasağı
dünyanın etrafında in the form of : ... şeklinde war between : ...arasında savaş
spread by : ... ile yayılmak problem for : ... için sorun spread across : ... boyunca yayılmak
suffer for : ... için acı çekmek on Earth : Dünya'da in the past : geçmişte
by the end of : ...nın sonuna kadar

1. State whether the following are True (T) or

False (F): 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
Chemicals have only recently started to be False (F):
used in wars and conflicts. During the Cold War many countries
kept large amounts of chemical
A) (T)
B) (F)
A) (T)
2. State whether the following are True (T) or B) (F)
False (F):
World War One was the first time that 5. State whether the following are True (T) or
chemicals were used in modern warfare. False (F):
Chemical weapons have never been
A) (T)
used by the Iraqi government.
B) (F)
A) (T)
3. State whether the following are True (T) or B) (F)
False (F):
Only small amounts of chemicals were 6. The meaning of the word “capacity” in
developed for use in World War One. this passage is ----.
A) (T) A) ability
B) (F) B) size
C) depth
D) dimensions
E) talent

47 www.remzihoca.com

7. The word “released” is closest in 11. The passage mentions each of the
meaning to ----. following EXCEPT ----.

A) freed A) for thousands of years chemicals have been

B) used used in wars
C) put out B) the use of chemical weapons in modern
warfare started during World War 1
D) let go of
C) poisoned arrows are a traditional and tribal
E) unchained form of chemical weapon
8. What does the pronoun “their” in D) in ancient times boiling tar and noxious fumes
this passage refers to? were used as chemical weapons
A) chemicals E) chemical warfare is not a modern invention
and is part of the human history of war
B) warfare
C) injured soldiers
D) mustard gases 12. According to the passage, which of the
following is true of World War 1?
E) war
A) The first chemical weapons were spread
9. The passage is best described as being across the battle by cannons.
----. B) The very first large attack using chemical
weapons during WW1 occurred in Belgium
A) emotional when chemicals were released and spread by
B) cold the wind.
C) well-researched C) During the First World War only one type of
chemical weapon was used, chlorine.
D) illogical
D) Injuries from chemical weapons did not last
E) tedious
very long and were relatively easy to recover
10. This story tells as a whole ----. E) One million people were killed by chemical
attacks in the First World War.
A) the usage of chemical weapons on
ancient times
B) how chemical weapons were used during 13. According to this paragraph, ----.
the cold war between America and
A) America never used or stockpiled chemical
C) how chemical weapons were developed
B) Russia, like America, did not stockpile
and the science behind it
chemical weapons
D) the development, storage, capacity and
C) after the deaths of the First World War people
use of chemical weapons in the modern
did not want to use chemical weapons again
world and modern wars
D) America and Russia had enough chemicals to
E) why chemical weapons have always
kill all the humans in the world during the Cold
been such a popular choice of
weapon in war
E) during the cold war the amount of chemical
weapons in the world actually decreased

www.remzihoca.com 48

14. According to the passage, chemical 15. We can think from this passage that ----.
weapons ----.
A) the First World War was a terrible occurrence
A) were used by the Iranian on the Iraqi and does not reflect true human nature
population during the 1980’s B) humans have always used chemical weapons
B) were used by the Iraqi government against the in war and will continue to use chemical
Kurds weapons regardless of the consequences
C) were never used by the Iraqi government in C) the ban on chemical weapons will hopefully
any conflict or war stop deaths and injuries occurring in wars
D) have not been used by a government against from the use of chemical weapons
its own population D) if government stop using chemical weapons it
E) are used so rarely that no pictures of gas gives power to terrorist groups like those who
attack victims exist committed the attacks in Japan
E) governments and private companies are now
developing even more deadly chemical
weapons that may kill many more people than
all wars in the past

49 www.remzihoca.com

Desertification has environmental impacts at the global and regional scale. Affected areas may sometimes be
located thousands of kilometres away from the desertified areas. Desertification-related processes such as
reduction of vegetation cover, for instance, increase the formation of aerosols and dust. These, in turn, affect
cloud formation and rainfall patterns, the global carbon cycle, and plant and animal biodiversity. For example,
visibility in Beijing is often adversely affected by dust storms originating in the Gobi Desert in springtime. Large
dust storms emanating from China affect the Korean peninsula and Japan and are observed to even have an impact
on North American air quality.
An increase in desertification-related dust storms is widely considered to be a cause of ill health
(fever, coughing, and sore eyes) during the dry season. Dust emanating from the East Asian region and the Sahara
has also been implicated in respiratory problems as far away as North America and has affected coral reefs in the
Caribbean. Dust storms can also have positive impacts, however; for example, air-transported dust deposits from
Africa are thought to improve soil quality in the Americas. Finally, reduction of vegetation cover in drylands leads
to destructive o ods downstream and excessive clay and silt loads in water reservoirs, wells, river deltas, river
mouths, and coastal areas often located outside the drylands.
The societal and political impacts of desertification also extend to non-dryland areas. Droughts and loss of land
productivity are predominant factors in movement of people from drylands to other areas, for example (medium
certainty). An inu x of migrants may reduce the ability of the population to use ecosystem services in a sustainable
way. Such migration may exacerbate urban sprawl and by competing for scarce natural resources bring about
internal and cross-boundary social, ethnic, and political strife. Desertification-induced movement of people also
has the potential of adversely affecting local, regional, and even global political and economic stability, which may
encourage foreign intervention.

biodiversity (n): biyolojik çeşitlilik finally (adv): sonunda productivity (n): verim
cause (n): sebep, amaç formation (n): oluşum rainfall (n): yağmur yağışı
clay (n): kil impact (v): etkilemek reduction (n): azalma
cloud (n): bulut implicate (v): suça bulaştırmak, reservoir (n): gölet
deposit (v): bırakmak, bankaya para yatırmak içermek respiratory (adj): solunumla ilgili
desertification (n): çölleşme improve (v): gelişmek scarce (adj): kıt
destructive (adj): yıkıcı increase (v): artmak sore (adj): ağrılı
downstream (adj, adv): akıntı yönündeki local (adj): yerel sprawl (n): yayılma
drought (n): kuraklık locate (v): yerini belirlemek springtime (n): ilkbahar
dryland (n): kurak bölge migration (n): göç strife (n): çatışma
dust (n): toz pattern (n): biçim, desen, (elbise vb) kalıp sustainable (adj): sürdürülebilir
encourage (v): teşvik etmek peninsula (n): yarımada visibility (n): görünürlük
exacerbate (v): kötüleştirmek potential (n): potansiyel widely (adv): yaygın olarak
excessive (adj): aşırı predominant (adj): egemen

www.remzihoca.com 50
environmental impact : çevresel etki coastal area : kıyı bölgesi major cause : ana sebep
regional scale : bölgesel ölçek urban sprawl : çarpık kentleşme human civilization : insan uygarlığı
global scale : küresel ölçek natural resource : doğal kaynak hiding place : saklanma yeri
vegetation cover : bitki örtüsü political strife : siyasi çatışma leading article : başmakale/başyazı
affect adversely : olumsuz etkilemek social strife : sosyal çatışma far-reaching effect : geniş kapsamlı etki
dust storm : toz fırtınası economic stability : ekonomik istikrar volcanic eruption : yanardağ patlaması
air quality : hava kalitesi foreign intervention : dışarıdan/ dış decline rapidly : hızla azalmak
ill health : hastalık müdahale blow dust : toz uçurmak
dry season : kurak mevsim leave sth bare : bir şeyi çıplak/çorak political stability : siyasi istikrar
positive impact : olumlu etki bırakmak proceed rapidly : hızla ilerlemek

originate in : ...da ortaya çıkmak factor in : ...de etken, faktör lie on : …da uzanmak, bulunmak
impact on : …üzerinde etki in a ... way : ... bir şekilde spread across : ... boyunca yayılmak
increase in : ...de artış compete for : ...için yarışmak / responsible for : ...dan sorumlu
extend to : ...ya kadar uzanmak rekabet etmek

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Desertification is a local problem which Immigration is described in this passage
does not affect distant areas. as a major cause of desertification.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) 5. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Dust storms can affect air quality many Desertification often improves human
miles from the drylands where they health.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. Which of the following could be another
3. State whether the following are True (T) title for this passage?
or False (F):
Desertification kills plants and leaves A) Local and Global Damage Caused by
soil bare; this can lead to dangerous Desertification
flooding downstream. B) What Creates Deserts?
C) A History of Human Efforts to Reduce
A) (T)
B) (F)
D) Why Human Civilization Began in Deserts
E) Desertification: Who Wins, Who Loses

51 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “cover” in 11. The passage mentions that
this passage is ----. desertification negatively affects each of
the following EXCEPT ----.
A) something which lies on top of or
spreads across something else A) human health
B) a hiding place B) cloud formation
C) a false story intended to protect a secret C) human migration
D) the leading article in a newspaper D) volcanic eruptions
E) a lid which seals off a hollow container E) flooding

8. The word “affect” in this 12. This passage says that desertification
passage is closest in meaning causes more ---- to form.
to ----.
A) aerosols and dust
A) measure B) wetlands
B) cause feelings in C) volcanoes
C) ruin D) carbon monoxide
D) influence E) crevasses
E) enhance

13. This passage says that soil quality in

9. The word “considered” in this
the Americas ----.
passage is closest in meaning to
----. A) is very different in North America than in
South America
A) proven
B) is declining rapidly because of American
B) doubted desertification
C) believed C) is improved because dust blown from Africa in
D) deliberated dust storms settles in the Americas
E) suggested D) is negatively impacted because toxic dust
clouds from polluted parts of China settle in
the Americas
10. This passage is mainly about ----.
E) has not been measured
A) how to prevent desertification
B) why we don’t need to prevent desertification
C) the nations mainly
responsible for desertification
D) how to restore land which has been
turned into desert
E) the far-reaching effects of desertification

www.remzihoca.com 52

14. Which country’s dust storms are 15. This passage suggests that ----.
described as affecting air quality in
Japan, Korea and the Americas? A) combating desertification would improve
human health, political stability, and
A) India environmental quality
B) China B) desertification is proceeding rapidly and there
C) Russia is nothing we can do to stop it; we must
prepare to survive its bad effects
D) Senegal
C) desertification is really not as bad as some
E) Cameroon alarmists suggest
D) desertification is not really happening
E) desertification is dangerous but not as
dangerous as the opposite problem of
excessive moisture

53 www.remzihoca.com

The Black Death is the name for a terrible disease that spread throughout Europe from 1347 to 1350. There was no
cure for the disease and it was highly contagious. The plague likely started in Asia and travelled westward along the
Silk Road. The disease was carried by fleas that lived on rats. Historians think that black rats living on European
trading ships caught the disease, eventually bringing it to Europe.
It's hard to imagine how scary life was in the Middle Ages during the Black Death. By the time the disease ran
finished, it had killed at least one third of the people in Europe and probably more. In Paris it's estimated that
around 800 people died a day. There were so many dead that they couldn't bury them. They had to carry them to
massive pits.
Unfortunately, the people in the Middle Ages didn't know that the disease was carried by rats. This made larger
cities and towns especially dangerous as there were lots of rats there. Sometimes entire towns or villages were
wiped out by the plague.
As you might expect, there was panic. Many people were sure it was the end of the world. People locked their doors
and tried to hide in their houses. However, this did little good in cities where rats, and therefore fleas, were
everywhere. They also burned down houses and even entire villages to try and stop the disease.
Today we call this disease the bubonic plague. Very few people get the disease today and most of those that do
recover fine. When people got the disease in the Middle Ages, they almost always died. People would get really sick
including black and blue blotches all over their body.
Much of the infrastructure of Europe was gone when the Black Death finally subsided. It's estimated that it took
around 150 years for Europe to rebuild.

blotch (n): leke however (trans): ancak rebuild (v): tekrar inşa etmek,
bring (v): getirmek imagine (v): hayal etmek, sanmak canlandırmak
bury (v): gömmek, gizlemek including (prep): … dahil recover (v): iyileşmek
die (v): ölmek infrastructure (n): altyapı scary (adj): korkutucu
entire (adj): bütün likely (adv): muhtemelen silk (n): ipek
estimate (v): tahmin etmek massive (adj): muazzam sure (adj): emin
eventually (adv): sonunda pit (n): çukur, maden ocağı, terrible (adj): korkunç
expect (v): ummak meyve/sebze çekirdeği therefore (trans): bu yüzden
flea (n): pire plague (n): veba trading (n): ticaret
historian (n): tarihçi rat (n): sıçan, hain travel (v): seyahat etmek, yol almak

www.remzihoca.com 54
disease may spread : hastalık yayılabilir get disease : hastalık kapmak take action : harekete geçmek, adım
highly contagious : yüksek derecede get sick : hastalanmak atmak
bulaşıcı subside finally : sonunda azalmak living conditions : yaşam koşulları
catch disease : hastalığı yakalanmak take year : yıl sürmek strategic plan : stratejik plan
the Middle Age : Orta Çağ state accurately : doğru bir şekilde give time : zaman vermek
make sth dangerous : bir şeyi tehlikeli ifade etmek give treatment : tedavi etmek
hale getirmek main idea : ana fikir dry skin : kuru cilt
lock door : kapıyı kilitlemek important point : önemli nokta itchy skin : kaşıntılı cilt
bubonic plague : hıyarcıklı veba

name for : ...nın adı be known as : ... olarak bilinmek at church : kilisede
spread throughout : ... boyunca yayılmak save from : ...dan kurtarmak infer from : ...dan çıkarım yapmak
cure for : ... için tedavi effective in : …da etkili chance for : …için şans
hide in : ...da/içinde saklanmak defend against : ...ya karşı savunmak

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
The Black Plague is also known as the Fleas carried the Black Plague.
Black Spots of Death
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
5. State whether the following are True (T) or
2. State whether the following are True (T) False (F):
or False (F): Burning down house saved many
People who caught the Black Plague people from the Black Plague.
often recovered in the Middle Ages.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. Which of the following could be another
3. State whether the following are True (T) title for this passage?
or False (F):
Traders carried the Black Black to A) Plagues, their Pros and Cons
Europe along the Silk Road. B) How Europe Defeated the Black Plague

A) (T) C) The Black Plague and Its Destruction of

B) (F)
D) Why the Black Plague Came to Europe
E) Stories of the Silk Road

55 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word "highly" in 11. The passage states that the Black
this passage is ----. Plague occurred because ----.

A) elevated A) of trade ships coming from America carrying

B) forgotten black rats
C) too much B) rats carried the Bubonic Plague from the Far
D) very
C) of dirty living conditions in the Middle Ages of
E) above others Europe
D) fleas with the Bubonic Plague were carried on
8. The word "wiped out" is rats along the Silk Road from the East
closest in meaning to ----. E) people ate rats and caught the plague from
the food
A) cleaned
B) destroyed
12. The passage mentions each of the
C) washed following EXCEPT ----.
D) dropped
A) It is hard to imagine how difficult life was in
E) fell off the Middle Ages
B) The Black Death killed more than one third of
9. What does the pronoun "this" in Europe
this passage refers to? C) In Paris more than 800 people died per day
A) panicking D) There were too many people to bury so they
were buried in mass pits/graves
B) the Black Plague
E) The Bubonic Plague may have killed almost
C) believing it is the end of the world
90% of people in Europe
D) burning down houses
E) locking the door and hiding inside
13. According to this passage, ----.

10. Which of the following most A) people did not know that the fleas on the rats
accurately states the main idea of carried the Bubonic Plague
the passage? B) people thought the Black Plague was a type
A) The Black Plague was an important of magic
point in the development of modern C) many lives were saved by burning down
Europe. houses and villages
B) People in the Middle Ages were D) hiding inside and locking the door stopped the
resourceful and effective in fighting the plague
Bubonic Plague. E) the villager did not panic but instead made
C) The Silk Road changed the Middle strategic plan for defence and recovery
Ages of Europe through trade and
D) The Black Plague arrived via the Silk
Road and destroyed most of Europe
regardless of actions taken to defend
against the plague.
E) Communities came together to defend
their villages and towns against the

www.remzihoca.com 56

14. According to the passage, people who 15. It can be inferred from the passage that
caught the Bubonic Plague ----. ----.

A) recovered if given time and treatment A) humans can not fight the Black Plague
B) had skin with black and blue blotches and always die
always died in the Middle Ages B) if the Bubonic Plague returns most of Europe
C) had a type of dry and itchy skin will be destroyed
D) asked to be burned to save them from going C) medicine has advanced a lot since the Middle
to hell Ages and can save people from the plague
E) often were saved by the priests at the D) the plague was a chance for people leave the
churches cities and hide in the country
E) humanity has developed and changed little
since the Middle Ages

57 www.remzihoca.com

Colonialism happens when a country takes control of other lands, regions, or areas outside of its borders by turning
those other lands, regions, or territories into a colony. Usually, it is a more powerful, richer country that takes
control of a smaller, less powerful region or territory. Sometimes the word "imperialism" is also used to refer to
In the 1700s and 1800s, many of the richer, more powerful European countries such as Britain, France, Spain, and
the Netherlands established colonies in the continents of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean.
Some countries use colonialism to get more land for their people to live in. By doing so, the country will help
immigrants move to the new area. The local people living in the land or territories were usually moved away by
using force and violence from armies. To protect these immigrants from the local residents who were pushed
aside, colonial nations often set up a military castle or colonial police system.
Other countries use colonialism to get more land so that they can use the land for farming or to take out resources
such as trees, coal, or metal, or creating a local government or military castle.
Other countries use colonialism so that they can get workers from the poorer country to work in factories or farms.
In the past, powerful countries that were colonizing poorer countries or regions often forced the people from the
poorer countries to work as slaves.

army (n): ordu farming (n): çiftçilik resident (n): sakin
border (n): sınır, şerit happen (v): meydana gelmek resource (n): kaynak
colonialism (n): kolonicilik immigrant (n): göçmen slave (n): köle
colony (n): koloni land (n): kara, ülke territory (n): bölge
continent (n): kıta powerful (adj): güçlü worker (n): işçi

www.remzihoca.com 58
take control : kontrolü almak local government : yerel yönetim manual labour : el işçiliği
rich country : zengin ülke common practice : yaygın/genel natural resource : doğal kaynak
establish colony : koloni kurmak uygulama get aid : yardım almak
local people : yerel halk face hardship : sıkıntılarla karşı advanced technology : ileri teknoloji
use force : güç kullanmak karşıya kalmak
use violence : şiddet kullanmak gain independence : bağımsızlık

turn into : ...ya dönüşmek in the world : dünyada transfer from : ...dan aktarmak
protect from : ...dan korumak extract from : ...dan çıkarmak throughout history : tarih boyunca
in the past : geçmişte

1. State whether the following are True 4. State whether the following are True (T)
(T) or False (F): or False (F):
Generally with colonialism, poorer The word imperialism and colonialism
countries are offering themselves have roughly the same definition.
to richer countries to be used.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
5. State whether the following are True (T)
2. State whether the following are True or False (F):
(T) or False (F): Colonial countries control colonized
Often, the people of rich imperialist countries with taxation not policing.
countries would go and work as
slaves in the poor colonised country. A) (T)
B) (F)
A) (T)
B) (F)
6. Which of the following could be another
title for this passage?
3. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): A) Basic History and Structures of Colonialism
Rich European countries were B) When England Ruled the World
very active imperialists in the C) The Military and Imperialism
1700 and 1800's.
D) European Domination of the World
A) (T) E) The 1700 and 1800's Culture of Europe
B) (F)

59 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “take out” in 11. According to this passage, a colony is --
this passage is ----. --.

A) remove A) a poorer or less powerful country or region

B) destroy which gets protection, aid and advanced
technology transfers from a richer or more
C) date
powerful country
D) kill
B) a poorer or less powerful region controlled by
E) put out another country for the benefit of the
controlling country
C) a country with very low population density and
8. The word “turning” is
a very basic technological level
closest in meaning to ----.
D) a country whose businesses are mostly
A) rotating worker-owned cooperatives and whose
B) altering citizens tend to live in shared housing
C) changing E) a newly settled territory
D) redoing
E) switching 12. According to this passage, ----.

A) controlling countries may send their excess

9. What does the pronoun “they” in population to live in colonies, after forcibly
this passage refers to? removing the people native to the colonized
A) colonial nations
B) controlling countries may bring workers in
B) lands
from their colonies to do low-paid manual
C) colonial police labour, or even to work as slaves
D) other countries C) controlling countries may extract natural
E) military castles resources from their colonies and use those
resources to enrich the controlling country's
10. This passage is mainly about ----.
D) controlling countries may use lands for
A) how the British colonies in the New farming
World became the United States E) all of the above
B) the political and geographical
requirements of military castles 13. Which of the following was NOT listed in
C) how powerful countries take control of the passage above as a controlling
other countries and turn them into country that created colonies?
D) how countries throughout history have A) Britain
dealt with the problem of B) France
overpopulation C) Spain
E) why some countries are much wealthier D) The Netherlands
than others
E) Ecuador

www.remzihoca.com 60

14. According to this passage, many 15. The author suggests in this passage
colonies were established in ----. that ----.

A) North and South America A) slavery is no longer a common practice of

B) the Caribbean, South America and Africa colonizing countries
C) Africa and Asia B) there are no more colonies in the world
D) remote island areas C) countries which have been colonized face
many economic hardships when the gain their
E) Australia and New Zealand independence
D) most of the time, Western nations have
colonized Eastern nations
E) colonialism has led to greater international
equality and solidarity

61 www.remzihoca.com


The Neolithic Revolution is the transformation of human societies from being hunter-gatherer based to agriculture
based. This period, which occurred between 12,000 and 8,000 years ago, brought along many profound changes to
human society and culture, including the creation of cities and permanent dwellings, labour specialization, the baking of
bread and brewing of beer, personal property, more complex hierarchical social structures, non-agricultural crafts,
slavery, the state, official marriage, personal inheritance, and more. The term
"Neolithic revolution" refers both to the period of time when it occurred as well as the enduring changes it caused.
Tens of thousands of years ago, there were no crops: only the primitive ancestors of the plants we recognize as being
edible. After hundreds or thousands of generations of purposeful and accidental selection by human farmers, who
would destroy or confiscate the seeds of plants with undesirable qualities, we domesticated strains optimized for
maximum nutrition and largest yield. The so-called "Neolithic founder crops" include emmer, einkorn, barley, lentil, pea,
chickpea, bitter vetch, and flax. These are all new species created by human intervention into wild ancestor species.
The use of fields for crop-growing and granaries for the storage of food simplify this whole nutrition endeavour for
humans, allowing for non-farming occupations in society. Trade and barter systems emerged, as well as informal
currencies. Farmers could be paid for supplying others with food. Soldiers could be trained and armies raised. The
creation of personal goods and food stores meant that plundering from raiders became more common, necessitating a
soldier class to protect the farmers. The Neolithic revolution was the first fundamental restructuring of human affairs
seen in a couple hundred thousand years. The Neolithic revolution first emerged in the Fertile Crescent, around
present-day Iraq, which would also be the founding site of the world's first large cities, including Babylon. Mankind was
most active and prosperous around the Near and Middle East at this time. Some of the oldest known human settlements
were founded in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey just a couple thousand years after the conclusion of the Neolithic revolution.

accidental (adj): kazara enduring (adj): uzun süre dayanan occur (v): meydana gelmek
agriculture (n): tarım fertile (adj): verimli, doğurgan optimize (v): en uygun hâle getirmek
ancestor (n): ata flax (n): keten (bitki) plunder (v): yağma etmek
bake (v): fırında pişirmek founding (adj): kurucu primitive (adj): ilkel
barter (n): değiş tokuş fundamental (adj): temel prosperous (adj): zengin
brew (v): bira yapmak, demlemek, için generation (n): nesil, enerji üretimi purposeful (adj): kararlı
için kaynamak hunter-gatherer (n): avcı toplayıcı quality (n): kalite, nitelik
chickpea (n): nohut including (prep): … dahil raider (n): yağmacı
conclusion (n): sonuç informal (adj): gayriresmi restructuring (n): yeniden yapılandırma
confiscate (v): haciz koymak inheritance (n): miras, kalıtım selection (n): seçim
crescent (n): hilal labour (n): iş, iş gücü, doğum sancısı simplify (v): basitleştirmek
currency (n): para birimi mankind (n): insanoğlu site (n): alan, web sitesi
destroy (v): yok etmek marriage (n): evlilik slavery (n): kölelik
domesticate (v): evcilleştirmek necessitate (v): gerektirmek specialization (n): uzmanlık
edible (adj): yenilebilir nutrition (n): beslenme storage (n): depolama
emerge (v): ortaya çıkmak occupation (n): meslek, işgal etme undesirable (adj): istenmeyen
endeavour (n): çaba

www.remzihoca.com 62
human society : insan toplumu human affair : insan ilişkisi social order : toplumsal düzen
profound change : büyük değişiklik human settlement : insan yerleşimi effective weapon : etkili silah
permanent dwelling : kalıcı konut mass destruction : toplu yıkım make sb aggressive : sinirlendirmek
personal property : kişisel mülkiyet cereal grain : tahıl tanesi important discovery : önemli keşif
hierarchical structure : hiyerarşik yapı domesticated animal : evcilleştirilmiş human civilization : insan uygarlığı
train soldier : asker eğitmek hayvan human progress : insani gelişme
raise army : ordu toplamak urban society : kentsel toplum

transformation from : ...dan dönüşüm supply sb with sth : birine bir şeyi need for : … ihtiyacı
recognize as : ... olarak tanımak tedarik etmek obstacle to : …ya engel / ...nın
pay for : ...yı karşılamak, ...nın parasını change in : …da değişiklik önündeki engel

1. State whether the following are True 4. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): (T) or False (F):
Slavery was abolished during Beer was first brewed during
the Neolithic revolution. the Neolithic revolution.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True 5. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): (T) or False (F):
The Neolithic revolution first The first recognizable humans
emerged in Western Europe. appeared during the Neolithic
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
3. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): 6. Which of the following could be
Trade and barter systems emerged another title for this passage?
during the Neolithic revolution.
A) The Neolithic Revolution: The Beginning
A) (T) of the Social Justice Movement
B) (F) B) The Neolithic Revolution: The Dawn
of Commerce and Agriculture
C) The Neolithic Revolution: The First
Weapons of Mass Destruction
D) The Neolithic Revolution: History’s
Greatest Genetic Breakthrough
E) The Neolithic Revolution: The Dawn
of Democracy

63 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word "trained" 11. Which of the following does this
in this passage is ----. passage say about how fighting
changed during the Neolithic
A) aimed revolution?
B) pulled behind
A) The development of agriculture meant that
C) brought up everyone had what they needed, so there was
D) taught no more need for war.
E) linked together B) As people accumulated more possessions,
raids became more frequent and soldiers were
trained to protect property.
8. The word "strains" in this passage
is closest in meaning to ----. C) Effective weapons were developed which
allowed wars to be fought more quickly and
A) tension-related injuries decisively.
B) changes in size D) The eating of grain inflamed people’s immune
C) musical sounds systems and made them much more
aggressive than they had been before.
D) varieties or species
E) There was no change.
E) massive exertions

9. What does the underlined 12. The passage lists all these things as
pronoun "these" refer to? changes that occurred during the
Neolithic Revolution, EXCEPT ----.
A) Neolithic founder crops
A) the brewing of beer
B) cereal grains
B) the domestication of crops for maximum yield
C) domesticated animals
C) the beginning of slavery
D) flax and hemp
D) the baking of bread
E) Neolithic humans
E) the discovery of fire

10. This passage is mainly about ----.

13. Which of these is NOT listed as a crop
A) the transformation from a domesticated during the Neolithic
hunter-gatherer society to an Revolution?
agricultural society
A) cotton
B) the transformation from an agricultural
society to an urban society B) vetch
C) the transformation from isolated roving C) barley
bands to an organized hunter-gatherer D) lentils
E) flax
D) how the invention of alcohol changed
human life, for better and for worse
E) how Neolithic people overthrew a
repressive social order

www.remzihoca.com 64

14. This passage says that the Neolithic 15. We can infer from this passage that ----.
Revolution began in the area now called
----. A) people would be healthier and happier if they
were still hunter-gatherers
A) Britain B) technological development tends to lead to
B) Greece more peaceful and just societies
C) Egypt C) changes in technology and changes in social
D) Iraq organization tend to happen together
E) China D) most important discoveries in the history of
human civilization were made in Europe
E) religion is the greatest obstacle to human

65 www.remzihoca.com

Sub-Saharan Africa comprises 49 of Africa's 54 states. All of them are in central Africa except the five Arab states
are on the Mediterranean. In 2010 sub-Saharan Africa was home to more than 853 million people. This region has
the highest population growth in the world. DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung) estimates that the
population is likely to triple by the end of the 21st century: one in three people would then live in Africa. The end of
the Cold War and the worldwide structural change process in the 1990’s triggered radical transformations in Africa.
In almost every country of the region, multi-party presidential or parliamentary elections have been held. Progress
towards regional and pan-African cooperation are reinforcing this positive trend. Joint African organisations and
institutions are promoting cross-border cooperation, shared values and conflict resolution mechanisms. However,
long-term democratic stability is under threat in some countries from armed conflict, political and ethnic tension,
border disputes and unstable state structures. Corruption, capital flight, national debt, dependence on global
commodity markets, the brain drain and inequitable world trade regulations are also inhibiting progress towards a
better state, society and economy. Sub-Saharan Africa is still the world's poorest region. In the latest Human
Development Index (HDI) of the United Nations Development Programme, 28 countries in this region are listed
among the world's 30 least developed countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world where poverty
has increased since 1990. Although real per capita income has increased, the absolute number of poor has grown
by around 100 million. More than two thirds of the people in sub-Saharan Africa live on less than two US dollars per
day. Widespread poverty has knock-on effects for nutrition and health in particular. More than one fifth of the
region's people are thought to suffer from malnutrition. Average life expectancy is a mere 54 years – in industrial
countries it is 78 years. Nearly 40 per cent of the population are still without adequate water supplies and almost
70 per cent without proper sanitation. The immune deficiency disease AIDS and other infectious diseases such as
malaria and tuberculosis are also taking a heavy toll.

Mediterranean (n): Akdeniz except (conj): ... hariç poverty (n): yoksulluk
absolute (adj): mutlak however (trans): ancak promote (v): teşvik etmek, terfi
although (conj, trans): ...e rağmen, fakat inequitable (adj): haksız ettirmek, reklamını yapmak
border (n): sınır, şerit inhibit (v): engellemek regulation (n): düzenleme
central (adj): merkezi institution (n): kurum, gelenek reinforce (v): güçlendirmek
commodity (n): ürün joint (adj): ortaklaşa sanitation (n): hijyen
comprise (v): oluşturmak likely (adj): olası state (n): durum, devlet, eyalet
corruption (n): yolsuzluk malaria (n): sıtma trigger (v): tetiklemek
cross-border (adj): sınır ötesi malnutrition (n): yetersiz beslenme triple (v): üç kat artmak
dispute (n): anlaşmazlık market (n): pazar, piyasa unstable (adj): dengesiz
estimate (v): tahmin etmek nutrition (n): beslenme

www.remzihoca.com 66
population growth : nüfus artışı capital flight : sermaye kaçışı yetersizliği
cold war : soğuk savaş national debt : devlet borcu infectious disease : bulaşıcı hastalık
structural change : yapısal değişiklik global commodity : küresel ürün heavy toll : büyük kayıp/hasar
radical transformation : köklü dönüşüm inhibit progression : ilerlemeyi take toll : kayba/hasara neden olmak
parliamentary election : parlamento engellemek politically stable : siyasi açıdan istikrarlı
seçimi poor region : fakir bölge natural resource : doğal kaynak
hold an election : seçim düzenlemek developed country : gelişmiş ülke take step : adım atmak
positive trend : olumlu eğilim income may increase : gelir artabilir political issue : politik konu
shared values : paylaşılan değerler widespread poverty : geniş çaplı social issue : toplumsal mesele
conflict resolution : çatışmanın çözümü yoksulluk political landscape : siyasi görünüm
long-term stability : uzun vadeli istikrar life expectancy : ömür | yaşam change dramatically : çarpıcı bir
armed conflict : silahlı çatışma süresi/beklentisi biçimde değişmek
political tension : siyasi gerilim water supply : su kaynağı foreign power : dış mihrak
ethnic tension : etnik gerginlik immune deficiency : bağışıklık cultural sensitivity : kültürel duyarlılık

home to : ...ya ev sahipliği yapan under threat : tehdit altında lack of : ... eksikliği
in the world : dünyada dependence on : …ya bağlı olma across the border : sınırı geçme
progress towards : ...ya doğru/yönünde per day : her gün

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
The only area in the world where It is estimated that by the end of this
poverty has increased over the last 25 century 50 percent of the world’s
years is Sub-Saharan Africa. population will live in Sub-Saharan
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
2. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): 5. State whether the following are True (T) or
80 percent of people living in Sub- False (F):
Saharan Africa are malnourished. Most countries in this area of the world
are very politically stable but suffer from
A) (T) a lack of natural resources and
B) (F) professional people.

A) (T)
3. State whether the following are True (T)
B) (F)
or False (F):
Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest
population growth rate in the world. 6. Which of the following could be another
title for this passage?
A) (T)
B) (F) A) Sub-Saharan Africa and Potential
B) The Future of Sub-Saharan Africa
C) Life Expectancy and Sub-Saharan Africa
D) Africa Breakdown
E) Poverty, Population and Politics in Sub-
Saharan Africa

67 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “ 11. The passage mentions each of the
absolute” in this passage is ----. following EXCEPT ----.

A) partial A) in every single country in Sub-Saharan Africa

B) total there have been free and fair elections
C) certain B) since the 1990’s Sub-Saharan Africa has
changed quite dramatically in terms of the
D) controlling political landscape
E) rough C) currently, there are many groups trying to
achieve cooperation across borders in the
8. The word “disputes” is hope of achieving more shared values
closest in meaning to ----. D) in most countries in the region there have
been elections with multiple candidates
A) disagreements running for office
B) arguments E) joint organisations have been formed to try
C) fights and promote conflict resolution
D) wars
E) violence 12. The passage states that democratic
instability persists because ----.
9. What does the pronoun “it” in
A) people in Sub-Saharan Africa are not used to
this passage refers to?
a centralised form of government but are
A) 54 years happy with tribes and warlords
B) malnutrition B) of the simple reason of money corrupting the
political system and people not being able to
C) the average
access wealth
D) health
C) a variety of very complex reasons, all of
E) average life expectancy which come from foreign powers interfering in
Sub-Saharan Africa
10. This paragraph is mostly about ----. D) most people leave the region and try to
escape to Europe
A) regional differences in Africa and
E) of a variety of reasons such as war,
population growth forecasts
corruption, unstable institutions, and ethnic
B) the causes of instability in problems to name just a few issues
Sub-Saharan Africa and the steps
being taken to resolve social and
political issues 13. According to this paragraph, ----.
C) the population growth, persistent poverty, A) the people of Sub-Saharan Africa are one of
and political instability that are occurring the world’s poorest places after India and
in Sub- Saharan Africa South-East Asia
D) poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa and B) Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s poorest
the situation and events that caused region with the number of poor people at 100
poverty ensure that it continues million
E) changes towards increasingly positive C) the rates of poverty have been decreasing
and stable democratic forms of since the 1990’s when new health policies
government in Sub-Saharan Africa were introduced
D) in Sub-Saharan Africa the rates of per capita
income and poverty are both decreasing due
to political instability
E) about 50 percent of the population live on less
than five dollars a day

www.remzihoca.com 68

14. According to the passage, life 15. It can be inferred from the passage that
expectancy ----. ----.

A) is at a basic universal level of approximately A) there are multiple factor facing Sub-Saharan
74 years globally Africa and that they will only be solved with
B) in Sub-Saharan Africa is the same as the rest time, assistance, leadership and cultural
of Africa and even higher in some countries sensitivity
C) in Sub-Saharan Africa is slowly closing in on B) the challenges facing Sub-Saharan Africa can
modern countries at 78 years life expectancy not be solved and that it may be best to forget
the concept of democratic countries in that
D) is a mere 54 years of age in Sub-Saharan
C) the future of Sub-Saharan Africa will have to
E) is a very low for men in Sub-Saharan Africa
be fixed by outside forces and military groups
quite much higher for women
taking over the countries
D) eventually the countries in that region will
band together to form a super state like the
European Union
E) if people are not extremely careful the entire
region may be destroyed by disease and
become a desert

69 www.remzihoca.com


The psychology of colour is based on the mental and emotional effects colours have on sighted people. Did you
know your surroundings may be influencing your emotions and state of mind? Do you ever notice that certain
places especially irritate you? Or that certain places are especially relaxing and calming? Well, there’s a good
chance that the colours in those spaces are playing a part.
In art therapy, colour is often associated with a person’s emotions. Colour may also influence a person’s mental or
physical state. For example, studies have shown that some people looking at the colour red resulted in an increased
heart rate. Looking at the colour red led to adrenaline being pumped into the bloodstream.
There are also commonly noted psychological effects of colour as it relates to two main categories: warm and cool.
Warm colours – such as red, yellow and orange – can affect a variety of emotions ranging from comfort and warmth
to hostility and anger. Cool colours – such as green, blue and purple – often affect feelings of calmness as well as
sadness. The concepts of colour psychology can also be applied in everyday life. For example, maybe you’re
planning on painting your walls with a new colour scheme. Well, you might want to consider some of these
suggestions about colours and how they might affect your emotions and mood.
Do you need to be creative? Try using the colour purple. Purple uses both red and blue. Purple provides a nice
balance between stimulation and serenity that is supposed to encourage creativity. Light purple is said to result in
a peaceful surrounding, thus relieving tension. These could be great colours for a home or business office.
Are you looking for a peaceful and calming environment? You might consider using green and/or blue. These cool
colours are considered restful. There is actually a bit of scientific logic. The eye focusing on the colour green hits
the retina. It is said to be less strainful on your eye muscles. The colour blue is suggested for busy rooms. Blue is a
calming and serene colour and is said to decrease respiration and lower blood pressure. The bedroom is a great
place to use these colours as they should help you relax.
Do you want to create an environment of stimulation or increase people's appetite? You might consider utilizing the
colours yellow or orange. These colours are often linked with food and can cause your tummy to grumble a little.
Have you ever wondered why so many restaurants use these colours? You need to be careful about using bright
colours like orange and especially yellow. They reflect more light and stimulate a person’s eyes. Overstimulation
can lead to irritation. You also probably don’t want to paint your dining room or kitchen with these colours if you
keep track of your food and calorie intake.
Moreover, marketing and advertising are well-known for utilizing colour psychology. Some companies have
invested a lot of money in colour research. This investment shows they believe in the concepts of colour
psychology. Colour is used to make people hungry, encourage trust and increase feelings of calmness or energy.
Most marketing and advertising executives will agree that understanding psychological effects of colours has

www.remzihoca.com 70
advertising (n): reklamcılık executive (n): yönetici relaxing (adj): rahatlatıcı
apply (v): başvurmak, uygulamak, grumble (v): söylenmek, (karnı) respiration (n): solunum
sürmek (krem vs), guruldamak restful (adj): dinlendirici
ile ilgisi olmak (kural, kanun) hostility (n): düşmanlık, savaş durumu sadness (n): üzüntü
benefit (n): yarar, devlet yardımı influence (v): etkilemek serenity (n): sükûnet
bloodstream (n): kan dolaşımı irritate (v): sinirlendirmek, tahriş sighted (adj): görebilen
calming (adj): sakinleştirici etmek stimulate (v): harekete geçirmek
calmness (n): sakinlik irritation (n): sinirlendirme, iritasyon stimulation (n): uyarım
concept (n): kavram lower (v): indirmek strainful (adj): yorucu
consider (v): düşünmek marketing (n): pazarlama surroundings (n): muhit
decrease (v): azalmak notice (v): fark etmek thus (trans): bu yüzden
emotion (n): duygu provide (v): sağlamak utilize (v): yararlanmak
emotional (adj): duygusal

mental effort : zihinsel çaba encourage creativity : yaratıcılığı reflect light : ışığı yansıtmak
good chance : iyi şans, olasılık teşvik etmek calorie intake : kalori alımı
play a part : rol oynamak peaceful surroundings : huzurlu ortam invest money : para yatırmak
physical state : fiziksel durum relieve tension : gerilimi azaltmak make sb hungry : birini acıktırmak
mental state : psikolojik durum scientific logic : bilimsel mantık sell product : ürün satmak
study may show : çalışma gösterebilir blood pressure : kan basıncı / tansiyon psychological disorder : psikolojik
heart rate : kalp atış hızı increase appetite : iştahı artırmak bozukluk
warm colour : sıcak renk bright colour : parlak renk take seriously : ciddiye almak
cool colour : soğuk renk

name for : ...nın adı be known as : ... olarak bilinmek at church : kilisede
spread throughout : ... boyunca yayılmak save from : ...dan kurtarmak infer from : ...dan çıkarım yapmak
cure for : ... için tedavi effective in : …da etkili chance for : …için şans
hide in : ...da/içinde saklanmak defend against : ...ya karşı savunmak

1. State whether the following are True (T) 3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
Companies and businesses used to When some people look at the colour
used colour psychology when trying to blue it can make their blood pressure
sell products but found that colour had increase.
no effect on people buying things.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
4. State whether the following are True (T)
2. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F):
or False (F): A type of therapy which associates
The effect that colours have on colour and people’s emotions is called
emotions and mental states is termed art therapy.
colour psychology.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)

71 www.remzihoca.com

5. State whether the following are True (T) 10. Which of the following most accurately
or False (F): states the main idea of the passage?
Colours have an effect on the
emotions of sighted and non sighted A) Colours can be used to treat a variety of
people. psychological disorders and should be part of
any therapy system.
A) (T) B) Colour affects the biological state, emotions
B) (F) and minds of people and businesses,
psychologists and therapists use this
6. Which of the following could be another
title for this passage? C) To be an effective business it is important to
study colour psychology to understand how to
A) Negative Effects of Colour use colour to make people to buy products.
B) The Psychology of Happiness and Colour D) Men and women respond to colours differently
C) The Effects of Colour on the Body and Mind and any institution should take this into
consideration when planning the colour of the
D) Colour and Buying building.
E) How to Paint your House for your Child E) In evolution colours helped human know what
was safe to eat and we still use these old
ways of thinking when deciding how, what and
7. The meaning of the word “lead” in when to eat.
this passage is ----.

A) direct
11. According to the passage, which of the
B) grab following is true of colour in everyday
C) cause life?
D) force
A) The colours of wall in a house have no effect
E) start on the mood of the people staying in the
house and looking at those colours.
8. The word “scheme” is B) It has been shown to be very difficult to
closest in meaning to ----. change the biological state, such as heart
rate, of a person by looking at colours.
A) plan
C) Colour can affect biology and emotion, for
B) organization example, more adrenaline is dropped into the
C) management bloodstream when people look at the colour
D) direction
D) Emotions or mental states and colour have
E) system
not yet been connected in serious
psychological studies.
9. What does the pronoun “It” in E) Colour psychology and art therapy have not
this passage refers to? been shown to be able to change a person’s
mood or emotions by using colour.
A) scientific logic
B) the retina
C) eye muscle
D) green
E) focusing

www.remzihoca.com 72

12. The passage mentions each of the 14. According to the passage, marketing
following EXCEPT ----. and advertising companies ----.

A) Emotions, from comfort to hostility, can be A) do not believe that colour psychology works
influenced by warm colours. and thereby do not use it as part of their sales
B) The most used warm colours used in colour and marketing plans
psychology are red, yellow and orange. B) are not known for trying to colour to influence
C) Cool colours effects emotions such as the decisions of the customers to buy their
sadness or calmness. products
D) Psychologists note the effects of two types of C) always disagree over whether to use colour
colours groups, warm colours and cool marketing, and whether it works
colours. D) use colour psychology and many companies
E) Blue, grey, brown and black are the main have invested money into using colour to
colours that make up the cool colour group. generate sales
E) have never truly invested much money into
colour therapy and are missing out on a way
13. According to this paragraph, ----.
to get customers to buy more products
A) the colours yellow or orange do not stimulate
a person’s appetite or increase hunger 15. It can be inferred from the passage that
B) warm colours can affect appetite which is why ----.
restaurants use warm colours when painting
the walls A) colour therapy is not a valid part of
psychology and should not be taken seriously
C) the most common psychological effect of
warm colours is calm and serenity B) colours affect the human body and body, and
that if businesses use colours to influence
D) it is impossible for a colour to make your
people we should be more aware and careful
tummy make a noise but it can look nice and
of our environment
make you want to enter the restaurant
C) the human mind is basically controlled by
E) orange and yellow stimulate a person’s eyes
colours and we cannot fight the power of
and make them feel excited and positive
D) when designing a house the colours used to
paint it are very important but more from an
aesthetic point of view than a psychological
E) to calm ourselves down and think clearly it
must be necessary to close our eyes to stop
colours influencing our thoughts

73 www.remzihoca.com

A generation gap consists of the differences in opinions expressed by members of two different generations. More
specifically, a generation gap can be used to describe the differences in actions, beliefs and tastes exhibited by
members of younger generations when compared to members of older generations regarding politics, values and
other matters. While generation gaps have been prevalent throughout all periods of history, the breadth of
differences of these gaps has widened in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The term "generation gap" was first used in the 1960s. During that time, the younger generation showed a large
difference in their beliefs and opinions compared to their parents' generation. We now refer to the 1960s generation
as the baby boomers.
Since the emergence of generation gaps, sociologists have divided the lifespan of an individual into three parts:
childhood, midlife and retirement. One of the most notable findings about the generation gap is the isolation of
members. When an individual is engaged in his generation's primary activity he/she is isolated from the other
For example, millennials – individuals born between 1982 and 2002 – are called technology natives because the
members of this generation grew up and lived with technology. The use of technology is a significant part of a
typical millennial's activity.
When a member of another older generation approaches a millennial for help in using such technologies, a wide
difference between knowledge on technology becomes evident. Older generations are not associated with
technology as much as millennials are. As such, businesses focusing on technology isolate those generations that
do not understand their products as much as millennials do.
Generation gaps play big roles in businesses, as companies must find ways to balance the needs and views of
individuals from differing age groups. Businesses must be aware of the changing demographics of their client
base, as gender gaps can have drastic effects on their business as well as the overall business cycle.

approach (v): yaklaşmak drastic (adj): ani ve beklenmedik prevalent (adj): yaygın
because (conj, trans): ...dığı için, çünkü emergence (n): ortaya çıkma, belirme primary (adj): başlıca, ilkokul, ilk
breadth (n): genişlik evident (adj): açık regarding (prep): … ile ilgili
client (n): müşteri isolation (n): soyutlanma retirement (n): emeklilik
cycle (n): bisiklet, döngü knowledge (n): bilgi specifically (adv): özel olarak
demographics (n): nüfus bilimi lifespan (n): ömür value (n): değer
describe (v): tasvir etmek member (n): üye widen (v): genişletmek
differing (adj): ayrı notable (adj): kayda değer

www.remzihoca.com 74
generation gap : kuşak çatışması find way : yol bulmak key feature : temel özellik
express opinion : fikrini ifade etmek balance need : ihtiyacı dengelemek show difference : farkı göstermek
significant part : önemli bölümü gender gap : cinsiyet ayrımı

when compared to : … ile engaged in : …ile uğraşmak effect on : …üzerinde etki
karşılaştırıldığında isolated from : ...dan soyutlanmış use as : ...olarak kullanmak
consist of : ...dan oluşmak live with : ...ile yaşamak different to : farklı
difference in : ...bakımından farklılık difference between : …arasındaki fark different from : …dan farklı
throughout history : tarih boyunca associated with : ... ile ilişkili gap between : …arasındaki boşluk, fark
divide into : …ya bölmek play role in sth : bir şeyde rol oynamak communicate with : …ile iletişim
finding about : ... hakkında bulgu aware of : …nın farkında kurmak

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
In the construction of business life and Generation gaps have increased or
business plans, generation gaps are not widened over the this century.
thought about or considered.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
5. State whether the following are True (T) or
2. State whether the following are True (T) False (F):
or False (F): Lifespans are divided into four groups
Generation gap was not used as a term when discussing generation gaps.
until the 1960’s.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. Which of the following could be another
3. State whether the following are True (T) title for this passage?
or False (F):
Millennials are not considered A) Family Differences
technology natives. B) Planning to Sell

A) (T) C) Generation Gaps, History and Society

B) (F) D) The New Generation

E) Millennials and Technology

75 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “associated” in 11. The passage states that the term
this passage is ----. generation gap was first used because --
A) disconnected
B) partnered A) in the 1960’s the young generation had huge
differences in beliefs from older people
C) excited by
B) over the evolution of humans and society the
D) motivated adults are becoming very different to the
E) connected children
8. The word “views” is closest in C) in 1982 the generation of children called the
meaning to ----. millennials was born
D) after people returned home from WW2 they
A) scenes
felt very different from people
B) opinions
E) in the 1960’s the field of sociology was just
C) vistas starting to find names for everyday situations
D) visions
E) ideas
12. The passage mentions each of the
following EXCEPT ----.
9. The writer views
differences in generation A) Generation gaps have not occurred through
gaps as ----. much of history
B) The idea and existence of a generation gap is
A) fun very new and did not occur in the past.
B) positive C) The size of the generation gap between
C) boring generations of people has decreased over the
D) exciting last century.
E) isolating D) Generation gaps are differences in opinion
between different generations.
E) The term generation gap can be used to
10. The text tells as a whole ----. describe differences in opinion but not in
A) how generation gaps have been studied actions or tastes.
and used by sociologists in academic
studies 13. According to this paragraph, ----.
B) the systems used by businesses to sell
more products A) the 1950’s generation is now referred to as the
baby boomers
C) the history of the generation gap and
how it now affects society both socially B) sociologists are currently unable to divide the
and in business lifespans of people into different groups
D) why millennials are not very social C) sociologist separate life into three groups:
when compared to earlier childhood, midlife, and retirement
generations D) currently sociologists divide lifespans into two
E) the one thousand year history of groups: retired and unretired
the generation gap E) one of the key features of generation gaps is
that they make people feel closer together

www.remzihoca.com 76

14. According to the passage, millennials 15. You can conclude from this passage
are ----. that ----.

A) people who were born between 1992 and 2012 A) generation gaps will eventually disappear as
B) are called technology natives as they have people become less linked to technology
grown up with technology B) throughout human history generation gaps
C) are unable to use technology very well as have always existed and will not change very
they have not had as much time to learn how much
it works C) younger people today are more mature and
D) find it very easy to communicate with older generation gaps will not occur as they grow up
generations D) generation gaps can have negative effects on
E) are also called digital strangers as they have emotions and society as each generation is
problems with technology isolated from the other more and more over
E) to understand humans it is necessary to first
know which generation gap they are coming

77 www.remzihoca.com

The respiratory system is the group of tissues and organs in your body. They collectively enable you to breathe.
This system includes your airways, and your lungs. It also includes the blood vessels and muscles attached to them.
These blood vessels and muscles work together so that you can breathe. The respiratory system's main function is
to supply oxygen to all the parts of your body. It does this through breathing. Breathing involves breathing in
oxygen-rich air and breathing out air filled with carbon dioxide. The exhaled air is a waste gas.
The respiratory system works in several steps. First, you breathe air in through your nose and mouth. They wet and
warm the air so it won’t irritate your lungs. Then, the air travels through your voice box, down your windpipe, and
though two bronchi into your lungs. Tiny mucous-covered hairs in your airways trap foreign particles and germs to
filter the air you breathe. Then, you cough or sneeze the particles out of your body.
The diaphragm, abdominal muscles, and other muscles help your lungs expand and contract so you can breathe in
and out. When you breathe in, the air goes through the bronchi in your lungs to blood vessels that connect to veins
and arteries. These veins and arteries carry the blood throughout your body. When you exhale, the carbon dioxide
goes out the same way, exiting your body through your nose and mouth. If you can't breathe or can't breathe well,
your body won’t receive enough oxygen to keep it running. It will also be poisoned by the carbon dioxide that is
building up in your blood with nowhere to go.

airway (n): solunum yolu, havayolu exit (v): çıkmak particle (n): parçacık, edat
artery (n): atardamar, ana yol expand (v): genişlemek poison (v): zehirlemek
breathe (v): nefes almak filter (v): süz(ül)mek receive (v): almak
bronchus (n): bronş foreign (adj): yabancı sneeze (v): hapşırmak
carry (v): taşımak function (v): çalışmak, işlevini yerine step (n): aşama, basamak, adım
collectively (adv): toplu olarak getirmek tissue (n): kâğıt mendil, doku
contract (v): küçülmek, hastalık germ (n): mikrop trap (v): tuzağa düşürmek
kapmak, sözleşme yapmak include (v): içermek vein (n): toplardamar
cough (v): öksürmek irritate (v): sinirlendirmek, tahriş etmek waste (n): israf, atık
enable (v): olanak sağlamak lung (n): akciğer windpipe (n): soluk borusu
exhale (v): nefes vermek muscle (n): kas, güç

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respiratory system : solunum sistemi health benefit : sağlık yardımı function properly : düzgün çalışmak
blood vessel : kan damarı negative effect : olumsuz etki salivary gland : tükürük bezi
main function : ana işlev brain function : beyin işlevi stimulate growth : büyümeyi arttırmak
abdominal muscle : karın kası atmospheric pressure : atmosferik

attached to : …ya iliştirilmiş through the nose : burundan involved in : ...ya dahil olmak/karışmak
supply to : ...ya sağlamak in succession : üst üste, art arda change in : …da değişiklik
fill with : ... ile doldurmak as a group : grup olarak, grupça difference between : …arasındaki fark
travel through : ...nın içinden geçmek relationship between : ...arasında ilişki remove from : ...den kaldırmak/çıkarmak
connect to : …ile bağlantı kurmak

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
The human body requires oxygen to The air that people breath out is a waste
function. product.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) 5. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
Only the viens carry oygen around the Air is filtered by small hairs.
human body.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. Which of the following could be another
3. State whether the following are True (T) title for this passage?
or False (F):
Air does not move down the wind pipe. A) How to Breathe
B) Health and Breathing
A) (T)
C) How the Respiratory System Functions
B) (F)
D) The Health Benefits of Breathing
E) Negative Effects of Carbon Dioxide

79 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “collectively” in 11. According to this passage, the function
this passage is ----. of the hairs in your airways is ----.

A) in succession A) to moisten the air you breathe in so it won’t

B) without help irritate your lungs
C) using teamwork B) to slow your breathing so you don’t lose too
much carbon dioxide
D) as a group
C) to keep germs and other foreign particles
E) as individuals
D) to register changes in atmospheric quality
E) non-existent: there are no hairs in your
8. The word “waste” is closest in airways
meaning to ----.

A) unwanted 12. This passage states that if you stop

breathing, you will die because ----.
B) useless
C) lost A) your blood will stop circulating
D) useful B) your lungs will collapse due to the difference
E) dying between internal and external atmospheric
C) you will build up excess body heat which
9. What does the pronoun “It” in cannot be ventilated
this passage refers to?
D) your body will not receive the oxygen and
A) nose carbon dioxide it needs to function properly
B) carbon dioxide E) your body will not receive the oxygen it needs
to function properly and will be poisoned by
C) breath
excess carbon dioxide
D) body
E) oxygen
13. Which of the following does this
passage NOT mention as part of your
10. This passage is mainly about ----. respiratory system?
A) how different levels of oxygen affect A) your salivary glands
brain function
B) your lungs
B) breathing techniques to optimize health
and happiness C) your diaphragm
C) the causes of excessive carbon D) your abdominal muscles
dioxide emissions E) your bronchitis
D) the relationship between humidity
and respiratory infections
E) how different parts of your body are
involved in the process of breathing

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14. This passage implies that ----. 15. According to this passage, what
function does your diaphragm play in
A) mouth breathing is more dangerous than nose breathing?
B) cold dry air might irritate your lungs if it was A) It filters oxygen into your blood
not warmed and wetted in your airways B) It removes toxins from the air you breathe
C) the size of your bronchi determines how likely C) It has no function in breathing
you are to contract respiratory illnesses D) It helps your lungs to expand and contract
D) rapid breathing may stimulate the growth of E) It filters out excess carbon dioxide
hairs in your airways
E) the human body does not generate adequate
amounts of carbon dioxide

81 www.remzihoca.com

Vitamin K plays an important role in helping the blood clot, which prevents too much bleeding. Unlike many other
vitamins, vitamin K is not typically used as a dietary supplement.
Vitamin K is actually a group of compounds. The most important of these compounds appears to be vitamin K1 and
vitamin K2. You can get Vitamin K1 from leafy greens and some other vegetables. Vitamin K2 is a group of
compounds found mostly in meats, cheeses, and eggs, and produced by bacteria.
Vitamin K1 is the main form of vitamin K supplement available in the U.S. Recently, some people have looked to
vitamin K2 to treat osteoporosis and steroid-induced bone loss, but the research isn’t conclusive. At this point
there is not enough data to recommend using vitamin K2 for osteoporosis.
Low levels of vitamin K can increase the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. While vitamin K deficiencies are rare in
adults, they are very common in newborn infants. A single injection of vitamin K for newborns is standard. Vitamin
K is also used to counter the effects of a big dose of the blood thinner Coumadin. In these cases, a doctor might
suggest vitamin K supplements. Uses of vitamin K for cancer, for the symptoms of morning sickness, for the
removal of spider veins, and for other conditions are not proven.
Most people get enough vitamin K from their diets. There are no negative effects of vitamin K seen with the levels
found in food or supplements. However, this does not mean there is no danger with high doses. You can get vitamin
K naturally from foods. Good natural food sources of vitamin K include: vegetables (like spinach, asparagus, and
broccoli), beans and soybeans, eggs, strawberries and meat.

available (adj): mevcut, müsait injection (n): iğne suggest (v): önermek, tavsiye etmek,
bleeding (n): kanama loss (n): kayıp, zarar (dolaylı olarak)
bone (n): kemik prevent (v): önlemek göstermek
clot (v): pıhtılaşmak, ahmak prove (v): kanıtlamak, ortaya çıkmak treat (v): davranmak, tedavi etmek,
compound (n): bileşik recently (adv): son zamanlarda ısmarlamak
conclusive (adj): kesin recommend (v): tavsiye etmek uncontrolled (adj): kontrol edilemeyen
data (n): veri removal (n): ortadan kaldırma unlike (prep): ...nın aksine
however (trans): ancak research (n): araştırma vegetable (n): sebze

www.remzihoca.com 82
blood clot : kan pıhtısı negative effect : olumsuz etki take supplement : takviye almak
dietary supplement : besinsel takviye high dose : yüksek doz reduce risk : riski azaltmak
leafy green : yapraklı yeşillik food source : besin kaynağı ease symptom : belirtiyi hafifletmek
counter effect : etkisini azaltmak normal practice : normal uygulama get sick : hastalanmak
low level : düşük seviye excellent idea : mükemmel fikir grow old : yaşlanmak
increase risk : riski artırmak health benefit : sağlık yardımı scientifically proven : bilimsel olarak
newborn infant : yeni doğan bebek kanıtlanmış

play role in sth : bir şeyde rol oynamak present as : ... olarak sunmak olmadan
at a point : bir noktada argument about : ... konusunda tartışma born with : …ile doğmuş
use for : ... için kullanmak important for : …için önemli study on : ... hakkında çalışma, araştırma
excellent for : ... için mükemmel without the help of : ...nın yardımı important to : …için önemli
in general : genel olarak/genellikle

1. State whether the following are True 4. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): (T) or False (F):
Vitamin K2 is excellent for It is normal practise to give new
treating osteoporosis. borm babies a vitamin K injection.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True 5. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): (T) or False (F):
In general, most people do not Vitamin K is important in the normal
get enough vitamin K in their function of blood.
A) (T)
A) (T) B) (F)
B) (F)
6. Which of the following could be
3. State whether the following are True another title for this passage?
(T) or False (F):
Vitamin K is a group of element A) Benefits of Vitamin K
and hormones. B) Vitamin K. What is it? Where is it From?
And What Does it Do?
A) (T)
C) The Dangers of Too Much Vitamin K
B) (F)
D) Why Doctors Love Vitamin K
E) Vitamin K and Your Daily Diet

83 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word "appear" human health

in this passage is ----. 11. According to this passage, vitamin K
has been proven ----.
A) turn out
B) present as A) to reduce the risk of osteoporosis
C) show B) to ease the symptoms of morning sickness
D) seem C) to remove spider veins
E) surprise D) to help blood to clot
E) to cure cancer

8. The word “standard” is

closest in meaning to ----. 12. This passage says that ----.

A) normal behaviour A) most people would be healthier if they took

B) excellent idea vitamin K supplements; this is especially true
for the elderly
C) a measure
B) most people get enough vitamin K from the
D) custom
food they eat, but newborns and people who
E) everyday take blood thinners may need K supplements
C) vitamin K is found in most foods, and people
9. What does the pronoun “this” in who eat too many K-rich foods or take K
this passage refers to? supplements may get sick because their
blood becomes too thick
A) levels in food D) vitamin K is found in many foods, but it can’t
B) supplements be effectively absorbed into the body without
C) no negative effects the help of special supplements
D) Vitamin K E) most people would be healthier if they took
vitamin K supplements and vitamin K is found
E) most people
in many foods, but it can’t be effectively
absorbed into the body without the help of
10. This passage is mainly about ----. special supplements

A) the health benefits of vitamin K (some

proven and some unproven) and the 13. According to this passage, vitamin K1
natural sources of vitamin K is found in ----.
B) the health benefits and the health risks of A) most foods
taking vitamin supplements, and the
B) supplements only—it does not occur in nature
limitations of scientific testing of
supplements C) meat and cheese
C) the treatment of hemophilia and D) leafy greens
other problematic blood E) eggs
D) the discovery, testing and
marketing of vitamin K
E) scientific arguments about whether or
not vitamin K is actually important for

www.remzihoca.com 84

14. Which of the following is NOT listed as 15. This passage suggests that ----.
a good source of vitamin K in this
passage? A) people may be born with low levels of vitamin
K, though as they grow older their diets
A) broccoli usually provide what they need
B) beans B) people are very likely to take vitamin K to
C) eggs cure conditions which it has not been
scientifically proven to cure; this can be
D) meat
E) wheat C) a great deal of research money is going into
studies on the health effects of vitamin K
D) vitamin K is not as important to human health
as the other vitamins
E) vegetarians are likely to not get enough
vitamin K1 unless they take supplements

85 www.remzihoca.com

A very exciting field of study, research and its application is DNA technology. DNA technology is being developed
for a variety of purposes and products. Cloning, the process of making identical copies of a gene, is a major
component of DNA technology. At first reaction, cloning might elicit images of sci-fi movies, but cloning has
provided pest-resistant plants, vaccines, heart attack treatments and even helped construct totally original
DNA technology and gene cloning are extremely important in the medical and pharmaceutical sector. For example,
DNA technology has been used to assist in diagnosing genetic diseases, such as sickle-cell disease and
Huntington's disease.
Developing vaccines is another area in which DNA technology is critical. Vaccines are harmless versions of a
pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus. Vaccines can be used to 'trick' your body into fighting the harmless version.
This means that if you are exposed to a harmful version of the pathogen, you have already built up a defence. There
are many ways that DNA technology is used to make vaccines. The most common ways to make a vaccine is by
altering the pathogen's genes and mimicking surface proteins of harmful pathogens.
Finally, therapeutic hormones, such as insulin and human growth hormone, are also the result of DNA technology
in medicine. For the treatment of diabetes millions of people with diabetes depend on insulin treatments to stay
healthy thanks to DNA technology. Also thanks to DNA technology, human growth hormone is used to help children
who do not produce adequate amounts of growth hormone in their bodies and suffer from dwarfism.

alter (v): değiştirmek field (n): arazi, alan process (n): süreç, işlem
application (n): başvuru, uygulama fight (v): kavga etmek, mücadele product (n): ürün, çarpım, bileşke
(telefon), uygulama etmek, savaşmak provide (v): sağlamak
cloning (n): klonlama harmless (adj): zararsız purpose (n): amaç
construct (v): inşa etmek image (n): görüntü research (n): araştırma
develop (v): gelişmek, ortaya çıkmak important (adj): önemli therapeutic (adj): iyileştirici
diagnose (v): teşhis etmek medical (adj): tıbbi totally (adv): tamamen
elicit (v): ortaya çıkarmak mimicking (n): taklit etme treatment (n): tedavi, muamele
exciting (adj): heyecan verici pharmaceutical (adj): eczacılığa ait vaccine (n): aşı

www.remzihoca.com 86
identical copy : tıpatıp aynı kopya diagnose disease : hastalığı teşhis etmek produce hormone : hormon üretmek
make copy : kopyasını yapmak, kopya genetic disease : genetik hastalık adequate amount : yeterli miktar
çıkarmak medical condition : tıbbi rahatsızlık reach limit : sınıra ulaşmak
major component : ana parça/bileşen develop vaccine : aşı geliştirmek change greatly : büyük ölçüde
heart attack : kalp krizi build up defence : savunma geliştirmek değiştirmek
extremely important : son derece önemli stay healthy : sağlıklı kalmak growth hormone : büyüme hormonu

assist in : …da yardım etmek attitude towards : …ya karşı tutum defence to : ...ya savunma
pass from : ...dan geçmek prepare for : ...için hazırlanmak treat with : ...ile tedavi etmek
exposed to : …ya maruz kalmış

1. State whether the following are True 4. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): (T) or False (F):
Making identical copies of a gene is Pest-resistant plants have
called cloning. been developed by using
vaccine technologies.
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
2. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): 5. State whether the following are True
Cloning and DNA technologies are (T) or False (F):
two separate fields of medical Insulin and growth hormones are
study. the result of DNA technology in
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
3. State whether the following are True
(T) or False (F): 6. Which of the following could be
Human growth hormone is used to another title for this passage?
help children who suffer from
dwarfism. A) Sci-fi Medicine
B) Vaccines that Changed the World
A) (T)
C) DNA Technologies and Therapeutic
B) (F) Hormones
D) Cloning the Perfect Human
E) DNA Technologies and the Future of

87 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word "reaction" 11. The passage mentions each of the
in this passage is ----. following EXCEPT ----.

A) response A) original organisms have been created through

B) feeling cloning
C) feedback B) vaccines have benefited humans more than
D) reply
C) cloning has created pest-resistant plants,
E) answer vaccines, and heart attack treatments
D) cloning is the process of making identical
8. The word "critical" is copies of genes
closest in meaning to ----. E) a major part of DNA technologies is cloning

A) negative
B) analytical 12. The passage states that cloning is
important because ----.
C) important
D) sarcastic A) many children have helped by the products
E) not important developed by cloning
B) the products developed are very profitable to
pharmaceutical companies
9. The author’s attitude towards
DNA technologies is ----. C) genetic conditions can be diagnosed and
treated, sometimes before a person is born
A) favouring D) without cloning it would not be possible to
B) disinterested develop insulin
C) negative E) it has assisted in the developing of
D) worried therapeutic hormones
E) positive
13. It is clearly stated in the passage that ---
10. Which of the following most
accurately states the main idea of A) vaccines are a pathogen that is harmful
the passage? B) your body can not build up a defence to the
A) Ideas that used to be in science fiction pathogen
have now arrived in the medical world. C) the only way to make a vaccine is by cloning
B) DNA technologies such as cloning, D) a vaccine is dangerous version of a bacterium
vaccines and therapeutic hormones E) vaccines are a harmless version of a
provide huge benefits to people. pathogen that tricks the body into fighting it
C) The medicines developed using DNA
technologies are part of everyday life
and people do not know it.
D) Without DNA technologies we would have
no vaccines and millions of lives would not
have been saved.
E) It is dangerous to use DNA technologies
and to not be prepared for accidents.

www.remzihoca.com 88

14. According to the passage, ----. 15. We can tell from this passage that ----.

A) insulin and human growth hormone were A) DNA technologies have reached their limit and
developed without DNA technologies can do no more
B) millions of people have their diabetes treated B) people must be worried that medicine is
with human growth hormones becoming dangerous
C) human growth hormone is used to help C) many patients have been saved by human
children who do not produce adequate growth growth hormones
hormones D) pharmaceutical companies have become very
D) dwarfism can be treated by cloning rich from the products developed using DNA
techniques technologies
E) diabetes and sickle-cell disease can both be E) greatly changing the world and the future of
cured using therapeutic hormones medicine is DNA technologies

89 www.remzihoca.com

Eating disorders are common in America. 1 or 2 out of every 100 students will struggle with an eating disorder.
Thousands of teens develop eating disorders every year. Eating disorders are more than going on a diet to lose
weight or trying to exercise every day. An eating disorder is an extreme way of thinking about eating and eating
behaviour. For example, the diet gradually has less food and less types of food. The most common eating disorders
are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, usually called simply
"anorexia" and "bulimia". Some examples are avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating, body image
disorders, and food phobias.
People with anorexia have a fear of gaining weight and an incorrect view of their body size. These people eat very
little and can become underweight. Many teens with anorexia restrict their food intake by dieting, fasting, or
excessive exercise. They hardly eat at all. The small amount of food becomes an obsession. The anorexia focuses
on calorie counting or eating as little as possible. Others with anorexia may start binge eating and purging. They eat
a lot of food and then try to get rid of the calories by vomiting, laxatives, or exercising too much.
Bulimia is similar to anorexia. With bulimia, people might binge eat too much and then vomit or exercise to lose
weight. These actions can be dangerous both physically and emotionally. To have bulimia, a person binges and
purges regularly. At least once a week for a couple of months. Binge eating is different from going to a party and
eating too much pizza. People with bulimia eat a large amount of food at one time and usually in secret. They eat
food that is not cooked, frozen, or from the trash. They feel no power to stop the eating. They can only stop once
they're too full to eat any more. People with bulimia then purge by vomiting, but they may use laxatives or excessive
exercise. Although anorexia and bulimia are very similar, people with anorexia are usually very thin and
underweight. But those with bulimia may be an average weight or can be overweight.
Fortunately, eating disorders can be treated. People with eating disorders can get well and learn to eat well. Eating
and living are more like family and friends. Eating disorders involve both the mind and body. So medical doctors,
mental health professionals, and dietitians will work together to treat a person. Therapy or counseling is a very
important part of getting better. In many cases, family therapy is one of the keys to eating healthily. Parents and
other family members are important in supporting people. Remember that eating disorders are very common
among teens. Treatment options depend on each person and their families. Many treatments involve talking to
therapists and working with dietitians and other professionals. Learning to be comfortable at your weight is a

www.remzihoca.com 90
call (v): adlandırmak, telefon etmek, intake (n): alım simply (adv): yalnızca, tek kelimeyle,
çağırmak involve (v): içermek, gerektirmek basitçe
dangerous (adj): tehlikeli laxative (n): müshil support (v): desteklemek
dietitian (n): diyetisyen obsession (n): takıntı treat (v): davranmak, tedavi etmek,
emotionally (adv): hisli bir şekilde once (conj): ...dan sonra ısmarlamak
excessive (adj): aşırı physically (adv): fiziki olarak underweight (adj): yetersiz kilolu
gradually (adv): aşamalı olarak purge (v): arındırmak view (n): manzara, görüş
incorrect (adj): yanlış restrict (v): sınırlamak vomit (v): istifra etmek

eating disorder : yeme bozukluğu eat healthily : sağlıklı beslenmek burn off calorie : kalori yakmak
develop disorder : bozukluk gelişmek treatment option : tedavi seçeneği put on weight : kilo almak
lose weight : kilo kaybetmek/kilo vermek take time : zaman almak use interchangeably : birbirinin yerine
gain weight : kilo almak count calorie : kalori saymak kullanmak
body size : vücut ölçüsü extremely common : son derece yaygın emotionally exhausting : duygusal
average weight : ortalama ağırlık give outline : genel bilgi vermek olarak yorucu
medical doctor : tıp doktoru basic structure : temel yapı high quality : yüksek kalite
mental health : zihinsel sağlık explain briefly : kısaca açıklamak make sb sure : birisine temin etmek
important part : önemli kısım explain difference : farkı açıklamak

play role in sth : bir şeyde rol oynamak present as : ... olarak sunmak olmadan
at a point : bir noktada argument about : ... konusunda tartışma born with : …ile doğmuş
use for : ... için kullanmak important for : …için önemli study on : ... hakkında çalışma, araştırma
excellent for : ... için mükemmel without the help of : ...nın yardımı important to : …için önemli
in general : genel olarak/genellikle

1. State whether the following are True (T) 3. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
In America eating disorder are not Eating disorders seems to increase with
unusual and affect approximately one or age and are extremely common in older
two out of every one hundred people. people.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
or False (F): False (F):
People who suffer from anorexia At this point in time, eating disorders are
nervosa count calories and try to eat a life time condition and they can not be
very little. treated.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

91 www.remzihoca.com

5. State whether the following are True (T) or 10. The primary purpose of the passage is
False (F): to ----.
There are a variety of eating disorders,
the least common of are anorexia A) give an outline of the different kinds of eating
nervosa and bulimia nervosa. disorders that affect people, particularly teens
B) outline the basic structure of the anorexia
A) (T) disorder
B) (F) C) briefly explain eating disorders such as
bulimia and anorexia and the possible
6. Which of the following could be another treatments
title for this passage? D) contrast anorexia and bulimia and to explain
the differences between the two illnesses
A) How Common is Bulimia?
E) the possible treatments that can work in
B) What to Eat? assisting people who suffer from bulimia and
C) Eating Disorders and Treatments anorexia
D) Bulimia vs Anorexia
E) Teens and Eating Disorders 11. The passage mentions each of the
following EXCEPT ----.

7. The meaning of the word A) going on a diet or over exercising is not a

“purge” in this passage is ----. form of eating disorder
B) a classic behaviour of people with eating
A) clear disorders is the consuming of less and less
B) clean out food over time
C) remove C) a group that is particularly at risk of
developing eating disorders is teenagers
D) strip
D) there are only two kinds of eating disorder,
E) empty
bulimia and anorexia
E) the most well known and statistically common
8. The word “common” is eating disorders are bulimia and anorexia
closest in meaning to ----.

A) popular
12. According to the passage, which of the
B) exciting following is true of anorexia?
C) normal
A) Anorexic people focus on exercising
D) distinct continuously to burn off calories and then
E) cool eating a lot.
B) Anorexic people hardly eat, fear gaining
9. What does the pronoun “they” in weight and are usually underweight.
this passage refers to? C) People who suffer from anorexia have an
incorrect view of their bodies and believe they
A) people with anorexia are smaller than they see in the mirror.
B) people D) A common characteristic of people with
C) women anorexia is too eat too much for long periods
D) teens and then eat nothing for long periods of time.
E) people with bulimia E) Anorexic teens are normal weight and fear
putting on any weight.

www.remzihoca.com 92

13. According to this paragraph, ----. 15. It can be inferred from the passage that
A) bulimia and anorexia are the same disease,
the names are used interchangeably A) eating disorders are a common phase for
B) fortunately, bulimia is not a very common type teenagers and it tends to pass quite simply
of eating disorder compared to food phobias without drama
C) bulimina is emotionally exhausting but not B) anorexia and bulimia will become easier to
physically dangerous cure over time as medication becomes better
and of a higher quality
D) a person who has bulimia loves to binge on
their favourite foods C) people with bulimia or anorexia must be
supported emotionally and medically as
E) people with bulimia regularly binge on food
quickly as possible to stop teens and adults
then purge it by vomiting or exercising
D) for many people being underweight is normal
14. According to the passage, treating and they should not be embarrassed or
people with eating disorders -----. ashamed
A) is not possible at this point in time as the E) all teenager should be forced to meet with a
issue is too difficult to solve therapist to make sure he or she has not have
an eating disorder
B) requires a mix of therapy and medication
C) will not necessarily allow the sufferers to live
normally ever again
D) only involves a long period of treatment using
E) is focused on meditation and therapy with no

93 www.remzihoca.com

A muscle cramp is a strong, painful contraction or tightening of a muscle that comes on suddenly and lasts from a
few seconds to several minutes. It often happens in the legs. A muscle cramp is also called a charley horse.
Nighttime leg cramps are usually sudden spasms, or tightening of muscles in the calf. The muscle cramps can
sometimes happen in the thigh or the foot. They often happen when you are about to fall asleep or wake up.
The cause of muscle cramps isn't always known. Muscle cramps may be caused by many conditions or activities,
such as: exercising, injury, or overuse of muscles. During pregnancy, cramps may occur because of decreased
amounts of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, especially in the later months. There are also other causes,
for instance, exposure to cold temperatures, especially to cold water, standing on a hard surface for a long time,
sitting for a long time, or putting your legs in awkward positions while you sleep. Some medical conditions can also
cause muscle cramps, such as blood flow problems, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and multiple sclerosis.
You may need to try different ways to stop a muscle cramp before you find what works best for you. Here are some
things you can try: stretch and massage the muscle. Take a warm shower or bath to relax the muscle. A heating pad
placed on the muscle can also help. Try using an ice or cold pack. Always keep a cloth between your skin and the
ice pack.
You should talk with your doctor if you have muscle cramps that keep coming back or are painful. These may be
symptoms of another problem, such as restless legs syndrome. If cramps bother you a lot, or disturb your sleep,
your doctor may suggest medicine that relaxes your muscles.

calf (n): buzağı, baldır kidney (n): böbrek suddenly (adv): aniden
contraction (n): kasılma, kaynaşmış last (v): sürmek suggest (v): önermek, tavsiye etmek,
sözcük medicine (n): ilaç, tıp (dolaylı olarak)
decrease (v): azalmak muscle (n): kas, güç göstermek
happen (v): meydana gelmek overuse (n): aşırı kullanım symptom (n): belirti
heating (n): ısıtma painful (adj): acı verici thigh (n): uyluk
injury (n): yaralanma restless (adj): huzursuz tighten (v): sıkılaştırmak

www.remzihoca.com 94
sudden spasm : ani kasılma stretch muscle : kasını germek disturb sleep : uykuyu bozmak
cold temperature : soğuk sıcaklık take a shower : duş almak ask advice : tavsiye istemek
hard surface :sert yüzey take bath : banyo yapmak warning sign : uyarı işareti
medical condition : tıbbi rahatsızlık relax muscle : kas gevşetmek medical treatment : tıbbi tedavi
blood flow : kan akışı ice pack : buz torbası terminal illness : ölümcül hastalık
different way : farklı yol

to be caused by : ...dan kaynaklanmak treatment for : ...için tedavi name for : ...nın adı
during pregnancy : hamilelikte remedy for : ...ye ilaç, çare, tedavi at night : geceleyin
exposure to : …ya maruz kalma deficient in : …da eksik aware of : …nın farkında
talk with : ...ile konuşmak lack of : ... eksikliği charge for : ...dan ücret almak
connection between : …arasında bağlantı

1. State whether the following are True (T) or 4. State whether the following are True (T) or
False (F): False (F):
Night time cramps often occur in the There are no medicines that can help
legs. muscle cramps.

A) (T) A) (T)
B) (F) B) (F)

2. State whether the following are True (T) or 5. State whether the following are True (T) or
False (F): False (F):
There is no connection between If problems with cramps are painful or
medical conditions and cramps. disturbing it is best to ask advice from
your mother.
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
3. State whether the following are True (T) or
False (F): 6. Which of the following could be another
The causes of muscle cramps are often title for this passage?
not known.
A) Causes and Treatments of Cramps
A) (T) B) How Painful are Cramps?
B) (F) C) Doctors Advise for People With Cramps
D) Exercises and Muscle Cramps
E) Cramps and Dieting

95 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “bother” in 11. According to this passage, ----.
this passage is ----.
A) you should contact a doctor at the first sign of
A) recover muscle cramps, because they are often early
B) harass warning signs of terminal illness
C) notice B) muscle cramps are most common and most
severe in people with compromised immune
D) mind systems
E) annoy C) since many different things may cause
muscle cramps, you should try different home
cures; consult a doctor if the cramps become
8. The word “things” is
persistent and painful
closest in meaning to ----.
D) there is not much that doctors can do to
A) actions diagnose or treat muscle cramps
B) stuffs E) many home remedies for muscle cramps are
C) positions dangerous
D) exercises
12. Which of these is not listed as a home
E) rules
treatment for muscle cramps in the
passage above?
9. What does the pronoun “They” in
this passage refers to? A) stretching
B) massage
A) tightening of muscles
C) hot packs
B) foot or thigh
D) cold packs
C) muscle cramps
E) mud baths
D) night time leg cramps
E) spasms
13. Which of these is not listed as a cause
of muscle cramps in the passage
10. This passage is mainly about ----.
A) muscle cramps as warning signs for
A) mineral deficiencies in pregnant women
major diseases
B) exposure to cold temperatures
B) the history of the medical treatment of
muscle cramps C) standing for a long time on a hard surface
C) muscle cramps in horses and in humans D) lack of sleep
D) causes of, and treatments for, muscle E) overuse of muscles
E) why women are more likely than men to
suffer from muscle cramps

www.remzihoca.com 96

14. What is a charley horse, according to 15. This passage suggests that ----.
this passage?
A) treatment for muscle cramps has improved
A) another name for a muscle cramp remarkably in recent years
B) a muscle cramp that happens at night B) most people are not aware of the causes and
C) a muscle cramp caused by too much exercise treatments of muscle cramps
D) a muscle cramp that keeps coming back C) muscle cramps can often be successfully
eased with home remedies
E) an exercise to soothe muscle cramps
D) doctors often charge too much for treating
muscle cramps
E) muscle cramps that are left untreated may
become charley horses

97 www.remzihoca.com


Heart failure is also known as congestive heart failure. Heart failure occurs when your heart isn’t pumping enough
blood. As a result, fluid may build up in the legs, lungs, and throughout the body. Heart failure can occur for several
reasons. Common causes of heart failure include previous heart attack, high blood pressure, congenital heart
disease, enlarged heart, infection of the heart, and diabetes. Heart failure symptoms aren't always obvious. People
in the early stages of heart failure may have no symptoms. Others people may ignore symptoms like fatigue or
shortness of breath. Sometimes heart failure symptoms are more obvious. Symptoms may include shortness of
breath, swelling of the feet and legs, lack of energy, difficulty in sleeping, and impaired memory. Some people are
more likely than others to develop heart failure. No one can predict who will develop heart failure. Being aware of
the risk factors and seeing a doctor are good strategies for managing heart failure. Heart failure risk factors
include high blood pressure, heart attack, enlargement of the heart, family history of heart disease, and diabetes.
Your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, low salt intake, losing weight, or reducing
your stress level. These changes can help symptoms associated with heart failure and reduce strain on your heart.
Many kinds of medications are used for treating heart failure. Your doctor may prescribe ACE inhibitors,
beta-blockers, blood thinners, and diuretics. In general, a combination of heart medications is used. If your heart
failure is serious, heart transplant surgery may be also considered.

combination (n): birleşim, kilit şifresi include (v): içermek predict (v): tahmin etmek
congenital (adj): doğuştan gelen bir infection (n): enfeksiyon prescribe (v): reçete yazmak
hastalık/durum inhibitor (n): engelleyici pump (v): pompalamak
consider (v): düşünmek intake (n): alım stress (n): stres, vurgu
diuretic (n): idrar söktürücü manage (v): yönetmek, başarmak surgery (n): ameliyat, muayenehane
fatigue (n): bitkinlik obvious (adj): bariz swelling (n): şişkinlik
fluid (n): sıvı occur (v): meydana gelmek transplant (n): organ nakli
impaired (adj): bozulmuş

www.remzihoca.com 98
common cause : yaygın neden quit smoking : sigara içmeyi bırakmak give overview : görüş sunmak
heart attack : kalp krizi lose weight : kilo kaybetmek/kilo vermek save life : hayat kurtarmak
blood pressure : kan basıncı / tansiyon reduce level : seviyesini azaltmak reduce risk : riski azaltmak
enlarged heart : genişlemiş kalp reduce strain : gerginliği/yükü azaltmak take medication : ilaç almak
early stage : ilk/erken evre, aşama predict easily : kolayca tahmin etmek work effectively : verimli/etkin
ignore symptom : semptomu yoksaymak pump blood : kan pompalamak çalışmak
shortness of breath : nefes darlığı make sth clear : bir şeyi açıklığa take drug : ilaç almak
risk factor : risk faktörü kavuşturmak treat effectively : etkili bir şekilde
family history : aile öyküsü main cause : ana neden tedavi etmek
lifestyle change : yaşam tarzı değişikliği

be known as : ... olarak bilinmek strain on : ... üzerinde yük/gerginlik at risk : tehlikede, riskte
lack of : ... eksikliği in general : genel olarak/genellikle research into : ...hakkında araştırma
difficulty in : …da zorluk to be caused by : ...dan kaynaklanmak information about : ... hakkında bilgi
aware of : …nın farkında name for : ...nın adı good at : ...konusunda iyi
strategy for : ...için strateji recover from : …dan kurtulmak, reaction with : …ile tepkime
associated with : ... ile ilişkili iyileşmek

1. State whether the following are True (T) 4. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): or False (F):
In most cases of heart failure, the cause In modern medicine, doctors can easily
of the heart failure is diabetes. predict who is going to have a heart
A) (T)
B) (F) A) (T)
B) (F)
2. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F): 5. State whether the following are True (T)
Another name for congestive heart or False (F):
failure is simply, heart failure. When a person has a heart failure the
heart starts to pump too much blood
A) (T) around the body.
B) (F)
A) (T)
B) (F)
3. State whether the following are True (T)
or False (F):
For many people, the symptoms of 6. Which of the following could be another
heart failure are not always very title for this passage?
obvious or easy to understand.
A) Are you Prepared?
A) (T) B) The Basics Facts of Heart Disease
B) (F) C) Recovering from Heart Failure
D) Genetics and Heart Disease
E) Who is at Risk of Congestive Heart Failure

99 www.remzihoca.com

7. The meaning of the word “obvious” in 11. According to the passage, which of the
this passage is ----. following is true of heart failure
A) noticeable
B) bright A) Shortness of breath is an obvious symptom of
heart failure and is never ignored.
C) clear
B) It is impossible to ignore the symptoms of
D) understandable heart failure as they are life changing.
E) important C) In the early stages of heart disease most
people are very aware and scared of the
symptoms like shortness of breath or lack of
8. The word "strain" is closest in energy.
meaning to ----.
D) The symptoms of heart failure are sometimes
A) push obvious, and sometimes not obvious.
B) stress E) The symptoms of heart failure are always
C) fatigue very clear and easy to notice.
D) exercise
E) fight 12. The passage mentions each of the
following EXCEPT ----.
9. The passage is best described as being A) at this point in time it is very difficult to know
----. who will develop heart disease
A) confusing B) family heart disease history and diabetes are
both risk factors of congestive heart failure
B) informative
C) for people who want to manage the risks of
C) poorly-researched heart disease it is best to see a doctor
D) academic D) not everybody is at the same risk of suffering
E) medical from heart failure
E) doctors are very good at knowing the heart
10. The primary purpose of the disease risk factors and predicting who will
passage is to ----. develop heart disease

A) make clear the main causes of heart

13. It is clearly stated in the passage that ---
disease and the research into these
B) give an overview of the basic information A) unfortunately, changing your lifestyle does not
about what heart disease, its symptoms, help reducing the risks of having a heart failure
risks and treatments B) most doctors do not recommend lifestyle
C) explain the different types of heart changes but do recommend medication
diseases that a person may suffer from, C) by making doctor recommended lifestyle
and to give a brief overview changes, the strain on your heart can be
D) educate the reader about the different types reduced
of medication that are required to save D) losing weight or stopping smoking are better
lives and prevent heart disease treatment for heart failure than an operation
E) make the reader aware of the ways to E) if you change your lifestyle by quitting
avoid heart disease by lifestyle changes smoking and losing weight it is not necessary
to take medication

www.remzihoca.com 100

14. According to the passage, medication -- 15. We can tell from this passage that ----.
A) nobody, including doctors, knows very much
A) is rarely recommended by a doctor about heart disease
B) does not work effectively if the patient does B) is a person has a healthy lifestyle he or she
not make lifestyle changes will not develop heart failure
C) types are never mixed as they may have C) heart failure is a serious problem that requires
negative reactions with each other lifestyle change, medication and surgery to
D) is often used for heart failures and generally effectively treat and cure
more than one type at the same time D) without taking drugs it is impossible to do
E) such as beta-blocker and blood thinners can anything for heart failure
not be used if the patient is making lifestyle E) the symptoms of heart failure are very simple
changes and clear and all people should learn these

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