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f os Judith Heneghan Student's and Laure Fournier a RUKUN NEGARA AMALAN HIDUP RAKYAT MALAYSIA BAHAWASANYA NEGARA KITA MALAYSIA MENDUKUNG CITA-CITA HENDAK: s Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat dalam kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya; Memelihara satu cara hidup demokratik; Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran Negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama; Menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai-bagai corak; Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden; Maka kami, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapgi cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut: KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA DAN NEGARA KELUHURAN PERLEMBAGAAN KEDAULATAN UNDANG-UNDANG KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN SHORT STORY YEAR 4 The Kin g of Kites CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LITERATURE FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL Wl SYARIKAT ARENA ILMU 2013 KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA No Siri Buku : 0032 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The publislier would like to thank the following for their invaluable help and assistance in the development and preparation of this book: ISBN 978-967-12072-0-8 First Published by Evans Brothers Limited 2A Portman Mansions Chiltern Street London W1U 6NR * Textbook Division United Kingdom Ministry of Education Malaysia Text copyright © Judith Heneghan 2009 * Curriculum Development Division © in the illustrations Evans Brothers Ltd 2009 Ministry of Education Malaysia All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Pila Books Limited (and PMS Publishers Services Pte Ltd) 2nd Reprint 2015 First Published 2013 © Syarikat Arena Ilmu This edition is published under licence from Pila Books Limited by: Syarikat Arena llmu 63 Jalan Raja Alang, Kampung Baru 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 03-2692 2894 Faks : 03-2691 4661 E-mail : National Library of Malaysia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Heneghan, Judith The king of kites / Judith Heneghan and Laure Fournier ISBN 978-967-12072-0-8 1. Children’s stories, English. |. Fournier, Laure. Il. Title. 823 Text set in : GoudyChildren Font size: 18 pt Printed by : Percetakan RNR Sdn Bhd No 19, Jalan BPS Bandar Bukit Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor. SHORT STORY YEAR 4 The Kin of Kite Judith Heneghan and Laure Fournier iti Anil knew about kites. He knew how to make them out of paper, sticks and glue. He knew how to fly them in the sky above the village. The other children brought him their broken kites to mend. Anil was the King of Kites. - other women brought her the She knew how to cut cloth and stitch thes to mend. ~ seams. She knew how to work beautiful She was the Queen of Needles. patterns in bright silk. a Every morning, Anil and his mother sat down in a corner of the yard. Anil’s mother had everything she needed: folds of fabric, reels of thread and a pot of shiny new pins. She set to work and soon her needle flew. Anil, too, had everything he needed: sheets of paper, spools of string and apot of good strong glue. He set to work and soon his fingers flew. Then, one day, Anil heard about a wedding in the village. “J shall make twelve kites and fly them all at once in honour of the bride,” said Anil to his friends. “I shall cover them with sequins and give them tails of bright ribbon.” He sat down in the shade and set | \ \ to work. \ or : ie wal a i ee But Anil’s mother was not pleased. “J shall have extra shirts and saris to sew for the wedding!” she cried. “You don’t have time for kites, Anil! I need your help, and I need your sequins and ” It was true. The whole village wanted new clothes for the wedding. your ribbon Anil’s mother sat down in g /g the shade and set to work. jz All day long she cut and sewed and stitched. ) ' j “T need more cloth!” she cried, and © Anil ran straight to the ma “T need more thread!” s and back he went again. “Anil!” called his fri the twelve new kites Anil did not ans cut up his kite paper She had used his s r of thread. 20 Anil’s friends saw that he was sad. They had not forgotten his promise to fly kites at the wedding. When Anil woke up the next morning, twelve kites lay on the ground outside his house — the kites he had “Quick!” said his mother. “I saved a few sequins! And one roll of ribbon! Fetch my needle! Fetch the glue!” Anil’s mother helped him to’ , decorate the kites. At the wedding, everyone praised Anil’s mother for her stitching. She was the Queen of Needles. And everyone admired Anil’s twelve beautiful kites flying high in the sky. Anil thanked his friends for giving him their kites. They laughed and lifted him up onto their shoulders. “You made them for us, Anil!” they shouted. “You are the King of Kites!” The King of Kites When Anil hears about a big wedding in the village, he decides to make twelve kites to fly in honour of the bride. But Anil’s mother is making clothes for the special day and she needs Anil’s help, and all of his ribbons and sequins too. How can Anil go to the wedding without kites?

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