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Rationale for Activity/Educational Value to Notes: (include program outcome or course

Date Time (hrs) Activities project objective if applicable)
Pre-practicum planning meeting with This meeting helped narrow down and focus 745.6 - Utilize effective communication and
3/3/2022 0.5 Professor Howard to finalize project topic the direction of the project relationship building strategies
Prior to the practicum starting, research was
3/4/2022 1.5 Further brainstorming and online research performed to prepare for the work to be
to find viable practicum project
done, the previous meeting with

Gained insight to need for practice council and 745.3 - Promote a professional environment through
3/8/2022 1 Preceptor meeting to discuss project/ plan of action accountability and high-level communication skills in an
shared governance on my unit administrative or educational advanced practice role.

3/12/2022 3 Online research begins on practice councils and Gained inspiration for the direction of the project
shared governance
Research started to uncover relevant articles. Initial 745.5 - Utilize technology to identify needs and create new
3/20/2022 2.5 Initial database research is started search on practice councils did not reveal research, innovations to meet the needs of a changing health care
started to move in the direction of shared environment

Provided current research and inspiration. Time 745.5 - Utilize technology to identify needs and create new
3/27/2022 5.5 Database research performed to find relevant articles spent reading through articles and searching various innovations to meet the needs of a changing health care
databases environment

3/29/2022 1 Theory/framework research performed Examined previous text books and websites for
relevant framework inspiration

4/7/2022 0.5 Zoom meeting and planning with Dr. Kidder Planning meeting and review of current direction for
745.3 - Promote a professional environment through
4/10/2022 0.5 Preceptor meeting to discuss project/ plan of action Received feedback and guidance from preceptor accountability and high-level communication skills in an
administrative or educational advanced practice role.

Additional database research performed to uncover The need for more relevant articles was needed and 745.5 - Utilize technology to identify needs and create new
4/13/2022 1.5 more articles articles from different perspectives innovations to meet the needs of a changing health care
Questions answered regarding project and IRB 745.6 - Utilize effective communication and relationship
4/21/2022 1 Zoom meeting and planning with Dr. Kidder
application building strategies
Seeking guidance from preceptor regarding 745.3 - Promote a professional environment through
4/25/2022 0.5 Preceptor meeting to discuss project/ update recruitment for council and update on methods of accountability and high-level communication skills in an
project administrative or educational advanced practice role.
Finalized and organized thoughts on Shared
4/29/2022 2.5 IRB application Governance in Perianesthesia Nursing
Casual conversation with staff nurses to determine
5/4/2022 1 Discussion and recruitment begins with staff nurses interest
Sifting through completed work and aligning it to
5/5/2022 2 Editing portfolio MSN outcomes and NLN competencies

5/9/2022 1 Preceptor planning meeting Finalizing number of nurses for practice council
Selecting members for practice council: 1 Unit
5/11/2022 1 Recruitment of members Coordinator, 5 nurses and a tech
5/19/2022 1 NU 747 Zoom
Finalized questions for survey to measure
5/25/2022 1.5 Research and survey question creation satisfaction and retention
Trouble shooting survey monkey to create survey
5/26/2022 2 Survey mokey creation using basic plan

6/1/2022 1 Interview with previous member of a practice council Helped provide insight to the role of practice council

6/8/2022 1.5 NU 747 Zoom

Observed a functioning practice council before first
6/10/2022 1 Observation of Main Pre/Post practice council meeting
6/14/2022 3 Research search on Proquest for more articles Continued research after initial search in NU 745

Discussion with preceptor about survey questions Continued communication with manager/preceptor
6/15/2022 1 and goals regarding the start of practice council

Email with survey link sent to unit for nurses to fill

6/20/2022 0.5 Email drafting and sending of survey out and participate in research
6/21/2022 1 NU 747 Zoom
Brainstorming and preparing to lead first practice
6/27/2022 1 Preparation for first meeting council meeting

6/27/2022 1 First practice council meeting Discussed goals for council and discussed workflow
related problems

6/29/2022 1 Preceptor meeting Discussed some survey results and first practice
council recap

6/29/2022 1 Formatted survey responses into Word document Record of result will be beneficial for proposal
and sent to preceptor
Helping to solve problem regarding outpatient
6/30/2022 1 Brainstorming project for practice council procedures and rides home
Converted written notes from first meeting into Permenant record for practice council and proposal
6/30/2022 1 Word document for record keeping and email to project


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