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Mental Health as a problem”

As we all know, mental health applies to the psychological, physical, cognitive, and
behavioural aspects of one's life. It's all about how we think, act, experience, and develop as
individuals. According to the World Health Organization, mental health is "a state of well-being
in which a person recognizes his or her own talents, can cope with normal life pressures, can
function productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her culture." When our physical
state or fitness can deteriorate due to a variety of causes such as an injury, death, or cancer,
our mental health can deteriorate for a variety of reasons, leading to mental illness. Stress,
social alienation, social deprivation, trauma, or bereavement are all possibilities. In recent
years, mental illness has become more prevalent both internationally and in our society. The
number of people in need is growing exponentially, but the number of people who can be
helped is not.
Since the number of persons suffering from psychiatric disorders and deaths as a
result of them is increasingly growing, the government and the general public should begin to
take mental wellbeing seriously. Anxiety, phobias, personality disorders, panic disorders, post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder are also caused by it
(OCD). Anyone, from an infant to an adult, may be affected by a mental illness. Social and
economic circumstances, stress, gender, race, and even biological factors may all be risk factors
for mental health. Nepal's mental health policy was developed in 1996 and includes policies
such as ensuring the availability and accessibility of basic mental health facilities for all
Nepalese citizens, developing human capital in the field of mental health, upholding the basic
human rights of the mentally ill, and raising mental health consciousness. Mental health
services are also not being built or expanded to meet demand, with mental health spending
accounting for less than 1% of all health spending. And in Nepal's central mental health
hospital, people are having difficulty seeking beds. In 2015, 6840 people died by suicide in
Nepal, resulting in an annual rate of 8.2 suicides per 100,000 people. In 2015, almost 19 people
committed suicide every day.
The number of suicides has risen, with 1,647 cases filed in police stations across
Nepal as of June 27, 2020, with an average of 18 people killing themselves every day since the
lockout was imposed. There was a 25% rise in suicides relative to the previous year before the
lockdown, and the reason, as we all know, was mental illness. Our mental wellbeing is not
anything to be afraid of or avoid; rather, it is something to be conquered. People all over the
world are taking serious steps to treat and care for their mental health. Therapies, medication
and self-help can help us overcome our illness and have good mental health. During the
prohibition order era, keep a close eye on yourself and your family; if you suspect anything is
wrong with you or anyone else around you, don't be afraid to get assistance or provide support
to others. They will accompany you on your quest to solve the challenge you are experiencing
or the one you are experiencing. Mental wellbeing is not a laughing matter, and it should not be
treated as such.
During this prohibitory order period take your time to watch yourself and your family members,
if you are feeling something is wrong within yourself or anyone else around you, then don’t be
afraid and ask for help or provide other’s your support. As they will be with you in your journey
to overcome the problem you are having or the one, they are. Mental health is no joke and
shouldn’t be considered one.

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