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GAD-based iC

Grade Level: _9 - 12_ Learning Area: __TLE_ Quarter: _4_
Duration: 50 minutes Learning Area/s Integrated: ICT, English, DRRE Date:
Integration Approach Used:
Multidisciplinary ⁄ Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
I. 21 Century Skills to be developed(Please check)

Communication Learning Innovation Problem Solving

Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career
II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide)
Perform Re-welding (TLE_IAAW9RW-IVg-j-4)
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated:
Use of language – gender sensitive, gender equality
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Identify weld defect
Skills Apply appropriate procedures in identifying weld defect and re-welding
Attitude Demonstrate safety in removing weld defect
Values Appreciate good workmanship
V. Learning Content/s
Concept Weld defect removal is performed to remove any weld defects for re-
welding process.
DRRE Observe safety measures in performing the task
GAD Shared work, same instructions used
Reference/s http//, curriculum guide, http//
IMs/Learning Materials Curriculum guide, video clip, pictures, projector, laptop, speakers,
welding machines, grinders, electrodes, steel plates
VI. Learning Experiences (5Es)
1. Engage
(5 minutes) Picture of different weld defects will be presented through
slideshow and let the students identify each weld defects

Motivational Questions:

1. What have you noticed about the pictures shown in the

Possible Answer: they all have welding defects
2. Have you encountered any of these defects on your previous
Possible Answer: Yes
3. By looking at your output, how many weld defects can you
Possible Answer: 2, 3, 5
2. Explore Say: We will have an activity by group. Let us count from one to four.
(10 minutes) Everybody should cooperate and participate in the activity.

 Divide the class into four groups with male and female combined.
 Each group will be given a brown envelope containing the
different weld defects and their definitions
 Each group will try to arrange or identify the different weld defects
with its corressponding definitions
 Each group will post their work on a manila paper
 Let the group discuss their work

Follow-up questions:

1. How do you feel about the activity?

Possible Answer: Happy, Excited, because ...
2. How did you come up with your answers?
Possible Answer: through brainstorming and collaboration
3. Why do you think it is important to know each defects?
Possible Answer: to identify the cause of the problem and be able
to think of ways to prevent it

3. Explain  Firm up students understanding on the different weld defects by

(10 minutes) discussing it through powerpoint presentation.
 Let the students exchange their group work for corrections.

Undercut  the groove formation at the weld toe
 reducing the cross-sectional thickness of the base
 reduces the fatigue strength of the joint
 occurs when metal melts away from the weld zone

Porosity  weld metal contamination

 caused by trapped gases that create a bubble-filled
 is the technical term for gas bubbles
 mainly caused by high wind pressure and oxygen
Slag Inclusion  Inadequate overlap
 Excessive undercut
 Uncleaned weld pass
 Low welding current
 Poor bead quality
Spatters  High welding current
 Arc too long
 Incorrect polarity
 Insufficient shielding gas
4. Elaborate
(10 minutes) Follow-up questions:

1. What do you notice about the causes of the different weld

Possible Answer: some causes are the same, easy to remember,
mostly human error, etc ...
2. As a welder, how will you avoid or lessen these defects?
Possible Answer: familiarized the different weld defects and its
causes to avoid these welding defects
3. Why should we identify the causes of theses defects?
Possible Answer: in order to come up with a solution/remedy

Follow-up activity:
 Using the same activity we had, come up with possible solutions
for the weld defect assigned to your group.
 Each group will report their work in front of the class.

5. Evaluate Say: Given the sample specimen, perform re-welding using the remedies
(20 minutes) you have posted. Your performance will be graded using rubrics.
 The group will be given a sample specimen of a defective weld.
 They will perform re-welding to correct the weld defects present
on the specimen using the solutions/remedies thay have posted
on the board.
 A rubric will be used to measure the quality of their performance

Category 5 points 3 points 1 point

Product Welding Welding Product shows
outcome product shows product shows a lot of defects
no weld defect little defect
Application of Remedies Remedies Remedies
remedy applied are applied are applied are not
very effective effective effective
Proper use of Used tools and Used tools and Unable to use
tools and equipments equipments tools and
equipments with confidence with less equipments
confidence properly
Safety work Observed Observed Observed
habits safety all the safety safety once or
time sometimes none at all

Follow-up questions:

1. Was the remedy/remedies you applied effective? In what way?

Possible Answer: Yes, because it lessens or avoided the
occurrence of weld defects
2. How do you feel about the work you have done?
Possible Answer: proud, because I made a good quality work
3. In the future, how can you make a good output?
Possible Answer: by good work practice, presence of mind,
following instructions and identifying problems in order to apply
proper remedies.
VII: Learning Using your previous individual output, identify the existing weld defects
Enablement and apply the necessary remedies in order to make a quality output.
(5 mins)

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