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Expected Learning outcomes

Recognize information about famous people’s achievements.
 PAGE 22
Famous people
1. For activity 1, have students
close their books. Show
Famous people
students some pictures
1. Listen and repeat. 10
of famous people your
 A group of students are talking about famous people. He is also a songwriter. He
students might know about. composes beautiful songs.
Then, ask your students:
Have you ever heard
Have you ever heard about
about Gianmarco?
….? Write your students’
ideas on the board. Take
advantage of this interaction
to elicit or pre-teach useful
vocabulary for this activity.
He has won some
2. Have students open their awards. He plays the
books at page 22. Have them Yes, I have. He`s guitar beautifully.
listen to the CD track 10 and a famous singer.
read. Then, have students
 Oral Comprehenssion

listen and repeat. Model

the correct pronunciation
and have students get 2. Group work. Look at Activity 1. Then ask questions and answer about famous people.*
in pairs and practice the a. Paolo Guerrero / soccer player / played for German team / played for a Brazilian team.
conversation using the look b. Juan Diego Florez / Peruvian tenor / has been recognized with several awards and distinctions
up and say technique. in Peru.
c. Deysi Cori /chess player / holds the Women’s Grandmaster title / won some tournaments
3. For activity 2, ask students d. Gladys Tejeda / long-distance runner / won the Marathon Gold Medal in the Pan American Ga-
to get in groups and practice mes in 2015.
asking and answering 3. Pair work. Listen to the sentences and say if they are True or False. Correct the false sentences.*
questions similar to 2. It's true.
activity 1. Circulate and 3. It’s false. She is a long-distance runner.
4. It’s true.
monitor their work. Provide 5. It’s false. He is a Peruvian tenor.
assistance if necessary. 6. It’s true.
That’s false.
Then have volunteers ask Paolo He is a famous
and answer the question for Guerrero is a soccer player.
the whole class. runner.
He plays for a
Brazilian team.
4. For activity 3, have students
listen to the CD track 11. *It encourages pair work and group work. Learn more with your Workbook - page 20
Play the CD one more time
and ask students to answer. 22
English 6 | Corefo
Provide some prompts
so students can produce
complete sentences.
5. As a follow up, students
can create one more and present their famous persons to the class.
conversation about a Workbook: Assign the activities on page 20
famous person they admire.
Ask them to work in groups

English 6 | Corefo
Expected Learning outcomes
Identify speciic information about famous people’s lives.
 PAGE 23
Lady Diana’s life
YOUR NOTEBOOK  1. Before students open their
Lady Diana’s life books at page 23, show them
some photos that represent
aspects of Lady Diana’s life
1. Read and answer the question. Free answer
(even if the person in the photo
 What do you know about this person? is not Lady Diana.) Show them
Observe, listen and read photos of someone working
with poor people, visiting
2. Listen and read. 12
hospitals, being photographed
by reporters, etc. Also, show
Princess Diana Frances Spencer was born
in Norfolk, England on July 1, 1961. She was them a photo of a princess,
known as Lady Di. She grew up on a large state and ask them if they think that
in Norfolk called Park House. When she was in those actions are compatible
school, she was really good at athletics, music,
and art. She did not like math and science. She
with the actions of a princess.
loved to help others. When she was older, she Elicit as many ideas as possible.
took a job as an assistant at a Kindergarten
because she liked working with kids. She also
2. Have students open their
books at page 23, and draw

 Written Comprehension
worked as a babysitter for friends.
On July 29, 1981, she married Prince Charles their attention to the picture
at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. The wedding and question. Ask a volunteer
was broadcasted around the world. They had to read the instruction. Then,
two sons named William and Harry.
have your students answer the
Princess Diana was a supporter of various
charities and worked to help the homeless, question in pairs. If they do
people living with HIV and AIDS, sick children not know anything, ask them
and battered women. One of her major eforts to look at her crown and guess
was the battle against the use of landmines.
who she was and what she did.
Princess Diana died in a car crash. She
and her friend were trying to escape from 3. Ask students to look at activity
the paparazzi (photographers who follow 2. Draw their attention to the
celebrities) in Paris on August 30, 1997.
pictures and ask them to tell
Start learning* you what they think the reading
will be about. Then, play the
3. Answer these questions.
CD track 12 and have students
a. Who was Diana b. What subject did c. Who did d. What did she do e. When did
Frances Spencer? she like at school? she marry? for our world?
listen and read the text.
she die?
a. She was known as Lady Di. d. She was a supporter of various
4. Ask students to look at activity
4. Make a timeline of Diana’s life. b. She liked music and art. charities. 3. Ask a volunteer to read
c. She got married with Prince Charles. e. She died on August 30th, 1997.
Learn more with your Workbook - page 21 *It promotes independent learning.
the instructions and check
understanding by asking other
English 6 | Corefo
students simple questions.
Then, have students look at
the reading in activity 2 and
answer the questions in their
sure the timeline has 5 entries. Circulate and monitor their work and provide notebooks.
assistance if necessary. 5. For activity 4, have students
6. As a follow up, have students say a simple summary of the reading using their complete the timeline in their
timelines. Provide an example on the board. Write prompts, so students can notebooks. Before they start
form complete sentences. provide them with an example
of a timeline on the board. Make
Workbook: Assign the activities on page 21.
English 6 | Corefo

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