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Web 2.

0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

Katie Young
Lesson Idea Name: Living and Nonliving Kahoot
Grade Level/Content Area: 1st Grade/Science
Game Pin – 05412145
Padlet - https://padlet.com/katherineyoung2019/8pu50cr3w2u8b8oa
BrainPOP Jr. Living and Nonliving Video- https://jr.brainpop.com/science/plants/livingandnonlivingthings/

Content Standard Addressed: S1L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the basic
needs of plants and animals.

ISTE Technology Standard Addressed:  What would you like students to know and be
Empowered Learner – 1.1. Students use able to do by the end of this lesson: 
technology to help them achieve, choose, and I would like students to be able to identify and
demonstrate their understanding in their discuss what living things like plants and animals
learning goals. need to survive. I would also like the students to
be able to see what they are struggling with and
what they can do to help them get a better
understanding of the content.

What is the student learning goal(s) for this lesson idea? 

Students will be able to identify what living things need to survive and discuss those characteristics.
Students will be able to set their own learning goals and come up with a plan on how to meet those
learning goals.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

One way I will promote student learning to a higher level of Bloom’s Critical Thinking levels in this lesson is
have students Think-Pair-Share. Students will first think individually about the characteristics of living things
and why they need them to survive and then discuss them with a partner. A few people will then share what
they talked about with the class.

Frazier, 2021
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration
Katie Young
How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply: 
☐ Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by
teacher direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the
student and mostly practice based. 
☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic
of learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The
teacher facilitates the learning as the students direct their own learning processes. 
☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems
and completing projects to demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared
outside of the classroom. (Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the
school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another
class, or publishing via an outside source.) 

Lesson idea implementation:

I will start off the lesson by having the students pull up the Padlet on their devices and I will go over
the Padlet with them. We will start off the Padlet by watching a BrainPOP jr video about Living and
Nonliving things. We will then take the BrainPOP Jr quiz as a class. I will then read each Padlet post
and discuss them with the class. Students will then pair up with a partner to answer the two
questions on the Padlet. They will record their answers in the comments using the audio recording
tool. The students will first set their learning goals for the Kahoot activity, this could be students
setting how many questions they get correct and their plan if they do not reach that goal. Students
will write down their learning goals and plan. I will briefly discuss with the class why it is important
to set goals and come up with a plan if they do not meet these goals. This helps students to be more
in control of their own learning. Students will then discuss how living and nonliving things relate to
their own lives. I will keep students engaged and focused on the learning goal by having them
participate in a Kahoot that I made. This Kahoot will ask them question about living and nonliving
things. After the Kahoot, I will go over the questions and their answers. This will be a great time for
students to ask questions on things that might have confused them. Students will then partner up
and discuss the questions they got wrong and discuss the correct answers. I will assess students on
the Kahoot and their learning goals. I will pull the students who really struggled with the Kahoot for
small group extra instructional help. I will close out the lesson by having students draw a picture of
one living thing and one nonliving thing!
Managing student learning:
I will prepare for the Kahoot by having students come up with their learning goals. This will get
students thinking about what they what to get out of this activity and hopefully motivate them to
stay engaged. Students will then have a quick chat time to discuss their goals and also what they
know about living and nonliving things. After the Kahoot, I will then review the Kahoot to help the
students see if they met their goals and what questions they might have struggled with.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

This lesson will support student engagement by having them actively participate in a Padlet and a
Kahoot. Padlet is a fun way to get information across to students and have them interact with the
Frazier, 2021
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration
Katie Young
Padlet! Kahoot is a fast-paced fun learning tool that has students answer questions. This lesson
represents action and expression in the UDL framework by having students set their own goals and
then decide if they met their goal and what their next step should be. This shows students that they
are in control of their learning and that they know what is best for them.
Reflective Practice:
I think this lesson helps students build understanding of the science standard and also helps them
build understanding of their own learning. Students are able to set their own goals and keep track of
it based on the number of questions they got right in the Kahoot. I look forward to seeing students
evaluate their own goals and determine what their next steps should be. I think this will help guide
lessons in the future and how they learn.

Frazier, 2021

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