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Generated on : 13th Jun 2022 06:48:47 - Velmurugan P

CMRL-PMIS -Site Observation Report

SOR No. - P2SOR0TU01NKAB2206132

Corridor Package SOR

Corridor 3 C3-TU01Madhavaram MC to Kellys Health & Safety

Contractor User Area / Location

Tata Projects Limited

Raised Date Target Date Status

2022-06-13 12:00 AM 2022-06-15 12:00 AM


Document Attachment
id Observation_Description Date Type
892 Muck accumulated in work area 2022-06-15 Image
and disposal not done on regular
basis @ Purasaiwalkam site,
Contractor Engineer is instructed
to avoid overflowing of muck with
proper management of muck
disposal to designated dumping
yard. also TPL has been asked to

Document Attachment
id Corrective_Action Date Type
2276 0000-00-00 NA

Document Attachment
id Close_out_Remarks Date Type
2255 0000-00-00 NA

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