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Republic of the Philippines


College of Arts and Communication
Department of Criminology
University Town, Northern Samar
1st Semester S.Y. 2020-2021

Final Examination
Name:_________________________ Course/Yr./Sec.:__________ Class Schedule:__________
Student No.:________ Date: _________________ Score: ______ Rating: _____

Note: Carefully read and understand the instructions below. Give the correct and complete
answer/s needed in each question. Keep your paper neat and clean. ERASURES and
ALTERATIONS are strictly prohibited!

Test I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
____1. The following are the PNP Core values, EXCEPT; ____.
a. Maka-Diyos b. Makatao c. Makabansa d.
Makakalikasan ____2. PNP Chief and Chief of Police are common terms used
in the PNP and can be used interchangeably. This statement is ___.
a. true b. false c.
partly true d. partly false ____3. It refers to a
group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order,
protection of life and property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes. a. law
enforcement organization c. police organization b. police
personnel group d. law enforcement group ____4.
Which of the following pertains to a person or organization responsible for enforcing the laws?

1. law enforcement agency 3. police organization

2. law enforcement agent 4. police
a. 1 & 2only b. 3 & 4 only c. 4 only d. all
of the above ____5. This means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or
command. a. law
enforcement b. policy enforcement c. enforcement d. implementation ____6.
It refers to an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans
and internal security with the active support of the community.
a. management b. administration c. organization d. supervision
____7. It is the process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and
related statutes.
a. law enforcement organization c. law enforcement management
b. law enforcement administration d. police organization
____8. It refers to the process of directing and facilitating the work of people
organized in formal groups in order to achieve objectives.
a. management b. administration c. organization d. supervision
____9. It is the act of watching over the work or tasks of the members of the organization to
ensure that desired results are achieved.
a. management b. administration c. organization d. supervision
____10. It is the right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions
within an organizational hierarchy.
a. right b. authority c. power d. responsibility
____11. It refers to the determination in advance of how the objectives of the
organization will be attained.
a. organizing b. staffing c. organizing d. planning
____12. It involves the determination and allocation of the men and women as well as the
resources of an organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization.
a. organizing b. staffing c. organizing d. planning
____13. This involves the overseeing and supervising of the human resources and the various
activities in an organization to achieve through cooperative efforts the pre-determined goals or
objectives of the organization.
a. organizing b. staffing c. directing d. controlling
____14. It involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and
comparing it with planned goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary
corrective actions so that work is accomplished as planned.
a. reporting b. budgeting c. staffing d. controlling
____15. This refers to the task of providing competent men
to do the job and choosing the right men for the job.
a. planning b. staffing c. directing
d. controlling ____16. It is the making of detailed account of activities,
work progress, investigations and unusual in order to keep everyone informed of what is going
on. a. budgeting b. staffing
c. reporting d. controlling ____17. It refers to the
forecasting in detail of the results of an officially recognized program of operations based on the
highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency. a. budgeting
b. staffing c. reporting d. controlling
____18. This is necessary for an organization to function effectively; however, the state of the
disciplinary process depends upon the quality of its leaders.
a. authority and responsibility c. order
b. discipline d. initiative
____19. The principle requires employee to receive orders from one superior only.
a. authority and responsibility c. chain of command
b. unity of direction d. unity of command
____20. It is the largest organic functional unit within a large department.
a. division b. unit c. section d. bureau
____21. It is a functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization.
a. division b. unit c. section d. bureau
____22. It is a functional group within the smallest functional group within an organization.
a. division b. unit c. section d. bureau
____23. It is a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for
duty, such as a designated desk or office or an intersection or cross walk from traffic duty.
a. route b. beat c. sector
d. post ____24. It is an area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot
or motorized. a. route b. beat c. sector
d. post ____25. It is the length of streets designated for patrol
purposes. a. route b. beat
c. sector d. post ____26. It is a geographical
subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
a. area b. district c. sector
d. beat ____27. It is a section or territorial division of a large
city each comprised of designated districts.
a. area b. beat c. sector d. post
____28. These are functions that carry out the major purposes of the organization, delivering the
services and dealing directly with the public.
a. primary or line functions c. auxiliary functions
b. staff/administrative functions d. service functions
____29. These are planning, research, budgeting and legal advice functions of the police.
a. primary or line functions c. auxiliary functions
b. staff/administrative functions d. service functions
____30. These are functions involving the logistical operations of the organization such as
training, communication, maintenance, records management, supplies and equipment
a. primary or line functions c. service functions
b. staff/administrative functions d. auxiliary functions
____31. It is the systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions,
departments and functions or work of the organization.
a. organizational scheme c. organizational chart
b. organizational structure d. organizational system
____32. The PNP is a/an ____ type of organization.
a. line and staff b. functional c. line d. auxiliary
____33. It refers to the mechanical means of depicting, by an arrangement of symbols, the
relationships that exist between individuals, groups and functional relationships between groups
and individuals clearly defined to ensure accountability and compliance.
a. organizational scheme c. organizational chart
b. organizational structure d. organizational system
____34. It refers to the supreme source of government for any particular organization.
a. authority b. mutual cooperation c. doctrine d.
discipline ____35. . This refers to the relationship between
superiors and subordinates. a. delegation of authority
c. command responsibility b. hierarchy of authority
d. chain of command ____36. This provides the organization’s
objectives, various actions; hence, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the organization
are based on the statement of doctrines. a. authority b.
mutual cooperation c. doctrine d. discipline ____37. It dictates
that immediate commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision and control of their
personnel and unit. a. delegation of
authority c. command responsibility b. hierarchy of
authority d. chain of command
____38. It is the Greek word which means government of the city.
a. politeia b. politia c. policia d. polisi
____39. It is the Roman word which means condition of the state or government.
a. politeia b. police c. politia d. polisi
____40. It is a French word meaning individuals whose job were to enforce the law, the term
adapted by the modern policing system.
a. politeia b. politia c. polisi d. police
____41. It is where policemen are regarded as servants of the community, who rely for the
efficiency of their functions upon the express needs of the people.
a. continental theory c. old concept
b. home rule theory d. modern concept
____42. It is where policemen are regarded as state or servants of the higher authorities.
a. continental theory c. old concept
b. home rule theory d. modern concept
____43. In this, police are the first line of defense of the criminal justice system, an organ of
crime prevention where police efficiency is measured by the decreasing number of crimes.
a. continental theory c. old concept
b. home rule theory d. modern concept
____44. This philosophy advocates that the measurement of police competence is the increasing
number of arrests, throwing offenders in detention facilities rather than trying to prevent them
from committing crimes.
a. continental theory c. old concept
b. home rule theory d. modern concept
____45. The family of the offended individual was expected to assume responsibility for justice.
The family of the victim was allowed to exact vengeance.

a. kin policing c. frakpledge system

b. roman policing d. english policing
____46. Medjays were ancient ____ rulers’ elite unit whose duties include guarding tombs and
apprehending thieves.
a. roman b. english c. egyptian d. mexican
____47. Vigiles Urbani was the first organized police force
founded in ____. a. rome b. egypt c.
spain d. mexico ____48. Who was the leader of a tything?
a. shire b. constable
c. tythingmen d. shire reeve ____49. Who is the
founder of the Bowstreet runners? a. john
fielding b. robert peel c. henry fielding d. august vollmer ____50.
Metropolitan Police Act of ___ was the law created the first modern police force in London
called the Metropolitan Police Service. a. 1826
b. 1827 c. 1828 d. 1829
____51. Who is the father of the modern policing system?
a. john fielding b. robert peel c. henry fielding d. august vollmer
____52. He is recognized as the father of modern law enforcement.
a. john fielding b. robert peel c. henry
fielding d. august vollmer ____53. This police department was created in 1845 and
recognized as the first modern style police department in the US and considered the largest
police force in the world. a. boston police b. new york police
c. ohio police d. Miami police ____54. It is considered as the oldest
police department in the US. a. boston police b. new
york police c. ohio police d. Miami police ____55. This police force was organized
in 1712 for the purpose of carrying the regulations of the department of State, this was armed and
considered as the mounted police. a. carabineros de seguridad publica
c. guardia civil b. guardrilleros/cuardillo
d. guardia de publica ____56. This was a body of rural
police organized in each town and established by the Royal Decree of January 18, 1836.
a. carabineros de
seguridad publica c. guardia civil b.
guardrilleros/cuardillo d. guardia de publica ____57. This
was created by Royal Decree issued by the Crown on February 12, 1852 to partially relieve the
Spanish Peninsular troops of their work in policing towns. a. carabineros
de seguridad publica c. guardia civil b.
guardrilleros/cuardillo d. guardia de publica ____58. On
January 09, 1901, the Metropolitan Police Force of Manila was organized pursuant to Act No.
___ of the Taft Commission. a. 50
b. 60 c. 70 d. 80
____59. Act No. ___ provides for the organization and government of an Insular Constabulary,
enacted on July 18, 1901.
a. 255 b. 175 c. 183 d. 152
____60. Act No. ___ created the Manila Police Department in 1901.
a. 255 b. 175 c. 183 d. 152
____61. Act No. ___ renamed the Insular Constabulary into Philippine Constabulary, enacted on
October 03, 1901.
a. 255 b. 175 c. 183 d. 152
____62. Executive Order No. ___ ordered that the P.C. be one of the four services of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, enacted on December 23, 1940.
a. 1040 b. 1012 c. 261 d. 389
____63. Who is the first chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. capt. george curry c. col. antonio torres
b. capt. henry allen d. d. col. lamberto javalera
____64. Who is the first chief of police of the Manila Police Department?
a. capt. george curry c. col. antonio torres
b. capt. henry allen d. d. col.
lamberto javalera ____65. The Police Professionalization Act of 1966
enacted on September 08, 1966 is Republic Act No.___.
a. 6975 b. 8551
c. 9708 d. 4864 ____66. The Integration
Act of ___ established the Integrated National Police (INP) was created under P.D. No. 765.
a. 1972
b. 1975 c. 1976 d. 1978
____67. Executive Order No. ___ transferred to the city and municipal government the
operational supervision and direction over all INP units assigned within their locality; issued on
July 10, 1985.
a. 1040 b. 1012 c. 261 d. 389
____68. Executive Order No. ___ transferred to the city and municipal government the
operational supervision and direction over all INP from the Ministry of National Defense to the
National Police Commission.
a. 1040 b. 1012 c. 261 d. 389 ____69.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990 enacted on December 13,
1990 established the PNP, BJMP, BFP and PPSC pursuant to R.A. No.___. a.
6975 b. 8551 c. 9708 d. 4864
____70. Republic Act No. 8551 is otherwise known as the Philippine National Police Reform
and Reorganization Act of ____, enacted during the time of Pres. Ramos.
a. 1995 b. 1996 c. 1997 d. 1998
____71. What is the law on the minimum educational qualification for appointment to the PNP
and adjusting the promotion system, approved on August 12, 2009?
a. R.A. 8551 b. R.A. 6975 c. R.A. 9708 d. R.A. 4864
____72. Who is the first Filipino chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. capt. george curry c. col. antonio torres
b. capt. henry allen d. brig. gen. rafael crame
____ 73. Who is the first chief of police of the Manila Police
Department? a. capt. george curry c. col. antonio
torres b. capt. henry allen d. brig. gen.
rafael crame ____74. Who is the first chief of police of the Manila Police
Department after the Philippine Independence from the U.S.?
a. p/dir. Gen. cesar nazareno c. col. antonio
torres b. brig. gen. rafael crame d. col.
lamberto javalera ____75. Who is the first chief of the Philippine
National Police? a. p/dir. gen. Ronaldo dela rosa c.
p/dir. gen. nicanor bartolome b. p/dir. gen. cesar nazareno d.
p/dir. gen. oscar albayalde ____76. Its function is to establish and
prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances implementing laws on public order and safety.
c. PNP d. AFP ____77. Under R.A No. ___, the Armed Forces
of the Philippines (AFP) is in charge with both internal and external security with the PNP as
support through information gathering and performance of ordinary police functions.
a. 6975 b. 8551
c. 9708 d. 4864 ____78. Under R.A No. ___, the Armed Forces
of the Philippines (AFP) was in charge with external security while the DILG was in charge with
internal security. a. 6975 b. 8551
c. 9708 d. 4864 ____79. Its mission is to administer and control the
Philippine national Police with the end in view of maintaining a highly professional, competent,
disciplined, credible and trustworthy PNP. a. NAPOLCOM b. DILG
c. PNP d. AFP ____80. It is a disciplinary authority which
decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the mayor, PLEB, and PNP officers other
than the Chief, PNP. a. national appellate board c.
regional appellate board b. internal affairs service d.
people’s law enforcement board ____81. The ___ decides cases
on appeal from the decisions rendered by the Chief, PNP. a. national appellate
board c. regional appellate board b. internal affairs service
d. people’s law enforcement board ____82. It is
the organization that is national in scope and civilian in character, as provided for by Sec. 6, Art.
16 of the 1987 Philippine Contitution. a.
____83. National in scope means that:___.
1. The PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers the entire
breadth of the Philippine archipelago
2. All uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national government
3. The PNP is not part of the military, although it retains some military attributes
such as discipline
a. 1 & 2 b. 2 only c. 3 only d. all of the
above ____84. Civilian in character means that: ___.
1. The PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers
the entire breadth of the Philippine archipelago
2. All uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national
government employees
3. The PNP is not part of the military, although it retains some
military attributes such as discipline
a. 1 & 2 b. 2 only c. 3 only
d. none of the above ____85. Who is the appointing authority for the Chief, PNP?
a. DILG Sec. c.
president b. NAPOLCOM chairperson
d. senate president ____86.
It is a requirement that at least two (2) of the four regular commissioners of the NAPOLCOM
shall be a woman.
a. true b. false c. partly true d. undecided
____87. The NAPOLCOM has no power to issue licenses for the possession of firearms and
explosives in accordance with law. This statement is ___.
a. true b. false c. partly true d. undecided
____88. The Camp Crame as the national headquarters of the PNP is located at ____.
a. Makati city b. baguio city c. manila d. quezon city
____89. The _____ Police District has the former name of Western Police District.
a. Malabon b. Marikina c. Quezon d. Manila
____90. Based on the national population projection for 1991, the PNP will be manned by a total
strength of 125,884 uniformed members resulting to an average nationwide police to population
ratio of _____.
a. 1:1000 b. 1:5000 c. 1:1500 d. 1:500
____91. It is an Operational support unit of the PNP which provides security for government
officials, visiting dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be given protection.
a. civil security unit
c. aviation security unit b. civil relations unit
d. police security unit ____92. It is a PNP
Administrative unit which provides scientific and investigative aid and support to the PNP and
other government investigative agencies. a. civil
security unit c. criminal detection and investigation unit b.
crime laboratory d. homicide investigation unit
____93. The waiving of initial appointment is done in the following sequence:
a. Height, weight, age & education c. Age, education, height & weight
b. Age, weight, height & education d. Age, height, weight & education
____94. The central receiving entity for any complaints against PNP member.
a. People Law’s Enforcement Board c. People’s Law Enforcement Board
b. People Law Enforcement’s Board d. Peoples’ Law Enforcement Board
____95. Which of the following positions is the third-in-command of the PNP with the rank of
Deputy Director General (now Police Lieutenant General)?
a. deputy chief for operation c. director of staff services
b. deputy chief for administration d. NCR director
____96. Which of the following positions is the second-in-command of the
PNP with the rank of Deputy Director General (now Police Lieutenant General)?
a. deputy chief for operation c. director of staff services
b. deputy chief for administration d. NCR director
____97. What is the required minimum height requirement for PNP male
applicants pursuant to R.A. No. 6975?
a. 1.56 meters b. 1.57 meters c. 1.60 meters
d. 1.62 meters ____98. What is the required minimum height requirement for
PNP female applicants pursuant to R.A. No. 6975?
a. 1.56 meters b. 1.57 meters c. 1.60 meters
d. 1.62 meters ____99. Pursuant to R.A. No. 9708, PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of R.A. 8551 shall be given ___ years to obtain the
minimum educational qualification.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15
____100. It is the law which provides for the rank classification in the
PNP. a. R.A. 6975 c. R.A.
9708 b. R.A. 8551 d. R.A.


Prepared by:
Crmgst. Joemar Jhon B. Atencio
Subject lecturer
Noted by:
Chair., Department of Criminology

Approved by:
Dean, College of Arts and Communication

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