Claras Report in Linguistics

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President Ramon Magsaysay State University

Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University

Main Campus, Iba, Zambales

Name of Student: Clara Mae C. De Guzman

Course: MAED-English
Subject: MEE 211: Introduction to Linguistics
Professor: Dr. Felipa M. Rico


 Behaviorism -also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning on the idea

that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.
 Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe
that our response to environmental stimuli shape our action.
 Behaviorism emphasizes the role of environmental factors influencing behavior to the
near exclusion of innate or inherited factors. This amounts essentially to a focus on
learning.(Saul Macleod 2017)


1. Ivan Pavlov- (1849-1936) Founder of Classical Conditioning

 learning procedure that involves pairing a stimulus with a conditioned


2. John Watson(1878-1958)-Father of Behaviorism

 He believes strongly that a child’s environment is the factor that shapes

behaviors over their genetic makeup or natural temperament
Experiment: Rat+Albert+Hammer and Steel bar.

3. B.F Skinner (1904-1990)Developed the Operant Conditioning

 the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences be they

reinforcements or punishments which make it more less likely that the
behavior will occur again.

Experiment: Rat and the box

4. Edward Thorndike-Connectionism

 Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and response.

Such associations become strengthened or weakened by the nature and
frequency of S-R pairings.

3 Primary laws of Thorndike’s Theory

 Law of Effect-response to a situation which followed by a rewarding state of affairs
will be strengthened and become a habitual response to that situation.
 Law of Readiness- series of responses can be chained together to satisfy some goal
which result in annoyance if blocked
 Law of Exercise-connections become strengthened with practice and weakened of
practice discontinued

Note:Behavioral Learning theory proposes that learning leads to a change in an individual’s


 1. Direct Instruction-

The goal of this strategy is to maximize the time that students spend in appropriate task
by emphasizing completion of learning task and by minimizing off task such as puzzles
games and teacher and student interaction not directly related to the academic task.

 Teacher use a high degree of control to create structured learning environment and
monitor student progress.

 Assumes students learn best when teachers structure the learning environment to
present accurate information in small chunks and offer many opportunities for practice
and feedback.


1.Controlled Practice

2.Guided practice

3.Independent Practice

4.Distribbuted Practice

 The key to the effectiveness of this approach is to provide students with worked
examples and timely feedback such as assignments and quizzes.

 Not effective to high achieving students.

 Should not become the sole instructional method for lower achieving students.

 May not be sufficient alone for encouraging long-term retention and transfer complex

 Teacher may use this as opportunities for students to practice problem solving and
application of strategies.


 Giving sufficient time in learning the material.

 Teacher sets a prespecified mastery level.

 Develop learning objectives from simple to complex

 Conduct formative assessment

 Provide materials where student can work independently.

 Provide feedback

 Conduct summative assessment

 Appropriate for students of varying achievement and ability.

 A giving extension of activities

 Can increase confidence and academic concept

 But not for improving performance on standardized test.

Prepared by: Clara Mae C. De Guzman

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