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Activity Chapter 2 (In the Lower Deck/El Fili)

A. Explain the meaning of the following lines.

1. ‘Fire you, you say, and water we,

Then as you wish, so let it be;

But let us live in peace and right,

Nor shall the fire e’er see us fight;

So joined by wisdom’s glowing flame,

That without anger, hate, or blame,

We form the steam, the fifth element,

Progress and light, life and movement.’

People have different opinions on some matters. Yet we should respect

everyone’s opinions for peace. Peace means wisdom obtained by acceptance of
others – living without anger, hate, or blame. Through unity, we humans are
able to continue to live, progress, enlighten, and become a better generation.

Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. Why do sometimes elder people like Don Custodio in the novel always find
difficulties to progress when the youth is optimistic in such endeavors?

The older people have undergone a lot of failures in their lives -- shattered
hopes, lost dreams -- and these have taught them not to hope too much.     The youth,
on the other hand, have not yet experienced such failures and are still filled with the
burning hope that their plans will be fulfilled.     This way, the nation still pushes
forward towards progress.

2. How does Simoun react when Isagani tells him the reason why his countrymen
don't buy jewelry and precious gems?
He smiled. If the smile is that of sarcasm, then that is because Simoun knows
Isagani's claim isn't true.    Filipinos love jewelry.    If, however, it is that of
appreciation, then that is because Simoun sees that Isagani has courage and
conviction -- traits that Simoun admires greatly and is looking for in the Filipino
youth.  He then explained that he did not mean anything bad and tried to deviate
from the conversation by offering beer of which the young men declined.

3. What is Simoun's way of defining whether a town is rich or poor?

The priests.    If the friars are Filipinos, the parish is poor; if they are
Spaniards, rich.    When a parish is still in its first stages, not much money is going
in and Filipino priests are assigned there.     The moment the town starts to
progress, Spanish friars take over.

4. How do Simoun and Basilio meet?

They meet at Captain Tiago's house, where Simoun frequently visits. In the
lower deck, they met and Simoun greeted Basilio with respect.

5. How does Rizal describe Padre Florentino in the novel? Discuss what might have
been Rizal’s intent in positing such descriptions.

Rizal describes Padre Florentino very favorably as if he was Rizal’s favorite

character. He presents him as a man of high status of which was dedicated to his
parish duties and was very humble unlike all the other friars during that time.

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