G Quiz

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Name: Date:April 21, 2022

Answer the following questions:

1. What were Governor General Eulogio Despujol's reasons for ordering Rizal's

2. Why did Rizal organize the La Liga Filipina? Do you think this would benefit the
Filipinos? How? 

3. Give a brief account of Dr. Jose Rizal's life in exile in Dapitan. Was it significant
for the people who lived there? How? 

The life of Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan was pretty significant for the people who
lived there since he was able to help them a lot. Here are the significant accounts
of his life in Dapitan:
  He had invented a wooden machine for making bricks (that could produce
6,000 bricks per day), in addition to farming and commerce.
 He put the curative properties of the Philippine medicinal plants he
studied to good use, dispensing them to his poor patients who couldn't
afford imported medicine. He also had them pay him from little to nothing
at all. Yet also welcomed even the wealthy and not just the poor.
 He improved the town plaza by incorporating a large relief map of
 He made a water system for the people to have access to clean water.
 He helped reduce the occurrence of malaria by draining marshes.
 He helped bring lights to the town through his earnings in his medical
 He taught mathematics and language to 20 students.
 He established the Cooperative Association of Dapitan Farmers to break
the Chinese monopoly in Dapitan.
 He invented the "sulpukan," a wooden cigarette lighter.
 Others:  Jose studied the Bisayan, Subanum, and Malayan languages and
wrote a Tagalog grammar. He also made poems, drew, painted, built a
house, school, hospital, planted, and loved.

4. Do you believe Rizal's defense that he was not guilty of the charges of rebellion, 
       sedition, and conspiracy leveled against him during his military court trial by 
 the Spanish authorities? Why?

Yes, because he did not initiate the revolt nor did he approve of the revolt. Also,
although he did write things that could stir the hearts of the poeple and create the
Liga FIlipina, yet it was never for any revolt. And he has already been exciled to
Dapitan where he lived a simple, meaningful and peaceful life. Also, all of his
appeal against the accusations were supposed to be enough proof that he was not
guilty of any charge against him.

5. What is your personal insight on the letter of Rizal for his brother Paciano?

I realized as I read the letter that even when sometimes you meant good for most
people, your actions might hurt the people that you truly love. And that things
don’t always go the way we planned them. Therefore, we should always take
everything we do into proper consideration and let us put our priorities straight.
And identify what is more important to us so that in the end we wouldn’t regret
anything. And understand that the most important of all is our family and

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